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April 15, 1921 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-04-15

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1 1
The quotation, therefore, of this law of retaliation as the 1
„javL,„7,„„,,,, JEwisfiet,„),,„cii, possible ground for the commi s sion of a murderous crime indi-
1 rates either a most grotesque ignorance on the part of the re-
porter or else a peculiar twist in his brain. On the other hand,
greater men than the hack writers for our daily newspapers
Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.
are willing to twist the truth for the sake of making a phrase.
Joseph J. Cummins, President.
Is it possible, perhaps, that the writer of this newspaper article
Esitesed as second-class matter Starch 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, in question could not withstand this temptation "to turn a
phrase," no matter at what cost of misrepresentation to a peo-
Mich , under the Act of March 3, 1879.
ple ayady the victims of all sorts of malice and abuse?

General Offices and Publication Building
850 High Street West

Cable Address:


Dr. Morgenstern Honored.


not so stupid as to mean all he says.
Our explanation of the case, given ,
at the beginning of this article, is,1
we think, the correct one. Christian !
Science, in spite of appearances, has'
been making no greater progress
among Jews than have other Chris-
tian cults. That is the great disap-
pointment in the "inner circle." That
has been the great disappointment
of the Christian church from the very
beginning. And so, why waste "char-
ity and love" or even justice and
fairness on the stiffnecked Jews?
The Christian Science Monitor, there-.
fore, in patting idiotic Henry on the
back, is playing a consistent part.

At a meeting of the Eastern Branch of the American Orien-
Glendale 8326
tal Society, held recently in the City of Baltimore, Dr. Julian
(New York World.)
Morgenstern. of Cincinnati, was elected one of the directors of
that society for a term of three years. This is a high tribute OUR DEBT TO DR. EINSTEIN
$3.00 Per Yea] to Dr. Morgenstern's scholarship but it is an honor fully de-
Subscription, in Advance
served and properly bestowed.
It is not invidious to say that of
reach this
To insure publication, all correspondence
Dr. Morgenstern is one of the younger generation of Jewish the many distinguished visitors from
recently arriving in New York
office by Tuesday evening of each week.
scholars who definitely refutes the claim so often made that
the one inspiring the most spontane-
' Editorial Contributoi real scholarly achievement along Jewish lines is not to be ous popular demonstration at the
looked for in America. Dr. Morgenstern was born and edu- pier is not a great general or states-
The Jewish Chronicle Invites correspondence on subjects of Interest to (be sated in this country, being an alumnus of the Hebrew Union man but a plain man of science—
Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the view
College of whose faculty he has been a member for the past Dr. Albert Einstein, who comes with
Jews in aid of the Zionist
expressed by the writers.
twelve years. Indeed, with the exception of a short period prominent
spent abroad following his graduation, his entire education was
is, as respects his un-
Nisan 7, 5681. received in this country. Nor is Dr. Morgenstern the only man, affected personality,
April 15, 1921.
but a scientific
progressed into
American by birth and education, who has won recognition
a higher sphere of speculative
in the realm of Jewish scholarship. The number of such is thought unfathomable to the ordi-
The Jews' Position on Immigration.
bound to increase steadily and we feel sure that more and nary intelligence. What he has to
In our next issue, we shall hope to comment upon the meet- more America will become the center for scholraly activities exhibit is not a new play or a new
ing of the Central Conference of American Rabbis which is in along Jewish lines. Given the adequate support that they theory of life but a new hypothesis
session in the city of Washington this week. However, we be- assuredly deserve and guided by men who understand the of the celestial mechanism, involv-
a radically altered conception of
lieve that the attitude of the Conference upon the subject of value of exact scholarship, the Hebrew Union College and the ing
time and space and the site of the
immigration as it is contained in the President's Message to Jewish Theological Seminary. as well as other institutions of universe.
the Convention is an expression of such importance that it Jewish learning in this country, will unquestionably take their
It is something when New York
deserves especial mention in this place. Dealing with that place in due time side by side with the great Jewish institu- turns out to honor a stranger bring-
ing gifts of this recondite character.
matter, Rabbi Franklin writes as follows:
tions of learning in Europe, if indeed they shall not eventually Perhaps by the time he is ready to
The failure of the Dillingham bill to become a law because it
return the public will be glibly dis-
eclipse them.
was not signed by Mr. Wilson before the expiration of his term as
The new honor that has come to Dr. Morgenstern is a cussing the Einstein thory of rela-
President, gives no assurance that those committed to the policy
tivity, whether or not it proves cap-
recognition of American Jewish scholarship. For that, as for able
of practically closing the doors of this country to all immigration
of understanding it. But be-
the personal tribute to the man, we are all rejoiced.
will not at once resume, with even greater aggressiveness, their
hind the outward demonstration

