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May 27, 1921 - Image 15

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-05-27

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Beth El's New Pulpit.



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We believe that the entire Jewish community of Detroit
will rejoice with Congregation Beth El in the announcement
that contracts for its new and commodious house of worship
have been definitely signed. Greater efficiency on the part
Published Weekly by The Jewish Cnicle
Publishing Co.. Inc.
of a single congregation means larger life to all of Jewry in TUT, TUT, MRS. TUTTLE!
Joseph J. Cummins , President.
(American Hebrew)
the community. And the new building as planned will give to
When I was a youngster I remembered the name of the Rev. Dr.
leered as second-class matter March 3, 1116, at tha Postale. at Detroit, Congregation Beth El the opportunity of doing more efficiently
Mrs. George Montgomery Tuttle is
David Burrell in New York, rector of Collegiate Church. I noticed
Mich., under the Act of March I. Mt
the work that it has long planned to do not only for its own President of the American Committee
that Dr. Burrell was 76 years old the other day and 300 of his p ee.
the Fontainebleau School of Music
membership but as well for the larger Jewish group in Detroit. of
ithioners gave him a dinner. Of course he made a speech and he
General Offices and Publication Building
Americans in France. This
spoke about a great many things—good, old fashioned brimstone stuff.
The building is planned along the most modern lines•with for
School claims to hold the same posi-
850 High Street West
No nonsense about Dr. Burrell. Blue laws? Why, the Ten Command-
Cable Address: the idea of making the Temple central to many of the distinc- tion in the musical field as the Rhodes
ments are as blue •a indigo, mith the good, old fashioned Doctor. I
Foundation holds in the
didn't know that there was anything in the Ten Commandments about
Chronicle tively Jewish activities of the congregants and their children. Scholarship
world. Its avowed pur-
Glendale 8326
observing the first day of the week. and if you didn't observe it God,
Recognizing that the modern synagogue should be a social and scholastic
pose is to create "an artistic entente
through some Justice of the Peace, would have you arrested and fined
educational as well as a religious center, the edifice is planned between France and America." Mrs.
VS or possibly 10 days in jail.
with this thought in view. But it may be definitely stated that Tuttle, however, seems to hold her
veal Temple Beth El will not fall into the error into which some own notions as to just what America
However, I don't propose to measure my theological learning with
9300 Per
I am glad that he say. there is
Subscription, In Advance
congregations—Jewish and non-Jewish—have been lured, of she to Frances Grant, who interview-
really nothing in the much quoted statement that husbands are not
To Insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach this making the social activities the essential function of congrega- ed her for The Musical America, the
or will not be permitted to kiss their wives on Sunday. This would
tional life. These will always be secondary to the religious other day: "We have no Jews enroll-
unquestionably work considerable hardship in the devoted family life
*ace by Tuesday evening of each week.
service which the congregation shall render. It is only as the ed. After all, I think it best to send
of the twentieth century. And we are also gratified that Dr. Burrell
Editorial Contributes
France the element truly repre-
finds no reason for complaint about church attendance. But in his
religious consciousness of the Jew is stimulated that he can do to
sentative of America, not the radi- I
church he does not pay any attention to such new (angled notions as
element. And therefore I am
The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of Interest to the in the best possible way the work that is his to do. The Jew
science and politics. Not he. Nope, good old reactionary doctrine:
Jewish people. but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the view upon whom religion is an ever-present, inspiring influence may careful to eliminate those whom I
everything to be swallowed, including Jonah. Well, well, I wonder
be depended upon to do his social and his civic duty. In him, do not think we would desire to have
sometimes if we are really making tinny prog .
expressed by the writers.
re resent us there." Thus s oke an-
it is a matter of pride as Jew to stand in the vanguard of those other oracle for America and Amens-
Attention, kind enemies. Have you read what. the Lulls Co.- nmis:
who serve their city, their state and their nation. Therefore,
May 27, 1921.
sion has to my? You haven't? It calls attention to the spread of
in emphasizing above all the religious aide of Jewish life, the "Vrn
We ' had just thought that only a
radical teachings in settlements that have been surveyed in New York.
certain class of individual Jews, when
They are the hotbeds of socialism and other kinds of "jams" that are
congregation is fulfilling its highest function.
In the Cause of Jewish Education.
are in the
forerunners of Bolshevism. But wait • minute. They specifically es.
Temple Beth El in its new edifice will, however, stand true they
have the opportunity,
k age
Js of
ilsb i t of spea king f or all
elude the Jewish Educational Alliance, the most important institution
During recent days, two very distinguished visitors have to its own best traditions as an active participant in every phase
of its kind in the United States. Not that there are not Jews w ho are
n ifnosr t t ua -
hey' s A p me rican
been in our city as sponsors of the cause of Jewish education. of community endeavor along educational, cultural, philan- t great w oar a l worthy
radicals, it would be absurd to say such a thing. But the amazing
this dear lady eliminates Jews '
feature of the report lies in the attack it makes upon the Rev. Percy
Dr. Chaim Yeller, one of the foremost living authorities on thropic and social lines. Nothing that spells the enlargement tion,
musical talent and ability as not
Stickney Grant.
Biblical and rabbinical literature, a man recognized for his of life will be foreign to it. It will have a message primarily of
ve f America."
great scholarship alike by Jewish and non-Jewish authorities, to the Jew, but for that reason, not less significant to the non- pre suprepre
.that i David ilochstein,
po se entat
Read, oh you Fords and you immigration restrictionist.; you im-
his v iolin to cheer up American
is in this country in the interest of the establishment in Europe Jew. To all who seek communion with God; to all who thirstl
perial wimrds and all the rest of you loose-thinking gentry who wake
. .
the lines and then dy-
up with loudness of words what you lack in force of ideas. 1 he
of a seminary of higher Jewish learning. Ile points to the for that help, that courage, that consolation which re upon ing in battle fighting
for America, is
Labor Temple in New York, conducted under the •uspices of a com-
fact that practically all the great centers of scientific Jewish can give; to all who believe in brotherhood among men and not truly American. We suppose,
mittee of the New York Presbytery, and the Church of the Ascension
study in Europe have been wiped out by the war and that there are willing to work for its promotion; to all who are convinced too, that the Braslaus, Clucks, El-
(Dr. Grant's church) both come in for • scoring because of the radical
talks that are given in the Open Forums held in those places. In fact,
are at the present time practically no men fitted through scien- that the Jew has yet something to contribute to the enrichment mans and the rest are not representa-
tive Americans. Mrs. Tuttle ex-
Will Durant, who has been excluded from the public schools be-
tific study to fill some very important positions that are now
plains that she really referred only
cause of his radical teachings, is the principal speaker in the church
fulfillment of the Jewish mission in this regard, the doors of to the East Side Jews. How many
and the labor temple—both Presbyterian institutions.
The establishment of such a seminary as that proposed by Temple Beth El will ever stand open in welcome. In its new of the great musicians in America to-

