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August 29, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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AUGUST 29, X967


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Robertson Departs to Residential College

Hatcher Commission Attempts
To Define Complex Mandate

A changing of the guard has
taken place in the literary college
administration that tultimately
affects the lives of most under-
graduates who will pass through
the college and the new Resi-.
dential College.
After 17 years as associate dean
of the literary college in charge
of students, James H. Robertson
moved into temporary quarters in
the East Quadrangle as dean of
the Residential College, replacing
retiring dean Burton D. Thuma.
Into Robertson's position moved
James W. Shaw, formerly head of
the junior-senior counseling divi-
sion of the college.
Warm Tradition
Robertson leaves behind him a
warm tradition of dealing indi-
vidually with the hundreds of
thousands of students who sought
help from his office over the
years. As chairman of the ad-
ministrative board which is con-
cerned with students in academic
trouble, he inherited and extended
the policy of reviewing transcripts
and records of students in trouble
at the end of each semester and
counseling students individually
on possible alternatives.
"It has been a basic conviction
that part of the college's respon-
sibility is to help the student un-'
derstand what happened, so that
he may make timely decisions af-
fecting his future," explained4
Shaw concurs with, the policy,
having served on the administra-
tion review board during the
hectic two-week round of review-
ing and interviewing.
During his tenure as dean of
the literary college, Robertson was
instrumental in setting up the
junior year abroad programs in,
which several dozen selected lan-
guage students study at Aix-en-
Provence in France or Freiburg,
Germany. He will continue to di-
rect this program while dean of
the Residential College and will
also advise the Committee for In-
stitutional Cooperation-the joint
venture of the Big Ten and Uni-
versity of Chicago - on study
abroad programs.
Robertson's good-natured, pipe
smoking demeanor belies his
brittle intellect, according to his
administrative assistant, J o h n
Manning, Jr.
"This is the sort of man you
want in charge of the Residential
College," said Manning. "Because
there are no rules and precedents,
you need a man who models his
touch to the individual in dealing
with people. At heart he is a lit-
erary person, a humane humanist
who sees education as an educa-
tor and is only secondarily an ad-

into one of the best and most
comprehensive for the size of its
clientele in the country.
Robertson's record also makes
a tough performance for Dean
Shaw to follow. Shaw wii con-
tinue to head junior-senior coun-
seling until a replacement is ap-
pointed. He inaugurated further
policies designed to free students
and faculty from the more mun-
dane aspects of selecting courses.
The optional counseling pro-
gram permits students to preclas-
sify without the aid of a counselor
and a "superclerk" position will
be created for routine and coun-
seling appointments clerical jobs.
Last spring a "progress report"
orform was created for faculty use
to appraise the counseling office
of any student showing difficulty
or outstanding progress in his
"Students should be aware that
p p o r t counseling is primarily a passing
lty en- of. the buck to the students; stu-
dents have to come to us if they
college, want to get things done," cau-
ortance tioned Shaw.
in the "Compulsory counseling is about
rs, who the only reaching out we can do
rather for the student not already in
d coun- trouble. We owe the student
forts of something morehthan an M-
dean's shuffle; we feel he deserves to see
faculty a faculty member face to face at
service least once a semester.
-ri- .

"We do lots of little bureau- By LUCY KENNEDY sion considers its mandate. Most
cratic things that cannot substi- The interim report of the Com- of the commission members are,
tute for the value of teacher-stu- mision on the Role of the Students however, satisfied with the pro-
dent perceptive isight into a in University Decision Making gress the commission has made
student's progress." commented leaves many problems unanswered, and feel the right atmosphere has
Shaw. "Unfortunately, most stu- but committee members are op- been set for a report that will be
dents come to us only as a last timistic about possibilities for suc- acceptable to all parties.
resort." cessful report by the end of the "It is apparent," the report
Shaw does not view his role fall semester. states, "that there is broad feeling
solely as one of passing out President Harlan Hatcher set up within the commission that stu-
Kleenex to despairing students, the commission in November, 1966 dents should have a more impor-
howeveris an intellectually inter- in response to students' demands tant role in the governing of the
for a greater voice in Universit Unin i *iii thnn the fnrm. rnl t



The humanist approach comes
out when Robertson talks of his
hopes for the development of the
Residential College.
"We want to give the students
a sense of their own responsibility
in their personal learning much
earlier than is received in the
literary college," he explained.
"This should be achieved not by
laying down how things are to be
done, but to create a 'sense of
expectance' that would encourage

the development of r a
among students and facu
gaged in the experiment."
As dean of the literary
Robertson stressed the imp
of keeping counseling
hands of faculty, as advise
work only one-third time
than full-time professiona
selors. Along with theeff
the counseling staff and
assistants, the policy of
involvement has built the

