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August 27, 1969 - Image 8

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rage Eight


Wednesday, August 27, 1969

Poge EigVit THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1969

A myriad of copy grey both in True
color and tone . . . pages of 'Ensian
pictures, some of which could both or
be labeled art, most of which
are only pictures . . . a few and in
sports statistics ... and on and respons
on until the four hundredth dull of an
page. A yearbook . .. is a year- as a c
book . . is only a dusty year- fulfillin
book on the shelf. Curr
Unless it's the Michiganen- sitioni

chronicles 'U'lf e

Business stuff means business

to its odd name, the
is a unique publication
n the University campus
general. The 'Ensian is
ible for the chronicling
entire year's events, and
onsequence its function
g this twofold purpose.
ently in a period of tran-
in design and content,
far beyond that year.

'Ensian , policy demands not
only that the editors provide a
yearbook which is interesting
and entertaining at the time
of its publication, but in addi-
tion, that they design a book
which will retain its value and
Since the Michiganensian is
a financially independent stu-
dent publication, it is allowed
a large degree of freedom in
the 'Ensian offers its staff an




'little' magazines

The University's students literati share their
work with the public through either of two
campus-wide inter-arts magazines-Generation
and Overflow.
The Residential College also publishes student
work in its magazine, Chrysalis, which has just
recently begun publication.
Generation, now in its twentieth year as the
University's "official" literary magazine, prides
itself on publication of an exceptional number
of underclassmen,
"Official" in this case means that the exist-
ence of Generation is assured by its status as
an official University student publication. Un-
like most "little magazines," Generation will not
fold if it runs at a deficit. Generation is assured
financial support from the Board for Student
Generation is staffed entirely by students,
and the staff has no formal contact with the
academic side of the arts at the University, such
as the English department, which publishes its
own magazine, Anon.
"Generation has the quality of experiment
which is not common to the later stage of jour-
neymanship which characterizes Anon," ex-
plains John Conron, editor of Anon.
"We respect the institution of Generation and
the quality of its work, and would not want to
compete with them," he says.
The Generation staff, explains outgoing
editor Marian Klopp, contributes only a small
portion of each issue's contents, and is mainly
concerned that the issues "reflect the best work
going on literarily and artistically, so that you
get a good idea of what contemporary kids are
doing, especially at the University."
The choice of works to be published is reach-
ed largely by consensus of the staff after "every-
one has read everything," says Miss Klopp, and
those selected are not significantly revised.
Poetry editor Jim Peters concedes that "not
always do we get poetry from the best people
on campus, but often from those who need the
help or are striving to be better.
"Although I don't always believe myself ade-
quate to the job, which can't be done except
subjectively, I write reasons for the rejection
of any poetry not accepted," he adds.
"It gives people a good feeling to see that

something is happening after they have worked
a long time on a manuscript," says Peters of
thosd published, "and it shows that some people
on campus do care about the artistic com-
munity." '
Generation tends to make itself a center for
that artistic community in a way that Conron
says "can be seen on the one hand as a clique,
or on the other as a group of people who forge
out common tastes."
New editor Ron Brasch cites some of the
activities which encourage this focusing of the
"artistic community"--an annual music com-
position contest, and poetry readings to cele-
brate the publication of each issue. This year,
Brasch hopes to develop a writing seminar with
the assistahce of some English instructors.
Overflow, unlike Generation, supports itself
on the strength of sales, and has been success-
ful enough to complete two years of publication,
winning acceptance on 15 American college
campuses and several others overseas.
In another demonstration of its rising status,
Overflow co-sponsored with the Ann Arbor Re-
view the annual conference of small magazine
editors and publishers held here in June.
Editor Ron Bodnar explains the primary aim
of Overflow is "to publish previously unpublished
writers and encouraged them to develop their
The result of this effort, according to one
review of the magazine, is an uneven quality,
but consistant "freshness, liveliness, and variety."
Overflow is no more restricted to the lettered
arts than is Generation, and holds an edge over
its counterpart in the novelty and attractiveness
of its layout and illustrations.
Chrysalis is a novice among student publica-
tions, and its first of two annual issues is the
only one now extant. It follows the -fashion of
its predecessors in including cartoons, drawings,
and an original score for the Kyrie among essays,
naaratives, poetry, and short stories.
The material is drawn from a Residential
College course in "Western Man" devoted to the
theme of "Salvation." Future issues will con-
tinue to seek out "the modes of candid personal
expression for personal conceptions of the
theme" which Conron recognizes in a review
as the essence of Chrysalis, but they will be
drawn from a wider body of contributors.

