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April 22, 1921 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO uncEs JEW ENTER Even in Masonry, where, theoreti- ment, it profiteth not to treasure up racial unity they can not hope to be cally, is no distinction or discrimin- old wrongs and cherish…

… past sorrows. regarded as individual units. Until this rigid race consolidation ation of caste or creed, I have heard The Jew should turn from the dark my Jewish brothers refer to their night of the past…

… and set his face is broken up, the Jews will continue to suffer from uniform judgment; lodge as a "Jewish lodge," the mem- toward the Morning Star. (Continued From Page 1.) What the Jews once did by com…

…- and their worst representatives, by bers thereof being exclusively Jew- ish. This exclusiveness is entirely pulsion they now do from choice, reason of their greater conspicuity, his chains. Sometimes it…

… seems he a matter of choice, Jews being wel else from habit. Under compression will remain the only standard of ap- has a morbid wish that the martyr- corned in any lodge of the order. they formed…

April 15, 1921 • Page Image 4

… one. Christian ! Science, in spite of appearances, has' been making no greater progress among Jews than have other Chris- tian cults. That is the great disap- pointment in the "inner circle." That has…

… been the great disappointment of the Christian church from the very beginning. And so, why waste "char- ity and love" or even justice and fairness on the stiffnecked Jews? The Christian Science Monitor…

January 28, 1921 • Page Image 4

… as an interesting and significant MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION (Continued from Page One) fact that on Christmas Day and New Year's Day, both of which Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle…

… sity, and Harvard University. RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN Vice-Regency Once Rejected. of the week, the traditional Sabbath of the Jews, demands the atten- It is characteristic of Lord Reading The Jewish…

… other hand, it will not do for the Jew in America to lic opinion, as expressed by "the man ing has been hailed with loud acclaim in many quarters. Known accept complacently a condition win& effectually…

… need. That the Sunday services sponsibilities of ruling "vice ref' over empire of 70,000,000 human beings. Jew even though like most Anti-Setnites; he says that some J-ws where they have been introduced…

… the Jews was the issuance of an offi- even cial statement endorsing the Balfour his Anti-Jewish prejudices can perhaps best be capitalized, this matter—but as well that of many of our colleagues amply…

… World-Zionist Executive Committee. well established antipathy to the Jew, he again pours out the. vials affairs are generally suspended and our net 3, like ourselves, This project fell through, but it was…

… of his wrath upon the Jew, repeating and accepting as truth every attend their various places of worship, we are uch more likely to at his earnest request that Sir Alfred Mond and James de Rothschild…

… together for the unholy purpose of exterminating The argument that Sunday services are not in line with true pointment of Lord Reading as Vice- the Jew or at the very least, of isolating him from contact…

… among the Jews that God may not be worshiped at all when the Government of India act will of the "Jewish problem" but what he actually has in mind as any tittles? For our part, we believe that the more…

… general introduc- h e put to a practical test ands ew councils be set up which will seek to establish unprejudiced reader of his book may see, is to get rid of the Jews. tion of the Sunday service in the…

August 05, 1921 • Page Image 4

… circumstances, and thus he survived. But he is also an adept in the art of forgetting. The same optimism that made possible MICHIGAN8 JEWISH HOES PUBLICATION his proficiency in the art of learning also helped him…

… this is indeed of the fact 1,800,000 Surely in a great city with The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of interest to the that the Jew is able to master not only the art of learning…

… lax until the loosening Is Jews. Jews contribute to charities of all now a general one. Maybe the swift currents of the present kinds which are not and cannot be fast life of jazz and popular movies…

…, and toddle and fox-trot included in the Federation of Jew- Charities. This tends to accentu- found a weak spot in the foundation and has begun its work of ish ate the fact that the Jews forming on…

… yesterday, and will be only dim recollec- iLm d fc arcetd i tl e shnn a mat that tions of a wonderful past unless there is a sudden re-awaken- demo nstrates t the charity the heart of the Jew - , tern of ing…

… • very sorry frame of mind. Again the Jew will be on the defensive. It is pitiable to observe how many families have been wrecked upon the rocks of financial disaster because of the unchecked The Federated…

… are helped by the Jew i their religion and deny their parentage in order to attain the reports. institutions, and many Jews aid ish leaders of Cleveland because it is contrary to the spirit of our coun…

… From a book that has just been published we quote the fol- author of which was a Jew, will have to be written on our the other sections of the community, we the Smiths—though the Smiths led the total in…

… the Jews whose chief aim in life seems to be to break Henry Abrams, a lawyer of Indianapolis, who is a member are entirely creditable. Cohens—more than the Millers and Sullivan.. That's the answer to in…

… recognition at least of the Jew can't be bought— ing that any person of age and financially able must support thought naturally suggests itself that other side, the Cohens most have fought like the Maccabees…

February 25, 1921 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR BLEVentortirmsntrmanou ) fiFfilkntorkAwisti /IRON ICL 1 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION contains also under the sub-head "The Testimony of the Nations," a in commerce, in industry…

… and in inance, he does think the Jew is at great number of quotations from non-Jewish wrbers who have keenly his best in art and M scholarship. sensed the spiritual aspirations of Israel. The London…

… it The book is a sort of anthology of writings in which are translated the before. soul cravings of the '11.cugh he has no time for the Jew Jew as Jews alone might translate them, but it Cable Address…

… Yea' Wiley is not an Anti-Semite and he would not consciously cast a slur upon the good name of the Jew or upon his spiritual leaders. To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must…

… streak in the few. fa times of a crisis it would he true of any other nation. That is his reason why the world looks with sus- nlcion upon the Jew; and that is why n a time of crisis the Jew is a danger…

… the Jew, was made . (as has been every other defender of Jew and Judaism), the butt of • a malicious attack at the hands of the Dearborn Independent. It was said in that paper that previous to his…

… signing and circulating the protest against the vicious attacks that the Ford organ was making on the Jews, he had a number of secret consultations with a group of New York Jews who had to overcome several…

…: Articles have ap- peared in Mr. Henry Ford's organ The Dearborn Independent" in which the charge of an unholy conspiracy between Jews and Freemasons in elaborated and 1Vorld Domination is characterized as a…

… at- tacks of extraordinary virulence acteristic of the organs of Anti-Semitism. To show the viciousness of against the Jews. These assaults up- the Ford attack upon Mr. Spargo and the manly, forceful…

… Independent as follows: "discovered" by au ex-henchman of "As to John Spargo, whose name is beginning to appear prominently the late Czar and inspired by the ' as a Gentile defender of the Jews, this much is…

September 09, 1921 • Page Image 4

… very hard indeed for persons to visualize! You have a suffering, or to realize pain—in some one else. MICHIGAN'S JEWISH 11014111 PUBLICATION headache? Very sorry. You have a leg cut off? A terrible on000…

… go aboutdo?ur So KIPPUR JEWS ness and forget all about other people's aches and pains. IIMisted as second-class matter March 3, 1916. at the PostotlIce at Detroit, with misery on a wholesale scale. We…

… Reichstag• And he says Ilashonoh - Yom Kippur Jew is asst r 4 th•t Lasker's father, who came here long before young Luker was born, fought his way to success in Texas when success Wes not easy. than a not…

… - even - once - a - yea e Whether this additional information is true or not, I give it for what Jew, or a Christian w , Jew who it's worth—and again Brisbane is responsible. When young Lasker d a was in…

… dm, do his full duty to his brethren an t "I fired that fresh young Jew in the outside office," and Thomas said, - wouldn't do that, young Lasker's • coming man." Well, he came, his faith either. "I…

… Every Jew should be an all yea ✓ all right; he came so fast that he is today Lord & Thomas. He is the - - rt----- 1. c,-----. Corroboration Corroboration from an unexpected source is usually thrice…

… originally erected by an enthusiastic Christian gentleman with a weakness for the conver- sion of Jews to the New Presbyterian Church. With this laudable object it had been opened with great pomp and the…

… advantages of Christianity only appeal to the very rich Jews indeed, to the Co- hens who become the Cowans, to the Isaacs who be- come Grahames, and to the curious low-down Jews who stand in the same relation…

… to their brethren as White Kaffirs to a European community." Mrs. Mary Fels. kind of Jew I want to see in positions of public trust—he is 100 per cent straight—and whatever he does he does with an…

… class hatred. The De Independent is not and never was bought or subscribed for in any quantities for the merit of its articles. It has simply come to the front by reason of its .-tacks on the Jews. Thugs…

January 21, 1921 • Page Image 6

… his life. MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION The History of the Jew. Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President. Entered es second-clan matter March…

…PACE FOUR hEy)critorrloun TIFEDEFROIVEWISII efROX I.CLE ROM KM spoken in no uncertain terms in behalf of the Jew, the Jew will not fail to answer that voice not merely with his words, but with…

…. We believe that the greatest sin that may be justly charged against the Jew at this time is the sin of ignorance—ignorance, we mean, of his own past and of the tremendous and heroic part that he has…

… played in making civilization what it is. We are entirely convinced that if the average Jew knew more than he does about the past of his people, if he understood more clearly his own religious philosophy…

… the Christian church of many denomina- its title page appears twice a reproduction of the Statue of Liberty, tions. is less significant because it collies to the defense of the Jew it is a torch that…

… doubt intended to arouse our admiration, has only called forth our which the American spirit demands and upon which the Jew has disgust. "The Torch" like "The Menace" of unhallowed memory and like "The…

… New Menace" to which we recently called attention with full justification put his dependence. So far as the Jew is concerned, this present campaign of villitie in these columns, speaking supposedly in…

… and their abili- ties in creating class hatreds among the people and thus undermine and Catholicism. It is a bait thrown out to the Jew to join with the foundation of that democracy which is the pride…

… and the glory those who would undo and undermine a great religious organization, but the Jew will not take the bait. The Jew knows from bitter of our country. If it were thinkable that this…

… World of Jews—that we will never align ourselves in any manlier or in War had been in vain. If the thinking men and women of America any degree with those who are banded together for the sole purpose had…

