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April 08, 1977 - Image 46

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1977-04-08

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46 Friday, April 8, 1977


28 on Israel Campaign Mission Musical Director Dan Frohman
Dies, Conducted Local Choruses

Dan Frohman, music di-
rector for Cong. Shaarey
Zedek for 25 years and con-
ductor of choirs at Cong.
Bnai Moshe and at other
communal instutiions, died
April 5 at age 73.

Born in nussia, Mr. Froh-
man lived 47 years in De-
troit. He conducted the Dan
Frohman Chorus for 40
years, the Cleveland Civic
Chorus for 42 years, and
the Workmen's Circle

Chorus for 40years. He
was the music director at
Temple Israel for nine
years prior to his Shaarey
Zedek affiliation.
He also was director of
the Detroit Music Study
Chorus for 35 years.

Zeitlin Memorial Scheduled
by Dropsie, Quarterly Review

Dr. and Mrs. Murray A. Shekter led 28 Detroiters on a 10-day study mission to
Israel, preceding the opening of the 1977 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency
Fund. Participants included the Shekters, Dr. and Mrs. Burton D. Faudman, the Ski-
ney Glens and Edward Gordons, Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Jackson, Dr. and Mrs. Sidney
J. Katz, the Robert A. Kozlows and Drs. and Mesdames Philip E. Lachman, Murray S.
Mahlin, Maurice S. Opperer, Saul M. Shapiro, Alfred I. Sherman, Gary A. Stern and
Seymour Weiner.

David. Zacks Honored by JNF

Mr. and Mrs. David P.
',Evelyn) Zack will be hon-
ored by Jewish National
Fund at a testimonial din-
ner on June 22 at Cong.
Shaarey Zedek "for their
services and contributions
to the Detroit Jewish com-
munity- and to Israel."
Zack was born in Mas-
sachusetts. His father was
active in the Labor Zionist
movement, a leader in the
Jewish community and pres-
ident of • his synagogue.
Zack came to the Univer-
sity of Michigan in 1921; re-
ceived a BA and master's
degrees in business adminis-

tration and then settled in
Detroit as a certified public
accountant. He was chair-
man of the Michigan State
Board of Accounting for
eight years and a member
of the board for 11 years.
He has been a leader in
JNF for many years, serv:
ing as president. Zack has
been active in the Allied
Jewish Campaign and Jew-
ish Welfare Federation for
nearly 50 years. He was
vice president of the Jewigh
Community Center, chair-
man of the accountants sec-
tion, Detroit Service Group,
a member of the Health

ited Magen David for Israel
Will Benefit From Auction



He has been a trustee of
Cong. Shaarey Zedek and
was president of Franklin
Hills Country Club. He is a
member of the board of the
Jewish Home for Aged.
member of the budget and
finance committee of Sinai
Hospital and member,
board of trustees of Clover
Hill Park Cemetery.
Born in Windsor, Mrs.
Zack was graduated from
the University of Michigan.
She is a board member of
Hadassah and active in
Women's American ORT
and the Sinai Hospital

Physician Honored

Members of the American Red Magen David for Israel
women's committee display some of the merchandise do-
nated for the group's disco night and silent auction to take
place 8:30 p.m. April 30 at Cong. Beth Abraham-Hillel.
Shown are, from left: Sue Cohen, co-chairman of the silent
auction; Sybil Mintz; president of the women's committee;
and Liz Warnick, co -c hairman of reservations.

Proceeds ,will" benefit
Magen David Adorn, Is-
rael's national emergency
heaith service.
There - is a charge. For
tickets, call fund raising
committee chairman,
Renee Golding, 661-1080, or
Liz Warn:ck. 661-0855, or
The evening will include a'ly mornber of the Ameri-
a Coney Island dinner fol-
can Red Magen David for
lowed. by ,a .silent auction, . Israel...

A disco night and silent
auction to benefit the Ameri-
can Red Magen David for
Israel will take place 8:30
p.m. April 30 at Cong. Beth
Abraham-Hillel, sponsored
by the Michigan Region
women's committee.

tory; Dr. Sidney B. Hoenig,
noted educator and author;
Rabbi Reuben J. Magil, of
Cong. Beth Zion-Beth Israel
and a past president of the
Dropsie Alumni Associ-
ation; and Dr. Frank Henry
Seilhammer, president of
the Hanna School of Theolo-
gy, Springfield, Ohio. Also
participating will be Joel
Spector, a nephew and only
survivor of the late Dr. Zeit-
An annotated bibliogra-
phy - published six years ago
listed 406 books and articles
by Dr. Zeitlin. The recog-
nized expert on the post-
biblical period, a third vol-
ume of his history of the
Second Jewish Com-
monwealth will be pub-
lished by the Jewish Pub-
lication Society. A graduate
of Dropsie, receiving his
PhD degree in 1917, he was
the oldest living alumnus
until his death.

