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August 27, 1969 - Image 9

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Wednesday, August 27, 1969


Page Nine

Wednsday Auust 7, 969 HE MCHIAN DILYPageNin




The Wolverine gymnastics team
had an "almost" year last sea-
son. True, they were undefeated
in dual meet competition, win-
ners of the Big Ten champion-
ship, and conquerors of the na-
tional champion Iowa squad,
but Newt Loken's gymnasts
missed the target they really
wanted; the trip to Seattle and
the NCAA Tournament.
This year, led by NCAA
parallel bars titlist Ron Rapper,
the Wolverines will have a
harder task in attaining t h e
goal they should have reached
last season. Key personnel have
been lost to graduation, and the
squad's strongest event, t h e
trampoline, is no longer com-
peted in either the Big Ten or
the national tournament.
Michigan has dominated the
national trampoline scene for
a number of years. Last season
it was separated from NCAA
competition and made a separ-
ate sport. This year the event
was eliminated from the Big
Ten and dropped totally by
the NCAA.I
It will take an all-out effort
by every gymnasist to enable
Michigan to make the trip to
the NCAA meet, this time at
Temple University in Philadel-
For awhile, it seemed that lit-
tle could keep the Wolverines
from going to Seattle, they
breezed through the regular sea-
son and even routed Iowa in a
dual meet. Where a close match
was expected, the Hawkeyes
failed to win a single event.
While it seemed that they could
do nothing right, Michigan did
little wrong, scoring the na-
tional high for the season in
both the six event (without
trampoline and seven event



totals with 164.15 and 192.1 tal-
Things were different three
weeks later when the confer-
ence tournament was held at
the Events Building. This time
it was the Wolverines t h a t
missed, falling behind in the
early part of the preliminaries.
These prelims determined
the conference representative to
the Seattle meet, and not even
a closing rush that brought
Michigan to within .45 of a
point of the Hawkeyes was
enough to give them the right to
make the trip.
For all that it mattered, the
Wolverines were able to win the
team title the next day by a

ig Ten
Jim DeBoo all return on the
sidehorse. They will have to
fight for their jobs as D i c k
Kaziny moves up from the
frosh. Touted as the top side
horse man on the team, Kaz-
iny, says Loken, "should be
good for nine plus routines
every time." A weak spot last
year, the side horse team will
now be able to carry its share
of the burden.
Fred Rodney, a top man on
the long horse, will be gone but
the other vaulter, Huntzicker,
returns. With the all-around
men, he will keep that event
strong. Mike Sasich will be
missed on the high bar, but
Howard should take up some of


Iehiganit 1l. has domintlied the nationial traln-
politie scene for i number of years. Last season
it taS sep(irated from NCA A competition and
mttade a separate sport. Ti s year the event was.
elimninated from the Big Ten and dropped totally
by the NCAA.

IRon Rapper: NCA A Parallel Bars Champion

IMs attempt to expand facilities

large margin, and qualify sev-
eral for the NCAA individual
competition. At Seattle, Iowa
represented the conference well,
winning the team title, w h i 1e
Michigan had to be content with
Rapper's victory.
The gymnasts will undoubted-
ly miss the departed members
of the team. The most heavily
affected event will be the rings,
which last season was the
team's strongest excepting the
tramp. Both Charles Froeming
and Rich Kinney, captain of
the Wolverines, are gone which
will put increased pressure upon
the two all-around men. To re-
place the department special-
ists, Loken has sophomores
Mike Sale and Mike Mirot, and
incoming freshman Skip Frow-
ick. None of these performers
have varsity experience, but
they will have to come through
if the ring score is not to suf-
fer greatly.
Dave Jacobs may be the single
most sorely missed loss. Dur-
ing his career at Michigan, he
won national titles in both
trampoline and floor exercise.
The other specialist in floor
exercise, George Huntzicker, re-
turns. Sophomore Shawn Jack-
son and freshmen Ward Black
and Terry Boys will compete for
the remaining spot.
One event at least will be
stronger this year than last.
Mike Gluck, Ed Howard and

