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August 27, 1969 - Image 8

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Wednesdoy; August 27, 1969

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 27, 1 969

Assembly line health

Rapes low,

muggings high

"Well miss, you sa your sto-
mach is bothering you? Well,
we'll just check to see if you are
pregnant," said a doctor in
Health Service, the home of
medical care for University stu-
While not really the case, this
is the type of treatment many
students claim they get from
Health Service.
Dr. Robert Anderson, director
of Health Service, disagrees. He
says that the clinic "has been
considered one of the leading
health services, although we
may have slipped recently be-
cause of a lack of money."
"We don't order that everyone
comes in be checked for certain
conditions," he says. "But, we
have to be suspicious of certain
diseases like infectious mononu-
"Many students come in with
possible symptoms of mono, so
we run a large number of tests
for it. It all depends on what the
individual doctor decides is ne-
cessary," he explains.
Some of the complaints about
health service have been direct-
ed at specific staff doctors. The
clinic is regularly staffed by 13
doctors, with professors from the
Medical School serving as con-

Anderson says, "Our goal is to
get top quality physicians." Each
resident is "hand picked", he
He adds that "there is a wait-
ing list" for Medical School staff
who wish to work at Health
But, even with all the myriad
of complaints, Anderson says
that "students are looking at
Health Service in a favorable
"There is rarely a day when
we see under 300 people," he
says. "This is an average in-
crease of 58 people per day over
last year."
Health Service actually does
provide for the campus com-
munity. You can see a doctor
without charge duiing clinic
hours, and doctors are always
available. The clinic also has its
own lab and x-ray facilities.
Health Service also provides
an infirmary, a mental health
clinic, an immunization center,
an environmental health center
and information on a large
range of personal problems.
Some non-prescription drugs
are also available at much lower
prices at Health Service. Aspirin
sells for 25 cents per 100.
One of the biggest problems
Health Service faces is a lack of
money to expand its facilities.

The present overcrowding of its
building makes expansion of
present programs or creation of
new programs impossible.
The building now housing
Health Service was designed to
handle only one-third of its
present use.
One program Anderson hopes
to start, but which is being de-
layed by the space problem, is
a dependent care program which
would allow dependents of stu-
dents to receive the same bene-
fits as students.
"This is important in Ann
Arbor because it is hard for
students to get a doctor on a
regular basis here," Anderson
"One alternative to solve the
financial problem would be a
student fee to cover environ-
mental and personal health
care," he says.
This is the most effective
means of funding, he adds, "but
it would be nice not to have to
tax students."
Anderson agrees with others
that Health Service can't "get
away with poor quality care,"
And he adds that "the quality
of care is progressively improv-
Nonetheless, there seems to be
an unending backlog of students
who complain, for example, their
Health Service doctor refused to
x-ray their injured arm until
the break led to incredible
swelling two days later.

Shocked by the string of six
Ann Arbor area murders, the
Regents have increased campus
security precautions.
But the murders are not the
only reason the University has
called for more protection. Ann
Arbor is a growing city, and has
a proportionately , increasing
crime rate.
The most recurrent crime is
street "crimes against a per-
son" robberies or molestations-
explains Police Chief Walter
Krasny. The rate is higher than
the national average, presum-
ably because of the large amount
of pedestrian traffic on campus.
Despite the rumors, and de-
spite the six sex slayings, Ann
Arbor is not that good a town
for rape, although most of them
do occur in the campus area,
again because of the high num-
ber of pedestrians.
Although the average coed
guesses that there are about 25
rapes a year in Ann Arbor, the
real figure for actual rapes in
1967 was only three. Of course,
there is no way of accounting
for unreported rapes.
But many of the reported
rapes later turn out to be epi-
sodes in stormy love affairs.
The national figures are much
higher. The average is one rape