September 30, 1921 • Page Image 13


… he he referred to Ilenry Ford's the usual claim that Jews are are Ilayyini Aaron Krupnik, en eye wit- ous murder is still holding his rank. country in 1895, declared on his re- Tested in the Saar…

… had declared the Jews re- there is no Jewish question any more. Russia, seems to be most acute in dove can only save her- into consideration that under the ab- entative in the Russian commission, lick…

…, l'odolia, all Jews were bound, sponsible for the loss of Upper Silesia Ile was vehemently attacked for this Syria, where as we know from the self by her wings, so can normal conditions of Europe, as…

… by review will amply show, the Jews are and Latvia. the Cossacks arranged a horse race, couraged acts of violence was acclaim- judging from reliable reports he must parties expected to be the…

… mass. a debate in the sejm for having dis- polygot population, and the Jews trial of Damascus, so today the Jews since the great Cossack sonal inspection of various European less country has been known…

….6) become true: migration instead of giving local re- 61 Jews were killed in Kamen-Kash- In spite of the treaty the Jews are ern Ilungary, of Poles in the Buko- she was the protectress of the Chris- throat…

… boundary lines plead in military courts, Jews may ure of Austria and Russia with simi- "barbarous treaty" with Turkey from the famine of Russia, from the course of the debate on the anti-im- eral Balachowicz…

… migration law (Dee. 10), said: "the helpless Jewry, supposed to be in con- Polish ambassador to U. S. with the minors, and the municipal council of is sufficiently exemplified by the un- to the Jews, and in…

… Matin (June 20.) homes in all parts of Europe and the Jews of Europe are the most wronged trol of the world's affairs, almost knowledge of all these atrocities de- Cracow demands of applicants for…

July 15, 1921 • Page Image 4

… give out the charity funds with the least expense. The newer viewpoint is to pay social workers the highest possible salary and to judge MICHIGAN'S JEWISH 110$110 PUBLICATION their work by the minimum…

… n vol Kai al Lev inc pia at mil The death of Morris Jastrow reminds us how little the Jews know of their own scholars. It seems that they receive greater and quicker recognition from their non…

…•m•de data that has probably been handed to Mr Mowrer by some who are unfriendly to the Jews, yet I would not go so For a to say that the Atlantic should not publish it. V Mr. Mowrer suggests that the only…

… solution or perhaps one of the solution. of the Jewish problems, • solution that will permit the Jews to live in amity with their neightbors, is to intermarry, and he seems to think that it is entirely or…

… largely the fault of the Jews that more have not intermarried. He quoted Bernard Larare at length from his book on "Anti•Semitism," which I think is the most mischievous anti• Semitic book that has ever…

… been written, and it has long been • mooted question whether L is or is not • Jew, though Mowrer says he is, but I don't believe he knows. It is an unpleasant article to read and brings home with…

Jews which have been circulated in Germany and which "used so much feeling and trouble that they were compelled to confiscate them to avoid more serious trouble. But I read in and through all this…

… article only one thing, that France doesn't like the fact that Great Britain and the Jews have come together in • way apparently prejudicial to the interest of France, in Palestine. Because Mower at the end…

… but wear and tear on your feelings. How many Jews who owned Ford cars have scrapped them or sold them because of "principle?" How many big Jewish firms engaged in big store business have sidetracked…

… Ford trucks for some other make that costs • little more, from "prin- ciple?" I would like to receive their names. Maybe there has been one occasionally. But there are not many such. I once knew of • Jew

May 27, 1921 • Page Image 4

… Congregation Beth El in the announcement MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION that contracts for its new and commodious house of worship n000aal have been definitely signed. Greater efficiency on the part…

… the social activities the essential function of congrega- ed her for The Musical America, the tional life. These will always be secondary to the religious other day: "We have no Jews enroll- effice by…

…. FRANKLIN religious consciousness of the Jew is stimulated that he can do to sentative of America, not the radi- The Jewish Chronicle Invites correspondence on subjects of Interest to the in the best possible…

… way the work that is his to do. The Jew cal element. And therefore I am Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the view upon whom religion is an ever-present, inspiring…

… influence may careful to eliminate those whom I expressed by the writers. be depended upon to do his social and his civic duty. In him, do not think we would desire to have it is a matter of pride as Jew to…

…. in emphasizing above all the religious side of Jewish life, the We had just thought that only a certain class of individual Jews, when congregation is fulfilling its highest function. In the Cause of…

… Jewish Education. have the opportunity, are in the Temple Beth El in its new ediffice will, however, stand true they l the Jews of During recent days, two very distinguished visitors have to its own best…

… eliminates Jews of musical talent and ability as not Biblical and rabbinical literature, a man recognized for his of life will be foreign to it. It will have a message primarily "truly representative of…

… America." great scholarship alike by Jewish and non-Jewish authorities, to the Jew, but for that reason, not less significant to the non- We suppose that David llochstein, is in this country in the interest…

… of the establishment in Europe Jew. To all who seek communion with God; to all who thirst using his violin to cheer up American of a seminary of higher Jewish learning. He points to the for that help…

May 13, 1921 • Page Image 4

… with much success empha- sized the idea that the Jew who is a stranger to the history, the MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION 1 Contemporaries literature and the philosophy of his people cannot…

… educational equipment are likely to become the future leaders in our various communities, with the rich contribution which (London Jewish Chronicle.) General Offices and Publication Building the Jew has made to…

…- withstanding what, according to the ace by Tuesday evening of each week. tural ideals of the Jew deserves the unstinted support of all telegram to which we allude, has hap- Editorial Contribute' classes of our…

… for an Indorsement Jewish other is responsible for the far-reaching activities of this or- Mack and his colleagues do not rep- expressed by the writers. resent the masses of American Jew- ganization…

… meantime, Jewish Nationalism is be- compelled to fight not only dis- upon them during their coming visit to our city. The scientific that in recent times have been made against the Jew and ing sension within…

… the movement, not world is under an almost immeasurable debt to these two men. Judaism. Most of the writers and publishers are non-Jews. only the various forces outside the Dr. Weitzmann's scientific…

… acclaiming these cut but a sorry figure. Another However, it does become a bit wearisome to us to be con- ly men. As Jews, we should fee!, a parti :ular pride in their section of our people, the super…

… among the Jews. For by the Aguilath Yisrael, are doing our people through their great discoveries. their best harrass and defeat the We should therefore be the better pleased did these men this fact…

… stands out: the Jews do not need to be convinced movement. to We ace that at a recent; purely as scientific scholars rather than as emissaries •of the groundlessness of the charges that are made against…

… outlined by them, not only all nonZionists but as well a very to the Jews but what counts for infinitely more, to the cause pitch of the Zionists with the League Nations. Surely a more piteous great number…

October 28, 1921 • Page Image 2

… deal to put mint own and operate the coal mines 2968 Michigan Avenue, Detroit mines of England, first daring es. the monarch out of date. Jews have of the United States," was the subject been leaders…

… death. to the Shaarey Zedek congregation. Michigan jurisdiction won first prize "The German-Jew`Tsh banking house Ile is survived by his wife, I,ena; as a drill team last May in the State Complete Motor…


… celebrated pianist, who will la at °reheat. Hall with the Detroit Orchestra . on 't Symphony y Jew. Miss Mary Caplan, educational di. aggregation of second class November t is the daughter of an rector of the…

…. gave the child her first instruction. . American in "There is no place ..Are Jews of use in the scientific ested are leaked to come at 9:30 Sun- passionate de- public life, of course, for a man that…

… the this writer when Mr. Ford's attacks canal for England. thus earning great first began: power and many millions for his What Jews Have Done. country. He also made his Queen "Mr. Ford, presumably…

… Jewish in Chicago. Professor Michelson may people p be too busy to see you, but any book "Jews are disliked because they will tell you that he is the man who - have been succesul. In lines that taught the…

… gave them. "World conquerors have never been lifled by those that studied their "Is it .true that Jews borrow ideas excellence. From the Phoenicians of from others and are never intellec- old, a Semitic…

… days of conquest were Frederick 'Life of Spinoza.' never popular. We "The Jew's conqueat in his own We praise the naturalist Agassiz, jbe. he said he had no time to make field has run through centlaries…

… you worthgr ind- de morta l he worked at hi s tra a Jh name. see , in • great city, is ewis $ 50 Ile was not lenses. per ing "Jews, numbering less than 1 . when he died, yet he refused the tor- pos rent…

October 28, 1921 • Page Image 6

… Building 850 High Street West M10001:1000e0-0-110- 000G00.000000 Chronicle To the Jews of Michigan. -G,AS . 00000000000000000000- tr THE NEGLECT OF SCRIP- TURES The Jewish Ledger.) Discouraging and…

… representatives , that a translation of the Bible has of our sister cities in Michigan at the meeting recently called been made by the Jews for the Jews. " The women of Mizpah," that is to say, the women of Mil- Of…

… had all this mind. They are to he felicitated for an aggressive campaign. Let no Jew or Jewess in Michigan upon the good work they have done. man, Judaea German, French, Rus- sian and English, not to…

… contained in previous trans- stances. But now the call comes to all the Jews of Michigan. here in 1884 from Glasgow, at the age ment accorded Jewish refugees by lations. But it must be remembered that the…

…TamtessioA/sysmilistornaz PAGE SIX &I)grizon,jEwisitetRoxicul MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joeoph J. Cummins, President. 1916…

… beneficiaries of their work. Let the hold of the synagog upon all Jews be strengthened and three will be much more less difficult than there is at present either in maintaining our social service institutions or…

… than Mr. Wolf. An ardent Jew, indeed one to whom norance there is at least the excuse, 14 STRATFORD PLACE though it be, that the Judaism has always been a passion, he is also an American unjustifiable…

May 06, 1921 • Page Image 4

… manufacturers have done on a small scale speculation among those interested in putting upon the statute them that no attention would be —this industry being controlled by Jews—the steel corpora- books of Michigan