who are Jews, did not have their
I quote these things because of the tendency in so many quarters
Dr. Heller therefore seems a present pressing necessity to house of worship, with its larger facilities for service, the con- day,
on the East Side? Tut, tut,
to emphasises the fact that the Jew alone has the mortgage on just
gregation under the providence of God hopes to be an even origin
world Jewry.
such radical propaganda. And there is • certain measure of satisfac-
Our second visitor was Mr. Henry Hurwitz, who came to more effective factor in the spiritual and intellectual life of Mrs.
tion in the knowledge that thoroughly respectable Christian church
bodies encourage radicalism. Why, this man Durant is a defender of
lay before our community the needs of the Intercollegiate Me-
(The Jewish Criterion.)
Lenine. Now isn't that surprising? All of which makes one question
norah Society, of whose excellent work in behalf of the cultural
sometimes if the conservatives are entirely right in being con tire
We have been asked why do Jews
ideals of Israel we took occasion to speak in these columns in
■ at this time. After all, the world does move and what is radical
to Congregation Beth El but to all who believe in the ideals light such bills as those now pending
may be conservative tomorrow.
to which it has dedicated itself through the seventy years of in the Ohio Legislature to make Bi-
The Menorah, it should be stated, dedicates itself to the its existence. That it will be worthy of its new and larger
Right in line with this I can't help remarking on an editorial I
Because, first of all, it is to
spread of Jewish learning not only among the Jewish students opportunities, there can be no doubt. May it grow from schools.
saw in • representative daily newspaper • day or two ago. The writer
the interest of not alone every Jew
just heard that Trotsky was ill with cancer and he hoped that the
of our universities, but it reaches as well a great many non- strength to strength.
but every one who believes in re-
report was true and that the sicker he was the better it would be for
Jews both among students and professors who are interested
ligious liberty and freedom to wor-
and the quicker he died and the quicker Lenine went with
ship according to the dictates of one's
in the Jew's contribution to civilization. Appeals have come
him the better off the world would be. As I read this I wondered
conscious to fight against the combi-
to the reform elements in our community, also from the Union
writer would have to say if 'someone in the days of the
nation of Church and State. One
mars had, when at the very height of their cruelties, penned a
of American Hebrew Congregations, for the support of its
of the greatest evils that have come
them. That is the attitude of the true Bulshe•
educational work, while the orthodox portion of Jewry is pledg-
to society has been brought about by
vist, Anarchist and destroyer of society.
the unholy alliance of Church and
ing itself generously to similar efforts undertaken by the United
State. The Big Stick, once had an
Fundamentals of life are not corrected by wishing the leaders of
opportunity to be wielded without
certain movements dead. Czarism was not destroyed by the killing off
The significant part about these efforts at this time is that
building became imperative. This protest or hindrance, can become

