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October 07, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-07

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ammla itib.


VOL. XXXIV. No. 13



Now Members And Scenery Added To
Company's Repertoire This

Student Laundry '
Brings Revenue
To Post Office
Laundry bags form the majority of
the mail at the campus substation of
the post office, according to an article
in a recent issue of the United States
"Postal Guide." This substation does,
an annual business of over $100,000,
most of this during the school year.
Uncle Sam's laundry business has
been gaining by large strides in re-
cent years. The centers of the laun-
dry box trade are the university com-
munities of the country. Students evi-
dently find it cheaper and quicker to
send their laundry home each week at
the average cost of five and six cents
each way.
Two large universities, Illinois and


League houses will feel themselves
more definitely a part of the Women's


league after they have been reorgan-
ized in' the next few weeks, the newly
appointed organization committee,I IIL
headed by Katherine Stafford, '24, be- I
Ten women, five of them sorority PLTI cAI' (SCIENCE PROFESSOR
members, and five independent, have IIESCRi S CAUSES OF
taken the work in hand and will or-
ganize two houses every week until
the work is 'accomplished. These NATIVE LEADERS ACCUSE
women have been chosen because of WOOD OF USURPATION
their knowledge of the activities, of
the league so that they may be able .ero r Reses to Give
to give other women the feeling that Islaniders independence
it is their own organization and asirs Want
such' welcomes advice and criticism.
This year. according to new house

Patrons and lovers of that distinct Michigan, are typical of the larger col-
and enjoyable art such as produced lege communities, and post offices at
by the Denishawn Dancers will wel- each of these places handle the laun-
come the news announcing the return dry of thousands of students during
engagement of Ruth St. Denis and Ted the school year. The Ann Arbor post-
Shawn in Ann Arbor on the evening j master renorts the receipt of as many
of November 26. John M. Russell, '24, as 1,200 laundry bags a day, while by
manager of the University Glee Club, actual count at Illinois out of 597
under whose auspices the dancers are parcels handled in one day, over 500
to appear, has completed negotiations j were laundry bags. Postmaster DavisJ
and as a result local audiences are to 'of Champaign, where the University
see a performance during the coming of Illinois is located, states that his 1
concert season. office handled 165,000 laundry bags
The Denishawn company which will during the school year.
appear here will be an enlarged one, These laundry bags average between
the company numbering eighteen last 6 and 7 pounds each, presenting a dif-
year, and twenty-four this season, the ficult problem in the matter of hand- F
additions coming in the form of six ling this traffic. The Ann Arbor office
dainty girls. A totally different pro- keeps a fleet of seven trucks steadilyj
gram will be presented in the coming engaged in delivering laundry bags1
concert than was seen last year, ac- Apparently students, even those
cording of the statements of Mr. Rus- who are a long way from home, findE
sell. The alluring Spanish dances it advantageous to send their laundry
which created such a sensation last home. The local office frequently
year will again be emphasized but sends laundry as far as Massachu-
the remainder of the program will setts, Alabama, and Colorado. Men-
take on a distinctly different color. tion is made in the "Postal G-uide" of
Miss St. Dennis for the past summer one woman student, whose home is in
has been In New York training the Maine, now attending the University
new company while Ted Shawn has of Illinois who keeps two laundry
been traveling in Spain attempting to bags in the mail regularly. In threeJ
get new ideas, designs and originality years her laundry has never miscar-I
of color for the Spanish dances to be ried, and usually arrives on the day
presented this year. He has returned it was expected. From Champaign'
with many new costumes, gorgeous boxes go regularly as far as Maine,
scenery and the new Spanish dances, Colorado, and Texas.
If such is possible, will surpass even
the triumphs which they scored last OFFICERS STUDY
The Dancers will come to Ann Ar- EXPLOSIVES HERE
bor one day in advance in order that
scenery may be installed. No recur- Lt. John O. D. Richmond and Lt.
rence of last year will take place when Frank T. Hanafee, both of the United
the audience was compelled to wait States navy, have recently arrived to
an hour for the Denishawn artists to spend a year at the University study-
appear because the company was de- ing explosives. The year which the
tamed by transportation difficulties. officers will spend here is their sec-1
That is why Mr. Russell has made ar- ond year in a special three-year course
rangements that they come here a day in explosives which the navy has in-
early. augurated since the war.
Miss St. Denis is accorded by coin- The men who are chosen to take
petent critics the distinction of , this course, usually men of five or
being the greatest living exponent o; six years service, spend the first year
the dances of the East. She is in a in study at Anapolis, the second at ;
class by herself. Combined with Ted some university, and the third at var- I
Shawn, who in himself is a genuine ;ous explosive plants and in govern-
artist, the pair display their talents ment bureaus in Washington. Al-
to such advantages that they are not ,though there were no naval men tak-1
only wonderful dancers but past mas- ing this course at the University last1
ters in the art of stage techniques year, there were three the year be-
"They are atrists to the finger tips." fore, when the system was begun.
} l