… useful work. 0 In saying this, we would not be understood as endorsing Pitt! Our the ultra radicalism in regard to social, political, and particu- MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION 0 larly industrial and…

… OFFICE throned as it has been in these last times, has many times Jew centered in the "Beth Hammid- 14 STRATFORD PLACE proved itself more tyrannical and more unjust than capital rash," the Synagogue served…

… be made to subserve the vari- ffIEDEFRORAWkSit eIRONICLII 3htlirtutrut of 31srarl ; Professor Boas on "Jew Baiting in America." ous purposes of Jewish life and activ- ity is certainly a…

… article bearing upon Jews and Judaism and in the needy for a pair of shoes" and how one after the other der the same roof, at least in con- which with considerable incisiveness and great clarity he laid of…

… Monthly under the title "Jew no party but that he must take a large view of the whole situ-, Jewish community is undoubtedly a Baiting in America." ation, giving credit where credit is due and calling upon…

… problems that must affect life today. But and in conjunction with the Syna- the sacredness of the House of sofiew men that to fight it as Jews have done and are doing insistent is the need that in their…

…. It is well enough to allow the the self-respect of all Jews." in the calendar of sin to another. Radicalism is from its very Synagogue to aid in the cause of edu- The number of those believing the…

… by Jews today in denting with llenry Ford. upon fertile and fruitful soil. justice and for a nearer communion between man and his God. When Ford began to write his Moreover, one reading Boas' article…

… despite his somewhat anti-Semitic articles, we Jews were patronizing attitude in the final chapter must feel that he is amused as well as surprised at their The Fate of the Welsh Bill. not altogether…

May 27, 1921 • Page Image 15

… permitted to kiss their wives on Sunday. This would tional life. These will always be secondary to the religious other day: "We have no Jews enroll- unquestionably work considerable hardship in the devoted…

… that Dr. Burrell Editorial Contributes France the element truly repre- finds no reason for complaint about church attendance. But in his RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN religious consciousness of the Jew is…

… subjects of Interest to the in the best possible way the work that is his to do. The Jew science and politics. Not he. Nope, good old reactionary doctrine: Jewish people. but disclaims responsibility for an…

… pride as Jew to stand in the vanguard of those other oracle for America and Amens- Attention, kind enemies. Have you read what. the Lulls Co.- nmis: lyar 19, 5681. who serve their city, their state and…

… a radical teachings in settlements that have been surveyed in New York. certain class of individual Jews, when They are the hotbeds of socialism and other kinds of "jams" that are congregation is…

October 21, 1921 • Page Image 14

…. 28 cabin) Oct. 29 ASSYRIA .. Nov. 3 ALBANIA .. Via England or Hamburg to Dan- zig, $110; Libau, $120; Ham- burg, $100. Tax $5. k THE ETHROG AND THE JEW wwwwito witePlomitem...11,0"••"01,11.wwwwdro…

….eviticus xxiii-40) reminds one of ' the fate of the Jew. The Talmud (Sabbath 85aj corn-. • • • • "ores the Jew to an apple. The Mr. Flerenson has been appointed councillor of the Polish Embassay Tosephoth, however…

… fruit of goodly trees, (2) 10 Jews in Afushi, Southern Crim ea. • • • a branch of a palm tree, (3) boughs re Cong regation Irrith Sholom, • Ogden, Utah, is erecting a new synagogue 1 of thick-leaved trees…

… fact that are there tied itle antt,, gert,he d s ee spp igo e n th myrtle a a a seems to be no relation whatever ing of the internment camps for a Eastern Jews• Select Dancing Nightly Palais de Danse…

May 27, 1921 • Page Image 14

… feminism. LOTUS SOCIAL CLUB Retailers—W holesalers The Jew is socially constructive, mends the most of enjoyment that among other reasons, because he can be extracted from existence. lie 610 Michigan A A…

…. To this unprecedented undertaking Jewish participants. Is the integrity of revolutionism also a matter of the Jew will bring his instinct for A Gentile revolutionist is a freedom, his dominating sense…

… principles, his earnestness and sincerity and sagacity, and his sive revolution. The true revolution 1 ton's place in history had he been a is growth. I Jew? Would he be accorded the ob- rule for fulfillment…

… bursting Jews. From the fierce fires of his long No people ever has revolted, or of the seed of the past into the leaf the Jew emerges purged and bloom of the future. llence, no ever will revolt, against a…

… clearing away of tent and a contented populace does has fully used him. error. Hence, they do not destroy, not rebel. A righteous state The upright Jew, by reason of his they conserve. . . . . naught to fear…

… conomic system. As af - or any task for which the Jew is not fecting civic conditions, there is lit- be supplied by the Jewish social ideal. tie difference between a limited mon- The old economic system has…

… ideal will be found in large numbers of in both. Governments can be no bet- ter than the economic considerations will persist until the whole world shall Jews of every degree. become a neighborhood and…

… all man The single tax movement, while that guide them. kind a brotherhood. not originated by a Jew, is largely Autocracy's Fortific•tion. I In its supreme need the world cries supported by Jews. It was…

…, for the old world is the propaganda. Among other Jews political superstition with the people,' Cry broken; aloud, for the Phrygian is conspicuous in the movement are corrupting their intelligence as…

… some priest, Daniel Kiefer and Samuel Danzieger. toxic drug poisons the blood, until Jews were among the first to es- they consider the virtues of vassal.' And rears not the bountiful token, And spreads…

September 02, 1921 • Page Image 4

…Tits PAGE FOUR rflE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Published Weekly by The Jewish ns, President. Joseph J. Cummi i nan_th Rom 101. L E ■ I that which…

… in all this wide world ever ob - were ish ideals and the religion of Editorial Contributor jetted to Jews — =persecuted Jews in particular — in finding a Jews. So we are of the opinion that RABBI LEO M…

…. In fact, practically every Jew in this country ship or certain acts of certain Jews'' expressed by the writers. would be heartily in favor of a colonization movement in Pales - ho resented Jewish…

… worship. We ate i n the d press that the loss h ally Ab 29, 5681 tine, or of any other movement that had for its purpose the ,tw Sept. 2, 1921 receiving of persecuted Jews and giving them a proper home. is…

… e oabl e. Itt e wi lis un d ou bt e dl y able, and we hope the importance of the day will be thoroughly n II religious and cultural inspiration will flow to Jews through - on uenbi ,liev group and…

… the labor o ogically that aH Jews all over the world should go there and for the authorities to trace the RU- [hors of the outrage. We note that field, than right now. Following the war, skilled and…

… unskilled make that the Jewish center of the world. They want Jews a reward of $1 000 has be o ff enreecti laboring men were in much demand. Prices were abnormal to o turn their backs upon the countries of…

… the struggle is on to adjust the workingma,n's he Jews who wanted to go .1ernwosunother than th o se identifi ed w ith died only a year ago, told us that • pay. Both sides are manifestly assuming an…

…•nt rs if the C•tholics and the Jews would work together to stop the spr d propaganda there would be such-an aroused public of the iniq roper laws on the statute books to sentiment that if there are not…

… hmut, h sbelL • s w su ccess that t prises, but their consciences are not made of the same stuff of as Ochs. The Jews have .1 much adm4ration for Adolph Ochs a. they have contempt for other Jews whose…

July 22, 1921 • Page Image 4

…. Such words as: & Ropacuri I ident's / il MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co.. Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President. Entered as second-clam matter…

… Homeland idea too much." teifn: ofrJe= L■ refuge July 22, 1921. Tammuz 16, 5681. The Question of Work. have settled like a pall upon the Jews of l'oland, the Ukraine and other sec- tions of Europe is…

…th day of Tamuz, which falls this year on Sabbath ting during the other six days for the five millions of unemployed July 23d, commences the three weeks of mourning in the Jew- Americans. Back of this…

… sharp criticism is genuine philosophy. ish year. The orthodox Jew will observe the opening and clos- Finding work on week days should be the paramount duty of ing days of the period with fasting. As Jews

…- this year is postponed from tomorrow till Sunday. While few day amusement or out-door sport. American-born Jews away from the Atlantic seaboard will so observe the day, the occasion calls valuable…

… burned, shows how much more the Jews have o s ffer from Bolshevism t u aelitJyewosf ttosutiob ne and Jerusalem lay prostrate before the brutal foes. Ever since, than any one else. We get the blame for all…

… Zionist or- Jews fought so desperately with their backs to the walls. Their fer from them more than the non-Jew. If Bolshvism were Jew- ganization, delaying and deferring, fight was all the more tragic for…

…. Three brief years ago, we were fate as the Jew himself. Already in 1244, to mention but one all making real scarifices to save the world for democracy. famous date, the Bible was publicly burned in Paris…

… sent men oversea to help France rate that outrage. Similar persecution was the lot of the (New York Evening Mial.) and England. Now, when they are prostrate, we would raise sacred volume of the Jew

… ' con tice was signed but 31 months ago. We shall not too severely loss of great works. That is one reason why so many medieval 1 ■ 17ndsolgBeilis, a Jew, of the medieval, criticize American Jewry if it…

April 08, 1921 • Page Image 4

…TIE Puryng piss (A Koroci,c PAGE FOUR MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President Entered as second Ones matter…

… invites abuse at at the hands of unscrupulous persons. We trust that this scandal in New York may give courage to those of our leaders WHO IS AT FAULT? who believe that the Jews of America ought to petition…

… be- poor material from the standpoint cause a few -have abused the privilege, all Jews have been of religious zeal, devotion and ob- servance to work with, he cannot by put under suspicion. any means…

… miracles is the interests of Jews and Judaism at heart will stand squarely past, and the greatest rabbinical genius or minister or preacher who back of such a proposition. ever lived cannot take a congrega…

… the Jew by the Dearborn Inde- Adar Sheni 29, 5681. pendent have become so inane, so foolish, and so obviously groundless that it seems a waste of effort and energy to pay any heed whatsoever to them…

… that at his bier there were now famous phrase "the boob Gentile," in which, not merely assembled those of high and low degree to do homage to his figuratively but literally, he accused all the non-Jews

