August 29, 1967

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August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…FRESHMAN SUPPLEMENT, Y . A6i rn 743 t at FRESHMAN SUPPLEMENT Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 FIFTY-FOUR PAGE The Hatcher Years: A Legacy of aissez-Faire Harlan H. Hatcher will end his 15-year' term as University Presi- dent in December. This article is an analysis of his presidency writ- ten by Leonard Pratt, Daily Asso- ciate Managing Editor, 1966-67. A ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…wmm' £ruE MICHIGAN DlAILY s TTJDEJMT INN 5, INC. "EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATIONAL LIVING" at U l "fih 041 w : f .w 4i 4a 1 I (eaturn9: AN 8-MONTH LEASE WITH NO INCREASE IN RATES w " Reduced Damage Deposit * Immediate Damage Deposit Refund " Subletting Unnecessary *Adjacent to Campus & Shopping * Singular Responsibilities * Completely Furnished " Air Conditioned * Fully Carpeted " Heated Pool * Color TV * Study & Reading Room ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…AUGUST 29, X967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1'A fiu' a saw., as a. AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY ir tfUlrl 11 SHAW BECOMES LS&A DEAN: Robertson Departs to Residential College Hatcher Commission Attempts To Define Complex Mandate By DAVID KNOKE A changing of the guard has taken place in the literary college administration that tultimately affects the lives of most under- graduates who will pass through the college and the new Resi-. dential ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

… Student Power: 'Commissioned' to Death? Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ,-. -- here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Trutb WIUl Preva H NEws PHONE: 764-0552. Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exPress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JUL...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…'V x THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA , Polls, Praise, Gripes Surround Trimester Pla By WALTER SHAPIRO and ANN MUNSTER The "rushed trimester system" has been, ever since its inception, the cause of many bitter com- plaints by both students and fac- ulty as they lament their respec- tive lack of accomplishment at the end of each term. Under the discarded two-semes- ter system, which prevailed until the fall of 1963, semesters were 20 weeks in le...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX H'E MICHIGAN DAILY TUESPAY, AUGM 99, 19+87 PAGE SIX TUE MIChIGAN WIlLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29~ 196'I 7-- F - 17 7- -7 71 -77 ... .. ..... Now Playing at Cinema Guild: Fundamentals of By RON LANDSMAN The fundamental ques tion s 'raised by the arrest of three stu- dents and a faculty member for the Cinema Guild showing of an "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy" motion picture are basic to the role of the university in modern society...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC TUESDAY AUGUST29,_197 THElJI. IGA flATL A rtis tic Free dom DELAY ACTION ON 'U' BUDGET: Regents Defer Action on Tuition Increas The California Case on which Elden based his decision was over- turned early in July by the Cali- fornia Supreme Court. Attorney W i111 a m Goodman conceded that the decision "was a bad loss for .our side." Although he declined to predict what might happen in a...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…E EIGNIT THE MICHIGAN DAILY gong-Range Needs, Financing Guide 'U' Expai rUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 n'sion BURSLEY HALL when fully open will accommodate over 1200 students. o I enaiJma ce i n aan tnuer atmoiper "e 213 S. State NO 2-3413 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 A.M.-10 P.M. Sat. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. (Continued from Page 1) provided through the federal gov- ernment's college assistance acts and such agencies as the National Institute of Health. Private grants r...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAIL TUSAAGS 2,16 'EMIu~~Nh lI PAEN Phones: 668-9866 665-3679 HOURS: iscoD t recr. Mon..-Fri. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:30M600 ANN ARBOR'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE RECORD SHOPS WITH TWO CAMPUS LOCATIONS 1235 S. UNIVERSITY 300 5. STATE I FOLK "ROCK JAZZ - CLASSICS 0 SPOKEN - POP I Thousands of L.P.'s and 45's to choose from-All your favorites in stock AND EVERY L.P . AT DISCOUNT PRICE ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY OVER 2,000 STUDENTS: Growing Flint Campus Doubles Capacity Educators Join Industry At U' Dearborn Branch By BETSY TURNER The Flint branch of the Univer- sity has only one building-but one huge building. Constructed in 1957, the C. S. Mott building is now undergoing expansion which, when finished, will double the campus' size. The entire student body of nearly 1000-enrolled at all f...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 196? THE MICHIGAN DAILY T U E S A Y , A U G U T 2 , 1 6 7 T l E I C H I A N A I L PI rAk*h EL City Government: Making It Work For 'U' Students By JILL CRABTREE One of the pet peeves of many critics of university life is that students live a sheltered existence, concerned only with classes and professors, without having any involvement in or effect on their community. In a sense they are living an in- terim existence-par...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, Al ThE 1~HCIHGAN DAILY TUESDAY. Al . N 4d '4 S SI U Make the force in Students a powerful University Affairs Quad Self-Government Educational Reform Student Rental Union Draft Counseling Service Student Consumers Union Student Housing Association Legal Aid Service Voter Registration Project Interested in any of AIU? thA,,,,#%se 0 I I I ,< " . : a. S. EEL" 1mv I j Student Governmen...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…Y Lwrwtgan A60F AML :43 a t ly Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 STUDENT LIFE S S S . Student Power Movement Fizzles S T U D E Former SGC President Ed Robinson on the Diag in November N . By HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director, 1966-67 THE SO-CALLED student power movement of November, 1966 began with a bang and ended with less than a whisper. To un...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 29. 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 Ldvis By BETSY TURNER ry Panels Facilitate U' Communication The advisory committees were I the interest of the Univer- nommunity and supportive of eneral educational goals of Iniversity to provide for an' nge of information between nts and the executive officers University" five student ad- boards to the Vice Presi- were set up last April. e Preside...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SGC Seeks Greater Student Influence in PAGE TI '' Polici By THOMAS .R. COPI Student power, sit-in bans, non- student participation, judicial re- form, new services and new inter- est highlighted the busiest year in the history of the Student Gov- ernment Council. The beginning of the year was marked by the apathy which has always plagued student govern- ment at the University, but a combination ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAA Y, AUGUST V t } INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS, 1967-1968 Special PreSeason Concerts NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, LEONARD BERSTEIN, Conductor TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 and 13, 8:30 P.M. in Hill Auditorium. TICKETS: 8.0-85.5O-85.06-$4.00-$3.00- 82.00 Fraternities Integrate Academic, Social Aspects of Student Life Choral Union Series (in il Auditorium) CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA . .. . JEAN MARTINON, Cond...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 17

