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October 08, 2009 • Page Image 60

… by Joan Melnick, owner of Bonnie's Kitchen of Bloomfield Township. $25. RSVP by Oct. 21. a s ORATOR Events of Hillel of Metro Detroit, (313) 577-3459, • Celebrate Shabbat in the D…

… Lutheran Church,1501 W. Not good with any other offer ew Seoul Garden Phone (248) 827-1600 Jewish Hikers of Michigan is joining the community CROP Walk To register, visit and…

… BASKET r II I I II BUY 1 SANDWICH, SOUP and DRINK GET 2nd FREE eyres 10/22/09 II expires I I 10/22/09 i 1 I I I I I lllllll ;LOX Of SABLE PLATE: ;FOR 2 200/0 OFF HiNcuas KIDS MEALS 994 expires…

… 10/22/09 I r 1 i I expires 10/22/09 Gratuity off original bill. 1 r a I ........... b. of Corned Beef $ 1) Rh of Pokno Salad 1599 . of Coleslaw Loof of Bread Rye expires 10/22/09 BUY any lb…

…, of meat GET 2nd FREE I II I I i I I expires 10/22/09 I 99 COFFEE AN) FRESH NUT lb. of LOX $13.99 expires 10/22/09 r ....... "" """ ."` ...... 1 L a ANY DINNER SPECIA : 99; I Lamb Chops…

… events. For each, RSVP to Michelle Lichtman, (248) 661- 5700 or •"Flavors of Fall" — 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15, a fun family program with Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny at the…

… Franklin Cider Mill, 14 Mile and Franklin roads in Bloomfield Township. Free. •"Wine and Dine" — 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 24, at the West Bloomfield temple, for a demonstration and serving of a four-course meal…

…! Complete kitchen and bathroom remodeling as well, as furniture design and installations including granite, wood and other materials. Lois Haron Allied Member ASID 248.851.6989 Join MSU Hillel at these…

… events: • Jewcy Sushi: Can Sushi be kosher? Join other freshmen students in Holden Hall to make sushi and talk about the laws of kashrut 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14. Contact Robyn Berkowitz at Robyn…

… . • Homecoming Family Shabbat cospon- sored by Steve Bernstein, Don Rudick and AEPi Alumni on Friday, Oct. 16. Services, 6 p.m. and dinner 7. Family members $10, students and members of the Parent Partners Program…

September 08, 2016 • Page Image 21

…-generation Detroiter, Lupovitch is a graduate of Hillel Day School, the University of Michigan and Columbia University, where he received a Ph.D. in history. To purchase tickets, visit www. Tickets…

… Jonathan H. Schwartz of the Jewish Bar Association of Michigan are pro- ducing the event to share the moral importance of the return of such art to its owners, as well as its interest to the community as a…

… and ongoing cases. Moderating the event will be Howard Lupovitch, an associate professor of history and director of the Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies at Wayne State University. A fourth…

… WWII and how sales of stolen works bankrolled large parts of the Nazi war Raymond J. machine. Keynote Dowd speaker attorney Raymond J. Dowd will discuss the story behind Nazi looted art, through forced…

… and coerced transfers, and the ethical and legal expectations of its return to its lawful owners. Dowd is a partner in the law firm of Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP in New York City. He served as…

… lead trial counsel in notable cases involving art law, copyrights, trade- marks and other matters. Richard A. Herman, a local copy- right attorney and chairperson of the event, and co-chair attorney…

… whole. Attendees will also learn about laws passed in the wake of looting to return stolen art to its rightful owners and the extent to which those laws have been successful via the explora- tion of past…

…-0395. * J OIN T R EP LACEMEN T J UST F OR Y OU . Tim Knee Replacement HENRY FORD CENTER FOR JOINT REPLACEMENT When it comes to joints, no two are the same. That’s why our award-winning team of joint…

… replacement specialists take care to find a treatment specific to your body and your needs. With patient satisfaction ratings in the top 1 percent nationally and the type of personalized surgery you need, we…

December 08, 1950 • Page Image 4

Michigan found it difficult to travel the dis. tance between the campus and the Hillel building for Hillel Foundation programs in recent years. Construction of the new build- ing, which will be speeded at…

… *U. of:M. Hillel project will meet with success and that its efforts will be blessed with cooperation from Michigan's Jewish communities. Vatican and Jerusalem The Jerusalem issue remains full of dy…

… give, strength to our Jewish exist- ence and give validity to the contention that "true Jewishness is stronger than all artifi- cial enthusiasm." New Hillel Home Jewish students at the University of

…THE JEWISH NEWS Modern Maccabees Member ; American Association of English-Jewish News- ps.pers Michigan Press: Association. Publishec every Friday oy The Jewish News Publishing Co. 708-10 David…

… Jewish News, Rabbi Herschel Lymon, director of the U. of M. Hillel Foundation, presents an interesting analysis of Hillel's needs and as- pirations. While it is regrettable that an- other building project…

… the U. of M. Hillel project now is at least , three years old and that its completion is vital towards achieving the goal aimed at— that of training our youth in the, colleges. We are confident that the…

… Stott Bldg.. Detroit 26. Mich- WO. 6-1155. Subscription SS a year: foreign $4. Entered as seconc class matter Ang. 6, 1942 at Poet Office. Detroit Mich.. under Act of March 8. 1879. 'Jubel's Children…

…—Sabbath Hanukah—the thir- tieth day of..Kislev, 5711, the following Scripturcil selections will be read: - Pentateuchal portions—Gen. 41:44:17, Num. -48 :9-15, 7:42-53. On Sunday, Rah Hodesh Tebet, Num. 28:1-15, 7…

…:42-53, will be read. On Monday, the last day of Hanukah, Num. 7:54-8:4 will be read during morning services. Hanukah's Lesson Dr. Leo Jung, the eminent orthodox Jewish leader,. offered an interesting evalua…

…- tion of the Hanukah festival when he stated: "Is not Hanukah a symbol of Israel, and its light a symbol of his immortality? When nations are victorious they groiv ungrateful . . . Bu t the Maccabees…

October 08, 1993 • Page Image 88

… sooths and offers a rest from pressures. Dr. Grekin is an assistant professor of clinical psychology at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medi- cine. Her specialty is helping individuals…

… speak on "Israel Update." There is no charge. For reservations, call Ann Mondrow, 967-4750. The sisterhoods of Adat Shalom, Beth Abraham Hillel Moses, B'nai Moshe, Shaarey Zedek and Shaarey Zedek B…

… past dean of ed- ucation at the Whizin Institute for Jewish Family Life at the University of Judaism, Dr. Wolfson wrote The Art of Jew- ish Living, a series of books on the celebration of Jewish holi…

…- days in the home, and A Time to Mourn, A Time to Comfort. The University of Judaism is a fully-accredited institution of higher Jewish learning, in- cluding a four-year undergrad- uate liberal arts…

… Moscow Conservatory of Music. Elaine Greenberg studied private voice at the McPhail School of Music in Minneapolis and continued her education at the University of Minnesota where she majored in voice and…

….81 52.92 58.03 68 26 36 92 48.47 54.24 60.01 65.78 77.33 Ron Wolfson Jewish Family Symposium Set Visit Our Showroom Today! 22223 Telegraph Road Southfield (South of 9 Mile Road) Or Call: 313 GLASS…

… 353-5770 A Clear Reflection of Quality For a Free Estimate or Consultation on Custom Glass Design and Installation Since 1964 *Mk oe Stamell's Dynamic Muffler & Brake 1 N. 14 MILE RD, 0…

… GET RESULTS! Call The Jewish News 354-5959 A "how-to" symposium on the preservation, protection and promotion of the Jewish family will be the focus of the 46th an- nual Institute of the Jewish…

… office, 642-4260. New Shaliach Will Speak The Hechtman Chapter of Na'amat/USA will meet noon Oct. 18 in the Hechtman build- ing. A light lunch will be served. Jeff Kaye, the new Israeli shaliach, will…

Hillel Moses noon Oct. 14. Three women have blended talents to create a new concept in stress management. The commentary and music will demonstrate how music reduces tension and relieves stress as it…

March 08, 2012 • Page Image 16

… only Red Cross-certified, but I also can handle these situations better?' Eric Adelman, BBYO-Michigan regional director, said, "This class is one example of the diverse program offerings sponsored by…

… extraordinary participants to Michigan life, such as Sen. Levin." Shichtman says EMU is a school that celebrates diversity and that the Jewish community of Southeastern Michigan has been a vital and significant…

… Clara Silver, executive director of Hillel at EMU, Marty Shichtman, director of EMU Jewish Studies program, and EMU student Daniel Morris of Ann Arbor Left: U.S. Sen. Carl Levin. Right: Sen. Levin…

… Jewish Studies at EMU. en. Carl Levin, D-Mich., was guest speaker at the official kickoff for Eastern Michigan University's new minor in Jewish Studies on Feb. 23 at the EMU Student Center Ballroom in…

… little brother and sister;' said Adi Siegmann, 11, of Bloomfield Hills. "I learned throughout the training how to properly handle life-threatening situations. I'm glad I took this course because I'm not…

…, of West Bloomfield. Maddy Cooper, 13, of Novi, said,"I liked the hands-on work the best, working with the mannequins [for rescue breathing], and I learned pretty much everything about babysitting…

of West Bloomfield, Mikaela Rosen and Megan Rosender, both of Farmington Hills, practice with a "baby." Adi Siegmann of Bloomfield Hills gets in some practice babysitting. A Voice For Jewish Culture…

… S BBYO Connect helps middle-schoolers learn to be knowledgeable caregivers. Jacob Goldberg and Hannah West, both of Farmington Hills, work on bottle feeding Sen. Carl evin helps kick off inor in…

… Ypsilanti. "I can't be more delighted that Sen. Levin joined us',' said Martin Shichtman, Jewish Studies program director and professor of English. "The Jewish community has con- tributed some truly…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 33

… STUDIO restorers and conservators 399-1320 Friday, October 8, 1976 33 students are invited. Prof. Moshe Maoz of Heb- rew University will speak • noon Wednesday in the Hillel lounge on campus, 667…

… Center's group services office, 851-7300. * * WSU HILLEL -will have a Sukkot dinner 7:30 p.m. today in the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Howard Addison, 24210 Gardner, Oak Park. Outdoor ser- vices Will pre…

… Student Center Building. He will speak on "Israel and. Its Relation to the Lebanese War." The public is invited. For information, call the Hillel office, 577-3459. * * FRIENDS OF THE BAYIT will present a…

…- fessor of English at City University of New York and Hunter College, to take place 8 p.m. Thurs- day at Temple Beth El. The lecture is spon- sored by the Detroit Chapter of the American Jewish Committee…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Bnai Moshe to Honor Couple for Bonds Singles Events - MICHIGAN THE SINGLES JEWISH (formerly COUNCIL Michigan 'Jewish Young Adult Council) will have an oneg Shabat for…

… p.m. Mon- -days in the 10 Mile Jewish ,enter gym. There is a nominal charge, and re- freshments are served at a minimal fee. * * * SUNDAY JEWISH SINGLES willhea• Ralph Nichols, president of the Dale…

…, 861-1929. - * * CRITERION CLUB will hold "open house" 8 p.m. Tuesday in the banquet room of MCL Cafeteria in the Tel-12 Mall. President, Esther Be•shad an- nounced the public is in- vited at no…

… charge. "Is- sues or Image: What Is the Real Impact of the Ford-Carter Debates?" will be discussed by Maxine Berman and Lawrence Littman. For information, call Cecile Bartholomew, 559-8397, or Betty…

… Weinberg, 559- 5175. * SPARKLES will pre- sent a "disco get- togethe•" to benefit the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith 7 p.m. Sun- day in the Claymoo• Apts. club house. A parking at- tendant will be…

December 08, 1944 • Page Image 27

… After the War," at the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of The University of Michigan this Sunday, at 8 p. m. A film will be shown in con- nection with Mr. Cohen's talk, and there will be a discussion period…