carpentr Po I- o
PrepreanssI ,, ,o Ile
And ' ' SS O CS

By William T. Carpenter, Major Coast
Artillery Corps and Professor of
Military Science and Tactics.
Our present military policy has de-
veloped by a slow process of evolu-
tion and is a direct result of the late
World War. Prior to this war our
people took little interest in military
matiers and failed to realize the ne-
cessity for preparedness. Not until
1916 did we make any serious move
to set our house in order and adopt
anything that resembled a rationalI
plan for national defense. In that
year Congress passed the National
Defense Act which federalized the Na-
tional Guard and provided for an Ol-
cers' Reserve Corps and an Enlistedi

in the actual service of the United
States. Besides providing an effective
military force for use in minor em,,r-
gencies within the continental limits
of the United States, it fuirnishes an
effective component of the army for
employment without restricion in
tIme (-f war or major em orge ncies
when Congress has authorized the use
of troops in excess of those of tie
Regular Army. 'Wh aied into tlhe
service of the United States the ofh-
cers of the National Guard organiza-
tions are, comniissioned in the Offi-
cers' Reserve Corps by the President,
which places the National Guard con-
pletely under federa I control for the
time. There is no longer the danger

, .
4 k
' .
y i

Tod 7~a y 74In The '7hes -- Reserve Corps, but which failed to of dual state and federal control as
provide for organizing the two re- in the past.
serve branches into units. This law, 1 Thi Organized Resere
however, provided for R. O. T. C. units Th'e Organized Reserve consi e,s
Baptist 5:00 o'clock. The Young People's So- at educational institutions and for the third conpoent of our Army and
Morning worship will begin at 10:30 ciety will hold their meeting at 6:30. Citizens' Military Training Camps for' consists of tin ,ermnneF asine ii
ing the First Baptist church when R. Evening service will be as announced. the express purpose of obtaining ofut- it from thI' Onieorsr' serve Corp-
Edward Sayles, minister of this parish Lutheran FIcers for our military forces in time and the Erlisted Rscrve cor. Tb
will deliver the sermon. The usual "One Holy Christian Church" is the of war and from all these sources purpose of the Orgaoi'od :er50 is
Sunday school class 'will be held at subject announced for today's sermon several thousand officers came into to provide a traisn'd, or an" mnd
12:00 o'clock and the Baptist Young; by Rev. Carl A. Brauer, of St. Paul's the service during the war. balanced force whi rh mvhy e' 01-
People's Union will meet in the church I Lutheran church. Divine service will Congressional Act of 1J.0 ed readily and devel'px' nO an a1 '
at 6:30. be given in German at 9:30 o'clock and The Army Reorganization Act, pass- quate war comnponent it t :- y to
The Baptist students will meet at in English .at 11:30. Bible class will ed by Congress in 1920, amended the Meet any major em:0Nr"nAson-y r'll mrmi1)'
the Guild House at noon for a class be held at 10:30 o'clock. National Defense Act so as to give us he use of troops in02' exes o hiosi'
study conducted by Mr. Chapman. The Congregational a real business-like military policy. '1 to Regulari Army id ft" Nat 'n-
student friendship hour will be at the The sermon given by Mr. Jump to- the first in our history. The law now ,1 Cnuard. It is or 'ra l war
Guild house at 6:00 o'clock and will day at 10:45 will be on the subject, provides for the organlization of ta - OrC aw' can ho mpoyed onU :
be followed by a Student Devotionalj "The Biblical College Town that tical units of the Organized Reser-ves "vent of a nathw'sy or c i- -
meeting at 6:30. This service will be Missed the Main Thing." Coach Yost composed of ofacers from the Ofli- -dared by Con .