opportunity to implement their
appeal far into the future.
own ideas in copy, photography,
and layouts. Photographic ef-
fects and editorial statement
that once would have been con-
sidered revolutionary in year-
book journalism are used as a
matter of course in the 'Ensian.
To an increasing degree, the
'Ensian is beginning to utilize
techniques adapted from the
design of commercial magazines
and brochures-in the new uses
of white space, in unconven-
tional layouts, in a casual yet
organized tone which is carried
throughout the book.
In line with its increasing re-
semblance to the magazine for-
mat, the 'Ensian features a
growing amount of color photo-
graphy-which not only pro-
vides for new techniques in de-
sign and layout, but also for
special photographic effects-
line conversions, special screens,
color blocks. Such graphic tech-
niques make available an addi-
tional means of expression for
the designer, and serve to
strengthen the - impact of the
yearbook content.
Last year's 'Ensian gained
added flexibility in design
through the elimination of the
traditional sectioning of the
book by subject. Using chrono-
logical ordering, the 'Ensian
here again implemented a ma-
gazine format in an unbroken
flow of copy and pictures, yet
retained somewhat more unity
than a magazine through the
use of a chronological order.
Such mixing of flexibility with
order is also apparent in the
structure of the 'Ensian staff
- which provides editors with
the maximum amount of free-
dom in design and writing while
retaining the minimal amount
of structure and organization
necessary for the staff's smooth
At the spearhead of" the ranks
is the senior staff, composed of
seven seniors responsible f o r
general areas of yearbook pub-
lication - its management,
overall design, and financial
The senior staff directly sup-
ervises the junior staff - those
editors and their assistants who
in effect are creating the bulk
of the yearbook. Junior staff
editors are organized by sec-
tions - covering such areas as
academics, sports, arts, and
campus life.
Freshmen sign on as trainees.
The trainees work jointly with
a section editor, and learnthe
rudiments of college yearbook

Chances are you've never had
your hands in the operation of a
$250,000 business. If not, The
Daily business staff is an op-
portunity that you cannot pass
by, We run our business from
the smallest classified ad to the
distribution of over 10,000 papers
to students and faculty across
the campus and throughout the
It takes a well-organized staff
of fifty students to do the work
on the business staff. Publishing
The Daily six times a week
means that each of those fifty
people shares a large amount of
responsibility in'his department.
As a result The Daily is always
ready to welcome new faces.
Becoming a part of The Daily
staff is probably the easiest
thing to do-a talk with our
personnel director is all that it
takes to become a member.
If you should decide The
Daily is for you then the next
few months will be spent work-
ing in each of our departments
as a trainee.
After completing your trainee-
ship you can petition for an as-
sistant managership in the de-
partment of your choice. With
this added responsibility comes
one of the many small rewards
found on The Daily and in this
case it is monetary.
An assistant managership is
really only the second step in
your progress to the top of the
business staff hierarchy. After
a few weeks of work and many
nickel cokes you'll find that the
people who "really" manage the
paper are the junior managers.
The junior year on The Daily is
probably the busiest of the four
you'll have on the staff. You are
now the person responsible for
the quality and type of ad that
will run in tomorrow's paper or
the many problems that always
seem to come up in circulation.
As a junior, your contacts are
directly with the people who
patronize The Daily. If you're
the kind of person that finds all
types of people interesting, then
servicing the advertising ac-
counts of Ann Arbor merchants
is your type of work.
Management in circulation
and classified brings you and the
students of the University to-
gether. Much time is spent over
the phone making sure they get
their Daily or figuring out, why
in the world they didn't g et,
Junior staff positions aren't
the end of the road, for after
three years of listening to sen-
iors make decisions, the tables
are finally turned. Now you,
along with the other senior
managers, can decide what is
best for The Daily and then
spend a whole year watching
your ideas take effect,
The Daily's biggest asset isn't
the amount of money that it
makes or its net worth, but the
fact that it is truly an inde-
pendent paper-a privilege that
not many other college newspa-
pers share. During the past 8
years we have built up assets of
$450,000 through our advertis-
ing and subscription revenue,
thus guaranteeing our financial
the University,
and editorial independence from
Chances are that a few min-
utes spent at the Student PublI-
cations building may be well
I worth your while.

