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May 29, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…The Mic ig. ) l Voi,. XX. ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, ;,U 'sf31STAI V >,if oI w.0)No. CLASH NARROWLYAVERTED ORIENTAL PANEL DAMAGEDVAST BLL RI Circus Men Prerare to Bati le 'When j Improper Ventilation in Memorial Crowd Rushes j hail Thought to Cause Crack ENDS 'WITH DFA lYICHIGAN LANDS THIRD IN EASTERN INTERCOLLEGIATE Wolverines Win Places in Six Events Scoring Twenty Points and Contesting First Honors With Penn and Yale CRAIG EQUALS THE WORLD'S...…

May 28, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…VOL.X,.-N ARBO0R, M1ICHIGAN, SATU2RDA7', MAY 28, rc)10. VOL. XX. FIVE WOLVERINES PLACE IN FINALS Michigan Runners Contest Final Meet with Easterners this Afternoon t(Yalt ) j f,3 f c '1,11c)12' 1 t_ t,'11 ; 1c 111111'> a'll ilc Ii a c:VARSITY HUMBLES hr'a 11p 'plall ORANGEMEN AGAIN, 122. The2' ' 1 -11 121 - o11t21 11111122 12 1211111 Wretched Fielding and Failure', S2(821 '1-t 1])III half l to Hit Campbell Fatal to 1112 lc i lkldrlSyracus...…

May 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…'Ago h -omm, The M'ac igolo C-Ad & 11 .,., ai ly , N ARL'OR, MICHIGAN, FR I D. !I 11" - < . Vol-. XX. No r6r_ METHODISTS FIND MICHIGAN STRONG In a Slugging Game, Wolverines Take Revenge for Former Defeats SMITH KEEPS HITS SCATTERED (,Sp'/ecial to lhe lfichiito r'oi i l").o Syracuse, N. YV. \la v 21-ii racil oo fell before therollslawitiof the Ill'4-er (ie ttravele'r>s tis afternoon. 'be ,Methi (dists1 too(1 the(le adrail 01tle star t li t...…

May 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…R Iff ML -.4 t i' Nti(;hig I I y .MICHIGAN, "I'I t'I-I'SD_1 :l AY 20 rc TO. VOL.. XX. 1 O. 196. TRACK MEN SEEK EASTERN SCALPS Fifteen Wolverines Left Last Night to Participate in Final Meet REACH PHILADELPHIA TODAY for Philadelphiaov1r(01e111rm n 911 0 1Eas1er11Colegi ae aso1aton111 To city of b1o0(01ly1 oo 1 .10 £11,0ill1pu up atth Sttr11 at11 I £11111 .jutloll . side of te ct11 unt1111111 o th Director Fitzptrickl ecde 111 '10 5w01111 1u...…

May 25, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…NN ARBIORMICkHIGAN,111EDN\ESDAY, MAXY2;,1r. / Vor'. XX. No. 165. DEPARTING TEAM REDUCED IN SIZE' ION\TI AS 1TllS a t is c ca pu 10 c0 1 Michigan will Send no Men for ,,r,,i, Pole Vault and High Jump [The P at Philadelphia ,c1ll LEGER MAY RUN IN HALF MILE h1110.T pa ity o accompanyt te ANcigtian track 0t0111 A GIR east at 7 ~Oot'sock tils evenin1g. Teo higitjumpes hves h 10 iotottlitlio ve os-Various ordinay aility11and1 te 16111 srtol po...…

May 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…rho ia [)aii , N' ARBOR, ICHIGAN, T:rc'DAY. MIAV I, iii. No. xr6. EAlMIWILL LEAVE TOMORROW Keene Fitzpatrick is Uncertain of Michigan's Chances with Easterners HAMMOND MAY NEVER RUN AGAIN (Oi i \ diexxl i th i Viii iixi triackx (cam ixixill ear(' for thexci'ast to taeipar in tie eastern inter collxegitex' eet i toi O Saturdayt-i. Traie Fitzpatrick i imuxc ini doubit coLerxxiii thtILL'ix he wit l xxx cixe uponixxtheimakeiup ofj thieL squadii...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… C/M r-74 r-T ZZZ) Cp V = -- OZ > -W 47 C0 Co W W a 0 Co a d a f2 100 f- i a 4 i i r i i l i i wi WNW i r. 1 c ., _ .J 4r ..J - f r . . _ ti d J . . ,1 ^+ ., f ,., ... r r "r f f .- .-. .-. ! ; : _ 0 O- 0 " - I I , - - I I I I- I I - 7 L H Q c~~ WFl nl ;f U -L 0 v 1 - w== a = 0 U L CD Fl4 0 i- 4.1 4y) v ca W H 0 W W 0 0 4) 0 a a) ..., 0 H 7 '!:r I >1 7-1 -17 * i _ 'j, - INI 4L o n 1 wi ) i.' U~ . .ww 4) 4 0S - -f-...…

