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September 30, 1921 - Image 13

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-30

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America Yewish periodical Coda




VOL. X. NO, 19.



(Sept. 13, 1920, to Oct. 2, 1921):



AR (Tim of the .1,eadhig Events in the Jewish World


(Copyright, 1921, by Gotthard Deutsch, Cincinnati.)

when he
he referred to Ilenry Ford's the usual claim that Jews are are Ilayyini Aaron Krupnik, en eye wit- ous murder is still holding his rank. country in 1895, declared on his re- Tested in the Saar district, in Uppe
IIE Midra.th compares 18- agitation, but the official sentiment
bolshevists, quoting the fact that ness, reports the following act of General Latinik who in an order to turn from a visit to Rumania that Silesia, in Anatolia and in
a a
for the
is neither sympathetic nor does it take Adolph Joffe was the leading repres- canibalism in "Weltbuehne." In Tep- his troops had declared the Jews re- there is no Jewish question any more. Russia, seems to be most acute in
dove can only save her- into consideration that under the ab-
entative in the Russian commission, lick, l'odolia, all Jews were bound, sponsible for the loss of Upper Silesia Ile was vehemently attacked for this Syria, where as we know from the
self by her wings, so can normal conditions of Europe, as this
negotiating the treaty between Russia thrown down in the market place, and to Poland and thus indirectly en- remark by his fellow Zionists, but days Mehmed All (1840), both
Israel save itself only by review will amply show, the Jews are
and Latvia.
the Cossacks arranged a horse race, couraged acts of violence was acclaim- judging from reliable reports he must parties expected to be the successful
flight (Ilerakot, 53b, and the main sufferers. 51r. Caminetti,
trampling the helpless bodies under ed a patriot, while General Pachuk be right, at least as far as the pres- bidders when the time for the sal-
Ukraine the Land of Horrors.
various parallel passages, the commissioner of imigration, testi-
the hoofs of their horses until gar- who condemned antisemitism as in- ent situation is concerned. Rumania vage of the Ottoman empire should
see esp. Midrash Tehil- fi ed before the senate committee on
The Jewish year began with a new ments, human flesh and blood soaked jurious to the country was attacked in has become another Austria with a arrive. As then in the ritual murder
lim, 58, 14). Indeed, immigration that he found on per- series of horrors for which this hap-
clods formed an inseparable mass. a debate in the sejm for having dis- polygot population, and the Jews trial of Damascus, so today the Jews
since the great Cossack sonal inspection of various European less country has been known for the
The rabbi was spared for a special played "an improper political activ- come handy for politicians who wish are the scape goat. France, the land
massacre of the seventeenth century, ports that the Hebrew Sheltering Im- last three years. On the second (lay
to make of Magyars and Germans in Voetairean free-thinkers, remembered
sport. A piece of flesh was cut out ity."
and perhaps not even then, has migrant Aid Society subsided im- of Rosh Ilashanah (Sept. 14. 1920)
Transylvania, of Ruthenian in north- again that from the days of St. Louis
from his body and forced down his
Isaiah's metaphor (60.6) become true: migration instead of giving local re- 61 Jews were killed in Kamen-Kash-
In spite of the treaty the Jews are ern Ilungary, of Poles in the Buko- she was the protectress of the Chris-
who are they that fly as a cloud and lief (Jan. 25). Few members of the inskii near Novel, and since that time
refused commissions in the army, wine, of Russiansim Ilesarahia etc. tians in the orient. The clerical "la
as the doves to their cotes?" Fugi- congress spoke like Representative periodical pogrom perpetrated by the
To human beings, trying to escape Jewish lawyers are not permitted to Rumanians in spite of the utter fail- Croix" demands a revision of the
tives from the hell of the Ukraine, Iluddleston of Alabama who in the troops of the Polish D'Annuncio, gen- from such horrors the boundary lines plead in military courts, Jews may ure of Austria and Russia with simi- "barbarous treaty" with Turkey
from the famine of Russia, from the course of the debate on the anti-im- eral Balachowicz, have shocked a are closed. Prince Lubomirski, the not act as guardians of Christian lar attempts. Meantime the situation which hands the Christian Arabs over
boycott of Poland, from inhospitable migration law (Dee. 10), said: "the helpless Jewry, supposed to be in con- Polish ambassador to U. S. with the minors, and the municipal council of is sufficiently exemplified by the un- to the Jews, and in Matin (June 20.)
