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August 27, 1969 - Image 2

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Page Two


Wednesday, August 27, 1

PageTwoTHEMICHGAND~iY WenesayAugu't 7,N

Play it cool, kitten.
Come to Marilyn Mark's.

South I
Continued from Page 1)
sexual act, the Panthers dragged
out a few brooms, swept up the
debris and went home.
Not much had happened Mon-'
day night. One window was acci-
dentally broken and the Panthers
offered to pay for it. But no uni-
formed police had been called in
and the Panthers were jubilant.
Much of Ann Arbor was not,'
however. The controversy over the
street people had been getting hot-
ter for some time, especially after!
the Democratic administration
began allowing Trans-Love to
sponsor rock concerts every Sun-
day at local city parks.
Many residents were extremely
concerned because of the loudness
of the concerts. To answer these
complaints, the Republican ad-
ministration had banned the con-
certs a year earlier.
Apparently even more upsetting
to city residents was the Panther
literature handed out at the con-
certs-literature they claimed,
was obscene and being given to
minors. Two Panther leaders are'
presently facing trials for distrib-
uting pornography to minors. !
These citizens were incensed by:
the South University incident!
Monday. And the presence of this
attitude in the community is wide-
ly accepted as a primary cause
for the events which followed.
On Monday night, the hands of'
the police were tied by pragmatic,
considerations. The injection of a
handful of officers into the "par-
ty" would at best have done little,
to deter law violations. At worst
a riot could have resulted.;
But on Tuesday night, spurred1
by complaints from four promi-
nent merchants on South Univer-
sity, some 300 riot-helmeted po-
lice from five forces-including
Washtenaw County sheriff's depu-
ties-were mobilized and ready for
any action they deemed necessary.;
News that the police would be1
out spread quickly. There were1

J. confrontations polarize


almost no Panthers on South Uni-
versity that night, but there were
still some eager to press for a
confrontation. Others came be-
cause they hoped for another par-
ty. Many simply came to see what
would happen.
There were about 1500 people
on three blocks of South Univer-
sity Ave. when the police arrived
at 8:30 p.m. to clear the street.
But it was not until after 2 a.m.
that the last of the "street peo-
ple" and students - angered by
what they had seen and experi-
enced-straggled homet
Some never made it. Forty-five
people were arrested for conten
tion (a misdemeanor) or, later in
the evening, for inciting to riotj
(a felony). They spent at least
that night in Harvey's County Jail,
and those with meager financial
resources and high bail were thereE
for considerably longer.
The evening of violence began
as police moved on those standing
in the street on South University,
forcing them onto the sidewalk,
and arresting those who did not
move quickly enough. Then, the,
police turned and cleared the side-
walks, forcing people onto side-
streets and making more arrests.
And in the five hours of violent1
confrontation which followed, po-
lice fanned out and, using teargasl
and riot sticks, forced crowds
down sidestreets, into alleys andi
onto the University campus.
Police were hit by rocks, bricks
and. in one case, a firebomb. Stu-
dents and street people claimedI
they were beaten and arrested,
without cause. Police carried out a1
pincer attack onto campus and1
teargassed the Undergraduate Li-I
The next day, Wednesday, the
University agreed to permit a1
concert on the plaza in front ofI
the Administration Bldg. in an
apparent effort to take attention
away from South University.
Meanwhile, some 200 police linedI