endeavor to put up the bars against those who seek shelter here
against the onslaughts of religious and political persecution..
For this reason, immigration legislation cannot be a matter
of indifference to us, as Jews, for, unfortunately, among the vic-
tims of these forms of persecution are vast numbers of our co-
religionists. It behooves us, therefore, to set ourselves squarely
on record as to where we stand in this matter. We believe that
we speak for practically all the Jews of American when we say
that we would not for one moment sanction the admission to these
shores of any person who, coming hither, would not be prepared
to enter heart and soul into the spirit of our institutions; who
would not be ready to give his full and undivided loyalty to this
country; who would not come hither desiring and determined to
make this blessed land a home not only for himself but also for
his children.
We Jews go the full length with those who would exclude from
American hospitality the pauper, the insane, the criminal, the
anarchist; in fact, all whose physical or moral defects would
logically make them dependents or, what is worse, a source of
danger to our country and its institutions.
But on the other hand, we believe that it would be contrary to
the spirit in which our republic was conceived and subversive
of the principles upon which it was builded by the fathers, to
close the doors of this country in the face of those who, as the
victims of political oppression or religious persecution, come
hither seeking an opportunity to live their lives as men, in free-
dom and under equal laws, and who, in return for the blessings
which here they expect to receive, are eager to accept every duty
and to make every sacrifice which American citizenship implies.

The Sin of Ignorance.

Harvard Demands Bible Study.

It is perhaps a reflection upon the efficient work of the re-
ligious schools of all denominations that the heads of the
literary faculty of Harvard University have issued a statement
that they find graduate students in the literary department
so utterly deficient in a knowledge of the Old and New Testa-
ments that they have decided to graduate no student from that
department until he can pass an examination in the literature
of the Bible.
We believe that this action on the part of the Harvard
authorities will go far to stimulate the study of our sacred
literature which has been all too long neglected. It is a
startling fact, that has more than once been pointed out, that
while no man or woman can truly pretend to culture who is not
acquainted with the literature of the Bible, still hosts of per-
sons who make no small pretense of being educated men and
women, are hopelessly ignorant of the contents and the spirit
of the great Book of Books.
What objections hold to the study of the Bible in the public
schools—and such objections as has been frequently pointed
out in these columns are many and valid—do not hold in the
higher institutions of learning. When a man has fitted himself
to take up his studies in a great university, he should be suffi-
ciently mature to take up, under the leadership of his professor.
the study of the Bible without running the slightest risk of
interference with his religious convictions. If he is not pre-
pared to do this. he is assuredly not ready to enter upon a
university course of study. Moreover. as we understand it,
Harvard is to demand a knowledge of the Bible especially from
the standpoint of literature. Therefore, while allowing other
translations to be used, it especially stresses the King James
version of the Bible as a bit of classic English writing. This
version, though hopelessly distorted as a translation of the
original text, deserves all possible encomium as a bit of good
writing. In fact, it is questionable whether our English litera-
ture contains anything better or whether there is very much
vs good.
But, as stated above, we believe that the action of the
Harvard authorities in making a knowledge of the Bible com-
pulsory upon its graduates will go far to arouse a new interest
in Bible study in general. And this will be a real achievement.
Perhaps it may even serve to suggest to some of the syna•
gogue and church organizations throughout the land, that it
is quite as important for men and women to study the Bible as
it is for them to have a familiar acquaintance with Browning,
Ibsen and even Shakespeare.