… Bonds Page Twenty-Seven Cohen to Lecture On 'Opportunities' Sunday at Hillel Albert Cohen of the Bnai Brith Vocational Guidance Service for the Michigan area will speak on "Opportunities Today and…

Hillel Foun- dation of the University of Mich- igan. JACOB SKLAR FAMILY David Lowenberg of Chicago, CLUB met last Sunday at the vice-president of the Hillel Stu- home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gold- dent…

March 08, 2007 • Page Image 50

… Conference on March 18. (517) 332-1916. Participate in a Bachelor/ Bachelorette Auction with Hillel of Metro Detroit 5-7 p.m. Sunday, March 18, at Woody's Diner, 208 5th Ave., Royal Oak. The guys and gals are…

…El Nibble. Nook West Bloomfield ro D is proud to announce this location is SMOKE FREE Calendar from page 49 Our Mexican style cook- ing is subtly spiced in our wide range of dishes. As always…

…, our cuisine is prepared with the highest quality ingredients. 2750 Haggerty Road West Bloomfield, MI 48323 equal or lesser value. Y. Coupon of available anytime Sun-Thurs. • 248-669-3344 www…

… Not valid with any other offer, and one coupon per table. Cokippn expiles 312 2 '07 **************************** MEAT TRAY IS ONE OF THE BEST CARRY OUT ONLY RESTAURANT'S IN AMERICA! $6.99 Hours…

…: Open 7 days from 7-10 SALAD TRAY $7.50 per person DAIRY TRAY Hear Congressman John Conyers Jr. speak before the Gray Panthers of Metro Detroit at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 17, at the Royal Oak…

…, 35207377 * * ************************** Just west of Telegraph Road • Southfield George's * * * * * * * * * * rThl * * * *CONEY ISLAND RESTAURANT , 0/pc4P ait, Week4 -Se \ OCR 0 1 4 A A $15 PURCHASE…

… next luncheon meeting of the Ambassadors of Temple Beth El at noon, Tuesday, March 20, at 7400 Telegraph, Bloomfield Township. $10-$12. Reservations must be made prior to March 15 by calling (248) 352…

… about "Getting the Most Out of Your Doctor Visits" at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 15, at the West Bloomfield JCC. Reservations requested by March 14 by calling (248) 432-5486. COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES WITH…

… ANY DELICATESSEN IN TOWN! STAR DELI Meet a professor from Technion and hear a discussion of "The Science of the Future in Israel Today" at 7 p.m. Monday, March 12, at the West Bloomfield JCC. The…

… and a concert starting at 6 p.m. Saturday, March 10, at the Original Cottage Inn, 512 E. William, Ann Arbor. The group moves on to a performance of "From Russia With Love" pre- sented by the Ann Arbor…

January 08, 1999 • Page Image 44

… Cafe, 9:45 a.m.-noon, 26680 York, Huntington Woods. Topic: "The Turns of Two Centuries — Issues for Liberals." Charge. (248) 545-0985. Tuesday, Jan. 12 Jewish Genealogical Society of Michigan plans a…

…- gle engine plane across the continent. Cost: $9 members, $10 guests. RSVP: by Jan. 14. Doris Kushner, (248) 352- 5882 or Laura Wise, (248) 477-1950. SHMOOZE Monday, Jan. 11 Hillel of Metro Detroit…

…) 967-4030. Weeldy Rabbi Ernst Conrad gives a pre- Shabbat lecture, 10 a.m. Fridays. Free. . 30887 Orchard Lake Road (S. of 14 Mile) di Farmington Hills, MI 48334 ' Friday, Jan. 8 Brandeis University

…, (248) 551-2083. complete waxing, paraffin hand treatments, manicures, spa pedicures, a variety of facials, and a panorama of therapeutic massage including deep tissue and reflexology. Saturday, Jan…

…. (Lodge wy- ) Friday, Jan. 22 Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses family programming committee presents a Lunar Shabbat Dinner, 6:45 p.m. following services at 6. Charge. (248) 851-6880. Ask about our…

… call you need to make for the perfect closet." Phone: (248) 851-2804 a a Wednesday, Jan. 13 Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel MoseS Sisterhood presents "Cooking With 'Chef' Rabbi Aaron Bergman," noon…

…. David Schwartz, (248) 851- 4935 or Peter Goldberg, (248) 332-6038. In Crosswinds Plaza Corner of Orchard Like Road And Lone Pine Road 1/8 1999 248.539.1181 44 Detroit Jewish News Monday, Jan. 18…

… Temple Israel Sisterhood presents lun- cheon-program, "Self-Defense for Women," noon. Presenter: Tim Halcomb, owner and chief instructor of Black Belt A6ademy. Cost: $8 mem- bers, $10 guests. Babysitting…

… $5 with reservation. (248) 661-5700. Tuesday, Jan. 19 Temple Beth El Beth Elders will host a luncheon program, noon. Topic: "North to Alaska." Judy and David Schwartz will tell of their trip in a sin…

… National Women's Committee art appreciation program of Rivera mural with Fran Keeps, 1 p.m., Pebble Creek clubhouse. Ruth Share, (248) 646-4091. Sunday, Jan. 17 Sephardic Community of Greater Detroit will…

May 08, 2008 • Page Image 74

… the late Hoshea Riani of Tel Aviv, Israel, and Marilyn and Sidney Rubin. He is also the great- grandson of Shulamit Cohen of Holon, Israel. Adar is a seventh-grade student at Hillel Day School of

… Metropolitan Detroit in Farmington Hills. His mitz- vah projects included participation in Dor L'dor and Farmington Hills-based JARC through Hillel. Lorna Jean Pluto (Yochevet Sara) of Bloomfield Township…

…Mazel Toy! B'nai Mitzvah from page B25 Jaimee Brooke Wine Michigan State University B.A. Degree in Advertising Carly Klan. Wine Wayne State University Masters Degree in Social Work Whatever you…

… wish We wish for you.. Whatever you dream We dream for you.. We are so very proud of both of you and all your accomplishments. May your futures be filled with good health, happiness, peace and success…

…. Steven M. Lash, DDS, MS Rebecca L. Rubin, DMD, MS 248-851-7272 6177 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, Michigan I it fir oi A • Orthodt,t1tists Emily Kenna Linden, daughter…

of Pauline and Allan Linden and sister of Joshua, will celebrate her bat mitzvah as she is called to the bimah at Temple Linden Israel in West Bloomfield Friday, May 9. Her grandparents are Hanna…

… Linden and the late J. Stewart Linden, Gene Loeb and the late Kenneth S. Loeb. Emily is a student at West Hills Middle School in Bloomfield Hills. She felt her volunteer work at the Michigan Animal Rescue…

… League was very meaningful as part of her mitzvah experience. K. Matthew Rosen, son of Jan and David Rosen, will read from the Torah as he cel- ebrates his bar mitz- vah at Temple Israel in West…

… Bloomfield Saturday, May 10. He is the brother of Allie and the grandchild of Edie and Donald Slotkin, Diane and Stuart Mittenthal and Micki and Harry Sachsel. His very proud great-grand- parents are Annette…

… memory of his uncle. Jenna Nicole Lublin, together with her parents, Karen and Bennett Lublin, will read from the Torah on the occasion of her bat mitzvah at Havdalah services Lublin Saturday, May 10, at…

June 08, 1973 • Page Image 37

… POUPKO will move from the post of associate director to acting director for the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the Uni- versity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He succeeds Rabbi Gerald Goldman. The AACA notes…

… Col- with narrator, Norman Rose. lege and the degree of juris doctor from the University COMMUNITY CURRENTS Time: 7 a.m. Sunday of Michigan Law School. A YOUR CANDID COLOR Station: WDEE (1500) longtime…

… in Jerusalem, she is now on sab- batical at the University of Michigan. JOE MILLER and HIS ORCHESTRA Music For All Occasions LI 5-1244 Ji CHARLOTTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE Sale Starts June 9 thru 16…

….A. . laff, past president of Cong. KE 1-8196 Degree In Teaching Reading I Beth Abraham-Hillel, and 8 yrs. Experience I LET ME SHOW YOU A NEW Bernard Linden, past presi- DINEMSION IN PHOTOGRAPHY 626-2767 I…

University. Jackier has been active in the Allied Jewish Campaign, and served on the boards of lie Jewish Center, Detroit I , ewry rt the Air This Week's Radio and i Television Programs ETERNAL LIGHT Time…

… instructor in law at and Wayne State University, Jac- Time: Noon Tuesday kier is a member of Phi Station: WQRS-FM (105.1) Beta Kappa and Order of Feature: A conversation the Coif. He is a partner in the law…

…Seminary Distinguished Service Award Going to Joseph Jackier Joseph H. Jackier, attor- ney and communal leader, has been designated by the Jewish Theological Seminary at 1973 recipient of its Dis…

…- tingished Service Award at a reception 4:30 p.m. June 28 in the Standard City Club. President of Federation Apartments, Jackier a 1 s o serves on the boards of di- rectors of United Jewish Charities and Sinai…

… Hospital. He is a member of the excu- tive committee of the Jewish Welfare Federation, co-chair- man of the endowment com- mittee of United Jewish Char- ities and chairman of the Detroit Friends of Hebrew…

…: 10 p.m. Sunday Station: WWJ Feature: "A Conversation With Herbert Tarr, - rabbi and author whose most re- recent book, "A Time for Living," is a fictional ac- count of the last love of King Solomon…

January 08, 1971 • Page Image 22

… activity iate director of for Beth Abraham members will Bnai Brith Hillel be an evening of cinema, food and at the University music 7:30 p.m. Jan. 16 at the of Michigan, will synagogue. speak on "A Ribbi…

Hillel Day School Building, less than half a mile from the site of the new synagogue, scheduled for completion in summer 1972. Highlight of the adult program will be a 10-week adult study in- stitute…

…. was stressed at a meeting of the East hiStorian Dr. Zvi Ankori; RABBI WINE Rabbi Lehrman will speak on "The Common Denominator." Jona- Michigan Region of the Educators psychologist and newspaper col…

… At the business session, the The second lecture of a Friday Michigan Region formally affil- night series on "The Problems of iated with the Ohio Region of the the Now Generation" will feature Educators…

… Agency elected vice president. The Michigan-Ohio Region of the Educators Assembly also adopted a Code of Personnel Practice for Educators, which will be presented to the National Educators Assem- bly for…

… members of the Board of Directors will take place on Thursday evening, January 14, 1971, 8:30 P.M., at their building, 26640 Greenfield Road, Oak Park, Michigan. The fol• lowing have been placed in…

… nomination: YI of Oak-Woods Hosts Lecture on Law, Pacifism Hillel L. Abrams David Anbender Dr. S. Meyer Arbit Jacob Bacow David I. Berris Charles S. Blondy Samuel Brezner Mondays at Robert Frost Junior The…

… Hebrew University Cohen and Michael Finck, Bnai Mitzva. TEMPLE BETH JACOB: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Berkowitz and is currently associate profes- ENROLL—EARN YOUR DEGREE sor of classical languages…

September 08, 2001 • Page Image 99

… Friends PWA Alliance G E ; Eastern Michigan University Hillel Ecumenical Institute for Jewish- Christian Studies Edgecore Financial Group 'Educational Consultation Service Educational Resource Center EF…

…79 Charming Personalities Inc 74 CHaZaKaH/Young-at-Heart Cheder Ohelei, 71 Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch 61 Childbirth and Parenting Classes Children of Holocaust Survivors Association 64 In Michigan - C…

… Center for Judaic Studies Franklin Dermatology & 87 Surgery Center 88 Fredrick Jewelers Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe- 58, 60 F.R E E Friends of the Israel Defense Forces- 65 Michigan Chapter 63…

… Au Pair Efshar- Special Needs Program EiIu v' Eilu, The Adult Jewish Learning Project of the Michigan El Dorado Country Club Elan Village Elderli n k EMES ENT Specialist, P.C. Evergreen Cemetery 78…

