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October 28, 1921 - Image 5

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-10-28

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what idiotic conclusitions unrestrained
passions may lead.
According to certain semi-official
statements, there should be about 17
milliards of Polish Marks in Vienna
alone, of which about 12 milliards are ,
said to be in the hands of the Jews,
what reasonable being believes—in the
face of these figures—that the Jews
(Copyright, 1921, by Jewish Correspondence Bureau.)
are willingly immolating themselves
for the express purpose of playing
(NOTE:—Count Vandalin-Mniszeeh Prado belongs to one of the oldest
some trick on the Poles? The Jews'
aristocratic families, not only in Poland but of all Europe. He is a Count
are, forsooth, voluntarily converting •
of the Holy Roman Empire and a member of the ancient Bohemian nobility.
themselves into beggars merely to an.
The count is a well known publicist and the author of political works. Dur-
noy the Poles! A splendid idea! De-
ing his stay in America he contributed to several of the leading newspapers,
verses to be put on the screen. What
such as the World, the Sun and the Herald, etc. Ile is well acquainted with
a sensational film it would make!
the Jewish question in Poland.)
There would be a dung heap. A Jew
would be sitting on it at his side.
"Unhappy the people which does Semitism, they construct the first
would be a pile of paper money, mil-,
not exist as a state and cannot die rungs of the ladder, up which they
Mods of Polish marks—a jug of wa-
as a Nation" is a political maxim, climb to success. On the other hand
ter and a loaf of mouldy black bread. ,
containing a trrible truth to which they have made of the Jews a sort
Cleavage Widening.
present-day Poland bears eloquent of diving-board for their ambitions,
The cleavage Poles and Jews is for-
witness. hardly has Poland arisen and on the other, a kind of safety
ever widening. All assurances to the
from the tomb, and already she is value. Cynical, but true.
contrary are merely bluff, tactical'

