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August 04, 1967 • Page Image 23

… SANDRA ROTH The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tions has filled five campus posi- tions, naming Hillel directors at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth of Northwestern University, the Uni- Church Rd., Oak Park, announce…

… week by Dr. Louis of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur- Gottschalk of the University of gery. He was a member of Phi Chicago, chairman of the Bnai Sigma Delta and Iota Tau Sigma Brith Hillel Foundations. They…

University of Most did not survive the Holo- Samuel A. Robinson. Jerusalem. This is the largest caust. The bride-elect is a graduate of group in the 13-year history of the Dusseldorf is the sixth Bnai Michigan

…-Jewish Institute of Religion, as director at the Uni- versity of British Columbia. Rabbi Sherwood served last year as Hillel which has been approved by the The delegation is meeting today college faculty and…

… versity of Massachusetts, Ohio Uni- the engagement of their daughter, versity and the University of Sandra Rosalind, to Dr. Ivan Marc British Columbia and an associate Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myer…

… director at Ohio State University. Collins of Youngstown. The appointments, all effective Dr. Collins is a graduate of Ohio with the 1967 fall semester, were University and Des Moines College announced this…

… Joseph Polak of Montreal, recently ordained at the Rabbini- cal College of Canada, as director at Ohio University. Rabbi John M. Sherwood of New York, recently ordained at Hebrew Union College…

… endorsed by with leaders of European Jewish the University's Board of Trustees, communities and the Fonds Social will go into effect in the fall of Juif Unifie (United Jewish Wel- 1968. The coming academic…

April 21, 1967 • Page Image 11

… at HILLEL DAY SCHOOL • Established in 1958, Hillel Day School is accredited by the State of Michigan. • Hillel's bi-cultural program aims for the full integration of the child into the American…

…. Brith has announced initiation of Hillel Foundation programs in Latin America. A counselor- ship has been established at the Central University of Venezuela at Caracas to minister to the reli- gious…

…, cultural and counseling needs of some 300 Jewish stu, dents. The university is the 21st institution outside lie United States and Canada to have Hillel facilities. E r e Metropolitan Opera star Richard…

Hillel Day ;; R:1 pearance here School office, 358-3660. will for the first William S. Kaplan, president of '";., 41" 0 time combine the the Park Synagogue Shaare Sho- Os The nAvenue Of Fashion" Elti tom…

… cantor- 1 . Detroit, Michigan 48221 latest information on crop pests cantor for the High Holy Days *: i ial selections. ti 342-4442 or .other conditions of special in- services which begin Oct. 4 in ::41…

…AsnINGTox (yrA) — linai Friday: April 21, 1967-11 • Staff of 40 Dedicated Teachers. • Hillel Day School serves the entire Jewish community of Metropolitan Detroit. • Transportation to and from school is…

… for any ailment. part for modern politics in the So, when a large Israel food com- Biltle. In a recent public survey pany wished to send practical of Bible personalities lie an- aid to flood…

…-stricken Florence. , alyzeol the image of the aging Italy, it sent — 2800 packages of leading (Samuel) who selects kosher chicken soup. his successor (Saul) and then, Middle Eastern clash: police re- disappointed in…

… passengers required hospital treatment. The camel walked away. City Hall in Herzliyah, one of Israel's large municipalities, was paralyzed after a raid by the Israel income tax authorities. The city…

…, fathers had not re- mitted to the Internal Revenue people the tar payments with- held from the salaries of city employes — whereupon the tax officers moved in and attached all the typewriters and adding…

April 21, 1967 • Page Image 5

… the Jewish National Fund, to be held at the ghaarey Zedek, June 6. announced that Prof. William Ilaber,' dean of the college of literature, science and the arts of the University of Michigan. will be…

…—the largest academic unit in the university. Dr. Ilaber has had a close asso- ciation with the federal and state government. During the depth of the depression. he served as the Michigan State Emergency Relief…

… that council. This is a statutory Commission which administers the body created by Congress to advise Hillel Foundations on university the Secretary of Labo'r on unem- and college campuses in this coun…

… Administrator and as head of the state's WPA and NVA programs. Ile was chairman of the commis- sion which drafted Michigan's un- employment insurance taw and for a time served as a member of the Michigan

…. For 10 years, he was chairman of the Federal Hi st ori c al So ci ety Advisory Council on Employment , He has long been a member of Security and is still a member of , the Bnai Brith National Hillel

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 23

… Center N Language Forum. N N N N N N The department of Near Eastern "The Third Book of Maccabees" languages and literatures at the he translated into Hebrew with University of Michigan, in con- commentary…

…Mr. Murray Shanbaum Weds _Barbara Smelsey THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS activities in Society Mrs. Reuben Bienstock, 15945 Addison, Southfield, resident of the Michigan Region of Hadassah, is in Israel…

…. All the lectures are open to junction with the Bnai Brith _Hillel the public. Foundation and the Beth Israel Congregation of Ann Arbor, will present Dr. Theodor H. Gaster as the 1967 holder of the…

… foreign language teach- Cohn Chapel of the Hillel Building, ing. To thoroughly acquaint par- 1429 Hill St., Dr. Gaster will speak ticipants with the psychology of on "Judaism in a New Idiom." the teaching…

… Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- The largest delegation attend- tion, with the collaboration of the ing the week's program is from Zwerdling Family. the United Hebrew Schools of Currently professor of religion…

of Michigan Law is his comparative study of Jewish School. The wedding will take popular customs and beliefs, and place May 7. a ■ N ngagemen,ts WYN and HAROLD LANDIS Friday, March 10, 1967…

…, Southfield, who is president of South Oakland County Chapter of Hadassah. Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority of Wayne State University recently captured second place honors in the annual Panhellenic Sing, • a…

April 28, 1967 • Page Image 23

… Fighters in Antiquity." The series will conclude June 8 when Rabbi Max Kapustin, WSU Hillel Foundation rabbi, will speak on "Shavuot." A series of three Sunda y p brunches will be given free at the A series…

of three talks on the Hillel House for students and fac- subject "The Synagogue's Struggle ' ulty. Charles Feinberg will speak for Meaning—Can It Be Won?" on The Romance of Hebrew will begin May 11…

… general studies program is by taking permanent residency at — TIME MAGAZINE fully accredited by the state of 18335 Hartwell . , Rabbi and Michigan and meets the standards Mrs. Zachariash feel very confi- of

… is headed by per- sident. 2214 Guardian Building, sons with medical degrees. Detroit. Michigan 48226. IN HUNGARY a commissar • , halted the owner of a textile mill narratoll bp Koran Quiz Won First…

… wonderful gesture! SEEING SIGNS in a local Prof. Louis Feldman, chairman of the department of classics at Ye- bookstore . . . "Cuddle up with a good murder mystery." shiva University. who will speak on…

…'t any textiles either_ SOO pounds t$167). The Wayne State University Hillel Foundation has announced its programs for the spring quarter. The Thursday luncheon talks which meet at 12:30 p.m. will fea…

June 02, 1967 • Page Image 33

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 34—Friday, June 2, 1967 Honorary Chairmen of Hillel Concert Include Romney, Cavanagh and Hart Myron Milgrom, chairman, and Leonard Baron, co-chairman for the June 26…

… drive, with Abe Kasle, president of the Hillel board, acting in an advisory capa- city. Active vice chairman for the concert are Harold Berry, How- ard Danzig, Walter Field, Max Goldsmith, Rabbi Irwin…

…-6800.. cad CHARGE RI woefr 4a:fig kg kr. UO3 W MaNICHOLS RD . DETROIT 71 MICHIGAN STYLES UNLIMITED 10460 - 9 Mile Rd., Oak Park (corner of Seneca) PRESENTS VACATION CLEARANCE SALE. SPRING & SUMMER…

…, Leah Singer and Sophie Zingeser. President Ann Rubin will give a report on the Department of Michigan JWV convention this weekend. At its recent election of officers, Goldie Nelson was elected historian…

… (University of Mich- igan) headed by Lawrence Page; and the Alpha Nu Alumni Chap- ter (University of Detroit), headed by Arnold Gartner, will also be in- stalled by the regent, Dr. Henry Green. The chairman of

… Richard Tucker con- cert at Ford Auditorium bene- fiting the Hillel Day School Build- ing Fund, have announced honor- ary chairmen and co-chairmen. Honorary chalirmen are Gov. Romney, Mayor Cavanagh, U. S…

… Groner, Morris Karbel, Mrs, Jerome Schostak, Saul Waldman, Mrs. Mildred Weiss and Melvin Weisz. Other members of the concert committee represent a broad cross-section of the Jewish com• munity. The Tucker…

… concert will feature, in addition to the great Metropoli- tan tenor, baritone Seymour Schwartzman, with accompaniment of the Don Frohman Chorus and a sinfonietta of the Detroit Sym- phony. Ticket…

… information for this benefit launching the Hillel Build- ing Fund Drive can be obtained from the concert office, 358-3660. SAM BARNETT LI 1 2563 Music Entertainment - DORISANN'S Beaute' Salon I Men…

…'s Clubs Alpha Omega Dental Fra ternity will hold its annual in- stallation dinner-dance 9 p.m. Sat- urday at Kingsley Inn. Dr. Bruce Billes will be in- stalled as presi- dent of the De- troit Alumni…

March 24, 1967 • Page Image 18

… teacher, University and its Haifa College. will be the guest of Hillel at the His many publications include University of Michigan March 26- two books and numercus articles. 30. His lecture tour in this…

…'s Scholarship Funds at both the University of Detroit and the University of Michigan, / the Israel Dental School, the M. M. Fintz Student Loan Fund and other charities maintained by the Detroit Women of Alpha…

… coun- Dr. Schweid is scheduled to ad- try will take him to the Univer- dress the Jewish faculty in a meet- sity of Iowa, Purdue University, ing at Hillel on "Agnon—Israel's Indiana University, Northern…

… Nobel Laureate.": Illinois University, the Univer- He will also speak: sity of Missouri, and Virginia under t h e joint and North Carolina schools in ad- auspices of Hillel dition to the University of

… Margie Cohn, Joanne Okun and Barbara Beneson. Paul Milgrom, brother of the bridegroom, served as his best Hillel Foundation, Dr. Elieser I since then has taught at Hebrew Schweid, Israel author and…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 18—Friday, March 24, 1967 Dental Fraternity to Raise Funds for Philanthropies at Concert Dr. Sidney Rubenstein. president of the Detroit Alumni Chapter. Alpha Omega Dental…

… Fraternity. and Mrs. Martin Selik, president of the Detroit Women, announce a jointly sponsored AlphaOmega Night at the De- troit Symphony Orchestra Cabaret Concert will take place 8:30 p.m. April 12 at the…

… Detroit Light Guard Armory. The public is invited. Mrs. Selik Arthur Fiedler, conductor of the Boston Pops Or- chestra, will conduct the 101-man Detroit Symphony Orchestra in fa- vorite overtures, marches…

…, show tunes and an occasional venture into Tin Pan Alley. Mischa Mischa- koff will he soloist, playing Men- delssohn's Violin Concerto. Proceeds of this evening will be used fOr the Detroit Alumni Chapter…

… Omega, Co-chairmen of the event are Mrs. Selik, Mrs. George Rosin, Dr. Jack Lawson, and Dr. Schreibman. They are assisted by: Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. Helen. Mrs. Easton Brodsky. Mrs. Sheldon Plotnik, Drs…

June 30, 1967 • Page Image 18

… 9. These will be other Alpha Epsilon Phi member, the first musical events specializ- Mrs. Leonard Weiner (University ing in gypsy music ever to be con- of Michigan), who was recently ducted at the…