led by Norman Johnson who has chos- will speak at the Fireside Chat at F cers' Reserve Corps and men irom hase P'an
en as his topic, "A Well-Balanced Uni- 5:30. The old students are welcomed the Enlisted Reserve Corps. It pro- Our .present basic pn, as worled
versity Life." back and the new students are invited vides for the R. O. T. C. and the C. M. out by the 'War DePartmen , provites
Episcopal to attend the services. T. C. as essential parts of the train- for the organization of 6 i h armns
Holy Communion will be given at Unitarian ing machinery required to furnish to consist of 54rn a try divis ins ndf
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at Church school will begin at 9:45 in ffirs and non-commissioned officers 12 cavalry divIsions, with an aggre'
8:00 o'clock. Morning prayer will bet i r ch. en mon for the Organized Reserves. It is trom gale strength over 2 ,(,m suicers
held at 10:30. Mr. Henry LewisRec-thUntarthese two sources that we draw our and men. A
held at 10:3 M. H r L , R service will be held at 10:30 and at young officers of the future. Iothese division o
tor of the church will preach the ser- 5:30 a supper will be given for the U]Ayutnd (hjOfl ni\ corh' ar-a and to
mo.Rv _R_.Care ilbe the suet.A etn ilTehl a m . S. Ariiiy Outlined each of the a lin.(O< 5I 'oi021111
mon. Rev. R. Charles will students. A meeting will be held at TheArmy of the United States now designations of tle (iions and sub-
speakerHallt e supper to be give un 6:30 o'clock. consists of the Regular Army, the Na- ordilntO units aIt served iin t h
ject will be, "Common Sense About Chdistian Scientist tional Guard in the service of the WA orldl War have ? n}ryt'ut-d by
the Bible." The first church of Christ, Scientist, United States, and the Organied Re- lpplying1 th'em to Um 'd ti I1
Methodist announce a free lecture on Christian serves. same goograph ica 1locaFi s. Ofi cer
g hi st Science to be given by Mr. Peter V. The Regular Army provides the per- and enlisted imen oft i i 'rv . are
Morning worship in the First Meth- Ross, of San Francisco, at 3:00 o'clock sonnel for the garrisons of our over- assigned to un fi alroi-t"d t{ the I)-1
dev. A.Wh Stalkers ern on :3 "iTh in the Whitney theater. The public is seas possessions and for the coast d - caltiOs where tuey r "oe-.
Rev. A. W. Stalkers sermon ongion" Bible classes will nvited to attend. fenses of the United States. It pro- The 1aw cont(mpluIs a 1: day
b l d at esl ey BHa . all at noon'and Church of Christ v ides the force for minor emergencies trainig period ea i v-O r hf'e Na-
be held at Wesley Hall at noon and Services in the Church of Christ are both within and without the conti- Iiona Guaro and ('Za.i R{' ''2 s, 5
there will beopers and all students from being held in Lane Hall. Sunday nental limits of the United States. It but th "etent o t'-; tr"aining eavh l
4:0r to 6:30. Sbper wll bs entrved at school will be at 9:30, the student see- provides the necessary personnel for ! y 1'ar is ;ii d hy 'he huns appro
4:00 to 6:30. Supper will be served at # ofudysholaesue1s the large overhead of our military ''aedb nrssfrtll prpo, .
5:0o'clock. tion of Sunday school at noon. Morn- 1telre vredofcrmltay1'>t ib 'fit ., c .for'tin' rl" r
5:30he G d o n v lestablishment and for the develon- The Oqers' Re(erve CorI now nam- I
The Wesleyan Guild devotional ing service will be held at 10:30. Th ment and training of the citizen co- rs s e 77,0t thi yro
meeting in the church at 6:30 will be sermon, The Discovery of Religion," Iponents of our national defense sys- 7,00 ofizters (",l 1' s'nt Io th:e
led by Mr. J. K. Dunn. Rev. Stalker will be given by Rev. J. A. Candy. At tem smmor training can-s. othough 20,-
will also speak at the Evening worship 6:30 the Christian Endeavor will hold 000 appliedfor the
ut 7'f mi mii 't wm ha " n their regular meeting in Lane Hall. Ie

