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July 18, 1958 • Page Image 1

…1 'HE JEWIP -H Few Western Jewish Settlers in Israel . . Cunningham's Plea to Golda Meir . .. New Poems by Israeli Commentary Page 2 A Weekly Review 10Voi nedi &hi n s haop 17100 W. 7 Is Ks ol> 6%. A9 .%,•,,A 4% % ,,,e6 wish Events ,poratin g The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Michigan's Only English-Jewish Ne , VOLUME XXXI I I—No. 20 fr E S •`Z' 41.)' eci Our Spiritual Processes in Evaluating Definition of 'What Is a Jew' Edi...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S -- Friday, By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Few Western Jewish Settlers in Israel Out of a total of more than 900,000 new settlers in Israel, from the Jewries of the world, in figures compiled from May 1948 to October 1957, there were 9,676 from all of North and South America — approximately 1 per cent of all the immigrants to Israel. This figure disproves the fallacious contention of some frightened Jews that ...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 3

…N. Y. Regents Change Examination Cabinet Differences on Identity Card Issue Fade as a United Israel Faces New Mid-East Crisis Date from Shavuot after Protest NEW YORK (JTA) — The Synagogue Council of America reports that, in response to a request to the New York State Board of Education, state offi- cials have agreed to change the scheduled date of next year's regents examination to avoid a conflict with Shavuot. Rabbi Theodore L. Adams, pres...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., - 1.7100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich.. VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942, at Post Office, Detroit, Mich....…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 5

…Sam the mule takes time out from his spin around the weather deck of the Zim Israel American Line's new MS Negba, largest dry cargo liner of Israel's merchant fleet, to pose for the cameraman with Ernest Gordon Wilks, son of a California rancher, John Wilks, shortly before the Negba sailed from New Orleans to Haifa on the return leg of her maiden voyage. Young Wilks, his dad and kid brother, Slim, sailed along with Sam, two Tennessee horses an...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 6

…18, 19 58-6 Around the World.. A Digest of World Jewish Happenings, from Dispatches of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Other News Gathering Media. THE DETROIT JEWISH NFWS United States MIAMI BEACH- -In a message to the convention of the Rabbinical Council of America, Yaacov Herzog, Israel Minister in Washington, called for the achievement of spiritual harmony between the people of Israel and the United States and other countries . . . W...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 7

…MUNICH, (JTA) — Dr. Hans Eisele, former Buchenwald con- centration camp physician wh6 fled to Cairo when it was re- vealed that he was responsible for murdering at least 200 Jews during the Nazi reign, was ar- rested by Interpol (Internation- al Police) in Cairo. Max von Decker, Bavarian State Prosecutor, has been sus- pended from office as a result of Dr. Eisele's escape from Germany. Minister of Justice Willi Ankermueller, who sus- pended vo...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 8

…CIO 00 as rt Apartment House Joys and Sorrows 'Koptic Court: Well-Written Novel by Herbert D. Kastle Lei Medals Speak THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish history is rich in re- markable personalities and can be well illustrated by reading ›-3 medals, those everlasting mem- ti ories of great persons and Herbert D. Kastle displays He could not tolerate the op- events. considerable ingenuity in his posite sex, part of his revulsion The earliest...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 9

…every study mission which the UJA has sent to Israel during the last; few years. Fisher also serves as board member of the United Founda- ti6n,, Metropolitan Detroit Build- ing Fund and Health Council of Detroit. He was Big Gifts chairman of the 1957 Torch Drive. He is married, and has five children. They reside at 27751 Fairway Hills Drive, Franklin, Mich. VIENNA, (JTA) — Out of 80,000 Jews who lived before World War II in present-day Yugosl...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 10

…0 Glubb Pasha Reveals Double Role as Lover of Arabs, Foe of Israel THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEW S — Friday July 18, 00 1 A few weeks ago, it became known that Godfrey Glubb, son of Lt. Gen. Sir John Glubb, was becoming a Moslem and is marrying an Arab girl. In a sense, that was hardly news. Long ago, it was said that his father, too, was in- tending to become a Moslem. In fact, the general who "saved" the Jordanian army during Israel's War of I...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 11