… Tucker, Schwartzman, Frohman and Choir, in Variety of Jewish Music Combining the appeal for the ad- vancement of Jewish educational efforts here with interpretive tra- ditional music, the Hillel Day…

… dedicates itself to assisting Israel in its efforts to reconstruct its devastated areas. Carmi M. Slomovitz, general chairman of the Development Building Fund for the Hillel Day School, who spoke briefly…

…. Abe Kasle, Hillel Day School president, and Myron L. Mil- grom, chairman of the concert committee, supplemented these addresses with appreciative com- ments on the community's coop- eration and…

…- • • • sity of Michigan, where he re- MRS. HARRY L. JONES of De- ceived a BA degree in philosophy, troit received the Outstanding MA and PhD degrees in economics. Alumna Award during the golden Klein also…

… Einstein College of has been appointed spiritual and Medicine of Yeshiva University, religous counselor and guide to which also has received benefac- the students of the Kfar Silver tions from him. In 1963…

…, he pro- Agricultural High School and the vided a substantial sum to New Mollie Goodman Academic High York University for a chair in School established on the campus of Kfar Silver. Hebraic studies…

… Orchestra. For her Sunday Studies. Dr. Rolf A. Weil, presi- concert, she will feature Andrew dent of Roosevelt University, was Vince, well-known baritone and also awarded an honorary degree. director of the…

…18—Friday, June 30, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS New Northland Office for Guardian MOO Ur10 Phi!more A. Leemon, president of Guardian Savings and Loan Association, has announced that the new…

… Northland office (above), 22180 Greenfield, just south of Nine Mile Rd., is celebrating its grand opening. At the conclusion of the grand opening celebration, which continues through July 14, Guardian Savings…

March 03, 1967 • Page Image 12

…-0708 3082 West Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48202 Area Code 313 Off. 875-0750 The Community Is Invited to Attend 1st ANNUAL FAMILY FAIR & BAZAAR of the BETH AARON SISTERHOOD BETH HILLEL MEN'S CLUB…

… Direction of Franch Murch SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1967 — 7:30 P.M. at Beth Hillel Synagogue 19371 Greenfield For tickets call: BR 3-0570 or UN 2-0786 THE WORKMEN'S CIRCLE OF DETROIT PRESENTS "THE WONDERFUL…

… open discussion from the floor will fol- low the lecture. Samuel will be the guest of Friends of Hillel Day School at tea 12:15 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ben Jones, 18135 Hamilton. He will be…

… visiting Hillel classes Tuesday morning. Milton Rosenbaum and Rev. Donald Flowers of the Greenfield Presby- I terian Church 8:15 p.m. today at temple Sabbath services. The Berkley pastor will be join- ed by…

Michigan and Yale Divinity School, has held the Berk- ley post since 1962. Mass. Synagogue Drive BOSTON (JTA)—Temple Oha- bei Shalom of Brookline, the old- est Jewish congregation in Massa- chusetts…

… WORLD OF SHOLEM ALEICHEM" A Treasure House of Humor, Satire and Literature in Yiddish and English Panel of Newsmen to Query Lerner Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi and Bar-Han University Offices Have Moved…

…. He serves as pro- fessor of American civilization and world politics at Brandeis University. Following a year's research and study abroad, he is writing a book on the shape of "The New Europe Emerging…

… the various ritual objects and foods associated with each observance. There will be a question-answer period and social hour following the services. Rev. Flowers, a graduate of the University of

… Goldman will speak on "Khilath Israel — the Over the last four decades, Gathering of Israel." Gary Lieberman, Bar Mitzva. Samuel has devoted himself to TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today. Rabbi…

… Rosenbaum writing and lecturing on Jewish - and Rev. Donald C. Flowers of Greenfield Presbyterian Church themes. Among his more than 20 will discuss "Our Agreements and Our Differences." (See story.) CONG…

November 17, 1967 • Page Image 12

… State of Israel 6 p.m. Nov. 26. at Beth Is- rael Synagogue. The dinner is on behalf of State of Israel Bonds. Dr. Haber has been a professor of economics at the University of Michigan since 1936. He has…

… served as chairman of the department o f economics and is presently dean of the college of lit- erature, science and the arts. On leave from the University of Michigan in 1939; Dr. Haber organ-, ized and…

… the Bnai Brith National Hillel Commission, which administers the Hillel Foundations on university and college campuses in this coun- try and overseas. Between 1955 and 1966 he served as chairman of the…

… philosophy at the University of Music will be by Frank Jerome Michigan, will be the speaker 9 and his orchestra. The boys and p.m. Monday in the lecture series girls of United Synagogue Youth sponsored by…

… Reserva- Judaism, Dr. Kaplan is a mem- tions at Guaranteed ber of the National Hillel Com- Rates, see your mission of Bnai Brith and is Travel Agent Of also on the board of editors of call WO 1…

…. In 1948, again on leave from the university, he was in Ger- many as special adviser on Jew- ish affairs to General Lucius Clay, the American commander in chief in Germany. He has long been a member of

… at both Harvard and ton-Tel Aviv. Hundreds of visiting posed constitutional changes. Res- Columbia universities and is a past tourists did—when polled by a lead- ervations may be made through president…

…. conditioned rooms, superb food, The Flint Youth Symphony, corn- Holder of an honorary doc- nearby golf, spectacular entertain- ment in the hotel's own night- torate from the University of club. For Insured…

…, Rubin, Arthur was elected president of the fresh- Godfrey and Rob- man class of Bradley University in ert Q. Lewis Peoria. shows. He had 12—Friday, November 17, 1967 a long stint on the TV show, THE…

…Flint News `Just Desserts' for Flint Leaders Leaders of the Women's Division, 1967 UJA Campaign and Israel Emergency Fund, being honored at the annual dinner meeting of the Flint Jewish Community…

November 24, 1967 • Page Image 5

… HANNOVER (JTA) — Echoes of Hitler's old cry for unification of Austria with Germany sounded here Sunday as 1,500 delegates HILLEL DAY SCHOOL OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT Cordially invites the community to…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 24, 1967-5 Klutznick Addresses Hebrew U. Function Philip M. Klutznick, chairman of the international committee of the Hebrew University In- stitute of

… Contemporary Jewry, is shown addressing the second annual meeting of the committee which opened Nov. 6 on the university's Mount Scopus cam- pus. In the audience were distin- guished Jewish scholars and…

… would be "the seeding ground for the rebirth of the German nation." The opening of the NPD con- -clave was greeted by some 5,000 demonstrators carrying banners which demanded, "Nazis get out of our city…

…." A group of trade union- ists telegraphed the Bonn govern- ment to urge legal steps against the NPD which, they asserted, was violating the West German constitution. Later, the number of demonstrators…

… dwindled to 80. Nev- ertheless, von Thadden, conscious of the party's image, threatened to expel any speaker who might damage it by a display of anti- Semitism or extreme radicalism. This did not prevent von…

… Democratic Party have formed a coalition government. Earlier, Dr. Ludwig Erhard, former chancellor of West Ger- many, told newsmen in Jerusa- lem that he did not believe anti- Semitism in "democratic Ger…

…- many" had any chance of becom- ing contagious or a force. The West German leader and his wife came for 10 days on the in- vitation of Premier Levi Eshkol. A leader of the Social Democra- tic Party which…

…, with the Chris- tian Democratic Union comprises West Germany's coalition govern- mentt, warned that the dangers of the radical right must be taken seriously, in view of Germany's experience with the Nazi…

… Party. Herbert Werner, vice-chairman of the Social Democratic Party and minister for German affairs in the government, issued the warning following a party conference at Bad Godesberg. He denounced the…

May 05, 1967 • Page Image 29

…- bers of Flint Lodge Bnai Brith were led by Dr. Morris Bikoff, former captain of the University of Michigan's 1941-42 team, and even with Dr. Bikoff's eight points, they could not subdue the youthful…

… persecuted peo- team. He is currently president of ple. I am grateful that Israel, our his class and plans to attend the biblical birthright, finally exists as University of Michigan honors pro- a refuge after…

… adults as major observances, and the teens wonder why they should Editor's Note: Bob is a member think of it in any more significant of the Temple Beth El Youth Group, chairman of the Michigan terms…

…. This combined with the and arts program at Cass Tech, he questioning and rebellious feelings is captain of the tennis team, past • 2602 N. Woodward LI. 9-1885 Hillel to Stage My Fair Lady in Hebrew…

… by the Shrine of the Little Flower High School, with many props and settings from Mercy College's re- cent production of "My Fair Lady." Mrs. Herbert Eskin, music di- rector at Hillel, also reports the…

… to Be Honored The Beth Aaron Religious School's breakfast in honor of its confirmands and their parents will be held 10 a.m. Sunday at the synagogue. They will gather in preparation for the annual…

… confirmation ser- vice, June 11. The class of 19 con- firmands will be honored at the breakfast with a presentation of a Jewish National Fund tree cer- tificate. Charles Jacobson, chairman of the Beth Aaron…

… school committee, will preside at the breakfast, with Sam Loberman, president of the synagogue, Mrs. :Morris Ginsberg, president of the sisterhood, and Joe Medwed, president of the men's club, offering…

… greetings. Irving Ritter, principal, will describe the details of the confirmation. The program includes participa- tion by the confirmands and Rabbi Benjamin H. Gorrelick. A baccalaureate in honor of the…

… confirmands will be held June 3. They Made the Grade PAUL SCHOENFIELD, 20, of Detroit, has won the Oakland (Calif.) Symphony's National Young Artist Award of $1,000. He will make three solo appearances with…

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 29

… Shepherd, chairman; Rabbi Max Kapustin, director of Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University; Mrs. Walter E. Klein, former school teacher and social worker; Common Pleas Court Judge Joseph J. Pernick; and…

… following school hours. In small groups under the leadership of two adult co-leaders, they discuss a book they have all read prior to the meeting. Three mothers from Hillel, trained for three months by staff…

… from the list of Robert Frost Junior High School winners in the Southeastern Michigan, National Scholastic Art Exhibit. Jo, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davis of Morton Ave., Oak Park, received a…

University's "Best Dressed wardrobe of his own. Man" is currently the envy of his A sociology major on a pre- Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity broth- medical curriculum, Feuer is the ers. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward…

…Good Readers in the Making at Hillel MUND01111/ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 10, 1967-29 Sandy Feuer Rated WSU'S Best Dressed Man I G S A special enrichment program for good readers…

… who are inter- ested in discussing great ideas with one another is under way at Hillel Day School. Fifth and sixth grade students meet once every three weeks for the 11/2-hour Junior Great Books program…

… members of the Great Books Foundation, hold leadership certificates for discussion leaders. Readings selected for this year include "Aesop's Fables" and "Medieval Tales;" Fabre's Selections in Science…

…;" Browning's "The Pied Piper of Hamlin;" and Tolstoy's "Fables." At a session are (from left, clockwise) : Mark Brandwine, Douglas Ellmann, Robert Schostak, Barry Kuhel, Daniel Schnipper, Mrs. Eli Benstein…

… School Reuben Young, chairman of the youth commission of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, this week announced a decision of the local branch of the Zionist Organization of America to provide a full…

… schol- arship for a ninth or tenth grade Detroit student in the newly-formed Mollie Goodman High School at Kfar Silver in Israel. Young said the ZOD plan calls for selection, by a panel of ap- pointed…

October 27, 1967 • Page Image 25

…. Examples of student and faculty action at both Wayne State Uni- versity and the University of Michigan are included in the Hillel survey, compiled by Saul Goldberg. At U. of M., the foundation di- rector, Dr…