…, AUGUST 29, 196 r THNE MICRI+GAN DAILY _ i How To Stretch Your Dollars In Ann Arbor By ELLEN FRANK Ann Arbor often seems like the only restaurant inside a crowded airport-prices can be high because it is the only thing that's there. Ann Arbor's theatres long ago gave into the price rise. Concerts at Hill Auditorium can cost as much as $6 for a single seat. Even the Union has given up the 10 cents cup of coffee. And in more academic realms...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 18

…'9. 1967 r THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST' 2 THE ICHI AN D ILY TI~nV ATE TTT'. i.A~~fa7 r a ip(w ampus Religious Centers Provide students with Spiritual Guidance MULTI-DIRECTIONAL ART: U' Serves as Major Film Center With Flair for New Techniques Al ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Full Gospel Student Fellowship; Programs of worship, Bible study, recreation, and fellowship provided by the Evangelical Temple of Ann Arbor. BAH'AI Bah'i World Faith...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 19

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PALE TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 uHF MICHIGA1~T RAllY U Doc Losh gives last minute tips to "her" boys before the Big 10 game. HOME Competitive blood runs strong at the mudbowl with SAE's pitched against Phi Delts. 'CO In last year's original production "Out of Our Minds" the cast performed so realistically, we wonder whether life at the U hadn't driven them to identify with the title. MUSKET The...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 20

