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August 27, 1969 - Image 1

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Associate Managing Editor
Summer supplement Editor
Daily news analysis
A week of street disturbances and violent
confrontations with police on South University
Ave. has led to a serious polarization of the
conservative and radical elem nts in Ann Arbor
and a growing antipathy to the administration
of liberal Mayor Robert Harris.
Elected only three months ago in a victory
which upset the 27-year Republican control
of city hall, Harris has become enmeshed in an
explosive controversy with Washtenaw County
Sheriff Douglas Harvey. The sheriff is a staunch
advocate of "law and order" who has vowed to
protect "the decent people of this area" from
the "dopeheads, sex nuts, and public drunks."
Not only is Harris at odds with Harvey-the
supreme police agent in the county-but he has
also drawn sharp criticism from city police offi-
cers, and there is a serious question whether he
can now exercise any significant influence over
their actions.
The outbreaks on South University Ave. in
June. which led to 69 arrests and uncounted
injuries, were the climax of the seemingly inex-

orable tension which has been developing in the
community for some time.
In the last, few years, Ann Arbor has become
the home of hundreds of "street people," some of
them students or part-time students, but mostly
just full-time proponents of the cultural revolu-
Thy street people center primarily around
Trans-Love Energies, a group of communes
founded in Detroit in 1965 which moved to Ann
Arbor to avoid "police harassment." Members
of the commune form the nucleus of the more
broadly based, politically oriented White Pan-
ther party.
The goal of these groups, explains John Sin-
clair, founder of Trans-Love and White Panther
minister of information, is to spread the cultural
revolution through sex "in the streets, dope and
rock 'n roll."
And on Monday, June 16, that is exactly what
they did. After an argument between a police-
man and about 50 White Panthers, the police-
man withdrew, the barricades went up arid 700
people -- panthers, high school students and
University students-had a party on one block
on South University Ave.
After three hours of fireworks, motorcycle
stunts, drinking, shouting and at least one overt
See SOUTH U., PageĀ°?

-Da11y-Jay Cassidy
POLICE ADVANCE DOWN South University Ave. in the initial maneuver of Tuesday, July 17, which
initiated over five hours of violence in the area. Street people and students had returned to South
University that night after a wild, impromptu party there the night before.



Poli,'c Iti(IIke (111 (IrIesi otti th tEll~lIiiiv2ersity iAvue.


Vol. LXXX, No.


Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 27, 1969

Sixty Pages



The Iegents have adopted a hardline stand against
the creation of a University bookstore, defeating both a pro-
posal sponsored by Student Government Council and a sub-
stitute plan sponsored by the administration at their July
21 meeting.
The SGC proposal-which called for the creation of a
bookstore financed by approximately $250,000 from a fee
assessment and by contributions-was unanimously defeated.
The store proposal was an important part of Council's
attack on the high cost of education and living in Ann Arbor,
A motion to support the plan submitted by the adminis-
tration also failed as the Regents deadlocked, 4-4. Under the
administration proposal, capital for creation of the book- .
store would have been obtained through outside gifts and
voluntary student contributions.
Under the second motion. proposed by Regent Gerald
Dunn, the Regents would have asked SGC if it were interested
in working to solicit the



Summer Supplement Editor
The Regents have voted to maintain current tuition
levels for the 1969-70 fiscal year and approve a record Sll1,-
201,338 general fund budget.
The decision came on July 18, only hours after the State
Legislature passed the higher education appropriations bill
which included a $67,372,392 net allocation for the University.,
The Regental action on tuition was the first time in three
years that student fees were not increased.
Total University expenditures had been tentatively set at
$113,384,582 and the administration was forced to make a ser-
ies of last-minute cuts to balance the budget without rais-
ing tuition.

