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November 30, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…Friday, Novembee 0, 10 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Friday, N~vernI* 30, 1 ~73 THE M1CHIGAN DAILY P~e Five Mizoguchi Festival Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud. Fri., Sat., Sun., 7, 9:05 Kenji Mizoguchi and Akira Kurosawa are Japan's finest filmmakers, unless you prefer Inoshiro Honda's direction of Godzilla. Mizoguchi (with a Z) has consistently turned out beautiful jidai-geki (historical) films, realistic tales set within Japan's past. Friday's S...…

November 30, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY PrA,-i N r rI lt9? 1 1 tuuy, ryQvt:-rTiuur Du, 1 7 l x Daily Classifieds i k FOR RENT 4-MONTH winter term leases at Uni-' versity Towers. 536 S. Forest. 761-2680. cCtc ROOM in Graduate Coed House avail- able. Male preferred. Rent $82.50 per mo. Call 663-5988 evenings. 33C104 LARGE ROOM in family home for con- siderate non-smoker. Available Jan. Garage. 761-0787. 54C121 ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. in old house...…

November 30, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…Fridy, Nvembr 34 191 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Seven Fria--Novmbe.30...3.TE.MCHIAN.AIL--ae-Sve House rejects measure on, campaign spending in -- .-----------.-------- _____ I!U (Coptinued from Page i) automatically falls to its perma- vent $400~ billion level, with actual debt figured At roughly $467 bil- I. lion'. ASST. ATTY. Gen. Henry Peter- sen condemned what he called a ' "hypocritical" Congress for re- sisting tough penalties on ...…

November 30, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…mm PQge Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday; November 30, 1913 __g~ih H IHIA AL rdy Nvme 0 9i r I yr TAPE RECORDER 4 SPECIALISTS AUTHORIZED WARRANTY I "THE FULLY-EQUIPPED & REPAIR STATIONj AUDIO LABORATORY" " Advent 0 Akai * Altec * Ampex " Bell & Howell " BSR 0 Concord " Craig 0 Crown * Dual 0 Dynaco " Electro-Voice " Garrard 0 Grundig " Harmon/Kardon * JBL Kenwood * KLH 0 Lenco " Magnacord " Marantz " Mayfair " Miracord * Norelco * P...…

November 30, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 70) • Page Image 9

…I 1973 THE MICHIGAN -DAILY' Page Nine THE MICHtGAN DAILY PQge Nine I M =TORmenting chuck bloom The Big Ten . .. ... a study in absurdity V E BIG TEN made a big mistake in sending Ohio State to the Rose Bowl. The Buckeyes are not the most representative team; of the conference. For that matter, neither is Michigan. No, the Big Ten representative should have been the vaunted and feared Iowa Hawkeyes. They are healthy-their top performer ...…

November 30, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 70) • Page Image 10

… Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 30, 1973 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY I .# * r 4- 9 I uper a In s 3 I I . Ila.m.-Midnight (at least) Friday, Nov. 30 Only COMPONENT BIC LUX 71-3R RECEIVER .............. SONY TC 134SD DOLBY CASSETTE DECK . SONY (SQD) 1000 DECODER ............ YAMAHA CT 700 TUNER ............. AR 4X SPEAKERS .. ..... ........... PIONEER SA 500 AMP .............. PANASONIC 5500 RECEIVER.......... S...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…CITYWIDE RENT CONTROL NEEDED See Editorial Page S1it'~g~~ Ad&W :43atty CHILLIER High-38 Low-24 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 29, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages u iFYOU SEENE&S RAMPECALL rDA lY False aarm Overheated and smelly transformers at the Univer- sity radio station WUOM brought the Ann Arbor Fire Department out in force, yesterday evening, t...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…Pc ge Tyro THE MICHIGAN .DAILY Thursday, November 29, 1973 a IF UNWANTED PRAGNANCY IS A PROBLEM WE CAN HELP YOU * complete patient privacy * warm / comfortable atmosphere * qualified physicians and personnel Your Health Is Our Primary Concern HOPE CLINIC (313) 835-0070 SUPPER SEMINARS ON CURRENT WORLD CONFLICTS No fuel crisis here Convict's extradition -1 Jil 11 SSKI UTAH I k over CHRISTMAS MASS MEETING and FILM Friday, Nov...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…,. 1 Thursday, November 29, 1973 'THE WCHMGYNN'G -,1-LY rtagii ! nr. e Thursday, November 29, 1973 THE MICHIGAN ~[~MtY r~g~ ~hr~e Govt. authorizes lease of oil shale lands for future supply DEMOCRACY PROMISED Greece's new government to establish a new constitution By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - The United States is making progress in conserving fuel, lessening the possibility that gas will have to be rationed early next year, In- teri...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

