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October 17, 1969 • Page Image 1

…The The truth about the direct Arab-Jewish negotiations on the Mediterranean island in 1949, under the di- Rhodes rection of Dr. Ralph Bunche. Formula Detailed analysis in Commentary, Page 2 Dr. Ralph J. Bunche The Sabbath As a Major Force in Jewish Life Feature HE JEWISH NE 1=3E-7-1=2C:01-T* A Weekly Review Page 40 Editorial Page 4 VOLUME LVI—No. 5 1 Important Anniversaries of The Weizmann Institute and Its Dynamic Leader Me...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary . Israeli Negotiations with Arabs on Island of Rhodes . . . Negro Leader Whitney Young Moved by Progress in Israel Facts Relating to the Direct By Philip Slomovitz r Confusion Worse Confounded Over the Negotiations at Rhodes: Are Drug Addiction Reports Exaggerated? The Fact Is: Jews and Arabs DID Negotiate There Face to Face Perhaps the reports about drug addictions and the sex maniacs are Lack of information often leads ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 3

…AJC Study Depicts Catholic Attitudes on Je PARTS—Completion of the most intensive, wide-ranging study ever • yet undertaken of how current Catholic French-language educa- tional literature portrays Jews and Judaism was announced by Philip E. Hoffman, president of the Amer- ican Jewish Committee, and, jointly, by the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. The three year investigation— which probed in detail a 79-volume 8,000,000-word repre...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS ARAB MIME July 20. 1951 Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Edam IA Association 48235, Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road. Detroit, Mich. VE 8.9364. Subscription $7 a year, Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit. Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 5

…Peace Movement Draws Wide Sector of Community' (Continued from Page 1) be brought to a prompt and com- plete end." The signed petitions will be sent to President Nixon and Michigan's senators and con- gressmen. Swerdlow stressed that Oak Parkers for Peace seeks to "work in a lawful and re- sponsible maner for an end to our nation's participation in this conflict." Students from Oak Park High School helped distri- bute petitions door to door...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 6

…6—Friday, October 17, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS American College Begins Second Year in Jerusalem JERUSALEM — The American ties. Middle Eastern and Israeli Dean _-Icheson Relates Why Truman Barked Statehood for Israel NEW YORK (ZINS) — Dean Acheson. secretary of state in Pre- sident Truman's cabinet, asserted in a recent CBS television inter- view, that there were two main motivations behind Truman's sup- port for the creation of a Jewi...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 7

…Arab Rejection of Talks Nothing New (Continued from Page 1 ) spokesman, Dr. Esmet Abbel- Meguid, in Cairo last week, were sharply contradicted by Al Ahram. The newspaper said that Riad had rejected the suggestion for a gath- ering in New York and had made it clear to Dr. Jarring that he would not accept any invitation to visit some other site for in- direct talks with Israel. Rivlin told newsmen that Dr. Jarring had proposed once in 1968 and...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 8

…8—Friday, October 17, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS One Historian to Introduce Another, Ben-Horin Takes Ben Natan's Post is oric Tribute nine at 0 sa 0 4-'1 JERUSALEM (JTA) — The ap- here as successor to Asher Ben Preparations have been complet- Mandate, and served in the Jewish office. 352-6770. The office, 24611 pointment of Eliashiv Ben-Horin Natan. Dr. Avigdor Dagan was named ed for the program of the "His- Brigade of the British Army ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 9

…Nehama Lifschitz Tour Applauded in U.S.; to Appear in Concert Here Next Wednesday, Nehama Lifschitz, the acclaimed for the first time in 1957. 'level of folksinging to concert art. I who left Russia three months I Acclaimed as a Yiddish singer, Her style is intimate, yet digni- ago to settle in Israel, is receiv- she fied, confiding but terribly proud, ing wide acclaim on her tour of . e began traveling through has - . sia, singing in Yiddish...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 10

…Hebrew Without Tears — Ulpan Akiba an Israeli Melting Pot (Editor's Note: The Shulamith tugese, French, Yiddish, Japanese, referred to in the article is Shula- Polish, Russian, German and even mith Katznelson, ulpan director,' —Hebrew. After the first week or two the who attended the University of Michigan and Wayne State Univer- .mixture starts bubbling, islands disintegrate, Hebrew emerges sty. Another Ulpan Akiva staff member is Asher Tarm...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 11

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 17, 1969-11 If weddings and anniversaries make you cry, Osmun's has a real sad sale. Blow your nose. Breathe deeply. Now, take a look at these little heart breakers. A real Ronald Bascombe suit with two pairs of pants, flap pockets and two buttons. Yes, the kind that would ordinarily cost you $115.00 is now yours for, sob, $89.90. Just to make you more miserable, we're giving you a choice of worsted f...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 12

