Published every morning ex,.ept Monday
during the University year by the 'oard in
Cont-rol of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
'The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatchescedited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ness, 960.
Signed communications, not exceeding 300
wordcs. will be published in The Daily atI
the dikcretion of the Editor. Upon request,
the identity of commiunicants will be re-
garded as confidential.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M
News Editor..............Julian E. Mack
City I cditor.......... ...Jarry Hoey
Editorial Boar d Chairman.... R. C. Moriarty
Night Editors
or make. the completion 'of the pool
possible'-WT ASTED DnLL
President Calvin Coolidge in issu-TA
ing his proclamation calling for the TE
observance of the week beginning
Nov. 18, as National Educational Week A lot of people went down at 2
says, "Every American citizen is en- o'clock; all of them felt quite cheap
titled to a liberal education. Without olo aoft:he n f e -cheap
this, there is no guaranty for the per- along about 2:30, when we and our
manence of free institutions, no hope party arrived, and still got very good
of perpetuating self-government, seats. Along about 3, we felt cheap
Despotism finds its chief support in also, but that is neither here, there,
ignorance. Knowledge and freedom nor under the bookcase. . . . We
go hand in hand." Mr. Coolidge is
right, and what is more we are in- didn't expect to enjoy the game much,
lined to agree with the President. but there was a bright lad next to us
But unfortunately he does not go far who kept making such wise cracks
enough. that we quite forgot about the game.
What rights people are entitled to For instance, when the Scien-_
and what rights they exercise differ o tists cane onto the field this guy says
an incredible extent. Education may "is t heyoCaseherded,tis wgu der?"s
be a good thing, but so far as acad- "Are they Case-hardened, I wonder?"
emic schooling is concerned very few And when the aeroplane soared
of the young folk of the land are able around, he says "Is Case gonna use
1 to obtain a , college or university an aerial attack?"
schooling. We do not claim that such The Yostmen appeared on the field
a training is advantageous but rath in their customary regalia, and after
er that it is a-statistical fact thata fooling around went back into the
very, vert fewsoaostaisthisataing.field house. The boy on our right
very, very few do obtain this traiing suggested that this had been mere-
The President means well but really ly a trial entrance, or that possibly
hlps very little.they had been dissatisfied with the ap-
W ttcy had dentsndofsastfnivdrsitw ath*e thap
k - ... _ ...e.__
O~ - ~~*WcJ ~ckWoo
E. II. Ailes A. 13. Connable wassuteisoLi nvriar
R. . I Ailes . E'. Finabke I plause. . . . The cheerleader in
R. A. Iillington 3T. B. Fiske irather inclined to take a number of
H C. Clark T. G. Garlinghouse charge of our stand came forward at
P. M. Wagner no things for granted. The saddest of all
orts Editor..............Ralph N. '.yers is that after we have enrolled our- this point in the proceedings and said
Women's Editcr.......... Winona IHibbard Clesm fu tprl hr.u something we failed to catch. He then
Telegraph Editor...............R. B. Tarr selves, some of us stop there. We waved his hands in a kind of rythmic
Sunday magazine Editor......F. L. 'Tilden honestly believe that that is all there ys
Music Editor ............... Ruth A. H~oweli obigasueta nvriy way, and then stopped and shook his
Editorial Boardn syhead'and grinned. We have been re-
Paul Einstein Robjert ,Ramsay We do not think. head anormed We he bene-
Andrew Propper If we are to make education worth liay infore that he
Assistants anything, we should go into it for lead a rah for the team, but that he
B. . Bctee H H.Mc~ego, J. ~hatitmet with no response. "He's a goo(;
raet ke R. R. Me or, Jr what it really means. Horse-play, too, scout," says some guy behind us.
J N. Berkman .S ansfield may hae its place, but at the univer-
H elen Brown E. C. Mack iywhrongesfrbieslt We next discerned the band sneak-
Bernadette Cote S, J. Schnitz sity where one goes for business let
rl nd Ehlcb XW. L. Scratch him attend to business. Being a tool 'ing along behind the wall, prepara-
t. C. Fingerle S. L. Smith tory to their dramatic entry a few
T. P. Henry W. T1.Stoneman is nothing unusual. moments later. . . The assistant
D~orothy aain H., R. Stone _________late._Theassistan
K. e lar N. R emThale 1 T Omanagers fail deplorably in their col-
Elizabeth Lieberman W. J. Valtor DIRECT YO ENTHU ASlective attempt to drive out the
---PROPERLY Hound of the Baskervilles. . . .