… I' Merchants attempt to kill bottle law ) Xhr irbigan Bailn Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1973 Citywide rent control needed THIS CITY NEEDS rent control. Anyone who has furtively searched for decent housing at a less than outrageous cost is aware of the need for controlled rents. A...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…Thursday, November 2§, 1 X73 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Thursday, NGvember 2~, 1973THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _. __ . .... .I - ~- U Dancers By M XRNIE HEYN When University Dancers in Concert opens at the Power Cen- ter Thursd.y at b p.m., the audi- ence will be treated to an evening of stimulating visual and musical experiences. University Dancers, an all-stu- dent troupe under the direction of Elizabeth Bergmann, Vera Embree, Gay Delangh...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…I Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday, November 29, 19 1j .. my _. ._ . ._ .._... _... .,--- ..v i;-- I 1~ ..._ _.. 7 : :5 ...rY.riii ...r ii + :aw:. r \,X (4 V :fir... ' ' , - r I Ii get the job done 11 I WER L V r ol. FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY _. UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.9...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, November 29, 1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY Pace Sev+em Thurday Noembe 29 193 IhL MCHIAN AIL . eu' IA SPV . w DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Thursday, November 29 DAY CALENDAR Commission for Women:dPersonnel Policies, Sub-committee, 3rd fl1. Lee. Rm., Rackham, noon. Economics: J. Brown, Cornell U, "To- ward an Economic Theory of Liability," 2429 Mason Hall, 3:30 pm. MHRI: M. Wish, Bell Tel. Lab., "In- dividual Difference in Perceptions of ...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 8

…- e THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 29, 197 Paintings, Prints, Ceramics, Sculpture, Photography ==, 4 i'E ) ', I I GROTE GETS STARTING NOD: I OAN SALE UNION 1 st Floor, I AT THE GALLERY Michigan Union )URS: 10-5 Tues.-Sat. unday & Mondayj Cager By MIKE LISULL Taking a page out of Bo Schem- bechler's Man in Motion, head basketball coach John Orr has de- cided that recruiting pastures are greener on the other side-of the st...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 9

… Thursday, November 29, 1973 1TH5 MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Thursday, November 29, '1973 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Pundits sound Off on! THE BALD SOPRANO by EUGENE IONESCO Rose Bowl "injustice" IF OHIO STATE is the Big Ten's best representa- tive, it should have demonstrated just that Sat- urday. It did not: The Buckeyes failed to beat Michigan. The injustice that is even tougher to swal- low is how the athletic directors, who voted OSU t...…

November 29, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 69) • Page Image 10

…I MIN, In m m" 14" XL-Color... "The Stylest Ensemble" Designed for personal viewing pleasure- engineered for RCA quality and trouble-free performance. Comes complete with a snap-on screen for good contrast in bright daylight, plus attractive table-top swivel base. AccuTint automatically maintains natural flesh tones. Another "affordable portable" from RCA. Reg. yo RL yd 0(l \ . 1 . . , " , J , r // . \ .. J, BID SALE PLAYBACK NOW CARRIE...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…A LI'TTLE MORE DECEPTION See Editorial Page C, 4c itg D43ai4 SLIM- High- 7 Low-39 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom 'Vol. LXXXIV, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 28, 1973 Ten Cents Eight Pages HOUSE VOTE NEXT WEEK S USEE N SE s uPPCALL'M Y Kerr at commencement Dr. Clark Kerr, chairman of the Carnegie Commis- sion on Higher Education, will be the main speaker at the University's December 16...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY ow - -l Wednesday, November 28, 1973 GRADUATE STUDENTS WELCOME! ..... iVi Mp rr r GRAD COFFEE HOUR WEDNESDAY 8-10 p.m. West Conference Room, 4th Floor RACKHAM TON/GHTh university players presents the second showcase production 1973-1974 at the ARENA THEATRE in the Frieze Building and miss reardon drinks a little by PAUL ZINDEL Nov. 26 to Dec. 1 TICKETS: Thursday $1.00; Friday & Saturday $1.50 at Trueblood...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, November 28, 197 THE MICHIGAN DAI Pacge Three~ Wednesday, November 28, 1 97~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sirica gets buzz off first Watergate tape played in courthouse UNIVERSITY DANCERS AT POWER CENTER THURS., NOV. 29-8 P.M. FRI., NOV. 30-4 P.M. & 8 P.M. WORKS BY: GAY DELANGHE VERA EMBREE LUCAS HOVING APPhoto Rose Mary Woods, President Nixon's personal secretary, entered U. S. District Court yesterday for another day of testimony. S...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

