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November 20, 1973 - Image 1

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itr itgan
Eighty- Three Years of Editorial Freedomi

:43 a t ty

See TODAY for details

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 65

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 20, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Symposium planned
The Center for Coordination of Ancient and Modern
Studies has announced an interdisciplinary symposium
on literature and psychology, to be held from Nov. 28 to
Dec. 1. Participants in the symposium include noted pro-
fessors and psychologists from around the country, and
they will consider, among others, such works as "A
Clockwork Orange" and Kafka's "Castle." The sympo-
sium, which will be held in various University buildings,
is supported by a joint grant from the A. W. Mellon
Foundation and The National Endowment for the Hu-
manities. Watch this space for further details.
Happenings . .
...are slim, probably owing to the upcoming Thanks-
giving break. The College Young Democrats will hold a
candlelight procession to honor the tenth anniversary of
President John Kennedy's assassination, Wednesday at
7 p.m. on the Diag . . . the Ann Arbor Libertarian
League Freedom Forum is sponsoring a discussion to-
night at 7:30 in the Union assembly hall. Speaking will
be Greg Clark, chairman of the Michigan Libertarian
Party, on the prospects of an impending depression .. .
Today is the final deadline for the UAC Ski Trip and the
London Trip. Apply at the UAC travel office, second floor
of the Union . . . The department of geology presents a
talk on the energy crisis by Visiting Prof. Charles Park
Jr. at 9 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater . . . and today's
happenings also include a joint sociology-anthropology
colloquium by Cambridge University Prof. Meyer Fortes.
The title of his talk is "The First Born;" at 4 p.m., Rm.
25 Angell Hall.
Take that, person!
President Nixon reportedly mistook a man for a wo-
man in bright floodlights Saturday night at a Florida
airport, and when he discovered his mistake, he slapped
the man lightly on the face. Nixon supposedly approach-
ed a short, balding man accompanied by a small boy
at McCoy Air Force Base and asked him, "Are you the
boy's mother or grandmother?" The man replied, "Nei-
ther," and Nixon playfully slapped him on the face.
The overwhelming pressures of power, no doubt.fae.
In any event, no feathers were ruffled. Says Edward
Kleizo, the man involved: "It's the greatest thing that
ver happened to me. I'm not going to wash my face."
GM, UAW ratify pact
UAW President Leonard Woodcock announced yester-
day that the auto workers and General Motors have
reached- agreement on a tentative new contract. Bar-
gainers issued news of the pact an hour after yester-
day's 10 a.m. strike deadline. Details of the agreement
are being witheld pending a meeting of the UAW's Gen-
eral Motors Council a w'eek from today in Detroit.
Cambodian palace bombed
A Cambodian air force fighter bombed President Lon
Nol's palace compound yesterday - the second bomb-
ing of the palace grounds in nine months. The pilot of
the plane was on a bombing mission to Phnom Penh's
southern perimeter when he radioed that his bombs
would not release. He then broke away from formation
and headed for the palace. Further information about
the motives behind the bombing has not been released.
Three bystanders were killed in the incident.
Ford's fitness challeged
Rep. Michael Harrington (D-Mass.), testifying at
House Judiciary Committee hearings on the confirmation
of Congressman Gerald Ford as vice president, stated
point blank that Ford does not have what it takes to be
president, and thus should not be confirmed as second-
in-command. Harrington said, "I believe the President
can nominate and we can confirm a man for the job of
vice president who has a stronger record with respect to
experience and leadership potential."
Ben-Girion resting
David Ben-Gurion, the 87-year-old former Israeli prime

minister who was principally involved in the country's
founding, was reported resting peacefully but still in
critical condition yesterday after a massive stroke on
No Sunday driving?
Congress was told by one of the President's energy
experts yesterday that a ban on Sunday driving and
closing of public parks to automobiles are possible mea-
sures being considered to help "meet the energy crisis."
Charles DiBone, the President's special assistant for fuel
policies, also told Congress that New England and the
East Coast could run SO per cent short of fuel this win-
ter if strict controls are not imposed almost immediately.
Ot the inside .*.
Daily opera reviewer C. Alton Parks reviews the
current production of "Marriage of Figaro" on the Arts
Page . . . Staff Writer Gordon Atcheson discusses fire
inspection and fire hazards in Ann Arbor, on the Edi-
torial Page . . . and Sports Writers Marc Feldman and