homes in all parts of Europe and the Jews of Europe are the most wronged trol of the world's affairs, almost knowledge of all these atrocities de- Cracow demands of applicants for deniable fact that Kishineff of dis- ex-president Poincare points out the
near east, are fluttering like scared of all races. Can we afford to deny weekly. Merman Stolzman of Winni- clared to a Jewish committee (Nov. teaching positions a certificate of graceful memory should become a danger from Jewish bolshevism to
doves in all directions, only to find them escape from religious and po- peg, Canada, who spent three months 12.) that there are only occasional baptism. Regardless of the clear text city refuge for Jewish refugees in the peace of the world and demands
some "Verboten" sign wherever they litical persecution?" President Wil- in Russia, said on his return to Lon- disorders, due to the war, which the of the Versailles treaty and of articles Ukraine. This does not mean that the repeal of the Balfour Declaration.
son, as has been sort of habit with don that the list of Jews killed in the government would soon stop, and 112-115 of the constitution the viola- the Jews of new Rumania are living Pope Benedict XV in an allocution
The Allegory of Jacob and Labia.
him, sent a Rosh Hashanah message Ukraine (luring the last three years count Pulaski on his arrival (Dec. tion of the rights of Jewish citizens in paradise. The difficulty of choos- before a conaistory (June 13) de-
Moses Sofer (1762-1839), the leader to the Jews of America in a letter ad- compromises 140,000 names, that 200,- 22.) made a similar declaration to is defended by the member of the ing between the antagonistic aspira- plored "the privileged position en-
of modern orthodoxy, was surely in- dressed to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise 000 people died of typhus, that in 114 press representatives, adding the cabinet on the ground of technical tions of the government and the local joyed by the Jews in Palestine which
nocent of that higher criticism which (Sept. 10, 1920) expressing regret towns with a large Jewish population more than optimistic statement that quibbles. Unfortunately the few population is sufficiently character- is dangerous to the Christians."
sees In the stories of the Bible mere at the persecution of the Jews in no to single Jew left, that 11 towns, there was no Jewish question in Po- Jewish members of the sejm do not ized by one single instance.
While his holiness expressed his ap-
„presentation of ideas in the form of eastern Europe. We realize that the mostly inhabited by Jews, were com- land. The former premier, Daszyn- present a united front. While some
proval to the author of the "Judeo-
Preaches Magyarism,
fiction. Yet in a letter which he last year of his administration was pletely wiped out, that there are in kis who called a meeting between Jew- demand minority rights, the orthodox
Masonic Plot" who rehashed the
Rabbi Keckemeti of Magy Varad
wrote in his early days as rabbi of beset with difficulties, as perhaps no the pogrom area 600,000 destitute ish and Polish leaders in Warsaw Rabbi Halpern and the socialist Dia-
ghost story of the scheme for Jewish
(Grosswardein), and entirely Magyar
Mattersdorf (c. 1804) to one of his president since the days of Johnson children of whom 100,000 are orphans. (Sept. 25, 1920) was equally optimis- mend unite in opposing the demand.
world dominion hatched by the anti-
city, preached on a festive occasion
disciples, he says all mankind is to hod to face, but we can not help feel- Mat N'ordau in a letter addressed to tic, but the conference ended without
No one need wonder that the Jews against the idea of Jewish national- Catholic author, Herman Goesche, he
be divided in Jacobs and Labans ing that the great weight of Ameri- the chairman of a meeting called by leading to any result. The situation in the former Prussian territory are
is evidently aware of the fact that
ism, and in the course of his address
(Ratan) Sorer, VI, No. 59). It ca's influence was and is far more the Federation of Ukrainian Jew's in is best characterized by a tragic- not over enthusiastic at the change
the Jews are not so unanimous in "en-
said, he and his congregation would
seems indeed as if all the world were strongly manifested in Mexico and London (Oct. 17.) sums up the situ- comic document which the Vienna of their political allegiance or the
joying the privileged position in
respect the Rumanian laws but
at present a Laban, hounding Jacob Haiti.
would remain Magyars at heart. Palestine." Especially the bolshevists
who, tired of ceaseless persecution, is
whose influence is so much dreaded by
Wilson's government has been
seeking a resting place.