~Daily'-Larry Robbins

Funds for rehabilitation and
equipment were reduced by $1,
088,244 from the 1968-69 level.
In addition, Vice President for
Academic Affairs Alan F. Smith
will recoup $1,095000 by cutting
an average of one per cent from
the 1968-69 budgets of University

J udge
rules on
rent strike%
Circuit Judge William F.
Ager, Jr. has denied a motion
by seven landlords to halt the
five-month old rent withhold-
ing action init iated by the
Tenants Union.
The landlords' motion was part
of a consp'acy suit against ten-
ants which charges that the ulti-
mate goal of the rent strike is an
attack on the concept of private
property. In addition, 12 of the
91 defendants in the suit are
charged with conspiracy to violate
leases and to obtain libelous ar-
tieb> in The Daily.
Although none of the Tenant,;
Union legal staff had seen Ager's
opinion, one of the rent strike
lawyers said July 21 there is no
guarantee Ager will not issue a
preliminary injunction before Aug.
1. However. she said it appeared
"unlikely" Ager will issue such alt
order at this late date.
The landlords had asked lor
summary judgment against the
tenants which could have found
them guilty of the conspiracy and
granted an injunction to halt the
However. Ager's denial of that
motion and of the Tenants Union
motion to dismiss the entire case
makes it very likely the suit will
be brought to trial.
The suit will begin Aug. 21 with
a pre-trial hearing. At the same
time a cotntert conspiracy sit
filed by tenants against the land-

ftincis needed to start the
b o o k s t o r e. The resolution
would have committed the
Regents to creating the store
if such funds were accun'i-
During discussion of the SGC
bookstore proposal, some Regents
questioned whether the store
could offer a discount of more
than four per cent. This is the
size of the state sales tax which
would not have to be charged in
a University-sponsored store.
SGC and Acting Vice President
for Student Affairs Barbara New-
ell have argued that the total dis-
cotunt on itextbooks could be as
high as 10 per cent.cNewell has
been the only executive officer to
support the SGC propOSal .
Other Regents attacked the
proposed one-time $1.75 tuition
assessment which Council menm-
bers had planned to use as part
of the store's starting capital. The
assessmnnt had been overwhelm-
ingly approved in a student refer-
endum last March.
See REGENTS, Page 2

At1 theC fair

Alan Lite of Editions Gallery interprets a painting to two fascinated tourists at the Ann Arbor Street Fair in July. Thousands flocked
into town to shop under tents on the street and view the art exhibitions. Despite poor weather throughout the fair, Ann Arbor con-

sidered it a success-if not aesthetic, then at least financial.


Student Government Council
and the faculty's Senate Assem-
bly have given their conditional
approval to a new set of Regents
bylaws which would define the
role of students in University de-
SOC and Assembly are expected
to negotiate their differences be-
fore the bylaw draft is sent to the
Regents. who have official au hor-
ity to enact theni.
Passage of the b lax',s by SGC
and Assembly euaxes two and
one-half years of work on the

)ylaWS U
problem of the role of students in
decision-making. Re-examination'
of this role was begun in the wakei
of the Student Power Movement
of late 1966.
The key provisions of the by-
laws would:
--Create a tri-partite University
Council to make rules for all
members of the campus communi-
ty subject to ratification by As-
sembly and SGC;
- Recognize the original juris-
diction of Central Student Judi-
ciary over most cases arising un-
der University Council rules and

