August 27, 1969

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August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…City in crisis: The mayor vs. everyone By MARCIA ABRAM SON Associate Managing Editor and MARTIN HIRSCHiMAN Summer supplement Editor Daily news analysis A week of street disturbances and violent confrontations with police on South University Ave. has led to a serious polarization of the conservative and radical elem nts in Ann Arbor and a growing antipathy to the administration of liberal Mayor Robert Harris. Elected only three months ag...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… Mtr tgan Daitj4 Vol LXXX, No. I Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Ten Pages ACADEMICS 0 0 0 D-iii} Jay Cassi Dean William Hays: LSA's victim of the times LSA By MARTIN HIRSCIMAN summer Supplement Editor 1 ONG DORMANT as an object of stud activism, the issue of academic reform c tured the time and imagination of hundreds students for the first time last year. And fittingly, the target of the most wi spread attack by stu...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…11 r Str tan ?ati Vol. LXXX, No. I Ann Arbor, Michigan--Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Twelve Pages SPORTS 0 0 'N'1 f foo t By JIM FORRESTER Associate Sports Editor EVERY YEAR, like mythology's Phoenix, football teams die of old age or go down in flames. Every spring they rise again and in the fall they wing forth to fulfill the purpose in their lives. Last season's Michigan grid corps start- ed as if the entire season would be an in- ferno...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…:Yi e Strtau BEat / Vol. LXXX, No. ] Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Ten Pages v / S TUDENT LIFE 0 . Rent strike takes hold in Ann Arbor Mayor Robert Harris: A victory for students? By JUDY SARASOHN INCENSED BY the high price and "unsafe living condi- tions" of Ann Arbor housing, over 1000 students have or- ganized a Tenants Union and are withholding more than $100,000 in rent payments in what has become one of...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… .Ait4r1 igaxt BEaiIj Vol. LXXX, N) 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Ten Pages STUDENT ACTIVITIES 0 . Student government fights local merchants By LORNA (C'HEROT \\ITH THE FIGHT against non-academic University rules completed victorious- ly, Student Government Council has turn- ed to consumer protection and academic reform as its major areas of concern. Notoriously high Ann Arbor prices prompted Council members to prepa...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…j[j r 01k tgtn Datl Vol. LXXX, No. I Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Six Pages ADMINISTRATION . . . Won-support'eads By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Summer Supplement Editor WITH SUBSTANTIAL annual tuition increases and an ever-tightening squeeze on expenditures, the Univer- sity is facing unprecedented financial problems. Over the last few years, there has been a slow decline in the nation-wide rating of faculty salaries at the...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1 PageTwoTHEMICHGAND~iY WenesayAugu't 7,N Play it cool, kitten. Come to Marilyn Mark's. South I Continued from Page 1) sexual act, the Panthers dragged out a few brooms, swept up the debris and went home. Not much had happened Mon-' day night. One window was acci- dentally broken and the Panthers offered to pay for it. But no uni- formed police had been called in and the Panthers were jub...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 'U' seeks to clarify role of ROTC on cam pus By RON LANDSMAN If the U.S. military wstab- lishment is really looking f o r an example of the domino theory, it should take a look at the anti-war movement. Th2 tottering of the Vietmn dom- ino has lead to a re-ealuation of other so-called national priorities, like the anti-ballisti(- missile system and the Reserve Officers' Trainin...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Veteran squad punctuated by youth in kei rs ots Cullued from Page 1 Harry and Company, the Wonder Boys, commonly known as Indiana's Hoosiers, met the Wolverines in hostile Blooming- ton. Again grid prognosticators predicted a Michigan loss. They said the Blue would take a lead into the fourth quarter at which time they would fall apart and let the Hoosiers put across the winning score...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

… ! HE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 flue I WC) I HE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Jenants Union presses for recognition, lower rent t t uiu''d tl -r ( .fia d- The primary thrmAu Ofland- lord response carme in the courts. Arbor Management was hi' first realtor to bring r e n t trikmg tenants to court. But it has been in the courts that strikers have won t h e i r greatest victories thus far. In the first two evict...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday' August 27, 1969 Poge T w o T H E M IC HI G AN|D AILY|W ednesday. A ugust-27,-I-969 __._ _ _ ___ _ __ i' , ,, t .i"I si tc ACTIVITIES? But I want friends, diver- Student government battles local prices PRESIDENT MARTY McLAUJGHLIN A radical departure for SGC ty, action, and something o keep my interest too!" , ' ii ContiuUed from Page 1) In addition, Council members plan to stage more consum...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Aiistory of tuition A! the good old days, when a nickel really did get you a ride on the subway, or a big hot dog at the baseball game. When a single penny bought you all the candy you could possibly imagine eating, or, perhaps a toy airplane or a small ice cream cone. Things certainly have changed, no less University tuition whic...