…THE MIUIG1AN DAILY TUESDAY DRS SPECIAL EVENTS: (89TH SEASON: , AUGUST 2 UAC Adds Excitement to Campus World Artists Perform Under. By JILL CRABTREE The University Musical Society, which this year observes its 89th season, has been planning con- certs for students since its orga- nization in 1879. Its founding pur- pose was to maintain a choral so- ciety and orchestra, to provide public concerts and to maintain a school of music which would...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 21

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,196"o THE MICHIGAN DAILY of TUEDA, UGST 9,19 TE MCH.A DI 'Theatre in Ann Arbor:An ExpandingRole By LIZ WISSMAN Arts Editor, 1966-67 There are two theories ;most often cited to explain the appar- ent health and dynamism of the theatre in Ann Arbor. One re- lates Ann Arbor to a general de- centralizing movement in the American Theatre, away from the single tyrannical rule of Broad- way. Another view is that the drama is t...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…TEN THE MICHIG~AN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29. -., v.+w.vr+. ... ,e .. ... .r+v.... .w, _I 0 01 Os T'i 0 st oet 0 0 4 a tudo t r yer 96S co~t 1 f 'be mCtk r~~af rn- a ,P o ect~r rqrNEW YORK~f1MF-S,,FRIDAX, FERP ' t'z r,.,, _ ------ [JNUIL4U1 Jja , fLea preat at V12t k; I b , A , ; , ,I o a n I z i vj? NI i JJ WO -IL~l~ fol.the /a.F rno e he xee 'seG~ o0 find" a o~r- J jet a ap,0 . ec? itSelr " onzi,: tfie z g atap0 ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 23

…i tr t!au B3at1 tS Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 * SPORTS SEC C 0 W 0 0 S 0 Teams Seek New Crowns L Rosema downs Minnesota quarterback in 49-0 stomping. V E R N E A T H By JOHN SUTKUS SEARCHING backglance always brings out the philoso- pher in football coaches. Take Tony Mason, Wolverine offensive line coach, for example. When asked about the ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. A 11' Teams Ended Last Year Without One Title; Prospects If nprot (Continuedkfrom Page 1) In., the weeks that followed, Clancy .led the nation in pass re- y ceiving. He was finally edged out of the national title on the last day of the season. The Wolverine captain set the Big 'Ten records for passes caught3 4 (50) and yardage gained (698) on his way to leading the confer- ence in pass receiving. Both the AP All...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 25

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29! 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 'T TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Roundballers Hope To Erase Recent Past By HOWARD KOHN Sometime toward the end of last season, coach Dave Strack sighed, "This is a five-man operation and we've been trying to run on three cylinders." And Michigan's basketball team, losing its last eight Big Ten games in a row, coughed and belched and wheezed its way to a 2-12 record and last ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 26

…un THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, Hers Seek to Recoup Loss of Stars I By DAVE WEIR cry sport has its own Big that individual mark of ex- ent which distinguishes it every other athletic event. hockey, the real crowd-pleas- curs when the player wearing >er 9, traditionally the num- of the superstar, takes the on a breakaway and skates i the opposing team's goalie lone for a shot. t Big Plays are infrequent .,. ad, an accumulation of...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 27

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,19$7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN IIAILY A Ji Weather Plagues Al Nine; Takes Second Place By GRAYLE HOWLETT Executive Sports Editor "Take Juan Marichal and Willie Mays away from San Francisco and where would the Giants be?" This provocative question was posed by Moby Benedict, coach of the Michigan baseball team, the 1967 bridesmaids of the Big Ten Conference. It's a question Coach Benedict...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 28

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Swim Team Lacks Depth After Graduations By DOUG HELLER At the close of the 1966 swim- ming season, there was almost a feeling of an end of an era for Gus Stager's tankers. After maintaining consistent runners-up spots to seven straight Indiana swimming championships, one of the greatest senior crops in Wolverine history was graduat- ing. It didn't look like there was much around to r...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 29

