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January 17, 1969 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-01-17

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Israelis, Jordanians- onfer; Atrocity Mongering Condemned


TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israeli and Jordanian army officers met peacefully at the damaged Damiya Bridge over the Jordan River Monday to discuss repairs to the span
which was blasted last week during an exchange of mortar fire across the river. The meeting was requested by the Jordanians, through the International Red Cross, to get Israel's
approval of their plans for repairing the bridge. A Red Cross representative was present. The explosion that destroyed the Jordanian end of the bridge, one of two road links
between Jordan and the West Bank, was originally attributed to terrorists. Amman claimed that it was hit by Israeli fire. They acknowledged Monday that the blast was touched
off by a nervous Jordanian officer who feared that an Is raeli attack across the bridge was imminent.
UNITED NATIONS (JTA) — Yosef Tekoah, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Monday described as "atrocity mongering of the cheapest and most vulgar kind"
the contents of a letter sent by Jordan to Secretary-General U Thant on Jan. 7. The Jordanian letter contained a purported statement by a Jordanian national, As'ad Abdel Rahman,
described as president of the Union of Palestine Arab students in Lebanon, alleging mistreatment of himself and other Arab prisoners in Israeli jails in occupied territory.
In Tekoah's reply, he told Thant "This is undoubtedly the most scurrilous document ever to be circulated in the UN." He termed it "unworthy of the attention of any UN mem-
ber state."

Histadrut's Role
in Afro-Asian
Program and

Page 4


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A Weekly Review

NA I I-1 I GA. f ■ I

of Jewish Events

Campaigns . . .
Israel's Enemies
Invade Many
World Areas

Page 2

Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper --- Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle

17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit—VE 8-9364—January 17, 1969

Vol. LIV, No. 18

$7.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c

ndemnation of de Gaulle Embargo
Includes Growing French Protests,
Eshkol Condemnation, Mass Rallies

Rumors of Troop Massing
Denounced; Soviet Plan Hit

JERUSALEM (JTA) — A foreign ministry spokes-
man said Tuesday that press reports in various
Arab capitals that Israel was massing troops for an
attack on Jordan and Lebanon were "fabrications
as malicious as they are unfounded."
Political circles here said the rumors were part
of. a new Soviet-Arab propaganda line designed to
increase tensions in the Middle East and thereby
create a climate favorable to the Soviet peace pro-
posals recently circulated to the Western powers.
They said that Israel categorically rejected the
Soviet plan which required its withdrawal from all
occupied Arab territories without foundations for a
stable peace.
"Past experience has proven the inherent dangers
of such unchecked propaganda within the frame-
work of Arab-Soviet psychological and political war-
fare against Israel," the foreign ministry stated.
"It has also been proven that the initiators of this
kind of false rumor intend to increase tension in the
area in order to further their own aims."
According to Al Ahram, the Israelis were arrest-
ing Bedouin tribesmen in the Sinai Peninsula and
were clearing civilians out of Sinai towns from
Kantara to El Arish. Israel announced last week
that it had evacuated the remaining civilians from
Kantara to El Arish for their own safety because
Egypt refused to agree to their repatriation. Kantara
has been hit frequently by artillery shells.

(Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News)

(JTA)—Prime Minister Levi Eshkol Tuesday delivered a strong attack on President
Charles de Gaulle of France for his one-man embargo on arms and spare parts shipments to Israel.
Eshkol told the Knesset that Gen. de Gaulle's embargo "runs counter to all common usage in inter-
state relations."
The embargo, he declared, "resembles the case of a man tying the hands of one of the partners to
a conflict while the other one remains free to hurt or hit without hindrance."
"Anybody trying to handicap our strength is actually hurting the prospects for Middle East peace,"
he said.
The embargo violates normal interstate usage because agreements were arbitrarily set aside and
funds already paid for arms were not returned, he said.
He praised the French people for standing by Israel in its darkest hours and said that previous
French governments had helped strengthen Israel to safeguard peace in the region.
Israel has recalled its ambassador to Paris. Walter Eytan, for "consultation."
Foreign Minister Abba Eban said Jan. 10 that if France refused to deliver planes and military
equipment purchased by Israel and also refused to refund payments made, such action would constitute
a breach of all accepted international relations.
Sources said there would be no change in the location of the defense ministry purchasing mis-
sion in Paris. Mordechai Limon, mission head,returned to Paris, headquarters of all Israel defense
purchasing operations in Europe. He had rushed to Israel for consultations when the latest embargo
became known.
The Detroit Jewish community's "deep disappointment" with de Gaulle's embargo order on mili-
tary supplies to Israel was expressed this week in a letter to the French ambassador to the United
The letter was signed by Judge Lawrence Gubow, president of the Jewish Community Council
of Metropolitan Detroit.
The Community Council letter to Ambassador Charles Lucet stated:
"The free world shares a common wish for the peaceful progress and development of this
(Continued on Page 36)
troubled region of the globe.