…General Assembly Urged to Raise Funds to UNRWA, or Face Crisis UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—The General Assembly has received an urgent appeal to provide more funds for Arab refugees or face a drastic curtailment of the ser- vices and facilities provided for them with resulting "further haro ships . . . and political repercus- sions." The appeal was contained in the annual report of Laurence Nlichel more, commissioner-general of the United Nations Re...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 13

…Bring a friend to Vic Tanny's 20 visits $200° Friday, October 17, 1969-13 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (that's 20 visits each for just 10 dollars each) It's easier to tone up or trim down when you bring a friend. Togetherness can make exercising a lot of fun. Especially when you're under the guidance of real pros like the people at Vic Tanny. Besides, joining with a friend makes Vic Tanny extra economical. With this coupon, the two of you can ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 14

…14—Friday, October 17, 1969 HUC-JIR Issues New Marcus Book THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS [Dinner Oct. 21 Starts Series of World Hebrew Union College Press has' this volume constitute a history of just published a new book by Dr. the American Jew from the earl!, Jacob R. Marcus, distinguished est days to the present. There is service professor of American Jew- even an attempt in "The Future of ish History at College-Institute and American Jewry" ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 15

…Arabs, Jews at Festive Oening, of Cultural Center at Hebrew U. JERUSALEM—Some 300 Jerus a . leMites, more than half of them Arabs from East Jerusalem and suburbs of the city, on Oct. 7 at- tended the festive opening of the third year of the joint Arab-Jen ish cultural and social project spon- sored by the Adult Education Cen- ter of the Hebrew University. The project, which began short- ly after the Six-Day War and at its outset mainly focuse...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 16

…THE DETROIT JEWISH EWS 16—Friday, October 17, 1969 Labor Party Victory Predicted in Israel' Israel Insists Swiss Charge 'Unwarranted' cities of Tel Aviv. Jerusalem, and ! Haifa in the elections of 1959 and ! 1965 (fourth and sixth Knesse s Those cities cast 410,0(10 of the 996,000 votes cast in all urban areas. Ile found "a strange shift" in party support in those cities, with the Labor bloc winning 4 per cent more votes among the mid- dle ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 17

…Israel Calls Egyptian Commando Claim 'Fantasy' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 17, 1969-17 — Allon Proposes =Home Rule' Plan TEL AVIV (JTA)—An Israeli the attack were seen from the tured in a battle with Israeli forces military spokesman described as Egyptian side and that the Israelis near Jericho last December. An JERUSALEM (JTA) — A pro- ors and village chiefs in the occu- "fantasy" an Egyptian report of a suffered "heavy losses...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 18

…Why Fruit, Warm Foods Are Eaten on Sabbath ; Rabbis Pray for World Peace at UN By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Coin right 1969, JTA, It is a custom Inc.) to eat extra fruit on the Sabbath. The Talmud states that a Jew should pronounce 100 benedictions every day. Since the daily prayers have a number id benedictions. in- cluding the 19 benedictions of the main body of prayer winch is re• cited three times a day, a good number of these benedictio...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 19

…Grand Rapids News Notes Oct. 17—Temple Emanuel New Membership Sabbath. 18—USY Sabbath. 19—USY Board. —Jewish Cultural Commit- tee, Ahabas Israel. 20-21—Temple Emanuel Sister- hood Second Best Sale. 22—Bnai Brith Women Menora Luncheon. 23—Hadassah Board. 24—Daniel Jacobson Bar Mitzva. 24-25—USY Quad City Retreat 25-26—MSTY Caravan. How United Jewish Chanties Was Founded Temple Beth Am will hear a talk by Mrs. Jacqueline Green- berg, assistan...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 20

…20—Friday, October 17, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hint News FLINT JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL BLOOD PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29 Noon to 6 P.M. TEMPLE BETH EL outh Protest Against Anti-Semitism in Russia. Iraq Scheduled Sunday . In a protest against Russian and Marx and Michelle Indianer; en- Iraqi anti-Semitism. the Jewish tertainment committee, Michelle community of Flint. led by its Indianer, Marlene Katz, Hilary youth, will gather 1:3...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 21

…C Two in the Footsteps of the Messiah Few names in American Jewish forsook medicine to labor for adent of the Hebrew University. annals are more illustrious than modernized Ilebraized American ; ! Dushkin's memoir deals with Judah Leon Magnes (1877-1948) Jewish educational program. Magnes in an earlier phase of his and Samson Benderly (1876-1944). For all his modernism, he re- ; extraordinary career when he led Both were central to Jewish ed...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 22