… in the hands of their masters—the Jews. lightful expression in his books, has undoubtedly led many But now he begins to be a bit more specific and not only thousands to a finer appreciation of what…

… shall think seriously upon the meaning not only fallen into the traps set for them by the Jews. He finds that of the life of the departed, but as well of the significance of the Protestants, too, have not…

Jew—they are all in Our their grief over the death of that a better place to live in or shall they curse my memory as one hopelessly ignorant and stupid. noble, chivalrous Christian gentle- who sowed…

… the name of his master, comprehends how he is libeling human Jews of America mourn his passing wisely and well, or as a man who, having opportunities for high nature when he holds these individuals and…

March 25, 1921 • Page Image 1

…Amtricam Aprish Pedalled Carter CLIFTON AVINU1 - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO de Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper printed in English IIRONICLIE G 8 ii- EbETROIT New Telephone LNDALE E - 3 2 6 MICHIGAN


…,000,000 Jews Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents Ukrainian Jewry •Seeks Aid in U. S. to Voice Their Choice. Mass- Meeting Speakers De- Authority Declares Only Capi- clare Americans Are Indi- tal and…

… A pprosimately 1,500 Jews, who Lucien Wolfe, Brilliant Jewish NEW YORK.—Dr. S. Denderly, will be chosen by popular vote among the 300,000 or more Jew's gathered Tuesday evening at the Ar- perhaps best…

… resolution adopted at a conference contributed it sum of $1,700 in small request of a number of leading Jews here of more than 200 delegates from donations towards a fund to buy BEST ADVOCATES OF JEW DOCUMENTS…

… (London Correspondt.nt The Detroit ,th itildR:lit.s...‘„1 „ of this journal nor any Jew should he regarded as responsible for, or neces- Jewish Chronicle.) sarily agreeing with, any opinion herein expressed…

… Yitzchok Issas ben Aryeh Tot) Ila.. niitiolle ages back in Western Europe. intelligent people, when they read patient purpose of the Race Eternal at last is justified. The Messianic with Turkey, the Jews of…

… according to the Jewish to contribute the ey are anx- to be made May 22. What. they rtaKing. Russia. good Englishman and a good Jew, ."' Even anti-Semites re- concept, that has survived the assaults of the…

… representations of an educated philosophy of history and the logic gation I was to carry im i n those Jews is by getting them out of ! ie nen, ne sthtehe:.1,Jqiera•lii sithht qoufeticotns RS we shall presently sec…

… declared Sees Three Type. of Jew. though it had mot been entirely tide entitled The Messiah Cometh;" aunt knowl- "Man-power, capital aunt "There ore three types of Jew Head of Ukraine that the graves of the…

April 08, 1921 • Page Image 1

Jews Writer Says Hebrew No Para- the world a new conception of apace, the Michigan Authors' Association as the proverbial popular actress and time and the size of the universe . Professor Gingerich…

…. There is a none too sympathetic rendering of the The background of the story in. University of Michigan will be the weddings and other happy occasions, ish national home and the Jews them- caricature…

….4.4.4 44 Inca. 'ER ,Americalt Ycwish Periodical Carter C1JPTON Amos - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO r Michigan's Only )swi s h Newspaper Printed in English IllEbETROIT LWISII. flitC1CL- MICHIGAN


… cover the iniquity of a Jew- fessor Albert Einstein, propounder . PROFESSOR AND MRS. ALBERT EINSTEIN. ish Viceroy, and I have no doubt Professor Chaim Weismann, din in TchheargSeeil of the theory of…

… boat deck of the Rehearsals of the choir, under the Reading has had, and is still enjoy- was a scientific mind whose deduc- D lade in G Minor and Liszt's Rhap. JEW and principal of the Jaffa College…

… given their escorts have been invited by Princess Appeals for Co-opera- in order not to break the Sabbath, he is almost as bad before he is done tion of Jews and Gentiles in Tens of thousands of New York…

…, Interest of Peace. Restricting who has decided to leave the stage, gon; Declares Jews Made crowded the pier and nearby streets Introduces Ord' Dr. Einstein comes to this count to a lecture by — of the…

May 20, 1921 • Page Image 4

…. Dress and entertainment especially must be made matters of second- ary consideration in connection with the confirmation. And MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION perhaps most important of all is that…

… of the visit here of Professors Weitzmann and Ein- tein. According to these reports, Jews are to abstain from The Union Meeting at Buffalo. • t heir usual avocations on that day, which is to be devoted…

…. of the American Jew. Its deliberations will therefore be We have no word of criticism for those who feel that such watched with the keenest interest by all classes of Jews in this ( lemonstrations are…

… means represent all Jews, or all Jewish as the most representative of the national organizations of a ocieties, religious, social or philanthropic, in the city. Appear- Reform Jewry. It is builded upon…

… the Jewish organiza- aside all possible racial and nationalistic interpretatons of Jew- t ions in our city they actually stand and speak for. ish life, all are agreed that Jewry represents a people…

… bound This has no bearing whatsoever upon our attitude toward together by the tie of religion. Of the religion of the Jew, the t he nationalistic theories of Drs. Weitzmann and Einstein and congregation…

… difficulties that The problems coming before the Buffalo meeting will un- as representatives of that scientific scholarship which they have confront zo f o etho othee, Jew, , b but t d a s e evenmore o ar et the…

…. Undoubtedly while the Union will No, indeed! The Jew is not ready uphold the dignity and the self-respect of the Jew, it will at to commit racial or religious suicide. the same time not dignify the present Anti…

…-Semitic crusade by The Jewish people are as full of vim giving it overmuch attention. and vigor today as they ever were. The Jew is as truly actuated by the There are far more pressing problems for the assembly to…

… will to live as he ever was. More- discuss, problems constructive in character, like the building over, the world needs the Jew and up to ever greater efficiency of the Hebrew Union College, Judaism…

May 27, 1921 • Page Image 3

Jew is socially constructive, mands the most of enjoyment that LOTUS SOCIAL CLUB 680 Michigan A among other reasons, because he can be extracted from existence. He builds for the future, beyond the span…

…. It means the rear- ganization of the world." Is there here indicated any pur- pose not included in the Jewish ideal, or any task for which the Jew is not fully fitted? Structure of Judaism. We honor…

… is a traitor. What would be Washing- ton's place in history had he been a Jew? Would he be accorded the ob- scurity of Ilaym Solomon, or the ob- loquy of Benedict Arnold? ‘Ve reward our revolutionists…

… each after his kind, building monuments f or th eGentiles G and jails for the Jews. No people ever has revolted, or ever will revolt, against a just gov- ernment? Why should they? Revolt is only for the…

… identified with any movement for human betterment will be found in large numbers of Jews of every degree. The single tax movement, while not originated by a Jew, is largely Autocracy's Fortisic•tion. supported…

… by Jews. It was chiefly The chief fortification of autocracy financed by Joseph Fels in the latter years of his life, and since his death is the doctrine of divine obligation to the widow has devoted a…

… considerable constituted authority, however in- part of her fortune to promotion of iquitous; which belief has become a the propaganda. Among other Jews political superstition with the people, conspicuous in the…

… movement are corrupting their intelligence as some Daniel Kiefer and Samuel Danzieger. toxic drug poisons the blood, until Jews were among the first to es- they consider the virtues of vassal- pouse the…

… cause of woman suffrage, age. The Jew, although not a material- Manufacturers and they still are foremost among the ist, is essentially a realist, and de- Retallers—Wbolesalers leaders of feminism. The…

… Institute. The follow- THE GLOBE CO. once than ancestry. Man survives in forts during life." ing will take part: Vocal solos, Misses an earnest endemonist, the Jew Rose Rosenberg, Ethel Wein, Rose House to…

February 18, 1921 • Page Image 4

…- litEncruonvonsnm HOPI tom PAGE FOUR ALE LTROIF EMI' /IRON 1CIA1 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President…

… for publicity. But let them think of this. So long as the organ of Jew hatred pub- lished in this city limited itself to its stupid accusations that the Jews were seeking world domination or so long as…

… it confined its Mud - slinging to men well able to defend themselves, if they saw fit to do so, we found no fault with those who held that the outpourings of wrath and of venom against the Jews might…

… lack of patriotic loyalty, we felt that we could afford to permit the Jews' record of American citizenship and of patriotic loyalty to stand as sufficient answer to the vile charge. . Rabbi Fox Speaks…

…. For in the last issue of cidentally that many Jews have the Dearborn Independent the sancity of the Jewish home and the purity proved their patriotism by the su- of Jewish womanhood has been defamed and…

… a Bolshevik and souls of those who hold that even now the silence should not have I should be called! been broken: The Morning Post knows very well that the proportion of Jews who "The Jew possesses…

… previous to the last speak think I was romancing. It appears that the "active political faction of of the Jews of America as "Oriental usurpers" and in the face of this, Jews approached Great Britain in 1916…

… shall we be silent and in the spirit of the Christian teaching "turn the on the question of abolition of the po- other check"? litical and civic disabilities of Jews in Russia and Roumania, a declaration…

… of But as though this were not enough, on the very day that this vle i the rights of Jews in ceded territories. slander against our womanlusx1 appeared, there was sent broadcast and of our historic…

… interest in Pales. under the name of Mr. Ford, the statement that lie was not a hater of. tine! "This pistol, if we may SO call it, the Jew and that he was sponsoring this campaign of villification in order…

October 21, 1921 • Page Image 8

…mE91:rworrinosnelaconaL PAGE st( ` it (Awry tail gritonliwks MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President…

… at this late date being to bring out the st•tement that Arnold'. friends were Jews. So Henry has probably found out some. thing about American history. I have really nothing against Edison, but when I…

… as worker, should not somehow be a participant therefore the world should not deal with Jesus' brethren (the Jews) , tht.o t jontis awasst.rog,weivn eterreasn e , . I ti not Kay tian no harshly…

…. Whenever I hear this I wonder why it is that Chris .......... _..-...Editorial Contributor in this great, this needful, this sacred work. There are those RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN-- ........... Jew s. a nd men…