M. Poincare won't have anything to
conducted to jail by an arnica guard
coarsely attacked by Ford as well as
"Vaterland," a clerical paper, of
its with it. Mr. Adolph Joffre, the
by anti-Semities in Europe as being
like a common criminal.
Lucerne, publishes an appeal, sup-
representative of Russia
Greece presents the usual spectacle
controlled by Jews on account of the
poses! to have been issued by the
in 80 many conferences, declared it
of a losing party throwing the blame
prominent position which some Jews
Zionist organization, which promises
British imperialism, as-
for its defeat on the Jews. General
held chiefly in the war Councils. One
to the Jews of Ilungary and Galicia
sisted by wealthy Jews, and the Rus-
Julius Guttman, Communal worker, Baltimore, Aug. 26. Zymbrakakis, commander in Thrace,
of his latest acts was the appoint-
all the money they want to buy
issued a circular,
Benjamin Blumenthal, Communal worker, New York, in an order issued on this occasion of
ment of MT. (!ttorganthau as his per-
land in these countries which are to
riots in Adrianople blames the Jews ordering that the mail and the meet-
August 27.
sonal representative in a mediation Marcus Brann, professor Jewish Theological Seminary,
be made Jewish by driving the na-
be watched.
Breslau, Sept. 26.
Nathaniel Myers, Communal worker, New York, Aug. 29. for the overthrow of Venizelos. The
between Turks and Armenians (Dec.
tives from their homesteads. The
Even the radical Zionist party, the
Jews of this much tried territory
15.) which, however, never mater- Ilayyim Elijah Kaplan, rabbi, Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 8.
same "document" had been published
on their pro-
which experienced within nine years
ialized. The administration of Presi- Solomon Bamberger, rabbi and author, Hanau, Nov. 5.
by the clerical "Germania" of Merlin
so many changes from Turkish to gram, the left wing having expressed
dent (larding has given to the Jew, Solomon Rappaport, (S. An-ski), Yiddish publicist,
in 1869 as a scheme of the Alliance
Warsaw, Nov. 8.
Isidore Guttman, Yiddish actor, New York, Sept. 16. Bulgarian allegiance and then back
Albert D. Lasker, the important posi-
Isrealite Universalle. "Feher Ujsag"
Max Margules, meteorologist, Perchtoldsdorf, Austria, to Turkey and again to Greece, evi- tional which the right wing denounces
tion of chairman of the U. S. Shipping Moriz Spitz, rabbi and publicist, St. Louis, Nov. 12.
(White Paper) of Debreczin, Hun-
Oct. 4.
dently suffered great hardships, for
Board (June 9.) of which another Simon Eppenstein, professor Jewish Theological Semin-
gary, reports that a Jewish soldier,
Sigmund Mayer, politician and author, Vienna, Oct. 29. an apologetic telegraph service fou
ary, Berlin, Nov. 19.
nd latter term in its usual 'significance
Jew, Meyer Lissner, is also a mem-
while cooking for the company on the
Emil Freund, political economist, Chicago, Oct. 2.
it necessary to obtain a certificate of we have its expression in an article
ber. Mr. Ford who is said to he a Phineas Menahem Justman, Hasidic rabbi, Czenstochov,
march, was killed by a bomb which
Nov. 20.
Abraham Levy, criminal lawyer, New York, Dec. 16.
good behavior from the chief rabbi by Ilenry Morgenthau (The World's
close personal friend of the president,
one had concealed in the kindling,
Leopold Landau, gynecologist, Berlin, Dec. 28.
and the trustees of the Adrianaples Work, July 1921) that "Zionism is
although he was, in his own opinion Israel Tob, Hasidic rabbi, Warsaw, Nov. 26.
and praises the bomb as patriotic.
community, denying any persecution the most stupendous fallacy in Jew-
at least a democratic possibility in
Frau Von Waldheim, a teacher in a
terson, N. J., Dec. 22.