Nixon's Appointee David Packard
Considered Antagonist to Israel

World Public Opinion Sought to Prevent
Iraqi Terror, Execution of Accused Jews

WASHINGTON — David Packard, deputy secretary of defense
designate in the new Nixon administration, was disclosed Tuesday to
have told a California newspaper that he considered the Arab-Israel
problem the most dangerous one facing America. He also denounced
the Israeli raid on the Beirut airport.
Packard, a multimillionaire electronics executive, is a controver-
sial appointee because of his personal financial involvement in the
defense industry.
The Palo Alto (Calif.) Times reported that Packard said in an
interview with the newspaper's political editor that "the Middle East
situation is the most dangerous facing the nation now, and he said
the Israeli action on a Lebanese airport . . . won't help in any way."
Packard's firm makes its headquarters at Palo Alto.

JERUSALEM (JAI) — The World Jewish Congress announced here Monday that it will try to enlist
the aid of world religious and civil leaders in public campaign for the commutation of death sentences
imposed by an Iraqi military court in Babhdad on three Iraqi Jews convicted for allegedly spying for
Dr. Joachim Prinz of Orange, N.J., chairman of the WJCongress governing council, said that Pope
Paul VI would be among the personages approached to intercede with the Baghdad government.
According to information received here, the three Jews were to have been executed Monday and the
sentences- may already have been carried out. Four other Iraqi Jews were on trial for their lives, and
12 others — one Christian and 11 apparent Moslems — have been arrested on the same charges. Dr.
Prinz said that the church leaders and statesmen would be asked to appeal to the Iraqi government
"to refrain from carrying out these inhuman and unjust sentences."
(Continued on Page 5)

S. Churches
Campaign Invades
Well-Financed' Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic
The leaflet, "The Secret of the Blood Young, president of the Institute of Holy

NEW YORK—Arab propagandists are
c6nducting a "blatant, systematic, well-fi-
nanced" anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-
Semitic campaign in Catholic and Protes-
tant churches throughout the United States,
a'nationally-prominent authority on Jewish-
Christian relations charged Sunday.
At a luncheon meeting of the New York
chapter of the American Jewish Committee,
Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, national direct-
or of the committee's interreligious affairs
department, stated that the Arab drive
"threatens to undermine interfaith harmony
and imperils the already heavily strained
civic peace of the United States."
- Rabbi Tanenbaum said the effort of the

Arabs was much better organized than
their previous campaigns to influence
Christian opinion in this country. "There
is clear evidence," he said, "that Arab in-
formation specialists operating out of Arab
countries, and especially from Beirut,
Lebanon, have moved massively to gain
Christian support for the Arab League na-
tions and their anti-Israel policies."
According to Rabbi Tanenbaum, the
Arabs recently distributed a four-page leaf-
let containing a Moslem version of the
"medieval ritual blood libel charge," which
revives the outrageous falsehoods, and also
an Arab Moslem rendition of the infamous
Protocols of the Elders of the Zion.

Practices Israel is Enjoined to Observe," is Land Studies, and Father Bruno Hussar,
the work of Ibrahim Saada, who charges director of Dominican House of Studies in
that the Jews in Arab countries kidnap Jerusalem, agreed that this slant in favor
"children in Syria and Lebanon for the pur- of the Arabs could lead to disaster in the
pose of sucking their blood on the Jewish Middle East.
(Commencing with an expose in The
In a revival of the Protocols of the El- Jewish News on November 24, 1967, which
ders of Zion, Saada states that "Every Jew carried a report from Israel by the editor
hopes for the collapse of all other religions revealing the extent of anti-Semitic propa-
so that Judaism should reign supreme." ganda emanating from Arab quarters, The
In a press conference at the American Jewish News published a score of articles
Jewish Committee's national headquarters regarding the anti-Semitic factors in the
two leading Christian clergymen criticized anti-Israel campaigns. Such tactics appear
the "unfairness" to Israel of world opinion frequently in the Arab propaganda in uni-
on the Middle East conflict. Dr. C. Douglas versifies, churches and other forums).

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