I dreamt I saw an angel in the sky,
Her face was calm and fair up there on high;
She smiled at me a strange and lovely smile
That had in it no thought of earthly guile.
She looked so fair, so strange and wondrous purr,
That 'twos an angel, I was passing sure;
She spoke—her voice was music in the air;
•So sweet it was, it matched her person fair.
She asked me, "Is there aught that I can do?"
I humbly answered, "Make me fair as you."
She smiled again, that strange unearthly smile,
That made all mundane things seem crude andvile-
"Thou art not ready yet," she seemed to say,
And with a sigh, she floated far away,


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there is discernible a sincere tribute
of admiration to the physicist who,
amid the turmoil of war and the dis-
tractions of material interests, has
kept his mind fixed on the star of
pure science and has mounted to the
heights with Newton and the other
great leaders of scentific thought.

The councilman in the City of New York who recently re-
fused to vote to give Professor Einstein the "Freedom of the
City" on the ground that he had never heard of that gentle-
man, was undoubtedly guilty of the sin of ignorance, for any-
one who has read the newspapers even superficially during JEWISH POPULATION
recent times could not well have escaped some knowledge of
a man who has put the entire scientific•world in his debt.
But may we be pardoned for expressing the belief that the
stupidity of the councilman in question is little less deplorable Relief Director Reports 110,000 Re-
maining from Pre-War Figure
than that of the friends and admirers of Dr. Einstein and his
of 230,000.
Zionistic co-workers for whom they had requested the privi-
lege of the "Freedom of the City?" To be sure, this is an
NEW YORK.—Privation, disease
honor to which men like Einstein and Weizmann might well and forced exiles have reduced the
be entitled. But why ask for such an honor? '• The Jews of Jewish population in Latvia from its
this and other countries have problems far too serious con- pre-war figure of 230,000 to about
fronting them in times like these to fritter away their energies 110,000, J. Rubenstein, Jewish relief
reports to the American
in asking for privileges of any kind, no matter how well de- director,
Jewish Relief Committee.
served they may be. All that we Jews have a right to ask
"Practically all the Jews in Cour-
for and all that the overwhelming majority of us ever want is land with the exception of the city
that absolute equality of opportunity to which the recognition of Libad were driven from their
and fulfillment of our duties as loyal citizens of this blessed homes and forcibly exiled in various
We believe that this statement, which no doubt by the land entitle us. To ask for more is to be guilty of the sin of gubernias in Russia," the report de-
"The same fate befell the
time this paper reaches its readers will have been accepted by ignorance. Only those who are blind to the real interests of clares.
Jews of Lettgalia. In addition to the
the Conference as its official pronunciamento on the subject, the Jews do not understand this.
forced deportation in Lettgalia, the
states clearly what is the attitude of the Jew. It should be a
whole section of the country was
practically wiped out and utterly de-
sufficient answer to those who claim that the Jews are eager
stroyed and ruined. Many returning
to make America a dumping ground for the riff-raff of Europe.
refugees can hardly find the founda-
Truth is that the immigration which the Jew would encourage
tions of their former homes.
is of such a character as will unquestionably. represent an asset
"The city of Dwinsk, for instance,
which had a pre-war population of
to our American life. Unrestricted immigration, no man of
inhabitants, including 40,-
sane mind would sanction today. But to close the gates upon
000 Jews, now has a general popula.
spread the European poison of race tion of 35,000, of whom 12,000 are
all immigrants and especially upon those who come hither
hatred in this country are "appar-
seeking a refuge from the tyranny and the fanaticism of the
Jews. Before
the war, Dwinsk had
ntly accepting unquestionably (sic)
he notion that articles making a three railroad stations through which
Old World•would be to overthrow the very principles upon
now it has
which our country has builded its greatness and to deny our
tudy of Jewish activities constitute 24 trains passed daily;
an attack upon the Jewish people and only one railroad station and only 13
fealty to that humanitarianism which America above all the
trains per week. The city is so
h ereore
fore muse b anti.emitic.
countries of the earth has sponsored from the day of its in-
racked and ruined that there is no
"But are they?" thus continues the adequate
uate housing accommodations
gentle, truth-loving editor of the

(American Jewish World.)