…Israeli Writer Gives Impression of Reform Hebrew Academy Sets Enrollment SYNAGOGUE The Hebrew Academy of Oak Park is currently accepting reg- istrations for the new school year, the second in its opera- tion. The school will open with a new grade, having added classes in grade two in addition to nursery accommodations, kin- dergarten and first grade. Located in the Peter S. and Pauline Goldstein Bldg., 13855 W. 9 Mile, at Kipling, the schoo...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 12

…THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEW S -- Friday, July People Make News Mrs. Louis S. Gimbel, Jr., has been elected national chairman of the Women's Division of the American Friends of Hebrew University, it was announced at the organi- zation's head- quarters, 9 E. 89th St., New York. She will be aided by Mrs. Julius Fligelman of L o s Angeles, co - chairman, in directing t h e activities Mrs. Gimbel of the women's group in key cities of the United State...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 13

…- 41641eitilfflifiV •,•••••• ■ The title of the latest book by Dr. Mordecai -M. Kaplan ex- plains its purpose. "Judaism Without Supernaturalism" seeks to indicate how it is possible to revitalize Ju- daism by free- ing it from su- pernaturalism. The sub-title of the book, "The only al- ternative to Orthodoxy and S e c ularism," gives addition- Dr. Kaplan al indications of the eminent author's pur- poses. This volume, published by the Jewish...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 14

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S — Fri day, July 18, 1958- 1 4 Rabbi Wickman Heads Rabbinical Dr. Waksman Retires `Ghana Eden' on Paradise Threshold from Rutgers Institute By HERBERT G. LUFT Florence and finally in Paris Council; Proposes College Plan (Copyright, 1958, Jewish Telegraphic and London shows, with her MIAMI BEACH (JTA) — Rabbi Emmanuel Blackman of Far Rockaway, N. Y., who was elected president of the Rab- binical Council of America at i...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 15

…; Chayyim Zeldis, Detroiter who lived for 10 years in Is- rael, has been awarded the $250 John Day Novel Award for his novel—in progress. Zeldis returned from Israel earlier this year with his wife and children. While in Israel he had writ- ten a number of short stories and many poems, one of them having been included in the Ausubels' "Anthology of Jew- ish Poetry." His novel "Streams in the Wilderness," for which he was awarded the $250 priz...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 16

…THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July 18, 1958- 16 i Betrothal Told tillIMHI•11111111.1•11.1111-0411111•011111111,0411110-04M•1,11111M.1•11 ■ 0 ■ ••1111, 0 Hebrew Free Loan Fleets Klein; Awards Plaque to Myron Sebiffman ewry ! On the Alf This Week's Radio and Television Programs of Jewish Interest i Music & Entertainments For People With Discriminating Taste WORDS WE LIVE BY Time: 10:30 p.m., Sunday. Station: WWJ. Feature: The th...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 17

…Bank Opens Downtown Office rineberg to Wed Detroit Attorney Given Public Public Bank, a member of the Public Bank, which recently Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- Fulbright Award established its first office at poration, was organized by Ver- 6 • • 111 Rabbi to Become Narrator for 'King Eastet4ner, David' at Stratford STRATFORD, Ontario—Rabbi Reuben Slonim, noted Canadian religious leader and writer, re- places Jason Robards Jr. as nar- rato...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 18

…BO THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July 18, kt, Israel Profits from Isaiah By following the text of the Bible, the Israeli people have been able to uncover mineral deposits, recover ancient archaeological treas- ures and even win battles during the Sinai campaign. Through the office of De- troit Police Commissioner Piggins comes news of yet another bit of Biblical in- spiration, this time taken from Isaiah 1:3. It happened that Israeli p...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 19