South University and maintained to permanently withdraw his aid
order. from the Ann Arbor force.
But when the concert broke up, Harris only chuckled. Under
and police left at 11:30 p.m., the state law the sheriff is the su-i
street people returned and once preme police authority throughout
more "took the street," blocking the county. The city can do noth-
traffic. Some 400 police moved ing to keep Harvey's men out.
back in, cleared the street in about Less than two weeks later,'
an hour and left with the 24 per- Harvey and Trans-Love were back
sons they had arrested. in the news. After a Sunday rock
One of the arrestees, Dr. Ed- concert where laws concerning
ward C. Pierce, former Ann Arbor alcohol, drugs and indecent ex-,
Democratic chairman and one- posure were allegedly broken,
time mayoral candidate, said he Harvey vowed to send in his men
was struck four times with a billy to "enforce the law." He criticizedi
club by an unidentified officer as local politicians-Harris and City
he was being dragged 30 yards to Administrator Guy Larcom-- for
the corner of South University their "lax" law enforcement at
and C h u r c h Street. Charges the previous concert. Only two
against Pierce were dropped the arrests had been made.
following morning. To add to the troubles of the
On Thursday night, there were beleaguered city administration,
no police sent in. Instead, Mayor the Ann Arbor Police Officers
Harris went to South University Association-bargaining agent for
h im se if and c alm1y walked city police-agreed with the sub-
through the crowd of over 400 stance, if not the wording, of
gathered at the corner of South Harvey's statements.
Forest. He asked people to leave Under this pressure, the city
the street and go home. administration refused to grant
University professors and White Trans-Love a permit to hold the
Panthers were also on the scene next planned Sunday concert.
voluntarily helping keep traffic Harris and Larcom cited "intelli-
move through the crowd, and gence reports which predict an in-
urging people to leave. flux of hundreds, perhaps thou-
Although police had moved out sands of motorcyclists from out-
to their staging area as soon as side Ann Arbor" as the reason for
Harris left city hall-without his cancellation.
knowledge or consent-they never The Panthers admitted that
moved in. After about two hours some motorcyclists from Detroit
in the street, most of the people had been invited, but "not over
simply went home. 100."
The immediate crisis on South Only about 40 motorcyclists
University ended that night, but showed up that Sunday, as Trans-
the claims of "police brutality" Love held a "people's picnic" in
which resulted from the confron- Nichols Arboretum without am-
tations, the growing conflict be- plified music. Riot-helmeted po-
tween Harris and Harvey and the lice also showed up - about 40
reaction of conservative elements patrolled the park and another
in the community persisted. 350 were standing by.
At a meeting in city hall after But the afternoon in the Arb
the tenuous peace of Thursday was peaceful. Some girls drinking
night, Harvey reportedly ranted at wine were forced to leave the
Harris about the need for strict park, but there were few viola-
law enforcement and the city's tions of the law and no confron-
decision not to use police that tations.r
night. Harvey finally threatened On July 10, Council met to con-I

sider the concert problem. The
result has a tightening of noise
restrictions for amplified music in
city parks and an effective ban
on concerts at all but one city
park. Concerts on leased property
were still permitted, however. A
permit was issued to a reorgan-
ized sponsoring group - but one
which still included Trans-Love


With the concerts continuing,
and with the growing antipathy
felt toward Harris by Ann Arbor
conservatives, an angry crowd of
400 American Legion members.
Disabled Veterans and other cit-
izens marched on the July 14 City
Council meeting and demanded
that the concerts be completely
The concerts remained, but
Council did tighten up ts park
noise level limitations in a way
which Sinclair apparently believes
would cut down the normal vol-
ume of some concert groups. But,
he says, the regulation, because of

One arrest reportedly came
when a woman returned from get-
ting the badge numbers of the
police outside saying "I got the
pigs' numbers." She was arrested
and charged with use of profane
Another person was arrested for
obstructing her arrest. And a
third, witnesses said, was arrested
as she was trying toN obtain sig-
nat ures to a statement that the
first woman arrested had used no
profanity. Witnesses said this last
woman inadvertantly stepped over
the line which police had drawn,
and ordered the crowd to stay be
The incident incensed street
people as did the forced entry
made by Ann Arbor police and
county sheriff's deputies July 12
at a house where an underground
media conference was being held.
Participants in the conference
claimed the police and deputies
ransacked the house without a
As this issue goes to press, there
appears to be no end in sight to
the growing polarization of the
Many students and street peo-
ple are angry with the city ad-
ministration for "not controlling
the police," and for not following
up on claims of harassment and
"police brutality." The mayor has
set up a commission to study com-

Ann Arbo.