Jan. 17.
of the Jews and adding that numerous ish History." Alliance Israelite again,
the last campaign and actual candi-
Berlin private school, told a little girl
refugees from Ismid had found refuge in Zionist circles always denounced as
date for the U. S. senate as demo-
who said she was the daughter of a
Hugo Vallentin, Swedish author, London, Feb. 25.
in Thrace. I'ope Benedict whose al- assimilationist agency and in the
cratic nominee, has so far not said Joseph Marymont, author on Judaism, Detroit, Feb. 1.
Jewish father and a Christian mothe r
locution on the Zionist question clerical press as an arm of the secret
that Mr. Lasker's appointment was
that she was a cur, the offspring of a
Joseph Ransohoff, professor surgery, Cincinnati, would hardly class him among the Jewish world government, joins its
made upon the order of the "Wise Wilfred P. Kotkov, professor Jewish Theological Semin-
bull dog and an "Affenpintscher."
ary, New York, murdered Feb. 26.
March 10.
philo-Semites made a demonstration detractors, declaring Zionism an
Men of Zion." It may yet conic. At
agency of British imperialism.
('aster Maurenbrecher, a renegade
Ferdinand Rosenthal, rabbi, Breslau, March 5.
Bernhard Muenz, publicist, Vienna, March 13.
of humanitariasm which might have
all events the amount of brazen and
socialist, who is now editing an anti-
Samuel Wolfenstein, educator, Cleveland, March 11.
Louis Rosenthal, engineer and author, Basel, March 20. been far more effective in Ilungary or
The Rabbinical Board,
stupid falsehoods, foisted on a help-
Semitic paper in Dresden, declares
Joshua Maimon, rabbi, Praga, Poland, March 24.
Joseph Perl, legal author, Berlin, March 29.
less public in the "Dearborn Inde-
So far the only visible manifesta-
the emancipation of the Jews the
Joseph Reinach, politician and author, Paris, April 10. refugees from Ismid. Did he wish to
pendent" week after week since May Nathan Samuely, author of Jewish fiction, Baden,
fundamental sign of the nineteenth
Austria, March 26.
Gustav Pick, song writer, Vienna, April 29.
demonstrate that Christians have no tion of the reestablishment of the
1920, is best characterized in a reso-
century which will have to be remed-
Samuel M. Fleischmann, educator,
Alfred H. Fried, pacifist author, Vienna, May 4.
monopoly on Jew-baiting? Blood throne of John Ilyrcanus is the ap-
lution, passed by both houses of the
ied, if Germany is to be saved.
March 28.
Alfred Hayman, theatrical manager, New York, May 14. accusations in Constantinople and pointment of a permanent rabbinical
legislature of Wisconsin which de-
France, the pioneer country of Jewish
Raphael Shapiro, president, Yeshibah, Wolozhin, Minsk,
Charles J. Rich, theatrical manager, Boston, May 17. other Greek cities, a fact not uncom- board, a sort of Sanhedrin (Feb. 22).
clared the Ford propaganda an at-
emancipation, is flooded with anti-
April 2.
Simon Baruch, medical author, New York, June 3.
mon in territories with a Greek popu- It again shows the precision with
tempt "to undermine the most power-
semitic literature. A pamphlet, en-
Saul Ilorovitz, professor Jewish Theological Seminary,
Ignatz Schnitzer, translator from Ilungarian, Vienna, lation, show an ugly temper by the which the international machinery of
ful factors contributing to the coun-
titled "Le Peril Judeo-Maconnique"
Breslau, April 3.
June 18.
Greeks, although the government does the Jewish world government works
try's greatness" (March 1921.) The
is published with the endorsement of
Hillel Solotaroff, Yiddish publicist, physician, New York,
Morris Jastrow, professor of semitic languages, Phil- its best to discoorage such attempts at by a division into an Ashkenazic and
silliest of the many silly assertions in
cardinal Gasparri, the papal secre-
April 30.
adelphia, June 22.
sowing the seeds of riots. It is, how- a Sefardic section, which, however,
the antisemitic repertory was the
tary of state who assures the author
Joseph Ilayyim Brenner, Hebrew author, killed with 31
Otto Zuckerkandl, medical professor, Vienna, July 2. ever, a well established fact that the does not sufficiently cover all sections,
claim that higher criticism is a Jew-
of his holiness' approval. The pam-
other victims in Jaffa, May 1.