…Mickey Woolf WINER COYLE TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE ARTIE FIELDS . . in Subtle Campaign of Anti-Semitism Veit4t0ii0 without abliaotion COIfl 6-4610 NEW. YORK (JTA) — Anti- I only too obvious," the report Jewish undertones continue to emphasizes. make themselves felt in the So- viet press, according to reports received by Jewish organiza- tions here quoting numerous ar- ticles from newspapers in va- rious parts of the Soviet Union. ...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 20

…Friday, July 18, 1958-20 Frondizi Assures WJC on Argentine Neav Slatkin-Dexter Chevrolet Home Equality; Conference Asks USSR Sid Shmarak's to Lift Ban on Jewish Culture s••:•;.,:•-s,:,..\•<4... • Briefs T HE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BUENOS AIRES. (JTA) — hopes expressed in the confer- The assurance that the Govern- ence resolutions. ZEMAN'S NEW YORK BAK- ment of Argentina is "deter- Taking note that the situa- ERY, located at 12945 W. 7 Mile m...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 21

…Name Judge Louis Levinthal to Head Gratz College flit Indonesian Paper's Suggestion Excludina Israel from Asian Games Danny Hasktn s LISTENING \ PHILADELPHIA (JTA)—ThelFreedman, president of the Fed- appointment of Judge Louis E. eration of Jewish Agencies of Levinthal of this city as presi- Philadelphia. Judge Levinthal succeeds Dr. Maurice Jacobs, dent of Gratz College was an- i nounce d here by Abraham L. who held the post three years. ...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 22

…13-FLATS, INCOMES AND APTS. FOR RENT THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S — Friday, July 18, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individ- uals by Telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Dead- line for display classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charges $1.00, or $2.94 per column inch. WIDOW-own home-near 7 Mile Rd. and New Grace Hospital will rent room to working lady. UN 1-8313. NICE furnished ...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 23

…17--HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE HUNTINGTON WOODS 10715 ELGIN New ranch, 2 Ige. bdrms., 2 baths, stall shower, liv. rm., 15x24, large din. "L", oak kit., 20 ft. counter, G.E. oven-rang'e, Ige. brkfst. rm., pan. family rm. 11 1/2x19, 21/2 car gar. Anderson win- dows thermopane. Crane plumbing fixtures, incinera- tor, aii-cond. Open Sat. and Sunday 1-5. 18615 MENDOTA ILENE 19434 Nr. Outer Dr. OPEN SUN. 2-5 $2,000.00 DOWN OPEN 2-5 SU...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 24

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE SORRENTO 20244 OPEN SUN. 2-5 3 bdrm. brk. Ranch. Lge. liv. rm., • lge. kit., dinette, gas F.A. ht., 2 car gar., rear terr., priced for quick sale. Full price ONLY $16,900. Mr. Operman. GROSS REALTY UN 4-3100 13420 W. 7 MILE OAK PARK, 3 bedrooms, 1 1, baths, ranch, storms and screens, car- peting. drapes. LI 7-9326. 20567 PLAINVIEW OPEN. SUN. 2-5 UNDER $20,000 3 bedrm. brk. ranch, cust. bit. 1 1 / 2 baths, pass hall, ...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 25

…—17 • - "-- Za..77:77 SORRENTO NR. 7 MI. Capital Real Estate KENTUCKY-CURTIS, beautiful 3- bedroom colonial, gas heat, near schools and shopping. UN 3-4359. owner. BEAUTIFUL INCOME 17551 STOEPEL NR. THATCHER NORTHLAWN -7 MILE 4!', yrs. old, 6 and 5, all large rooms, all woodwork, natural and birch finished, encic•sed porches, 2 car brk. garage, gas heated, carpeting and drapes in- cluded. Close to synagogue, shopping and trans. Substanti...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 26