… Vaad Harabonim D Daniel Sobel Friendship Circle David-Horodoker Organization Detroit Auxiliary of Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity Detroit Friends of ALYN Hospital Detroit Friends of Bar-Ilan University

….H.A.I.M. Clover Hill Park Cemetery of 49 Congregation Shaarey Zedek 73 Club in the Plaza 68 Cohen, Rabbi Avraham Cohn-Haddow Center for 78 Judaic Studies 78 College Age Leadership Programs 86 Commerce ENT and…

… :Congregation B'nai Israel, Muskegon 45, 531 Congregation B'nai Moshe 70 ;Congregation B'nai Moshe/LIFE Congregation Kehillat Israel, 56, 70 Lansing 571 Congregation of Moses, Kalamazoo 54 Congregation Or Chadash…

… West Bloomfield 41, 55, 64, 70 congregation Shir Tikvah 55 Congregation T'chiyah 65 Consulate General of Israel 94 `Cookies By Design 68 Cooper, Dr. Adam Council of Orthodox Rabbis/ 50, 57, 59, 66, 68…

October 08, 2015 • Page Image 28

… Goldis, who grew up in Bloomfield Hills and graduated from University of Michigan's College of Engineering, has been a sales engineer at Alexander Associates Jason Goldis for four years. He recalled 2011…

… lot of opportunity for young engineers; he said. "The endless opportunity and continuous design innovations keep me engaged in the automotive market" Goldis, a graduate of Hillel Day School in…

… apart and will hopefully lure other native Detroiters back home. He suggests a great way to meet other Jewish Detroiters in the auto industry is through the MIBB, Michigan Israel Business Bridge. One of

… his involve- ment with Kids Kicking Cancer. The father of two daughters — the oldest went to Hillel and Frankel Jewish Academy and the youngest to Akiva Hebrew Day School and now FJA — Schloss is…

…auto >> continued from page 26 For more information about your family, and to support the work of the foundation visit the William Davidson Digital Archihve of Jewish Detroit History at www…

… Seasons one-of-a-kind concert. ate studies at Continental Automotive Systems. He's been a materials analyst at Lear Corporation since April 2015. "The tremendous growth of the automotive industry in…

…, when the industry was com- ing out of the recession and muted opti- mism existed in the light vehicle market "The automotive market is a high- energy complex and competitive indus- try that presents a…

… growth in the years ahead. "Through the efforts of many busi- ness leaders Downtown and in the sub- urbs, people are working hard to make Detroit a more attractive place to live/ work/play for all recent…

… graduates, not just engineers:' he said. EXPERIENCED AUTO LEADERS Neil Schloss is one of Jewish Detroit's most prominent members of today's automotive industry. He currently serves as vice president and…

… treasurer for Ford Motor Company, a position he has held since March 2007. The San Diego- native, who moved to Michigan in 1990, is Neil Schloss credited with helping to keep the auto- maker with sufficient…

May 08, 1970 • Page Image 8

… The Israel Student Organization. Hillel Foundation and Students for Israel will bring Israel's Indepen- dence Day to the campus of Wayne State University with an all-day workshop hionday in the Univer…

… will be held. story typical of new Israel. In conjunction with Israel's 22nd anniversary, the Men's Club of Cong. Beth Hillel will present the General Motors Chorus 9 p.m. Saturday. The 100-voice chorus…

…- sity Center Hillel offices. To be presented every hour on the half hour, the workshops will be preceded by a brief ori- entation period, and there will be a continuous showing of of movies from 9:30 a…

… at Beth Hillel Health Club Party The DUNLOP CB57 Sports Radial Call Us for Understanding and a Quote... JOE STAMELL'S DYNAMIC TIRE SALES 3826 N. Woodward at 131/2 Mile ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN Phone…

… are invited games. According to general co-chair- men hiorris Lieberman and Dan Tsabar, who also is chairman of the Israeli Student Organization at Wayne State University, repre- sentatives from all…

…Israel's Independence to Be Marked Throughout Community Ayalons at Center Kicking off a week-long celebra- tion of the anniversary of Israel's independence at the Jewish Center will be a return…

… engagement of the Ayalons. a group of Israeli musical comedians, 8 p.m. Sunday. In the valley of Ayalon, during the Israeli War of Liberation of 1948, four boys formed the Aya- lons. Life magazine photographed…

… one of their performances in the middle of the desert while appear- ing before the Israel army in the Sinai Campaign. The Ayalons' talents brought them to the United States, where they have since per…

…- formed before the President, at Radio City Music Mall, major concert halls and hotels and clubs. Their knowledge of many languages and cultures enables the Ayalons to present a varied program. Tickets are…

… on sale at the Jewish EllUD LADOR Israeli songs and dances, as well as an Israeli-style Maccabia for children, will bring the spirit of the Jewish State to the May 17 Israel anniversary celebration…

December 08, 1950 • Page Image 8

… has been arranged by women with an inscribed Men- Harry Janower, Hillel chairman. orah. • • • Rabbi Herschel Lymon, director Bloch Chapter of the University of Michigan Mrs. Louis Webne, program Hillel

… phone UN. 2-8709 to have their bundles picked up. Handler Lodge The lodge will meet at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday at Turover Temple, Monterey and Dexter. Movies of the Michigan State football game, in addition…

… rehabilitation in be our timetable of rescue. Israel, Europe, North Africa and the United States. HELP US GET $50,000,000 BEFORE THE END OF 1950! UNITED JEWISH APPEAL 250 W. Lafayette Detroit 26, Michigan

… Rothschild, president of the lodge, asks all members to reserve Monday eve- ning, Dec. 18, for the annual sports night at the Labor Zionist Institute. Fox Lodge Detroit Chapter Final arrangements have been…

… completed for the bingo to be held by the lodge on Monday eve- ning, Dec. 25 at Jericho Temple, 11331 Linwood, according to Law- rence Horowitz, president. The chairman of this event is Art Tarnopol, and…

… members are urged to contact him at WE. 4-8050 for tickets. The next meeting of the lodge will take place at 8:30 p.m., Monday at Jericho Temple. bers on Sunday, from 3 to 5:30 • • • Mrs. David Grosberg…

…, president of the chapter, announces a meet- ing to be held Monday evening at the Carmel Hebrew School. "More Than Half a Chance," a movie on Belle-Faire in sound and color, will be shown, after which a…

… question and answer period will be held, conducted by Alexander Horowitz, regional director of Belle-Faire. A one-act play, "We Light a Candle," di- rected by Helen Goldman, will be • • • presented by the…

… dramatic group. Bloch Lodge Bring your prospective members. The lodge will hold a Hanuk- Refreshments will be served. knh n , -.” for children of its mem- Those who have old clothes and Friday, December 8…

… tainment and refreshments will be served. At the chapter meeting lodge will present a Hillel Night to be held Dec. 11, Sam David, at the Young Israel Youth Center. lodge president, will present the A program…

January 08, 1982 • Page Image 42

… Through Training) Federa- tion, and also held leader- ship posts in behalf of the national Hillel Commission and Hebrew University. Dr. Haber . • is a life member of the executive committee of the American…

… 25450 Gardner Oak Park, Michigan 48237 By NORMA BARACH (Copyright 1982, JTA, Inc.) Chicken drumsticks can be made ahead of time and frozen when needed. Reheat frozen in a preheated oven until hot — or in…

… - Jewish Arf the Shrinking Dollar, re- spectively. There also will be a workshop on Arab Influence with Richard Lo- benthal, Michigan regional director of the Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation League, and another…

… on the Moral Majority featuring Dr. Be- verley Geltner of the Voice of Reason and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Michigan chapter. Miller is host of his own morning newstalk pro- gram on…

…, , researcher and writer, Dean Haber served 36 years as economics pro- fessor and dean at the Uni- versity of Michigan. For 25 years, he was president of the American ORT (Organ- ization for Rehabilitation…

…, Michigan:: 355-2300 HOUSE of SHUTTERS C rheN,ry York Didmond Cut t" IQ (..7"l11],rn, SINCE 1959 Call Now For Free Home Estimates RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL CUSTOM WINDOW SHADES 50% OFF 40% OFF CUSTOM…

… WDIV-TV in Detroit. She also pro- duced news and documen- taries for KYW-TV in Philadelphia. Ms. Pearlman holds a bachelor's degree in history from the University of Pennsylvania and studied at Baltimore…

… Jewish Committee and -of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. He was awarded an honor- ary doctor of laws degree from Brandeis University. His PhD degree is from the University of Wisconsin…

… GREENFIELD, Room 260 Near Northland & Providence Hospital PHONE 557-1108 Over 20 Years Experience THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Workshops Focus of Federation Women's Program Workshops led by radio talk show…

… host Mike Miller, community consultant Deena Pearlman and economist Dean William Haber will be part of the 34th annual Institute of the Jewish Welfare Federation Women's Division. I Former U.S. Congress…

October 08, 1948 • Page Image 6

University of Illi- eral chairman of fund-raising, or," Mrs. Joseph Rodman, Mar- nois for a modern structure, urges all women to attend the shall president, remarked. affair. which will house Hillel and the…

…, Additional money is required meets at 8:30 p.m., Monday, in be guest artist of the Greater for scholarships and the Hillel Detroit Bnai Brith Women's the Jewish Center. Council at its annual city-wide, program…

… ISRAELI STATE and to the Communities of Detroit and Michigan • 0 N this, the first Rosh Hashonah of the re-establishment of the State of Israel, we greet Israel's warriors and leaders, and we wish…

Michigan's Oldest and Largest. Wholesale Distributor of Standard Oil Troduets nom THE SPOTLESS KITCHENS OF AL. MODIER'S FOOD PRODUCTS, INC ASK. N. J. etailprot Mother's Old-Fawhioned Gefille 1101 M di…

… Gabriel Glantz has been in- stalled for a second term as president of the Henry Morgen- than Lodge of Bnai Brith. Other officers are Jack Camin- ker and Hilbert Sosin, vice- presidents; Leo Sobel, Raymond…

…, trustees. Glantz announced that the lodge had collected a large truckload of GI clothing for the Israeli army. The drive was led bz Martin L. Abel, chairman of the group's aid to Israel committee. With 20…

… to secure help for Israel Tito Guizar, international star home, $20,000 being needed for will hold the center of discussion of stage, screen and radio, will the project. when Pisgah Lodge, Bnai Brith…

…, whose purpose is to The lodge has pledged 18 jeeps fund-raising affair, Nov. 22 at to the Jewish State through the Masonic Temple. Aid to Israel Drive. Guizar, who recently com- Meyer Leib, chairman of

… the pleted a motion picture with aid committee, urges everyone Rita llayworth, is Mexico's fore- to attend, since the "cooperation most film celebrity. of all members will be needed Ile will sing hit…

… tunes from to raise the necessary funds. his latest movie as a portion "The fighting army of Israel of his "Mexican Concert," which needs the equipment with which also will include songs of the to win…

October 08, 1999 • Page Image 32

…. Plans were finalized for the upcom- ing dedication of the Irwin I. Cohn Hall, housing the new facilities of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University. Kenneth M. Bertin, son of Mr. and…

… and Israel, especially in the central Galilee. • Expose Michigan officials to Israel's social services. • Boost understanding of the relationship between Israel and Detroit Jewry. Build understanding of

…/8 1999 32 Detroit Jewish News Department of Community Health director; his wife, Barbara Haveman; James Alexander, director of the gov- ernor's southeast Michigan staff; his wife, Lynne Alexander…

… Detroit; Richard McLellan, family friend of Engler; Linda Gobler of the Michigan's plane for the United States. Most of the stops in the various cities focused on health and human service ventures in…

…'nai David. Irving Lopatin was elected presi- dent of the United Synagogue of America Michigan Region. Six persons were injured when a bomb exploded on Allenby Road, the main thoroughfare in Tel Aviv…

…. Mstislav Rostropovich, world renowned cellist and conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington, D.C., was honored at a tribute dinner in New York by the American Friends of Tel Aviv University

… Mrs. Sidney Bertin, has joined the 7th Infantry Division in Korea, as communications officer with the 6th Battalion of the 80th Artillery. 1959 Brandeis University announced the appointment of Marc…

