ail'NDAY, OC
OBU1 , i
?most of the space for the formler is al-!
readly gone, while reservations for Min-;
nesota are just beginning to cornyC in.
The Allenel reports thai, they are half
sold out for the 7.i}n.;o' a erme.
Rooms are being rsie mostly b~y
Daily classified for real resul S.
S;chernwreioriito Lectu~re
staff is required to w rite contrary to
_. _ .
!J,3!mis '3ehermerhorn, former editor his convictions.
of p ihe Detroit Times, will give the Ir -_______
first Wesleyan Guild lecture of the? Paris, Oct. 6.-(B3y A. P.)-Miss Eve,-
year this evening in the Methodisti lyn Garnaut Smalley, Now York:, hlcIa
chnzrch. lie will speak on ",Signs of# been decorate(! with the Legionl (c
the ie.Mr Schermer horn has in- Honor, for distin-uL~hed condue 1i
tz : a n~sw custom in The Detroit Ethe World wvar, she no0w is drtlCtU
s [s, Y which no member of theI of a soldiers' club at D~uisburg.
. -
, 1,6
We are Able to Outfit
V rou in Any Line of Sport
2! _
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224 S. STATE ST.
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Mt'A T., 4 ;V 1Lin filedint110 ordter received when accompanied by cheek or imwxs ord
together Witck T~Th]e'' i ii' iiVlp.'o avoid error add 10 per cent tax.
I V l *7Zh ; I fii$..". 4-4 0 .SentSale, IVEl)NE MD aY'() 4 'TOB EI id
To ((i ss t o Wol . ive " f. en kjl company is to miss the finest thing of the i o r
' 1~ ie~ ti~ lt~ iltlil![!}I~ i1i!lIU I~ 6 1t1dtallt N t dlt@d l y6' 3 5 41;aB l01 8 I It~ t1 1l 11 14Ht1 [1 1 9 631 8 0uY l",
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-CA4ST INCLUDES T brf z J a f gir
JIIow ]ln, ot
ofi "rI11RACLE MAY' fame y
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/gypJ ' "''' ' Y tisiii Ij1n an
IAS P!I1A/' ..::
AA iI lii's iicIr I f1
° 74 i sto s sss 3s s s Ii .4 s s
ETHEL SHANN N t fl:i,:: EXt t~sT RA ADDED....tu-s..Yi .
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What's Being or
I! rileto for (7ood. cr's by '1he B. euh Of Olt,
,!VTt, New Yrk ftsai'prst'al/W u' f or
aticuor leauding stres 1I hor hut & h ~ /ceti lJ V.
At the 400 Club
1 be 40() Club of New Yrk, is only ia so-called club.
Gorgeous evening clothes snake the, members. And
those people who don't wear them aren't allowed past
dlhe door mnan. This dancing place draws the most cele-
brated clientele in town, between two and four in the
roimfnit . There to the mellow strains of a subdued jazz
b and we see-
The neiv way of ly examples of the mode for
rhinestone or crystal trim-
L~i~E'R'1x ed white crepe or satin.
The r'oom~ is fairly ablaze
('oust ancee Tenn ett, daughter with the reflected glitter and
aY the well-known =actor, sparl-Ic of these gowns.
Dichard Bennett. She wears
one of the very narrow -and An hr
very new ibandeaux of trhine- Ar dthe
stones aund silver. She wears . E* ' Joyce
it in the proper way-across Maurice, tie dancer, cmes
the top of- her head, about inwtPegJoc.Sei
two inches back from her inwtPegJoc.Ses
lo reeadvrearing a very simple flesh
fobeai colored satin gown. Darker
>tttrlBt~nP ik flowers form a band
Rhnsdns(own the side back. Her
and crystals white Spanish shawl is em-
broidered in various shades
Dorothy Dalton, the movie of pink and rose. So beauti-
quteen, comes in with Samuel fll is she, and so gorgeou~s
GIold wyn and a party of her jewels that the glitter
friends. She, like many other and sparkle of the rhine-
womenz there, is wearing stones, and crystal of the
cr ystal ermbroidered white other women tire dimmed-
,sotin. There are many love- for the moment.
Dining at the Rt
Diners at the Ritz fall into two classes-those who are
going on to a gala evening and those who are not. The
first class is gorgeous with formal gowns of metallic
brocades, embossed velvets and rich, supple satins. Those
of the second group wear dinner clothes. And these
dresses are most often black, with trimmings of fringe,
lace or white fur.
Tivo out of T he formal
six govns
--black dresses have b)lack -seen at the 'Ritz are lavish-
silk fringe trimming the ly Jeweled with crystal or
skirt or forming tiers. Two stones matingK the fabric in
are of plain black velvet, color. For example, a red
Ermine adds a light note to velvet evening gown has
one of these velvet dresses, bands of garnet-like Fstoes
a bunch of gardenias a white and rhinestone:;. All jeweled
touch to the other. trimmings favore.
And eat the Plaza
---on the evening of the autumn opening of the famous
Terraced Dining Room there are these nots for fashion:
Heads as Tall, sander women made
more tall and beautifully
small slender by the slim unbroken
lines of their velvet or satin,
- and smooth as Paris says smoothly moled dresses.
they s ho ulId be. Hlair
parted straight from front to Seeral
back and wound into a fat
ring over each ear. Or comb- f usc~ia -shades
edl sleekly into a smooth roll
at the nape of the neck . Or Pink, too. And the glitter of
bobbed and shingled and rhinestones and crystal beads
worn sinmply without orna- reflecting the prisms of the
=neut. A chandeliers.