Ralph llertz, actor, Atlantic City, July 13.
Jews of Smyrna and the adjacent for there is a hyper-orthodox element
ish scheme to discredit Christianity,
phlet which rehashes the old hoax
Simon Schechter, Ilazan, writer on synagog music,
Helena Horwitz, paintress, Birchington, July 22.
parts of Asia Minor, while suffering both among the Hungarian and the
when everybody knows that the Ger-
Polish Jews who protested against
of the "Protocols" declares, as do
Czernowitz, May 3.
man school of iconoclastic bible cri-
POLITICIANS, MEN PROMINENT IN PUBLIC LIFE from both parties, who successively this organization to the high com-
Isaac Jacobson, rabbinical author, Chicago. May 16.
others, that the League of Nations is
burn and pillage the places which they
tics is inspiried by antisemitism, as
missioner. They were calmed by his
merely another scheme of Jewish
Shmariah Joseph Karelitz, rabbinical author, Kosovo,
David Cassuto, Italian senator, Leghorn, Dec. 5.
quite recently Delitzsch's "Grosse
May 19.
Edward N. Taussig, rear admiral, U. S. N. Newport, if the section should be assigned to highness' assurance that the Sanhed-
world control, facilitated by Lloyd
Taeuschung" proved. The agitation
rin was merely a body of experts ap-
George and Woodrow Wilson who are
Maier Jung, chief rabbi, Federated Synagogs, London,
R. I., Jan. 28.
calls for serious reflexions on the pact
June 10.
Ernesto Nathan, ex-mayor of Rome, April 9.
Jews at heart, as is every Puritan.
as it was Servia, heti established a pointed by the government for its
of the Jewish organizations.
Hirsch Simon Olbum, rabbi, Chicago, June 12.
Baron Albert Treves, Italian senator, Venice, Slay 11. good record for honesty in carrying own information.
It does not seem
Lloyd George took the charges seri-
S. J. Rabinowitz, rabbi, Liverpool, June 13.
Julius Zuckerman, socialist leader, Toronto, May 14.
Rues'. and Her Lost Children.
ously enought to deem them worthy
out the stipulations on the Berlin that the Jewish Religious Union of
David M. liermalin,
' Yiddish author, New York, June 20.
Nicholas Aleinikoff, socialist leader, New York, June 23. treaty, seems to have swerved from its London of which Sir Herbert's cousin,
of a refutation in the House of Com-
The New York Nation recently
David Strauss, minister and publicist, Zurich, June 24.
Sir Robert Nathan, British India official, London, path, due probably to the same trouble Miss Lily Montagu, is an enthusiastic
mons (May 5.) They have their echo
(Aug. 21.) amused its readers by
Abraham Maim, prison chaplain, New York, Aug. 6.
June 26.
in the British press of which, both for
of fighting nationals in the new parts leader, will cancel its Sunday services,
a clever collection of Muenchausen
Simon llochfeld, rabbi, Berlin, Aug. 10.
Jacob A. Cantor, politician, New York, July 2.
the sake of the author as of the place
taken from Hungary and Austria, introduced Nov. 14, if the Jerusalem
stories on conditions in Russia, culled
N. Si. Friedman, ex-member of the bum
a, Kissingen, where not only Magyars and Ger- sanhedrin should so order.
of publication an article of Lord from American papers. It is indeed
Aug. 31.
Sydenham in "Nineteenth Century" impossible to accept any report with
mans, but even the Cration cousins
Eastern Jews have a proverb: "I
(April 1921) shall be quoted which certainty. We may, however, take it
are unwilling subjects of the inflated listen to him as I listen to the rabbi"
declares that Zionism and Bolshevism for granted that conditions are most
(ch her ihm wie dem rev). The Pale-
Robert Pattai, anti-semitic politician, Vienna, Sept. 30.
are merely two methods of aiming at
stinian Arabs may amend it to: "I
The Growth of Zionism
clarly characterized by the statement Julius Winterberg, philanthropist, Budapest, Sept. 21.
