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October 07, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-07

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______________________THE MICHIGAN DAILY '1NAOT~~A ,


.. 4

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3(Continued from Page One) !
Michigan 43 yard line. Case was pen-
alized for offside and on the next playl
Steger broke up a triple pass. Grib-
len kicked out of bounds on the Mich-:
igan 2 yard line as the quarter ended.
Slaughter went in for Hawkins at the!
opening of the second quarter. With
the ball on the 2- yard line, Kipkep
kicked out of bounds on the Mich-!
igan 42 yard line. A Case pass was
grounded but a second, Hall to I
Schultz, made 4 yards. Gribben then !
kicked over the goal -line making first
down for Michigan on her own 20 yard
line. Kipke made 5 yards aroundl leftl
end. Steger lost 7 on an end run.;
Kipke kicked to Hall on' Case's 40 1
yard line. Gribben followe d -wsith an-;
other punt over the gcal line. Millerl
muade 7 yards through the .center of
the line and followed it up, by making1,
first down. Kipke made 6 yards around!I
right end and Miller made it first l

of field generalship during time hie V n erit
was in the game took the ball across!
,on a quarterback sneak. Kipke drop-!
kicked the goal.

Opponent, Prepares For Game C69C IuII SOS gLFOR,
--I TIMlMA T lN UI1 fflof'f nni-rai nniiorvnii inaaininm~rn

down. Steger on the next play made aC
brilliant 00 yard run for another3
tou~chdown. His interference helped
considerably on the play. lKipke
missed the try for the extra point.
Gribben kicked off to Kipke who ran
22 yards 'to his own 27 yard line, and
Miller made 3 yards through center.
Kipke punted to Hall who fumbled,a
Muirhead recovering on the Case 27C
yard, line. Steger made one yard n
through center. Kipke followed withh
two off right tackle. A piass by Ujteritz If
was grounded. Kipke missed a 30 '
yard drop kick.g
Steger llakei Third Touichidown
Gribben punted almost straight up
in the air to Kipke on the, Case 37 C!
yard line. Steger lost 4 at left end.
A pass, Steger to Kipke, was incom-
plete. On the next play Steger made
his third touchdown of the half when
receiving a pass from Uteritz he ran I
30 yards to the goal line. Herrnstein!
~went in for Steger. Kipke Aropkicked
for the extra point.
Herrn stein returned the Case kick- -
off 35 yards only to fumble. Case re-!
covering on the Michigan 35 yard line. ,p
A pass, Gribben to Hall, was ground-
ed. Another was incomplete and on. R
the next play VanDervoort recoveredj;;
a fumble by Gribben. Miller made 12 jI
through left tackle and Kipke fumb-' ;
led after gaining 8 yards Case recov-
ering. After a couple of incomplete ;
passes the half ended.
Second H~alt Like First
The second half was similar to the"',rl
first. Herrnstein produced the fourth
touchdown of the game soon after the
peidoee hnh e.rudleft end for 35 yards., Blott kicked ;;'
the extra point.,{I
Following this there was little action
for the rest of the quarter, with;
Heston who went in for Kiplhe and
Herrnstein doing most of the offensive!
In the fourth period Kipke came { a4;
through with his 48 yard drop kick,Ii
adding three points to the score.;,,
Blocking on the play was good and the ,Il
star halfback w,,s not rushed by the 1
Case line.
Parker Responsible for Touchdown i
Parker who went in for Uteritz in!1:
the final period was responsible for the
last touchdown. After carrying the{
ball down to within the 5 yard line,
two line bucks failed to take over the fl
ball and Parker who displayed a lot i;i
Tryouts for assistant basket-
ball manager are asked to re-I1
port at the Varsity locker room, I
Waterman gymnasium at 4
O'clock tomorrow afternoon. 1
ISophomores are eligible.

