October 07, 1923

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October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER GENERALLY FAIR; COLD. ER TODAY t VOL. XXXIV. No. 13 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 _ _ ____. r FACULTY TO ACT T TO BILING USE LOCAL CHAPTER OF PROFESSORS ASSOCIATION TO APPOINT COMMITTEE GROUP WILL CONSIDER BENEFITS OF SPEECHES Regents' Refusal to Allow Speaker to Talk in Hill Auditorium Cause of Action Action arising from the refusal of the Regents of the University to allow George W. Wickersh...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ail'NDAY, OC OBU1 , i A .. ?most of the space for the formler is al-! readly gone, while reservations for Min-; nesota are just beginning to cornyC in. The Allenel reports thai, they are half sold out for the 7.i}n.;o' a erme. Rooms are being rsie mostly b~y studenuts. Daily classified for real resul S. i a S;chernwreioriito Lectu~re staff is required to w rite contrary to _. _ . !J,3!mis '3ehermerhorn, former edi...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…________THE MICHIGA.N DAILY s ? Square, arciiteetial ho(~ar Uociety for women, will meet at 5 -O'clock TuIeday afternoon, in the Engfineering building. lans will b)e discussedl for deign s and decoraion for the Women's League bazaar. Sigma Delta Phi will meet at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, in Par- hour gymnasium. Pamela Brown, '24, will be at ar-- hour gymnasium from 3i until 4 :0d o'clock tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of displaying sa...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning ex,.ept Monday during the University year by the 'oard in Cont-rol of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. 'The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatchescedited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at t...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 5

…_______________________TI-fE MICHIGAN DAILY w m II We ask your cooperation in the presentation of tliis theater's biggest underta.iNg PLEASE COME EARLY'i 1"ti ll will not be seated on the a rdiforium floor afteI(r the second act of any per'formiance. Cliii- dren in arms will not be admitted Sunday. We will reerv 'c(eic;1i for Clubs, FratiltnC!s, Or w~j b a sold to any Ujic person for anly iperformlance. i"") SE.ATS RSERYED) EXCEPT IAWh ...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 6

…______________________THE MICHIGAN DAILY '1NAOT~~A , Ij' ..., r .. 4 * r1 F - . ........................... I., .......... 1 - .,.w,,,,r, ,, VARSITY T-RIUMPHS OVER SCIE[NTISTS IN SLOW CONTEST 3(Continued from Page One) ! Michigan 43 yard line. Case was pen- alized for offside and on the next playl Steger broke up a triple pass. Grib- len kicked out of bounds on the Mich-: igan 2 yard line as the quarter ended. Slaughter went in for ...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 7

…TIEW MICHIGAN '"DAILY IRIS ]MSN AT 3 P M, COLUMN S S 1 1 E CLOSES AT 3 ?.It. ADVERTiSING AT 3 P.M. cW. FO1R RENT' FOR RENT-Either as a suite or sp arate~, tvvo pleasant front rooms with fireplace. 520 E. Ann St. A LARGE FRONT ROOMV, for men. Steam heat. Phonie 1194-M.* 422 El. Washington. COMFORTABLE ROOM for lady stu- dent. Can be paid for by work in Young Women to work part time at the telephone ofice.-Meals at cost at the company's...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, C y Senate Council: The Senate Council will meet at ident's office. 4:15 Monday, October 8 in the Pres- F. F. Robbins. VaYnderbilt Tickets Being Malled Mailing of tickets for the Vanderbilt game Saturday was started at the ath- letic office at 6 o'clock last night, and it is thought that they all will be in the mail by tomorrow night. The office will work all day today in get- ting them out. All registered ...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 9