University of Michigan students will participate in the NBC radio program "Eternal Light" 10:30 p.m. Sunday on Sta- tion WWJ as part of a panel dis- cussion on Judaism on the campus. The students are Laurence…

… director of the Cen- ter for Clinical Studies, served as moderator. At Wayne State University, Hil- lel director Rabbi Max Kapustin counseled 150 students with regard to volunteering, and Hillel House acted…

… orchestra. Mrs. Katzman The response of the academic community to the Israel crisis in May and June is the subject of a survey published by Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations in the United States and abroad…

… department of poli- tical science and Hillel sponsored a symposium on "The Middle East Crisis and the Future," in which various professors participated and Dr. Alexander Eckstein, economics professor and…

… independence?' Dr. Goldstein, professor of ap- plied mathematics at Harvard University for the past 12 years, still speaks of Technion as teach- er's pet. It was Technion that brought him to Detroit last week…

… nine undergraduates He has had plenty of opportunity and three lecturers would never to observe the best; educated at return. Cambridge University, he was The war proved many points to elected to the…

… Oak Park Blvd., Oak Park. Miss Berlin is the daugh- ter of the late Mrs. Frances Berlin. The bride-elect holds a BA in ed- ucation from Oakland University. Her fiance is a senior at Wayne State…

University's college of edu- cation. A June 17 wedding is planned. • • • THE MAGIC DOOR Time: 6:30 p.m. Monday. Station: Channel 56. Feature: Tiny Tov will play the guitar. • • • HEAR OUR VOICE Time: 11:30 p…

…Watch Out MIT; Here Comes Technion By CHARLOTTE DUBIN Dr. Sydney Goldstein, who help- ed put Technion on the map, has no difficulty comparing Israel's Institute of Technology to similar institutions…

May 26, 1967 • Page Image 13

… was awarded two Presidential Unit citations and was decorated by the Belgian and French govern- ments. Twice chairman of the an- nual Jewish National Fund Con- ference for the state of Michigan, Kramer…

… Goldsmith, a ninth grade graduate of Hillel Day School, is congratulated by Carmi M. Slomovitz, president of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, upon Mark's being selected as recipient of the first ZOD…

… graduate of Hillel Day School, Mark Goldsmith, was named winner of the first Aca- demic Scholarship for a year's study at the Mollie Goodman High School in Ashkelon, Israel. The scholarship, competition…

… "Fiddler on the Roof" and more recently "My Fair Lady" in Hebrew. Mark is president of the Hillel Student Council, received first prize in the 1966 Science Fair at the school, first prize in Hillel's Bible…

…. Cocktails will precede the din- ner, at which citations and awards will be presented. Kramer, an attorney, is a grad- uate of Wayne State University and its department of social work, and he holds a doctor of

… laws de- gree from the University of Chi- cago. At one time a regional director of the Council of Jewish Federa- tions and Welfare Funds, Kramer also served as executive secretary to the Jewish Community…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 26, 1967-13 Mark Goldsmith Wins Year in Israel Kramer Takes Helm of Zionist Organization Richard B. Kramer will be in- stalled as president of the Zionist…

… Organization of Detroit at its in- stallation dinner 7:30 p.m. June 5 at the Zionist Cultural Center. Succeeding Carmi Slomovitz as head of the organization, Kramer moves up from the vice presi- dency. He will…

… be assisted by the following officers elected at the ZOD annual meeting: Slomovitz, chairman of the exec- utive committee; Dr. Alex S. Friedlaender, Louis Panush, Dr. placed Persons. His combat unit…

… also was chairman of the Allied Jewish Campaign metropolitan division and is honorary president of Harry S. Truman Branch of Farband, which he helped found. Kramer is a member of the board of trustees…

September 01, 1967 • Page Image 28

…. * • * Rabbi ABRAHAM ZEMACH, di- rector of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Michigan State Uni- versity, has been named a member of the faculty of the 22nd annual National Hillel Summer Institute at Camp Bnai…

…, president of Meadowbrook, Inc.. Insurance. Explained by Biochemist • • • T h e appointment of Michigan State Senator SANDER M. LEVIN to a 12-member National Advisory Committee on Handicapped Chil- dren has…

… weaknesses in Michigan's programs for educating children with physical, emotional and mental handicaps. The study led to a broad series of new enact- ments in the Michigan Legislature and has become widely…

… used in many states throughout the nation. * * • WILLIAM ELLMANN, president of the Michigan State Bar Asso- ciation, will be interviewed on the WWJ-TV program "Target: Legal Profession" 1:30 p.m. Sunday…

… Ethical Commitment. * • * Mrs. ALMA MARK of Glynn Ct. placed second for her ginger- bread in the Michigan State Fair community arts department. The number of entries in this year's competition was the…

… was born in Winnipeg. educated at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and Harvard University. where he was on the board of editors of the Har- vard Law Review. He lectured in law at Oxford. Author of Disarma…

…- ment and International Law. and visiting professor of political science at Carleton University here, he served in 1962 on the Canadian delegation to the 18- power disarmament conference in Geneva…

… Columbia University and a degree from Trinity College of Speech in London. Illay Gottesman Takes a Bride, Beverly Tobin MRS. MAX GOTTESMAN In a candlelight ceremony at Cong. Shaarey Z e d e k, Beverly…

… Available for Parties; State University, will present tech- Louis Schwartz, son of Mr. and Bar Mitzvahs, Socials, Etc. nical papers and preside at plen- Mrs. Joseph Schwartz of Forrer Call ary sessions of the…

… International Ave. JEFF DEMBS 356-8547 Symposium in Chelate Chemistry Miss Kersh attends Wayne State in Nara, Japan, Sept. 19-22, and University, where she is in the at the Tenth International Confer- school of

November 24, 1967 • Page Image 12

… attend . It is not a campus college in the rakish sense of the word, nor does its football team plan a head- on collision with Michigan State in the Rose Bowl game. It is a city university. You leave the…

Michigan Bell During his Detroit visit, Becker will be guest of the UAW and he will meet with its president, Wal- ter Reuther, preceding the open- ing rally. The UAW is one of the labor organizations which…

…Wayne State University History Cites Distinctions by Jewish News Editors Under the title "A Place of Light," Wayne State University's history, published by Wayne State University Press, presents the…

… at WSU, this work, extensively illustrated, fully annotated, re- views the university's emergence into its present status as one of the country•s great schools of learning in many fields. "A Place of

… recognition. Reference is made to the Leonard N. Simons Collection of books and maps and to the Kasle collection of Judaica pre- sented to the university library by the Abe Kasle; the role of Leonard Kasle also…

… is indicated. There are numerous mentions of the work in the university of one of its pioneer professors, Dr. Samuel M. Levin. Interestingly, two Jewish News staff membres receive special men- tion in…

…. The WSU history quotes the text of Mrs. Dubin's editorial comment to the "freshies." includ- ing the following: "Wayne State University is un- like any other school you have ever attended or will ever…

… role in the advisers of Wayne University university. SUBURBAN COATS $8950 Harry Thomas virlw call ( person-to-person? Long-Distance calls can be dialed direct at a big savings. 43 per cent on a…

… rec- ord of many notable achievements and emerges as a valuable account of this city's cultural life. Written by Dr. Leslie L. Hana- walt, director of History-of-Wayne Project and professor of English…

… Light" is a thorough work. Personalities of note who served on the faculty, who are presently associated with the uni- versity and the many who had their roles in the great school are ! given due…

March 03, 1967 • Page Image 21

… Rubin is a graduate stu- dent at the University of Michigan. Her fiance attends the University of Michigan Law School. A May wedding is planned. Dr. Moss to Join in Series on Catholic, Jewish Ideas…

… Jewish and Catholic commu- nities. The fourth program in the series will be held March 19. Featured will be Dr. Abraham Kaplan of the University of Michigan's phil- osophy department and Dr. George Mc…

… working toward his PhD degree at the University of Pennsylvania, where his wife is also a doctoral candidate. UJA Trainees on Campus SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) — The United Jewish Appeal and Bnai Brith Hillel

…Morrow of Nazareth College's philosophy department. Co-chairmen of the planning com- mittee are Father John Schwarz, pastor of Gesu Parish, and Dr. Leonard Gordon, Michigan area director of the American…

…., Southfield. Miss Sosna is studying language teaching at Michigan State Univer- FRIENDS OF COUNCILMAN sity. Her fiance attends Oakland NICHOLAS HOOD will honor him Community College, where he is at a pancake…

… graduate of the col- lege of education at Wayne State University. Her fiance is also a Wayne State graduate. The couple plans to m a r r y July 20. Danny Wohl to Take Bride, Ilene Leah Sosna MISS ILENE…

…. Abraham Heschel will participate in this special pro- gram to honor the memory of Rabbi Morris Adler and respond to the question of "order in the universe: divine plan or chaos?" There will be readings from…

… California and Arizona universities, attended sessions of the UJA Western Re- gion Leadership Conference at the Fairmont Hotel. They also held their own meetings to discuss the practical problems of UJA…

… Karo of Ilene Ave. announces the engagement of her daughter Judith Susan to Michael Beltzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Beltzman of Oak Park Blvd. • Miss Karo, daughter of the late Mr. Karo, is a…

… SOSNA Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rubin of Plainview, L.I., announce the en- gagement of their daughter Mona Lynn to Edward Goldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goldman, 12957 Lincoln, Huntington Woods. Miss…

February 10, 1967 • Page Image 19

… her fiance a Camp Gan Israel comittee an- graduate of the University of nounces the launching of a scholar- Michigan's dental school, where campaign. he was affiliated with Alpha ship Leonard E. Baron…

… in excess close in mid-March, has as its of $1,000,000 in new life insurance goal the establishment of 100 as he was Indianapolis Life's top scholarships. Co-chairman of the agent in Michigan and…

… engag,ment of their daughter Barbara Marcia to Dr. Ronald Lawrence Lebus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lebus of Ilene Ave. The bride-elect is a graduate of Wayne State University's college of education, and…

…Barbara Berk Engaged to Dr. Ronald L. Lebus MISS BARBARA BERK THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS activities in Society In honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bookstein of Corning Ave…

…., Oak Park, their children Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (Joan) Penfil and Rita Bookstein entertained at an open house recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Raskin of Courtland Ave., Oak Park. Helping…

… celebrate the occasion were 80 of their relatives and friends. At the Louis Rothenberg Club's 37th annual anniversary dinner party, the following officers were installed for the coming year: Edward Rothenberg…

…, president; William Rothenberg, treasurer; Ann Levin, recording secretary; and Nettie Rothenberg, corresponding secretary. Eric Neal Baron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baron of Oak Park Blvd., left for…

… California last week to enroll in college. A farewell party was given by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, at their home on Monica Ave. Mr. Baron is the great-grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham…

… Greenblatt of Linwood Ave. Misses Wendy and Janice Appleton of Kenwood Ave., Oak Park, recently hosted a surprise silver anniversary cocktail party for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Appleton, at the…

… family home. Approxi- mately 40 friends and relatives greeted the couple. At the last meeting of the Sherman Family Club, the following officers were elected: Mrs. Philip Sherman, president; Mrs. Jane Saks…

March 31, 1967 • Page Image 27

… dean Miss Charnas attends the Uni- jects of joint interest to research of the Columbia University School versity of Michigan's college of groups at the Weizmann Institute of Social Work, and project…

… Theological graduate of Wayne State and at- treal, will be one of eight visiting Seminary of America has been tends the University of Michigan professorS at a two-day course announced by Dr. Louis Finkel- Law…