tottering, nay—rushing to destruction.
Revolutionary Upheavals.
perversions of the truth, similar to
Around the Polish alructrue of State
When Austria fell, and Poland those dished up to Sir Stuart Samuel
new precipices are each day opening arose, a number of social upheavals
when he came to investigate the sit-
Blind men learning to see with their hands, to know the blessing of
wide their jaws; any moment they took place of a revolutionary charac-
nation on behalf of Great Britain' Ile independence and usefulness, to find a niche in the scheme of things. At
may close on it. What will then hap- ter. Even quiet historic Cracow boiled was told that the Lemberg pogrom
Newberry House, where this picture was taken, men and women, crippled
pen to the nation? The proverb will and bubbled. The "reds" wonted to
was q spontaneous outburst on the and blinded, learn to live anew. This is one of the countless works sup-
go on to justify itself.
take advantage of the situation. The part of drunken soldiery. And the
ported by the Community Union.
Is it a misfortune or a curse? Both. bourgeoisie got cold feet, Shaking
statement is being adhered to, al-
A misfortune, because the newly form- every limb they turned to their Chief
though it is easy to show that this
ed Polish State, at its very inception, of Police for help. What did he do?
horrible butchery, of which I was an
was toast with a complication of ques• Mobilize his myrmidions in readiness
philosemitic order of the day long
eye-witness, was previously more
tions none to easy of solution. In- or an attack? God forbid! Ile had
since issued by a Polish general. One
eager they were promised that after
stead of placing the right people in a better plan than that. He simply
white raven at whom the black ones
the conquest of Lemberg they could
the right places, exactly the opposite diverted the pent-up passions of t h e
in the Polish parliament pecked. In-
make merry ("Pohula") in the Jew-
(This column is conducted by the
Was done. To misfortune was added mpulace against the Jews. Instead ish quarter! What is understood by stead of recognition, the Jews got, ac-
the curse of stupidity. Unknown per- if revolutionary riots, we had anti-
cording to the different ways in which Maimonides Medical Society).
"merry-making" in this connection is
sonalities—"dark horses" as they are Jewish excesses. And Herr von
their good Polish neighbors think and
easily apparent to all who have
called—took the helm. They did not Kroupinski was proudof his work.
feel—hatred, ingratitude and persecu-
gone through the last war. \V hat
know how to steer and Ship of State When he was brought to book for
n. We have only to think, (with
about the charges made by the High ti o
drifted helplessly towards the rocks, other misdeeds and his head was
what humiliation!) of the many Jew-
Command that the Jews poured boil•
The art of the miracle-man, the
of which there are many. One of the clamoured for, he reminded his en-
ing water on the incoming troops? ish officers who during the Bolshevik magic-healer and the quack is grand
most outstanding is the Jewish ques- emies of this action of his for preserv-
invasions in Jablowna were suspected
Was this the way to bring about
in its simplicity and delightfully easy.
tion. Ever so much has been written ing law and order. He claimed that
of treason and interned. Among
peace? Would this calm the hatred
It does not require years of arduous
on this subject—some of it true, a the anti-Jewish agitation, which he
of the legionaries towards the Jews? them were officers who had bled for labor to master nor constant appli-
great deal untrue. It would seem like instigated should be placed to his
A curious method of doing things! Poland and given proof of their cation in ill-smelling laboratories; no
taking coals to Newcastle to enlarge credit. Splendid!
And finally, why has it been necessary
painful dissection of the human body,
upon it. For this problem, intimately
Thanks to the incapacity of Polish for a Commission to sit, day after what he will; it will always be mis-
nor inconsequential studies in animal
hound up as it is with the complex diplomacy, affairs in Upper Silesia
day for months, in the Batorygasse represented. Ile is suspected of un- physiology; nor tiresome confinement
of Polish questions, is like a bottom- completely miscarried. In confirmity
in Lemberg, to prove the charges? patriotic motives. If he subscribes in monotonous hospitals.
less pit. Above all, its existence is with a secret agreement arrived at in
Was this really necessary if it only
No, indeed! Why waste the glori-
a cultural disgrace and even more a Paris last February, the Poles were concerned a spontaneous, even if ex- control finances. If he does not sub-
ous years of youth in painstaking
denial of the tradition of centuries. to attack the Germans from behind,
cessituly prolonged, outbreak of scribe he is unpatriotic and an enemy study of gruesome and tedious facts?
as soon as ever Prance had unmasked brutality on the part of the soldiery?, of the country.
Old Poles Chivalrous.
Behold, an inspiration? A sudden
Ejected from Guard.
The old Poles were a noble, chival- her [mans with regard to the Ruhr Moonshine! The statement made by
revelation of truth. The evil spirit
rous people. They succumbed. They Territory. All this happened accord- I'rince Lubomirski in Washington
The Jews were ejected from the civ- is responsible for all sickness. Exor-
fell a prey to an historical injustice ing the program, but it proved a fias- that the Jewish question is regulated, il guard. They were degraded to the cise the little fiend and all is well
co. It was Warsaw's punishment for is nothing more than clumsy attempt
which has at last been expiated. Ma-
category of second-rate citizens, they again.
ria Theresa claimed that "Poland is letting Paris do her thinking for her, to throw dust in the eyes of the world. were dubbed foreigners against their
Such was the theory of disease in
a morsel which Europe will not be and following her lead blindly and Or did the Prince have the Warsaw will, and without the privileges of the dark ages, and in its various dis-