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…ednesday, August 27, 1 969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three ednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three IMMEDIATE GROWTH: Dearborn committee Report asks Flint campus expansion kW asks fa By SHARON WEINER Eventual independence from the University and immediate expan- sion to a four-year college are among the key recommendations of the special study committee on: the future of the University's Dearborn campus.3 The report, releas...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page three' THE MKHIGAN DAdLY Page Thre& LSA's Hays: Changing times By RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS generally do not consider these the best of times, and literary college Dean William Hays should be no exception. Hays' predecessor, William Haber, got along well by represent- ing the dominant moderate majority of the faculty. If Haber ever talked to students, it was cur...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Tomj0anovich THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Three centers By DAVE IANNES Rudy, Rudy, and still more Rudy, That just describes th 1969-1970 edition nf the Michi- gan Wolverine basketball squad. Their is little question that Toinjanovich will be Michigan's big gun this year. For two sea- sons Rudy has led his team in scoring and last year was sec- ond in the Big Ten to Rick Mount in that depa...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Wednescloy, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Welfare sit-in: 'U, students vs. the Establishment Poor man's guide to student protests Diag Rally iOct. 7, 1964): Some 200 students, led by Voice Political Party, rallied on the Diag to discuss demands for liberal- ized dormitory policies and higher w a g e s of student employes. Joint Judiciary Council later convicte...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three 'Dionysus In 69': Indecent exposure for 'U By JUDY SARASOHN The Performance Group was warned that they would be ar- rested for performing in two nude scenes of Dionysus in 69 in Ann Arbor -- but they chose to accept the challenge of cen- sorship in order to create a test case on the basis of Constitu- tional guarantees of freedom of expression. And in many ways the circum- st...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The importance of the vice presidents to the functioning of the University was most effec- tively emphasized by the dra- matic personnel change which took place when Robben Flem- ing assumed the presidency in January 1968. ' At the Regents' meeting that month, a quick bylaw change put two key members of the...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

… notes from an undergraduate ilwe Sfidigan Daily Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan A prescription for pessimism 4v byv roitlaidiunlai 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Summer Sup...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27,-1969 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday1 August 27, 1969 k COURSE EVALUATION A classy solution FOLLETT'S KEEPS STUDE TS' EDUC, TIO COSTS DO By MARCIA ABRAMSON Most literary college courses are pretty bad. And in the past, the only way to find the good ones was through the help of friends who had already braved the un- known, But most students have been highly dissatisfied wi...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Martin looks to frosh to boost Thinclad Wednesday, August 27, 1969 ho pes By PHIL HERTZ Last September Ohio State football coach Woody Hayes called his new sophomores the best bunch of newcomers he had ever seen in his years as grid mentor of the Buckeye in- stitution. Possibly the only regrets Hayes has about this group is that they couldn't have played varsity as frosh. But this year, for the first ti...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 - _ - - - - - - - --_ - - - - INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS, 1969-1970 DUES DISPUTE IHA withers away - STUDENTS SAVE UP TO 50% by purchasing series subscriptions NOW By MARCIA ABRAMSON Now rapidly vanishing, Inter- House Assembly was originally set up to provide representative government for all dormitories on campus- But early last year IHA-for all practical purposes-died. There w...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY. , Wednesday; August 27, 1969 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY / Wednesday, August 27, ~ 969 r I TACTICAL DISPUTE 4t 761-0001 THOMPSON'S Serving the University for over 20 years 7 761-0001 A split among radicals and CHICKEN by the BARREL, BUCKET or DINNER 4:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. 211 E. Ann . _ - announces MASS MEETINGS for BUSINESS, EDITORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHY AND SPORTS STAFFS Wed., Sept. 3rd-i p.m. and 3 p.m. ...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THREE UNIONS RECOGNIZED 'U'and labor: The bumpy road to stability By RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor After two years of negotia- tions, strikes and strike threats. legal controversies and general confusion, the University has finally arrived at a relatively stable relationships with labor with the establishment of three unions an...