… naming of HANAN YAVOR as member of the United Nations Orchestra and Entertainment delegation mainly in charge . of African affairs, replacing SHLOMO HILLEL who has been assigned as assistant director…

… group of New York City Welfare Com- Detroit- area practitioners. Dr. missioner Mitchell I. Gins- Pearl Hauser, a director of the As- sociation of Michigan Optometrists. berg will join a group of social is…

… past two years. He German author, GUENTHER worked with Prof. Menahem Man- GRASS who is currently visiting soor at the University of Wisconsin Israel. During the hour-long dis- on the Dead Sea Scrolls…

… general in charge Dr. WILLIAM FEJNBLOOM of ' s ponsored by American College New York, who conducted an all- o f Cardiology and Wayne State day clinic in Detroit two weeks University School of Medicine. ago…

…. Philip Raznik, 1211 Griswold. : Baerwald School.: of Social Work s * at the Hebrew MISS MAXINE CHARNAS With the expansion of the re- University in Je- Dr. and Mrs. George Charnas search- program at the…

… Delta Commission. * on "University and Government Epsilon Medical Fraternity. Cooperation in the Field of Social Vice-President HUBERT H. An early summer wedding is HUMPHREY heads the roster of Welfare…

March 17, 1967 • Page Image 40

… Foundation, The Shabbaton is an education- University of Michigan, 8 p.m. to- al program which offers select day in the Hillel chapel. teen agers an opportunity to live - In conjunction with the Beth and…

of Adas Goldman, director of the scientific Shalom Synagogue will be guest laboratory of the Ford Co. and an speaker at the Sabbath eve services alumnus of Yeshiva University. of the Bnai Brith Hillel

…, student cantor doing grad- states and Ontario. uate work in musicology; Steven Ovitsky, conductor of the Hillel Beth Aaron USY Plans choir, who is -also a student in the school of music, and Joan Spitzer…

…. ington. There will be games, food and Square Dance to Start prizes including six puppies. For further information call Ed 'Purim Week' at Hillel Adelman, KE 4-8442. The Parent-Teacher Organization of

Hillel Day School will celebrate Quoting Voltaire Purim by sponsoring a square dance A contemporary of Voltaire was for students 2 p.m. Sunday at Cong. extolling the virtues of a protege Adas Shalom. he…

… Wein- berg, Ralph Bernstein, and Martin Prujansky. SHS debaters finished third in the entire state in this year's tournament of the Michigan High School Forensics Association. The contest originally…

… National Council ton coordinator for Yeshiva Uni of Synagogue Youth and the Youth versity, said all participants would Bureau of Yeshiva University's be housed in the Southfield area. The program, to be…

… conducted at Bnai David March 31 and April 1, Rabbi Segal to Speak will conclude April 2 at Beth Abra- ham Synagogue, where a .banquet at U. of M. Services will be addressed by Dr. Jacob Rabbi Jacob E. Segal…

… explore the essentials of Israel Congregation, this service Tora Judaism through prayer, will be conducted by students, study and discussion. Social and joined by Dr. Herman Jacobs di- recreational…

… activities are also rector of the foundation, and Rabbi part of the program. The Central East congregations Harold White of Beth Israel. Among the collegians are John to be represented are from six Planer…

April 14, 1967 • Page Image 34

… the hon- ors convocation of the University of Michigan. He will enter the university's medical school in August. • s * HOWARD SHAPIRO, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin J. Shapiro of Hartwell Ave., was first…

… near Rishon LeZion. Israelis braved wintry Hillel Day School Plans Seder, Mo'os.Hitim Drive The annual sedarim conducted by the students of Hillel Day School will be held 10:30 a.m. Wednesday for…

….m. April 21 at the school. Mrs. Myer Mandelbaum and Mrs. Irving Schnipper are co- chairmen of these events, and the PTO will serve a Passover lunch- eon to all the students. Passover vacation at Hillel

University of Washington Medical School. Dr. Honet was also a mem- ber of the attending staff at uni- versity, King County, and veterans administration hospitals, Seattle. Dr. Honet attended Union Col- lege…

…, Schnectady, N.Y., and holds degree from Albany Medical Col- lege and the University of Minne- sota. He interned at Albany Hospi- tal, served an assistant residency there and at the Veterans Admin- istration…

… Detroit Districts will present its queen at a number of commu- nity events in coming months. A graduate of Oak Park High School last June, Marlene, 19, is attending Wayne State University and working part…

… others have ever seen." Abrams attended Michigan State University for a year before enlisting in the Navy. SHELLEY STASSON, 13, who won the Detroit News Spelling Bee for her school, Frost Junior High in…

…Young Dancers Perform on Tour in 'Blue Jeans' Harriet Berg and members of the Jewish Center Young Dancers Guild performed "The Man Who Invented Blue Jeans" for the Cleveland Jewish Center children…

…'s department Sunday. The story is based on the adven- tures of Levi Straus, who came to America from Bavaria in the 1850s, and by a strange series of events became the inventor of blue denims. The orighul dance…

… dance at a Folk Fes- tival at Lake Erie College, Ohio. Members of the guild making the Ohio tour were Marcie Cutler, Linda Fink, Cindy Geffen, Ruth Gorka, Cynthia Jennings, Cheri Plavnick, Mindy Tilchin…

March 17, 1967 • Page Image 39

… Rabbi Segal, Samuel wrote: "I can understand why Moshe Sharett (Israel's late prime minister) of blessed memory could not tear himself away from the place . . . The hours I spent in the Hillel classes…

… administration divi- sion. He will continue to be in charge of counseling, with a pro- motion from assistant superinten- dent to associate superintendent. * * * HENRY FEINBERG, president of the Michigan Chapter of

… Psychotherapy and Psy chodrama this weekend at the Roosevelt Hotel, New York City. * * * Michigan Civil Rights Commis- sioners Dr. A. A. BANKS, Jr., and SIDNEY M. SHEVITZ were sworn in for their second term of

… member of the board of governors of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. * * * Rabbi ERNST CONRAD served as master of ceremonies at the 15th annual dinner meeting of the Pontiac Urban League Thursday…

of a "visual" university press which will produce specially designed films for classroom and research use — has been created at Brandeis University's Morse Center for' the Study of Communi- cation…

… Lectures in the Science will be given at the Weizmann Institute of Science this year in Rehovoth by Prof. GEORGE WALD, of Har- vard 'University, MOSHE SHALTIEL of Tel Aviv has arrived in Chicago to work…

…. announce the en- gagement of their daughter Deb- orah to Allan Levi, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Levi of Windsor. Miss Wolok is a graduate of Wayne State University. Her fiance is pursuing his doctoral studies…

… in social psychology at Columbia University. A July wedding is planned. FRANK PAUL and his ORCHESTRA "Music of Its Best for Your Guests" EL 7-1799 SAVE 25% ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED STERLING…

… the students recently when he sat in on classes at Hillel Day School. He is shown here with Rabbi Jacob Segal (left) in the seventh grade class. Commenting later on his ex- periences in a letter to…

… have done more for my spirits and for my vision of the future than a hundred books and sermons .. ." Livonia Congregation Plans Cabaret Night The Livonia Jewish Congrega- tion will hold a Cabaret Night…

September 08, 1967 • Page Image 22

….m. Wednesday at the SHOLEM ALEICHEM LODGE home of Mrs. Joel Cohen, 6914 Pine will hold its fifth annual banquet Eagle Lane. Birmingham. The 6:30 p.m. Sunday at Cong. Beth speaker will be Rami Amitz-Lev. Hillel

…. Miss Ben Grant, 342-6250, or Jacob Feldman has attended Michigan Gubow, 342-6665. State University and will be at- • • * tending Wayne University, major- LOUIS D. BRANDEIS CHAPTER ing in occupational…

… atherapy. Mr. Siporin attends Eastern Michigan will present a "Bnai Brith Style University. where he is majoring Show" at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, at business administration. A sum- Sholem Aleichem Institute…

… and Tunisia. Among the participants are also observers from the Israeli Minis- try of Education. Geneva's depart- ment of public education and the University Center of Economic and Social Cooperation at…

… Be "Women in Club Work" will be to Address Hadassah Women's CAI& .11"1111 (More Clubs, Page 19) H ANITA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet 8 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Walter Klein. 25832…

… annual member- ship luncheon at the home of Mrs. MRS. UZZIEL WAYMAN Jack Wilk, 17323 Woodingham. , Speaker will be Mrs. Sam Fishman, • Elaine Shirley Kleinberg, daugh- president of the Detroit Council of

… MRS. ALBERT LEVEY Pioneer Women. Guests are in- ter of Mrs. Samuel Kleinberg of Gerri Ellen Weinberger. daugh- Kenosha Ave., Oak Park, and the vited. s s • ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wein- late Mr…

…. Kleinberg, became the berger. former D e t r o i t e r s of Phoenix. and Albert Levey. son of DAVID HORODOKER INDE- bride of Uzziel Wayman in a re- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levey of PENDENT LADIES gave $1,000 to…

… cent ceremony at Beth Aaron married there re- the Israel Emergency Fund. Phoenix were s • • Synagogue. ' cently. Rabbi Robert Scott offi- DETROIT LINK, Order of the Mr. Wayman is the son of Mrs. ciated…

…. The bride wore a lace gown with Golden Chain, will meet 8 p.m. Bernard Wayman of Windsor and Empire bodice and flowing cage Monday at the Labor Zienist Insti- the late Mr. Wayman. Following a Bermuda…

May 19, 1967 • Page Image 25

… bride-to-be is a graduate of uate of Ohio Northern University uate of Michigan State University, Michigan State University. The and the Detroit College of Law. where be was affiliated with Zeta bridegroom…

…-elect was graduated He is past-president of Alpha Beta Tau Fraternity. He is now from the University of Michigan's Epsilon Pi Fraternity. Lincoln 5-8614 'attending Wayne State University's dental school. The…

… teaching certificate and for- merly taught in public schools in Michigan and Ohio. He is a mem- ber of Pi Sigma Alpha Fraternity. While preparing for ordination at the College-Institute, he served for the…

… Tavistock Trail, Southfield, an- of Knob Woods Dr., Southfield, tor-adviser to Michigan State the engagement of their daughter nounce the engagement of their announce the engagement of their Temple Youth. He…

Michigan. A summer wedding is planned. The American Jewish Commit- ' Construction of many new tee's urban affairs director , visit- school facilities in central areas ing Detroit last week, called for "a…

of Young Israel of Oak-Woods, Israel I. Halpern of Beth Abraham, Joel J. Litke of Beth Hillel, Sam- uel H. Prero of Young Israel of Northwest Detroit, Charles Rosen- zweig of Port Huron Congregation…

…-Jewish Institute of Religion, the Ameri- can seminary of Reform Judaism. Colton is a graduate of Wayne State University, where he receiv- ed his BA degree in political science in 1962. He holds a secon- dary…

… bridegroom-to-be attends Wayne State University. wedding will take place Aug. The27. Lynn MetzgerBetrothed to Eric Brown of NY MISS LYNN METZGER Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Metzger of Wareham Dr., Huntington Woods…

…, announce the engagement of their daughter Lynn Ann to Eric Fischer Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- nett D. Brown of Long Island City, N.Y. Miss Metzger and her fiance are graduates of the University of

… Speak at Brunch Reception Rabbis of nine congregations in ; the area are joining a brunch re-I ception in honor of Prot David Mirsky, dean of admissions of Yeshiva University. It is being tendered by Dr…

