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October 17, 1969 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-10-17

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16—Friday, October 17, 1969

Labor Party Victory Predicted in Israel' Israel Insists Swiss Charge 'Unwarranted'

cities of Tel Aviv. Jerusalem, and !
Haifa in the elections of 1959 and !
1965 (fourth and sixth Knesse s
Those cities cast 410,0(10 of the
996,000 votes cast in all urban
Ile found "a strange shift" in
party support in those cities, with
the Labor bloc winning 4 per
cent more votes among the mid-
dle class and the rich in 1965
than in 1959, while losing 8 per
cent of the vote of the poor class.
The Center bloc's vote among
the wealthy fell 5.5 per cent: there
was no significant change among
the middle class, but a gain of 8
per cent among the poor. The Cen-
ter bad previously gotten its strong.
est support from the rich and far
less support from the poor.
The vote of Jewish Israelis who
have immigrated from Arab and
Islamic countries is "more volatile
of late and has been undergoing
some shift in voting patterns," I
Mr. Smith points out, adding that '
this shift may be in the form of
a switch from the labor parties
to the parties of the Center.
Voters of European origin out-
number those of Asian and North
African origin by 52 to 36 per cent,
Smith reports. But the birth rate
of Jews from non-Western coun-
TEL AVIV—The American Joint the bulk of its funds from the tries, while declining, is still much
higher than that of Jews from
Distribution Committee, during its
Haber stated that child devel-
European countries, he notes, with
20 years of operations through
opment centers were being plan-
two-thirds of Israeli children under
JDC-Malben in Israel. has assisted
ned for Tel Aviv, Tel Hashomer
more than 250.000 aged, sick and
14 having fathers of non-European
Hospital, Jerusalem and Beer-
origin. "Therefore," he concludes,
handicapped persons at a cost of
sheba. The centers will be used
"unless there is a large immigra-
over S170,000.000, Louis Broido.
for the early detection of de-
tion of Europeans or Americans,
JDC chairman, reported here.
fects and disabilities in the pre-
the offspring of immigrants from
Tracing the development of JDC-
natal and post-natal stages, with
Islamic countries will be a major-
Malben, Broido recalled that the
regular folow.up examinations to
ity in the population in five to
organization had been set up to
the age of 18.
10 years."
cope with thousands of social cases
- JDC-.Malben is also
among massive waves of imigra-

lion that followed Israel's estab- two pilot programs designed to
aid deaf and hard-of-hearing chil-
dren in the Tel Aviv school sys-
"JDC-Malben evacuated the eld-
lion dollars in Israel Bonds were
tem," Haber said.
erly, the sick and the handicapped
at a Bonds for Israel dinner
Another project is the creation
from the depressing ma'aharot to
of a new geriatrics and rehabilita- here. The affair was addressed by
hospitals and homes that wore
tion ward for the chronically ill Moshe Gilboa, consul general of
mostly hastily converted British
in Jerusalem's Shaarei Zedek Flo* Israel in the Southeastern United
Army camps," he said. "We also
pital where occupational and States, and the Israeli minister for
started to build our own facilities
physiotherapy services will he economic affairs in the U.S., Simon
and by 1957, we maintained 1,800
hospital beds and 4,400 beds for
the aged in 23 institutions in 18

NEW YORK—For the first time
in Israel's history, this month's
elections may produce a Labor
Party government that is nil de
pendent on alliances with other
groups in order to command a
majority in the Knesset elections
in Israel Oct. 28.
This analysis is suggested in a
study by Herbert Smith, election
analyst, director of the Manpower
Nanning Authority in the Israel
Ministry of Labor, in "Preview
to Israel Elections, 1969," pub-
lished by the foreign affairs de-
partment of the American Jewish
Smith explains that the Ma pal,
Ahdut Avoda and Rafi, three labor
parties, have merged to form one
unified Labor Party, a n d the
Mapam. a Leftist labor party, will
join it in offering a single labor
alignment slate on the ballot this
In contrast, Smith reports, the
religious bloc has tended to split.
This year he expects there to be
three separate religious party
slates representing the National