the slack. He will get help from
Ted Marti, Mike Mirot, and Jim
Scully, all sophomores.
Rapper alone would make the
parallel bars team strong, even
with the loss of surprise Big
Ten champion Dick Richards.
Rapper should get plenty of
help, though, from Steve Vanek,
sophomores Martin and Scully,
and freshman Roger Tolzdorf.
Thie event, one of the strong
points last season, should again
be hard to beat.
To compete as all-arounders,
Michigan has a wealth of fine
performers. Sid Jensen won the
all-around in every dual meet,
while Rick McCurdy took the
conference title, Murray Plotkin
has recovered from a knee op-
eration and will be another fine
performer. Loken eagerly awaits
the arrival of Bill Mackie, a
transfer who was named to
the Canadian team to the Cup
of America Championship, as
was Jenson. Pete Rogers and
Ray Gura will gain experience
for the future.
Michigan will need a strong
team if it is to defend its title
successfully. Iowa will be strong,
and Illinois has an improving
squad. But despite important
losses, Loken indicates, that the
Wolverines should "be in there
all the way." Maybe this time
that means the elusive national
championship. But April is a
long way off.

Sid Jensen: Michigan's Most Valuable Gymnast

When Michigan's Hoover St.
IM Building opened forty years
ago, Michigan emerged as a
leader in the field of student re-'
creation facilities.
However, since those glorious
days of yore, the student pop-
ulation has almost quadrupled
wiile growth of under-cover re-
creation facilities has remained
virtually stagnant.
For the past fifteen years,
plans for new facilities have
been tossed around, but until
this year, they never got past
the talking stage.
Shortly after Robben Flew -
ing was appointed University
President, he established the
Advisory Committee on Recrea-
tion, Intramurals and C 1 u b
Sports. Among other things,
this committee was instructed
to look into the recreational
needs of the University and
make recommendations on the
feasibility of expanding Mich-
igan's recreation facilities.
The committee, composed of
six students, four administra-
tors and four faculty members,
and chaired by Athletic Director
Don Canham, announced their
initial proposal for new facil-
ities in March and, sent it to the
ege, aer many meetings
with students in June.
The committee proposed two
buildings, one on Central Cam-
pus and the other on N o r t h
Campus, at a cost of $10-16 mil-
lion. The conmittee also re-
commended that the buildings
be funded through student fees,.
that is, a tuition increase, as
there was no other source of
funds readily available.
This method of funding i a s

r ised a horne t'snest of contro-
versy. Many student groups, in-
cluding SGC and Tenants Un-
ion, have voiced strong opposi-
tion to any student fee increase
without a binding referendum.
Student opposition was height-
ened whn the committee closed
the neeting in which they made
the final draft of their proposal
to the Regents. There is a pos-
sibility that the Regents might
take some action on the pro-
posal late in the summer, al-
though they have as yet given
no indication of the action they
will take.
On other fronts, however, the
past year was a good one for
club sports and Intramurals.
Yost Field House, formerly the
lair of the basketball team un-
til the All Events Building was
opened, was made available for
general student use during the
evening by Athletic Director
Canham also set another pre-
c;W dent when he allowed t h e
Ru, by team to hold the Big Ten
tournament on fields previously
reserved for football practice.
Prior to this, the Ruggers had
played their games on rutted
and rocky Wines Field. This
spring, Wines Field was reseed-
ed and should be ready for use
next year.
Wines Field won't be the only
area getting a thorough face-
lilting this summer. The big
news is the Tartan Turf that
now rests serenely on the floor
of the gargantuan Michigan
Stadium, but this is far from
the whole story.
Tartan Turf will also be put
down on one of the football
practice fields. This field will
be encircled with floodlights for

use by intramurals at night.
Club Sport groups will also be
able to play their games and
practice on both the practice
field and the stadium when they
are not in use by the football
Michigan's recreation facilities
are not all they could be. With
the University in the clamps of
a financial vice, money is not
readily available to finance a
large project such as new IM
buildings, and students appear
unwilling to pay for them un-
less they can voice their opin-
ion in a referendum.
As it now stands, students
may play outdoor sports on any
of several fields scattered all
over campus. On Central Cam-
pus, students may use Wines or
South Ferry Field and on North
Campus, there are field on Mur-
fin Road across from Bursley
Hall on on Fuller Road. Women