per 11,000 persons per year; in
1967 in Ann Arbor there was
only one rape per 33,000.
The recent slayings tend to
throw a different perspective on
these statistics, but most mem-
bers of the University and sur-
rounding community seem to
agree that the slayings are not
the product of an ordinary rap-
ist, but rather of a psychopath.
Once the murderer is caught,
they feel, rapes will probably
settle back into their normal
By now, with the deaths of
six girls under remarkably sim-
ilar circumstances in a two-
year period, people have gener-
ally decided that the killer rmust
have some kind of good cover,
enabling him to pick up the girls
without raising their susai-
cions. None seem to have been
abducted; two were reported to
have been hitchhiking, and an-
other accepted a ride from the
Union bulletin board. The las-
est victim was last seen with un-
known companions she met at a
private party.
Still, girls on campus have be-
come more wary of walking and
staying alone. And with each
murder, the tension increases.
The University has responded
to the increasing crime rate with
one of the best defenses against

crime: light. New and better
lighting systems have been in-
stalled all over the central cam-
pus and on North Campus.
The campus is regularly pa-
trolled by Sanford Security
guards as well as Ann Aroor
police. Sanford guards are not
armed, but Krasny says their
mere presence can be a crime
Night-time campus patrols iv
Ann Arbor police were incr'e,.sed
by two patrol cars of t vo mnn
each after the bizarre shooting
last fall of Joel Cordish, a grad
student, on the Diag in the early
morning. Cordish was pat'alyed
by his assailant, one of a group
who was picked up in the South
and convicted of assault with
intent to do great bodily harm.
The patrols have been in-
creased again in the wake 01
the sex murders. Another txuo
night patrols of two men ca ch
have been added.
But the police cannot cont rol
what may really be the 'biggest
crime problem around 'he Uni-
versity: vandalism and theft.
The number one : arvet for
petty thievery has been Wa-
terman / Barbour Gymnasium,
where at least one wallet is stol-
en evei'y week.
The dormitory system also
provides a gold mine for thieves.
Everything--including furniture
and carpets-disappears, and
robberies from unlocked student
rooms keep increasing.
Robberies were so bad ,, at
South Quad last year attempted
to establish a policy of "resi-
dents and guests only" in non-
public areas. But the move vwas
not popular with students, aid
was quickly discontinued.
Krasny attributes much of the
campus crime to unemployed
Syouths from the Ypsilanti area.
He says many offendeirs are r'e-
peaters. Students are rarely in-
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The Michigan Daily

volved in any violent crime,'he
For the most part, the only
"crimes" involving students fail
into three broad categories: pot.
protest and non-payment of
About 190 student arrests were
the result of the protest in
support of the welfare mothers'
demonstration for more funds
last fall. Then there are al-

ror U'
ways pot arrests, and some stu-
dents also lost eviction cases
brought by landlords in the
ient strike.
And then there's the mad
bomber, whoever he may be,
who has hit three war-related
buildings in Ann Arbor in the
last year, always escaping with-
out a trace. But there are many
who hesitate to call him-or any
of the students-a criminal.

Boom! boo!t. boom!
The work of a mad man-or an insidious plot by a group of
20th century self-styled Social Revolutionaries?
No one, especially the police and hordes of FBI investigators
working on the case, seems to have even the most dubious lead as to
the identity of the bomber(s?) who has hit three government-related
buildings in Ann Arbor over the last ten months.
Unlike the two later bombings, the first did not involve a Uni-
versity building. On Sept. 29 at 11:30 p.m. about five sticks of dyna-
mite exploded at the obscure office of the Central Intelligence Agency
in Ann Arbor.
The office, which was reportedly used to recruit CIA agents from
among students at the University and Michigan State University, was
destroyed by the blast. Police said they suspected "hippies of college
age," but could never produce a suspect.
The CIA bombing was barely forgotten when a new blast-this
time at the University's Institute for Science and Technology Bldg.
on North Campus--literally resounded across the University area.
Political motivations seemed especially likely since classified re-
search is conducted in the building's radar laboratory. The explosive
used was also dynamite, but the blast was said to be much stronger
than the one at the CIA office. However, the damage to IST was
small-chiefly broken windows and displaced doors.
A period of relative calm followed the second bombing. And in
the interim, a group of people in Detroit were arrested and charged
with a series of bombings similar to those which took place here.
Then, on June 1, a sizeable explosion (the police haven't figured
out what it is yet) rocked North Hall--the classroom and office
building for the three branches of the Reserve Oficer's Training
Corps stationed at the University.
The blast-which blew out one wall of the structure and gutted
an Army staff car assigned to the commander of Army ROTC at the
University-came at 11 p.m., within 45 minutes of the time at which
the other two explosions took place.
The bomb exploded under the car, setting fire to the building.
Firemen quickly arrived to extinguish the blaze, and University of-
ficials said there had been no structural damage to the building.