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rage Five Wednesday, August 27, 1 969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five entertainment cinema Ann Arbor bars: The great Flood's The cheapie peepies Hlavinig a Party at Mir. FlIood's Dining out: The desert There are approxinately three good restaurants in Ann Ar- bor. There also are some res- taurants where you can be sure you won't get food poisoning and might even come olf with a ...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Wednesday, August 27, 1 9 6 9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five The Residential By BARD MONTGOMERY Begun as an experiment in making higher education a com- munity project for students, fa- culty and administrators, the Residential College has come a long way in its brief two-year history. And with the college's first class now beginning its junior year, the experiment is entering an esp...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five E Agcyi1nst The Wall Recruiting violations caused Peloponnesian WTar (EDITOR'S NOTE: The folowing, of course, is satire. Any re- semblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to a certain swimming coach at a certain large university in the State of Indiana is all the more fantastic a coincidence.) By ROD ROBERTS It has t...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY page F IvE+' Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fiv&' Student power secures liberalized dormitory rules By MARCIA ABRAMSON and SCOTT MIXER In 1967, as students realized that they were entitled to con- trol the way they lived, a full- scale drive began to end one of the most repressive, arbitrary University traditions: d o r m rules. And that drive has been com- pletely succ...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Black By NADINE COHODAS At colleges and universities across the country, black stu- dents have intensified their de- mands for more active, mean- ingful participation in campus life and decision-making. Black students at Cornell, the University of Wisconsin, San Francisco State and a host of other schools have staged de- monstrations, sei...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Wednesday, August 27, 1 969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Regental power: The illusion of omnipotence By MARTIN HIRSCI[MAN Legally, the Regents are om- nipotent in the area of Uni- versity decision - making. They have legal control and responsi- bility in all matters concerning expenditure of University funds, disciplining students and facul- ty. hiring professors and chart- ing...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 IaeSxTEMCnA AL Wdedy uut2,16 Big Tha n George's Is More food Aentertainment---br An alternative is born Just An Appliance MINOLTA SRT-m1O1 35 mm Single Lens Reflex exclusive "CLC" system, incorporating twin CdS cells, measures exposure through the lens. Uses Mallory RM 625 or Eveready 625 mercury battery. 7 ASA 6-6400 . . . the wid- est range available on any through - the -...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 A&D revamps degree programs 10 PER CENT ENROLLMENT HIKE The mushrooming Med School By NADINE COHODAS Like other colleges in the University, the architecture and design school is moving steadily ahead with major academic re- form. And - unlike to a n y other University units - the school's critical need for expansion is being met by the construction of a new building on North Cam- pus...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 PUZZLING .,. a l 11 l .. 6 F: J( v i."' < ;? Links outlook unknown By BILL DINNER One can only wonder what happened to the Wolverine golf team this past season. The com- pleted picture is simple-a dis- appointing sixth place in the Big Ten-but fitting the pieces of the puzzle together is an en- tirely different matter. Before the season began both head coach Bill Newcomb and assista...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Poge Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 006.= logo& Arlin M Arlin AW'M U vY MW nillel W elcuill e FRATERNITIES Living (down?) the stereotype Open House-Tues.-Fri. (Sept. 2-5) 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Come for coffee and a chat with our new Director, Rabbi Gerald Goldman Meet student officers Sign up for courses, committees, Kosher meals. See our display of hand made jewelry: Israel...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Poc-e Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1-969 s T MCG DLW edA.271 - r .., . . r .r - .. . Since 1883 Since 1883 It's University Bookstore for the best in Books and Supplies Serving M Thousands of Michigan fichigan Students since 1883 Men and Women have found our dependable and courteous service combined with the friendly atmosphere of a "real bookstore" needs. the answer to their book and supply Inspe...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 41VO oI1 ONION, 0C CW ° ,o° '1eel( f 00*eA4 p0 Op j / R * For Every Course on the Michigan Campus Is I BOOK RACK rhis beautiful piece is roomy enough to keep your favorite books easily acces- sible. Holds up to 35 books. 27"H x 20"W x 12"D~ $375 ,"1 F F DESK BOOK RACK o/q $125 MICHIGAN Sweat Shirts OVER 30 STYLES-CO...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…/ednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven ' k - ______music Folk for fun and rofit By LESLIE WAYNE Arts Editor Maybe its the h i g h apart- ment prices. Or Sheriff Har- vey's notorious tactics. But whatever the reason, Ann Arbor is one of the few places where ever present grievances provide the stuff that f o 1 k music is made of. Folk singers-both tradition- al and commercial, known and unknown - can be found in abundance ...