fw mars. The troubles of labor will not be cured by inating
In the face of the tremendous demands upon the time and the $300,000 GIVEN FOR
service as it is developd today runs very vicious in its manner of execu-
captains of industry. Capital will not cure its troubles with labor by
On every occasion, at every
material resources of our people for the relief of physical suf-
SCHIFF MEMORIAL parallel to hospital service. The sick tion.
off labor leaders who are unionists. It was • shocking thing to
are cared for in their homes by high- opportunity, narrow-minded church
fering here and abroad, the Jew still recognizes his obligation
have written in • daily newspaper as an editorial. It was inhuman,
trained and skilful graduate nurses men have tried and, of course, are
absolutely destructive in character. Only • fool could hope
to educational and spiritual causes. Oftentimes it has been Widow's Gift Announced For Build. ly
and the service is paid for at regular still trying to link the Church with
for the overthrow of Bolshevism in Russia through the death of Lenine
hog for Visiting Nurse Service.
said that while he will give liberally to feed the hungry and
hospital costs in full or in partial the State. The Blue Laws are an ex -
There most be an upheaval and • change of thought
ample of this. The attempt to inser t
clothe the naked, he does not respond as readily as he should
among the people before it will be overthrown. It is but another
NEW YORK—Mrs. Jacob H. Schiff payments, according to the financial
in the Constitution of the Uni-
to the appeal of the schools and colleges. In some measure, has made a gift of $300,000 it was ability of the patient. A great deal Jesus
careless thinking and writing and speaking that is so
ted States is another example of it.
work, of course, is free.
prevalent today in this country.
perhaps, this has been true in the past though not in greater announced for the purchase of a cen- of "So
perfectly are these nurses The efforts to introduce Bible read-.
measure of the Jew than of others.
that in case of emergency, ing is another example. Of course
Nurse Service under the trained
The Italian government has ordered that there should be no further
or epidemic this blue-coated ar- our enimies make capital of this.,
It is a happy augury that in these times he listens patiently Visiting
foundation of the Henry Street Set- war
accumulation at Trieste of Jews, en route to Palestine, as the British
immediately mobilized for They tell their readers that the Jews'
and sympathetically to the representations of those who come tlement as a memorial to Jacob H.
of Palestine has ordered the ports of Palestine closed
service in the community. This
to him as the sponsors of an educational ideal. After all, when foundation of the Henry Street Set- for
for at least two weeks dm to the recent riots at Jaffa. Jews are pour.
was demonstrated effectively during the Jews are not interested in moral
and, owing to their inability to get into Palestine, are
the Jew knows how civilization has been enriched by his con- Schiff.
building purchased was at 97- the late influenza and infantile par-
in • precarious condition. While it is true that large numbers of Jews
epidemics. The movement has Jews try to make this a Jew nation
tributions to it, there will come to him a new sense of pride 99 The
Park avenue, on the southeast cor- alysis
it is not always • question of Zionism. They
until now it is spreading out
and dignity In his inheritance and when the world knows what ner of Fortieth street, and the gift grown
most have • place to go to seek relief from the unbearable c onditions
the entire country. At the all that sort of cheap claptrap need
the Jew has given to humanity, men of all nations and of all was said to be the largest ever made over
is not ready for such an influx and
time there are 22 nursing
a nursing service in this country. present
now since this country is on the eve of putting into effect • drastic
centers in New York City, which will, Men who talk that way are those who
creeds will look to him with a new respect and a higher ad- to
Mr. Schiff was one of the founders of operate under the direction of this carry Bibles in their pockets and say
immigration law the immigration tide will set in stronger than ever
the public nursing service 28 years
in the direction of Palestine. Jewish leaders have • real problem to
in church corners or in
To stand back, therefore, of those institutions that sponsor ago. The service in connection with central administration building. loud"Amens"
deed with these days.
centres are manned by a staff the front pews, if you please, but
the Jewish cultural ideal, is an ever present duty of the Jew. the Henry Street Settlement, has de- These
of 232 nurses during the month of leave all their religion behind them