Ville Amyl

for the 35,000 inhabitants.
'Christian Science Monitor."
"We must clothe the returning
"There is a vital American inter- naked refugees; we must give relief
est in the proper answer to this ques- to those no longer able to work, the
a tiroen. AmSeo ricfa rns,as oteh ye J m eu w sit sh fe people
pe el a aged, the cripples, the sick, the help-
less widows and children. We have
deep a concern as any other Ameri- a program of medical relief, of re-
cans in having the facts made known. pairing and rebuilding different bath
The facts about power are tremen- houses and disinfecting plants to
dowdy important. It makes no dif- check the spread of typhus and other
ference whether it be the power that diseases."
Mr. Rubenstein explained the re-
controls governments, or even the
power that is now so obvious in the construction program as including
financial organization of great indus. the establishment of a central bank
trial combinaitons. What every with branches throughout Latvia. to
American needs to know is, Who is enable artisans to obtain small credit
exercising the power by which he on easy terms so that they may rc-
feels himself restricted? There would pair their broken tools or buy new
seem to be nothing wrong in under- ones and also make loans to small
taking to get at the facts on this merchants, persons whose homes are
point. But an allegation as to the in need of repair as well as to pro-
facts cannot be really countered, any spective farmers to purchase agricul-
more than it can be corrected, by tural implements and seeds.
Subventions will also be granted
raising a cry of racial intolerance.
If an allegation is untrue, the surest to special trade schools where or-
way to correct it is not with pro. phans over 14 years of age will have
tests, but with facts. Not even the an opportunity to learn trades, while
most tolerant representative of eith- clinics will be organized, part of the
er side of this question should be ex- salaries of physicians will be paid
tolerate anything that is and drug stores will be established
, in towns where there are neither





(Copyright, 1921. By Chas. II. Joseph.)

Some Baptist churches have resolved to expel from their member.
ship those who are guilty of profiteering in rents; that is, those who
have been guilty of flagrant offenses. This is getting a step awry
from the conventional and traditional idea that the worse the ginner
the more he needs the church and the more the church needs him is
save. But we are becoming rapidly modernized, and it seems to me
that after all most grownup folk who deliberately gouge their neigh.
bore, and who by their actions prove themselves • menace to the wel.
fare of society in the sense indicated by our Baptist brethren, ought
to be put out.

I feel the same way about the delinquents in our o
ranks .
Men who make themselves an evil name and continue to do ev il things
ought to be punished in some way by society. Not necessar ily put in
prison, but the weight of public opinion and public sentiment ought
to be laid against them. A distinguished author says that of the three
most important things a man should value are "money, health and
reputation" in the order named. It's a rather cynical line-up. He
argues that even the worst reputation can be overcome if one has
enough money—end it does look that way.

That "Jewish Valor Legion" can serve no specially good purpose.
Just to show Chesterton and Ford and all the rest of them that the
Jews were patriotic and did their bit in the war this Legion is being
formed. I question the wisdom of it. The record of the Jew speaks
for itself, and it isn't necessary to PROVE our patriotism; it ought
to be taken for granted.
..---4 ■ 41 ■ • —
You simply can't down those unselfish Immigration Restrictionist,
who see so much interested in the welfare of the nation that they
want to keep everybody else out of the good things that they them.
selves enjoy so much. So they are going to pass the same old bill that
President Wilson vetoed—but I think that President Harding will
probably see that it is unjust to limit immigration to 3 per cent of the
total number of nationals in this country in the year 1910.

ewe ---
Af terall there is only one New York. When Wei:mann and fins•
stein arrived Saturday their vessel was boarded by scores of reporters,
movie men, distinguished citirem. The Battery was lined with thou
sands of Jews and non-Jews, and thousands lined the streets as the

famous visitors were escorted to their hotel. Then New York officially
recognized their presence through a welcoming committee composed
of some of the hest known men and women Jews and non-Jews ,o the
city—names nationally and internationally known. Yes, there is only
one New York.