May 21, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…aka +bW Y J a a+. ict log loffWW The M Vol. XX. cNN ARBOR, lh'ICdIHIGAN, c V:Dg Lh T.c CAPITAL CITY LADS th ed.tte t,1MI 0dn tLli ELECTION METHODS th ctp w s rea c ch . III the third TAKE LEAD IN 'MEET re 'ellisi ceiti cc 81s1thei COME UNDER FIRE and ciccic i iiwih a Incicci' 1spint ci Lansing in Front Rank But Toildo ~ciiboh ccc eatan 1:e One of the Candidates for 1. Shelby Threatens tecci iccsetc ack ayadciii ,cofAdvertising Setr h 'eb pe m...…

May 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…VOL. ARBOR 'a' 'EN tfJHIGAN, 1IOA10 LA ,icV 1) Vol- XX. MANY HIGH SCHOOL STARS ARRIVE FOR ANNUAL MEET Over Twenty Schools Send Representatives to Attend Michigan's Athletic Carnival Which Starts Today on Ferry Field VARSITY TRACK MEN TO OFFICIATE Eager for fame, trophieia, andal tat of te tit' n the litde of university, ife, youthtul track h aic aa leteo hegan to arrive in Ao :Arbor j lam lo ;it 2_J o' Thturoday, attd hr tite timet tic atr ...…

May 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…__ _ ig 9an ily NYA \ 1AP 01OR, 11(1110 N 1111. It tS A L I i mi. Vol. XX. cNr. 10o. MAY FESTIVAL OPENS FOR IT"EETENHSAO Earle Killeen Makes Bow as Chorul Conductor ----Series Begins Auspiciously with Thomas Orchestra and Noted Artists RIDER-KELSEY SCORES HUGE SUCCESS TI; N N II'I'I'iS '-I-1LiLII I) IN SPI kC\ I\ITI:\I Illt Teni 11 itoijilt t we0 X III (1111111(1 1an1 adittedto 11hiix'iio'"xx'o.'ioiiooti'ttool at.the: Tarlte and feiasts n...…

May 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The ichian Da ily VOiL. XX. MICHIGAN PREPARES , N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \VETNIISDAY. A\PRIL i.S, ro. Ncr. 1,;. INSI'Ct1N tART INIAI' iftI NEW PAPER STARTS .ii ' r~i N ])F(ifMf.ANNUAL MUSICAL 'IIFOR ePREP VISITORS i ci ,i __iaara fal cvo- -a1( i ll t 1 atr~ Annual Interscholastic Games the ha o iia~ dr~tt h al Attract Many Youthful ra~m;rrtcrr ai(Iim Track Stars 1woiy iiiV is iii I fl-()Ill the el hick is cit ; FriciaY, Mav it hc°re it to 1. ...…

May 17, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…Ille 1 c l igan D ai iy VOL. XX. SUNSHINE IS WHAT slm t1111t TRACK TEAM NEEDS 11sl< >,1 Old Men Slump and New Run-:bl rt st lc)-.Idr~sners. Show Hopeful Signs tIir~r. in Meet at Syracuse '- '" " th ci N N v't~I3. M,1 ICHIGAN, TtIttIt)AY, MAY 1,AMO he em] i ~'l IS FRIDAY THIS YEAR \tocccoco.Prominent Speakers areChosen to Entertain Ann Arbor at "' ' Big Bonfire l'(' Nl(:Rl ,R A ):I1 _',[r. W iim l>I '(i ,st i mm S it n - \vc I illltacllcu ...…

May 15, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…Th"sae 1 I a 1 11 VOL. XX. SYRACUSE REPEATS THURSDAY'S SCORE;, Wolverines Lose Another Hard Fought Contest to Eastern Visitors UMPIRE SPOILS CLEVER PLAY Sy racse reeated on the SerS Field1 ball grouttds Sattitda-, itiin g front' 151 ichigait hy the idn ticl scorewhct gae them Thttslav's contest, two tol one. Te game sas on e of the nmostt interesting anti cosecontested cmr seen on the home gronds. Smith was agin sent to the lilin g line htlhe...…