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday, October 17, 1969 Israel Corporation Buys 50 Pct. of ZIM WASHINGTON—The Israel Cor-: poration Ltd. (TIC) announced that negotiations have been concluded for the purchase of 50 per cent of the shares of ZIM Israel Naviga- tion Co., Ltd. Dr. Astorre Mayer. TIC chair- man of the board, said ZIM's share capital now will be increas- ed from 74,000,000 pounds ($21,- 460.000) to 110,000.000 pounds ($31,- • 900.000...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 23

…Farband Conference Set Next Weekend Women's Club activities DETROIT WOMEN OF ALPHA • OMEGA, will hold its annual MeMbership tea at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Whitehall Apartment's social hall. Mrs. Arnold Gottleib and Mrs. Sheldon Plotnik are co- chairmen. Mrs. Allen Weiss and her committee will present an Original skit, "Cruising Through the Years With A. 0. Women." prepared and produced by Mes- dames Gerald Laker, Jason Goode, Jerry Lessen and ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS New i riced 24—Friday, October 17, 1969 Kaoans 6 to Lt 1. fn G raml Rapids I • Jewish Social Club Installs Officers at Party • Mrs. Leonard Weiner Hosts NCJW Luncheon i n Washington Attended by Patricia Nixon By TRUDE B. FELDMAN Special to The Jewish News Dr. Alex Ulman was installed as president of the United Jewish So- cial Club at the recent Simhat Torah party. Other officers are Andy Martin. Herman Weiss an...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 25

…Pioneer Women Set $3 Million Campaign SHERRI'S • Clubb's Country Kitchen • • Sherri's • Efros Drug - Company • fabuldus Star Bakery LEA MALL • • Bud Rollins Shoes • The Buttery • Pickivick Shop He added that "the Arab people cannot continue to support leaders who tell them lies of victories rather than build of their coun- try." Gen. Rabin commented that the Arabs had no hope of defeat- ing Israel militarily. • Bab's Hair Fashions ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 26

…26—Friday, October 17, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Ad a s Shalom Fashion Show Afoot A Bill Blass original of French gold-shot gunmetal lace being modeled here will be among the fashions to be shown at the annual donor luncheon-fashion show planned by Adas Shalom Sisterhood noon Oct. 29 at the synagogue. Looking on are donor coordinators Mrs. Iferm:m Canner (left) and Mrs. Bernard Soble. Proceeds from the event will go toward the building f...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 27

…Double Standard of Justice at UN and U.S. Conservatism H it by Mrs. Schenk NEW ORLEANS (JTA)—A double! standard of justice at the United Nations and a rising tide of con-, servatism in the United States •er 1 assailed by Mrs. Max Schenk, na- tional president of Hadassah, the women's Zionist Organization of America, at the opening plenary session of the organization's 55th annual convention here. In her address to 2,000 delegates, Mrs. Schenk ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 28

…28—Friday, October 17, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Services Appeal Campaign Led by Paul Perry, Mrs. Robert Ellis Paul Perry and Mrs. Robert Ellis will lead the 1969 Bnai Brith Services Appeal Campaign, it was announced by Herman Kasoff president of the Metropolitan De- troit Bnai Brith Council. Perry has held a number of offices prior Perry tvIrs. Ellis to his appointment as services ap- peal chairman. He is a past presi- dent of Louis...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 29

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 17, 1969-29 —Advertisement— Lose 10 lbs. in 10 days on Grapefruit Diet HOLLYWOOD, CALIF (Spe- cial)—This is the revolutionary grapefruit diet that everyone is suddenly talking about. Literal- ly thousands upon thousands of copies have been passed from hand to hand in factories, plants and offices throughout the U.S. and Canada. Word of its success has spread like wildfire. Because this is the diet th...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 30

…30—Friday, October 17, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS i b eg CI nu 4 es F en Hebrew 1. - ' Fellowship for Library Service Hebrew University Rector Prof. Jacob Katz presents Charles Feinberg with the scroll of his honorary fellowship. To the right is Mrs. Feinberg. • • • JERUSALEM—The Hebrew Uni- printed in Venice in 1479 and an versity of Jerusalem on Oct. 7 edition of Augustin's "Civitate conferred an honorary fellowship Dei," printed in Bas...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 31