I ma. very much interested in Librarian Leete's labored effort In
justify the acceptance of Ford's Weekly by the Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh by stating that the Jewish Criterion was also on file, and
that paper presented the other side of the Jewish Question. This is
• bout as absurd a comparison as we have ever known. Neither the
Jewish Criterion nor any other reputable Jewish paper was called into
being to sow the seeds of hate and dissension. Nor is the Jewish
Criterion consecrated to the mission of trying to prove that Christi..
are • menace to civilization.

Mr. Leete might just as well have stated that the Christian Science
Monitor, the Christian Register, the United Presbyterian, or any other
What often inveigles a Jew into
of the thousand and one Protestant or Catholic journals, were in the
same class with the offending weekly. The idea is so utterly pre-
a flirtation with the Christian Science
cult is the supposed friendliness and
posterous that one wonders how an educated man can so insult the
good will, gentleness and sweetness,
intelligence of a community.
of its leaders and followers. How
often have we heard some Jew or
In wonder if the Jews do not talk and think too much about them-
Jewess speak with admiration and
selves and not about the mission they have in this life? It may be
gratitude of the hearty welcome and
that we have been forced by circumstances to live so much together
the "glad hand" given them by the
that we have, whether we will or not, to think in terms of exclusion--
zealous missionaries of the new faith
to develop what I may call an "ingrowing life—that we have become
who seem to be particularly happy
to ourselves more important than the things we land for. I wish
to get a member of the old "stiff-
some rabbi would take this for his theme some Sunday morning, or
necked" race to see the new light.
on • high holiday when • large attendance would be assured.
"Christian Science," we hear some
Jew or Jewess rave, "is so broad, so
An editorial in the Jewish Times of B•Itimore has drawn Are from
tolerant; it spreads the ample folds
the Michigan Militant. Here is • delicious bit of anti-Semitic vapor
of its mantle of charity and love over
ing: "Give us • Jewish leader," cries the Jewish Times; "Give us
all alike, Jew and Gentile, white,
Jew big enough and able enough and spiritual enough to bring 40" e
black and yellow."
semblance of order out of the chaotic conditions in which American
We do not doubt that the leaders
Israel finds itself." That's the quotation—now for the interpretation.
and devotees of the new cult actual-
ly started out with this policy of gen-
Read this: "This Jewish paper is not alone in appreciation of II,
tleness and sweetness to make con-
deplorable exhibition of lack of character and ability displayed in
If the writer of the Christian clinics physicians or drug stores now.
verts among the Jewish people. Re-
the hysterically strenuous campaign of Israel's pseudo-leaders in tins
told by
of local
lying upon their interpretation of Science editorial is not as idiotic as
efforts being
country to meet the situation created by the d' ion of the Jewish
agencies and the vari-
Christological doctrine, an interpret- henry himself, and if he has read all '
problem so long evaded by our newspapers."
ation that makes them apparently
philanthroic societies
ov s e Jewish philanthropic
less objectionable to the Jew because Henry's hired liar has been cram- ogu
aid in the general come-back of the
Jewish papers have from time to time bemoaned the fact that the ,
of its vagueness and haziness, they ming week after week into the Dear- country, whose fate now depends
is not • leader big enough to bring the various elements in American
hoped to make some really big hauls born sheet, then he surely knows that upon the response of American Jewry
Jewry into closer and more understandable relationships. One who
among the Jewish people, to capture such slanders cannot be met with to the 1921 appeal of the American
would be able to bridge over this chasm that is entirely too wide
them en masse. What objection can facts. If any one were to say that Jewish Relief Committee.
with the Orthodox and the Reformer. One who might possibly s mooth
there be to Jesus as the "way show-
out the all too many differences that exist in Jewish camps; who
a conspiracy to destroy all other PAPER DENIES CATHOLICS
er" and the first "divine healer?"
would bring about harmony where discord now is prevalent.
But, alas! the Jew is still the same churches and all other institutions
stiffnecked individual that he has of modern civilization, we believe
But to say that all this mean. • leader who would take charge of
been during all these Christian cen- that the Christian Science Monitor
