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March 02, 1917 • Page Image 9

…, chairman of the organization. will act as toast- master. The principal .sp'eaker of the evening will be Meyer Schlissell of the University of Michigan, whose subject will be: "The Jew as An American Citizen…

…." RABBI KOPLOWITZ CONDUCTS SERVICES IN ANN ARBOR. Rabbi Isidore Koplowitz of De- troit was the speaker at the services of the Students' Congregation of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor on Sunday, Feb…

March 30, 1917 • Page Image 12

… Elsie Seelye Pratt of the health service " department of the University of Michigan. Musical numbers by Miss Priscilla Dilleway, 'cellist, with Mrs. Clara Falton as accompanist. The informal dance given…

August 03, 1917 • Page Image 2

…- preciable effect upon the supply. It has been pronounced by the Analytical Laboratories of the University of Michigan "GERM FREE." "The water shed" furnishes a great natural filter—none better in the world…

June 15, 1917 • Page Image 12

… apartment at 7 Illinois street, Detroit. Detroit friends of Miss Rebecca Greenberg, vice president of the Jewish Student Congregation of the University of Michigan, will be pleased to know that she was the…

June 08, 1917 • Page Image 15

…. Prenzlauer, father of the bride, the wedding was solemn- turned from the University of Michigan and has left for New- ized very quietly. port News, Va., for the summer. He will enter the employ of the…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 5

of Michigan. . Ithaca, N. Y.—For the first time in the history of Cornell university, a Jewish religious service was conduct- ed here by Rabbi Isaac Landman, of Philadelphia, secretary of the Central…

… Sabbaths for the congregation at Huntington, W. Va., and has also served communities at JEWISH STUDENT CONGREGA- TION FORMED AT COR- NELL UNIVERSITY, Is Patterned After Student Organiza- tion of University

March 30, 1917 • Page Image 4

… WALTER BARLOW Born and raised. in .Wayne county. Educated in State Normal.' college and University of Michigan. Graduate law department Univer- sity of Michigan, 1881. • KRAWITZ & WACHLER Practiced…

March 09, 1917 • Page Image 13

… Generation," by the eminent scholar, Max Winkler, professor of the German languages and literature at the University of Michigan. Mr. Winkler says that Schiller stands out as a great character, and the most…

March 02, 1917 • Page Image 5

… Graduate of Michigan State Normal College and University of Michigan. Primaries, March 7, 1917 We are the first and only Jewish Clipping Bureau in the World We clip every Jewish publication in all…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 8

… of the her sister, Mrs. B. F. Weinberg. season of that organization. The Prof. Claude Van Tyne of the program opened with selections by University of Michigan addressed the Choral Union under the very…

November 02, 1917 • Page Image 7

…. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, November 7th. Professor Van Tyne of the History Department of the University of Michigan, will deliver a lecture on "Why We Are at War With Ger- many…

October 12, 1917 • Page Image 11

… given the rare privilege of GOLDSMITHS AND SILVERSMITHS February 25, 1918—Mrs. Leo M. listening to Prof. Claude C. Van Tyne Incorporated Franklin will review "The Empty of the University of Michigan, talk…

July 27, 1917 • Page Image 9

… pay a small are sununcr weekly tax, which, when it reaches the Women's Proclamation Society literature, University of Michigan, and women's committee in aid of the Jew plain ish war sufferers. sum of…

June 08, 1917 • Page Image 14

… Student Congregation young people,on Sunday in honor of of the University of Michigan, spent her daughter Leah's twelfth birthday 14st Sunday in the city, having come anniversary. ftom Ann Arbor to attend…

May 18, 1917 • Page Image 7

… in the pub- lic schools of this city, he entered the University of Michigan in 1911. He soon distinguished himself as an ora- tor and participated in many debates and oratorical contests, carrying off…

March 30, 1917 • Page Image 18

… the Ohio.State University and the University of. Michigan, and fo,r some time has been general manager of the Pere Marquette Railroad, and to him is due the credit for bringing order out of chaos in the…

August 03, 1917 • Page Image 6

… beautiful simplicity that for generations was characteristic of all their funeral customs. The American Israelite calls attention to the change in spirit that has come to the University of Michigan since the…

July 20, 1917 • Page Image 7

…' Society, whose membership represents the University of Michigan, M. A. C., Ohio State University, Buffalo University, and local colleges and professional schools, was organized recently at the close of the…

April 27, 1917 • Page Image 12

… women in college, that they are thoroughly irreligious, is not well founded. As a matter of fact, the growing success of the student congregations at the University of Michigan and at the University of…

April 20, 1917 • Page Image 9

of Michigan, of the Ypsilanti State Normal School. and other state institutions, as \ v ell as the Detroit College of Law, the Detroit Col- lege of Medicine, and the University of Detroit, will be…

… sermon, be- ginning at 10 o'clock. On Sunday morning of this week. April LW, the third _Annual Student Day Service will take place at Temple Beth El. On this occasion Jewish stu- dents of the University

December 07, 1917 • Page Image 7

University of Michigan, has been . who. moreover, have won the respect greatly honored by being elected a and the esteem of their fellow stti- member of the Alpha Omega Alpha dents. The honor, therefore, is…

August 03, 1917 • Page Image 5

… method of killing animals the University of Michigan pronounce intr (go. D a t til 'IaVOI IZTInfiN " mitted to be eaten. Among the fish is a scientific one. Their ritual says "germ free." The analyst of…

December 14, 1917 • Page Image 1

… revise their conception, of tended the University of Michigan. out and protest against such an out- loyalty, and patriotism. They hive by the American Federation of Labor, uania, Rumania, and Palestine…

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