as in the past, great wars will be
fought by citizen soldiers temporarily
idrawn into active military service. It
is an economical form of national in-
surane e against disaster, as viewed
from the standpoint of expense and
man-power. It requires only a small
portion of the time of our patriotic
>men who join either of the citizen
:c10 onents. It does not hamper the
individual in his efforts for education
or in his occupation in the business
world. On the contrary, it provides
the means for assisting our young
men to obtain higher education, and
the training broadens and strengthens
tie individual both physically ana
War a Big Business Venture
When a nation goes to war it em-
barks upon a serious business ventire
which may end advantageously or
may ruin the country. Every man,
w (aifli?. and ci hitl is interested in the
cli tcom'e of the var. All are partners
in Iho firm. AN mst help to pay the
1+ l:> and all share in the profits anti
loss s. Tie bill for the late war must
iii pass'd on to )posterity.
in dihis countx'ry we are accustomed
;i "big business" enterprises organiz-
(Il and ii eral CFI along sound business
lilies. Each has a sound policy based
on organization and efficiency. The
suce'o:'s of each depends upon the
frI "i ing, loyalty and cooperation of
i{ mpljOyeQs. Each has its reserve
'tai st aside for em "rgencies. Each
s heavily insured against death, fire,
Left, wind, lightning, water and oth-
er (angers. We are the most heavily
insured people in the world against
the elements and internal dangers,
ibutt the value of insurance against
nutional dangers is Justdawning upon
us. in the past we have failed on the
'ini:'?itss side of war. We failed for
narfiy a century and a half to adopt
a sound business-like system for na-
tional defense.
'Rev limtio i Employed 396,000 Men
During the Revolutionary War we
eltoyed 396,000 men against a small
, rit h Army which reached a maxi-
mum of 41,508 in 1781. We should
have won the war in 1776, when we,
11at( 89,000 men in service as opposed
to only 20,000 British soldiers on this
con tineat. The loose-jointed form of
.' o ;verinlent, politics, bounties, short
c ]listients, and the mutual jealous-
ies of the colonies prevented Wash-
i i tx from building up a real fight-
1in M a n11(Boe to oppose the British.
Notwitlstanding the shameful man-
ner in which this war was conducted