Simplicity at Funerals.

veloped into probably the largest in-
stitution of its kind in the world. Mr.
Schiff was interested in it from the
time of its foundation until his death.
"Mr. Shift was the genius," said
a statement by the Henry Street Set-
tlement, "who inspired the public
health nurse and the school nurse as

April. The Visiting Nurse Service
is affiliated with Teachers' College in
its training of graduate and under-
graduate nurses except for those
nurses who come in for maternity
training. In this particular branch
the service is affiliated with the Man-
hattan Maternity Hospital.
"The services is city-wide. It
reaches homes in every section of the
city. It trains graduate nurses from
fourteen different hospitals. This
is the first nursing organization in the
world that has established a Visiting
Nurse Service available for every one
according to their ability to pay for
professional care. Visitors from all
parts of the world are constantly
coming to New York City for the pur -
pose of studying the methods of this

in relations with their fellow men.
They are creedists, dogmatists,
church men, but not followers of
We intend to continue to fight
against legislating church programs
into the lives of those who do not
subscribe to the Christian religion,
and we intend to continue to fight
the insidious attempt to bring back
the curse of the people of all times
and ages — an alliance between
Church and State. And such laws
as are now contemplated in Ohio is
merely one of the many underhanded
attempts to bring about that undesir-
able condition.