543 Church Street--Phone 662-5683
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its complex requirements, will be'
"impossible" to enforce and "ri-
diculous" to comply with.
Meanwhile, the "street people"
have been having more troublea
with the police. One of the foci of
street people activity in Ann Arbor'
is the Whistle Stop, a small res-
taurant off South University Av-
enue and, the only one in town
open 24 hours a day.
Early on the morning of Julye

AFFI'LIATE SHOP6 IN Paris * London °Edinbuotrght
lbin en I Rome NMolreai

12, three people were arrested at plaints concerning the South Uni-
the Whistle Stop in a dispute over versity disorder, but there has not

3 ,. ... ,,.... ...,.,., . .. .... ,., ,.r.....u ., . , I .

a table and chairs placed on the
patio outside the restaurant.
The incident began when Ann
Arbor policemen ordered the res-,
taurant manager to remove the'
table and chairs from the patio'
where they had been placed for
over a month without incident.


yet been any indication that the
commission is indeed functional.
On the other side, the Ann Ar-
bor right wing has taken on in-
creased militancy and is pressing
hard for the mayor's recall. With
a highly vocal campaign and a
wealth of local conservative sup-

The manager, Richard Gartee, port to draw upon, the threat .of
said he was informed of no rea- recall will probably make it only
son why the furniture should be more difficult for Harris to do
moved, much of anything without arous-
Soon, more police showed up ing criticism from the right or the
and ordered the sidewalk cleared. left-if not both at the same time.

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SGC seeks power
for policy boards

rules on
rent srike1 l
(Continued from Page 1)

Regents defeat bookstore plan

Continued from Page 1)
a (student-faculty) Executive
Board which should be charged
with formulating policy for the
And the proposed Regents by-
laws would provide that "each ad-
ministrative unit of the (OSA)
shall have its own policy board to
set general policy for that unit."
If this was to be the case, SGC
members say, administrators like
A three-piece Treasure Chest
chicken dinner, plus french fries,
for only 79! Larger take-home
orders also. Try a box soon!!
West of Arborland

Feldkamp cannot be allowed to is-
sue recommendations because
such memos would always carry
more weight with the executive
officers than the recommenda-
tions of student committees.
In mid-July, Newell agreed that
the OSA policy board would have
final authority over those deci-
sions which did not have to go
to the executive officers for final
But, the students argued, and
Newell agreed, that these decisions
were in the minority. On July 16,
SGC withdrew its five representa-
tives from the nine-man policy
board, leaving it without a quor-
um and, as SGC President Marty
McLaughlin called it, "non-func-
SGC has also extended the
policy board concept to other
areas of the University. Under
pending Council motion, SGC
would demand that all student-
faculty committees in the Univer-
sity be restructured to provide
equal student representation.
In June, SGC Executive Vicej
President Marc Van Der Hout re-
signed from Senate Assembly's
Academic A f f a i r s Committee
which is presently studying the'
relationship between the Univer-
sity and the Reserve Officer
Training Corps.
In line with other policy board
actions, Van Der Hout demanded
that the committee refuse to act
act on ROTC and instead recom-
comend creation of a committee
composed equally of students and
faculty to handle the question.

(Continued from Page 1) duction," said Regent Lawrence
Some questioned whether tihe jLindemer.
bosoe ulnd efinanciallyi"By and large the average price
bookstore would be financially of textbooks (at other college
sound in the hands of the stu- bookstores) is the list price," he
dent-dominated board of directors explained. "Those in operation
...ct oi.a n ave. run... tne 000K- I c 1oO"1"O~ t in ua

''There will be no injunction, the store under the SGC proposal.k
landlords will have to produce "It's my judgment that the
their records to try the case and ultimate saving to students would
the timing is perfect," he said. be limited to the sales tax re-
"Everyone will be coming back to
school during the trial and people
will be able to see the internalb
workings of landlords' minds." O rd erbud
Ager's ruling which was sched-
uled for June 6, marks the end
of a six-week wait to determine I0 S O D T e
the future of the rent strike. The V
withholding action which began
Feb. 15 was prompted by what iConti ued from Page 1)
tenants say are high prices ando
"unsafe living conditions" of Ann has varied depending on the divi-
Arbor housing. sion to which the student was
Prior to the starting date, over applying.

