gong-Range Needs, Financing Guide 'U' Expai
rUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1967
BURSLEY HALL when fully open will accommodate over 1200 students.
o I enaiJma ce
i n aan tnuer atmoiper "e
213 S. State
NO 2-3413
Mon.-Fri. 8:30 A.M.-10 P.M.
Sat. 8 A.M.-6 P.M.
(Continued from Page 1)
provided through the federal gov-
ernment's college assistance acts
and such agencies as the National
Institute of Health. Private grants
received a big increase this year
through the $55 million fund rais-
ing drive. The University also
takes loans on profit-producing
ventures, such as parking struc-
tures and sells bonds. Student fees
finance only a small part of the
total construction program.
The planning behind currently
approved priority facilities was be-
gun at least 10 years ago. Available
space and future needs had to be
determined far in advance. Just as
in 1892, when the University de-
cided to buy land a remote four
blocks from crowded Central Cam-
pus for its new hospital; so in
1951 another predicted space pinch
led to the purchase of the North
Campus area.
Detailed studies of the future of
Central Campus, the medical area,
North Campus, and the routes con-
necting them have proven this
purchase' to be a sound invest-
ment and made the University the
envy of most universities. An im-
portant decision has already placed
the School of Music on North
Campus and the entire Engineer-
ing College, is to be moved there
in five phases, to be completed by
This plan would leave Central
Campus to the other schools and
allow space for the medical center
to expand.
The Residential College has been
selected between the medical cen-
ter and the entrance to North
Campus on a site which is now a
city golf course. Funding 'will be
delayed but it is projected that
with its completion, one long, but
unified campus will be the result.
The residential program is tem-
porarily being housed in a portion
of East Quadrangle.
Although the commitment for
the facilities is firm, the arrange-
ments may not be ready for con-
struction for more than a year. If
the concept proves as glamorous
as expected, other units may be
established on the far end of North
But despite strikes and funding
problems, actual construction to-
day dots the campus and signs
mark the location of other major
facilities' which are approved,
funded and soon to be built.
The most conspicious site today
is that of the $16.8 million Dental
school building; which stands in
back of Health Service. The Old
Dental School facility is scheduled
for demolition in the winter of
1968 to make way for a section of
the new building. The entire facil-
ity will be ready by late 1969,
funded mainly by the state and
partly by federal project grants.
Soon to begin a $5.2 millionI
addition to the General Library,
which will add space for 700,000
volumes and 740 badly-needed
study carrells. This will relieve a
space shortage which has forced
storage of more than 300,000 vol-
umes in the past few years. A rare
book room with a 100,000 volume
capacity, a map room, manuscript
rooms and new cataloging facil-
ities will add to the quality of the
eight-story unit, to be connected
to the back of the existing build-
ing. Construction will begin this
fall and completion is scheduled
for summer, 1969.
A new administrative office
building is rising directly in back
of the old administration building.
When completed, this spring, the
administration offices will be
moved and the old building will
be converted to provide much-
needed literary college office space.
On the medical campus, a ten-
year expansion program to meet
the needs brought out in a study
completed in 1965 is under way.
The study found that existing
facilities will not be adequateto
provide the minimum opportuni-
ties of medical education in 1975.
The biggest project is Medical
Science II Building, which will be
ready for occupancy next year.
This building has classroom and
laboratory space which will per-
mit the completion of a transfer
of medical school departments not
now in the medical campus area
and will allow overcrowded literary
college and pharmacy units to
move into the East Medical Build-
ing, emptied by the move.
On the other side of the hos-
pital, the C.S. Mott Children'sI
Hospital is nearing completion.
Supported by the private Mott
Foundation, it represents a major,
addition to the hospital's clinical
facilities and will allow expansion
of pediatrics studies and relieve
units of the Hospital building.
Another privately funded project
is the Upjohn Center for Clinical
Pharmacology which will begin to
rise behind the Hospital in the
spring. This wil be a major Phar-
maceutical research facility.
Another major project which
will begin next spring is the $6.6
million first phase of a building
for the School of Public Health
in the medical center. Funded by
federal and private grants, it will
be completed in 1970, at which
time the $4.5 million second phase
will begin which will allow the
school to double its enrollment.
On the North Campus, grants
from the Automobile Manufact-
ures Association are building a $4
million Highway Saftety Research
Center at the far end of the
campus. This facility will openj
pus Commons, the facility will be
connected with the Engineering
Graduate studies.
Housing, also, has been ex-
panded to North Campus, in
anticipation of the increasing
programs. The $8.1 million Bur-
sley and $4.1 million Vera Baits
dormitory complexes will both be
open this fall and their conven-
ience will improve when more'
classes are held on North Campus.
Married student housing, as'
well, will get a 400 unit expansion
when the $7.5 million Northwood
IV complex is started this fall,
The $6.4 million University
Events Building will open to its
nirst basketball game inpDecem-
ber, a year behind schedule, due
to a construction accident, which
damaged its roof supports and to
several construction strikes,
But, the projects mentioned
represent just a fraction of the
plans which are slated for the
near future. When means for fin-
ancing them have been arranged,
each of the following will be pri-
ority items.
The University Theatre, to be
located on the corner of Huron
and Thayer Streets, has been de-
avoid the need to use Hill Audi-
torium which was not designed
for stage productions.
Another high priority item is a
major building for the college of
Architecture and Design on North
Campus, to replace the present
building which was built for only
a third of the current enrollment.
A 21 acre site has. been set aside
and first appropriations have been
requested for summer 1969. The
building currently being used will
then be converted for use by the
literary college.'
A $4.7 million School of Edu-
cation huilding has also been sug-
gested in order to move the educa-
tion school to North Campus,
where more space is available. In
the meantime, University High
School, whose students are being
transferred to the new Huron High
School, will be remodeled and
receive an addition for the sole
use of the university., Current
plans call-for that work to begin
next summer.
And even these projects repre-
sent Just a fraction 'of the ex-
pansion possibilities under consid-
eration by the administration. A
list for the next 10 years covers
over 100 needed facilities.
in the fall of 1968 and will op- signed to be a combination of the
erate closely with the College of modern and traditonal stage. It
Engineering. is to be funded partly through
Another automotive grant has gifts and partly from student fees,
built the $1.4 million Chrysler but construction has been held
Center for Continuing Engineer- up until arrangements are worked
ing Education, which opens this out. It would provide a site for
fall. Located next to North Cam- major dramatic presentations and
(Internationally known as one of the few remaining areas of craftsmanship)
Come in and visit; it is an integral part of your Ann Arbor experience.
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