BUSINESS STAFF College life, especially in a large Yost, having worked his hordes into
Telephone 960 University, presents a problem to its a fine frenzy, once more allows them
students which, if properly solved, on the field.
BUSINESS MANAGER means four years well spent, or if ne- The guy on our right interrupts at
LAURENCE H. FAVROT glected, generally results in a series this point to ask if the Wolverines
of regrets. The diversified activities will eventually be called the Little-
Advertising ........ ......E. L. Due that radiate from a college campus, men.
Advertising .............. PerryAM. ayden
Advertising............... . . C. Purdy that is, the social, scholastic, athletic The game starts. The Scientists
Advertising................ .. W. Roesser
Advertising................W. K. Scherer angles of college life form, in the con- have the ball, and one of them dives
Accounts. . .. . Christie glomerate, an atmosphere which is apt through the line and rolls over. "The
Publication.............Lawrence Pierce to confuse the minds of students. This caissons are rolling along," says the
Assistants confusion is not always apparent even boy on the right.
ltennie Caplan . Edw. D. Hoedemaker to one's self. Often times an individ- Herb Steger gets the ball and rolls
John Conlin r Harold A. Marks
Alir 1. Crouch Byron Parker ual will believe that he is steering to- outside, to the tune of "Attaboy Herb!"
Lou s M Dexter A Robins ward the proper goal, that the life he The boy on the right says "Roll out,
Rowan Fasquelle H. M. Rockwell
oseph 3. Finn H. E. Rose is Oliving is transparent enough for wild bell !" We threw him such a fil-
raendA. HgtFox Will F.Weise
Saurn g e him to see through it to its ultimate thy look at this that he didn't open his
E H. Hale R. C. Winter end, and, generally, this person is face except to cheer for the rest of
correct in his belief. However, too the game. .
much thought cannot be spent upon a The drum major is not the virtuoso
matter so vital to success. on the baton that his predecessor was.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 Having . an idea of "what it's all He fails to get the pep into his organ-
Night Editor-HARRY C. CLARK about", though should be given toward ization; they still perform the old ev-
- - - the direction of one's energies in an- olutions at the ends of the field (the
THE CHI ES PLANS FOR THE% ticipation of the most desired results. one where they seem to turn inside
POOL The possibilities offered on the mod- out all of a sudden-woops there they
Chimes has offered a plan far the ern college campus are many. Oppor- are going the other way.)
tunity is given in innumerable lines Between the halves, the crowd rose
completiQn of the Union swimming of endeavor. It is up to each individ- and sang the grand old song of Mich-
pool: sell 4,000 tickets good for 20 ual to select those lines in which his igan--The Yellow and the Blue."
swims each for $5 per ticket. The interest and aptitudes lie. There is The last beautiful strains were dy-
total receipt would be $20,800, the nothing more hopeless than misdirect- ing out across the dptrkening field.
ed energy. It proves useless to others . . . "Hurrah for the Yellow and
sum needed for the completion of the
and a discouragement to one's self. Blu-u-u-u-u-e!"
Intrinsically, the plan is Such interests lie in every normal in- "PEANUTS-FI CENTS A BAG!
dividual and it is with an eye on the*
It would be a physical impossibility dviue andtteseithaeyesonldtbe
to raise $20,000 among the students future that these interests should be KITTEN SPEAKS
in one semester. There are not more aroused and cultivated. No matter It gives me pains
than 6,000 men in the student body how selfish the emotional promptings To listen to Aristophanes.
. . may be that start you on some line of He speaks as if his little son
who might subscribe. This figure ex-
_1 1-w,.,..,,_ rp. iofxonAnn;*work they matter little. It is the nat-j Had copped an A in Logic One.
To the Editor:
To enjoy all that a college town of-
fers is to tave lived. To know all
about tradi ons brings delight, but to
be ignorant of everything which takes
place on the campus is just plain hard
During the past week there have
been many ga herings for different
groups and sects of men and women;
there has been a Freshman Smoker,
there have been fraternity meetingsY
for the members, there have been "
class meetings where men and women Y
have been elected to class ofiices, but,
has there been a meeting for new stu-
dents on the campus, men who area
not freshmen? The answer is no.