Daily-Jay Cassidy
On-the-spot phwtography
In April and May of 1968, Daily Photographer Andrew Sax travelled with Robert Kennedy
and Eugene McCarthy during the 1968 Presidential Primaries. Join the Daily Photo Staff
and see the world.
Gar:Alaugh an issue

Tucked alongside the massive
Coke machine at 420 Maynard
is a seldom noticed door which
leads to a dark chamber in the
corner of the Student Publica-
tions Building.
Persistentinquiry reveals that
the chamber is the den of the
Gargoyle, an ugly beast strik-
ing fear into the hearts of Uni-
versity students when it roars.
Actually, the student body us-
ually roars -or groans - when
the Garg comes out. The
campus humor magazine pub-
lishes two issues per term and
has never failed in either sick-
ening the entire University on
the day it hits the newsstands or
else in providing entertaining
reading material for those long
and boring lectures.
The Garg's subject matter lies
somexxwhere in the realm of Mad
Magazine, but the treatment is
definitely along the lines of the
National Enquirer. No topic is
too gross, no bigwig too big to
avoid falling victim to Garg's
meaatcleaver handling.
Last year's fall issue, f o r
example, presented to its anx-
ious readership a feature entit-
led "101 uses for the umbilical
cord." Aside from the singular
repulsiveness of the presenta-
tion, only 50 some uses were
actually listed.
In a desperate attempt to re-
gain the favor of 35,000 sick-
ened readers, the Garg staff

masterminded "Nightstick, the
police club journal" as its Jan-
uary issue. Nightstick offered,
among other subtle digs at the
men with the mace and clubs,
an interview xvith "J. Vulgar
Nightstick: Mr. Hoofer, there
has been much written about
your early career as a crime
fighter. Do you remember the
first person you busted?"
Hoofer: I'll never forget the
cops breaking in our door and
dragging my invalid mother
all the way to her cell. I knew
I had found my niche, I had
to report her. There were pe-
yote mushrooms growing in
our back yard . - -
"Nightstick" also offered a
pictorial lesson in "how to give
a parking ticket." Ann Arbor
police really don't need any re-
fresher course (they issue about
50,000 a year) but the Garg
presented a few pointers to lend
the metermaid that professional
The mark of an accomplished
officer is demonstrated, accord-
ing to "Nightstick," by t h e
sneak attack so the violator is
caught off his guard, and
t h e smile-to-yourself-and-ig-
nore-him tactic if the victim
arrives on the scene.
If the humor and the features
of the Garg leave one wonder-
ing why he forked over four bits
for a copy, the advertising, at
least, is sure to be a completely


unique experience, Ranging
from ridiculous to the near-por-
nographic, the ads push beer,
pizza and records in a medium
that definitely appeals to Uni-
versity students.
One ad in a recent Garg ad-
mnonishes, "Join the happy mil-
lions who drink STROH'S
Beer . . . but don't get caught
with your fake I.D." The hand-
cuffed undergraduate smiling
out fromn the picture adds the
finishing touch to another of
Garg's best.
But really clever satires and
well-written parodies provide
the backbone for much of the
magazine's humor. The presi-
dential election was given ade-
quate comment in the fall issue
by a picture of a toothless o I d
man grinning out, from behind
the curtain of a voting machine,
The caption read: "Hoxv do you
flush this thing, anyway?"
The biggest selling point of
the Gargoyle (perhaps its only
selling point) is its complete un-
predictability. Each issue is the
direct product of the whims and
quirks of the Garg staff; which
itself is never very clearly de-
Rumor has it that the beast
will return again this year, so
if you have, a sense of the
bizarre, a love of lewd and just
a brand of humor that drives
people from you, stop in at the
Garg office at 420 Maynard.
They need you.

The Michigan Daily is one of the few financially independent college
newspapers in the nation. We have achieved this status by selling
thousands of dollars worth of advertising annually, but we are not
The growth of the city of Ann Arbor offers us an unlimited potential
for our own growth. We are ready to meet this challenge.
In Sentemher the Dil 'will hive n Iimited nuimher of nnninns for

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