December 15, 1967 • Page Image 25

… in the college of education at East- Donations may be made to natural science The academy, ern Michigan University. Her MAEDC, Box 100, Detroit; Mrs. founded in 1652, slelects half of its fiance is a…

… appreciation by Col. Thomas E. Dennis, com- manding officer of Michigan Re- cruiting, and Sgt. Bill Nemeth, lo- cal recruiter at 10300 Joseph Campau, Ham- tramck. Coleman reired from the Army in 1965 after 24…

… Pembroke, Huntington Woods (LI from readers of the Jewish 2-1243); or Chet Popp, 19740 Sex- News, Hawthorn - Northville Chap- ton, Southfield, (353-6345.) ter Michigan Association for Emo- The bus is used to…

… Association of Southeastern Michigan, Inc., elect- ed LOUIS CHERNOFF as presi- dent at a recent meeting. Vice- presidents are E. C. Anderson and Donald Weisman; treasurer, Her- man Broder; secretary, Leonard…

… 1959, died in a Houston, Tex., clinic. He was 62. Mr. Konigsberg, who headed the Michigan delegation to the Inter- national Israel Bond Conference in Jerusalem in 1958, was a mem- ber of Bnai Brith and…

… leader of the Jewish community. Sen. Cohen is also vice president of the Victorian Friends of the Hebrew University. * • * Dr. BENJAMIN B. ROSEN- BERG, executive director of the Combined Jewish…

…Army Salutes Health Club Director Rona Berg, Jack Benton Engaged to Marry James Coleman, director of the men's health club at the Jewish Center, is pre- sented a U. S. Army certificate of

… years' service. Since his retirement, his work in behalf of Army recruiting has not diminished; he has been instrumental in establishing counseling programs and has been an adviser to many young men in…

…. children of Northville State Hos- pital. FOR THE BEST IN The time has come to replace MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT the bus, and a new, 16-passenger, blue and white beauty has been selected. Chapter President Wil…

…- And His Orchestra liam McSweeney died this fall with his dream of presentation incom- DI 1-1609 plete, but the bus will bear his MISS RONA BERG name as a memorial for his many J. J. CLARKE STUDIO Mr…

March 24, 1967 • Page Image 25

… coast to coast. Katz is the author of "The Beth El Story—With A History of the Jews in Michigan before 1850" (Wayne State University Press, 1955), "History of Jewish Com- munity Services in Detroit" (Jew…

…- ish Welfare Federation of Detroit, 1960), and "The Jewish Soldier From Michigan in the Civil War" (Wayne State University Press, 1962) for which he received a cita- of the Jewish Welfare Federation…

December 15, 1967 • Page Image 17

… JEWISH NEWS Youth on the Move an ASP student. She is from the University of Michigan. Among the record number of 700 U.S. students studying at the Hebrew University this year is JUDY GOTLIB, 20, of 2017…

… Carolina. He attended the University of Michigan and Flint Junior College and is a mem- ber of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity. They are planning a June wed- ding. 0 tleS CLOTHES 19132 LIVERNOIS ...JUST OFF 7…

… guest. Rabbi Applebaum was the spiritual leader of Temple Beth El from 1945 to 1953. Rabbi Hillel A. Millgram of Cong. Beth Israel will participate in the ser- vice, as will Rabbi William A. Greenebaum II…

… Wabash, Flint. Judy is studying under the American Student Program (ASP) sponsored by the America n Friends of the Hebrew University, which this year has sent 176 U.S. students to study in Jerusalem. The…

… your ove and taste. BARBARA BERENBOIM Harvey Charles Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Gordon of Hampden Road, Flint. Miss Birenbolm will be grad- uated from the University of Mich- igan in April…

…. Her sorority is Alpha Epsilon Phi. Mr. Gordon received a bachelors degree from Cran-1 brook Academy of Art and a mas-r ters degree from the University D YOUR MEN'S HANUKA STORE IS — 1 of North…

…Flint Community News Temple Beth El to Commemorate 40th Anniversary Temple Beth El of Flint will commemorate its 40th anniversary with a three-day celebration this weekend under the co…

…-chairman- ship of Dr. Nat Gross and Saul Syde. On Nov. 18, 1927, 32 men and one woman signed the articles of association establishing the first Reform temple in Flint. Several former Rabbis and lay dignitaries…

… have been invited to participate in religious ceremonies today and Saturday. On Sunday, the observance wil conclude with a banquet. Today at 8:30 p.m., Rabbi Mor- ton M. Applebaum of Akron will be pulpit…

…, the present rabbi of Temple Beth El. George Olds, a past president of Temple Beth El, is chairman of the Friday night Subcommittees Will Consider Allocations of UJA Funds A series of subcommittee meet…

September 22, 1967 • Page Image 28

of frontier Hillel May Open 3rd Class nonsense, "Half Horse. Half Alliga- Is Conveniently Located at Nov. 29; Mario Braggiotti, of First Graders This Year tor," pianist-composer. with a Christ- JAMES…

… religious projects in Michigan. Program Includes Conyers on Panel of Delegate Confab NATE S. SHAPERO pero. During their two-week trip, Marianne will celebrate her birth- day in London and Norma will marks…

… hers in Rome. Ralph T. McElvenny, president of Michigan Consolidated Gas Co., heads the committee that is arranging the Round Table din- ner in Shapero's honor. Shapero, who is chairman of the board of

… LLD. in 1944. He also received an honorary de- gree from the University of Detroit. On his 65th birthday, his gift of $500,000 to Sinai Hospital en- abled the establishment of the Shapero School of

…-Chairman - George D. Keil, newly-elected president of the Jewish Community Center, announces the appointment of Mrs. Julian S. Tobias and Mrs. Arthur I. Gould as co-chairmen of the Center's 16th annual Jewish Book…

… Fair, Nov. 11-19. Mrs. Tobias was chairman of last year's Book Fair and Mrs. Gould was a previous chairman of the Mrs. Julian S. Tobias annual community event. (left) and Mrs. Arthur I. More than 7…

…,000 books of general Gould, who have been Jewish interest will he on display named co-chairmen of the during Book Fair and will be made Jewish Community Cen- available to purchasers during the ter's 16th…

… annual Jewish entire book festival. Book Fair to be held Nov. There will also be special pro- 11-19. grams for children and Center Theater presentations of "Enter Solly Gold" by Bernard Kops. Mrs. Tobias…

… and Mts. Gould an- nounced that speakers will inc 1 u d e Robert Lewis, author of the new novel "Michel, Michel"; Stephen Birmingham, author of the best- selling "Our Crowd"; Harr y Kemelman, author of

… "Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry"; Mrs.0 The Jewish Community Council's I Morris Adler; Mrs. Molly Lyons 'Knights of Charity' MARILYNN SHAPIRO first delegate assembly of the sea-1 Bar-David, author and food…

January 27, 1967 • Page Image 19

…, was Donald Lobsinger, Kibutznik-Educator to Lecture at WSU Eliezer Goldman, Brooklyn-born educator and kibbutz member, will include Wayne State, University of Michigan, Michigan State and Western…

Michigan universities on a speaking tour of American campuses beginning Sunday. Goldman will address students and faculty members under the joint auspices of the United Jew- ish Appeal and the Bnai Brith…

Hillel Foundations. Goldman teaches philosophy at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv, J''"'"WEI where he has 'been a member of the faculty since 1964. He is the author of ar- ticles, published in Hebrew, on…

…, and is presi- dent of the speech and hearing honorary. She also teaches Hebrew at Cong. Beth Hillel and is leader of the Junior United synagogue Youth group at Beth Aaron Syna- gogue. Her fiance, a pre…

… Coolidge LI 3-7847 Sholem Aleichem Institute's fourth annual art show and sale Feb. 10-12 at the institute will feature the works of 67 well-known Michigan artists. Mrs. Irving Kroll, looks on as Mesdames…

…" is the theme of the fourth annual art show and sale at the Sholem Aleichem Institute Feb. 10-12. The show, spon- sored by the institute, will feature a diversity of media and techniques by Michigan

… • Realty. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 /3 a Juliet Charge a Security Charge Michigan Bankard a a a a U U U U U U U items made by members of the U organization. A feature will be U the sale of Jewish…

… engagement of their daughter Gloria Marli to Norman David Le- vin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Levin of Littlefield Ave. Miss Burns attends Wayne State University, where she is majoring in speech correction…

…Rabbi Mertz Interrupted in Talk at Interfaith Service; Lobsinger, lirealithrough Leader, Involved An ecumenical prayer service at a local cathedral, the first of its kind in Detroit, was disrupted…

… by 25 demonstrators last week. When Rabbi Richard Hertz of Temple Beth El began speaking, the group walked out en masse. A leader of the protestors, self- designated as Roman Catholic tra_ dtionalists…

July 21, 1967 • Page Image 22

… named member of the first debat- ing team at Stevenson High School, Livonia. He attended a two-week course in debate and forensics at Eastern Michigan University. The' team won first place in the Mich- I…

Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University, said this week that at no point during his two decades in Jewish student work "have I seen a genuine out- burst of Jewish concern and soli- darity even remotely…

… igan High School Forensic Asso- ciation debates sponsored by the Detroit Free Press and the Univer- sity of Michigan. Stanley is a mem- ber of the Livonia Jewish Con- gregation. * * * At the East Detroit…

…22—Friday, July 21, 1967 Made Students the Grade THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS They Mayan Confers With Gen. Bull STANLEY J. BOCK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bock of Mark Lane Dr., Southfield, has been…

… fire on the Suez banks. UN observers have been stationed on both banks of the canal. A party of UN observers went to Kan- tara as guests of the Israeli army to inspect accommodations that have been made…

…, Detroit Israel Bond director, handing $1,000 Israel Bond to Joel Ribiat, 13, who used his Bar Mitzva gifts to purchase a $1,000 Israel Bond. Joel, an eighth grade pupil of Akiva Day School, had his Bar…

… Mitzva at Young Israel of Oak- Woods. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ribiat of 24700 Radclift, Oak Park. niyit .3 7 5 rr:7 1 -)1 1 ;) "Qi'R ,P10 Rabbi Max Kapustin, director of the Bnai Brith…

… comparable" with the reaction to the Middle East war. "Before the outbreak of hos- tilities," said Rabbi Kapustin, "the mood of Jewish students showed a dramatic change. There was in- creased traffic at the…

Hillel House, telephone inquiries and approach- ing the director all over the cam- pus. The question was always the same: 'Is there news from Israel?' The radios at the house were kept going without…

… interruption." To accommodate Israeli stu- dents, some of whom were called ri") .3 7 4 ts'reel ,‘? ,L ? Campus Concern for Israel Noted Rabbi Kapustin said a "watch- ful eye" was kept on Arab stu- dents…

May 26, 1967 • Page Image 33

…, Judith Rapoport. Ronald Hashomer Hatzair, and was dis- of lfare concerned a b ou t th e w e has tributecl to the following groups: Schnaar. Bradley Schram and Da- from Harvard University. He Michigan

… among the minority, it 2. How would you define Is- The University of Michigan should be carefully investigated. rael? The homeland of the Jews said sentimental attachment Awards A have been awarded to the…

… than the homeland of the citi- WSU Hillel Speaker to Be Yeshiva Prof John Kaner, Judy Kerwin. : I would like to live there . . . I , Heller, rens of Israel. Dr, Louis H. Feldman, professor , with English…

… Sprinkle and Doug- . versify Annual Hillel Lecture 8:15 Dr, Max Kapustin, director of things that are going on with a good career in Israel, they would las Zusman. p.m. Thursday in the Lower De- the Bnai…