…Section Two' LL Ar ammla itib. Section Two VOL. XXXIV. No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, O( TO; i,:[7, 1923 PRICE, FIVE CENTS DENIlSHAWN TROUPEI WI[L PPEAR HERE' IN UNIQUE DANCES UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB SECURES RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF DANCERS TED SHAWN TOURS SPAIN POI ORIGINAL DANCES Now Members And Scenery Added To Company's Repertoire This Season Student Laundry ' Brings Revenue To Post Office Laundry bags form the majority of the...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY " INSRANCE News From C kl'HsB Cornll-Three fall tennis tourna- HUEAESIIN RIS ments, which include the university singles championship, the freshmani 1TION OF 7 ID 10 PERCENT singles championship, and the open A 1V1E I (,Y I10LDERs I doubles championship, are now in pro- $2,050,000- gress. ther_ Colleges i that the chief purpose of the United States was to prepare the Filipinos for self government. In my opinion he ha...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 11

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY P'AGE' dlI UU I RlRIJb1 JdILLL Y1EW6QMBE, POLLOCK, AND LA RUE AWAY; RARER REPLACES POLLOCK Professor Oran Raber, a graduate of Indiana University, is now acting as an assistant professor in the Bot- any Department. Professor Raber took hs doctorate at Harvard and has since taught at the Universiy of Wis- consin. Professor Raber is teaching the course in microbiology in place of Prof. J. B. Pollock, who is in Hawaii cond...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 192 A Retrospect After Five Years wE GREAT WAR I MILTON'DREYFUSSwho b cxi. owe, oexercise shook the props, auhriy in hrh workshop,sho, of our Established rdconi arco. I s i, shoola T rder of Things; and we have no substitute. We ar1 ward an Individualism rather than insurgence agint age . . . Youth and of all peoplessure of nothing; Morals, Religion, toward Cooperation. It is obvious asem...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 14

…,AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN' DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 " tiful old folk songs, the bringing into solute self-control of the individual he llu c4' nd fix d Ivogue of old national country dances and at the same time a new freedom growing literature. In this last field,i Movement combats false shame as M arri ge"coe writer puts it, " close alliance lies between he Jugedewegung and well as prostitution, and stands -for IGermany's younger novelists a...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 15

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 THE MICHiGA4 DAILY GE THREE Ito get at the center of things. They million since 1913. But the Bigness C orresp ondence were good enough to admit me to the which is my First Impression of Union by Early Doors. Soon enough America is something aside from that. Srsweaters are the high mogls of tethat Union is going to be the center It is more subtle, much more diffi- Sir:- of America. But the baby's not yet cult to express...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 16

…PAGE FOUR IMPRESSIONS (Continued from Page Three) And your others are too busy hustling to head the animal off. I don't kno about your "down-and-outers," your patient- looking negroes, your " ean white." I think there's ror vio- lence and injustice here and more popular indifference. And less patiet resignation in the victims. Mentally, I think there's little to chose. You think you pay much less deference to tradition. Yu don't need ever to p...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 17

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 T11' M CHGAN DATLY rAGE FINZ 1 i 1 1 1 Iin Edited By Scogan FABUOUS "The Christian msythologists, after having confined Satan in a pit, were obliged to let hin out again, to bring on the sequel of the fable. He is then introduced into the Garden of Eden in the shape of a snake or a serpent, and in that shape he enters into familiar conversation with Eve, who is no way surprised to hear a snake talk; and the issue o...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 18

…PGE Sb THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDA'Y, OCTO$IER 7 1923 ...................................................... ."............ . ............ America," he says, "the European pro- it escaped the threat it received to- cedure could not well be followed. wards its British system during the Thus, first describing Harvard as it Revolutionary war, only to have a appeared in the form of a "Resident transition take place from within some J -~ I Governme...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 19

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 TE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SLVEZN and Mary, Yale, Brown, Princeton, of 30-31 years of ago. In the past the. Columbia, Dartmouth, Bowdoin, Tho- American Youth being torn by ideal- mas Jefferson, Michigan and Virginia, istic and materialistic motives was a respectively, are treated as to their sort of dual personality; today he is importance in swaying and retarding more of a decided individual, more of a unit in knowing w...…

October 07, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 13) • Page Image 20


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