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August 29, 1967 - Image 22

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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[JNUIL4U1 Jja , fLea preat at V12t k;
I b , A , ; , ,I o a n I z i vj?
NI i JJ WO -IL~l~ fol.the /a.F rno e he xee 'seG~ o0
find" a o~r- J jet a ap,0 . ec? itSelr
" onzi,: tfie z g atap0 ~
Ca sStirred by Bard'ew ' Of
o 4f Editor o*, . .,.,



t1 iaS soecli ito T a wSaz Tima },;n f 1l'.teff l
,,ga'd x~ > v .tersitY of 14ichian met today lnr t~
an usE EX h dn - to discus' a tag e ed~lU
iei- d1ttn le e 1t flt ax e'l ' over the reje 0cted7et t ltrr tt 407
of~ oe doi re £ncn~era~ s edutor oeth un~i~ 1,ot
4rty xay o ded i o E>nomination of an opleUf l , b ~PC; tvP P Vte C
e~~v stdent newspaper u
n5~ " l The dispute centers ons a ' ir l 4 lrtl
lis ed us td 92eoX exbe W",a L.5 SXdin Control of Student Pulid rC S~trzn J~ll r o Ih
-. tia' hsal dd 10 v o ltions to appo tRge aa 0 pot uuo rmShenet er VolJ1L nt
je hcQ b1 s a eioro te hif 'J r(,)'~ rn 4 C7 ti )
w o Elx' S al 0 l s1: a sd>tthe newspaper 5 . ow.r ,
flelosed la npex exl'to te.Lj at dt aby hthe outgoing (7~ (tb, . cr
Casu ese g sg do editos. AltoUg h
coe os ~G~u'C- onier zother candiat ,V loh rr lmaf'h~.
c1afl .. boxing d . t£ d bg SOh idSa e d oeading p tt nivositions, the t . j a ii . r'
haven beeh slit x s b y T I IGRAN
e co atv Or ui oA to xwa rtx1 xvyax tox i°iYt' tantamount to fl Ont
. a slim ear enco w~eek. Ql tesy oob nb NIgaexV t1a v" s The board r:
;Wit e hed as sec O d sof e a t slat agars.ieclt G o ie s v
aiN round of genera
:lv re5a oPxbdte hw hlte an 1yk dvl~ h a l x1 senior Rgn oblSy
coxXln - .hth e ca b xbstati nl and Somktl( .IIl IA
but~ Maa us" toe the stdudentsisialnu G~sae~nsallllil sale lo sse
toatX _ inot rn n od%" a
ItSem 10L ANIn cl XJ xEw W e1 esel N lo cspar and voe of t A r
po n s t p e e ta i t d ntetp li1 c a 1 tb s al c~ v b n . e se O A n , k 1 1a 1 e i t > o f the uni\rit a o t I "
t h e Y ,c ' e , art ng w d n 1 I 1a C
I th i es Y ta i xeve erbp41t E Oe x g'nas xaleExlax>an tx-'~v edeC ^'; h adrfifl
ex cerp~ t n mak n c tr p a e ts0 x0 a a iSC O ' a\ tXO ip ap r but hr n l ,as ? ly
tht '. tha ecms1ig .5 0run anindcixalD ta oad a'
, d 1111 7l c e4 ° 10Th11~ a h vul z { ,
k d\ ~pe~e e aily rpaper wer r
riin mtofewap lss e s e' b eton and.
th wie iedn gEn igeY. e.>edt Th&so ae sarcwhat o
hep £ u0t .oe. r g bavcoet cooe a x elSb k n GiXl- wileprint" i { lir '
Ts tre wecn , tt lE es>g es e
to ro~el1ex0~ ~ C~Ca~Oh~~
leOrgauizloE~tslYI n.i' oot ns ~eersiest ~syxA hiet l ~ a ep. g o'n-ie nt n-if
truste E Lb e as . ev ia, t, ~"a.'rtt-.