Alchigai Case INashville Tenn. Oct. 6-Indications in the forward passing role, Ryan' hlLU IlIIUU !L'(
Marion.......... LE......... Galaba now are that Vanderbilt's football seems certain to figure most promin- ,1 II A L W
Mured...L....ucadteanm which will face Yost 's Ann Ar- ently in Vanderbilt football fate this 1 ONTYMN VIlN ___________________
Steele........... LG......... Cawrse bor outfit at Ann Arbor next Satur- season. INTO' FAIR SHAP1IE AS WORK.
Blott........... .C. ",. .....Fao"1a ile tonequdan inuIcddOUTS HARDEN Rgll C. njg iiSai olo.guard. Although awkward at times
Hakn....G......ulmuch smoother machine than that McGugin has about determined b- rwiNghtiiyatran{in Cappie" always coveed his man.
Vneror. T.....-strwhich held the great Wolverine aggro- lineup which will face Michigan andj Steve Farrell, Varity cross-country rspcs i Biht.Cppon, Ely, Paper and Miller's placs
Curra.. RE......... ldengation to a scoreless tie a year agoI it will include: Sharpe, center; Kelly coach, sent his men through a tree' ilb adt il
Uterwten.t.e.n.w.stadium.wa..forally and Lawrence, guards; Bradford and mile trial yesterday morning which.!~~E it~rTO As a nucleus around which to build
whene thepnew,.stadium was formally);SQuAI) BY MX AINthis season's team, Mather has Hag
oik Cp...L. rbe C pt) e here. Rives, tackles; Bomer and Wakefield was the first real workout the har-etKpe n ik.H g -tyi
Steger... ......RH.........Schultz IPa esnslclsudwsanwends; Reece and Meiers, halves; Ryan, riers have had this season. Detgie atta popcsf rt gooiforarand ill noHadouti
Miller ........... FB......... Reeves, and untriedquniy The bulks of the full, and Kuhn, quarter and captain.; All of the men appeared to e in, odfradadwl odutb
menwre bquresqunsanedtheiatntAlyfths.pae as regulars aaist good condition and some excellent time+ winning Varsity basketball team are one of the team's mainstays this seas-
1 2 3 Finalplayed together before, they had had Michigan last fall except Ryan, Meiers for this early in the season was turn-tebaks hyhv eni eea on. Kipke is a od guard. He haes
Case 0 0 0 0 0 ltl rciesnetesao tre and Rives who will replace in this ed in. Six of the harriers were bunch- seansEwno Mthr, hasdeeedity bes toritystofe speed and an uncanny abil-
Tichans:6 teg13 ( 7 Her10 nd36e had nothing uponwhc to year's cast Captain Neely End Neil!red at the tape and three miles were1sttoke his man covered. Captain
rrlcdon. Segr()Tlrnadhywc start the regular training seasonBisisagodrberndaf.
stiPre;gasfo ocdw:base confidence so needed in facing, in and Tackle McCullough. traversed in a few seconds more than Druchi earlier than usual and call all Brshot.go riberada a,
stethefirstebg;gamelanfoppnentuofdlarge Vanderbilt's team has not been de-'16 minutes. Captain Arndt, Davis,sht
Kipke (2), Blott; goals from field:I ttin feated in three years and this year's Reinke, Schenefield, Rearick and prospects together at 7:30 o'clock If Mather is to have a winnig team
Kipke. (, ep iainpsiiite oeatnt nyasrn-Polhamus were the first six men to Monday night in Waterman gymnas- he will have to uncover a good for-
Substitutions: Michigan: Slaughter' roti hnta fls erbtocm n oe h a nofdy iiVm ward, a centeir anti another guard.
frHwisHersenfrSeeball arena at Ann Arbor this fall they erotiPoutatoratya u o oei.Bwn h a nofd of the mainstays of last year's Coach Mather makes a plea to all
fr1awnsHertenfr teeIare certain to have as good a line, for the last several seasons. Much more was the next hill and dale man tam relsdu to grdain.er e wohaeee'lyeo hn