November 24, 1967 • Page Image 4

… from the Hebrew by Hillel Hal- kin. There are appropriate illustrations by Joan Drescher. The author, a native of Jerusalem, now associate professor of mod- ern Hebrew literature at Brandeis University

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English--Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National…

…'s position, the great emphasis of the of the Hillel Day School to assure the con- era in which we live is in behalf of the United tinuation of its great educational efforts by Jewish Appeal and the Israel Bond…

… education about which we mechanisms. If there are to be effective pro- have been boasting for many years. tective instruments in defense of Israel, the The Hillel Day School's efforts must people and the…

…, their way of life. Having established the basic principle like the one scheduled for the coming week assists in this university's advancement. that educational efforts must receive first consideration in…

… This is where the importance of aims at would suddenly gain ground on the university of JPS classics. "Ta'anit" is presented in complete Hebrew text with campus. Yet, thanks to delusions regarding…

… advancing Israel's higher institutions of the civil rights issue, it is now a reality: translations on parallel pages. learning conies. The universities — the The extensive notes also appear in the Hebrew…

… appeals in behalf of Bar-Ilan that is deplorable and inexcusable. It is be- the Talmud and its evaluation. University have become established and rec- ing minimized, but it exists. "Ta'anit" was selected to…

…'s commendable participation in a introduction to the JPS volume explains, "obviously because of its in June, Cairo and Moscow, Nasser's palace great effort. Bar-Ilan University has made and the Kremlin, have…

… Detroit, Michigan CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Business Manager Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath…

May 12, 1967 • Page Image 10

… in ismgoes back to the First the field of journalism. World War when, as a student at the University of Michigan, The dinner, on behalf of Israel he was night editor of the Michi- Bonds. will he held 0…

… general of the Israel Mini- stry for Foreign Affairs, will be guest speaker. Rabbi Moses Lehrman, spiritual leader of Cong. Bnai Moshe and (Direct .ITA Teletype Wire president of the Michigan Zionist to The…

… Lipsitz, lifelOng Zionist and long- time member of Arlazaroff. Rabbi Mo s es Lehrman, spiri- tual leader of Cong. Bnai Moshe and president of the Zionist Re- Rabbi Lehrman gion of Michigan, will be guest…

…, Southfield, 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. The reception is in advance of the Cong. Beth Hillel Israel 19th anniversary dinner, 6:30 p.m. May 28 at Beth Hillel THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10—Friday, May 12, 1967 WHEN YOU…

…- tion, is chairman of the world board of Bar-Ilan University, of which he was a key founder. He is a member of the Jewish Agency for Israel, a member of the execu- tive committee of the United Jew- ish…

… chairman of a tribute din- Eshel, deputy director of the Israel ner celebrating the 25th anni‘er- Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The sary of The Jewish News and award will he presented for dis- honoring its…

… editor and publisher. tinguished services to the Jewish Philip Slomovitz. on the occasion people and to Israel. of his 70th birthday and for his Slomovitz's career in journal' half century of achievement…

…:30 p in. June gan Daily. Ile was a member of 12 in the grand Ballroom of the the editorial staff of the Detroit Sheraton-cadillac Hotel. News, and 45 years ago entered Slomovitz and The Jewish News the…

… field of English-Jewish jour- , nalism. As a life-long Zionist, he took part in the celebration of the is- suance of the Balfour Declaration 50 years ago. He was the organizer Israelt.11essicts1 Comedy…

… Star to Sing at itinnirersory lErossI Sarah Rubine, Israeli musical celebration May 22 at the Labor comedy star, will he guest artist at Zionist Institute. The celebration, on behalf of • the Labor…

June 09, 1967 • Page Image 21

… radio-musical documentary on the soloist for the June former vice president of Michigan Bnai Brith and past master of Flower Lodge F&AM. 26 Hillel Day School benefit His avocation is sculpture. and…

… evenings with prominent speakers. Horwitz, president of Michigan Fluorescent Light Co., has been active in many civic and fraternal organizations. He is past president of the Toastmasters Club, Council of

… Human Relations, Pontiac Bnai Brith. and Pontiac Zionist Organi- zation. Former vice president of Michigan Region ZOA, he also is Listen . . . this Sunday, to: 'The Fabulous Voice of Richard Tucker' a…

… which was given on Shavuot. minder of the biblical tradition of : s ay the Rabbis, has the Almighty Bikkurim in the course of which spared the universe from destruc- the first fruits were brought to the…

…. At the end , has given Ohio State University of three months he was placed in 5500.000 to establish the Samuel a basket at the river bank. Three , and Esther Melton Chair of Jewish i seventh o o f - Ad…

… valleys." The Rabbis . University in Jerusalem and (Midrash Rabbah-Song of Songs brew will now become a permanent 2:1) interpret this to mean that member of the Ohio State faculty. the people of Israel is…

… many of his bronzes have been exhibited in art galleries through- out the country. 9 p.m., WJBK Radio on "University of Detroit Town Hall" concert. Impossible is a word only to be found in the…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS - SYNAGOGUE Friday, June 9, 1967-21 SERVICES YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST DETROIT: Services 7:50 p.m. to- day and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Prero will speak on "Shavuot…

… Approaches. " THE NEW TEMPLE: Services 8:30 p.m. at the Birmingham Unitarian Church. Dr. G. Ernest Thomas of the First Methodist Church of Birmingham will speak on "The Program and Goals of the Birm- ingham…

… Council of Churches-" TEMPLE BETH EL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Religious school gradua- tion exercises will he held. Rabbi Hertz will speak on "Jews by Birth or Worth?" (See Youth Page). Services 11:15 a…

November 17, 1967 • Page Image 16

University of Michigan, will be keynote speaker at "Impact '67," the annual Women's Institute to be held 10 a.m.-2:45 p.m. Nov. 30 at the Jewish Cen- ter. The institute is sponsored by the Women's Division of

… Colorado. He joined the faculty of the University of Michigan in 1952, and in 1963 he was named head of the newly organized department of linguistics there. Participating in the morning discussion groups are…

…. 27 at Cong. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16—Friday, November 17, 1967 At the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jeru- salem, the new nurses' residence, built through the generosity of Harry and…

… the Jewish Welfare Federa- tion. Mrs. David J. Schachter is chairman. Dr. Paper at- t e n d e d Yeshiva Dr. Paper University in New York and received his bachelor of arts degree from the University of

… rights committee of the Detroit Bar As- sociation; and Rev. Hubert Locke, director of the Office of Religious Affairs at Wayne St: to University and former Detroit Police Depart- ment official. Mrs. Morris…

… Reva Lindenbaum, is officially opened with the unveiling of the plaque at the entrance. The Lindenbaums (above) have named the building in memory of their parents, Lemel and Zivia Lendenbaum and…

… Johnathan F. and Rucia Duscoff. They came to Detroit may years ago and always took an interest in the needs of American and Zionist causes. David-Horodoker Group Slates Donor Luncheon Cantor Louis Klein and…

… group will meet noon Tues- GREENFIELD'S day at Howard Johnson's Restau- rant at Eight Mile and Coolidge and Rds., Oak Park. Hostesses will be Mrs. Julius Spielberg and Mrs. Joseph Guterman. President of

… Criterion Club, civic, social and cultural organization for single adults, will host a "Pre-Thanksgiv- ing Ball" 9 p.m. Saturday at Cong. Beth Hillel. President Gertrude Edelstein announces the evening…

…'s program will include dancing to the music of George Grossett and his orches- tra, social mixers, prizes and re- freshments. For information, call Vice Presi- dent Bertha Miller, 532-7870. The public is…

November 03, 1967 • Page Image 26

….m. Tuesday at Hines open j house sponsored by the PTO in the Oak Park Jewish Community I Center. The occasion enables parents of , Hillel students to become better ! acquainted with the school and its…

… half hour and th fternoon teacher for the second half hour. Dr. Ben-Dor to Speak Before WSU Zionists The Student Zionist Organization I of Wayne State University is sport- ' coring a lecture ''Ethnic…

… Problems in Israel" by Dr. Shmuel Ben-Dor 4 p.m. Monday in the Mart Room ! of Wayne State University. Dr. Ben-Dor is an assistant pro- , fessor of anthropology at Wayne. The public is welcome at no charge…

…26—Friday, November 3, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS AJCongress' S. S. Wise Laureates Leonard Bernstein, musical director of the New York Philhar- monic, Gideon Rafael, Israel's ambassador to the…

… UN; and Harry Waxman, New York Jewish communal leader (from left), have been named the 1967 laureates of the Stephen S. Wise Award of the American Jewish Congress. They will receive bronze medallions…

… at a dinner in New York Sunday. A.,117 nouncements Pantheon Tales Full of Delight For Very Young ' Oct. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Selik (Barbara Edelheit), 14590 Balfour. Oak Park, a daughter…

… Gardner. Oak Park, a daugh- ter, Nita Lynn. News Scoops From Southfield By AVI KRIECHMAN During the past few weeks, a continuous surge of student activ- ities adds to the tidal wave of school spirit…

…. Among the activities are sophomore elections, interest in the dramatic arts and student- sponsored activities. The 10th graders, having justly decided to be- come a more in- tegral and com- plete part of

… the school's rapidly expanding tradi- tion, are having election of offi- cers and board members this week. Candidates for president are: Rick Anderson, Avi Mark Gaudio, Mark Lopatin. Darrell Jacob, Bob…

… help in the es- tablishment of a permanent sopho- more lounge. The boom in dramatics is due mostly to two organizations, the Drama Club and the Repertory Theater. The club's already elected officers are…

April 21, 1967 • Page Image 39

Michigan. Mr. Weiskopf attended the Univer- sity of Illinois and is doing grad- uate work at Wayne State Univer- sity. A June 25 wedding is planned. Bnai Brith to Give 500-Book Library to Beth Isaac Friday…

… is a student in the of over 500 books on Judaica, as well as a number of contributions, college of education at the Univer- sity of Michigan. Her fiance is a to the Beth Isaac Rehabilitation graduate…

… Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara Jean to James M. Weis- kopf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weiskopf of Melrose Park, Ill. Miss Levenson attended UCLA and the University of

of New York University. Fund, 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the A June wedding is planned. council office. A special presentation of $250 from the District Grand Lodge Presidents Brunch Bnai Brith Emeregncy…

…• Needy Jews of Detroit Area Get Helping Hand on Passover Jews scattered around the city of Detroit—aged persons who live in downtown slum areas, needy refugee families living in flats, re- tarded…

… patients in state hospitals— will again benefit from the chari- table spirit of their fellow Jews on this Passover. Harry Shulman, president of the Mo'os Hitim Organization for more than 15 years, is…

… assisted by his wife in supplying matzo pro- ducts, bottles of Passover wine and funds for holiday needs to 700 families. Funds are contribu- ted by synagogues, organizations and individuals. Those who are…

… unable to pick up the parcels at the distribution point, Cong. Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah, are serviced by truck. Assisting in this vast project, Mor- ris Dorn and young members of Beth Tefilo take the…

… reached $237,000. This is ahead of the 1966 pace. Megdell said that with almost 80 per cent of this year's goal of $300,000 already secured, he felt that the goal would be reached. He urged all workers to…

… complete their cards in the next two weeks. as needy residents of "off-Wood- ward" hotels. To reach all those requiring assistance, the volunteer organi- zation coordinates lists of names supplied by all…

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 24

… Technion's depart- Miss Bowman, a music teacher standing and worthy project. an adjunct faculty member in ment of mechanics, will continue at Michigan State University, is A Thankful Former Patient, Wayne…