1,000 students organized a Ten-
ants Union to coordinate efforts
to withhold rent. In February aft-
er a poll of the 1,500 students who
had signed Tenant Union pledges
to withhold rent, the strike began.
Since then strikers have with-
held more than $100,000 in rent
payments which they pay instead
to an escrow fund set up by the
Tenants Union.
Earlier in July, the Tenants Un-
ion announced that arbitration
had been completed in 101 eviction
The Tenants Union has report-
ed that in at least 80 of the
cases reductions in the amount
of back rent due were granted,
some as high as $240.

Undergraduate tuition will re-
main at $480 for state residents
and $1,540 for out-of-state stu-
In the graduate school, the fees
will be continued at $540 and $1,-
648. Tuition in the Law School
will remain at $680 and $1,740;
and in the Medical School, t h e
school of dentistry and the schoolI
of public health, it will stay at
$960 and $2,140.
The $111,201,338 general fund
budget includes money from stu-
dent tuition, the state appropria-
tion, indirect cost reimbursement!
from federal contracts and other
smaller sources. The Regents at theI
same time approved three other
budgets - the designated fund,

nave peen unabme T uina a way
to give discounts like the one
proposed by Student Government
Lindemer also argued, as did the
~gt cuts
the expendable restricted fund
and the auxiliary activities fund.I
Total University expenditures
for the 1969-70 fiscal year will be!
$249,594,436 - about $17.2 mil-
lion more than last year.
The general f u n d budget in-"
cludes $5,363,803 in additional
salary and wage benefits for fac-
ulty and staff as recommended by
Gov. William Milliken last Janu-
ary. The $67.3 million state appro-
priation is almost identical to the
allocation which the governor had
recommended for the University.
The budget also includes $805,-
600 f o r expanded operations in
the dental school and $350,000 for
increased enrollment in the Medi-
cal School.
The student aid account will be
increased by $100,000 to a total of
$2,630,000. Ordinarily student
monies are increased only whent
tuition is hiked, but the demand
for scholarship and loan funds
has been high and certain federal
loan programs need additional

executive officers, that a $1.75 as-
sessment would be considered a
tuition increase by the Legisla-
ture. Next year's state appropri-
ation would then be cut on the
assumption that the University
had raised more money in stu-
dent fees. he said.
Lindemer then proposed that
students obtain funds on a volun-
tary basis. Later, however, he
voted against the voluntary fund-
ing plan proposed by the admin-
Regents Otis Smith, Robert
Nederlander and Dunn empha-
sized the legislative problems in-
volved in the $1.75 fee assessment,
but said they would support the
voluntary funding plan.
After the SGC proposal was de-
feated, President Robben Flem-
ing explained the proposal drawn
up by the executive officers.
The president agreed with the
Regents on the question of leg-
islative reaction to the fee assess-
Fleming agreed with SGC that
space could be provided in the
Union or the Student Activities
Bldg. for the bookstore.
"At worst it will fail because it
cannot compete with private book-
stores or because the Legislature
removes the sales tax exemption,"
Fleming said. "At best it will be
successful in offering modest sav-
ings to students."
Dunn then proposed that SGC
be consulted on the plan and
agreed that the Regents should
order creation of the bookstore if
the needed capital were collected.
Regents Dunn, Nederlander,
Smith and Gertrude Huebner voted
in favor of the Dunn resolution.
Regents Lindemer, Brown, Paul
Goebel and Richard Cudlip voted
against the proposal.

d 6






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Subscription rates for the 1969-70 Mich-
igan Daily are $10.00 per year, $5.50 per
Sorry about the misprint in the Activities section,
page nine.



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