… I Mtc Str iun a Ik1iI Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Rape: The victim pays for the crime 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1973 A little more deception PRESIDENTIAL SECRETARY Rose Mary Woods sat down at her desk and started transcribing the tape. Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up, pushing the "record" button...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…" Wednesday, November 2$, l 973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five WensaNvebr2,17 ~H IHGbDAL aeFv Brom By KURT HARJU David Bromberg brought his own variety of "folks" music - a potporrui of tunes ranging from some popular sing-a-longs and folk standards to finger- licking bluegrass and Irish fid- die tunes - back to Ann Arbor Monday night in a special two- day engagement at the Ark. Just coming off a tour that ended in Chicago and in the proces...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

… - Page Six Wednesday. November 26. i r3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Daily clssileds FOR RENT LO )ST AND FOUND OWN ROOM in large apt. in old house. 761-5198. .17030 USED CARS FOR RENT 4 BEDROOM HOUSE available Dec. 15, near hospitals. 761-4999. 80E002 ROOMS FOR RENT. $80/mo. room, 55/ mo. meals. Near Arb. 761-3123, 761- $115. 830005 ONE BEDROOM APT., 2 blocks from Diag, $150. Available winter semester,1 668-6858 after 5. 02C030 FURNISHED o...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, November 28, 1973 i HE Mit iGM UA'iLY Page Seven Wednesday, November 28, 1973 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven MEANWHILE, SUIT SEEKS BOWL RELIEF: Michigan lands ive on loop squad From Wire Service Reports Conference co - champions Mich-: igan and Ohio State placed a com- d a ll bined total of 13 players on the 22-man All-Big Ten football teamI as selected by the Associated Press yesterday. The dominance by the s conference'...…

November 28, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 68) • Page Image 8

… Page Eight .THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 28, 1973 Page Eigl-it THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 28, 1973 Protest over Rose Bowl pick continues NY Times reporter calls Agnew 'tragic' II I. (Continued from Page 1) EGNOR MADE headlines last summer when he represented 12- year-old Carolyn King in her suc- cessful suit to force the Little League to allow her to play base- ball Several hundreds of miles to the southeast on C...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…'V GREEK TRAGEDY A FARCE See Editorial Page C, 4e it Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom fl3a tjt FORLORN High-SO Low-42 See TODAY for details / Vol. LXXXIV, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 27, 1973 Ten Cents. Ten Pages WE NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN' ver t in 's Comm up weeds! !fYOU SEE NE~5 KAPPM CI76AU-M Rose Bowl notes . . .. from the nation's self-proclaimed number one sports fan, mum's the word on...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, Nonvember 27, 1973 - l'qo'Y %,orvwwi io "Yoftito 1Tw*o,?*wrivIT#y}1 'MMM1'V 'KW Vrt#*"Oft~oAr!..q.- 1%q," 1r"1.fw Mtft + tnewrt +r r rr+rv r revwrrwr rn wrew +v un, a rrn r enrwwrrs.. v+ w« n.. rm...... ...:,. , I with the BIG TEN season over _______ we give you TEN BIG reasons iC4 to buy your Football Fan a book (or more) on his favorite subject ALL FOOTBALL BOOKS ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIM...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…,. ' Tuesday, November 27, 1973 ' Mr S -i \\,( r. AILY Page Three _ __ WHILE WALL STREET PLUMMETS: Nixon claims 'energy New Greek regime fires generals to avert possible army counter-coup crisis only temporary' WASHINGTON (Reuter - President Nixon, assured Amer- icans again yesterday that t h e energy shortage was only tem- porary, but Wall Street plum- meted in reaction to his fuel- saving measures and uncertainty over the crisis ...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…i i r s4Lu £wtgan tj Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Pass-fail reform tangled in LSA web' 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1973 A junta for a junta FOR THE SECOND time in seven years, Greek military leaders have seized power in a coup d'etat toppling the exist- ing regime. Sunday's coup, however, turned the Greek trag...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday, November 27, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Tuesday, November 27, 1 97~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five r Shawi By GLORIA JANE SMITH While The New York Times aptly pegged Shawn Phillips an "obviously brilliant performer" last year, there were still cynics who believed that he would not succeed. His lyrics were too complex, too heavily grounded with social and political convic- tions. Not exactly the decadent stuff that stuper-sta...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…/ Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 27, 1973 _. _.._ _ .. __ _______ _.._. t I rw ME! I ) 11 get the job ldone _-i - 4 - FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY 1 UNCONTRACTE D CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS I day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21-25 1.55 3.1...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, November 27, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Severn TBsaNvme 7 93TH IHGNDiYPg ee I o blasts Bowl decision (Continued from Page 1) no way of knowing how bad the State athletic chief Burt Smith, kid was hurt " news briefs . from Daily Wire Services FACTS ON ABORTION YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: " Abortions are legal in Michigan and easily available for early pregnancies I i I who is reluctant to reveal his vote, denied the feud influe...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