…▪ Children's Programs Highlisi ht Book Fair Youth News Hillel Day School Event Is Mapped "My son, make thy books thy companions. Let thy cases and she/•es be thy pleasure grounds and gardens"—Inilah lbn 'ribbon Mrs. Martha Marenof, Detroit au- for family and friends when they thor of children's books, and Shir- attend toe Sunday programs. For ley Locke will conduct story-telling information, call the Center cul- tural arts department, DI....…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 32

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32—Friday, October 17, 1969 Carolyn Jones Federation Junior Division Coming for to Hear Discussion of Mid-East City of Hope The Junior Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation will hold an open board meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Whitehall Com- munity House, Southfield, it was announced by Stanley Frankel, president. Topic of discussion will be "American Foreign Policy in the Middle East." The Junior Division ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 33

…People Make News Nearly 1,500 persons are ex- pected to attend the Nov. 23 din- ner of the Zionist Organization of --- - . !America, at the New Commodore. New York, honor- ing Nobel Peac( Prize Statesman Lester B. Pear- son, former Prime Minister of Canada. Jacques Torczy- ner, ZOA presi- dent, said the Pearson award is being given to the Canadian statesman because of his commitment to Jewish freedom and Israel. Din- ner committee chairman is...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 34

…They're Running Book Fair Show Je%sish Lift Backs Israel's Existence, Hits `Expansionists' NEW YORK (JTA)—A group of Jewish leftists have voiced sup- port of a Middle East peace bas- ed on Israel's right to exist as a sovereign state within "secure and guaranteed boundaries." But a statement issued by "Leaders of Progressive Jewish Organizations" assailed both Arab leaders who have announced their intention to destroy Israel and Israeli le...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 35

…HUC Prof. Undertakes Study of Hebrew in Modern Israeli Usage NEW YORK—Dr. Werner Wein- berg, associate professor of lie- brew language and literature at the Cincinnati School of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, is in Israel for a nine- month stay doing research on the relationship between the grammar' of the Bible and the Hebrew spoken by modern Israelis. 1 "A language is an organic part of human existence, prone to con- sta...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 36

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 36—Friday, October 17, 1969 LARCO'S Floe Italian-American Cuisine Deliciously Prepared for the Discerning Taste UAHC Sets Up Branch The Best of Everything By Danny Raskin 4. PREMIERE OF Bobby Rodgers' new Half Pints musical revue, "Between the Sheets" at the Bel- crest Hotel revealed a very clever evening of blackout comedy enter- tainment . . It was fast moving and delightfully entertaining . . . The quick skits...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 37

…Danny Raskin's LISTENING 0 S CLAM SHOP CHECKER BAR-B-4 WHEN MICHAEL ALLER was married June 29, to Susan Winick. good friend George Jesse! flew here to be on hand for their mo- mentous event . . . During the Allied Jewish Campaign, with Mi- chael as co-chairman of the nur- sery and convalescent home divi- sion, George was on a plane for Detroit to attend the cocktail party hosted by Michael who owns the Sherwood Nursing Home in Royal Oak ....…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 38

…Native Detroiter Finds Success as TV Producer For Paul Freeman, a native of Detroit who produces Universal Television's "The Virginian," di- versified training has been the foundation of his success in tele- vision. A former associate producer on Universal's series, "Run for Your Life" and The Outsider," Free- George Seaton. He is also a mem- ber of the honorary film frater- nity, DKA. Freeman applied to the MCA agency in 1959. The company s...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 39

…CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 10 Mile-Greenfield Area 545-7163 10-ROOMS FOR RENT 13 - FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE 1 LOVELY room In widow's holme (or working person or student. 352-2656. FURNISHED or unfurnished room for woman. Oak Park near 9 Mile-Cool- idge. Call LI. 8-0239. --- ROOM for nice person. Kitchen privi- leges. 341-4-668. OAK PARK. Room, kitchen pri‘ileges for employed lady. 548-6156. ROOM for employed gentleman or stu- den...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 40

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40—Friday, October 17, 1969 bedroom apartment for 2 BEDROOM. 2 bath upper—Knob In The Woods. Call 356-0547. BLEASE-1 oilin - . 399.3872. 4 ROOM apartment with utilities. $85. 863.:8131. 2 BEDROOM upper -- Knob In The 5% nods. Gold carpeting. 353-9383. Windsor Park Apt. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath 13-E—FOR SALE APARTMENTS Spacious Apartments W. GRAND BLVD. 26 apts.. net income of 57900 can be increased be personal manag...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 41