Wilhelm Foerester, astronomer, Christian champion of
the same object, "Jewish world con- that the soviet government restored Jacob 11. Schiff, philanthropist, New York, Sept. 25.
listen to him as I do a British cabinet
Both internally and politically the
the Jews, Bornim, Jan. 18.
trol in all gentile countries. If this
officer." The British government
to the Jews personal safety but ruined Abraham E. Lubarsky, Zionist worker, New York,
George Schoenerer, anti-Semitic agitation, Rosenau,
is found in countries which we are their economic status and is bitterly
had forebodings of a com-
Oct. 1.
epoch in the development of the ideas
Austria, Aug. 14.
wont to consider representatives of antagonizing their spiritual life. This Jacob Wertheim, philanthropist, New York, Nov. 14.
ing storm, due, no doubt, at least to
proclaimed in the preamble of the
liberalism and democracy, we ran
degree to French agi-
is fairly established, although even Raphael Weill, philanthropist, San Francisco, Dr. 9.
first Zionist congress (1897). In or-
hardly wonder that Austria had an
tation in Syria. Winston Churchill,
in this respect press reports are oc- Solomon Marx, Communal worker, New Orleans, Jan. 29.
der to briefly present the situation
antisemitic congress, held in Vienna casionally tinged with some poetry, as Fritz M. Kaufmann, author and Communal worker,
the colonies, visited
the recognition of the British mandate
Baroness Matilda von Hirsch, Planegg, Oct. 9.
(March 11-13) which fittingly closed the story that the Jews in the soviet
the east and in an address delivered
Berlin, March 2.
Isidore Glueckstein, prominent merchant, London, over Palestine and the split in the
with a miniature pogrom, and that government issued a prohibition Charles Zugsmith, communal worker, Pittsburgh,
Jerusalem (March
Dec. 10.
ranks of the American Federation are
in Germany a rowdy antisemitism is against circumcision which they had
27) he declared that the British gov-
May 20.
Lady J. Sassoon, Walton on Thames, March 9.
quoted as the two outstanding events
manifested almost daily in brutal ex- to repeal because of the protest from Philip hamburger, communal worker, Pittsburgh,
by the Balfour
Jonas Kuppenheimer, manufacturer, Chicago, May 5. of the year.
cesses, committed against individuals the Mohammedan Tartars. This
June 6.
The British government declared Declaration but that this did not mean
Three colonists killed in pogrom, Petach Tikwah, May 5.
such as the mobbing of professor sounds very much like the nationaliza- Walther Freiberg, Communal worker, Cincinnati, June 9.
Henrietta Artom widow of Hallam Artom, London, through two of its representatives,
they would be benefitted by the pro-
Magnus Hirschfeld in Munich after tion of women and the roads strewn A. Val. Finkenstein, Zionist leader, London, June 19.
June 25.
Harmsworth and Chamberlain, in the
gressive methods of land development
he had delivered a lecture on a medi- with bodies of starved children. Leav- Jacob Maimus, Communal worker, Brooklyn, July 12.
Isaac Kaufmann, prominent merchant, Pittsburgh, House of Commons (Oct. 29) that it
cal subject, and the killing of the ing all other reports aside, we know Ben Baer, Communal worker, St. Paul, July 27.
July 18.
will carry out the Balfour Declara- introduced by the Zionists. To a
Jewish committee he addressed some
student Hans Kahn in Baden-Baden
Micheal Dreicer, maecenas of art, New York, July 26. tion, cooperating with the Zionist or-
convention WAS prohibited and those Louis Goldman, Communal worker, Cincinnati, Aug. 23.
(March 7.) without any provocation who took part in it, arrested. We Herman Landau, Communal worker, London, August 25.