rules, the president of each house willP rofessor Joseph It. ayden of the
act as its delegate to the board of ipolitical science department, who for
representatives. the past eighteen months has been
teaching in the University of the Phil-
ippines as exchange professor of po-
WoaI1m hr lit iral science, returned recently to
I the University and will resume his
lIties 'hre this semester. Dean Max-
imoii ,. Karlow of the college of Lib-
eral Arts of the University of the Phil-
PYSI CALSTAIAipinf who was the other party to
the exchange arrangement, left Ma-
Dr. Bell Says Women Are Man's ulr ulila. in August for Ann Arbor, but was
Mentally But Lack Piysical recalled by the critical illness of his
Endurance wle. It is expected that he will ar-
rive hero at a later date, and will give
courses in the department of political
BACK COLLEGE EIUCAtATIIE\ In speaking of the general political
situation of the eastern countries, he
"W)#en women enter professional said, "Wherever I went, I found that
fields placing them on an equal plane ' the principles enunciated by Presi-
with men, it is not in mentality that dent Wilson during the war were
they fail to keep the pace set by the largely relied upon by those seeking
}rater popualr control over public
stronger sex, but in physical endur- affairs. The term 'self determination,'
ance," said Dr. Margaret Bell, the new is curent, and is a potent cause for
associate professor of physical edu- political unret in practically every
cation and physician of the health colony in the world. Everywhere can
service,in an interview today. "No be seen in operation forces which were
individual can hosoibly accomplish released by the world war, and which
his maximum of good work if he is in socner or later will produce tremen-
poor health. If we could persuade 'dous results, whether for good or evil
the student to see the necessity for only the future will show."
considering his physical capacity first, lippinos Eager for Autonomy
and then giving his attention to his .
studes nd utsde itersts we In brief summary' of the situation
studies and outside interests, 'We in the Philippine Islands Professor
would begin to feel we had made some Hayden said, "oth Filipinos and
progr," Americans have cause to be prud of
"Most people agree that college the development of the people on the
training is a good investment," con- Island since 1898. This development
tinned Dr. Bell. "Although we have bias been accomplished largely by co-
no intention of reta ning all of the operation between the two peoples.
concrete facts we have aeccumulated Our problem was to train them -for
in the years at college, we have democratic self government in accord-
trained our minds, and taught our- ance with Anglo-Saxon principles. The
selves to think. One seldom thinks of Filipinos theselves have been eager
making a similar investment to in- I to attain the same end, and in the
sure physical efficiency. As soon as main have cooperated to do so. The
it is acknowledged that it is poor differences between the various Ame-
economy to educate the mind alone, can administrations and the native
great strides will be made in prevent- 1 nleaders and people have been due
ing unfortunate caes of individuals chiefly to difference of opinion as to
who were unable to "carry on" men-( how rapidly and completely the pow-
tally due to physical inefcieney. ers of self government should be ex-
"If we could get away from the old tended onthe island."
idea that required physical euca- The status on the'Island is that of a
tion is merely to harass the student, practically autonomous government.
and could convince him that rules of The president of the United States
hygiene and health lectures are ef- appoints a governor general, a vice
forts to insure the living of efficient governor, a auditor and an assistant
lives, physically, and consequently, auditor. These are practically the
mentally, we would be satisfied that only officials who are not popularly
we had secured his cooperation in our elected or whose appointment is not
work. As soon as we make this idea I controlled by the Filipinos. The
clear we will not have to apologize 'legislature itself is a body consisting
for any experiment we may wish to of two houses, the senate and the
make which has in mind the creation house of representatives, both of
of a standard of living that will in- which are elected by popular vote, and
sure a background of good health. I both are Filipino. The heads of the
"The professional school for the departments are all native Filipinos,
training of physical educators here is except for, the secretary of public in-
especially fortunate in having close struction who is also the vice gover-
at hand the support of the medical nor. TheP Filininos centend that the
school, the department of hygiene, the p01ition of the governor general is
department of education, and the analagous to that of the governor of a
health service, and should therefore self governing British dominion. Le-
be second to no school of its kind in gally however, his authority is much
the country. greater, and his poers are those us-
Dr. Bell has recently come here ually exercised by an actual execu-
from San Francico where she has tive.
been connected with the San Fran-
cisco city and county hospital. She M Ad Adimstron Successful
will take the place of Dr. Eloise M. When aned to explain th6 troubles
Walker in the health service in addi- that exist between the governor Gen-
tion to her duties in the physical edit- eral Wood, and the native leaders,
cation department. Dr. Bell received Irotessor ilaylen said, "Up to the
her degree of bachelor of science from time of the break between Wood and
Chicago University, and her M.D. from tihe leaders which occurred in July,
Rush Medical college. they had worked together barmoni-
ousby in carrying on the government.
..In fact, most of the men who demand-
M usic Federation (Continued on P'ago Ten)
To Accept Works e,
University music writers and Michi- Latest London Fad

gan composers will be given an op-
portunity to present to the public
their original compositions during the
annual convention at Lansing, April
15, 16, 17 in the second competition
for state composers, as announced by
the Michigan Federation of Music;
Clubs. String quartettes, tries, piano
and violin sonatas, choruses, and
quartettes are asked to be sent in to
the Federation.
Composers are asked to perform
their own works as far as possible,
Otherwise an effort will be made toj

London, Oct. 6, 1923--(A.P.)-Cheap
travelling on the Continent has tern-
Porarily ; c)-mrc('dedl inon-stop dancing
and long distance cricket scoring as
the stinner craze of England. The
honors of the cheap travelling con-
test, it a')pears will go to the person
who travels the fartherest and long-
est on the least money.. Thme daily
papers are being swamnped with let-
ters from claimants.
A London vicar requests the blue
ribbon for the feat of having travelled
from .ondon to Switzerland, and gone

the pef"ple failed to heed Washing- obtain musicians of the best calibre

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