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'y o
_u2J " _ 2

By SUSAN ELAN Tile decision of the Nationia l An ,'v
Assocate Managing Editor Council of SDS to train 30 organiz- in~.- "-tt
he Dailyers will become the primary re-r
CA as TeN-sponsibility of REP. These region-
CAMBRIDG , Mass. The Na-al organizers will be responsible l ;
dents for a for meeting the immediate educa- -t1 an'
Democratic Society (SDS) voted tional needs of the local SDS .
yesterday to hire and train 30 'chapters. This will entail the dis- ;Yy19 5
full-time regional teacher-organiz- tribution of film,, pamphlets and SeOr
'srs, to move the headquarters of aid in campus organizing on such a
she Radical Education Project issues as student power, and the
(REP), from Ann Arbor to Chi- draft.
sago, and to give full support to A sunimer institute will be set uf
the Spring Mobilization to End for the intensive training of tbi
the War in Vietnam. ' teacher-organizers. , aa


s .a 1'2 ssay"lto1pr1 elapuTh
ihla jell ~wt of DetroL.3
e IV j I '44l y~ ta a talllgh
xc icctE S 'btu a hsm nd j ur ss re
I')1L lt t ,' -i's -S
1W.Ct..iaxd}1iatmairedxoX' to 0 to intothat
etatjg. WX, ssarya' revenY taP
iotat som zla-- l of 'an niastenprimut
"Nriticised .~l tar. ,a d 1O1' n l1rh Ahn , npu
he OE iic 1 1'<Lllt ? TI a a 114<3 oi sity is > eleto c1
th1li1sis year. a 1St dla1 a~ir tair l Ver, er ndi.
the Boardi in Con- ' n'b
" 1 ,=,1 r al ilfor fun'
4 Connect;cut DailyCampus DN eSDY AC ,16


1~il 11 . ~' 'T T




__ _ - -uLu d i t o r "- j, ,aa. . r it lk
a e - - aal " - a ,5a klJsa

Illinois Bid To
Elliott, Combes,

- y11 1C q\i 1" Q ' \ .
- ... -, . . al, .. ,. a
2 aap e Ca
t ecial co The DailyG
~gICGQ~ ther fnal uhv

IFew campus newspapers are more in-
fluential than the Michigan Daily at the
U~niversity of Michigan here, and Clarence
Fninto is what is making the Daily move
these cdays.
Mr. Fanto is managing editor of the
paper. An intense, energetic young man,
lie infuses the paper with the same serb
OLIS mnin be displays in carefully answer-
m:, a visitor's questions.
To him, the paper is 'a disseminator of
sews, a purveyor of opinion, a poser of
qujestions, and a forum for those who be-
lieve they have the answers. What the
paper prints, he emphasizes, is not always

a~a Aastrati
t have

the ol of Studen u-
f us ed to approve
next year's editor.
who is always rec-
ommended by " t hl:
current editors a c
rarely turned downi.
The board lawns
'° the Daily. "Occasi-

... "'"

4 oncictDiyCapsWD-SAMRC ,16
Michigan Daily-Finest
Student Paper-Unoer Study

^-, ;,

think is important to them."
.,0 M. ano ly riiczeti;printed closely after we print so;zq,
V [ Lti-',,v1(ents, thing, but they have never consred iy ,
aL : 1'tnn before publication," says Mr. Fsu:i;.
.L."Pndence that enslY;4!
Fleiw ia t to crussul
AVOS ~ forItlProved P
9zrDNalti but beCaus
ft t
Thee b te C
ZMg aZl~ iras~yoc~nbth.te iy to-upece
424 findtre
eta ..,-

many observers of collegiate
journalism as the finest student
paper in the'anation, is about to
be investigated,
The University of Michigan's
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications has asked that the
Committee on University Affairs
(FACUA) establish a committee
"to consider the properpurpose,
function, and responsibility of a
student newspaper in this uni-
versity community."
A resolution of the publi-
cations board asks that the new
committee investigate whether

rte"- '

the problem to another morep.-a
resentative group.
A-former DAILY staffer, W' s1b/ 0k'I
ter said that. the problem %l lTl
now been stated as "Just a' "> ~
vestigation of the relation zo aS
board to the DAILY" 117
"This doesn't mean a taakq'
It's going to be a c all l t o ~ poI
move," said Winter h~< 0Jktr ' °J(
that among the prob" l)e, h tt 11° o/. 2
sed might be the S ' ml hl ~
making the DAIL' e oy 0 Qj /~A~
and the possiblE laj a'ai I p2(7 %< C l t
a second newsp hk e}1'4,ei ~ 1
Arbor campus,, 4N?/01. 0I1,qt;al

the Big Ten Faculty Representa-
b~t >tives yesterday told University of
"'1inois President David D. Henry
SCoaches Pete' Elliott, Hiar-
r ~ and Howard Braun ar.!
1 'i the Illinois ath-
.a -ch 21, Illinois
e Inerceted lty go.
1 t1t j T'
9 G , aa
Leter 1 p


111 a .


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