A complete listing of activities
and schedule of meetings for
TION appears in the Sports sec-
tion of this issue.
Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Judo,
Fencing, Gymnastics, Folk Dancing,
Basketball, etc.

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Alm erican



No. 1 Among




(Voted so by the National Interfraternity Conference Dec. 5, 1969)


1. Michigan fraternity men's grade point average is higher than
that of non-fraternity men at Michigan.
2. Michigan fraternity system has the highest scholastic rating of
all American and Canadian colleges.
3. The Michigan fraternity system has initiated an educational
trust to strengthen their scholarship programs and study facilities.
4. Michigan fraternities offer courses within their houses to supple-
ment University curriculum.
5. Michigan fraternities have aided the Ann Arbor Free School in
offering non-credit courses not offered by the University.
6. Michigan fraternities offer speakers from the university commu-
nity within their houses for members and other interested students.
7. The Michigan fraternity system also offers national speakers on
contemporary subjects for the entire University community-Fall
1968-Leroi Jones and the Black Arts Theatre, Muhammed Ali,
Timothy Leary, and Bill Baird.
8. Michigan fraternities offer open dances for the student body as
well as concerts-Bob Hope and The Sandpipers (Sept. 1968).
9. Michigan fraternities present an all campus Dad's Day in the fall
ald on all rami-rnMnthpAr'c WA/lrnA int +h wnt+r

11. Michigan fraternities aid incoming freshmen by contacting them
and their parents during the summer, answering questions about
campus living, academics, finances, etc.
12. Michigan fraternities have involved themselves in the Ann Arbor
Community Center teaching and entertaining the city's underpriv-
ileged youth.
13. Michigan fraternities sponsor a charity drive in the fall for the
United Fund.
14. Michigan fraternities sponsor the bucket drive for the American
Cancer Society every winter.
15. Michigan fraternities run the Student Blood Bank which supplies
blood to graduates and undergraduates in emergencies.
16. Michigan fraternities sponsor parties for orphans, retarded chil-
dren, and crippled children.
17. Michigan fraternities aid international charities (Korean Orphans
Clothes Drive).
18. Michigan fraternities are working to initiate a program to bring
high school graduates from the inner city to this University.
19. Michigan fraternities have as guests foreign students and other
visitors to the University.

21. Michigan fraternities publish a bi-monthly newsletter
IGAN REPORTER), containing campus news, art and
tures, and varying editorial opinion.

poetry fea-

22. Michigan fraternities present radio programming for the Univer-
sity students.

23. Michigan fraternities sponsor tours and trips.

24. Michigan fraternity men individually and collectively participate,
support and lead many campus programs and institutions (Home-
coming, Labor Day Weekend, Creative Arts Festival, Michigras,
University Activities Center, Course Evaluation Booklet, Student
Government Council, and THE MICHIGAN DAILY).
25. Michigan fraternities helped fight the ever increasing tuition
26. Michigan fraternities have worked for better relations with Ann
Arbor officials.
27. Michigan fraternities present the IFC Sing, a program consisting
of pairs of fraternities and sororites competing for the honors.
28. Michigan fraternities are continuing to improve and expand their
houses, experimenting with new living conditions (apartment liv-
ing and coed structures).
29. Michigan fraternities pay attention and continue to inform the
alumni of this University of current events. These efforts help the
University maintain their high level of alumni contributions.



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