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May 18, 1917 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1917-05-18

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Prominent Jewish Young Men Enlist

Samuel J. Rhodes, President of B'nai B'rith Lodge, and Isadore
Levin, of the Faculty of Detroit College of Law are now
"Doing Their Bit" at Fort Sheridan.

The Jewish community of Detroit
may rightfully feel proud of the young
men it is sending to aid the United
States to fulfill its purposes in the
present world conflict. 'Iwo of our
most illustrious boys have offered
their services to the government.
They arc Samuel J. Rhodes, president
or Pisgah Lodge, Independent Order
of B'nai B'rith, and former editor of
The Jewish Chronicle, and Isadore
Levin, member of the faculty of the

Samuel J. Rhodes

Detroit College of Law and one of
the most brilliant young attorneys of
the city. The young men left the
city on Monday for Fort Sheridan
where they will undergo a three
months' course of training in prepara-
tion for the examinations to qualify
for commissions in the army.
Samuel J. Rhodes is probably the
youngest president of a B'nai B'rith
Lodge in a city of this size, in the
country. He is but 24 years of age
and has achieved recognition as a
public spirited citizen that would flat-
ter most men in their prime. After
completing his education in the pub-
lic schools of this city, he entered the
University of Michigan in 1911. He
soon distinguished himself as an ora-
tor and participated in many debates
and oratorical contests, carrying off
many honors. He was equally promi-
nent in student activities. As presi-
dent of the Menorah society for sev-
eral terms, he did much to arouse
the Jewish students to a greater in-
terest in the literature and the cul-
ture of their faith. Under his lead-
ership the Menorah chapter of Mich-
igan became one of the most influen-
tial in the country. Mr. Rhodes
graduated from the university in
1915 with the degree of bachelor of

Sign Co.


Phone Main 2775

laws, and commenced the practice of
law in Detroit. Soon thereafter he
became the first editor of. The Jewish
Chronicle, and aided greatly in de-
veloping the paper to its present high
Mr. Rhodes joined the local Pis-
gah Lodge of the B'nai B'rith after
he became established in the city and
soon took front rank as an organ-
izer and worker. As chairman of the
membership committee last year he

Isadore Levin

conducted a vigorous campaign that
brought the lodge into prominence as
one of the largest in the nation. Be-
cause of his remarkable work and
whole-hearted interest in Jewish mat-
ters of all kinds, he was unanimous-
ly elected to the presidency of the
lodge at the last election.
Isadore Levin.
Isadore Levin, son of Rabbi Judah
1'. Levin, is the youngest professor
of law in America. He graduated
from Harvard university in 1916 after
completing a seven year course in the
arts and law. He was awarded his
degrees "cum laude" and distin-
guished himself as the honor debater
of Harvard university by winning the
Nobel prize awarded to the best de-
bater in the university every year.
He was elected captain of the Har-
vard 'varsity debating team which de-
feated Princeton and Yale. He won
practically every scholarship offered
that could possibly affect his work
and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa,
the honorary scholarship intercolle-
giate fraternity. Mr. Levin was
prominent also in Jewish activities,
being past president of the Harvard
Menorah society and vice-president
of the Intercollegiate organization.
He is also president of the Intercol-
legiate Zionist association of Amer-
Upon his return from college, Mr.
Levin became associated with the law
firm of Butzel & Butzel. On the
strength of his remarkable record. at
Harvard Law School he was offered
a position as professor of law in the
Detroit Law School, which post he
held until his enlistment in the re-
serve officers' corps.
The members of the B'nai B'rith,
in which both boys took most active
part, regret very much to lose these
noble young men even for the period
of the war, and it is the prayer of all
that they may return to their homes
and friends safely and with honor.


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your Share"

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(Continued from page 3)

A. Goldman
Harry S. Grant
Mrs. Jacob Herstein
Rabbi Abr. M. Hershman
Mrs. A. M. Hershman
Edith Heavenrich
Mr. Sidney F. Heavenrich
Mr. Walter S. Heavenrich
David E. Heineman
Harry Helfman
Emil Heyn
Moses S. Himelhoch
Joseph Hartman
Mrs. Dora Hoffman
Rabbi Horwitz
Ben B. Jacob
Abr. H. Jaffin
Max Jacob
Mrs. Henry A. Krolik
Albert A. Kahn
Mrs. Albert Kahn
Mrs. Wolf Kaplan
Henry A. Krolik
Julian H. Krolik
Joseph N. Keidan
Aaron Klein
Anton Kaufman
Samuel B. Kaufmann
Benjamin L. Lambert
J. B. Lasky
Jacob Levin
Rabbi J. L. Levin
Max May
Mrs. Max May
Herman Marks
Benjamin Marks
Jacob Nathan
Isaac Ogooshevitz
David Oppenhein
Mrs. Rosa T. Rosenfield

Mrs. Oscar Rosenberger
David Robinson
Harry Rosenberg
S. D. Rosenzweig
E. M. Rothman
S. Rabinowitz
Wallace Rosenheim
S. E. Sallan
Adolph Sloman
Mrs. Adolph Sloman
David W. Simons
Mrs. David W. Simons
Samuel Sarasohn
Joseph L. Selling
Bernard B. Selling
Abe Shiffman
Benjamin Siegel
Joseph Stillman
A. Simon
Joseph Singer
Eugene H. Sloman
Louis Smilansky
Harry Srere
Milford Stern
Max Stotter
Meyer Schneider
Mrs. David Sheraga
Samuel L. Spivak
Nathan Simons
Samuel Summerfield
Ben Tannenholz
Abraham Victor
Moe Weil
Mrs. Moe C. Weil
Louis Welt
Henry Wineman
Leopold Wineman
Emanuel Wodic
Harry L. Weinstein
Leo Zuckerman
Mrs. Leo Zuckerman.

The Most Important Events
In Jewish History

Are now transpiring the World over.

As a Jew YOU should be well in-
formed on all vital Jewish matters.
The Jewish Chronicle will tell you
each week what has happened to
affect Israel.



$1.50 Per Annum.

The death has occurred in Russia
of the great Yiddish writer, M. Chaim
Tchemarinsky, better known as Reb-
Mordchele. Tchemarinsky's works,
which are in the style of the great
Russian fable writer, Kriloff, won for
him a high reputation.


Among the leading cut-stone con-
tractors in Detroit, Hubert A. Meier
who for many years has enjoyed an
enviable standing as being a firm
that has always lived up to its repu-
tation by extending to its patrons
service and quality. Hubert A. Meier
is one of the oldest cut-stone con-
tractors in this vicinity and is doing
a very extensive business. The firm
at all times carries a large stock of
supplies on hand and thereby is able
to meet the extraordinary demand.

for next win-
ter! Prices will
never be as low

H. & B. Marks

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