…CO 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE at *Os 14 I p.; ms ... Wisconsin - Curtis Marlowe nr. Jas. Couz. Face br. 7 rms. den 3 mast. cust. blt. ranch face br. 2 bedrms, carpeted, drapes, fin- mast. bedrms, pan. rear den, ished rec. rm. Total price gar, rec. rm. has everything. $23,900. Only $23,000. * * * * * OPEN SUN. 2-5 3 bedrm. ranch, terrific buy. nace, br. gar. storms, screens, vacant. Move right in only Tota...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 27

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE BLOOMFIELD VILLAGE SALE Hampton, was $45,000 . . • now $39,900 Bevington, was $37,500 . now $33,500 Wilshire, was $42,000 . • no v $37,500 Split-level, was $44,000 . now $39,900 Cranbrook, was $39,500 ... now $36,000. All these homes feature at- tached brick and plastered garage, full basement, 4 bed- rooms or 3 bedrooms, plus den. 21/2 baths incl. stall s•-ower, built-in kitchen ap- pliances, 36" Hunter attic fan, pickl...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 28

…THE DETRO IT JEWI SH NEWS — Fr iday, July 18, 1958- 28 17-HOUSES FOR SALE Low-Cost Home Development Offers Nev Luxuries in Livonia 19727 APPOLINE OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 Lovely 3 bedrm brick Colonial. Gas heat. Screened terrace. Garage. Vacant. Must sell. UN. 4-4600. 17-HOUSES FOR SALE Harold Blake Comapny Extends Service to Suburbs; BARKLEY 29409 Low Tax Livonia VETS NOTHING DOWN FHA LOW DOWN PAY'T J. WM. KLEM $250 dn. - Price Reduced 191...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 29

…40-Foot Business VACANT in Oak Park 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRESH FISH & KOSHER POULTRY MARKET, • DAIRY AND FRUIT DEPARTMENT, MOST MODERN MARKET IN HEART OF OAK PARK. ONE PARTNER ILL. CAN BUY HALF OR ALL. REASON- ABLE TERMS CAN BE AR- RANGED. LI 5-1198 Eves. LI 2-7101 3,000,000 Attend `Jewish Programs in USSR Last Year Pictorial history of Israel .: suite's Impressive Record 29 —THE D ETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Frid ay, July 18, 17-A—LOTS F...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 30

…Pritttay, July 18, 1958 n tit nisi While he appears to have been influenced by the gen- eral thinking that "the Jewish vote" in the United States and the pro-Israel attitude in Amer- ican quarters is responsible for many of the troubles in the Middle East, "Islam Inflamed," by James Morris, published by Pantheon (333 6th, N.Y. 14) is of immense value in throw- ing light on many of the situa- tions in the area surrounding Israel. tudy of Mid...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 31

…I OBITUARIES Monument Unveilings (Unveiling announcements may be inserted by mailing or by call- ing The Jewish News office, VE 8-9364. Written announcements must be accompanied by the name and address of the person making the insertion. There is a standard charge of $2.00 for an unveiling notice, measuring an inch in depth.) * * * Mrs. Rube H. Rist, Mrs. Jo- seph Keller, Mr. Thomas Firsht, Mrs. Louis Snyder and Mr. Louis Firsht announce t...…

July 18, 1958 • Page Image 32

…00 C:r3 Israel Prepares to Meet Issues Created. by Arab, Soviet Forces Continued from Page 1 and Lebanon to Austria." The ' with Vice President N i x o n, was Israel's policy in the Times editorial concluded: Secretary of State Dulles, Gen. event that pro-Nasser Iraqi Nathan Twining, chairman of troops overrun and occupy "If the history of the Thirties the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Kingdom of Jordan and holds any lesson for the Fiftie...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 1

…Campaign to Close April 30 Detailed campaign stories on Page Israel's Approaching Anniversary Our Major Responsibility Through Allied Jewish Campaign Editorials, Page 4 E J A Weel-r Michigan's Only English VOLUME XXXI II — No. 7 lool4rigtneido ni ns al p Editorial on Page 4 6.6 wirr (1 4., •\\ 04 N‘ 4' Definite plans have been made to conclude the 1958 Allied Jewish Campaign on April 30 . . . at a dinner of volunteer workers at...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 2