…, world Physics laboratory, is also doing Jewish life in America. Weddings — Bar Mitzvahs Samuel, who visited Hillel Day ish community is fortunate to chairman of the Keren Hayesod in research for the…

… acquaint Michigan optometrists national affairs to be held in New of this state and religious ques- and their patients with the newly York and in other major cities in tion." And on Jewish federation aid to…

… by the Associa- Europe and other parts of the nized as a necessity." Pointing to the Jews' historic tion of Michigan Optometrists at world, as well as from the United stress upon learning, Samuel said…

… to Michigan Cancer Foundation, Dr. * * * pursue it. Knowledge was the pre- Manuel Jacobs, president of the Rabbi A. BRUCE GOLDMAN requisite for a full life." unit board of trustees, announced. has been…

… complex The Jewish world is in the day ROBBINS, president of the Wayne developed by Israel Rogosin, the school. At Hillel, I had a glimpse County unit. The American Cancer American Jewish industrialist and…

… Park High Reunion Michigan, Adrian College and Mich- as director of education for the igan Technological Institute, Michigan Cancer Foundation was Planned for Class of '57 The Oak Park High School class…

… was very happy to read an arti- cle in the issue of Feb. 24 relating ida State University. Marans, born borhood Conservation and Im- to kosher meals in hospitals. in Detroit, received his bachelor of

… State University's school research for the U.S. Air Force president of Alpha Epsilon Phi R. T. of social work. Among his al:film- Office of Aerospace Research, Sorority. Her fiance is a senior in • tions…

of what the Jewish education sys- tem should be." Society is supporting research philanthropist. * * at Wayne State University, Michi- gan State University, University of Appointment of DAVID BROWN Oak…

September 01, 1967 • Page Image 25

… candidate for a master's degree at the university. Mr. Waller is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he earned BS degrees in mechanical and industrial engineering. He is a graduate student at…

… to Dr. Martin Eugene Pearlman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pearlman of Independence Dr., Southfield. The bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where she was affiliated with Phi Sigma…

…, announced that the board of directors has elected Hillel L. Abrams to his fourth consecutive term as president. Eleceted to serve with Abrams were Jack Carmen and Ruben Grevnin, vice presidents, Rabbi Eugene…

…- ' Dr. Meyer Zeff. tained daily at a mobile unit park- Abrams announced that final ed at Grant House at the Michigan plans are being initiated for the State Fair through Monday, 1 p.m. opening of the…

… from a 14- month study period at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, reported 7-7 to a group of friends and mem- bers of his family on h i s experi- ences during the war and the months of his stay in…

… Ruth to Frederic Lyle Waller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Waller of Wildemere Ave. A December wedding is planned. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Boston University's school of edu- cation and is a…

… Northeast- ern University in Boston. Elaine Friedman to Wed D r. Pearlman in Winter MISS ELAINE FRIEDMAN Mr. and Mrs. Leon Friedman of W. McNichols Rd. announce the engagement of their daughter Elaine Sue…

… had won a year's scholarship from American Friends of the He- brew University and was a junior at the university. Abrams to Start 4th Term as Head of Beth Yehudah In his report, Jay emphasized that at…

… which he assisted in providing for the hundreds of wounded who were cared for at that time, he told of the attacks on both the Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical Center. He said that the one war…

September 15, 1967 • Page Image 27

… days have begun at the University of Michigan for Ellen Katz, Phyllis Hurwitz, Shirley Ler- ner and Valerie Scho. Elayne Ris- kin is leaving for Eastern Michigan University and Scott Feller is on his way…

…. Benzion Gotlib, has completed her sophomore year at the Uni- versity of Michigan and is taking her junior year at the . Hebrew University of Jerusalem. • * • Martin Edward Weisberger. son of Dr. and Mrs. 14…

… the Flint Chapter, Ameri- can Trial Lawyers Association and . a member of the board of the Flint Urban League, died Aug. 31 at age, 33. Mr. Abram, who was born in De- troit, was a graduate of Michigan

… 1958. He was a, partner in the law firm of Leitson, Dean, Dean, Abram, Segar and Hart. A member of Flint's Temple Beth El, Mr. Abram also was a member of the American, Michigan and . Genesee County bar…

… to Cornell. Bud Rosenberg will be going to Central Michigan and Mike Alexander, Pola Sorkin and Brian Polisky will attend Flint Community Junior College. • • • Judy Gotlib ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs…

…. Marshall Miller, past On Things" we give which president of Michigan Federation Livernois are so much appreciated. of Temple Sisterhoods, at an in- With doctrination meeting Sept. 12. The general membership…

… inaugurating a joint 'study 19301 Livernois nr. 7 group to be led by Rabbi Hillel Milgram three Tuesdays a month EMILY BROWN, Bridal Consultant at the BelliSrael _Synagogue and the fourth Tuesday in the form of

… State University in 1954 and Wayne State University's law school in 1957. He worked in the mortgage division of the American Savings and Loan Association in Detroit until opening law offices in Flint in…

…Ti nt Community News Noreen Kasle Engaged to Arnold S. Schafer MISS NOREEN KASLE Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kasle of Flint announce the engagement of their daughter Noreen Laura to Arnold Stewart Schafer…

…. A June 30 wedding date has been chosen by Miss Kasle and her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Schafer, also of Flint. Robert Marc Abram, Flint Attorney, Dead Robert Mark Abram, past presi- dent of

May 05, 1967 • Page Image 24

…. Neeleman, in their home, 29351 Leemoor, South- field, 8:30 p.m. May 17. The reception is in advance of the Beth Hillel anniversary dinner. • • • Judge Kaufman to Be at Pinsker Celebration Judge Ira G…

… the presentation of life member- ship certificates at a dinner at the Masonic Temple 6:30 p.m. May 17. Frank J. Kelley, attorney general of Michigan, will be principal speaker. For reservations, call…

… artist at the Cong. Beth Otto Feinstein, associate professor Hillel Israel 19th anniversary din- of international relations at Mon- ner 6 p.m.. May 28 in the social teith College, Wayne State Univer- hall…

…. Rabbi Sherwin T. Memorial Day Rites and Mrs. Jack Wildstrom. The Wine will moderate. toastmaster will be Benoit Gorge, The meeting is sponsored by the for War Veterans - Set president of Beth Hillel

…. Rabbi Joel social action committee. The Department of Michigan Rabbi Wine will discuss "the Jewish War Veterans will conduct J. I.itke will give the tribute to the honorees. New Morality" at the Temple…

… memorial ser- particularly at the Concord Hotel. cultivation in India. vices. • Manic ian Heads Beth Hillel 'Menu' To Mark 25th AMPAL Anniversary Monday at Local Reort Meetin pg The 25th anniversary of

… committee of the LabOr Zionist movement, will be testimonial chairman. Mrs. Morris L. Schaver, Detroit Israel Bond Women's Division chairman, will be honorary chairman, and He has lectured at universities

… obtained his masters degree in archaeology at the Hebrew University. During Israel's War of In- dependence, Ambassador Gazi t screed as company commander in the Jerusalem Brigade and was seriously wounded…

…' 24—Friday, May 5, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Mordechai Gazit of Israel Ministry for Foreign Affairs, to Speak at May 22 Labor Zionist-Landsmanshaften Fete Mordechai Gaza, assistant direc- tor…

… general of Israel's ministry for foreign affairs, will be guest speak- er at the Labor Zionist Movement- Landsmanshaften Israel 19th an- niversary celebration May 22 at the Labor Zionist Institute. The…

March 31, 1967 • Page Image 24

University; A. J. Neri Castaneda, WSU professor Ayer, Oxford University; William i Alston, University of Michigan; of philosophy. Roderick Contributors to his volume in- Hilary Putnam, and r Israel's Per…

… Hebrew Braille Code. He will conduct these tests with pupils in the Jerus- alem Institute for the Blind. Educated at the University of Michigan and the Detroit College of Law, Rabbi Brevis was a prac…

… State University; Leon- and Linsky and Charles E. Caton, State University Press. "Intentionality, Minds and Per- University of Illinois; Roderick M. ception" was edited by Dr. Hector- Chisholm, Brown…

… and Steven Frenkel and Dr. Gaylord Alexander. Flower girl was Karen Alexander and Eric Allan was the ring bearer. "Distinctive Styling in Music to your Individual Taste" Keith Lehrer, University of

… professor of public health at the University of Minnesota, is a member of the College and Uni- versity Council of Chabad.11e has appeared as a guest lecturer Dr. Green and participated in scientific symposia…

…. Adv. are able to relocate. RE-ELECT ROWLEY COUNCILMAN LI 7-2770 From LONDON, ENGLAND Calvin College; Wilfred Sellars, University of Pittsburgh; Bruce Aune, University of Massachusetts; of the…

…24—Friday, March 31, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS' Carol _Bennett 3farres WSU Philosophic Symposium Forms -Ur. Cohen of Lansing Basis for Volume by Dr. Casteneda . Eminent scholars are partici…

…- elude in addition to the editor pants in a symposium discussing and Profs. Robert C. Sleigh, Jr., contemporary philosophy, in a vol- and Edmund L. Gettier HI, also ume just published by Wayne of Wayne…

… Capita Income MRS. JEROME STURMAN Serving as matron of honor for her sister was Mrs. Gaylord Alex- ander, and maid of honor was Ilene Sturman, sister of the bridegroom. Bridesmaids were Carol Steen…

…, Doris Paull, Mrs. Ronald Wilner, Margaret Port- noff and Shelley 3anowitz. Best man for the bridegroom was Ronald Keys and ushers were Law- rence Allan, brother of the bride, Louis and Danny Paull, Alan…

May 26, 1967 • Page Image 30

…, builders, management and general contrac- from Michigan State University. He and his wife live in Oak Park. tors division of the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York held • • • at the Hotel Roosevelt in…

…. Miss Cohen attended Michigan In 1941, Simon, a music buff, State University and Wayne State edited "Be Your Own Music Crit- University. her fiance is a grad- ic," which was published by Dou- uate of the…

…People Make News Rabbi HILLEL I. MTLLGRAM MRS. JULIAN PRIVER, 3470 of Cong. Beth Israel, Flint, will Cambridge, has been reappointed be a delegate to the annual con- Central Wayne recruitment chair…

… DR. A. L. OLITZKI, former paigns since 1955. She was Central dean of Hebrew University-Hadas- Wayne unit chairman for the res- sah Medical School in Jerusalem. idential campaign in 1965. A reg- Dr…

… and serology. • • • real estate, investor LAWRENCE SHELDON GALENS has been I A. WIEN h'as been elected chair- appointed catering manager at the man of the Brandeis University Detroit Statler…

…, who developed the University, was, idea and got the programs on the fro m 1938 to air with the backing of Isidore Robert Brody, president of the Detroit Chapter of American So- ciety for Technion…

University of Mich- bleday. igan and presently attends Wayne Simon is past president of the State University's law school. gewry e (912 tize This Week's Radio and Television Programs ETERNAL LIGHT. Time…

… State University. and Time: 9:15 a.m. Sunday. Station: WJBK. Feature: A discussion of the archeological diggings in the ruins of Massada, the palace of King Herod, the ancient synagogue and fortress…

…- vention of the Rabbinical Assem- 1 man for the 1967 Torch Drive it bly, the international association was announced by Mrs. Robert F. of Conservative rabbis, at the Sullivan , United Foundation Re- Shoreham…

…. Olitzki now is spending a year istered nurse, Mrs. Priver is a member of the board of trustees in research at National Jewish Hospital in Denver. Israel's high- of the Visiting Nurse Association, est honor…