May 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

….' N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S -FlUIN lA _, io\lA . Vol- XX. TWO TEAMS FACE liiflii SYRACUSE TODAY; ,>t " 1 Lil I" )i FR1[ Ii 501 SiI IS xxIl' ix t. Kr i ic /. i ix cWARMLY CONTESTED Fresh Heavy-Weights~vercome IIw~l 111c_ ash" (1rs Sophs While Lighter Teams o;tr t) aor. xiiit -ttu *rlxlxxx ixx lii l l >tiii Varsity Nine is Ready to Turn Tables on Easterners on Ferry Field RUNNERS ARE IN ENEMY'S CAMPr Michigaisra'vfrrvneTw 1 teamns aix prepviaxe...…

May 13, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…INN ARBOR, M1IHIGAN, FIDAYIMAY\N \I I> Vol-. XX. LATE RALLY GIVES GAME TO SYRACUSE Favored by Misplays Easterners Overcome Varsity's Lead in Final Inning GAME IS PITCHERS' BATTLE 8111 :l'-t i)i 1 I111c N>lll11111118 1111,1 t id Th :11 ic11 II [ l' f )l Id1 the 8111111t111' 1111-l h th 1> lcn i Nah pc1 1111111811to, The 11 lii~ )115,8 81188 18( ball1 '111 11111111" 1111111 t(1 1 1-1111181 11111181with1a FRESH MEET SOPHS TODAY UPON HUR...…

May 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…hl ail y VOL. XX. NINE CONTINUES ,r WINNING STRFAK! I(Ca Campbell Pitches Wolverines' at to a2 toO0Victory Over Oberlin SYRACUSE PLAYS HERE TODAY , N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUtRSDAY, MIAYi 19 10. 1345()789--R cl0 o 11 0 0oia-oS dull V(''llo11 ut-111 \ix'lto the xxilox 00l lt- w'(it x'ilxlicls.I h TWENTY MEN MAKE TEAM GOING EAST Big Track Squad Leaves To- night for Dual Meet With Syracuse Saturday PREDICT FAST QUARTER MILE Clev rsap -u Wlvrin...…

May 11, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…_NisN ROR, MICHIIGAN, \\ IS AO .Y, SIAY r rltoo. \701'. XX. NO. 153 . GOWNED SENIORS ENCIRCLE CAMPUS Near Alumni Prominade To- gether for Last Swing-out Exercises ANGELL ADDRESSES GRADUATES 11alf1 a mile 51 Isl ediC M\ortart boas~ii stretched in iii I ittil abolut the 011111'sity llCipti et ,,rd,- afternoont. One thousand 11e11111r of " t 11-11)9 9A\D51)'99 l "i it-"'h1 Ist "orris"Nu mo tlypisisfald te 'ii mosty eectrcal"as he ile oft hei ...…

May 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…Vot.. XX. -N H ARBOR, MICHIGAN, '10081 lAY. M A n o.12 Vol'. YX. Noy. t5z. SENIORS HOLD , L WN-U of March Will Circle the Campus--Feature Dance in Evening OTHER SPECIALTIES ARRANGED Suna; ° nin's alkBefore the 'tingil ii wtn,'drain 2lhis ilijnt mainly f1rom no 11r editoials ann t-ier.]iipress SENATE REFUSES UINION'S REQUEST Second Plan for Raising Funds Beets Failure at Hands of Authorities UNION NEEDS MONEY BADLY 11.31>1 l FO-R.101113>1...…

May 08, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…__g I ________ \\RBPOR, MICHIGAN. ;St'><LAY, MAY 8, ito. No. 15 1. Vol-. XX. FARMERS SUCGUMB TO RICKEY'S SQUAD, Pattison Pitches Excellent Ball But Lack of Support Costs M. A. C. Game FIELDERS SUPPORT SMITH WELL it ti ( l i ( f(': I ;WJ ,111, ,l tltTANSWERS COUNCIL APPEAL I 81 >11,1 i i( \\ i.. 1)l t lit tStudent Suggest s Substitute for lt sl ikSi t i ii e l~~ll I~B g ight lio llsl 1 0111 101 l)1111e111. ittclit' Sititicttt titiltof lci...…