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE Southfield BEACON SQUARE. Brick colonial, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, kitchen built- ins, 2.5813 family room with fire- place. Thermo windows. Tiled and paneled basement, 2-car attached garage, patio. Lot 100x117, swim club privileges. Can assume present mtge. Priced $39,900. 24251 MORTON 3 bedroom brick ranch, 21/2 baths, paneled family room, living room, dining room, kitchen breakfas...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 42

…. Make your move through chamberlain IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY OAK PARK-3-bed. brick ranch with large paneled family room, loads of closets and storage, built- in dishwasher, self-cleaning oven, refrigerator and many more fea- tures. $27,500. LI 8-1500 LOOKING FOR THAT SPOTLESS BRICK RANCH? Here is an Oak Park beauty, cen- tral air, 3-bed. with new wall-to- wall carpeting. Living room and dining ell also newly carpeted, and a kitch. a housewife...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 43

…17 — HOUSES FOR SALE - - - - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 17, 1969-43 17—HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PARK HEYDEN, 18997 BY OWNER For Sale by Owner Attractive 3 bedrm. brk. ranch. CENT. AIR COND. newly remodeled bath. fin. base. w/Lz bath. hi, I carpet.. drapes, stove. Synagliciu.,, scl Is & shopp. walking cli,taiic•. 926,9450. 7 Mili-Es el green area. 2 bedroom shingle. Carpeting. walk up attic. heat. Near shopping. s ∎ ■ hook & Pho...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 44

…44—Friday, October 17, 1969 17—HOUSES FOR SALE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 17—HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PARK, Just off 9 Mile FOR SALE BY OWNER BY OWNER. Southfield. 3 bedroom brick ranch. living room, fireplace, din- ing el, kitchen eating space, den. car- peting. drapes. 2 car attached garage. $29,900. 11 Mile- Lahser area. 357-2504. Close to shopp. transp. Synagogues. schools. Sharp 3 bedrm. brick ranch, baths, central air cond. carpet- ing & ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 45

…19-F-VACANT BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE 40 -EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE .. , 50-BUSINESS CARDS I- ree . Ilousekeeper wanted : PAINTING, exterior, interior. CoNIPA1shiN - estimates. Reasonable . LI. 7-5639, RE. for eltlei IN 11 °man. Small apartment.' 8-1047 • Cood wages stay nights. ?dust have) 1 efetences Call after 7:30 p.m. 358-4642. ; PORCHES, steps., bricks reinortered, . ______ • sunken steps raised and cement work. ' 341-6632. W. 8...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 46

…Memorial to a Town Erected by Survivor at Chesed slid Emes On Yom Kippur 1942, 800 fa miltes from the town of Wtoszczowa, Poland, were herded into the crematoria of Treblinka. Parted from his family, one 14- year-old boy did not meet the others' fate. On Nov. 2-27 years later—Louis Kay will dedicate a memorial to the 800 townspeople at a 1:30 un- veiling in Chesed shel Emes Ceme- tery. Kay, 44, of 22186 Gardner, Oak Park, lost almost 200 rela...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 17, 1969-47 - - OBITUARIES William Rosenberg, Early Telegrapher William Rosenberg, a teleg- rapher and supervisor for Western Union Telegraph Co. for 55 years, died last Saturday at age 96. Mr. Rosenberg, a resident of the Jewish Home for Aged, retired in 1944 from Western Union. He was one of the first men sent to the old Bennett field to relay play- by - play the Tiger ball games. He sent press ...…

October 17, 1969 • Page Image 48

…Dr. Milton Aron Multi-Faceted Work by Adds Historic Data on Hasidic Movement Piety, faith, the art of creating parables. compassion, brotherly love—the variety of factors that combine to distinguish Hasidut as a powerful force in Jewish life— are intermingled in a. powerful evaluation of the Hasidic move- ment in an extensive work by Dr. Milton Aron. His "Ideas and Ideals of the Hasidim," published by Citadel Press, emerges as a major analy- ...…

January 17, 1969 • Page Image 1

…• . • • .. Israelis, Jordanians- onfer; Atrocity Mongering Condemned 1 TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israeli and Jordanian army officers met peacefully at the damaged Damiya Bridge over the Jordan River Monday to discuss repairs to the span which was blasted last week during an exchange of mortar fire across the river. The meeting was requested by the Jordanians, through the International Red Cross, to get Israel's approval of their plans for repairing t...…

January 17, 1969 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Hate Mongers on the Campus How does one dispute "intellectual' gangsterism" in order to purify the air, to establish truth, to refute gross misrepresentations and to establish conditions that can assure decent human relations rather than disrupt the best relations among citizens? It is a question that may puzzle us for a long time in view of the re-emergence of an element, in a university, that is bent upon causing trouble,...…

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