… quarrel with them. accomplish, o namely, rt th e Jews. this Jew that they hate the Jews—the brethren of Jesus—so conve Tishrei 19, 5682 mistaken of Even these, however, can scarcely believe that the call of…

… the example of their parents or other are contributing of their money and of their labors to the raising towards t having complaints h Jews. But 20 years af c ompanions. I am in receipt of aving gone…

… little Jewish girls and boys with such epithets as a , i sore and dirty Jew" or "You Jew" or "Sheeny" or "Christ-killer. All this is There are those who hold that sectarianism in all its forms ter…

… antagonists n he had eminent historian, prolific writer, is no more. Few are the men against it` et Jews, wh m quite in keeping with what they hear at home. I always recommend whose passing will leave a void in…

…, entitled in"A‘bZth the you nearly than to most men, was it given to him to touch very help from the Community Fund which is eminently non-nectar- taker e a go d ou t of Him"—so when have mad Jesus is s • Jew

…, and you tan and undenominational in character. Indeed, there is no isus, too. ' indic closely the lives of vast multitudes of his people. violent a as Jews you are insult ng Je fan insult assailed them…

August 19, 1921 • Page Image 5

… i toms of many centuries. Mr. Mor- PLOT AGAINST JEWS genthau's article seems to have been HENRY MORGENTHAU written in a mood of person egotism (Continued From Page 1.) "BETRAYAL" OF JEWS and a sort of…

… moral vacuum, alive only to the financial success, the so- Journal, to which his first article was cial position and the material reward contributed. In connection with the that the Jews in America can…

… anti-Semitic ESTABLISHED .— . T. A. R CONFIDENCE tablishment of Palestine as the Jew- Austria, Hungary and Germany? a report in Novosti, the official organ 1887 ish national homeland, thus branding Have…

… 1799 issued a proc- ren in other countries are helping Jews in White Russia, where they are lamation to the Jews, inviting them' them to find it—in Palestine. But still going on. THE MUSKRAT The…

… special Jewish self-defense lloly Land. There were subsequent ' erouo sacrifi ce on the part of all Jews corps, but to apply to the Soviet gov- , The Indian says "Musquash." Native to North America. Its…

… great value is for d re s s ing, proposals by a French Jew, Joseph' who are enjoying the financial suc- ernment to send the regular military plucking and dyeing as Iliolson Seal. For this purpose the…

… pogrom tralia, General Gawler, in 1845; by holds in such high esteem. Their process is quite superior to foreign work. an English clergyman, Hollingsworth, "If at such a time of unparalleled against Jews

March 25, 1921 • Page Image 4

…Amu ei PAGE FOUR E ')Enconlixissi Rom luz MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish‘thronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Jcseph J. Cummins, President. Entered as second…

… effecive way of ridding the world respect. so far as they can without violence to their own con- of its Jews. So far as we Jews are concerned. this gathering victions. to the sincere sentiments of…

…••eth. inerests•us for another reason. It indicates definitely from a does not holcdfor the Jew the same sacred reminiscences as it new angle the German origin of the tidal wave of anti-Semitism does for his…

… something else. Germany and Austria to- classic lie that the Jews crucified Jesus has come down through day are not only humbled before the nations of the world, the ages. one of the most fruitful sources of…

… the history of his martyrdom. newly esablished governments. Therefore, it needs that a But the Jew as a good neighbor is willing to forget this scapegoat shall be found upon whom shall be laid the…

… better scapegoat to be found than the Sew. He in their various. churches. The good will of the Jew in this has always been the one ready at hand to bear the sins of the matter and his willingness to sink…

… them to vent their venom on the Jews. Germany and look upon this attempt as righteous and justified. The 'Jew Ausria are but repeating these tactics today. The pogroms at . will oppose this with every…

… of the separation of churct and states Voluntarily Therefore. the Jew need not fear them. He will go - on he will go very far to show his good will to his fellow Ameri- speeding the processes of…

… without a pension. would proceed at tices of the Jews that are now but little understood by the once to name for the position to be thus vacated. some other majority. rabbi as his particular choice? And…

… this editorial. but Dr. Fox's reply to our J , t . • f. ; Jew may be guilty of is due entirely • ° t h .h i i i , iii,,,n di ii dn c u ileavleoi in httehhreei t :LI r a eol enni.: 71 ou n t r (.' . t no…

December 02, 1921 • Page Image 1


… LANDS Miles M. Goldberg, State Director of Appeal, Expects Michigan to Oversubscribe Its Quota Toward Fund to Save One of NEW YORK — (J. ('. B.) — European Jews. the latest to return from Europe is…

October 28, 1921 • Page Image 1


…America', Yarish PeriorfiCal Carter Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 ThEbETROIT LWISR II-RONICLE New Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN


… Zionism, it is dead in France. Not even in the universities is there any hope for Zionism. The French Jews are more French than Jews. There is a general in- difference to things Jewish through- out France…

… continued. "There are many reasons for this naturally. There is the perennial reason, the distaste for the Jew. And then as a result of the war, in all the countries of Europe there has grown up an ex…

… principally Definition of Democracy. to the suggestion of Mrs. William A. "A democracy is a nation which is Atkinson, Michigan chairman, who like an ellipse, with two foci. One is spoke in Chicago last week at…

… part in all the leading assist the women in creating spec- movements in the world, and is taking tacular features for the day. a leading part in the building of this nation. Jews Cosmopolitan. "In…

… Testament Prophets, Jeremiah and (Continued on Page 7) FRED M. BUTZEL, was elected chairman of the Michigan state committee in its ap- peal for $400,000 to be used for re- lief and reconstruction purposes…

… among the Jews in Eastern Europe. Who DR CHAIM WEIZMANN GREETS U. S. JEWRY (Editor's Note: Through an error, the New Year Message of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, to…

April 22, 1921 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOVilt, ME/ATRog filE EMIT EWISHeIRONICIAI MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co. Inc Joseph J. Cummins, President. Entered as second…

… the beginning to the end of the session. Even though Jews are compelled in these days to defend themselves from charges which malice and ignor- ance made against them, expression was given to the convic…

…- tion in the Message of the President ; in sermons preached and in papers read, that Judaism in America is surer of itself than it ever was before. Every attack made upon the integrity of the Jew has but…

… Cincinnati. Indeed, it may be said that this paper represents one of the finest contributions which the Confer- ence has yet made to American Israel. Professor Lauterbach's subject was "The Attitude of the Jew

… Toward the Non-Jew," and he dealt with it as only a scientific student thoroughly at home in the sources of our religious philosophy could do. With exceptional clarity, he showed how, in the most ancient…

… of our sources, there was recognized not one code of morality for the dealings between Jew and Jew and another for the relation between Jew and non-Jew, but that a single standard of morals was…

… invariably' the rule among the Jews front the earliest times until the present. The paper is, we believe, the most forceful answer that has yet been made to the charges which the Anti-Semites of our time have…

… view previously expressed by the Conference, that unfer- mented wine may be used for all ritualistic purposes by Jews, the members of the Conference have now definitely put them- selves on record as…

…, will agree to a similar course of action and that, as a result, the Jews of this country as a united body may in time appeal to our National Congress for an annulment of that part of the Volstead Act…

…-spoken were his sentiments of appreciation of the part that the Jew has played and is playing in the upbuilding of American life and in the establishment and the safeguarding of its institutions and ideals. A…

February 18, 1921 • Page Image 1

…America Yewisk periodical Cotter New Telephone GLENDALE Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English Michigan's 8-3-2-6 Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cents VOL IX. NO. 13. Immigration Bill Is Debate…

… more just attitude toward conic considerably worse, and he point- the minority peoples and toward the ed out that the Jew still has a great mission to perform. new and enlarge countries. ' b • Referring…

… . ex- foreign-born persons in the United plained that the Jew has been chosen sus of as God's witness for the great moral proillItICIII by the cen as determined States .1(l1vIsh 1920 and not by the…

… census of 1910. religious . teachings to the world and Fla ) "That the per cen t limit shall be that anti-Somme movements will be doubled; that is, instead of being 5 nip ed in the bud when t l ' Jews se…

…- serted the point of the articles running in the Dearborn Independent was to e h t issued a statement branu- T ues d ay ssued T rouse the Gentile to emulation of the Jew, mg him as a hypocrite and offering…

… that concern the Jews of this country, whose rela- tives and friends have come here to escape persecution. I have been com- pelled to turn many of them back. for one reason or another over which C ngress…

… in operation their cruelties ended we are erate at time almost unspeaka ble . e . is en with exceptioneverity soo" as our work there a l s op must clear cm: attoge tiler an t leave ? upon the Jews. The…

Jews are a They peo- Palestine as an nation ple without a country . They cannot the protection of the League of • u„ as a people make an appeal through in Nations. l'wa transport is vital…

… (Continued On Page G.) • . The Arabs can be made contente d If we approach the problem facing us the right 'Very in the right spirit and in way, and allow Arabs and Jews to work out salvation under our super…

… the country by lions , who has". lived years in . Zionists, who are acting in accord Jews, The prosperous and for contented " 'So with a resolution passed by the con- En gland and America, cannot be ex…

March 18, 1921 • Page Image 1

Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper printed in English II-EbETROIT LWISil HRONICLE New Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL. IX. NO. 17. Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy…


… Snioker in New Britli Plan TO TELL CONDITION OF UKRAINIAN JEWS Plight of Refugee. to Be Subject of Add eeeeee at Arcadia Meetings Nleeting Communal Slogan To Be Prevention _ 1)r, Lee K. Frankel Sees…

… Charity 'Thing of Past; Social Workers Needed. SAYS LONDON JEWS OFFER NO PROBLEM TO ADOPTED LANDS Ur. 11). Uubrowsky, 11 - 1•11', ■ •111,111 , • of the l'inted Jewish Relief organiza Ifirsch tion of…

… in charge promises ;Wont 15,000 to 20,009 Jews ill other m until workers will he the need oh the tot,,., ,, ad I., ,n . 1. .. ,,,,, iIt .T.,,,i,, ,, ,, ,, ,iono...) .11-sent, the III i cr ut tai…