May 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

….'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 7\i'ON , IgY .190 Vol.. XX. FARMERS ARE HERE FOR CRUCIAL GAME! Michigan Aggies Mfeet Varsity Today With Best College Team in State ttile j111111tmedics,ttand the sophs 'ii eir tttofle samte idepatrtmtent twill "['ie' 11)11enin~ieers will conttest ti 'tietwiitthte sophonmores. 'sttiS SING TO CROWDI \ X sitSTNCR iOF THIE BAND. It St ay ot ihandotticoncert last ecent- Nit.crow d gatheredl aroutit h le wd i w;ted olfor li...…

May 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…\io >iX \A iKIR, AMICHIGAN, I) A Al MA 1 .,.No. 141) I CLASS GAMES DRAG OUT DR. ANELL IS HONORED IG 1 VRIMEET FAMOUS'E PEARER~FreshlIits Spring Surprise on letminent lEducators Hfold anetjlLVAST 1Pi Seniors For F -President LOOKS PROMISING Ai '1-1 IIIIvr1 t it l 2 .1 5 ompetition Keen and NewMen 112 1 i' " .llc 1 ?1 t Sir Ernest Shackiceton Will Describe His Brave Dash Into the Antarctic Region Which Ended Within 100 Miles of the Pole STER...…

May 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…%N3313ARBOR, MICHIGAN,. 111UR313 33, NM33Y3, (o NO. 148. VOT.. XX. WOLVERINES TOY WITH COLLEGIANS'! YMen of Rickey Apply Whi'ewash Brush and Cross Plate Ten Timesj VERHEYN PITCHES FINE GAME ' 1111 scull jl J. Cali~el 1 Pc i dl1 z: . . . NI' er .. . .4v .4 T O (? l O (> I Cl c) f f U O I O f I C) 1 0 13 0 i 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 U (Y C1 l O O C) , OFFICIALS PRAISE jlc , WESTERN ALUIVNI' VT lltc 3t, 1 11.3 (11, oil ts:5 tt'1 1 t . ?;t 1 ...…

May 04, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…1 XI LOR, IJI iIGAN XX]FID\FSD )V, - NI.X- 4, 1 ljj Vol.. X X. No. 147. VARSITY IS READY FOR OLIVET SCIP, Collegians Sure to Live Smih ' Scrappy Battle in Today'sI Contest COACH IS IN NEED OF HIT&HRS lo ine tt asiy bscllt'm i k ill1h h is Astr o 1111 game ic 1 th \\' 101111c 1 1111 th (tm1l11C olge 1)1 111ere111 10 O 11 is1111i1 1 o a e 11 11'II 11111cdy ire tic et(1 a d l l rs Coah ick C} puplsio ' 11r ),1 ifc c c cl. t i 111 a11 ...…

May 03, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… ANN& Aoswftl Y .t Tli I c I Vol,. XX. WOLVERINES HAVE ;r1r~ll GREAT RELAYT In Only an Accident Hinder ed the it> Quarter Mile Squad From Ar11e1 Taking First wlm~ TRAINING TABLE. BEGAN MIONDAY 4 >t 1: .11011111111101 00111 laSp of 11 the mile 111 TOla w ii nth i~m s 10111 e Iv mei le rea1111ad llm ~u - \\h dal t er ml Mihia sn N rIr qurermtrst heQ reqc11i kr who c Ie I th 1~al and in th1 gn 11f1 DietrFtzarcth U0 0 0 N i al f1111111 'h~lth o e...…

May 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… rt; 4 . : f- C T a r. I7 V, I r c/ O a E., cc ' w z c ... : : .-., c a -_- Iw G Z rL, 6L1 s . L v a x ; «. m f. L '. C v 1 a .. i .. f / J -J 1 I i I' i i i .. ,.-..i =U 0 Cl) 0 0 0 0 a) a w y y Cny n C) i O O Y l t 0 03 O Hl0 v al c a n , 5 y v n C cn C O - y Q- bO Z) ter, ! C = to 71 wJ n t J . 14- r N .tom .^- - J r ~ .-' ^ .= :~ r ^" f CTI s 0 0c0 wJ ol w Ez 0 I 4 n r3 C a. ^J C L C' r U c i, i.- rT-w 0~ i-4 a) ..L H ,. z...…

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