We do not know what motives impelled the late Frnaklin
K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior during the Wilson adminis-
tration, to request just previous to his death that his remains
Choose Exclusive District.
be disposed of without funeral ceremonies of any kind. There
The building selected for the ad-
are a variety of motives that might lead to such a request. But ministrative center was in the exclu-
if it was his idea, as some seem to believe, that a vivid protest ive Murray Hill residence district.
should be made against the display that has become so usual Its convenience to the Grand Central
was one of the reasons for
at funerals, one must feel that he was a brave and a wise man. Terminal
choosing the site. The growth of the
It is little less than sinful that, in so many instances, pomp service and the purpose of the build-
and display characterize the funeral of men and women whose ing were described as follows in the
lives held little to invite admiration or to insure enduring statement of the Henry Street Settle-
memory. Among the Jews, there is a tendency gradually ment:
(The Buffalo Enquirer.)
"It will be used for registrars,
asserting itself to break away from this sort of thing. Many statisticians, the making of medical
Buffalo welcomes the convention of
rabbis have long ago ceased to preach so-called eulogies over supplies, for staff meetings and class
the Union of American Hebrew Con-
the dead, confining their services to the reading of ritual room purposes. It will contain a MORE ATTACKS ON JEWS gregations and Federation of Temple
equipped cafeteria and
prayers with perhaps an added consolatory prayer for the liv- modernly
demonstration rooms and will serve
More than 1,200 delegates are in
WARSAW—Following the pros-
ing. This is as it should be. Life should be its own eulogy and as a center for public health interest.
lamation of the Rosvoy Society, num- attendance at this twenty-sixth hien-
every individual should write his praise upon the tablets of It is hoped that provision can also be erous attacks on Jews are reported nial convention. They represent a
made in the building for the enter-
human hearts.
of distinguished visitors from provincial towns in Poland. The very important, intelligent, enterpris-
Another matter in which the Jews very notably have pointed tainment
use as their pogrom-cry "Death ing, valuable body of American citi-
come to New York from all.isi parts Poles
zens. Any resume of the achieve-
the way to better things refers to the lavish use of flowers at who
this Visiting to the Jews who sold Upper Silesia." ments
of t he worl d to s
of Jews in America proves
funerals. It is quite in line with Jewish tradition that the cos- Nurse Service.
their usefulness to the country. If
Issue Statistics.
torn is becoming more general to substitute for floral tributes
lately there has been an outburst of
"Statistics issued by the organize-
and condemnation, Ameri-
to the dead offerings of charity through which the living may tion last year showed that the Visit-
can Jews should not take it too seri-
be helped. Particularly in times like these, when want and ing Nurse Service cared for as many
ously. That is the lot of every ele-
suffering are widespread among the people because of the patients as 13 combined city hospi-
ehemia De Liema,, ment of our citizenship. The coun-
prevailing economic depression and the unemployment situa- tals. Last year the service trained governor
and managing-director of try as a whole feels good will toward
316 nurses. So great has been the the Jewish National Fund has tender- the Jews. Abundant proof of that
tion, it seems a far more worthy tribute to pay to the beloved demand for the services of these
dead to do what one may in their names to assuage suffering nurses within the past few years that ed his resignation owing to differen- assertion appears in the general re-
of a campaign with a single
than to cover their coffins with flowers that shall perish in a need for a central administration ces with the land policy of the Fund. sentment
mouthpiece that has recently ap-
defense the Jews have
a day.
not had to rely upon themselves.
It may be that it was Mr. Lane's thought in his last request
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 JEWISH THEATER IN BERLIN
to emphasize the greater need of simplicity at funerals. If such
o e that his protest against prevail-
was the case, i t is to be hpd
BERLIN.—A company has been
ing extravagances and show and sham may
formed in Berlin to establish a Yid-

proper example and that it will lead to better practices.




Memorial Day.

On Monday next, thousands of us will piously pilgrim to
No hate can stifle our religion's birth;
the resting places of our beloved dead to lay upon their graves
This gift eternal like the stars that . shine,
the flowers emblematic of our affection for them. But espe-
cially on that day will there be thought of those brave boys
Point heavenwards, yet light each clod of earth,
whose resting places are amid the fields of Flanders—those
Our footsteps press, when care and sorrow line
boys who willingly died that humanity might live. There. side
by side in the unbroken quiet of eternal sleep, lie Christian
The groping paths of life; our souls shall knead
and Jew as though in mockery of the antagonisms and the
The visions of the past, the day's desire,
prejudices that yet prevail among those for whose happiness 7-=
all that beautifies our simple creed
they bled and died.
Over there, cross and six-pointed star are intermingled in
In one eternal, and ethereal fire!
the sacred places, though many a Jewish boy's grave is un-
The flame that vivifies the Jewish race,
identified by its distinguishing mark. That matters little, how-
That consecrates the joys of common life,
ever. We Jews are happy in the consciousness that in the great
struggle, we gave in full proportion the best we had to give
time's corrosive touch can ne'er efface,
among the honored dead to whom Memorial Day pays
and among
The boon in toil, the sweetness of the strife,
worthy tribute are thousands of our boys whose religious fealty
only served to deepen and intensify their sense of obligation I E----
The truth that animates like Heaven's sun,
to their country.
Our prayer in life and death that God is One.
Upon their graves, as upon the grave of every man who
did his duty in the great struggle, we lay the laurel of
affection and gratitude. May the years prove that the sacri-
fices that they made were not in vain. Despite all appearances - - f4
to the contrary, may history write them down as having strug-
gled heroically and successfully in the cause of justice, human- 111111 11111111111 111111111111111111111111111111iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilinEMEMEMMERMI11111111
I 14111I 1111111111imu
" h oo