… Israel fell through, leaving her at home and him with a ticket to nearly two weeks of adven- ture and learning. He had a blast and she was bummed. "I was very sorry about that and very, very disappointed…

… it was such an impactful experience." Engler headed the 10-day Michigan delegation that included political leaders and state department heads. Their purpose was to examine Israel's social service and…

… health pro- grams. The delegation included James Haveman, Michigan Grocer's Association; and a State Police officer assigned to Mrs. Engler. The trip was funded by the United Jewish Foundation (Federation…

June 08, 2001 • Page Image 26

… proud of you on your graduation from Andover and your acceptance to the University of Michigan, Lloyd Hall Scholars Program. Love, Morn, Dad, %i, rn and Sterne Direct Connection Tel Aviv bombing…

… victims have University of Michigan links. HARRY KIRS BAUM Stair Writer I n the wake of the June 1 bomb- ing in Tel Aviv that left 20 young people dead and many wounded, the Jewish Federation of

February 08, 2007 • Page Image 49

… engage- ments Sunday, Feb. 11 10 a.m. at the Jewish Community Center of Washtenaw County, 2935 Birch Hollow, Ann Arbor, and 3 p.m. at the University of Michigan Hillel, 1429 Hill St. (734) 769-1651 or (734…

…. RSVP by calling (313) 577-3459. Take part in activities of Eastern Michigan University Hillel: Happy Hour on Feb. 13, "Under One Roof: Muslim and Jewish Women Coming Together" on Feb. 15, Family Shabbat…

…- dent of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Michigan, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15, at Congregation Shir Tikvah, 3900 Northfield Parkway, Troy. $5 per nonmember. The Sisterhood program requires…

… Rabbi Joseph Krakoff and Taglit- Birthright Israel Registration on Feb. 15 and Shabbat service and dinner on Feb. 16. Contact Marisa Saltzman at (517) 332-1916 for details. Participate with Hillel of

…Dr., Birmingham. Created and run by Shimona Tzukernik of New York, the seminar combines art therapy, mime, meditation, creative writing and Kabbalah to explore spiritual dimensions of personality…

…-5100. Listen to Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky speak about "The Aleph-Bais of Judaism" for Ohr Somayach Detroit at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14, at the Max M. Fisher Jewish Federation Bldg., 6735 Telegraph, Bloomfield…

… Township. Lunch is included in the program. $18. (248) 352-4870. Meet with Keren Alpert, director of education for Temple Beth El, as she discusses "The Life of Miriam" at noon Thursday, Feb. 15, at 7400…

… Telegraph, Bloomfield Township. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch, and the temple will provide the beverage. (248) 865-0612. Join Gesharim to learn about Purim with Rabbi Robert Morais of

… reservations by Feb. 8 by calling (248) 649-4418, ext. 28. Event Hotline Meet Robert S. (Steve) Miller, board chairman and CEO of Delphi Corp., as he addresses Federation Forum of the Jewish Federation of

… Many Lives of Figure Skaters at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9, at the Palace of Auburn Hills. $25-$45. (248) 377-0100. Chill out at Detroit's Winter Blast organized by Jon Witz, Feb. 9 11, along 11 blocks in…

February 08, 1991 • Page Image 20

… Israel before Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on Jan. 17 dropped Scud mis- siles on Tel Aviv. "I guess I took it for granted," said Mr. Talbert, 21, a University of Michigan senior from Long Island, N.Y. "You…

… reports from area Jews who have received bomb threats. In 1990, the Michigan ADL received a total of 22 reports of bias incidents or threats of any kind. While Michigan experi- enced a major drop in bias…

… vandalism and 758 incidents or threats of harassment or assault against Jewish individuals and institutions. Mr. Lobenthal, director of the Michigan Region of ADL, says Michigan is ex- periencing a change in…

… the type and severity of in- cidents, despite the drop in the number of reports. "There is a diminution of vandalism by Nazi skinheads, which I think is directly attributable to (Michigan's) Ethnic In…

… incident of dormitory vandalism and verbal abuse at the Univer- sity of Michigan; vandalism, verbal abuse, hate mail, an- ti-Semitic literature and an assault at Michigan State; an incident of verbal abuse…

… been at war with MSU Hillel. But As One repre- sents the fringe." All minority groups in the United States are reporting more incidents of bias, Mr. Lobenthal says. "Gay, black, Hispanic, Asian groups…

… at Eastern Michigan; and anti-Semitic mail and an an- ti-Semitic message at Wayne State. At Eastern Michigan and Oakland University, Mr. Lobenthal says, "small, fr- inge, black groups have in- vited…

… started their campaigns, but U-M in Ann Arbor has seen one of the most noticeable increases, said Elissa Lieberman, UJA's director of university programs in New York. "This crisis brings out positive…

…DETROIT Bias Incidents Decline In Michigan, Up In U.S. ALAN HITSKY Associate Editor R ichard Lobenthal takes no solace in the fact that Michigan last year recorded a major decrease in the number…

of reports of anti-Semitism. In the three weeks since the beginning of Operation Desert Shield in the Persian Gulf, Mr. Lobenthal's Anti- Defamation League office in Southfield has taken a dozen…

February 08, 2018 • Page Image 70

… there was nothing I couldn’t do.” Faylene served as a trustee of Michigan State University for eight years, where she mentored stu- dents and advocated for their con- cerns. She was chair of the Sparrow…

… Hospital Foundation and served on the board of directors of the MSU Hillel Student Center, Child Abuse Prevention Services and the Children’s Miracle Network, among many other causes. She received the Tree…

…soul of blessed memory Dynamic Role Model Who Lit Up Any Room RONELLE GRIER CONTRIBUTING WRITER F aylene Owen was an accom- plished businesswoman, a passionate and dedicated volunteer, and a…

… loving and selfless wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Faylene, who lived in East Lansing with her hus- band of 31 years, Larry, died Feb. 1, 2018. She was 82. Faylene had a remarkable career…

… in politics, business, and com- munity and public service. She was known as one of the country’s premier fundraisers, working tire- lessly for candidates such as Gov. Jim Blanchard and President Bill…

… Clinton, who appointed her to serve on the White House Fellows Commission. She founded her own marketing and government relations company, the Mica Corporation, where she served a variety of clients using…

… gubernatorial candidate, through their shared interest in politics, and the two spent more than three decades enjoying world travels and special family time. “She had the highest EQ (emo- tional quotient) of

… anyone I ever met,” Larry said. “She was the kind of person who lit up any room she walked into.” The couple’s happiness increased as their family grew to include chil- dren’s spouses, whom were warmly…

of Life Award from the Jewish National Fund. Faylene had a unique sense of style, and she enjoyed helping her daughter’s friends get ready for a special night out. She was a dedi- cated member of a…

… weekly poker game. She loved to throw parties and was adept at connecting peo- ple from all walks of life, from bil- lionaires to labor union members. “The secret to her success in pro- moting causes…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 12

… the Jewish Young Adults of Windsor, Bnai Moshe Singles, the Bayit, )3nai Brith Hillel Foundation on the Wayne State University campus, Beth Abraham-Hillel New Dimension Singles, the Israeli Student Or…

… this frequency of events was realized. According to Cynthia Leven, a graphic illus- trator and vice president of the MJSC (formerly Michigan Jewish Young Adult Council), five years ago there was only one…

… on the needs of Jewish singles. In March 1974, the Michigan Jewish Young Adult Council was formed with Ferman as its head and Owens and Leider- man as advisers. Original member organizations included…

… Foundation asurer and past president — an organization devoted of the Beth Abraham- to raising funds for Hillel group would like to Dysautonotnia — a Jewish "see the MJSC grow to be genetic disease — by sel…

… the young adults to start programming again. 'Soon, other groups were started in Detroit and Windsor and they began scheduling prog- rams on top of each other. Alan Ferman, a former University of

… avail- able on a regular basis to Jewish singles age 18-25, owing to the efforts of the IVIichigail Jewish Singles Council and the Jewish Community Center. However, it is only within the past, year that…

… LANE ALAN FERMAN MARVIN WAGNER JAY SILVERMAN group became inactive when its director, Sy Kap- lan, left the synagogue, and was reactivated when Mel Owens of synagogue's youth corn- mission approached…

… Windsor student now of Toronto, who led the Jewish Young Adults of Windsor, ap- proached the Detroit groups with the idea ,of forming a council to pre- vent scheduling conflicts. Owens called a meeting in…

… his home of the rep- resentatives of various Jewish organizations. The groups and their delegates included Frank Leider- man, adviser to • Cong. Beth Abraham-Hiller§ New Dimension Singles, Gordon…

… Silverman of the Jewish Community Center, Al Kushner of the Jewish Community Coun- cil and Miss Leven, Caryl Scheuer and Joel Marwil, all of the Bnai Moshe group, and Ferman. After that first meeting to form…

November 08, 2018 • Page Image 20

University of Michigan Hillel Foundation. I encountered Prof. Kinzer at a meeting for campus religious leaders. It was there that he explained he was a Messianic “rabbi.” I felt duped and confused at that…

… years at Michigan State University, I did have an unusual experience in a course called the “Foundations of Judaism.” The course was part of the Religious Studies Department and the teacher, Mark Kinzer…

… years at Hillel Day School were good for a foundational understanding, but Prof. Kinzer went much deeper into the history of Judaism. I pre- sumed the instructor was Jewish, but I was not certain. On the…

… Trying to Make Sense of Messianic “Judaism” Same-Day, Next-Day Appointments New Patients Welcome SCAN THIS PAGE IF YOU WANT TO HEAR THE PRAYER GIVEN BY LOREN JACOBS AT A POLITICAL RALLY LAST WEEK. 26400…

…, P.C. Representation in all areas of family and business immigration law. JEFFREY S. PITT N. PETER ANTONE or email at 8.JMF3E 4UFt'BSNJOHUPO)JMMT .* Ph: 248…

… *Based on MSRP of $45,325 (incluiding destination charges. $4,014 due at signing, plus taxes, title, options & dealer charges. $0 security deposit. For qualified customers who lease through AFS. Lessee…

… was such an uproar over a Messianic “rabbi” delivering a prayer at a political rally last week. W ith the controversy last week of Loren Jacobs, a leader of a Bloomfield Hills church who calls himself…

… a “rabbi,” delivering a politically charged invocation at a Republican party rally featuring Vice President Mike Pence, there have been a lot of ques- Rabbi Jason Miller tions regarding the…

… Contributing Writer messianic “Judaism” movement. The first time I had ever heard of messianic Jews or the group called “Jews for Jesus” was as a high school student. Preparing us for the college campus…

…, teachers at my synagogue’s Hebrew high school informed us that there are prosely- tizing Christians who claim to be Jewish and seek to convert Jewish students to Christianity. Some of these “Jews for Jesus…

January 08, 1999 • Page Image 66

…, Congregation Beth Israel of Flint Explaining Death to Your Jewish Child Michigan-Israel Connection Drm isi F C r and Eastern Michigan University ally IJ)1= Two Rabbis, Three Opinions! Rabbi Daniel Nevins…

…, Adat Shalom Synagogue; Beth Greenapple, Hillel Day School The Nazi Takeover: A Personal Witness (Living Lines of Heaven and Earth (Story of Creation) in Berlin 1933 - 1939) Rabbi Emeritus Ernst J…

… Rabbi Tzvi Hochstadt, Aish HaTorah Symphony of Jewish Law Rabbi Avraliain JacObovitz, Machon L'Torah Southeast Michigan The Dead Sea Scrolls After Half a Century Rabbi Emeritus Ernst J. Conrad, Temple…

…. Krakoff, Congregation Shaarey Zedek Our Obligation to the Jewish Child Dr. Mark Smiley, Rabbi Michele Faudem and Robyn Glickman, Hillel Day School Oy! Have We Suffered! Rabbi David Nelson, Congregation…