… 9 f I .,. r HE MICIciN DAILY Tuesday, November 27, 1973 .c! I.. ,E K. 70 ! MOORE OUTSTANDING IN FINALE sII "'STEVE'S LUNCH 1313 SO. UNIV. Dinner Specials: Breakfast all day: Tues: Beef Stroganoff on 3 Eggs, Hash Browns Rice $1 .75 Toast and Jelly $.95 Wed: Goulash $1.40The above with saus Thurs: Pepper Steak $1,75 or ham $1.30 Fri. Beef Stew $1.50.30 Dinners include salad, 3 eggs, Rib eye steak bread & butter toast and jelly $1 ...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 9

…Tuesday, November 27, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Tuesday, November 27, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine : ose blossoms F - ..Seed4L C& . .Sirn 'The Big T'en will live . . . . to regret this decision' Dan Borus THE McDONALD'S of Ann Arbor, who offered to do so, doesn't have to send Woody Hayes to the Rose Bowl this year. The Big Ten Athletic Directors, in a capricious and vapid decision, relieved the burger chain of the respons...…

November 27, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 67) • Page Image 10

… rage ien President knew of tape flaw (Continued from Page 1) Because of ambiguities in the subpoena, according to Nixon's at- torneys, it was not understood at the White House that the June 20, 1972, conversation between Nixon and Haldeman was one of those being demanded by the prosecutor. JUDGE SIRICA had ordered the White House on Aug. 29 to hand over tapes of nine conversations. But the White House said two of the conversations had never b...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…KENNEDY: TEN YEARS LATER See Editorial Page Y itr4I- A6F :43 a t t LOUSY High-56 Low-35 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 21, 1973 Ten Cents Eight Pages UNANIMOUS APPROVAL ac IF"YUSENSHPMG.- tA1 Program for disabled The University announced yesterday it has received a $77,000 grant from HEW to establish the nation's first Disabled Student Servi...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…Page Two 1i THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 21, 1973 -.. :. i ., , ' II ll . I 'Book collector talks on Miller Come Alone Tonight WEDNESDAY (singles night) OPEN 'TIL 2:00 A moving experience in sound and light 341 S. MAIN ANN ARBOR LIVE ENTERTAINMENT SUNDAYS (Continued from Page 1 believes that the total output rep-1 Miller and Tennessee Williams in no doubt about it. Their ability to resents the author and that in the jth...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, November 21, 1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY rage i nree Wednesday, November 21, 1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY rage nree 11 Future still uncertain for Palestinian refugees By PHIL NEWSOM UPI Foreign News Analyst Beyond the questions of cease- fire, prisoner exchange and Is- raeli withdrawal from occupied Arab lands is another so far receiving little attention but pos- sibly the most difficult of all to solve - the question of the Pales...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…Poge Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY JFK ten years after: Man and myth IlitllA I I II I I IP PIgy11 IPMIPP li 4. Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of the assassination of President John Ken- nedy. Presented here are three perspee- tives on the impact of Kennedy, the man and the President. Co-Editor Christopher Parks reminis- ces about the Ann Arbor visit of a young senator, hot on the Presidential cam- paign tr...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, November 21, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Po e Wednesday, November 21, 1973THE MICHIGAN DAILY ie Fi, Amazo': Weirdness 5 airwaves onW By SUE DISE Look! Up in the airwaves; Is it a bird? A plane? Alice Cooper? No, it's "Amazo Theatre!" What is this new radio weird- ness? "It's Amazo Theatre,' that's it!" says Dan Carlisle, WABX-FM broadcaster. That is as apt a defi- nition as any, since "Amazo Thea- tre" promises to be anything a...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday. November 21,1973 I .. , .. _. ..-I. .r .. . . I r I Daily Classifieds FOR RENT LOST AND FOUND LARGE ROOMS for rent close to cam- LOST - Black male Labrador named pus, kitchen avail. 2 bath, washer Cinder, Wed., by S. Univ. Thick tan & dryer provided. $110/month. 662- collar, no tags, 665-2683. 97A021 3228. 13C106 --- - -- -- - - LOST - Male puppy. All black with FOR RENT-Own room in large house white sp...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, November 21, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Ihigan set f An =AH he aa special a Fhanksglving treaT Nov 22-23-24 Thurs-Fri-Sat ESTHER PHILL Woody's boys last, toughest season foe }. , f -3 By BOB McGINN and All-American right tackle John Five years ago Woody Hayes Hicks, who destroyed Michigan's walloped his way into Michigan all-league Fred Grambau a year Stadium with a team people ago. likened to the Minnesota Viki...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 8