The University of Michigan with its<
wonderful schools, excellent faculty,
beautiful Union and many fraternities
has not discovered the need of new
students, men who are not freshmen.
Why is it that there are all sorts of
gatherings except one. The one to
acquaint new students, who are not
freshmen, with the glorious Michigan,
the Michigan whose praises are her-
alded wher'ever words are used, the
Michigan which plays a clean game
on the field, the Michigan which has
the most enviable traditions, the
Michigan which is so democratic.
Why is there no chance for new men
on the Campus, men who are not
freshmen, to become acquainted thru
a smoker or some other means. I do
not speak alone for myself but for
those men who have come from other
schools because they thought Michi-
gan better. Surely there is something
to remedy this situation.
The second subject is relationships.
Let me first take myself as an exam-
ple and then from that we can infer
how some of the new students feel.
I came here from Oregon. To come
that distance means a great sacrifice
not alone of money but of friendships.
I came to Michigan primarily to get
an education and, secondly, to enjoy
university life. I love companions,
not alone boys but girls. I am used to,
going out with girls but, there seems
to be none at Michigan with whom I
can become acquainted. Do you see,
what a new fellow on the campus is
up against? He is not known and has
not been heralded by some alumnus.
If it were possible to go to a dance I
would feel as if I were at home, but,
I am ill at ease, and so I have to sit
down at night doing something to
keep grief from starting the water
pumps. If one of the girls' dorms
would have a party, it would be Uto-
pia, but that has not been thought of.
As I write this I could be having a
good time, if, I were only known. We,
the new students who are not fresh-
men, hope that The Daily will aid us,
I remain a loyal Michigan student.
With hope,
An Oregon Student.
This is the time of the year for those
who predict an early winter; those
who predict a late winter; those who
see a hard winter ahead; those who
insist it will be an easy winter; and
perhaps some who claim that there
will be no winter at all.
Detroit police arrested nineteen
Chinese the other day for playing
dominos. Who dares to call this a lax
and unrighteous age?
Our Mirror
The strike of the New Yoi'k pres8-
men served to reveal an important
fact. A few minutes past tweve on
Tuesday morning the pressmen em-
ployed in the plants of the New York
dailies went on strike and from that
time on, save for a few "bulldog" ed-
itions none of the leading papers were
issued. Financial institutions, de-
partment stores, commerce, and te
theaters immediately experienced a
general slump. The inability of the
New York ; financial and business
world to communicate with the public
through the medium of newspaper
advertising resulted in confusion and
an immediate depression. The sale of
theater tickets dropped to a figure
that frightened the producers. When
the dramatic critics were unable to
tell the pulahic what they thought of
the new shows on Broadway, the 're-
sult was positively harmful.
'No one,' said President Angell ci' t
Yale university to the (nterin r
can come to any great slucecs ?; e
Yale who is known to be a disl ed
man." That is commnon knowltd,;e W4 L L " E 0
nd applies not only to Yale but, to all
Umiversities and to the whole Wonma -
s well. JO,- .,,
y H a ,-Opposite Lan
1'47., 4
:vS..C.+L'h r!Tx - , KU3tSL: 'PiSFFit d': . G, '
P~riv ate I 55iss sIn-
BA ALET'anid
Jcanette Kyuszka
. LibertyStreet
rree Inn1
xx - ---lm
J olnsoll
Stud'lo---21n(l Floo~r ('hubh Bt M l
~ . :
C(X-wcdTime {Sio w -)
Lea-ceChamber of C jmencc
Wctek Bays Sundays
6:45 a. r. 6:45 a. mi.
12:45 p. n. 6:45 p. ni.
4:45 P. m.
JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M Azirian, Mi^.h.
71) Arbor Street
Near Stafe amid I'chard S rt'd-
The Arbor Fouraai
Watch for Opening
Rea ryhe Ia jly "Classified" Coluns
-. C c .22 o, 1
r F' i'a-
-' -
~ ~ 7 .'
crv,,sebra. V1: "--Lox\ r {Vr, 2.0;bacoy,$1."01nd4E
q .J t-is-h.yi avc.