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven In crisis: By MARTIN iHIRSCIHMAN Olson and the preparation With an upsurge of student blue ribbon study on the cation school, it seemed th interest in curriculum, the nam- year would be an importan ing of a new dean, and a series for the school. of moves to reorient the out- But it is doubtful that look of the entire school, ...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wolverine tankers try harder but expect second By NORM SCHERR When you are number two, you are supposed to try harder, as any avid Avis fan will con- firm. With a strong foundation, some hard work, and a little luck, you reach the pinnacle. It may take some time and some doing, but persistance usually pays off. For the past nine years Mich- igan's swimming team has fin- ished...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven' Sorority life: The rat race 0sterheld and the studentless By JUDY SARASOIIN (NOTE: The author Is a inember of Si±,,xna Dela 'Fai Living in a sorority is an al- ternative. But whether or not it is "viable" depends on the indi- vidual girl and the house she pledges. No one has to feel that it is imperative to join a sorori...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Student power awaits recognition in 'U bylaws By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN There is much about the Uni- versity which has undergone substantial change since the Student Power Movement of fall 1966 rocked the campus. Required residence in the dormitories has finally been abolished, along with the whole gamut of rules which once ch...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 i!-7 theatre The student players Classical Popular Folk agreeable music at an agreeable price By JUDY KAHN Ann Arbor has a well-deserv- ed reputation for offering each year a diverse and bountiful re- pertory of theatre works. Perhpas the most productive of all the theatre groups - both national and local-which play in A...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Poae Eiaht THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27. 1969 , -. -,.r - r ' Make WAHR'S your headquarters for all your textbook and college supplies SERVING U of M STUDENTS SINCE 1883 Nursing alters program UNDERGRAD PROGRAM Bus ad plans reforms By MARCIA ABRAMSON and ERIKA HOFF The nursing school's student government has a judiciary board - established four years ago - which ha...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Ruggers By JIM FORRESTER isn't ex Associate Sports Editor tainn "Rugby players have leather Such vi balls," the story ran. It was Agai part of a recruiting pamphlet rugby i; a member of the Michigan Rug- players by Football Club had written to side of describe the game and the or- expectet ganization. thantro But no matter wh...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesdoy; August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1 969 Assembly line health Rapes low, CRIME ON CAMPUS muggings high By HAROLD ROSENTIIAL "Well miss, you sa your sto- mach is bothering you? Well, we'll just check to see if you are pregnant," said a doctor in Health Service, the home of medical care for University stu- dents. While not really the case, this is the type of treatment many students claim...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…rage Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Poge EigVit THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969 Ensian A myriad of copy grey both in True color and tone . . . pages of 'Ensian pictures, some of which could both or be labeled art, most of which are only pictures . . . a few and in sports statistics ... and on and respons on until the four hundredth dull of an page. A yearbook . .. is a year- as a c book . . is only a dus...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN GAILY % Page Mine Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~Page Nine music UMS By R. A. PERRY Contributing Editor Although big enoughsto ex- hibit many of the sins of American urban life and still small enough to be ruled by a rural paranoid mentality, Ann Arbor is neither a- very swing- ing nor enlightening city. As a university town, it lacks the fe- brile intellectualism that is the ambi...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine A READER'S GUIDE Where the books are Faculty power and the System By SHARON WEINER The University is big and im- personal enough even before you start thinking about the library system, which holds over 3.7 million cataloged or indexed volumes and pamphlets and re- ceives over 27,500 periodicals and 135 newspapers. But with a little courage and a c...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Wednsday Auust 7, 969 HE MCHIAN DILYPageNin Gymnasts seek to repeal By JERRY CLARKE The Wolverine gymnastics team had an "almost" year last sea- son. True, they were undefeated in dual meet competition, win- ners of the Big Ten champion- ship, and conquerors of the na- tional champion Iowa squad, but Newt Loken's gymnasts missed the target they really wanted; the trip to Seattle an...…

August 27, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THEVICNIGAN DAILY Page Nine Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pope Nine City, Uprovide unique services During the time you spend at the University - however long it is - some problem may get to be too much for you to handle by yourself. Maybe the draft, maybe money, maybe marriage, maybe some overwhelming emotional hangup. If you find yourself needing help for any kind of problem, many types of servi...…

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