_Holtzman, Hermelin to Lead
Bonds Executive Committee




and Welfare Division of the
Federation and on the exec-
utive committee of the Jew-
ish Home for Aged.

lic memorial service for
Dr. Solomon Zeitlin, world-
renowned Bible scholar,
educator and author, will
be conducted by The Drop-
sie University and The Jew-
ish Quarterly Review April
17 in the university's main
Dr. Zeitlin, who was dis-
tinguished professor of
post-biblical literature and
institutions and for many
years editor of the univer-
sity's Quarterly Review,
died Dec. 28 at age 84.
Participants will include
Fredric R.° Mann, former
ambassador to Jamaica
and a former university offi-
cer; Dr. Abraham I. Katsh,
president emeritus and dis-
tinguished research profes-
sor; Leon J. Perelman, act-
ing president; William B.
Thomas, chairman, board
of governors; Dr. Solomon
Grayzel, professor of his-

Fred Rosner of New York
will receive the third
Maimonides Award of Wis-
consin April 19 in Mil-
waukee. The award is pre-
sented to a Jewish physi-
cian "who also has made a
significant intellectual con-
tribution in other fields,
such as humanities, philoso-
phy or religion."

Merrill Gordon, general
chairman of Metropolitan
Detroit State of Israel
Bonds, announced the ap-
pointment of David B. Holtz-
man and David B. Herme-
lin as co-chairmen of the ex-
ecutive committee for Is-
rael Bonds.
In heading the top-level
committee, Hermelin and
Holtzman continue a long-
time association with the or-
ganization dedicated to the
economic support of Is-
rael's economic devel-
opment program. Both men
are founding and continuing
members of the Prime Min-
ister's Club of State of Is-
rael Bonds, the most presti-
gious honorary society of
the state of Israel, and they
have been active in lead-
ership roles for many
Holtzman is "a regular par-
ticipant in international
prime minister conferences
held each year in Israel,
has hosted many receptions
on behalf of Israel Bonds.
and is active in Cong.
Shaarey Zedek-Israel Bond
functions. During his tenure

Israel Citizenship

George Ginzburg, writing in
the World Jewish Congress
magazine Soviet Jewish
Matters, advocates having
the Israeli government
grant Israeli citizenship to
all the Jews of the Soviet
Union in order to give them
a legal basis to aid their
emigration fight.


as president of the Prime
Minister's Club, ,71 mem-
bers were enrolled in the
elite society.
Hermelin, has partici-
pated in Shaarey-Zedek ac-
tivities for Israel Bonds as
well, and was general chair-
man of the synagogue's
1976 Israel Bond Tribute
Dinner. He has attended
many national Israel Bond
conferences and has opened
his home for Bond events
on several occasions, the
most recent being an up-
coming Israel Bond Tribute
Dinner for Michigan Region
Women's American ORT,
honoring Dolores Gordon,
to be held April 19.
Hermelin and Holtzman
will be officially inaugurat-
ed at the Inaugural Lead-
ership Dinner, to be held
6:30 p.m. April 27 at Adat
Shalom Synagogue. The din-
ner also will inaugurate the
celebration of the 10th anni-
versary of reunited Jerusa-
Other leaders to be includ-
ed in the inauguration of
the executive committee
are Israel Bond general
chairman Gordon, Dr. Leon
Fill, new president of the
Prime Minister's Club;
Franka Charlupski, contin-
uing chairman of the
Women's Division; and
David Pollack, new honor-
ary chairman.

Isaac Abrahams was
the first Jewish graduate
of Colombia, receiving a
B.A. degree from that in-
stitution in 1774.


Mr. Frohman was soloist,
baritone and principal con-
ductor of the Verdi Touring
Opera Co. and a teacher of
voice, piano and cello. He
also composed solo vocal,
choral and orchestral
music, including several
original sacred oratorios.
He is survived by his
wife, Rebecca; a son, Dr.
Lawrence A. of Evanston,
Ill. ; a sister, Mrs. Herman
(Jean) Torchen of Atlantic
City. N.J. ; and four grand-

Rabbi Kohn, Top

NEW YORK—Rabbi Eu-
gene Kohn, a founder of the
Reconstructionist move-
ment and managing editor
of its periodical, The Recon-
structionist. until 1960, died
April 1 at age 90.
Rabbi Kohn. whose spe-
cialty was religious philoso-
phy, was co-editor of pray-
er books published by the
movement and wrote a num-
ber of books.

Abraham Cohen,
Retired Dentist

Dr. Abraham L. Cohen, a
retired dentist, died March
31 at age 70.
Born in Russia, Dr.
Cohen lived 58 years in De-
troit. He was a 1935 gradu-
ate_ the University of
gan's dental school.
He was a member of Alpha
Omega Dental Fraternity,
American Dental Associ-
ation and -Temple Israel
and the Friends of the Hun-
tington Woods Library.
He leaves his wife, Bar-
bara; a son, I. William; a
daughter, Mrs. Harold
(Nancy) Hahn of Cincin-
nati, Ohio; two brothers, Ja-
cob and Fred; and four

Best selling American
books that are based on
the Bible or have Bible
themes include "The Lit-
tle Foxes," "Grapes of
Wrath," "The Voice of the
Turtle," "My Son, My
Son," "Inherit the Wind,"
"David the King" and
"Reap the Whirlwind."

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