slavishly. The after-effects of the af- Reconciliation Conference in mind
able to digest." It was a prophetic
foreigners. Blind raging anti-semi- guises has continued to flourish even
when he made his statement? If so, Um became the road which led to the to the present day. Ignoring disease
pronouncement. The Partition of Po- fair are not yet known.
There was consternation and a spir- he was a bad prophet, and deeply in
land upset the equilibrium of Europe.
conference table. It created an an- or denying its existence is merely an-
it of revolt. A scape-goat had to be error regarding its probable result.
The non-existence of the Polish State
omalous situation which is no-where other way of stating the magic for-
found. And immediately the walls of He simply made himself rediculous.
helped to make possible the last great
else to be found. The negotiations, mula. It is another abacadabra to
Warsaw were covered with proclama- The conference which ended—as could
as I have already said, ended in a fias- frighten the evil spirit. To the un-
tions, calling for pogroms against the
Poland was destroyed. The State Jews. "The Jew is to blame for have been foreseen—in a fiasco, was co. Taking into consideration their initiated disease is real and weighs
fell to pieces. The nation remained everything—so thrash him." The press altogther a curiosity in political law. character, they could have ended in upon him like an incubus. There is
surrounded by a glamour of knightli- by the Weichse and by the Seine join- On the one hand, it was claimed that • nothing else. What has been brought no question in his mind about the
ness and nobility. And today? What ed in a glorious anti-Jewish chorus. the Jew is a citizen possessing equal into existence by an endless series of reality of his affliction. But now, let
125 years of the most degrading bon- In both places an ocean of ink was ex- rights. Very fine! On the other hand j brutal acts and violations of right, him learn the magic formula and,
we sat down at a conference table could not be annulled by a few fine presto, disease is gone. It is non-
dage could not annihilate, four years
hausted. An attempt was made to with this same citizen said to possess speeches. So that there was a emu- existent. The constant re-affirma-
of freedom have destroyed. Present-
prove that Lloyd-George was a tool equal rights and negotiated with him
lete and mutual confidence between tion that there is no evil or disease,
day Poland is anything but a noble in the hands of the Jews, and must
chivalrous State. Quite the contrary, dance according to the tune played as with an enemy power. What a I the parties. Morever, as a minority with the aim of producing a healthy
If the one is true, the Jews could not in any case, count state of body or mind, to us seems
alas! And yet the rulers in Poland by Edward Montague, Lord Reading
today are neither the much slandered and Sir Philip Sassoon. A campaign then the other is just a poor jest, If on a success. It is impossible in ad- like a silent admission of the pres-
Schlachta, nor the magates who have was inaugurated against "Jew-ridden the Jew is, ipso facto, in possession of I dition, to erect Justice on foundations ence of some evil spirit which must
equal rights with the l'oles, there can of injustice.
be banished by this form of auto-
been so liberally condemned as pat- Albion."
be no basis for negotiations. The
The East Golician question is near- suggestion.
ricides. The liberated people is at the
Diplomatic Tactl
law which is good enough for the ' ing settlement. The next sitting , of
Or the evil spirit may manifest
helm. But the conditions prevailing
In this frenzy, however, Warsaw Aryan Poles should be good enough the Supreme Council is to decide as itself as some physical cause; for in-
in the country are neither those of
also for the Semitic Poles. It should to whom this last remnant of the I'o-
freedom, nor yet of the easy-going completely overlooked the fact that
stance, as a dislocated vertebra. Per-
Sapieha had for months left vacant protect them from persecution and lish Austrian State is to adhere. War- form the magic hocus-pocus and the
good nature of the common people.
Poland of old opened wide her bor. the Embassy in London, a diplomatic trickery. Or should the Jews get an saw knows this, and makes its pre- spirit is gone. And the secret of all
extra portion? That would be to give parations in every event. Only this these wonderful cures is their itter
ders to the persecuted Jews and re - taclessness which, in the natural
them more than equal rights. The time more cunningly than usual. It simplicity. The magic word may be
ceived them as welcome visitors. She course of events, should have brought
thing resolves itself into an attempt is working feverishly on the motto learned in a day; a semi-hypnotic
gave them a privileged asylum. Poles
to bring about a modus vivendi be- of "Kaptatio benevolence." The agra- state may be attained by three days'
and Jews lived like good neighbors Ambassador at Warsaw. , It was also
tween two—in law and state—unequal rian reform, that illegal national fasting; and the art of replacing dis-
together; they mutually complemented
factors. It imposes a state, and an economic absurdity, is being carried located vertebra may be acquired in
each other. Of trouble and trickery being neglected, but France was being
antagonistic state at that, within a through full speed ahead. The at- six months. And since the evil spirit
there was no trace. Today the old
state. How can we then deny the ex. tempt is made to convince the Ukrain- or the ubiquitous vertebra is the
friendly relationship has disappeared. on her part to counteract British in-
istence of a Jewish problem? On the ian peasant ad oculos that he will cause of all disease, one need know
In its place we have impatience, an- terests anywhere. If Downing Street
contrary, we must admit its existence, have a good time under Polish rule. nothing else about the body and stil l