esting place to be because of its
breadth of contact with men in policy making.
The commission's report will be
every field and events going on presented to the University presi-
in"the colnk hsthe lained, dent, but it is not binding. It func-
where theory and practice of tions as an advisory body only.
whathceo ughdprctie of, Last November, Ed Robinson,
what arcollege ought to be come '67, former SGC president, Mark
together and are adjusted," con- Killingsworth, '67, former editor
tinued Shaw, who is also a mem- of The Daily, and John Dalameter,
ber of the English department grad, former president of the
and continues to teach classes. Graduate Student Council were
"Students should look upon this appointed as student members of
office as a place of accommoda- the commission by Hatcher. After
tion where they are treated as in- Robinson and Killingsworth re-
dividuals with different back- fused to serve, Hatcher said he
grounds and goals. We hope to would allow SGC -to select the stu-
give the student neither a 'yes' or dent members of the Commission.
'no' but some intelligent discus- Faculty and administration rep-
sion of his particular problem." resentatives were appointed by
"In sum, what this office aims Hatcher.
to represent to the students of Students Skeptical
the college," continues Shaw, "is From the beginning, the com-
the spirit that 120 credit hours mission was considered by many
represents, not just the legalities students to be a way to avoid
of the requirements." granting students more power and
To countless students, Deans many remain skeptical. The in-
Robertson and Shaw have and terim report to some extent con-
will continue to represent the firms their fears, since it does
spirit of the education counselor. little but define what the commis-

unvers Ly an e ornai struc-
ture would appear to suggest or
Much of the work of the com-
mission so far has been to find'
what they consider to be the cen-
tral issue of the role of the student
in University decision ntaking.
* How intrusive in the lives of
students should the University be
by way of regulation and service?
9 Is administrative or faculty
consultation, advice, review, con-
sent or veto appropriate in areas
where students play a definitive
role? Should student represent-
atives be provided some direct for-
mal access to the Board of Re-
* What constitutes a properly
representative agency for student
participation in University deci-
sion making?
0 How can the necessary divi-
sion of student, faculty, and ad-
ministrative functions be main-
tained while allowing all three to
participate in decisions affecting
the whole University community?

By last May, many commission
members felt concern for the
whole University had been gen-
erated rather than concern for
faculty, administration, or stu-
Members of the commission
summed up their accomplishment
saying, "We have been learning
about each other, from each
other, and with each other. We
still have much to learn, but we
have every reason to hope that
we can succeed in producing a re-
port that will represent a con-
structive contribution to the or-
derly progress of the University."
Prof. Bernard A. Galler of the
math department commented,
"The Commission was created at
a time of crisis. I'm glad we
didn't have to rush in and tear
the .University apart. I'm glad the
group has come to be able to
talk like a group."
Few Accomplishments
Prof. Maurice Sinnott of the
College of Engineering, who is
acting chairman for informal
summer sessions, noted that there
were few tangible accomplish-
ments of the commission so far,
"but we have progressed. Mem-
bers now trust each other and
have learned from each other."
Gretchen Groth, grad, com-
mented that the commission "has
not in general been bogged down.
Given the size and ambiguity of
the mandate, it would have been
impossible to .come to a conclu-
sion at this point."

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Uf o Issue Student 1D Cards
With Social Security Numbers
BY JENNY STILLER The new identification cards are only during the fall semester.
The wide-spread use of social punched for use in an IBM-III-7. This will give all students ample
security numbers for identification The computer can be used to facil- time to acquire social security
purposes is the chief reason behind itate record-keeping. numbers, which will replace their
the University's decision to issue Aother advantage of the new igned numbers.
new student identification cards, a r willabe the nn Foreign students and certain
according to Thomas C. Turner, ds will e the em ation of clerics forbidden by their orders
a din t homsC.T ,th fnr i ct rrtifi

director of statistical services.
"The use of social security num-
bers for identification purposes
has become fairly generalized,"
Turner explained. "Even the mil-
itary is now using them instead
of issuing its own file numbers."
He added that, although duplica-
tion of names might occur, each
person's social security number is
The new identification numbers
will consist of the student's social
security number, followed by a
check digit. The check digit will
help to circumvent clerical errors,
since a programmed computer
would note any inconsistencies
within the numbers.
Using this method, coding er-
rors, incomplete numbers, trans-
position of digits, and similar mis-
takes can be detected immediately.

Le neea or r egis ranion ce - 1
cates. At the bottom of the cards
will be term validation spaces,
which wil be stamped during each
A place for the students' signa-
ture is provided on the back of
each card. Any attempt to alter
the signature by erasing will ex-
pose a "void" notation.E

to obtain social security numbers
will continue to have assigned
numbers after the fall semester.
Freshman and entering transfer
students have been receiving the
new identification cards during
summer orientation. Other stu-
dents will receive theirs in the fall
during registration.
The embossed maize cards have
hnb forinlmowqt a vpa r

Students without social security pac cd ig lu rner. Th e ne
numbers will be given "officially according to Turner. The new
assigned" -numbers containing the cards are just another in a se-
assined-nuber cotaiingtheries of previous identification
same number of digits as a social ciesfwhious denti ication
cards, which at one time even fea-
security number. The initial three tured photographs of the students.
digits will be zeros to distinguish The current cards were intro-
them from actual social security duced in 1961, and were the first
numbers. to utilize the "charge-plate" style
All students who did not enter of embossed letters and digits. The
a social security number on their current blue identification cards
last registrationnaire will receive will not be collected, but will be
assigned numbers. The assigned declared invalid at the beginning
number policy will be in effect of the fall semester.




:, t

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A A In1/ A l^nJ fI7l'Fn A ILIAAM MI^/

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