… n here I/r. Frankel advised the social work-lent position cal the immigrant Jew in escaped from the pursuing 11111141s 01 m close moo The first of a series of articles written for THE DETROIT JEWISH…

…- handinforinalion concerning them mums! happiness, and then urged them sian Jews to that district. They came werla anti-Semitic congress was (Copyright, 1921. All rights reserved.) tary; lien Kramer, treasurer; will…

… rills. will \ nstria once each month. Princess Radziwill has be1.0111e the enemy of anti-Semitism beeattse her experi• '11"ism trill be eliminated," 1) r. •Hie position of the Jews caused hold…

… i to e xpel alien Jew: by April hr unlikely to stop within the limited circle toward which its wrath is dim - red. Pog- henceforth. Dr. Frankel made the statement of Guardians assisted them…

… financially The problem of temporary quarters a c c e pt rh•phinsibility tar gravy conse- rorni,she says. have a way al reaching out toward others than Jews. at every man ma mutt, cs "rid al.o to intim…

August 26, 1921 • Page Image 8

…. Y. Detroit, Mich. Certified Public Accountant (New York and Michigan) J. Bernstein of New York City is the winner of the New York State chess championship just concluded. • • • A terrible lire…

… swept the town of Koval, near Vlozlovak, destroying al- most the whole Jewish quarter. Hundreds of Jews are without food and Iti r. The damage is great and immediate help is needed. • • • • The American…

… not been conducted on a democratic basis. • . • CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. In the Hungarian Parliament the anti-Semites demanded that Jews should be deprived of all their land. Some of them advocated pogrom…

… has 118 lodges in 28 different states. • • • • ant Jewish altruistic, philanthropic and patriotic organizations. So at odd moments I have talked to promi- nent Jews in the various professions, in…

… for the Jew constantly to assume the defensive. In the eyes of the law a man accused is innocent until proved guilty. In the court of public opinion the ac- cused is usually held guilty until proved…

… innocent. When the American Jewish Com- mittee issued "The 'Protocols,' Bol- shevism and the Jews," it did a char- acteristically fine thing but that par- ticular work was basically defensive, fundamentally…

…, to create in this country an adequate, sympathetic, intelligent public under- standing of the Jew, his contribution to American public life, education and art. Secondly, I urged that the Jew drop the…

… cry of "persecution." Re- gardless of whether it is true that the Jew is persecuted in this country, the plea of "petsecution" is one that has been worn out. Its strength is gone. Besides, the Jew is…

… and faith and of the Minorities. The representatives of the various Minorities, including the in the ' ' p l ayed v Jews, violently oppose the declaration of the government and protested p art e .. she…

… Finally, I venture to suggest that influence on behalf of the Jews. The government would continue to work a tremendous influence could be ex- , with the Polish Jews, and he asked them to assist it. erted…

September 30, 1921 • Page Image 16

… 25c -NORMAN BROS. - National Cash Registers ANNOUNCE CATEGORIES OF PERSONS PERMITTED TO ENTER PALESTINE Cherry 4454 - J 3325 Michigan - West 1170 GREETINGS OF THE SEASON , rested without…

… said in a campaign but the bandits were allowed to escape' speech, if only a dozen Jews would from prison, while the son of the, hang from the lamp posts, the other 1 murdered man is still in prison…

… of the Season Marx Market Co. Choice Meats Provisions and Poultry MARKETS AT 14014 Woodward Avenue Broadway Market 2724 Michigan Avenue 802 Michigan Avenue 2481 Grand River Avenue 2805 Baker…

… majority, we re held Oct. 17. They proved the futility of the nationalistic policy of the Jews. (Continued from page 1.) According to the complex electoral , that lately a compromise was reached The aged…

… former Jew was kept in prison for over a cast for the party in all districts are limit of 16,000 per year. The new year, receiving under greatest difficul- combined and the seats are propr…

…. Zionist, Robert Stricker. The number know—that the much acclaimed doeu- Loew, like his father and predecessor of Jews who are members of the So- nient does not mean a Jewish state in the rabbinate of Szeged…

… declined a call to in Jewish questions. Only one legal religious and sentimental interest of Vienna for patriotic reasons. question affecting the Jews came up for discussion. The first victory, won…

… Indictment of Government. the Jews in Palestine and opens up The strongest indictment of the by clerical anti-Semitism in the he- to modern enterprise a land to long In other government's policy came from the…

… the reactionaries call themselves. in 1883, which in a round about way, ing "give joy to thy land, oy vay, uy lieniczky, a former member of the excluded Jews from positions as' say, oy cabinet oiler…

… Horthy, presented in school principals. The socialist in-' vay, happiness to thy city, oy vay." and the Jews are invited to ex- Parliament a scorching indictment of troduced a motion to have this amend-1…

June 24, 1921 • Page Image 6

… their families who had been fortunate enough to come hither before them and to prepare for them a competence. MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION But whatever our personal sympathies in. the matter may…

… the subject. To hypocrisy. In ad many LONDON OFFICE 14 STRATFORD PLACE be sure, as Mr. Fink says, "for thousands of Jews who found :.` oliaTate T s`,1;:iatm LONDON, W. 1, ENGLAND in America for the…

… watch the t e vanity of families in times of be- Americans i . cans o wa t Y m it has about every Jewish publication that sponsors the cause andto Jews but a A reavement by eulogizing undeserved- see o it…

… visit the enlarged Jewish Fresh Air worth'y nuersgon is, moreover, so strong- h custom and ti Jewish Iv entrenched i by Jews. All along we have heard it said in season and out Camp situated about four and…

…,ii,isni,rowliiichohiosikait, the buost: l f unnez1 t"hr Arab to the population, and particularly that of Jews. If the effort more worthy of the whole hearted support of our com- physical restoration of Palestine which these people…

… • ■/■ ••-• Trying to explain whether a Jew is • Jew by race or religion is like trying to explain Einstein's Relativity. A writer on the staff of the Jewish Guardian of London makes this very plain and illuminating…

… contribution to the subject: "It seen,s to me to work out Iiikt e. t hhi ius t. The born Jew as long as he does not disavow Judaism may still call himself a Jew even though in creed and life he fails to deserve…

… action inrepudiating Judaism for Christianity, the convert sub- mits himself by his own action to the objective test. He ceases to he a Jew. On the other hand, one who • not • racial Jew but becomes a…

… proselyte to the Synagogue does by his act acquire the name Jew. Here again the test is objective, because by his own action he seeks entrance and announces his allegiance to Judaism. Birth or race. then…

…, acts within well defined limits. It don not forever make a born Jew Jewish. Absence of the racial qualification does not forever pre- clude one not born a Jew from the title Jewish. In the case of the…

October 28, 1921 • Page Image 12

… Syracuse, N. Y. Detroit, Mich. Resident Partner: WILLIAM B. ISENBERG Certified Public Accountant (New York and Michigan) • • • We welcome Detroiters and are glad to give any information desired about I…

…, editor of the Canadian • Eagle, states that the Jews of Canada are prepared to open a bank in Palestine with a capital of £1,000,- 000. The bank, he maid, would concentrate on furthering the development of…

… community, which has received aid for the purpose from relief institutions. • . • • Dr. Feitelowitch, the discoverer of the black Jews of Abyssinia, who recently returned from that country, is on his way to…

… meeting in Bialostok, Ex-Premier Wittos delivered a bitter attack against Jews, whom he blamed for the decrease in the value of the Polish mark. Ile urged Poles to boycott the Jewish population of the city…

… Joint. • * • • The Jews of Vilna will not be permitted to boycott the government which has been established by the Poles in Vilna, according to a statement made by the Vilna Minister of Interior, Dr…

…. Sienkewicz, in a conversation with the Jewish representative, Dr. Wigodsky. The minister demanded that the Jews of the city go to the polls together with other residents of Vilna. The daily Jerusalem…

… towns throughout Poland and East Galicia, where Jews, constitute a large majority of the population, census officials do not per.. mit them to register Yiddish as their mother tongue and consequently Jews

… here from well informed sources that the withdrawal of Jewish aldermen from the Warsaw municipal council following the failure of the council to grant Jews permission to trade on the Saturday evening…

… within the holi- day period. • • • • The Jews of Posen are endeavoring, as far as possible, to refrain from participating in the current Polish census. As matters now stand, they would be forced to…

… Jewish peoples, and attempts to explain that much has changed since the days of the Inquisition and the Expulsion in I492. The senator especially urges Sefardic Jews to return and assures them of excellent…

May 13, 1921 • Page Image 10

… called the Freie Zionistiche Blotter is being issued by German Zionists at Heidelberg. • • • • Jews of Binghamton, N. Y., are engaged in collecting a fund of $15,000 for a Jewish community center…

…. • • • • 111 In its last issue, the London Weekly Dispatch brings figures showing that there are at present more than 250,000 Jews in the British Isles. Offices: New York City ' Syracuse, N. Y. Detroit, Mich…

…. Resident Partner: WILLIAM 13. ISENIIERG Certified Public Accountant (New York and Michigan) well known Rabbi Ilalpern. Sir Ilerbert Samuel, G. B. E. contributes a paper on "The Life and Poetry of John…

… Tempt Beth El, Buffalo, N. Y., for contributions to the building fund for a new synagogue, within a few minutes 48 members subscribed $21,200. 1413 to 11 PEOPLE'S DRUG COMPANY A Jew named Solomon was…

… beaten to death by a Polish official in Vilna, according to a dispatch from that city. The police officer accused the Jew of having purchased stolen perchandise. The authorities are now investi- gating the…

… possession of all her faculties until a few months before her death. • • • 5 The recent census in Switzerland showed that out of a total population of 3,857,840, 20,951 are Jews. Their distribution among the…

… various can- tons shows that Zurich contains '7,000, Bern 2,057, Basel 2,600, Lucerne 558, Geneva 2,772, St. Gall 1,100, while Uri contains only seven Jews. • It. W. RENNIE, Ph. G., Treas. reseription• D…