Stock market tumbles
at news of d'ecision
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-The Senate voted yesterday to give Presi-
dent Nixon wide powers to ration and conserve energy. The
action followed moves by three European Common Market
countries and Japan which imposed new restrictions on oil
The bill declaring a one-year nationwide fuel emergency
passed the Senate by a 78 to 6 margin and was sent to the
THE BILL authorizes, but does not require, rationing.
Meanwhile, the New York Stock Market suffered one of its worst

setbacksain 11myears. Petroleum
firms, auto manufacturers' and
chemical companies led the slump.
The Dow - Jones Industrials
slumped 28.67 points to 862.66, its
biggest loss since it tumbled 34.94
points in May of 1962.
AN ARAB DENIAL that it would
soon lift the oil embargo to the
U.S. and word that Washington
was considering a ban on Sunday
gasoline sales provided most of
the bearish ammunition.
See related story, Page 3
The Senate deleted a provision
to tap the nation's petroleum re-
serves but rejected most other
amendments, including one its
sponsors said would save fuel by
prohibiting busing school children
for racial balance.
ANOTHER amendment adopted
would permit Congress to termi-
nate the emergency after six
months, if it decides it is no longer
needed after receiving an interim
report from the President.
The bill would require the Presi-
dent to set up a system of fuel ra-
tioning within 15 days, although it
would be up to him when or whe-
ther to put it into effect. Nixon has
said he hopes to avoid rationing.
would be required to establish pri-
orities for a system designed to re-
duce consumption by 10 per cent
in 10 days and 25 per cent in four
The system would have to in-
clude reductions in speed limits,
temperature restrictions in both
public and private offices, a ban
on advertising designed to increase
energy consumption, and curtail-
ment of hours in schools and other

app roves
reso itlon
on woment
The Senate Assembly agreed
unanimously yesterday to a resolu-
tion which proposed that the Uni-
versity administration instruct in-
dividual department heads and
executive committees to "make
every effort" in correcting existing
inequalities, between faculty men
and women.
Areas specifically mentioned in-
cluded promotions, tenure, salaries
and the inclusion of women in con-
sideration for faculty additions.
THE RESOLUTION, first intro-
duced on October 15, is basedon
data compiled by the University's
Affirmative Action Program. The
data indicates that there are still
sizable inequalities in the salaries
of men and women on the teaching
The study also pointed out the
under-representation of women at
the higher academic ranks and the
inadequacy of recruitment pro-
grams for new women faculty
Among the current faculty, wom-
en are disproportionately cluster-
See SENATE, Page 3

No shortage here
Though the energy crisis may force them to eat their Thanksgiving re pasts in cold, dimly lit rooms, these loc-l shoppers can take comfort in
the fact that there will at least be turkey on their tables. In these days of deprivation, who can ask for more?






murder of'U


The strange, tragic disappear-
ance of Melanie Fahr ended Friday
in a wooded area 30 miles west of
A hunter in the north end of
Eaton County discovered a skeleton
and several articles of clothing
lying in an open space. Police iden-
tified the body as that of 20-year-old
University student Melanie Fahr,
the junior oceanography major who
took a friend home late one night

last spring and never returned to
her room in Stockwell Hall.
THAT WAS nearly eight months
Melanie died of a gunshot wound
in the head. This weekend, state
police confirmed that the murder
took place where the body was
found-a bullet was discovered in
the earth beneath the skeleton.
Melanie's suede jacket was still
zippered up, and police say there

are no indications that a struggle
took place before she died.
But after eight months of pains-
taking, frustrating investigation by
the FBI, state, and local police, the
questions of murdereraand motive
in Melanie's death remain shroud-
ed in mystery.
IN A MILWAUKEE jail sits the
single suspect in the Fahr murder.
He is Orville Leland Davis, a 31-
year-old escaped convict - from

Council hears fiscal proposals
from finance advisor Sheehan

Milford, Ohio, with a zapata mus-
tache and a record that reads like
a contrived crime novel.
On the might of March 28, 1973-
one day after Melanie disappeared
from Ann Arbor-a patrolman nam-
ed John Plumb pulled Davis over
for making an illegal left turn in
Shorewood, a suburb on Milwau-
kee's north side.
Davis fired a shot at Plumb and
fled, leaving behind Melanie's yel-
low 1970 Chevelle, a couple of
fingerprints, and two tickets to a
YMCA in Toledo, Ohio.
POLICE apprehended Davis the
following night after a shootout in
a Milwaukee alley. The elusive
convict wounded patrolman Gary
Patulski twice and received four
bullet wounds himself before he
could be captured.
Davis has since been sentenced
to five years in prison for the at-
tempted shooting of Plumb. But
after repeated interrogation by de-
tectives and FBI men, he still isn't
talking about Melanie Fahr.
Live criminals-and dead bodies
-may tell no tales, but the missing
link between Orville Davis and the
murder of MelanieuFahr may be
revealed by the bullet that ended
Melanie's life.
See STUDENT, Page 3