… Beth Shalom Turning to Tehillim (Psalms): Spiritual Healing and Comfort During Time of Crisis and Loss Rabbi Herbert A. Yoskowitz, Adat Shalom Synagogue Art of the Scribe Rabbi Avi Cohen, Yeshiva Beth…

… Yelnidah A Jewish Response to Moral and Ethical Decadence Rabbi Avraham Jacobovitz, Machon L'Torah The Music of the Contemporary Jewish Youth Movements Rabbi Norman Roman, Temple Kol And "Tell Me a Story…

…:" The Narrative - Art of the Hebrew Bible Rabbi Efry Spectre, Adat Shalom Synagogue 8:30 PM 8:30 PM The Nature and Development of Halachah 8:30 PM The Jewish Way in Death and Dying Rabbi E. B. (Bunny…

…) Freedman, Jewish Hospice Services of (Jewish Law) Rabbi Eliezer Cohen, Akiva Hebrew Day School and Congregation Or Chadash The Death of Cupid: Reclaiming the Wisdom of Love, Dating, Romance and Marriage…

… Kol Anti Women of the Talmud Rabbi Sheila B. Goloboy, Temple Beth El David Techner, Ira Kaufman Chapel The Death of Cupid: Reclaiming the Wisdom of Love, Dating, Romance and Marriage Rabbi Tzvi…

… Hochstadt, Aish HaTorah Fifty Years of Israel: From Struggle to Miracle The Cantorial Art: A Study in Yael Waxman, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, Appreciation (Part 1) Cantor Sholom Kalib…

March 08, 1946 • Page Image 9

…. William Haber of the University of Michigan economic Greater Detroit Campaign to Be Culminated at Event in department will be the principal speaker at the Ann Arbor Bnai Statler; Will Discuss Current World…

… is president. Rabbi and Mrs. .Jehudah M. . In the course of his activity as president of the Supreme Cohen. Rabbi Cohen is director Lodge of Bnai Brith, Mr. Monsky • of the U. M. Bnai Hillel Founda…

… throughout the country as a pro- I from Jackson and Detroit. gressive leader in humanitarian Hillel Players will entertain activities. with a program of musical selec- The local council is presenting tions and…

… Freedom's Library and Hillel Foundations. Shirley Glickman, TO. 7-3237, is ticket chairman. ' Professors Marx and Margolis, published by the Jewish Publication Society of Amer- ica and sening for $3…

…tL, Ithififti84 1 16;414 1-4 '1 Monsky Greets Rnai Brith New Members Wednesday NE WS ▪ ▪ U. M. Hillel Annual Banquet on Sunday JWF Women's Division Plans Gatherings to Spur Campaign Prof…

…, at 9 p. m., at Hotel Statler, has been extended Mrs. Osias Zwerdling who have served the Ann Arbor . Jewish by the Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Council, of which David community for 40 years and I. Rosin…

…- has led his organization through tion. Also among the guests will the most -successful phases of its , be 12 Ann Arbor World War II history and has become known veterans and Bnai Brith members…

… a radio skit, "The Bar Mr. Monsky at the culmination i Mitzvah of Pvt. Cohen." Stu- of its membership campaign dur dents taking part include Eugene ing which more than two thou- Malitz, Jack Weiss…

… group, have been formed. Under Edythe Levin, student director. the di r:ction of Isidore Starr, the The committee in charge of two gcoups will receive their banquet arrangements- include charters from Mr…

…. Monsky the • Mssrs. Herbert Schlager, presi- night of the meeting. Prior to dent of the . lodge, Abe Much- the public meeting, Mr. Monsky nick, secretary, Jack Fagin and HENRY MONSKY will present merit…

October 08, 2009 • Page Image 8

…, Yeshivat Akiva, Yeshiva Gedolah, Yeshiva Beth Yehudah, University of Michigan Hillel, Michigian State University Hillel and Fresh Air Society. "We're completing the renovations to Yeshivas Darchei Torah and…

… its 2009 Campaign goal of $33 million. "Although this represents a decrease of $1 million in Campaign achievement as compared to 2008," said President Nancy Grosfeld,"Detroit contin- ues to raise more…

…. "With unemploy- ment in Detroit at 30 percent, representing one out of every three people out of work, higher than anywhere else in the country': Grosfeld said,"it's clear that Detroiters con- tinue to…

… dig deep into their pockets to help those less fortunate, something of which we can all be very proud." Through the 2008 Rebecca and Gary Sakwa Challenge Fund and the 2009 Frankel Challenge Fund over…

…, such as housing assis- tance, access to health care, job assistance, financial aid and scholarships for Jewish E AISICE DIGEST Notes from the Sept. 24 annual meeting of the Jewish Federation of

…;' Aronson said. "In partnership with Scott and our great staff, this will be my job." Robert Aronson will remain Aronson part of the Kaufman transition team, heading up major fundraising, especially for…

… my home:' Aronson also is president and CEO of New York-based Taglit-Birthright Israel and continues to do work for New York philan- thropist Michael Steinhardt. Assuring A Legacy In the endowment…

… Prentis Wagner Teen Center in West Bloomfield. Frankel 4* Jewish Academy was Norman relocated to the JCC Pappas Kahn Building in West Bloomfield. Substantial renovations were made to Hillel Day School…

… the reconstruction for the Hechtman II apartments (heavily damaged in an April fire)," said Norman Pappas, United Jewish Foundation outgoing president. "And we look forward to the construc- tion of the…

… Berman Theatre at the West Bloomfield JCC. "So we have been busy." Pappas urged pursuit of a wider Annual Campaign donor base embrac- ing the general Jewish community. He also urged pursuit of legacy…

May 08, 2008 • Page Image 15

… Israel connected with Yair and Dorit to arrange a visit to Nahalal. Participants were entertained by performers including University of Michigan's premier Klezmer group, Groove Spoon; Chaverim B…

of Ann Arbor leads the choir from Hillel Day School of Ann Arbor. he Greater Ann Arbor Jewish community gathered for a grand celebration of Israel's 60th birthday on May 4. More than 600 celebrants…

…Da of Ann Arbor shows his love of Israel at the Celebrate Israel event. rating Years Ann Arbor community shows its solidarity with Israel. Staff photos by Armando Rios Gilla Henya…

…-Wiesel Special to the Jewish News Ann Arbor T Left: Eli Burstein, 5, of Ann Arbor rides a tractor representing Moshav Nahalal, Ann Arbor's Partnership 2000 city. In the background is a mural dedicated to Israel…

…'s 60th birthday. Right: Liana Dunitz, 8, of Ann Arbor creates a birthday card dedicated to Israel. Left: Jonah Klein, 2, of Ann Arbor poses on the tractor. Right: Third-grade teacher Beverly Warshai…

… special closing ceremony featur- ing a communitywide children's choir singing Gil Ladin's arrangement of"Sim Shalom." More than 17 organizations, under the leadership of Celebrate Israel chairs Leila…

… Covrigaru and Bulky and Neal Elyakin, offered a wide range of programming including Walk the Land, an inter- active simulated tour of Israel guided by Hebrew Day School fifth-graders, a Middle Eastern lounge…

… (Pinat Zula) with belly-dancing and drumming, Israeli wine tasting, pita making and a variety of Israel-themed activities for children of all ages. Yair Hammer and Dorit Mekler, two members of Moshav…

… Nahalal, Ann Arbor's Partnership 2000 sister community, joined the celebration and created a special Nahalal exhibit with interactive children's activities and samples of olive oil, honey and cosmetics…

… produced by members of Nahalal. A tractor, cow and pioneer dress were available for photo opportunities. The theme of the exhibit was "Nahalal, Ann Arbor's Home in Israel." Many people planning a trip to…

September 08, 2016 • Page Image 17

… Department, FedEd, and co-sponsored by University of Michigan Hillel; the JCC’s SAJE (Seminars for Adult Jewish Enrichment); and the Holocaust Memorial Center, Zekelman Family Campus. To register, call (248…

…to his writings? My students have characteristically found Primo Levi’s works one of their foundational intel- lectual and moral experiences. The class was voted, at one point, the best in the…

… wished to have him explore, yet further, the moral chal- lenges of remembering bottomless horror and communicating about it, without being absorbed into its dark- ness. His works stay in the light, even…

… presume any knowledge of Primo Levi or detailed knowledge of the Shoah. Levi speaks as a human to humans; he faced a cir- cumstance unique in some ways, but features of which surround us yet and are within…

…, large books on his life and works, but they are not aimed at being introductions of the sort you might wish. I hope to write such a book. You have written that the work of Primo Levi “arguably constitutes…

… one of the major moral and stylistic voices of this century.” How is his work relevant today? And, what is the role of memory in forming our social experience? Our identity as individuals and as peoples…

… is formed out of our memories. We are our memories. It is essential that we retain the memory of the Shoah as part of our self-understanding as humans and keep that memory in discussion as we try to…

… form a better, fuller, more human future. * The three-part lecture series “Primo Levi and the Memory of the Offense” with Professor Ralph Williams begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, at the Max M…

…. Fisher Federation Building, 6735 Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Township. Cost of the course is $50. Scholarships are available upon request. This series is offered through Federation’s Adult Jewish Learning…

university. That is a credit to Primo Levi and to my students. You have said that you regretted never having had the opportunity to meet Primo Levi. Is there one question you might have asked him? I would have…

September 08, 1995 • Page Image 19

… adults, he earned a bachelor of arts degree in hu- manities from Michigan State University and a master's degree in Jewish studies from Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles. In addition, Robert Nosanchuk…

… the largest camps in the United States Reform move- ment, and on the staff of the Hillel at the University of South- ern California-Los Angeles. He also has held a variety of adult-education posts and…

… • Sunroof • All Weather Package • Sunroof He is being described as sort of a "Jack of all trades" when it comes to Jewish education. With experience in camps and programming for families, chil- dren and…

…, the latest addition to the staff of the Agency for Jewish Education, has a teaching certificate from the Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations. "He really fits the community well," said Howard…

… Gelberd, ex- ecutive director of AJE. "He is very accomplished. We are pleased to have him join us." Mr. Nosanchuk, a West Bloomfield native, will head Midrasha, replacing Nancy Ka- plan. In addition, he…

… Experiences For Families and possibly with intermar- rieds." In the past few years, Mr. Nosanchuk has held positions as a national program coordina- tor for UAHC in New York, as the assistant director of one of

… ideas. Money is not necessarily the only solution today," he said. "They need the JEFF staff to provide for that need." In addition, Mr. Gelberd is looking for someone who can en- rich some of the…

…-478-9060 $62900 Glass Additional - Installed 16 FT. RAISED PANEL CLOPAY DOOR We Remove & Dispose of Old Door With Coupon Expires 9/15/95 FREE -• KEYLESS ENTRY 75 00 VALUE s With Purchase Of Stanley Door…

… services — • Leathers and suedes • Flatwoik (Tablecloths) • Reweaving A Full Range of Services One of the many reasons why knowledgeable customers say: "MY Cleaners is my cleaners." Located on Northwestern…

April 08, 1977 • Page Image 37

… president of the - Bnai Brith Council and was chairman of the Wayne State University Hillel Foun- dation. He is a member of the Hillel board, on the Michigan Regional board of the Bnai Brith Youth Organ…

… member of the board of gov- ernors of the WSU Hillel Foundation, Michigan re- gional advisory board of ADL and member of the board of directors of the BBYO. Mrs. Rowe also was presi- dent of her Hadassah…

… 8, 1977 37 A graduate of Wayne State University and De- troit Institute of Tech- nology, Weston has been a member of Bnai Brith for more than 30 years. He was president of Detroit Lodge and vice…

… chap- ter. She is a member of the National Council of Jewish Women and of Cong. Beth Achim and its sisterhood. She is a graduate of Wayne State University. Robert St. John, inter- nationally known author…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CARS TO BE DRIVEN TO ANY STATE M C 12598.. I.C.C. DRIVEAWAY SERVICE H 4713 Horger at Michigan Ave. P.O. BOX 1264 Dearborn, Mich. 48126 Tel. 584-5000 Elections In…