have the use of Palmer Field.
In the winter time, the fields
are snow-covered and interest
turns toward indoor activities.
The IM Sports Building, locat-
ed on Hoover just west of State,
contains facilities for a great
variety of sports including the
swimming, basketball, volleyball,
tennis and several other sports.
Skating enthusiasts can use
the Colisem and lovers of bowl-
ing can do it in the Union.
There are additional facilities at
Waterman-Barbour gym and
Women's Athletic Building.
The overall recreation pic-
ture at Michigan is far from
bleak. Athletic Director Can-
ham has worked hard to make
facilities more available to the
everyday student, and he hopes
to continue to do so.
"There is something about a
facility that sits idle," he said,
"that really bothers me."


Michigan Football


The athiletic game
(continued from Page 1)
violence and color. I still have a nervous void in the pit
of my stomach at the opening kick-off of a Michigan-
MSU game. And if you asked me whether I would prefer
the abolition of "Big Time Football" from this campus I
would probably say no.
But that still doesn't mean that some tailoring down
of the athletic establishment isn't necessary for the pre-
servation of the game of college football.
And that's what the problem is all about. Football
can no longer be considered a game in the form it is
practiced between varsity teams in this country. It has
become professional entertainment and it'll stay that
way until this country decides to take the money out and
put the Game back in.

Share the Act
One of the most colorful an
football seasons in years will be s
Michigan's Wolverines this fall. H
happening at Michigan:
0 The Wolverines will play o
carpet of Tartan Turf. Watching
this artificial surface is an unusu
* The Wolverines will have a
Bo Schembechler, who has remo
fensive and defensive format.

Exciteentin '69
J 20 VANDERBILT at Ann Arbor
27 WASHINGTON at Ann Arbor
d promising OCTOBER
served up by 4 MISSOURI at Ann Arbor
ere's what's 11 PURDUE at Ann Arbor
SCHEMBECHLER 18 Michigan State at East Lansing
R 25 Minnesota at Minneapolis
n the posh Football Coach
football on NOVEMBER
ial onusforFOOTALL 1 WISCONSIN at Ann Arbor
al bonus for8 Illinois at Champaign
SCHEULE 15 Iowa at Iowa City
new oach 19. 22 OHIO STATE at Ann Arbor
new coach,
Ided the of-

has the BEST selection of

* A demanding schedule that includes de-
fending national champion OH1IO STATE
(Nov. 22), nationally ranked MISSOURI
(Oct. 4), one of the best teams on the West
Coast, WASHINGTON (Sept. 27), Big Ten
title contender PURDUE (Oct. 11), a rebuild-
ing power in VANDERBILT (Sept. 20 Band
Day), and the homecoming game with WIS-
CONSIN (Nov. 1).
"We feel there are some good
football players at Michigan. This
will not be a rebuilding year ..."
-Head Coach Bo Schembechler.


What About Michigan's
Football Ability?

The Wolverines return 14 regulars from a team that won 8 of 10 games
last year under Bump Elliott. Tight end Jim Mandich and safteyman Tom
Curtis are two definite All-American candidates.
There's a new quarterback, a rangy junior from South Haven, Don Moor-
head. A super quick sophomore from Detroit, Glenn Daughty, will try to
replace All-American Ron Johnson at tailback. He's an exciting runner.
Henry Hill, a middle guard who runs down halfbacks, will lead a new de-
fensive set up. Michigan will use a Wolf Man and that job will be handled by
Tom Darden of Sandusky, Ohio.
The entire defensive line is comprised of veterans with two of the best
ends in the Big Ten, Phil Seymour and Cecil Pryor, returning.
It's Big Ten football for the entire family. Parking's no problem. And
remember, the first four games on the schedule are all in Michigan Stadium.
Line up your fall football package now!


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