Greek junta arrests
college dean, leftists.
By AP and Reuter
ATHENS - Several left wing members of Parliament and the dean
of the Athens Polytechnic-scene of this past weekend's anti-government
street battles - were reportedly arrested yesterday along with students
and workers charged with participating in the fighting.
No figures were available on the number being held, but it was be-
lieved to run into several hundreds.
A GOVERNMENT SPOKESMAN said that 910 people had been ar-
rested over the weekend, and of these 294 had been detained. These fig-
ures do not include yesterday's arrests.
The Dean, Professor Constantinos Konofagos, presided over a meet-
ing of the Senate last Thursday during which he recommended to the
government that police should not intervene to disperse thousands of
students around and inside the Polytechnic.
Among left wingers arrested, relatives said, were Ere Vassilios Ne-
feloudis and Leonidas Krikos, representatives . of the Pro-Communist
United Democratic Left (EDA) Party.
OTHERS HELD were Demetrios Benas, a prominent member of
EDA, and two retired officers, Col. Nicholas Papanicolaou and Capt.
Alexandros Zarkadas. Both of them had been freed from jail last Au-

Ann Arbor's chief financial of-
ficer presented City Council with
a five-year budget forecast last
night but stormed out of the cham-
bers when questioned about the
Asst. City Administrator of Fi-
nance Kenneth Sheehan reported
that the city will be in for tight fis-
cal times in the near future. The
document suggests city service

levels will be markedly reduced
and that a new source of income
for the city must be found.
WHEN COUNCIL member Nor-
ris Thomas (D-First Ward) inter-
rupted Sheehan's presentation to
ask a question, the administrator
stalked out of the room comment-
ing "I should be able to talk
without being interrupted."
Mayor James Stephenson chas-
tised Thomas for being "rude" as
several other Republicans nodded

Millage approved by
overwhelming margin

in agreement. Thomas argued that
he felt council members had. the
right to question any public em-
Currently, the city faces the
worst financial crisis in its history.
Saddled with a $1 million deficit,
the city has been ordered by the
state to develop a viable debt re-
duction plan.
SHEEHAN, who will leave his
post for a similar job in St. Peters-
berg, Fla. next week, reported the
city could reduce its debt to near
zero within five years.
However he urged the city to es-
tablish an additional income source
because "no existing source grows
at a rate comparable to the rate
of inflation."
The new source most often dis-
cussed is a city income tax but in
the past voters have soundly de-
feated two such proposals.
ter Murray warned council not to
be overly "optimistic" about the
forecast since so many variables
influence budget projections.
In other business, a local group
calling themselves the "Citizens
for Decency" filed petitions before
City Council, seeking stricter ob-
scenity laws in Ann Arbor.
The petitions refer to the recent


Black leader recognized

City voters yesterday overwhelm-
ingly approved both proposals in
the school millage election. Pro-
posal A was a renewal of the 6.67
mill assessment for the general
operating budget, and Proposal B
sought an additional one mill for
a special property maintenance
Thirteen per cent of Ann Arbor's
registered voters beat a path to
the polls on a day marked by non-
descript weather. Students evident-

of the school district's operating
budget, most of which pays staff
The revenue generated from Pro-
posal B's one mill levy will create
a new Building and Site Fund to
be administered by the school
board. The $4.75 million to be col-
lected over the next five years will
be spent for such purposes as reno-
vations, repairs, replacement of
equipment, architecture and engi-
neering services, and, curiously,
$1.19 million for "items to be used

Rosa Parks is a small, sedate
woman who does not fit naturally
into the role of heroine. Her shy-
ness and lack of assumption pro-
vide a classic example of how
fame invades the lives of the most
unlikely of people.
On Sunday, she was the guest
of honor at a ceremony which in-
sured that her name will long be
remembered by the University-
the official dedication of the Rosa

"I don't like to think of myself as a celebrity. I
like to think of myself as just a person who be-
lieves in freedom."-Rosa Parks

Parks' arrest led to a massive
boycott of the Montgomery bus sys-
tem, supported by some 98 per
cent of the city's black population.
It was this boycott that vaulted

long been recognized - Pulitzer
Prize - winning poet Gwendolyn
Brooks' "speech" consisted of a
reading of selections of her poetry.

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