…Friday, April 18, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S-2 Purely Commentary Charge American Express Co. By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Alexander Werth's 'Lost Statesman': 'The Strange Story of Pierre Mendes-France' Alexander Werth, who writes with authority on France and ' French problems, in his newest book, "Lost Statesman," the biography of Pierre Mendes-France, published by Abelard-Schu- man (404 4th, N. Y. 16), speaks of the French-Jewish statesman as a...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 3

…NEW YORK, (JTA)—Jewish Communists in the United States voiced a protest against the anti- Jewish views expressed by So- viet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in his interview in the French newspaper Le Figaro. The Soviet Premier came out with a severe attack on Is- rael and on the "Jewish distaste for collective life." He charged that Jews are "born individual- ists" and scored Soviet Jewry for failing to settle in Birobid- jan which was proclaimed a...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 4

…Dangerous Change of Power THE JEWISH NEWS 20, 1951 Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 3 ,5, •c-..f. - 7-1. - .?"c" Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 5

…Meroz's Address. Pageantry at 10th Israel Anniversary to Be Marked Here April 27 Colorful pageantry, a noted Israeli personality, an orchestra, a dramatic presentation, and Israeli dances will be featured in the Detroit celAKation of the tenth anniversary of Israel's independence, Sunday, April 27, 8 p.m., at Ford Auditorium, Jef- • ferson at Woodward, it was announced by Abe Kasle, chair- man, and Morris Lieberman and Samuel J. Rhodes, co-...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 6

…Friday, April 18, 1958—THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEW S-6 In Israel, in the United States and here in Detroit your Allied Jewish Campaign contribution helps create and maintain essential life-saving services PHOTO BY DAVID RUBINGBR ...wasn't there always an Israel? To these happy Israeli kids—there always was an Israel! Wonderful, isn't it? They don't know how brad was born. They have yet to learn how ten years ago its outnumbered, heroic people ...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 7

…Lawrence W. Crohn Nominated for Presidency of Community Council of the Council, outlined the pro- cedures in submitting additional nominations by petition. Delegates heard a review of Council activities. Dr. Samuel Krohn, chairman of the internal relations com- mittee, spoke of the challenges which were presented to the Council as a result of the 20th anniversary Institute. Possible new developments in the Sunday closing cam- paigns which may...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 8

…ISH NEWS-8 1958—THE DETRO IT Friday, Ap ril having remarked in a barber- shop that it was "too bad that in the Third Reich all the Jews were not gassed." He has already been sus- pended by the authorities from his elementary school post. Zind Case Not Typical of New Germany, Press Says LONDON, (JTA) — Neither informed Jewish nor German opinion views the Ludwig Zind case as indicative of a resurg- ence of anti-Semitism in Ger- many, the Dail...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 9

…Nelson Rockefeller Aids New York UJA Dr. Hans Albert Einstein will leave for Israel this month to participate in ceremonies mark- ing the formal dedication o f the Albert Einstein Phys- i c s Institute Building at Technion - Is- rael Institute of Technology, named for his late father. The new build- Dr. Einstein ing was made possible through the efforts of the American Technion Society which sponsors and supports Technion, the only institutio...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 10

…Friday, April 18, 1958—T HE DETRO IT JEWISH Dr. Leon Fram Arrives in Israel SERVICES SYNAGOGUE Yeshivah Assembly Marks Israel's 10th Anniversary Devote April 26 to Israel Sabbath Israel's 10th anniversary will be marked by the Yeshivah Beth Yehudah with an assembly today on the theme "Israel— Past and Future." Wolf Cohen, Yeshivah pres- ident who just returned from an extended visit in Israel, will report on new developments in the Jewis...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 11