… elections to the Mich- igan Cancer Foundation, Alan E. Schwartz was elect- ed a member of the board of directors, and Herbert J. Bloom, DDS, was elected vice chairman of the board of trustees. 0…

….1■4.0■0■11■ 041•11.0.11111.)• ■■ /.1111.0.1•10.4 ■ 41.1!0 ■ , .....IMMO•MMOMM414 ■ 4 HME11.1.1 ■ 41. CATERING SUPREME I from ANTIPASTO to BROCHETTE of BEEF GOURMET FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES IN HOME OR HALL I…


… & plexiglass • "UPSTAIRS" SPECIAL Bnai Brith Activities 1 BB Presidents Brunch to Cite Martin Weston and Rhea Rowe Martin Weston, president of the Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Council and Rhea Rowe…

…, president of the Bnai Brith Women's Council of Metropolitan De- troit, will be honored with the establishment of a tree project in the Bnai Brith Martyrs Forest, over- looking Jerusalem. In addition, each…

December 08, 1950 • Page Image 14

…-up. Co-chair- man of the drive are Mike and Sam August. * * PHILIP HANDLER LODGE, Bnai Brith, will meet Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., at Turover Temple, Monterey and Dexter. Movies of the Michigan State football…

… present a Hillel with Ben-Gurion's interest in classical scholarship. OFFICIAL AGENTS ALL STEAMSHIP LINES—AIR LINES People here find it hard to believe - that Israel's Premier and head of defense forces…

…, Dexter and Fullerton. The program arranged by Harry Janower, Hillel chairman, will feature an addiesS. by Rabbi Herschel Lymon, director of: the U. of M. Hillel Foundation. Stu- dents will participate in…

… fu- Israel's House of Wisdom . ture, their statfus and stature. in tho world depend on the future and destiny of Israel." Dr. Goldmann spoke at a ban- Israel's. Only University quet of the INF of

… Brooklyn, University of the Entire Jewish People which was attended by over 2,000 • building a new state through science and service persons. Among the other major • - building on ancient culture through…

… the Hill" Harris J. Levine, president of the First Detroit Showing JNF of America. TALK Mr. Harry Friedgut - THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY The Linen Studio ABOVE THE HOUSE OF LAMPS OUT OF THE WAY…

… Cleaning Co. Thursday, December 14, 8:15 p.m. tives are purely cultural." BEST? Leader Aet. Auspices: Detroit Committee American Friends of the Hebrew University Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Chicago…

… Blvd. at Lawton . Constantly Improved 'At us pick up your rugs! Tim* IS Wall t• Wall CARPETS Cl•an•d With BIGELOW'S KARPET-KATIE Exec. Director, American Friends of the Hebrew University "The…

…Mizrachi Chapter Plans Luncheon Men's Clubs . TEL AVIV (JTA)—The trial of Jacob Honegmann, who was charged by Jews in Beersheba with committing cruelties against Jews in Nazi camps dur- ing the…

… camp. The charges against As Nazi Collaborator him include the beating of Jew- ish camp inmates to death and ordering other Jews under "death showers." 14—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 8, 1950…

November 08, 1996 • Page Image 42

… Michael and William Taxay, Ann Arbor. Michael Brooks, ex- were the best men. Marc Schan- ecutive director of University of farber and David Martin were groomsmen. The flower girl was Michigan Hillel


…-stock merchandise in Michigan. Choose from famous names like Atlantis, Block, Christian Dior, Cristal J.G. Durand, Dansk, Fitz & Floyd, Gorham, Lenox, Mikasa, Nikko, Noritake, Oneida, Pickard, Reed & Barton…

… BRIDAL REGISTRY E BRIDAL REGISTRY OF CHOICE Troy, Oakland Mall • (810) 589-1433 West Bloomfield, Orchard Mall • (810) 737-8080 (Orchard Lake and 15 Mile) Metro Detroit: Dearborn Heights, The Heights…

… • (313) 274-8200 (Ford Rd. between Inkster and Beech Daly) Livonia, Merri-Five Plaza • (313) 522-1850 (On corner of Five Mile and Merriman) Novi, Novi Town Center • (810) 349-8090 Rochester, Meadowbrook…

… Village Mall • (810) 375-0823 Roseville, Macomb Mall • (810) 293-5461 Sterling Heights, Eastlake Commons • (810) 247-8111 (On corner of Hall Road and Hayes Road) Outstate: Ann Arbor, Colonnade • (313) 761…

…-1002 (On Eisenhower Pkwy., west of Briarwood Mall) Grand Rapids, Breton Village Mall • (616) 957-2145 (Breton Rd. and Burton Rd.) Open Sundays! Okemos, Meridian Mall • (517) 349-4008 Coming Soon…

… starting under $950.000 Birmingham 1(810) 594-9150 Jennifer Lynn Auster and Marc law to the bride, was her brides- Peter Taxay were recently mar- maid. The groom's brothers, ried at the Michigan League in…

…, officiated. Jennifer is the daughter of Kayla Auster, cousin of the bride. Miles and Diane Auster of West Also participating in the cere- Bloomfield. Marc is the son of Roy mony were the bride's grandpar- and…

… Sandra Schanfarber and the ents, Frances Title, Esther late Martin Taxay of Pittsburgh. Auster and Monroe Title; and the The bride's sisters, Michelle groom's aunt, Frances Meyers. Marc and Jennifer reside…

August 08, 1986 • Page Image 63

…Cs and leadership program at the University of Michigan, Dear- born. The couple . resides in Ferndale. • We Sell Diamonds Only • By Appointment Only T M kt .;\ •-‘117,,,,, 4 Call Jerry Turken at 355…

…0 Wedding Rehearsals and Ceremony Assistance Lee Wolin Diem-Rich Donna Barbara Rich and Jerry Sheldon Diem were married recently at Cong. Beth Abraham Hillel Moses. Rabbi A. Irving Schnipper and…

… Cantor Ben Zion Laxner of- ficiated. The bride is the daughter of Marian Rich of Deerfield Be- ach, Fla. and the late Irving and Ida Diem. Alana Summerfield was the matron of honor. Cheri Ache- son was the…

… bridesmaid. The best man was Paul Lut- terman. Ken Sandoffsky was the usher. Marc Rich, brother of the bride. walked her down the aisle.The couple 1s reslaiii8 Oak Park. p,„ \\ Li' 354-4433 $9 • 50 for 15…

… on July 6. Rabbi Schnipper officiated. Ms. Gorelick is the senior health planner for United Community Services. Dr. Lapides is assistant professor of education and coordinator of the training dynami…

…-2300 The New York Diamond Cutting Co. The Diamond Cutters" 3000 Town Center, Southfield, Michigan 355-2300 In Michigan Call Toll Free 1-800-346-1900 ©1985, NYDC Co. Dinner Dance At Senior Center A…

… dinner dance will be held from 6-10:30 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Southfield Senior Adult Center. The theme is oriental, but you won't need chopsticks for the dinner of chicken, rice, salad, rolls, cookies and…

… S $A 25 6011 0C150- ;PER GRAS I\ BUSINESS DAVID HANDLEMEN and JACK ROBINSON were among seven new members elected to Harper-Grace Hos- pitals' board of trustees. Handlemen is the chairman and…

… chief executive officer of Handleman Co. Robinson is chairman and chief executive officer of Perry Drug Stores, Inc. 44/ct . Cli- OPaf t9 "AZ87- 0A, 41 FOG' ?,01 ■ 1‘ CN\N?k\4\S FR13M s 0-0 11 / ‘ 4 4…

…' ) Mastercard & Visa AMAZING SUMMER SALE 30 to 50% OFF 399-3138 50% 40% 30% OFF OFF Every Item In Stock OFF Stainless Chip & Dip Sets, Select Ice Buckets & Vases, all Place Settings of China, Stemware…

September 08, 2011 • Page Image 23

University of Michigan, but came back to Wayne State in 1990. She worked in the former College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs, where she created and ran the Detroit Orientation Institute. A lifelong…

… to the future of Southeast Michigan." The Drikers have two children, Stephen Driker and Elissa Driker-Ohren. True to tradition, Wayne State was where Stephen "became an item" with his wife, Jennifer…

… volunteer, she retired in 2002 but remains as busy as ever in her work with nonprofits. She is president of Hillel of Metro Detroit, which is based at Wayne State. The Driker family at the Anthony Wayne…

… are Wayne State alumni, and each has a brother and sister who are graduates of the university. Their son, Stephen Driker, M.D. '98, earned his medical degree at Wayne, as did his wife, Jennifer…

university was accessible, affordable and, most importantly, offered students like him, the child of immigrants, a chance for higher education. As a student, he chose Wayne because, he jokes, "My father said…

…, D.C., Eugene Driker went into private He says he senses new life surrounding practice back in Detroit and became a Wayne State. "The university has never been founding member of Barris, Sott, Denn…

… a doctoral candidate in instructional technology. And youngest son, Anthony, Bus. '10, was married in June to Sarah Buyle, Nurs. '10. "I take a lot of pride in the university," the elder Frank…

… Elaine and Eugene Driker when they were graduating from Central High School in the mid 1950s. "It was the school of choice for people in our circumstance," says Eugene Driker, who notes that the…

… I could go to any college I wanted to as long as I could get there on the Dexter bus." That is how he ended up in college with many of his high school classmates. "It was a lot of fun. We had a great…

… time at Wayne," he says. While arriving at Wayne State was perhaps a foregone conclusion for the Drikers and many members of their family and social circles, subsequent roads led them back to Wayne…

August 08, 2003 • Page Image 36

… Council, Hillel of Metro Detroit, Michigan chapter of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and Michigan Jewish Historical Society. He also has served for many years on the board of Hebrew Free Loan…

… Bronstein was appointed to the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority by Gov. Jennifer Granholm. The term runs until May 2007. Bronstein has been a professor of busi- ness administration at Oakland…

…. Bronstein Bronstein has been adviser to the Metro Hillel Chapter at OCC for 15 years and has served on many committees at the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. Melton Mini-School Classes Set There…

…'s still time to sign up if you want to expand your understanding of Judaism at the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School. The project of Hebrew University in Jerusalem is an innovative con- cept in adult Jewish…

…, M.D., a William hat started as a plan to fix a roof leak on the Koppy family's home in Bloomfield Township, evolved into a complete exterior renovation of their 1960s era French colonial. "It…

… set of architectural plans, Gittleman transformed the entire elevation, adding lodge-style cultured stone, preserving and redeploying existing brick, extending the porch and reconfiguring the garage…

… Community College since 1968 and will be one of two people representing corn- munity colleges statewide on the Authority. Bronstein serves on the boards of the United Jewish Foundation, Jewish Community…

… learning for students of all ages and back- grounds. The 2-year program pro- motes Jewish literacy via the sequential, systematic study of Jewish sources. Classes will begin the week of Sept. 8. First…

… Meadowbrook Country Club in Northville; 146 golfers raised $50, 000 for Send a Kid to Camp scholarships to attend Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit summer camps and youth sports programs. Honorees…

… at the event were Barbara and Douglas Bloom of Birmingham, above. …

April 08, 1977 • Page Image 46

… Israel will take place 8:30 p.m. April 30 at Cong. Beth Abraham-Hillel, sponsored by the Michigan Region women's committee. tory; Dr. Sidney B. Hoenig, noted educator and author; Rabbi Reuben J. Magil, of

… Windsor, Mrs. Zack was graduated from the University of Michigan. She is a board member of Hadassah and active in Women's American ORT and the Sinai Hospital Guild. Physician Honored Members of the…

… community and pres- ident of • his synagogue. Zack came to the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1921; re- ceived a BA and master's degrees in business adminis- tration and then settled in Detroit as a certified…

… public accountant. He was chair- man of the Michigan State Board of Accounting for eight years and a member of the board for 11 years. He has been a leader in JNF for many years, serv: ing as president…

… American Red Magen David for Israel women's committee display some of the merchandise do- nated for the group's disco night and silent auction to take place 8:30 p.m. April 30 at Cong. Beth Abraham-Hillel