tagonism and a passion for persecu- today does not go hand-in-hand with
and In such a measure, too, that it The Jews are also being played up to work remarkable cures in ailments
tion. Why? Have the Jews changed? Poland, it is not therefore the Jews
must contradict the conception of a by a veto right dangled in front of varying from a simple corn to a ma
No. Then, where is the cause of this that are performing a series of aston-
regulated structure of state. Act- them. By this, they are certain that lignant brain tumor.
alteration to be found? Perhaps in ishing acrobatic feats. Its rapid de-
ually it has become a reality, owing to all trouble will bee
voided in the fu-
What a blessing to humanity is
a transformation of the national cline is simply an economic pheno-
mad anti-Jewish policy of the ture. It may be that the Jews are such a wonderful discovery! And
character of the Polish people? No menon. Who is to blame for that?
Poles. The Jews were good poles, thinking of venturing on the ice, If still a greater blessing it is to the
Where then is the cause of it? Sim-
they thought and acted patriotically. no the worse for them. Remember young idealist, who can suddenly
ply in a blind and frenzied incite- chorus in replY "Of course the ac-
Thousands of them gave their blood that agreements are made to be brok- ascend, without painful climbing ,
ment carried on by people who would cursed." Now this is the very height
property for the Polish Father- en and privileges are granted that from the position of the barber' s
otherwise not attain any eminence. of midsummer madness, and shows
land. This was even recognized in a they may be withdrawn immediately clerk to that of a miracle-man; to
Out of this artificially fostered anti-
their purpose has been served. The say nothing of any amelioration in
Polish Parliament hat ratified the his material circumstances! And then
paragrahps relating to the minority he can legally assume the title o f
rights. In actual practice, however, doctor—a teacher of men. Indeed ,
the ratification appears somewhat ri- it is surprising that there are an y
diculous. It reflects itself in attacks barbers who are content to remain
upon the Jews, in cutting off their in their lowly calling. Try it your -
ear-locks, in filling the prisons with self. If you have a few hundred dol
them, and in similar little things. Is lars to spare, and can afford a six
not this bound to deprive the Jews of months' vacation, a diploma mill i n
every scrap of confidence in the Poles. Iowa will be glad to sell you a de -
No, under present day conditions, gree and you can thump your pa
there can be no talk of regulating the tients to your heart's content. o va
Jewish question; despite the assur- can suddenly emerge from your ob
ances of distinguished gentlemen, and scure little cocoon as a resplendent
the denial of M. Witos, the Jewish "doctor." You will have a license to
question exists. It is today more acute practice the art of healing and th e
than ever. The very existence of Po- law will protect you in your rights.
land, however, makes it imperative
Isn't personal liberty a gloriou s
that the Jewish question should be thing? In this free country of our
solved. It is not impossible that Poles the jolly vendor of snake-oil may set
and Jews should again live together his wares unmolested; the miracle
in amicable relationship. The ancient man may make the lame to walk and
Mosaic law of an eye for an eye and the blind to see; the barber clerk o f
a tooth for a tooth, is no longer ob- yesterday may restore your speec
i served by the Jews. It will place no by whacking you on the backbone a s
obstacle in the way of a conclusion of much as he likes. Equal opportunity
peace. The future interests of Poland to all! We dare not interfere wit h
demand peace urgently. It is a goal personal liberty. Everybody is en
worthy of every effort, and it can be titled to the pursuit of happiness an
attained only when the Poles bring the almighty dollar.
to mind their ancient traditions. They
Governments are established fo
, will then become once more as they the protection of these sacred liber
were before their decay, a noble chiv- ties. Also for the election of con
alrous people, and the Jewish ques gressmen and presidents, to buil
tion will disappear of itself in the armies and navies, and to collect th
ocean of oblivion.
income tax; to protect property an
inherited wealth. There are a fe
cranks who have a different theor
of government. They believe the
HOTEL AT MT. CLEMENS the function of government is to pro
mote the physical and spiritual wel
fare of a social group; to take car
Leon Krim, proprietor of the River- of the sick and the unfit, to protect
side Hotel and Baths at Mount Cleni- the weak against the strong; the sim-
ens, said this week that fully 40 of ple against the cunning; to make :
the largest cities in the United States provision for the reasonable comfort
were represented the past few months of all; to weed out disease by pro-
at his hotel, seeking cures for rheum- moting medical knowledge; to strive
atism at his mineral baths. Mr. Krim to produce a race of individuals per-
said that Jews flocked to his hotel be- fect in body and mind. What absurd
cause of the Kosher meals served and notions! These men should be brand-
other accomodations.
ed as radicals and bolshevists and
Detroit, Mr. Krim said was the only
deported to Russia.
community that was not represented
Personal liberty is our slogan. The
despite the nearness of his place to seller of snake-oil, the manufacturer
this locality. Mr. Krim urged rheu- of patent medicines, the miracle-man,
matic people to take advantage of the the faith-healer and the pounder of
opportunity offered them at his mM- backbones are free and equal citizens
eral baths, thus saving time and of these United States. They must
money in traveling to more distant be protected in their rights for the
points for cures of rheumatism, ner- greater glory of our country and our
vousness, skin diseases, stomach
trouble, high fever, gout, etc.