…Suburban News Emanu-El Women to Host State Sisterhood Meet Arthur C. Becker in Race for City Clerk in Southfield City Arthur C. Becker, well known Detroit printer - who is associ- ated with his father, Harry Becker, in the Becker Printing Co. on 12th St., is in the race for City Clerk in Southfield, in the election on April 21. Active f o r several years i It advancing South field's youth sport s programs, Becker has shown a keen interest i...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 12

…Friday; Apr il 18, 1958—THE DETR OIT JEWI SH NEWS- 1 2 1 The Suburban Community Louis Kasle Heads Flint Israel Celebration Louis Kasle, prominent corn- ing the coming year, as a means munal worker has accepted of educating its members on the contributions to peace and the leader- political democracy of the new ship of the state during its first ten years Flint Com- Rabbi Rosenbaum to Speak of its existence. mittee f or Rabbi Milton Rosenba...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 13

…FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, Mizrachi Women, will meet Monday afternoon, in the home of Mrs. Paul Fenton, 5360 W. Outer Dr., for a cultural pro- gram, planned by Mrs. Jacob Goldman. A bake sale has been scheduled for May 8, at Fed- eral's, McNichols and Schaefer, Mrs. Saul Cohen is chairman, and is assisted by Mesdames Morris Subar, Zvi Tomkiewicz and David Novetsky. * * * omen's MA activities Mrs. Edith German, acting president of LADIES OF YESH- ...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 14

…1958—T HE DETROI T JEWIS H NEWS- 14 00 Friday, April r Name Beitner A: other's GuildSlate s ,.ssistant Wayne L onor for April 26 Iroseentor Elliot I. Beitner, of 18481 Hartwell, was recently ap- p ointed assistant prosecutor of Wayne County, by Samuel Ol- en. prosecutor. Active in community affairs, 1eitner is a director of the aetropolitan division of the Al- 1 Led Jewish Campaign, and is a ffiliated with the Farband and with Temple ...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 15

…Honeymoon in Mexico After April 13 Rites MRS. IVAN M. FORBES activities in Society Mrs. Helen Jackman, representing the Elkin Travel Bureau, 19437 Livernois, left last Wednesday for a visit to Europe where she will check accommodations and services for her clientele. During her travels, she will make stop-overs in England, Bel- gium, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. Accompanying Mrs. Jackman are Detroiters Mrs. Alice Schrier and Mrs. Mary...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 16

…Friday, Ap ril 18, 1958—THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS-1 6 Alpha Omega Women Schedule Annnal Donor Event, Wednesday 1 Brevities V AnneNuefeld's Troth to Dr. P. Levin Told CHAMBER OPERA THEA- TER OF DETROIT will pre: sent an evening of classical and romantic music at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the lecture hall of the Detroit Institute of Arts. Among the soloists will be soprano SHIRLEY ZAFT BENYAS. Music will feature works by Scarlatti, Handel, M...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 17

…Junior Hadassah Slates `Spring Splash' Party Honeymoon to Indies Congress Women After Rites Sunday Set Spring Lunch MRS. THOMAS G. ELLIS Henrietta Szold Junior Had- dassah will hold a "Spring Splash" party at 8:30 p.m., Thursday,. at the home of Mir- iam Lowenthal, 18484 Snowden. The Mozel Tov group, consist- ing of Sandra Adoff, Sandra Brown, Marilyn Cherner, Sandra Kass, Miriam Lowenthal, Aud- rey Maneli, Myrna Schussel, Edith Schwartz an...…

April 18, 1958 • Page Image 18

…1958—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S- 18 Friday, April 18 To Wed June 1 MISS GERI DUMAS Announcement has been made of the engagement of Geri Dumas, of Sheffield Rd., to Allan Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison, of Mendota Ave. A June 1 wed- ding is planned. 41111.1 .M. ■ 1•0 ■ 1,1 ■ ....111. 1 . 110. 04 •1■11. 1411■43 ., every 1 tite Air! This Week's Radio and Television Programs of Jewish Interest THE ETERNAL LIGHT Tim...…

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