5:30 -H
e Hall
- I
I ;-..---------------- _____________
._... w_ _._ _._ ____ __......._. 't
Copyright 192 Hat chafe~r & Marl
cludes seniors. To collect $2U,UUU it
would be necessary to sell 4,000 stu-
dents these tickets or 66 2-3 Pet. of the
possible purchasers. According to
1,ast managers of campus campaigns,
not more than-1-2 of the possible stu-
dent subscribers can be successfully
solicited in any one campaign.
Then again there is the element of
speculation in the plan which will not
apieal to the average student He isI
not flush of funds and sentiment is
a weak incentive when the per capita
tax is a sum as large as five dollars.
He is desirous of seeing value re-
ceiye.l in some tangible form. Under
the Chimes plan he would not know
when he would be able to use his
swimming tkcket. In fact, he would
1' si n" d finit'. 5L0in rt. th t ho I
ural aptitude, the worth of the selec-
tion, and the energy expended thatI
count. It is a question of directing
one's enthusiasm properly.
It is not alone on the collegeI
campus that this maxim applies. Itj
can be carried through an entire life.
It applies to business, to pleasure, to
study, to friendship. Started in col-
lege it is -a personal advantage four
years sooner, and the advantage mul-
tiplies with the years.
Twenty-Five Years
Ago At Michigan
A human kitten plays with me
But what's his use I cannot see;
I don't know why they ever found
I can play rings and rings around
Ile pulls my rudder hard abeam
And wallows in my plate of cream
And has cuh killing occupations
I'm glad I've eight reinCATations.
He cannot lap his supper pup,
He cannot spit at a stray-pup;
le has no whiskers and no fur
And, when I stroke him, he can't
He cannot scurry up a pole,
ie cannot watch beside a hole,
His little paws, I grieve to say,
Would let a mousie get away..
Of course, his mothel' thinks he's
And lets him have a pan of sand
But what she gives it to hlir fur
Is more than I can tell you, sir.
B ght Bit from Chines
"f ( have it.
a no ternite guara ee La ne
wpu d. ever. use it. From the Files of the U. of IT.
Unionsof icials will not proceed with Daily, October 7, 1898.
the pool: until they have $20,000 on
hand. H the campaign proposed by ' The Student Lecture Association
cur. wofith contemporary failed to program for the year includes the
net the ;full sum, it would revert to names of James Whitcomb Riley, Rus--
the student body, for the Union must sell H. Conwell, Gen. John B. Gordon,
oeop faith with its members. In this the Boston Temple quartet, George
event status quo would be resumed. Riddle, and Burke Cochran.
The risk of failure is present as well -
P , the e-lement of speculation. Some The opening of the Law schoolI
You' - K x it f you lack
it, too.
- -i e Sne sure--
have suggested that the Union borrow which was scheduled for September
money with- which to complete the 27, has been postponed until October
pool. But the Union is already over- 3, due to the fact that the new build-
hbrdened with debt. This last point, ing in which -the department is to be
however, brings to the front a vital lodged is not completed. Dean Hutch-
question in the problem of Union fin- ins states, however, that everything
Wnces ' If the student body really will be in readiness by Monday, and
wishes to aid the Union and complete the department will open in earnest
the pool, it can pay up its life mem- that day and begin active work im-
blership pledges at once. The money mediately.
;ved in interest in a year would com- ---
1 1-to the pool. I1The U. of M. Daily offers a series
The' are plans other than that of- I of Daily scholarships to aid worthy
1. -,1hy Chimes which are more prac- students and to increase its subscrip-
t,,,1n a wbio'h. i 'wol iv ua +e I Lion list T othnn studnts who oh-
I '
i t
"When you see a man driving up
and down the streets at midnight or This serves to show how dependent
later looking at the corners and shop I many of our most important institu-
windows don't fool yourself into be- tions are on the daily publicity. The
lieving that he is hunting his mother newspaper after all is the mirror of
or sister. . ." the day. It caters to the general pub-
* * * lie and hence must present those
WE were introduced to an engag- things in which the people are most
inag lass the other evening, who said interested. The charge that news-
she had been dying to meet Toasted papers are inclined to seek the sons-
Rolls. She went on to remark on the ational cannot be denied, but this is
happiness our column gave her. "I due to the character of the crowd to
read it every morning at breakfast, whom only the sensational is stimu-
and it just starts the day off right for lating.
me" she sav or words to that ef-
atlil e~~-Ii way to
"~ ~ 'S-<-
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R F .,1TL._ d ....,. _ u ,.. -.,o to.... $65.c's