The Jewish Question In
My Polish Fatherland


A few models chosen from
our comprehensive dis-
plays that will prove our
prices to be conservative:

' flits

Full length new model fine
Broadtail Wrap at

Alaska Seal Wrap, with Ko-
linsky C. and C.

New model in taupe Amer-
ican Broadtail, at


Fyfe's Fourth Floor

Continuing the Sale
of High Grade Boots

Former Values from $15 to $16.50


SIITILL a good choice of styles and sizes for women
who were unable to attend the opening days of

= this remarkable sale.


Every shoe in the collection is the product of a noted manufac-
turer. The entire lot comprises highest quality, custom made
boots in lace and button styles with military and Louis heels, and
welt or turn soles.
Black and tan Russia calfs;
black kids; gray and sand bucks;
This is an unexampled oppor-
tunity to buy notably fine foot-
wear at about one-third former

Mail Orders Filled

—Fourth Floor—

Woodward and Adams


LONDON.—(J. C. B.)—The local
Morning Post published a cable from
the American Palestine National
League, appealing to the British gov-
ernment and to English public opin-
ion "to protect the rights of Arabs
against their Jewish oppressors."
(As far as we have been able to
ascertain, the American Palestine
National League is an organization
of Syrian Arabs.)

NEW YORK.—(J. C. B.)—It is
learned here that the will of Sir
Ernest Cassell, prominent financier
and friend of the British royal fam-
ily, makes provisions for the trans-
ferring of some articles of property
to Mortimer Schiff and Paul and Fe-
lix Warburg. Sir Ernest Cassell was
baptized before his death, but he was
an important contributor to numer-
ous charitable institutions and at one
time a' director of Ica.



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