… Terror has been resumed in Budapest, according to latest advices received in Vienna from the Hungarian capital. Within the past few days, the bodies of five Jews, merchants from the province, have been…

… Parliament, made it clear that he did not deem an anti- Semitic policy desirable. At the same time, Premier Bethlen assured the Parliament that the government would take necessary measures to see that the Jews

… did not monopolize the trade of Hungary. The Roumanian authorities forbade the Jews of Kimpoleng, Bukovinia,, from holding a National Fund meeting, according to advices received from Czernowitz…

September 09, 1921 • Page Image 1

…Amerieall ( faith periodical Carter Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English CLIPTON MAUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO 1-1-E bETROIT EMIL. 91RONICIA - MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION…


… Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Coots Advocates Study !ZIONISTS' CONGRESS Of Jewish Ideals . LOOKS TO AMERICAN Walter Hurt Says Understand- ing Will Cause Jewish Prob. JEWS FOR SUPPORT NE W YORK. The Young…

… Immigrant Aid Society To the Jew who has achieved and States Jewry. vited to send delegates to the c on under the supervision of the Mizrachi climbed and conquered, it is deeply' to Appeal to All Jews gue…

… Teachers' Institute, which is lo- , created by the Jews from the general executive committee. The vote Ica (Hias) announces the opening of temher issue of Current History. The activities. sated at 138 Second…

…-ambassador Morgenthau and first broached to the ganizations interested in the propa- the Yeshiva. During the five years . he has said: all places where Jews assemble for yet serious M0011. The hall was deco- British…

Jew- t and has performed most excellent program covers a period of five years, in are 500 delegates, who are accom- collected together, only 600,000 services in bringing destitute Jews in peace with…

…. Balfour," according to happened to be Palestine. But today, tacle. The mountain Jews of the Cau- go through high school and begin High Commissioner last August. present on the arrival of passenger , the…

… education. The fifth steamers from Europe and are ever uniforms, the Turkish Jew in his fez, year is devoted mainly to supervised er states that the Government's poli- every country on earth, with no con- the…

… Talmud To- cy contemplates with satisfaction the melke, the Ukrainian Jews in the dull rivals in whatever capacity speaking no common language, s legitimate aspirations held by the ter, Often immigrants…

October 28, 1921 • Page Image 5

…-official statements, there should be about 17 milliards of Polish Marks in Vienna alone, of which about 12 milliards are , said to be in the hands of the Jews, what reasonable being believes—in the By COUNT VANDALIN…

…-MNISZCEH PRADO. face of these figures—that the Jews (Copyright, 1921, by Jewish Correspondence Bureau.) are willingly immolating themselves for the express purpose of playing (NOTE:—Count Vandalin-Mniszeeh Prado…

… film it would make! the Jewish question in Poland.) There would be a dung heap. A Jew would be sitting on it at his side. "Unhappy the people which does Semitism, they construct the first would be a pile…

… and a loaf of mouldy black bread. , containing a trrible truth to which they have made of the Jews a sort Cleavage Widening. present-day Poland bears eloquent of diving-board for their ambitions, The…

… cleavage Poles and Jews is for- witness. hardly has Poland arisen and on the other, a kind of safety ever widening. All assurances to the from the tomb, and already she is value. Cynical, but true. contrary…

… they could the right places, exactly the opposite diverted the pent-up passions of t h e in the Polish parliament pecked. In- make merry ("Pohula") in the Jew- (This column is conducted by the Was done…

…. To misfortune was added mpulace against the Jews. Instead ish quarter! What is understood by stead of recognition, the Jews got, ac- the curse of stupidity. Unknown per- if revolutionary riots, we had…

March 11, 1921 • Page Image 4

…'s disap- pearance were without foundation. It is to be hoped if he reassumes the editorship of his paper MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION "Facts," that he will confine himself to statements for which he…

…. assured that the Jews of this country will continue to oppose his publication with every means at their command. As yet, so far as General Offices and Publication Building we know, he has done nothing to…

… into the hands of the people. No cause that is righteous LONDON, E. C. 2, ENGLAND needs such defence. And we belie e that the cause of the Jew is $3.00 Per Yeat eminently righteous. Subscription, in…

… habit of annexing everybody. As a result, non-Jewish writers also ascribe Jew- ish birth or affiliations to a large num- ber of prominent persons who in reality never were Jews. This the other day Arthur…

… Brisbane, editor Si the New York Evening Journal, had a string of names, the owners of which he said were Jews. Of the dozen or so names mentioned, not mote than As a rebuke to those who recently sent to…

… unanimously adopted the half were those of Jews. Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the view It tickles, no doubt, our vanity to following resolution: expressed by the writers. be…

… told that nearly : all the great men " l'.1.t.E.1S, The legislature of the state of \Visconsin recog- and women in the world are of Jew- nizes that propaganda of race hatred is detrimental to the peace…

… the world famous men and women, but not all the noted per,on- alines in creation are Jews. We Jews are saddled with quite enough things, without assuming re- \vIIERE.\ S, The greatness of this country…

…- • congregation to look seriously to its cry to slow down in claiming every- of 40 years, it is time for that the free distribution of a pamphlet called "The International Jew," body and everything for the Jewish…

… work, while others fail entirely in this propaganda seeks to undermine the foundations of tolerance which as a Jew. Of course Mr. Conrail de- nied it quite promptly. regard? The answer should not be…

April 15, 1921 • Page Image 1

…A merica ffavish Periodical Cadet t3.IP7ON MAUI CISIMISHATI 10, MO S higan s Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English 1- 1 - EbETROIT AEWISIt - RONICliE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION…

… NEW YORKERS GIVE FREEDOM OF STATE, CITY TO VISITORS Welcome Zionist Leaders Neu' York Greets Weizman% Einstein Jews Paid Tribute By Sinclair Lewis Author Says lie Learned to Love Race by Reacting…

… 8 - 3 - 2 6 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. VOL. IX. NO. 21. New Telephone GLENDALE ANTI-SEMITISM HAS Dr. Franklin Asks BILL WOULD FORCE Wine Law…

… watched with great interest because ATTITUDE OF ALOOFNESS of important issues and problems SHIELD JEWS, SAYS WALSH MACK AND MARSHALL applause from the audience that — ADDRESS BIG AUDIENCE packed the…

… flaying American literary Po olicy regarding the Jews or cease Ile caricatured this series of articles presents Jewish troit, president of the Conference, pit to the last row under the roof, likes and…

… dislikes. and circulation in Michi- favorite forms of "formulae" questions purely from the non-Jew- was filled, and hundreds stood at a aptly favorite fiction, intended to pander to the ish viewpoint, and…

… specialization" of the of this journal nor any Jew should of interest that have con- publis, ists Sunday to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Welsh of Grand Rapids, himself a American public, resulting in failure be regarded as…

… pression in persecution. Almost from his first appearance maintenance of rabbis and scholars or its adherents up to public ridicule. race those who seek only to rob and home for Jews in Palestine under ,, in…

… history the Jew has been subject abroad, the said Conference should injure the rest of us." General libel shall consist in *- British protection. Never was Ford or the Dearborn to persecution. In the elder…

… years, appeal to its constituent members culation of malicious defamations," "Our Jews of America will re- Independent mentioned, but there martyrdom was the daily bread of spond," Rabbi A. II. Silver…

March 25, 1921 • Page Image 8

… leaders :ill goveriiinent repre- sentatives will meet fm order to de- liberate upon :old consider the rela- tions between the Jews and l'oh•s and secure greater peace and understand- This is probably the…

…. FOSTER SALES & SERVICE stop to the econoinic mid politic:11,min 1 ,,,,i i iii of the Jew.. Let the govern- JAMES H. FOSTER ' 'unlit give the Jews all that they are Authorized Ford Service and Parts…

Jews instead of 10. will he a matter of actual fact. To 12,600 miles to set of (trot in- confer with 01 i . Jews in thi• CiiiilleC• stead of 10,000 tion is not only unnecessary, but quite 50'. Slower…

… MOTOR SALES CO. LAYN lif CHARACTER CARS SIXES AND TWELVES CAM; and Peterboro. Mont 8124 AttERICA day closing bill which forces the Jews in Poland to keep their business open on Saturday. The Sunday…

… government. Jews' May Suffer, Naturally, no large iloasgr will make war upon Poland because of the lat- ter's disregard of the Peace 'Freaty, as long as Jews alone will suffer. Never- 4 '1,.tlni.111 the less…

… unflattering terms. Nlorcover, Poland is aware that tIn• • Jews can appeal for help to the League of Nation.. The English government only recently informed the Jews eui England that they should appeal to the…

… some date in the Mime. the League will collie' into its OW11 and it may then turn its. attention to Poland regarding pogroms and perwcution upon the Jews. When Jewish representative , appealed to the…

… Glendale 472-428 szs .25-2=25- WOODWARD AT 6ARPinELD Harrison-Runcl Sales Co. 4647 Woodward Ave. Tel Glendale 7946 s h to the Jews. it is es ential t at the '''''',`•,'!;_,Il 'i ',.. gth7:17:::. ' esii…

…‘al 'iahl eanee ill the paragraphs In the Peace Treaty pro- 1 , ' i t ' 1,'") , : „.1, 1,,. „ .,, ,, c;aiier ,,,.,.? k., it keting the Jews, should he eliminated. they already hamper her now anti' only ;e…

… paragraphS * in the V - •11, ,, trace and England on a secret mission. .A.. treaty affecting the Jews. one of the most obnoxious as treaties with Polaall as well as with kettasYi and a traitor to Jewry thing…

February 11, 1921 • Page Image 1

… Kin and Organizations. versity of Michigan, will address the To Him. BOLSHEYIKI SEIZE PROPERTY OF JEWS, RESTORING DIGNITY. • Woman's Auxiliary of Temple Beth Ft at their regular monthly meeting…