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 196: THE MICHIGAN DAILY r TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1907 THE MICHIGAN flAlli Golf Team Tries To Break Jinx (Continued from Page 4) pects the varsity crew to be great- Coach Katzenmeyer predicts a ly enlarged by the talented crop strong teim for next season, the of last year's freshmen. lineup depending upon how well Top prospects among the soph- the veterans and omres do during practice. upcoming soph- fall and winter "The...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…PAGE EIG'HT'' THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 .AE....TH IC IG N DA- TUESDvAY ,i~AUGUST 29ya . 1967v Mat Y By BOB LEES April is normally a slow month for followers of winter sports. Basketball has had its finals, gymnastics is done, swimming and indoor track are finishing up, and sports editors are hard-pressed to - find interesting tidbits to inform their readers. So why, on the night of April 8 last spring, was The Daily's spo...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 31

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,196% THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU1~DAY AUGST 9, 9O~ HE ICHIAN ~iL CACLARK NORTONj ct Multiversity Athletics: Bureaucracy on a Basketball Court As an out-of-state student, I'm often asked why I decided to attend the University of Michigan. Usually sticking to the insane stock reply "It's a good school," I find it's also helpful to acquire a puzzled expression like "You expected Harvard, maybe?" Actually it's the only place I app...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…IT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TN THE MICHIGAN DAILY :fir Ie 'I arriving. on campus is more than'just getting there NN / 41 ---- _. I -I 01 As everyone knows, it's what you do, where you go, how you look. Anid to Incidentally, you'll Meet the nicest People at ElMS . .. and ill these f amou s zanies, ill meni's and 'women's clot hing, as wvell. this latter end, our Arborland store is very much centered upon the tastes and traditions of...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 33

…E1Y £fI igau Iaitl Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 ADMINISTRATION SEC ------- . _.. I S 0 " S 0 U N V Fleming Rep/aces Hatcher E R S I T Y . Fleming's Background in Labor Mediation is Seen as Vital in His Rise to 'U' President I By DAVID BERSON THE University's new president Robben W. Fleming, is one of a new breed of men which has emerged to r...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…THE MICHICA N DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 29, 1967 State Board Maps Out Unified Educational Plan By LAURENCE MEDOW Associate Managing Editor The State Board of Education, frequent target of criticism in S two-and-a-half years of exist- ice, is beginning to acquire a lore defined role in Michigan's, ducational affairs.'' 1 The board's authority is vested i Article VIII, Section 3 of the' 963 state constitution, which ates the board "shall serve ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 35

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, X967 THE MICRIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST Z9, 1961 TUE IIJICIJIGAN DAILY 1 - - .d--~ 'U' Bureaucrats: Shuffling Papers, Filing Memos By ROGER RAPOPORT Editor It is tradition on college news- papers to haul out the collective files on the school's administration once each year to write an article for the freshman supplement. Usu- ally the article gives the big story on the president and his vice- presidents-"the men who...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 36

…XM THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, i4. r THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29.1 907 Regents: Unamiliar Faces, Powerful R4 oles f By THOMAS R. COPI stitutionally, the eight-man of Regents owns and oper- the University. University can only be spent with its val; diplomas can only be ed by its authority. 3 yet the members of this whose actions are felt where at the University, from onstruction of a new Dental . to the conduct of ...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 37

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 2J, 196'7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saga of Catholepistemiad: 150 By STEPHEN WILDSTROM The University of Michigan was born out of a confluence of dreams in the early 19th century. First of all, there was the great dream, the American Dream, the dream of the Confederation Con- gress for a vastly expanded coun- try and an improved Northwest. Congress took a step toward realization of thi...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 38

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 )NFLUENCE OF DREAMS: 'U' Ends 150th Year ( e br )f Educational Growth Continued from Page 5) The remainder of the 50's pass- ence is bound to have a lasting r national political storm ed in relative quiet with steady effect. rewing. McCarthysm was growth both of student body and In early 1966, President Hatcher ng the country and the plant. It was not until the middle announced plans to retire by the sit...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 39