Marcus Marx, manufacturer, Chicago, Aug. d.
ganization on the immigration ques- paternal admonition not to provoke
the Arabs by wild talk and by bol-
by another student who did not know also know that the brilliant Hebrew
tion. To people endowed with com-
shevist propaganda. The echo of this
the victim but started from his home poet, Ilayim Nehmen Bialyk, had 1111.1111111=111111311111101111iiiiMOM
mon sense who do not believe in Tat-
address was a regular pogrom in Jaf-
with the intention of killing the first to leave Russia because his literary sties in the following impressive
Morgenzeitung (Oct. 3.) publishes in prospect of such. It means to them leyrand's "la parole a eta donnee a
Jew he would meet on the street.
activity is regarded as useless, and words: "The Ukrainian horrors com- full. It is a license issued to Rabbi the extension of the pogrom area l'homme pour deguiser la pensoe," fa and the adjacent colonies (May
1.6) in the course of which 32 people
We had the satisfaction of seeing were it not dangerous for the people mitted against our people are unpre-
Chaskiel Abramski of Smolewitz westward, as was proven by the loot- this statement could only mean that
were killed in Jaffa, five in Petach
the public protest against anti-Semi- concerned, the present writer could cedented i nits martyrology of eight-
which permits him to keep his beard ing of the Jewish stores in Bromberg all Jews are invited to make Palestine
and a great deal of prop-
tiorn with the signatures of 115 men publish a letter, containing heart ren- teen centuries. They leave the mas- provided he pays the fee for this per-
(June 19) and Ostro•o (June 2) and their homeland, that the Zionist or-
erty was destroyed. Sir Herbert
of national standing, such as presi- dering appeals from well known He- sacres of the crusades far behind mit within six days.
by barbarous outrages in the section ganization was the chief executive
an address delivered on the
dent Wilson, ex-president Taft, car- brew authors who pray to be delivered time. They pass even the atrocities
of Upper Silesia invaded by Polish body of the Jewish people who solely
Action by Jewish Leaders.
King's birthday (June 9-3) seemed
dinal O'Connell, president Butler of from the unbearable situation in Rus- of which the gang of ('hmelnitzki's
troops. The shooting of the fourteen upon their own responsibility would to be
anxious to conciliate the
Columibia etc., in the daily papers sia. We are better informed on con- assassins and thieves have made
Official action undertaken by Lu- year old high school boy, Haase, in select the proper material for immi-
(Jan. 17.), but is hardly encouraging ditions in the two republics of Lithu- themselves guilty. We have proved cien Wolf, Nahum Sokolow and Is- Ryhnik and the order of the Polish gration. The text of the Palestine Arabs than to assure the Jews of the
protection. He said the
that such should have been necessary ania and Latvia. Both had suffered ourselves powerless to prevent these rael Zangwill in a memoir presented commander Michalski to have his mandate transmitted by Balfour to
in the land of the free. It is not en- for centuries from foreign tyrannical blued-curling crimes but we may at to the Council of the League of Na- horse carried to the burial ground in the Council of the League of Nations Balfour Declaration never meant a
couraging either that in free Switzer- rule. Lithuania gives to the Jews least out the ruined by showing them tions (Dec. 1.) on the unsatisfactory the hearse of the Jewish congregation, (Dec. 6.) did not say so directly but rule of the Jews and announced as
land the city council of Zurich should full freedom, grants them a represen- that Israel has not abandoned them." condition of the Jews in Poland and the funeral procession headed by all seemed to allow no other interpreta- practicle evidence new restriction on
have passed an ordinance (Nov. 3.) tative in the ministry, and, as far as
on the failure of the Polish govern- the Jews of the town, did not arouse tion of its restatement of the recogni- immigration. Similar was the tend-
Problem. in Poland.
requiring of Jewish applicants for known, although the population is
ment to live up to the terms of the one tenth of the indignation which the tion of Palestine as "Jewish Home- ency of a speech delivered by Wins-
Military imperialism instead of be- Treaty of Versailles have so far had press during the official war time land." The trouble originated when ton Churchill in the House of Com-
naturalization a longer term of resi- without the exception Roman Catholic,
no result. The sentiment in such cases devoted to incidents in Belgium.
dence that of non-Jews.
the council defined the boundary line mons on the mandate in Palestine and
and the "intelligencia" to a very large
between Syria and Palestine (Dec. Mesopotamia (June 14.) While de-
extent composed of the clergy, anti- the war, is stronger than before. The is quite clear. Public opinion re-
claring that England will stand by
Jews in the Balkans.