… Wednesday, November 21, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Wednesda,Nvme 2,17 ___ Nixon to governors: 'No more scandals' (Continued from Page 1) headquarters last year and other "dirty tricks" _against the Demo- crats in the Presidential election campaign. HE QUOTED the President as saying to the governors, "I'm sorry if I've added to your burdens." Speaking of Nixon's new aware- ness of his political troubles, Dunn declared "I ...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… SGC MINORITY ALLOCATIONS See Editorial Page C, 4c itr itgan Eighty- Three Years of Editorial Freedomi A& 144**IPF :43 a t ty MOIST High-T2 Low-39 See TODAY for details Vol. LXXXIV, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 20, 1973 Ten Cents Eight Pages HOUSE APPROVAL NEEDED m IYf-U SEE NEWS [(APP LL DNLY Symposium planned The Center for Coordination of Ancient and Modern Studies has announced an interdisciplinary symposium on...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page two THE MICHIGAN DAILY GRADUATE STUDENTS WELCOME! HUNDREDS ARRESTED Crackdown continues in .eu1 GRAD COFFEE HOUR WEDNESDAY 8-10 p.m. West Conference Room, 4th Floor RAC KHAM (Continued from Page 1) gust under a general amnesty for political prisoners. Policemen on street corners stopped youths for identity checks and many were seen taken away in police vans. Most of them had terday when some students a...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…t Tuesday, November 20, 1973 THE MiC.H1GAN DAILY Page Three Tuesday.. 7 .1 1, N vm er2,193T E IHGAALYiaT he High court will rule on key busing case WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Su-' preme Court agreed yesterday to' rule this term on lower court actions which would integrate De- troit area schools by transferring pupils between the inner city and the white suburbs. At least six other cities face similar situations. Both U.S. District Judge Step...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

… Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan off the record Oglesby looks back at the New Le ft 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1973 SGC and, minority allocations STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council re- established Its reputation for poor judgement and spendthrift policies dur- ing last week's meeting-this titne with an appropriation tha...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday, November 20, 1973 I fit MIC:HIUAN DAILY rage revel Tuesday, November 20, 1973 it-1t MI(JHIUAN VAILY ; i Willie By BOB SCHETTER1 The heavy wood door to the l Primo Showbar stares you in the v face, backoning you to open it and unlock the secrets behind. You can sense the energy and movement as music streams past this formidable barrier, quicken- ing the heart, altering the body ] rhythms, luring and enticing you toward the mag...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 20, 1973 - Lti 1 '.p ti., L :.. 3 f ;.i''':'t' y . '+4 ? l}_'"'- t i '''r3'' r ...... t: a...... . ..... ...a". > .:.c"... :.,..., x;.,,. .:,;,. .vas '"T, n :fi .., l. i Kw>. t.. .. Y"''I. ' .. . i get the job d ne11 I i FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY i, UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 ...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, November 20, 1973, THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage 5eve Tuesday, November 20, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY voge ~even c ' "G X , t t _ ° 1 K r' s ' l "- 1 1 Buckeye powerhouse offensei has shown to be indefensible (Continued from Page 8) first Heisman Trophy winning er in 1972 with 20 touchdowns, was ception of the spring game in April so:homore in human history, tail- lost for the season back in Sep- when he threw for 133 yards, his back A...…

November 20, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 65) • Page Image 8

… Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 20, 1973 PageEigt TE MIHIGN DILY uesayNoveber20,197 uckeyes: 11 cksa ar Gicks charge Ohio State dynamite By FRANK LONGO some quartet has collectively In the beginning was the word, dumped opposing quarterbacks 19 and the word was with Woody, and times for 119 yards in nine games the word was DEE-fense. And this year. Woody looked at his defense and DeCree and Cusick have started he said, "I...…

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