February 17, 1967 • Page Image 24

… Grossman of Ohio Ave. Mr. Grossman received degrees from Wayne State University and the University of Michigan Law School. An October wedding is planned. INN I MI 11111 EN MI MI 51111 a a a a vee a tr…

of officers noon Tuesday CHAPTER will hold its election at Cong. Beth Hillel. "Dolls for meeting 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Democrary," a community partici- Beth Hillel. This will be followed pation…

… Allen Kahn, son of Mrs. Joseph Kahn of Lincoln Terrace, Oak Park, and the late Mr. Kahn. Both Miss Bassin and her fiance are graduates of the University of Missouri, where she was affiliated with Theta…

… Sigma Phi journalism society and president of Alpha Ep- silon Phi Sorority. Mr. Kahn, af- filiated with Alpha Epsilon Pi Fra- ternity, is doing graduate work in physiology at the University of Missouri. A…

… will hold its tribute to the 8 p.m. March 4 at the Elmwood Bnai Brith Martyrs' Forest in Is- Casino. Mrs. Jack Sayles, past pres- rael 8:30 p.m. Monday at the ident of the women's council, will Labor…

… Zionist Institute. Max Sosin install Mesdames Michael Docks, will be master of ceremonies for president; Samuel Skeegan, Ema- the program, highlighted by an nuel Mandel and Lincoln Racey, address by Dr…

…. Leon Fram of vice presidents; Norman Levy, edi- Temple Israel and vocal entertain- tor of bulletin; Mitchell Abrams, ment by Cantors Louis Klein of treasurer; Daniel Waldman, David Cong. Bnai Moshe and…

… Reuven Freedman, Fred Horowitz, Paula Frankel of Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Milling and Sylvia Kideckel, secre- Pianist Betty Kowalsky will be taries; and Arthur Wolf, counselor. accompanist. Friends are invited…

… program, will be featured. by a program of pinning of new Refreshments will be served. members, games and refreshments. Friends are welcome. * * Prospective members will be wel- come, JWB Passover Program…

… * * * PISGAH CHAPTER will elect Gets Bnai Brith Aid Bnai Brith is assisting the Na- officers at a meeting noon Wed- nesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. Cof- tional Jewish Welfare Board to fee will be served, and an…

September 22, 1967 • Page Image 20

… at Temple is pursuing further studies at the engaged in negotiations for the Mr. and Mrs. David Klein an Beth El. Chairman Mrs. Morrie University of Michigan. The By Makrouers have moved nounce the…

… Sill; decorations, Nancy the Flint College of the University will be a kidush following the crisis is through a federation ' Saudi Arabia. William f Michigan. Some '67 high school service. k • table W sy…

University where she ris and Mrs. Sidney Schechet, re- Sharon Goldberg is now residing was active in Hillel and Young ported to the board that the Emer- in Reseda; and the Richard Judea. After their marriage…

…; a c setting graduates are preparing to leave - Cohen. for Michigan State University. The fashions will be shown by the following models: Mesdames Among them are Maura Elford, Marc Kippelman…

…- rummage sale Sunday at the home sary of the university. Dr. Kava- of Mrs. Wayne Schafer. nau is the son of Mr. and Mrs. * George Kavanau, formerly of Flint. Flint Chapter, League of Women Mrs. Kavanau is…

…20—Friday, September 22, 1967 lintornmuniity New Group Calendar The Flint Jewish Community j Council's Senior Friendship Club held a pot-luck supper Wednesday 1 at Temple Beth El. President of

…- Hebrew or religious instruction In tions will begin shortly to make such private Jewish schools. How- g is teevaecrh, nonly per cent of Jewish clay schools gionverAnlomnetrnetaal inab° thuet n5 on…

…-secular ciat elipihle for Quebec most of the per pupil gory of Jewish day schools which costs of education in the schools provide Hebrew or religious under a new provincial law, Jew- courses, education officials…

…. 8 at age 69. Mr. Koenig, systems, through coordination of a member of Cong. Beth Israel and activities and finances. Under the United Commercial Travelers, was confessional system of elementary born…

November 03, 1967 • Page Image 24

…. Harry Brandman the Wayne State University's col- of Gary. The bride-elect is a graduate of lege of education. Her fiance at- tended Detroit Business College the University of Michigan and is a member of

… Yehudah Schools will celebrate its 53rd anniversary at a dinner 6:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at Cobo Hall. Hillel L. Abrams, president of the Beth Yehudah Schools, com- prised of Yeshivath Beth Yehudah and the Beth…

Michigan, according to ISADORE COHEN Oldsmobile officials. A grand opening open house will Cohen and Wolf Cohen, brothers who have both served as president be held in mid-November. of Beth Yehudah and have…

… • CORNED BE EF • BOLOGNA will present "Stop the World—I pany in Israel and operates a fleet Want to Get Off" at the campus' of bulk carriers, tankers and re- Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: new Barn…

… attends Mich- igan State University's medical school. An August wedding is planned. A number of complaints have Charge Peace Play With Inuendo of Anti-Semitism reached the offices of the Anti- Defamation…

…: Channel 2. and Time: 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Station: WJBK. Feature: Rev. Thomas Porter, S. J., professor of English at the University of Detroit, and Dr. Shlomo Marenof, dean of Midrasha and teacher at the…

University of Detroit, will discuss "Jewish Liter- ature in the Catholic Curriculum." Job Recruitment Creates Need for Doctors From Area Cohen Brothers Will Receive Golden Tora Award at Dinner The Beth…

…. Rochelle Brandman of Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gendleman of Greenview Rd. announce the Ind., announces the engagement of engagement of their daughter Terry her daughter Lynn Carol to Mark Jane to Michael…

… Jeffrey Byer, son David Gendleman, son of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Byer of Mrs. Sam Gendleman of Green- view Rd. Miss Brandman is the Beaverland Ave. The bride-elect is a junior in daughter of Dr…

… Delta Phi Alpha hon- and is in the U.S. Air Force. orary society. She attends U. of M.'s graduate school. Her fiance is a graduate of U. of M., where he was affiliated with Tau Delta Phi Fraternity. He…

October 20, 1967 • Page Image 22

…- nounce the engagement of their daughter Karen Joyce to Herman Graller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- cus Graller of Bangor, Mich. The bride-elect attends Michigan State University. Her fiance at- tends MSU and…

…D degree in offer their felicitations to Ben- adult education at the University G u rion. of Michigan. B-G to Be 81 Sunday ish identity, as the first of the dren. Mrs. Norman D. Zatz is chair- subjects to…

… and Hillel Day School and is on the board of overseers tute. of the Jewish Theological Semin- * * * HARRY B. KEIDAN CHAPTER will hold a rummage sale 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday…

… at the Ferndale Women's Club. * * * IVAN S. BLOCH LODGE will hold a Simhat Tora dance 9 p.m. The Michigan Council of the Oct. 28 at the Oak Park Community Center. There will be an admission American…

…-5419. Inn, according to Dr. Leon Fram, * * * honorary presi- TIKVAH CHAPTER will meet noon Tuesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. dent of the coun- cil. Guest speaker will be Louis Bar- Mrs. George den, Detroit…

… past president of the Michi- gan Council, will be installing officer. Following the ceremony, David Roth, Michigan regional director of AJCongress, will discuss and show slides of his recent visit to…

… the Jewish Book Fair. In addition to her post as presi- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire dent of the Michigan Council, Mrs. to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV — Former Prime Rubin currently serves as fellow…

… graduate of the University of Chicago where he also did post graduate work nual educational effort of the Nov. 1, when Dr. Boris Nelson, women's division of federation to director of fine arts for the Uni…

…- Minister David Ben-Gurion will ship chairman of the Detroit celebrate his 81st birthday Sunday Branch of the American Associa- at Sde Boker, the Negev village tion of University Women. She is where Israel…

…. Rubin received bachelors Boker Educational Center. Some and masters degrees from Temple 100 prominent figures from all University and is completing re- walks of life will be on hand to quirements for a Ph…

August 25, 1967 • Page Image 26

… Scotia, Oak Park, and Rebecca Nobel, 15031 Dartmouth, Oak Park, both juniors at Wayne State University. Miss Kritzer is president and Miss No- bel vice president of the Hillel Foundation at Wayne. ETERNAL…

… register for the 1968 Advanced taught by the St. Cloud Method Summer Ulpan at the Technion of Audio-Visual Instruction. The University in Haifa. students were shown filmstrips and given p a n t o m i n e…

… as Jews. The Detroit area students are: Robert J. Alpiner, 20011 Picadilly, junior at Michigan State Univer- sity; Paul Schneider, 17604 Monica, senior at Brandeis University; Ronna Kritzer, 23070…

… months this summer at the University of Jerusalem. The girls are daugh- ters of Dr. and Mrs. George Gantz of Canterbury Rd. and the grand- children of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Freedman of Chicago Blvd. * * * DIANE…

… Weintraub, duo-pian- University's medical school, will ists: Isidor Saslov. concert master operate a bagel and lox stand in of the Minneapolis Symphony Or- the Trade Mart area starting noon chestra; Joseph…

… course. Absen- By PAUL BERNSTEIN high school teeism was practically nil, and no Six weeks ago, 14 students with little or no knowledge student showed signs of dropping of Hebrew embarked on a rugged out…

…. Asher Tarmon, director of the summer program to learn to speak program, was pleased about the the language. Today, these students are able I results. This was the first year of to converse in Hebrew. As…

…- suit of machines—audio-visual aids continue their practice of Hebrew with no English translation at all. t throughout the fall and winter at For six hours each weekday, the weekly sessions at the center…

…. students attended the 1967 summer Those who complete the summer Ulpan at the Jewish Community Ulpan and attend at least 50 per cent of the follow-up sessions can Center. Beginning at 9 a.m. they were…

…. They learned to relate phrases to ideas and pictures, and soon were taught grammar and tenses. From the beginning of the course, no English was used. Rather than relating English words to Hebrew words…

May 12, 1967 • Page Image 35

… I. SALSBURG, South- field High School. The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion and Israeli Student Organiza- tion at Wayne State University will join in the celebration of Israel's 19th anniversary of

… social dancing after the program, open without charge to students, faculty and the community. Amir Rahav of the Israeli Stu- dent Organization and Hedy Coblentz of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation have…

… writing award for the Michigan Week essay and speech contest. She plans to attend tt ayne State University. Last year, Shelly was a counselor-in-training! at the Jewish Center Day Camp.I This year she was a…

of the Student Struggle for professor of history at Yeshiva Soviet Jewry and chairman of the University and rabbi of the River- advisory board of the Center for dale Jewish Center. will discuss "Can…

… parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Jewish Community?" The public Dann. 18000 Parkside. is invited. * * * CAREN RALPH, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, has been elected to Sphinx and Key, honorary…

… society for outstand- ing junior women who have served the university. Each year a hand- ful of -women are chosen for char- acter, scholarship and leadership. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shalom…

…, they here present their views on the basis of their own experience. • • What Israel Means to Me By SHELLY MEISEL Shelly, 16. is an 11th grader at Smithfield High School. In 1965. she won a creative…

… member of the Center 'Teen Newspaper Club. Shelly will be working as a junior counselor at this summer's Center day camp. Shelly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Meisel, 28704 Stuart, Southfield. I…

… do not come from an Orthodox home, but rather one rich in Jew- ish heritage. Through the teach-' ings of my parents, numerous discussions and debates and the knowledge gained from books, I have…

… developed a firm, vibrant feeling towards Israel. To me, Israel represents se- curity. This is the security that a belief, and a way of life, which has existed for thousands of years. has managed to survive…

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