… Commissioner's Son DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. SHARFMAN TO Attacked by Ford, PROF. TO AUXILIARY T Weds Picturesque Ceremony Takes Place at Jaffa Declare League Puts Burden of Taxation on…

…, in the government for the enlistment of voluntary house, built for the ex-Kaiser him- troops. self; was one of the most picturesque Jews Bring Gifts, Says Times. ceremonies ever held in the Holy The…

… social event of the year. "Pisgah Lodge will hold the greatest somewhat undesirable stream of Jew- ish immigration may flow toward the informal dance even attempted in the new Zion, for those Jews who are…

… and some- has been secured. Jazz orchestra what unsatisfactory birthright. The special entertainers—no further de- proposed settlement shows how justi- tails are necessary." fied were those Jews who…

March 18, 1921 • Page Image 19

…PAGE EIGHT lite Penton:Awls,' el ROM IGLE FRANKLIN CAR SELLS The Relation of the Jews BY THE CARLOAD LOT to the Arabs (lowed spiritually and his mentality r. , - 'ed to the Jewish, it can be taken…

… ranted that with the same tic 'ng the rising generation of the At, sill stand on the same cultural leve. ..a the Jews. Endeavoring in this wise to transmit European cul- ture to the Arabs, we shall play…

… it possible, they employ only Jewish and no Arab labor. It is true that the Jews in Palestine must, first and foremost, endeavor to provide employment for the immigrant Jew. The Jews are not to be…

…-worker merely as side-earnings. To this must be added the fact that the employment of Jews in agriculture and the handi- crafts constitutes the only means of LOCOMOBILE introducing the Jewish immigrants, who come…

… mostly from commercial pursuits, into agriculture and the handicrafts and prepare them for a life of husbandmen or artisans. Idealistic motives also to the effect that the Jews must fertilize the soil…

… exclusion of the Arab laboring forces. The Arabs should not consider it wrong of the Jews when they employ Jew- ish labor so long as Jewish workmen are without work. But the Arab workman need not be placed…

… In the field of hygiene the Jews must make it their business to stamp motor vehicle with a service policy in keep- out the epidemic diseases of Pales- ing with the merits of the lines we represent…

… own school system through subventions. The estrangement between Jews and Arabs can only be made to disappear if the Arabs will attain the same cul- tural level as the Jewish immigrants. Since the Arab…

March 18, 1921 • Page Image 21

…PAGE EIGHT MEPeritorripilsri encom FRANKLIN CAR SELLS The Relation of the Jews BY THE CARLOAD LOT to the Arabs dowed spiritually and his mentality time reversed. In the early Middle dneablrm…

… ingustto,g..i.,1hi( related to the Jewish, it can be taken Ages we Jews transmitted to the t l ° a t r e Ys t cai )1 ' ,fgathini. s: The for granted that with the same Occident the knowledge of the East…

… foremost, endeavor to provide employment for Sales and Service the immigrant Jew. The Jews are not to be blamed for using Jewish laborers so long as the latter apply Cass Ave. at Antoinette Northway 5470 for…

… employment of Jews in agriculture and the handi- crafts constitutes the only means of LOCOMOBILE introducing the Jewish immigrants, who come mostly from commercial pursuits, into agriculture and the…

… handicrafts and prepare them for a life of husbandmen or artisans. Idealistic motives also to the effect that the Jews must fertilize the soil which they acquire not with the sweat of others but with their own…

… wrong of the Jews when they employ Jew- ish labor so long as Jewish workmen are without work. But the Arab I he workman need not be placed under ban. Besides the above-mentioned ad- vantages which accrue…

… regard to the credit system and (4) with regard to the are giving to discriminating buyers school system. an opportunity to secure a high grade In the field of hygiene the Jews must make it their business…

September 30, 1921 • Page Image 6

… sibility and their efficient carrying out of the purposes which! MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION they are supposed to sponsor. They include organizations both of a sectarian and an undenominational…

… in an endless chain of progress. LONDON, W. 1, ENGLAND It need not be said that in the past, a majority of the Jews In wishing its readers a very hap- $3.00 Per Teal Subscription, In Advance New Year…

… that they shall do so again. We woulttclike to it to a representative body of men office by Tuesday evening of each week. see the name of every Jew and Jewess in Detroit enrolled among and women with…

… community, but to all ann71 Jews S has clinched the nails that were driven joy which comes from the renewal of all peoples everywhere on the face into the coffin of mendacious preju- the bond of Israel with…

… mistake to regard Rosh Hashona trial conditions are such as to give was made against the Jew, but it is as merely a solemn holy day, far re- pause to the thinking mind. It were my firm conviction that…

…; but trite The defense that was made by the tion. Viewed in any other spirit It though it may be, it needs be said. Jews and by sonic splendid and would lose all the wonderful signifi- ' As As loyal…

… problems and its perplex d itie s, to be made by th Jew himself, and first proclaimed its observance by the ' staInc its not by wordy protests or by mere household of Israel throughout all Vie thou atn…

… desire wailing against discrimination. generations. to enter upon -an economic treatise e In wishing to all Israel a very hap- The Jews best answer to all attacks or political discourse, it may be said py…

… New Year the thought is not a that we may well pray that the New must be the Jew himself. The best of selfish one, limited only to a small Year, under God's guidance, bring us the Jew lies in one…

…, before the Jew is to take hold of his ligions to recognize that all the people religion as a tree of life and let its not only for the United States of fruits speak for him. Judaism is the of the earth…

August 16, 1921 • Page Image 4

… throughout the year are strangers to the synagog become reg- 8 it ular attendants at the services conducted at the various sum- mer resorts throughout the land? Whatever the interpreta- MICHIGAN'S JEWISH 1101a…

… Act of March 3, 1379. the • o and all it stands for when he returns to his home even the liberal Jew, at least, if he 'a as much Jew as he is II tra , General Offices and Publication Building and takes…

… even during the I ' the neglect and the avowed the gainst the Jew and although the well paid missionaries of these n of truth and honor period of the resident t rabbi's abse ce. The phrase that fa s or…

… inctiveurrout ud cons Jeurlaiusm ittle or no impression self- viously blasphemous. Whatever there is a is nothingudistl e Jew who is selfrespecting and On the contrary, the l life is clean, whose business…

… principles bar of Jews gathered tog et., whether in the city or the coup- ts historicall roots, i ni f rn; a his civic and social obligations as a try, religious services should be held at regular intervals…

… kind of Jew M campaign of hate that is obviously un-American as it is un- human soul. Those who instituted the summer services only that we have in mind. Christian in spirit. Indeed again the familiar…

… to fall , of the movement, they are to be heartily felicitated. , among Jews, so that, as or., EMIT ' - - OlAS 1±. oubt but the tendency all to frequent among our pen. There is nod plc in the…

… direction of separatism has militated against us, especially in the foreign countries. But it seems inevitable that any other con- dition should be possible when one considers how Jews in those noun. tries…

… rights of the minority. The Polish authorities stood confessed before the world as unable or unwilling to combat the atrocities perpetuated against the Jews which aroused protests the like of which have…

… identical. He says that both parties most realize that the Jews are • permanent element in the body po- litic. The Jew must give up the minority idea and forsake Zionism. am convinced that if the Jews of…

November 11, 1921 • Page Image 2

… and Sulphur Mineral Third. Water, the same as /Lwisit RoiticLE RESENTS INSULT AS JEW AND DECLINES ' MINISTERIAL POST VIENNA.—(J. T. A.) — Dr. Ro- senberg, the director of a large Eng- lish bank here…

… created an office fur hi• but Dr. Rosenberg felt that this ve a slur on him as a Jew and refuse. the proferred position. In local Jew- ish circles, Dr. Rosenberg's ste 1 is regarded as a dignified defense…

… between these men developed as Take Woodward car marked lie not so much in his friendship for sult of their acquaint ance in this 1 a result "Through," get off at Second the Jews, but in that of a Jew

…'s friendship for the Wine and Song as subjects for his ducting negotiations here with repre- Jews was due to the influence of his poems, Ile often made fun of sacred sentatives of the Jewish Commissriat of the…

September 02, 1921 • Page Image 8

… regard in Jewish circles here and is known to be sympathetic to the Jews. As chief Rabbi Joseph Haller has been chosen to succeed the late Rabbi Halpern of the Vienna police he did much to alleviate the…

… distress of the thousands as Deputy for Lodz. of Galician refugees who then poured . . • . The victory of a horse belonging to a Jew at the races at Warsaw was into Austria. greeted by the public with cries…

… Resident Partner: WILLIAM B. ISENBERG. Certified Public Accountant (New York and Michigan) AUSTRIAN PREMIER RECEIVES FISHMAN Offices: New York City • Travelers from White Russia report that an organized…

… Silk Shirts MORE ATTACKS ON JEWS OF POLAND WARSAW. — (J. T. A.) — Polish The educational authorities of Bukowina have agreed to allot four hours soldiers in Posen made a mid-day at- per week in the…

Jews, some beaten, some tricken, fled the towns. sum of 100,000 marks, the first installment of the state subsidy to rabbi. horror-s rated in atcks were • . a • Otherta Offering values 'way above…

… communism, has been released. ear to the appeals of the beaten Jews • • • • . Alfred Neymarck, formerly president of the Statistical Society of Paris, that the guilty be apprehended. In the town of Kobrin…

… privilege of opening an eye hospital account of the pogroms in Palestine many Jews will return from Palestine for the treatment of the rapidly spreading disease, this in spite of the to Poland. a a buildin g…

… and s Jews had 5 • • • fa r t t hat the (Including Luxury Tax) The Polish anti-Semitic organ, the Dwagrosze, advocates a stronger boy- th e necessary cott of the Jews. The newspaper complains that the…

…, traveling instructors in report unceasing attacks upon Jews . domestic science, farm schools for the counter-revolutionary army. agriculture training of girls and in- ■ Norman Bentwitch, legal secretary in…

… endorsing a note and dis- torts to blame the Jews for the present famine in Russia are resulting in , counting it the next morning. The hostility towards them. In Charkow and other centers this has led to…

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