… committee of the Jew- ish Home for Aged. PHILADELPHIA—A pub- lic memorial service for Dr. Solomon Zeitlin, world- renowned Bible scholar, educator and author, will be conducted by The Drop- sie University

… and The Jew- ish Quarterly Review April 17 in the university's main auditorium. Dr. Zeitlin, who was dis- tinguished professor of post-biblical literature and institutions and for many years editor of

…, Retired Dentist Dr. Abraham L. Cohen, a retired dentist, died March 31 at age 70. Born in Russia, Dr. Cohen lived 58 years in De- troit. He was a 1935 gradu- ate_ the University of gan's dental school…

… 25 years and con- ductor of choirs at Cong. Bnai Moshe and at other communal instutiions, died April 5 at age 73. Born in nussia, Mr. Froh- man lived 47 years in De- troit. He conducted the Dan…

… affiliation. He also was director of the Detroit Music Study Chorus for 35 years. Zeitlin Memorial Scheduled by Dropsie, Quarterly Review Dr. and Mrs. Murray A. Shekter led 28 Detroiters on a 10-day study…

November 08, 1996 • Page Image 31

…NOVEMBER 8, 1996 r 6 L J Dr. Tanthr, a political science Dr, Raymond Tanter will be the featured speaker at the professor at the University of Michigan, was the nation- Men's Club Breakfast Fo…

… astro- of the American Committee for naut in 1985. She participated in the Weizmann Institute of Sci- shuttle missions in 1989, 1992 ence, Michigan Region, will hold and 1995, logging a total of 686 its…

…. 10, at Ho- tel Baronette, Novi. Call (313) .. 769-0500. Dr. Gershon Greenberg will speak on the secular conflict in Israel, noonMonday, Nov. 11, in the Hillel lounge at Wayne State University

…- rum 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. Raymond al security- adviser to Pres- 17, at Congregation Beth Tenter i dent Ronald Reagan- A continental breakfast Abraham Hillel Moses. will be offered at 9:30 a.m., "Rogue…

… Regimes: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria" is the topic followed by Dr. Ta_nter's speech. There is no charge. of discussion. • • • • • • • • El) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Rev. James Lyons Shares Vision…

… Sharona Chapter of Na'amat/USA will meet 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21, in the Crown Pointe building. The Rev. James Lyons, founder and director of the Ecumenical Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies, will…

… annual luncheon 11 a.m. hours (over 28 full days) in space. A door prize of one year Omni Wednesday, Dec. 4, at Temple Club membership for two at the Beth El. renowned Franklin Fitness Dr. Ellen S. Baker…

…, a and Racquet Club will be NASA astronaut who has Ell en drawn at the end of the pro- Ba ker completed three space shut- gram. tle missions, will deliver the The price for the lunch and keynote speech…

…, "From Up Above ... to Down Below: The Earth program is $36 per person. For From Space." Dr. Baker has a information and reservations, medical degree from Cornell Uni- contact the office of the Ameri…

…- versity. She took advanced train- can Committee for the Weiz- ing in aerospace medicine, joined mann Institute of Science, (810) the Johnson Space Center as a 258-9890. Family History Is Discussed…

May 08, 1998 • Page Image 65

…: WEDDINGS, BAR/BAT MITZVAHS • PLUS MUCH MORE! • (248) 539-0800 Wedding Dress Washington Street k, Michigan 48067 8.544.9111 LOCATED IN FARMINGTON HILLS Plutzer-Hyman HOSPITAL TRAINED • ANSWERING ALL OF

… philos- ophy at the University of Chicago. •Face/Brow/Eye Lifts • Rhinoplasty • Botox Therapy for Deep Wrinkles •Lip Enhancement by AlloDerm •Breast Augmentation •Liposuction •AbdominoplastylBreast Uplift…

…COSMETIC SURGERY & LASER CENTER - MUNE GOWDA M.D., F.A.C.S. Certified by American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Schreiber of Southfield and Carol and Irwin…

… Seigel of Freeport, N.Y. The bride and groom's grandmoth- ers, Gussie Stusser of Seattle, Wash., and Kate Finkelstein of Brooklyn, N.Y., participated in the ceremony. Attending the bride were her sisters…

…-in-law of the bride, and friends Christopher Browne, Jin Suk, and David Tesler. Eight nieces and nephews of the bride, Meira, Yitzchak, Yehuda, and Daniel Bechhofer and Bracha, Moshe, Elim- elech and Zev…

… YOUR NEEDS Beth Abraham Hillel Moses (248) 932-3766 ELECTROLYSIS Beth Achim Specializing in Body & Facial Hair Removal for Men & Women (248) 357-2910 Ilana Julie Plutzer and Bradley David Hyman…

… recently were married at New York's Central Synagogue. Rabbis Peter Rubenstein, Arnold Sleutelberg, and Cantor Richard Botton officiated. Ilana is the daughter of Ann and Arthur Plutzer of New York City…

…. Bradley is the son of Toby and Michael Hyman of Bloomfield Hills. Deborah Plutzer, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor. Chantel Smith, best friend of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids…

… included Julie Hyman, sister of the groom; Lesley Hyman, sister-in-law of the groom; Alexx Shilling, cousin of the bride; Julie Cohen, Kerry Higgins and Stacey Showerman, friends of the bride. Michael Har…

…Paz, best friend of the groom, was best man. Groomsmen included Jason Hyman, brother of the Call for Free Consultation B'nai Moshe VIC raeM (248) 788-0950 /3464ef, (870) 626-6668 /47 4/4Y/t/R6VE…

March 08, 2002 • Page Image 89

… (BBG) throughout North America. The convention theme is "The Power Within." Speakers include Rabbi Shayna Potter, resident rabbi at University of Michigan Hillel; Florine Mark, president of Weight…

…41 a \,e•\...4U MVU And you thought just the turbo would get your heart racing. Michigan Region Hosts BBG Event The Michigan Region of B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (BBYO) will host the…

… International Mind-Body Attitude (MBA) Convention from March 15-17 at Camp Maas in Ortonville. The MBA Convention is an annual educational, social and leadership train- ing event for members of B'nai Brith Girls…

… Watchers International; and Brian Greene, BBYO's new international director from Los Angeles. The Jewish Women's Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit provided a $10,000 grant to help fund the MBA Convention…

…. Convention coordinators are Laura Hearshen of Ahavah BBG, who is a junior at North Farmington High School, and Amanda Shatzman of Ruach BBG, a senior at West Bloomfield High School. Registration information…

…, subject to credit approval. Delivery must be taken out of stock by 2-28-2002. 36,000 miles total..20 per mile over. 2002 Saab 9-3, 5 speed MSRP 29,570 (includes destination) ' 1 ": 0% APR SFSC. Length of

… . Mirmreil III-Fold Doors • Beveled & ttehed Glass • Glass hirniore & Table-Tops • I houlrails. oor Southfield (;alloy of Glass a t: )1) ',1 Tc.)/cl!r«ph R(l. outh of Mile Rd.) (,, (248) 203 1471. - )4S…

September 08, 1961 • Page Image 23

… the official statement of trict. Civic and veterans The Bflai Brith Hillel Founda - o bjectives - of the new society. ber, Michigan Mental tion at the University of Michi leader. Commander VFW Health…

… Pioneer Women is 000,000 at th: University of BY ALFRED H. PAUL first translation appeared. It is Committee will be held togethe ed Eilot, announces Coun Michigan Aud . isual Education A prominent Japanese…

… Boy Scout League; Fund Established at a nd a member of Parliament. 10th Representative Dis- U. of M. Hillel Center in This writer has before him 10th Representative Dis- trict. Proven leader. Mem- ow…

… secretary Detroit d present, ther real bases, and tic State Central Commit- $600 from th Federation of Teachers, th e inter-relation between them tee. Graduate Michigan , Foundatio president Marygro ve an d…

… Vicg,-Chairman Michigan discr of Dr. Herman 0 Democratic Party. nditions of Jewish studies and Jaco , rector o B i Brit Is cussions of 'the Jewish 45 Hill a U. alifi qu estion.' " 44 Je st This is no fly…

of society than by his disability." teacher. Army veteran. Married, 4 children. chil d. Youthful, vigorous_ leader. Michigan's future hangs the balance. The issue is clear—con- tinued obstruction…

… programs are provided members, signifying that they University, one of the leading in this country "rave reviews." chiefly by the United Jewish are charter members. FRANKLIN For information call Josie…

… organization 21st- Rep has one principal aim: "to ex- cha nge our ideas and informa- trict. B.A. magna cum 18th Senatorial District. tion in our research, as well as laude University of Detroit. Graduate Wayne…

… State Uni_ to p lay a role of public enlight- M.A. University of Mich- versity. Teacher. Demoera- enm ent towards correct under- tic Precinct Delegate. Vet- igan. Student of law, polit- ael and the Jew…

…Japanese Schola r Translates Basic Works on Histor y of Jews in Israel JDC Overseas Parley Pioneer Women in Geneva Oct. 22-26 Livonia film librar as expanded 10 prints h ng- a replace- ‘44) The 16…

December 08, 2000 • Page Image 51

….m. Sam Barnett entertains in European coffeehouse atmosphere for Holocaust survivors, family and friends. ON CAMPUS University of Michigan Hillel — For information or to RSVP, call Hillel at (734) 769…

…. Call for location (248) 545-0985. Pomegranate Guild for Judaic Needlework — Sunday, Dec. 10, at 1 p.m. The Southeastern Michigan chap- ter holds Membership Tea, at home of Elaine Beresh, West Bloomfield…

… Krakoff, at La Difference kosher restaurant, West Bloomfield. $15. RSVP. LUNCH & LEARN `Israel Today' — Friday, Dec. 16. Congregation Beth Shalom presents Mark Myers, director of Michigan/Israel The Way…

… Memories' — Wednesday, Dec. 13, at noon. Morgenthau Chapter of Jewish Women International hosts program with Carol Rosenberg of Jewish Home and Aging Services, at Temple Emanu- El. Luncheon. $7.50 members…

… Shalom Party — Thursday, Dec. 14, at 12:30 p.m. ChaZaKaH holds birthday celebration honoring group of 11 years, at Adat Shalom. Cantor Howard Glantz entertains. $10 mem- bers. $11 all other area seniors…

… by Thursday, Dec. 14: Doris Kushner (248) 352-5882. YOUTH B'nai Moshe Events — Month of December. USY for high school stu- dents meet Saturday, Dec. 9, for Chanukah Bash Dance with all greater Detroit…

… Arbor. All levels are encour- aged to attend. • Reform Chavurah offers Torah study with Rabbi Rich Kirschen 6-7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12. Pizza served. • Hillel's community service organiza- tion VIA…

… prepares and serves dinner to the homeless Thursday, Dec. 14, at Bethlehem United Methodist Church of Christ, Fourth Street and Packard, Ann Arbor. Shifts available from 3-5 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Drivers also…

…-members. (248) 738-0491. SUPPORT Alzheimer's Disease Caretakers — Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1:30-3 p.m. Meeting of the Caring Partners support group, at Jewish Vocational Service, Southfield. RSVP: Dorothy Schmittdiel…

… Jewish Education presents Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit Rabbi Buckman on topic: "Discord, Conflict and Unity in the Jewish Community: Reclaiming Our Identity as Am Echad (One Nation)," at Yeshivat…

October 08, 1976 • Page Image 30

… Officers The ninth grade of Hillel Day School has elected as class officers Michael Hershkovitz, president, Mark Shostak, vice president, Ruth Gil- bert, secretary, David Gottfried, treasurer. The class has…

… also started bagel sales every Wednesday, and the Hillel PTO has begun planning a Hanuka gift shop. tein, associate director of the Religious Action Center of the Union of American Hebrew Con…

…-5651. 358-3642 Women's Clubs 1 BIRMINGHAM and FRANKLIN GROUPS, Hadassah, will hear Oak- land University Profes- sor of Political Science, Roger Marz, speak on "Political- Trends in the U.S., - 12:30 p…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30 Friday, October 8, 1976 Temple Sisterhoods District Plans Biennial Event at Temple Emanu-El District 11, National tion will be "To Every- Federation of Temple Sis- thing…