Religious Party, Agudat Israel,
and Poale Agudat Israel.
The Center parties on the ballot
include the alignment of the lIerid
and I.iberal Parties, known by the
Ilebre• acronym of Gallia, ti '
Free Center, which recently split
off from Gahal, and the Independ-
ent Liberal.
There are other blocs and minor
parties. usually composed of min-
ority groups. The small Commu
nist Party splintered into two no
clear parties in 1965, one mainly
Jewish (Maki): the other mainly
Arab tIlakaht.
In analyzing past election re-
turns, Smith learned that the per-
centage of votes the major blocs
received in each of the six previous
Knesset elections has followed a
rather steady pattern, with t h e
Labor bloc winning about 50 per
cent of the vote; Center, 25 per
cent: religious, 14 per cent: minor-
ity parties affiliated with Mapai,
4 per cent: Communists, 4 per
cent, and other parties, 3 per cent.
Smith analyzed the votes for the
major blocs in the three main


JDC, Reporting on 20 Years' Service,
Says Third of Budget Going to Israel

$1 Million for Bonds

Broido pointed out that as the
country developed, JDC-Malben
reshaped a number of its pro-
grams. "A f ter JDC- Malben
brought the tuberculosis problem
under control, it coordinated pro-
grams with other agencies to
extend modern 'treatment f o r
tuberculosis to the general popu-
lation as well as to newcomers,"
he said. JDC helped establish a
psychiatric trust fund in 1958,
which improved the country's
mental health program, and pro-
vided 1,125 additional beds for
the mentally ill.


It is a man's own fault, it Is
from want of use, if his mind
grows torpid in old age.
—Samuel Johnson.





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the foreign ministry. It was in
reply to a Swiss note of Oct. 6
which accused Col. Alton of alleged
involvement in the theft of the jet
engine plans from the Sulzer works
in Winterthur by a Swiss national,
Alfred Frauenknecht. According to
a ministry spokesman, the Israeli
reply denied any knowledge of
activities on the part of embassy
personnel in Bern which could be
construed as injurious to Swiss
security or national interests. It
emphasized that Israeli Embassy
personnel are required to respect
the national security of Switzer-

Jewish Book Month Poster

"Changes also took place in our
care of the aged. JDC-Malben
created a series of community
services, including home medical
care, housekeeping help, daily hot
meals for those unable to cook
one for themselves, clubs, day care
centers and others.
Samuel L. Haller, JDC executive
vice-chairman disclosed that the
organization was now
more than one-third of its 1969
worldwide 523.000.000 budget on '
its health, welfare and education
activities in Israel. .JDC receives

And Promptly Stop Itching,
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JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Israel land at all times.
Col. Allon was expelled from
overnm•nt has informed Switzer-
land that it considered charges Switzerland on charges that impli-
against its military attache in cated him in the theft of Mirage
III-S jet engines which
Berne, Col. Zvi Alton, to he "un-
warranted" and expressed regret manufactures for the Swiss Air
that the Swiss government has Force on license from the French
seen fit to declare him persona firm of Marcel Dassault. Frauen-
knecht, a Sulzer employe, was ar-
non grata.
The Israel statement was con- rested last month for allegedly
tained in a note handed to the ' smuggling plans, models and tool-
Swiss ambassador, Flans !less, by ing instructions for the engines to
Godeon Rafael, director general of Israeli agents in West Germany.


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Graphically depicting the theme of the 27th annual observance of
Jewish Book Month, sponsored by the Jewish Book Council of the
National Jewish Welfare Board, this colorful trilingual poster has
been newly-designed by Ismar David, noted caligrapher, for the cul-
tural event. Book Month programs have been scheduled by more than
2,000 Jewish community centers, synagogues, Jewish schools and
other groups. "Around the World with Jewish Books" is this year's
Book Month theme.

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