23.) creating one of the numerous
semitic sentiment has not expressed
The most serious problem before the
They used to call it storm center of makeshifts perpetrated in endless the Balfour Declaration, he censured
itself in riotous form. Latvia with its within the boundaries accorded to of - the protection of racial, linguistic
the Zionists for their wild talk which
Jews of America is that of emigra-
uccession by European diplomacy all
mixture of nationalities in which the
tion. The law restricting imigration
Letts predominate retains the hostile openly attempting to reestablish the seriously, and so a commission, ap- ters now. In the western section of over Europe since the Vienna congress excited the Arabs and for bolshevist
according to the percentage of the
(1815) and especially in the near tendencies which provoke especially
spirit of its old landholder and mer-
the Arab land-holder. He did not
nationals of the respective groups in
chant class and has so far not been century. General Balachowicz is murder of Pinsk (April 5, 1919), the Slays are fighting just now, so are east since the Paris conference
this country is justified on the ground
(1656). The new boundary line di- mention the complete suspension of
able to come to an agreement in de-
immigration which lasted for several
of the abnormal conditions prevailing
ciding the question of citizenship for progress has been marked by pro- petrated against the'Jews of Poland, Greeks, and the condition of large vides in an unatural way two sections
in Europe but its passage was surely Jews who, while Russian subjects, grams. An interpellation in the sejm finally after a delay of two years re- Jewish centers like Monastir and of the country which both ethnically weeks and inflicted terrible hardships
somewhat influenced by anti-Jewish were long time risidenta in theterri- by the Jewish deputy, Schirmer, on ported. The report stated what we Smyrna is very seriously affected, as and economically belong together. Be- on immigrants in transist who were
sentiments. Secretary Hughes in•a tory of the republic. The motion of these atrocities Was answered by knew more than a year ago . from re- we know from the meager reports ing a compromii... it leaves both par- detained in the overcrowded ports of
Albert Johnson, the republic. The motion of the Jew- premier Vitos with the assurance ports of the American and British which are allowed to reach us.
recommendation to
ties dissatisfied, and each is hiding Constantinople and Trieste, unable
chairman of the house committee on
commissions, that the wholesale kill-
The most surprising development is its own dissappointment behind the to either proceed or to return to their
ish members of the diet to recognize that the reports shall be investigated
imigration warned against the ad-
and the results made public. It has ing of 35 people, unarmed and offer- that of Rumania. Not only politicians hypocritical pretence that it stands homes. Weeks later the restriction
the Russian law of i
mission of Armenians, Jews, Persians. which gave to Jews, living in the then not been done at this writing. Uk- ing no resistance, even if instead of like Take Jonescu, the minister of for the best of the country and its was in part lifted, but the Arab
and Russians. In the debate on the
rainian troops entered eastern Gali- discussing distribution of relief,' they foreign affairs, present the situation natives who were no more consulted boatsmen in the harbor of Jaffa re-
Russian provinces of Cortland and
subject (April 30) it was explained
cia, murdering and pillaging, and had held an unauthorized political for the Jews in rosy colors, but even than Mark Twain's new born baby fused to land any Jewish passengers,
Livonia since April 4, 1660, the right
and the British government had to
Jews fleeing from that hell to Po- meeting, was an outrageous crime a nationalist like Dr. Caster, retired on his name.
that Mr. Hughes had merely transmit-
of residence and to declare them as
submit to the humiliation of ordering
land are driven back into the arms of Yet neither the sejm nor the military Ilaham of the Portuguese congrega-
ted the report of the U. S. consul in
Points of Conflict.
citizens of the republic of Latvia fail-
the steamer to Haifa. It is reported
Tiflis who made such a statement. Mr.
their butchers. The atrocities of-the authorities have taken any action. tion of London, a native of Rumania,
The many points of conflict be-
ed to pass. The Lettish press is stir-
telfdler. ei New York defended the ring up anti-semitic sentiment with latter outrival those of the Indians. The major who committed the barber who was exhiled from his native tween the two rival nations mani-
(Continued On Page 4.)
Jewa, as he did on another occasion




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