… There is a Season." More than 150 sister- terhoods, will have its biennial convention Oct. hood delegates from 18-20 at Temple Emanu- Michigan, Indiana and El. Theme for the conven- ‘ Windsor are expected…

… Kretzer of North Hollywood, Calif., vice president of the NFTS. Mrs. Kretzer and Mrs. Joseph Maltzer, president-elect of the NFTS, will conduct the in- stallation ceremony Oct. 19. Mrs. Sidney Katzman, past…

… president of the Tem- ple Emanu-El Sisterhood will be installed as presi- dent. Rabbi David Sapers- eves. BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY ib, 1ST CUT LAMB CHOPS $ 2.25 HAMBURGER 99c lb. 3 lbs or…

… more S i CHUCK ROAST MRS. KRETZER CASH & CARRY ONLY 13500 W. 7 Mile Rd. of Schaefer DI 1-2345 WE DELIVER TiVng Itattartstyte is as eas3rasyklef93aisLvVitit, ketp frontChef Toy-ar-dee s…

…Pagheto sauce 2 -s o u4 spatial FREE! GIFT couPon- • Invite Chef Boy-Ar-Dee . to cook for you when you want a taste of real Italian ta'am. With the Chef's home-style Meatless or Mushroom Spaghetti Sauce on…

… hand, you'll have a delicious dish 1-2-3. Perfect as a tangy sauce for roasts or ground meat, both styles of the Chef's sauce go equally well with chicken, fish and omelets. Of course, they're ideal for…

March 08, 1946 • Page Image 13

… the War Manpower Commis- sion. The Hillel Players, student dra- = matic group of the U. of M. Bnai on Beautiful Lake Charlevoix — Northern Michigan Brith Hillel Foundation, will en- For Boys and Girls…

…, director of Bnai Brith Hillel at Wayne. Many Flock to The Hilltop Rest , CAMP-Q-GULL 1 f Prospective members of the Wo- men's League of Young Israel will be given a picture of the or- ganization's alms…

…, Sweden. lon Aaron, Alvirn Rothschild and Miss Nilson has a new venture Jean Cohen. The advisors of this . . . The Hilltop Rest Home locat- group are Mrs. Edith Goodman ed in Romeo, Michigan. The 95- and…

…, were held large guests' homes are complete- Thursday, March 7, in the chapel ly furnished with priceless im- of the Clover Hill Park Cemetery ported furniture, paintings and U. of M. Hillel from the Ira…

… Mrs. Je- She leaves four sons, Leon and hudah M. Cohen. Rabbi Cohen has 7338 W. McNichols Road been director of the Bnal Brith Isadore who operate the Winkel- Near Prairie Hillel Foundation on the U. of

… Jewish interest, has been opened recently at 8210 Sec- enhower made the presentation. ond Blvd., under the ownership of S.H.F. Mettle Baron Golub. Mrs. Golub, Wayne University graduate and former director…

… War on Juvenile Crime Rabbi Zager Lodge The recently organized lodge to t Parley Convened by Dept. of Justice perpetuate the memory of the late Rabbi Mandel M. Zager, el- 1 ected its permanent officers…

…. They ( ' will be installed at a pubic cere- left , nee of ell- fall 115- ne- ilty so•- be ces nee ght ire- the ity. or- 'cc- 're- ays 'vi- Shown here are some of the 31 national education, welfare…

… program. Left to right: Henry Monsky, president of Bnal Brith, who was elect- ed chairman of the Program Committee; J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI; Mrs. LaFell Dickinson, president, General Federation of

… Wo- men's Clubs; Attorney General Clark; C. Frank Koch, Federal Coun- cil of Churches of Christ in America; Howard L .Doyle, president, U.S. Attorneys' Conference; David W. Armstrong, executive…

November 08, 2018 • Page Image 40

… is rabbi of the Orthodox community at University of Michigan Hillel. her own way” (Proverbs 22:6). Isaac …

… and Operated 40 November 8 • 2018 jn t is difficult to imagine two and Rebecca failed to appreciate the brothers who are as different distinct dispositions and skill sets of from each other as Jacob…

… and their two sons. While their model of Esau. education was successful for Jacob, Unlike the presentation of it came at a cost to Esau, earlier individuals, the Torah ultimately alienating him…

…. describes the adolescent In the end, Jacob carried on personalities and hobbies the legacy of his grandfather, of Jacob and Esau. We learn Abraham, while Esau seemed that Jacob spends his time to abandon it…

… the Torah tion of our children: We must Parshat feel a need to provide these realize that each child has Toldot: details when it does not do his or her own unique way of Genesis the same for the others…

…? learning and experiencing the 25:19-28:9; world. As parents and educa- Rav Samson Raphael Malachi Hirsch, a 19th-century tors, we must be mindful of 1:1-2:7. German biblical commentator, the fact that no two…

… siblings suggests the Torah’s detailed or students are identical. characterization of Jacob and Not only does Rav Hirsch’s Esau conveys a particular educational message ring true for the education message…

…. In the great debate between of our children, but also for each of “nature” and “nurture,” Rav Hirsch us as individuals as well. Each of us suggests both are at play. Jacob and has a particular set of

… interests and Esau ended up on vastly different strengths. In our individual ways, paths later in life as not only the we each find aspects of Judaism that result of different inborn personali- speak…

… powerfully to us, while we also ties, but also because of the way their experience elements with which we parents raised them as children. struggle to fully relate. Before we While we hold the matriarchs judge…

March 08, 2002 • Page Image 20

…-5112 "Healthy Kids Are Happy Kids" avid Roet, Israel's deputy con- sul general, will deliver the keynote address at "Israel Under the Lens: An Academic Conference" at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor…

… director of the American- Israeli Cooperative Enterprise and a foreign policy analyst; Dr. Marc Bernstein, Michigan State University; and Dr. Raymond Tanter, visiting fel- low at the Washington Institute for…

… home," vides a way for every communi- says Mindy Rothstein, 20, of of Southfield ty to do something for Israel." Southfield, the only student- High school students have participant from Michigan.. been…

October 08, 1999 • Page Image 48

…, Jewish Community Woman of Achievement award for Council and Wayne 1999, to be presented State University Hillel at the annual Special Foundation. She Gifts Luncheon 11:45 served on the a.m. Wednesday, Nov…

… Goldstein and Elaine Meyers. For B'nai B'rith Youth Organization reservations, call reservations chair Michigan Regional Board. She is a Sally Lipitt, (248) 353-4477. life member of both Detroit and David M…

…Largest Selection Of Rockers and Gliders $10.00 OFF WITH THIS AD Wood Rockers from „ .$ 98.00 168.00 Gliders from Child's Rockers from .48.00 Rocker Cushions & Accessories Jul Lauds Charlotte…

… Edelheit FREE LAYAWAY WE SHIP ANYWHERE 21325 Telegraph (Between 8 & 9 Mile) Smithfield (248) 948-1060 36539 Gratiot Ave. 3337 Auburn Rd. (south of 16 Mile) (Between Adams be Squirrel) Auburn Hills Mt…

…." Morgenthau chapters of JWI. Jewish Women International Council Edelheit served on the boards of of Metropolitan Detroit has chosen the League of Jewish Women's Charlotte Edelheit to receive the Organizations…

…. National Volunteer 3, at Adat Shalom Week Committee of Synagogue. United Community The native Services. Detroiter has been a Edelheit has member of Jewish received the BBYO Women International National Gold…

… Service (formerly B'nai B'rith Key, Volunteer of the Women) since 1948, Year Award, East when she served as sec- Central Region BBW ond president of Award and the BBI George Gershwin Col. Eliot Niles…

… Chapter. She is a past Community Charlotte Edelheit president of Detroit Volunteer Award. Chapter BBW. Special Gifts chair She served as presi- is Lucille Gersten; luncheon chairs dent of the B'nai B…

…'rith Women are Ida Nathan and Esther Detroit Council and was past vice Applebaum. Other committee mem- chair of BBW Midwest Region. She served a two-year term as chair of the bers are Barbara Coden, Ruthe…

…. Deutsch Master of Photography Professional Photographers of America THE WORLD'S GREAT STORYTELLERS. (248) 352-7030 TRUST YOUR AFFAIR TO THE FINEST CATERER 6235 Orchard Lake Rd • Next to Orchard Mall…

January 08, 1971 • Page Image 26

… York, emerged winner of the Faculty Dreidl Spinning Contest at the Hanuka party of the City College Hillel Foundation. Marshak, a physicist, managed to spin his dreidl longer than any other faculty…

… member, first tri- umphing over Mitch Haspel of the electrical engineering department and Rabbi Arthur J. Zuckerman, Hillel director and member of the history department. In the semifinals, his dreidl…

…- tennial commencement address he delivered at his alma mater, Ohio State University. Explaining the title of his ad- dress, "Honey on the Tongue," Fisher described his father's early struggles as an…

… Station: WJR Regularly 38.50 LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Jewish Feature: Hal Youngblood, with students at the University of Cali- religious figures, hosts the weekly Write or phone fornia at Los Angeles, not previ…

… spot of honey on his tongue. "What the teacher wanted was that his pupil should remember all his life that learning is sweet. "To all those wonderful Amer- icans who in their own way put the honey of

… learning on the tongues of millions of students, who fought the battle for free public education, I want to say thank you—thank you, from the bottom of my heart. The honey they put on America's tongue is…

… sweet—sweet with the taste of freedom." In his address, Fisher said: "I would like to see our univer- sities make a major contribution to solving the many inequities that still affect many millions of

… branded the violent actions "fascism—totalitarianism" akin to the actions of the Nazis who burned books and sacked libraries and stated: "It must end. And it will end as the vast body of the students…

… understand it for what it is — a threat to their right to learn and a threat to their freedom." College President on Top in CCNY Campus Clash Dr. Robert E. Marshak, new president of the City College of New…

November 08, 1963 • Page Image 24

… SHMARAK'S Dr. Abraham Kaplan, profes- sor of philosophy at the Univer- sity of Michigan, will lead a dis- cussion with the Graduate Stu- dents Club of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation on "Judaism and…

… are being held at the Beth Shalom Religious Center Sorrow is the harbinger of once a week. joy.—Mary Baker Eddy University of Missouri Gives Hebrew Credit Dr. Kaplan to Speak at U. of M. Hillel SID…

… Hammond, Commander of the Michigan Department of The American Legion. Jones' appointment to this high office in the American Legion's national organization was made by National Com- mander Daniel F. Foley…

… Jewishness" 8 p.m. Wednes- In conjunction with a con- day at the Hillel building, 1429 test by the Watchmakers of Hill, Ann Arbor. The public is Switzerland, which will end invited. Nov. 16, GEORGE OHREN…

…, Calif., an- nounces the Bar Mitzvah of her KANSAS CITY, (JTA)—He- son, Kenneth Gilbert, was ob- brew language courses under served Nov. 2 at Cong. Ahavas sponsorship of the University of Israel. Missouri…

…Friday, November 8, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-24 4.• People Make News Dr. Joseph Burg, Israel's Min- ister for Social Welfare, will arrive in this country Thurs- day, for a five- week tour of

… Ame r i can communities in behalf of the State of Israel Bond drive. Dr. Burg, who last visit- ed the United States a year ago, will be taking part in the final phase of the 1963 Israel Bond campaign in…

… Dr. Burg many key com- munities which are now on the verge of reaching new peaks of achievement for Israel through the Israel Bond drive. LOUIS MARSHALL LODGE will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Labor…

…- gram. Merwin Solomon will take individual pictures of the birth- day celebrants and present them with color prints at the next meeting. Refreshments will be served and prospective members are invited to…

… attend. * * * Dr. SIDNEY NELSON, Direc- tor of Joint Distribution Com- mittee operations in France, will arrive in this country Nov. 15 to report to American Jewish communities on recent develop- ments…

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