dish Art Theater. Negotiations have
, already been concluded and the first
RI, performance is to take place in the
Deutaches Theater of Max Reinhardt.
▪ I The celebrated Vilna Company,
o whose most renowned members have
already arrived in Berlin, will pre-
sent the plays.

Rabbi Rudolph Coffee, of Toledo, furnishes good "copy" for eel:f•
paper paragraphers. His "latest" is remembering every Jewish m other
in his community on Mothers Day with • flower. I think it is good
enough for less prog ire colleagues to copy.

When I read Voltaire's story of "Zadig" some years ago I thought
that I had made a wonderful discovery when I detected • close re•
semblance between Voltaire's story and those of "Sherlock Holmes,"
written by Conan Dayle. But I soon I el that others were just as
smart as I am—and then some—but I was glad that a stuchint listen•
ing to Brander Matthews at Columbia telling his class that "Voltaire
had really originated the Sherlock Holmes type of detective," decided
to investigate. And he discovered that Mr. Matthews was wrong and
As far
that Voltaire probably plagiarized as much as Conan Doyle. so me
back as 1600, in • collection of Hebrew stories we find the
ductions" made in the case of ■ missing horse as we find in Voltaire:s
story—and the same type of detective as Mr. Holmes. In fact, it is
said that in the Babylonian Talmud similar stories are found. Another
Jewish contribution to civilization.

Speaking of problems, after all, isn't it possible that one clay the
Jewish problem will find its solution in Russia? Of course its not a
new thought, but we are inclined to forget it quite often. I was re:
minded of it, not by • Rabbi, bet by a man in the steel buaineis who
finds some time to give to thoughtful consideration of Jewish
lions. And I am inclined to think he's right. Palestine offers a limited
way out for some of the millions who are suffering in Europe, and if
we are honest with ourselves, would there be any need to look to
Palestine were it not for the intolerable conditions in Russia, Poland
and othr countries? I don't think so. The moving force behind thou.
desire fo P•letine is suffering, nd todm tens , ye. hundreds of a viin of
for only one remon, m a h
r s ef

rtudgae from persecutions.

So if Russia emerges from her present unsatisfactory state and under
comes in fact • reit! democracy and not a camouflaged autocracy
en ov por.
the name of Bolsheism, then we shall see the beginning o f
sanity for the Jew of Russia to find the solution of his problem and
to live his life in Russia. And I feel sure that • very large number
of older Jews, yes, even the younger ones who have come from congenial
feels that Russia offers them an environment that is very free ex•
to them, if they were given the opportunity for the full and the very
pression of their lives. So who knows but that in the end
ntanse i h tme r i seesrt tro etnhoeu g J h s wa nwdi I
m eh cab:hi enraousui tng, t:sboo.uum
noo b.netly oy w
plausible e no u gh

wort h th i nking s


Thomas Edison has aroused considerable discussion with his h,!offt
lions. I would like to put one to him concerning his chum and
outdoor companion, Mr. Ford. Are you ready, Mr. Edison? %.
well. "When is • man not a man?" Give it up? Here is the
"When he is • Ford." And it dosn't require • college education to
answer it.




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