Heston for Kipke, Neisch for Curran,!i ilb lottesmadwl emaels u ogautoPr e wohv vnpae
haea sescluae oipoethis year and a greater variety of play ; Hicks. bp h otvle lyro h o
Slaughter, Grube for Miller, Swan for it oheprec n ofdne made possible by the seeming develop- The showing made by ohamus wsIogaut a ati l h was and help make a winning team, stat-
Brown;, Palmer for Neisch, Kipke for Last year's offensive strength against ment of a real line plunger who also is a surprise. HeI is a new man at the uo nnimolychoeneas the boest n ing that if a newy man ever had a.
Herrhteingaefrketor, Grit asoe nnAbrwa:a blwte ee-expected to do the forward passing, sport and if le continues to do as welltrinheCfrncbyheoems chance to make a Varsity team he'
Schutzape for Hoall yiv bliysowfuotireao' Another added asset this season is 'as he has done thus far he, may dis- prigwiesoIte(a.Eysls will have this season.
Refeee:HaryaCsteloeeore-vegeersloffnsiecitedect o toshoo th makedmmarvemnt nidoprkck-plaenaveteandoropplceincth-1 illlaceeeelyveltanditnilltakeaa___lace_____n__th_______--
C h icag o ; h eaday edblin esm an :d hLlo yad.Odrsl o n ti meio u n c oeN es uhPlu n ginr t w nisub ein g W ftu to rede niny ,th isPlsp ecialtyingbytoreW ithth s'thec am eetb ,w ith 'th eA .etC .tho n ly Ccen terceasr h e e w as.
Mhicag hign SateliNormanl. yd lds, W ith Michigan's great ends cutting Frank Murrey, former Princeton toe three weeks off "the coach will1 no M cig n tae Papertst delu e Milleri tis st doandsue sifCawokotpontotertwereM theobetedee
off possible advances around the flanks ats elx h ie nti iy. wdube suesifeeokotkex ther hee"Mskin atoJube.tPaderdR AD1
last year and with no effective line week. theirnhepsilayradst.unegPaprREADY
mashng sse. Vndebil's nlyop- Wieringen, Holland, Oct. 6.-The ex--waabriypyeanasuegrd
Intmr .f lf[a #l.fe s !ortunity in ground gaining lay in for- ConPic fGrayisbc1 Jrslm c.6.Anw Aa i lyws aipistMcaial ando YHA T?
_ _ _w a d p s i g a f o l r h o e a a s i - f o a n u i p r a t t i t o t e m a n - I a r t y h a s b e e n f o r m e d , a s k in g r e - s o n .t i e s v lp h e n o m i n m e c h M i c l e r nw h
glleIoffensel againstt aanstrong opnn.land. ,pection of the Balfour Declaration. waunabletooplay all oflatsso
ora ona osbeatrtat-or the consideration of his distinguish- __He was also the leading foul tosser. i
porwafenossiblerr lt ed brother-in-law a new threat in a C appon, one of Mather's best play-!
morrowuafteroon atWFerryfield, to m
help get the speedball fields in shape plnig performer of ability. This . e s last season was a tower of' ac o pnn
for the games which will be held um possibilityh is Ryanm at outdiofi=the. game --._-1
Iusa ftron last season and who will bear the -W AU N I~NO
Tuesday_____afternoon_____ brunt, no doubt, of the McGugin of- -CH ORAL C 01______
Ryan is a rangy fellow who weighs
BASKETBALL NOTICE (180 pounds and is being carefully
groomed for the line plunging feat C
Varsity basketball drandidates at which he showed much aptitude in .msp
will report to Coach Mather at ( Ipractice work so far. Ryan also is-
IWaterman gymnasium at 7:30 a fine punter and is expected to prove amng
Io'clock tomorrow night. Candi- as capable a kicker as Neil, last year's P 3 I "L
dates are asked to bring their ( kicking ace, although he needs experi-:
own equipment. e nce in this department to enable him r h t p
________________I to place his thumps. Appearing also ~h t Star Q a oln
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