…C, r Lwdrigen EBatty Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIH, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 ACADEMICS SECI 0 0 0 0 . 0 A Residential College Opens its Doors C A D E I Scheduled for Completion in 1969, New Residence Halls on North Campus Will Accommodate 1200 Students M By MICHAEL HEFFER City Editor and MARK LEVIN Summer Supplement Editor THE OPENING of the temporary quarters of th...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 40

…TUESDAY, AUGIIST 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AI7Cil7~T 2f~. 1*~ - - - - -, AIV I lood, Sweat, Tears Stain Path to Prof's Podium By WALTER SHAPIRO Somewhere in this vast land, perhaps on this very campus, a youth sits avidly studying by the light of a Tensor lamp and dreams of someday lecturing to an en- thralled class at the Harvard of the Midwest. But the road leading to the podium of Aud. A is long and ardo...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 41

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967' *LSA THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGI Faculty Tests Academic Innovation By PAT O'DONOHUE A new concern with the future and direction of higher education seems to have taken hold of a once indifferent literary college faculty. Professors and instructors with- in the college have spent many long hours in the last year out- side their classroooms and labor- atories hammering out innovative changes in a wide range of aca- de...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 42

…U" THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUES /"'V "-V 1u1-FTYYTT'7 A rFT' TtVE MAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 Excur By MARCY ABRAMSON+ A student interested in natural sciences, archaeology, or the arts can find ample opportunities in Ann Arbor to indulge his avoca- tion if he is willing to do a little legwork. Within walking distance from central campus can be found exhibits of everything from con-' temporary paintings to towering dinosaurs to 17th century musical ins...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 43

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Booked-to-Capacity Libraries Bound To Be H Ielpf By JENNIFER ANNE RHEA There is no more noble monu- ment that man may construct in his honor than that of a library system. Through this complex col- lection of books, periodicals, maps, records, tapes, microfilms, and other such recordings, humanity seeks to leave posterity a systema- k£ tized presentation of the expecta- tions, follies, and success...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 Affairs acuity Assumes New By PAT O'DONOHUE ribers of the Senate Advisory .ittee on University Affairs JA), the executive organ of niversity faculty's Senate As- y, were quietly hopeful, last it this time, about the pos- y of making their organ- a "a powerful weapon" with- e University community. to that point, apathy on art of a large majority of y members had made SACUA vely impotent considerin...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 45

…'I ESDAYf A GTJ.ST 29,1967' THE MICHIGAN DAILY' TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 mE MICUIGAN hA liv I. Making the University Workable: Tips for the Incoming Freshman INITIATIVE NECESSARY: U 'Academic Counseling Offei Below are a number of informal tips to help you, the incom- ing student, make it through your four years at the University. Although you will probably pick them up along the way inde- pendently, The Daily hopes to save you a little t...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…EIT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU ?esearch Activities Bring Increased Knowl JESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 ? dge, By ROBERT JOHNSTON and MARK LEVIN esearch of all shapes and sizes become an integral part of educational process at almost of America's colleges and uni- ities. Competition for the lim- t supply of research funds pro- d by the federal government the huge private foundations intense. Extensive staffs of aly skilled technicians devoted rely to pr...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 47

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967 THE MICH116AN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY New Bureaucracy r .s. 5 ;t . {§ r y 'U' Honors Program Encourages In-Depth Study, Critical Analysis f end .itself against the "purists" across the street in Randall Lab, for instance, or in various literary college departments. The chemical and metallurgical engineering department, one of the very fine ones in the country, has numerous projects underway. Prof. Donald L. Katz...…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 2' 1 9 4i .../".e+Gw. ' -~/ "' . a 11\" -'" I, OOP 0 LL TT'S E S STUU E I 7 E CA 10 L COSTS These first few weeks in a new environment can be quite challenging to even the strongest of men. To many of you your whole life will change .. the strong may become weak, the weak many become strong. Only time will tell where and how you fit into this new spec- trum of life. But no matter the outcom...…

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