• campaign to refute merely anti-Semitic attacks is ridiculous. On
LONDON.—The London Observer
turies. Even Christian Science can- would hardly devote any space to the
the contrary, the very complaint recognizes • division in Jewry which
marshalling of facts against it. It in its last issue denies a recent re-
not lure him away from his ances- would rather demand that the ac- port in the Rome publication "Unita
effectually answers the lie that is now being spread so universidly
tral moorings. The number of Jews curer produce the facts. If Henry's, Catholica" to the effect that Catholic
that the Jews are working together in perfect understanding and har-
who have actually been won over by hired liar were to repeat the medi- leaders arc plarning to raise a large
mony to control the world.
the new cult is negligible. Many eval diabolic charge against the Jews loan in order to offset Zionist influ-
have been willing to give it a trial, that they need Christian blood for ences in Palestine. The report re-
Isn't it about time that the Supreme Allied Council eliminated
and then, have concluded that there ritual purposes, one could hardly ex• ferred to maintained that such ac-
conversation and took drastic steps to bring order out of chaos in
was "science" enough in their own pect Jews to produce facts in defense tion would be taken by the Catholics
Europe? The Austrian government( such as it is) promised to protect
faith, and have come back to their of it. What facts there are about because the Vatican felt that its pres-
the Jews against • possible uprising. The uprising came a week •gn
own fold. There evidently is con- the matter have been given to the tige and influence were being threat-
Sunday—Jews were beaten and shot—and none was there to protect
siderable disappointment over it in
them. Of such stuff is the world being made safe for democr•cy .
the "inner circle" of the church. If world even by some Popes of the ened in the Near East.
the Jews remain irresponsive, why
continue the policy of gentleness and the Jews. The Henry Fords and
sweetness? Why waste these fine their hired liars of those days saw
to it that the hellish superstition was
qualities on them?
kept alive so as to have an excuse
Thus we understand the peculiar for slaughtering Jews.
attitude of the Christian Science
"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth," etc. Thus begins in a local Monitor, the official church organ, The facts about the Jews past and
are pretty well known. The
paper the account of a horrible crime committed in a neigh- towards idiotic Henry's Jew-baiting present
services Jews have rendered and are
boring city against a Jew presumably by Jews, though at this campaign. It is indeed a queer ex- still rendering to their countries in
hibition of gentleness and sweetness,
writing nothing but circumstantial evidence is at hand to con- or
even of fairness, sincerity and times of war and times of peace are
firm that view. The reporter of the item, however, goes on honesty. In a recent editorial head- well known. But all that makes no
Flurry Over Ford," this pa- ' difference to Henry's hired liar, who
to venture the opinion that the crime was committed in obedi-
per takes idiotic Henry under its takes his "facts" from the infamous,
nece to this old Biblical law of retaliation.
wing. The manufacturer bestially stupid forgery, the "Proto-
Were we not convinced that such a view is born of the ut- of Tin Lizziea
is not engaged in the cols," and similar anti-Semitic fabri-
fur rho akAvith
most ignorance, we should be moved to say that it was con- • most brutal, most damnable anti . cations. The "facts" as to the Jew-
supplies "
ceived in malice. But anyone who is not an absolute stranger Semitic campaign that any Jew-bait- ish world.power and world-dominion
to Jewish law and practice knows that the so-called law of ing Haman ever undertook, is not so powerful and have such absolute
retaliation in the Old Testament was not only never in all and slanders about the Jews. Oh, control of all the governments of the
Jewish history literally executed, but it was never intended no. The articles that have been ap- world that any gang of ruffians In
that it should be. The very context in which the law is laid pearing in his Dearborn Independent Ukraine, Poland and Ilungary can
wipe out a while Jewish community, ,
down in the Book of Exodus (Chapter XXI). indicates most sheet are published "with a view of with
no one to stay their brutal,
the international activities
Clearly that what was intended by the law was that a sum of studying
and connections of the Jewish peo- murderous hands.
money should be fixed by the judges as compensation to the ple. " Those who protest against
The writer of the editorial in the

The Law of Retaliation.





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