James Lesch. assistant to the l
vice president for academic af-1
fairs, explained that several +
budgetary conferences have been
scheduled for the n e a r future.
There, deans and department
chairmen will be asked to find
items they could cut if ordered to
eo do so.
Not all academic divisions will
be forced to make cuts, however.
delineate the judiciary's appel- section lwhich would allow the Re- The social work school, for ex-
late jurisdiction: gents to ratify a University Coun- ample, has already been allowed
-Restructure the Office of Stu- cil-passed rule over a veto by to hire three additional faculty
dent Affairs (renamed the Office members for the coming year and
of Student Services) so that pol- SGC or Assembly, the Regents de- Smith has told the school that in-
icy would be made largely by stu- ferredbaction. This provision has creased funds will be available.
dent-dominated committees. since been deleted. An additional $300,000 will be l
In passing the bylaws, Assembly The blaws were returned to raised as a result of a uniform ap-
voted to omit controversial section the ad hoc drafting group which plication fee also approved by the
7.07 (2) which gave professional wor ked on the question until May University unit will now be
schools the power to discipline stu- 1969 when the proposal was sent charged $15. In the past, this fee
dents on the basis of non-academ- to SGC and Assembly. See ORDER, Page 2
ic conduct standards relating to -
licensing requirements, Student- -
leaders had strenuously objected
to the paragraph. O e
SGC also dropped 7.07 '', but.e
in addition refused to accept 7.07 e . .
1 which states recognition of
the right of the faculty to set FRONT SECTION: News,. . editorials . . . arts and entertain-
curriculum and grading standards, ment in Ann Arbor.
Council and other student groups
have been pressing for greater stu- ACADEMICS: LSA requirements fight . . students press for
dent power in the making of such departmental reform . . . the coming fight over tenure . . .
decisions ROTC . . . LSA Dean Hays under pressure . .course evaluation j
In addition. Council rewrote . . . Residential College . . . honors . . . Pilot Program . .. educa-I
sections of the bylaws concerning tion school in crisis . . the faculty power structure . . the
the powers of the vice president libraries and studying . ..architecture and design ... medicine
for student affairs (renamed the ''I
vice president for student services) pharmacy . . . music . . engineering . . . public health
and the authority of the OSS pol- social work . . . nursing . . , business administration
icy board. natural resources ... dentistry . . . law . . . library science.
The SGC-passed version would
eliminate voting faculty member- SPORTS: M' football's flight of the Phoenix . The athletic
ship on the policy board and make money game .. Tomjanovich and the cage . . . Wolverine
it more explicit that the board is hockey ...track and field wrestling . . . golf . . . base-
superior to the vice president in ball , .. swimming . . . rugby ... . gymnastics ... the intramural
decision-making. controversy ... tennis.
Recommendations for changing
the rule-making tructure of the STUDENT LIFE: The blossoming rent strike . . students and }
University came originally from the city election ... the welfare sit-ins . . . a history of sturent

Auth orize
review of
dorm rules
The Regents have voted that
current dormitory policies on cur-
fews and visitation by members
of the opposite sex "be continued
and enforced" but also slated an
intensive review of the question
for the fall.
Visitation rules are presently
set by the student governments of
the individual housing units. Cur-
fews exist only for women under
21 who do not receive parental
The decision to study the func-
tioning of the rules came July 21
as several Regents cited complaints
they had received concerning con-
ditions in the dormitories.
"I don't see how it's possible to
have any enforcement of the
rules," said Regent Paul Goebel.
Goebel said the present policy
stipulates that visitation rules
must include "meticulous safe-
guards for the rights of minori-
ties," but claimed there are cases
of women who complain room-
mates are inviting in visitors "all
the time."
"I am against the entire present
visitation policy," he added. Goe-
bel was the only Regent opposed
to the policy when it was first
adopted in January, 1968.
The present visitation and cur-
few policies were passed on a one-
semester trial basis in January,
1968. They were reaffirmed for a
full year in July 1968. There was
no time limitation on the con-
tinuation approved this July.
"I'm beginning to w o n d e r
whether the policy is being en-
forced at all," said Regent Robert
Brown. "To make this policy ef-
fective there's got to be more
work done by the resident ad-
ad - o fr a rrm nr .


SGC presses for power

Student Government Council has initiated a
sweeping attack on the decision-making struc-
ture of the University in an attempt to force
the administration and faculty to give students
more power.
In a series of moves in June and July. Coun-
cil passed motions which pressed for grant.ing
students more power, and then ordered a, nui-
ber of its representatives in advisory positions
to resign when this power was not granted.
The brunt of the initial attack was aimed at
control of the Office of Student Affairs which
corrdinates such University activities as student

Controlled by appointees of SOC, the USA
policy board, which acts as advisory to Newell.
censured Feldkamp for not going along with
the decision of his advisory committee.
Although the decision of the housing advisory
committee was eventually upheld by the Uni-
verscity- executive officers-the vice presidents
and President Robben Fleming-Fleming issued
a strong letter in which he said administrators
must be allowed to disagree with their advisory
"Staff officers like John Feldkamp are ex-
pected to give us their best advice and judgment

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