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May 11, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-05-11

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_NisN ROR, MICHIIGAN, \\ IS AO .Y, SIAY r rltoo.

\701'. XX.

NO. 153 .

Near Alumni Prominade To-
gether for Last Swing-out
11alf1 a mile 51 Isl ediC M\ortart
boas~ii stretched in iii I ittil
abolut the 011111'sity llCipti et ,,rd,-
afternoont. One thousand 11e11111r of

" t 11-11)9 9A\D51)'99 l "i it-"'h1 Ist
"orris"Nu mo tlypisisfald te 'ii
mosty eectrcal"as he ile oft hei
II 1~Ic lieierdhcocthel.gierig
ocicY Dst edig h 10 1 o it. 1111 111)1
c11(0111111 (1 in 1111 fori t he 11 ll lt rc11ic-
iIacdn of111 the1111 it ltsbr, ln bth
11n Tuttleread 1Mr. IfTace' 11p1pei



the eiass of, 1910 j oindito otarchitfor t cnn anleetu t t(~~t
thelas ti e tgeherove th ernt r 1ti (i f the Nel llone. fiaily ite ie-
til iat ftte I~gill r 1C th e iii s cS r ib eeltile 1(1115ant irys- onf the (tea-
waifks 1tion 11and11n01ber1 (f ssentral sttionts ands
'Te setniors foted southil (f Lfi- the size (Ifcals
versify hail and1t arched r nlaeh ody into
tite audifiorituil for thte swingut 1 GIRLS EFFECT A RESCUE
vites. rof. lDOog opened tlff1111lttti
gase sf1111t itre. ridentHutcins 'arty Picks Up Two Young Profes.
gav sh ort ddresfofll vceitd «- t- sors from Treacherous Huron
terntr fip.Ittttthasiz1 ing he IIIrood po1111 ITwol canoes11 rcedC on1 te 1Hurott
tiott everywthere itheldl bill \l iglalIII SalItrdayI 111(1o1m1ng. hFour sorority girls
almi, oc i lasesl~r(cid tile wfiig cattoe. Twro
appearatci aose vrtablle Istorm young9 pros essors itatddledi the losittg
if applau~se. '95 text for histi alk is canoe. These p rofessrs leact lat-
qtutesi the tclostitg Itords o h a- n : i h i It is deartmet.
itlauete sru of a frie prs- NOare ItIt-.91111 Strlligitofill. Itlr
det «Atie 11itochIC11111 : lit , otV re tail tors 1 f he51m1l craft
wilng itt u tilyoiti. W l s 1111til, 11ci e.pcttil can11t1 foree sufttt
Iie yfo anil"iea bez. ibreeze15 1 ame, Ti s
rtttptetlllIlitt i elsd 1 mq m~~ lll.I t111turn11 e11111p1111ibe o-
msCCtcCenoIll tr Sthlel? l thtteyut :avinto la catastrophe,
fptople oflel t ill a eloIS rumy 1 "c- ThephA ightjus as ellhaveend
111p tisIS I(l'<sco m d tan t ir or- :ite SplytISill, anoesare Ic ri
fathersif fift. or111 hud1111,'ear1i - Overwent ihe bat.1Te1 co
ag.1 i wsasboyfWiettit Isd _11111 tiaboill s-a-mt itnetr wCld
stervice, o ca nso evitriA nm i ita5svra1om ns 1eor1 i
Dtr.e Sir stal: cosd te SdI( 99111,tll
and t t~thniors m rhdo h 0 " od\rg il1s h Igu\led.I th
of mrcf as f hLd a 'mn tefitsrill iinNtse 'r11cincne
leavin Unive s lif\ - 1 11111c irs w re l o 11111 son
arudtecm u ndedn nfo:t I-twd tetu~ tnt nst
of theLaw tbilding, h er h11t Is-I1e. Tif-ee hoe ora cb

Buckeyes Former Prowess Point
to Keen Battle in Today's
Sf11111 11 ees1 an1111111 d f 1111m
pla hs i fu1 11tll sli ti & 1aons 1as
bt itt leihs kno n f theiSproeIfs-
ston- - - tam adit is 1151s1115 11hat
tis season11 My a1re siu 15ttttrogr tnIusuall
Cl~ochRickes eem11ils511or 1espet steaili-
lthe still put111 laipir91ised arg51111 -
It is 9C1111i i ii s 1t1111toII itchsi andtl as
sh sirt iha1111idtilrisinthleg1eCt
(l>ftshapethereisitStll siut tatill
Itrhsec lltshois aganst l th ei
ti c ;en a es sith -Syracuse.
ThIcah lowhs anotherCC iussiliflith
in th- sri siiin w ich ile glianedI
froma clss1eam. AV! isgh is enewi
(sil n l "Toil111111111 - - - 1een- -
Itii I i n(ill ITel it Ills h s ee
l itfilg atilt e a e ltn n i
Illior lt f s ialptintioii thes vrsi tyhI
lsd ilel W s toug o1th1laes
aq is tsi i a u t u e haIhw
It l it iIo a vaubl adtin till-e
twirling sttaif.
' NI',\ RIHT Ii~lM W( K O Ti.
111111rcterof he ihlforth
'.:oort1 coerig1 igh 1.1 lha iChng
sit ed l ihul cellnapctte e

ciit. iitll ltus i ls w1111 1 iii li 11111
sle till t.IssIt 11111 d an eiglilt r
heldnthfir 1st lthe week Slite ilts 11-
fim illIoccustila1er1- inill(,CmontI
111110 I vasldams, Itil red 1 ii r I ill-
1o 11111l int Cht t CJtItIf Ittsie
lst se lit t ohsoei lartS lfiteSsint
tass BotetssooarjoryieiCtsreSi Ihar-
rott sitti lllt s' i S ts riDarti rt
Three Close Games Centers Int rest
in Interclass Ba eball
fli a sensatinalss tia t he is fresh ills
iefeatted ite jttthr lills 'T'uesdays after-
noonti, 8f to 6-. fTs'e l uir senginees-r to1111.
tse frshmeii llofi thatiseartmeit intu
caeyattt isettre sof 6to -, antdlthe fresh
ltaws hostint11thjniorsIm toI..
1The11 lits1put11 ii aHis rd 1 lti tI'and11unil
t1hi-lstl t i was115 (titit he11111nin 1th
to th le d i theflirt 51 itliltig all lilt-
-cast itinsitheitirditiltit a lilt S
ra lyia thise)1fourtill1s. Til ll i (>'i
' stilt'ditttt' I ills t sa e lmn a d
frll itcessfa tt ini h oesr IC ists the
11111 lls- '1111 th e lis t ining the 11 ln i Il
S litd and 111s llored ilifsur tis. Hutilc-
'II'll(, reshtns ners tr11id ts li es-i
svialei tchrduest dfIthemLI aThenst
lt ssun is t If is tsn and1 tie arini
imes tiss0.10 -
I (Ill ont of-un SIeit iiatidt 5 11 -
t 1111 v t'itishaSll 1game1 thr b noi tclL'
('lits1will111111 heCs eM s and theiiir


epresentatives of Interstate
Peace Oratorical League
in Finals
Oratrs eprstingii tie sin sttes
copsnthile Iiter-stae Pester Ora-
rica iiLeagute sill mteet ittUivtsersity-
:tll ott litidilti s-i-C115. Sa tirteenth,
o dieide the leaguCefhamapioship.
tCrltiilltdco ntsesiitssae eetaed its
lie svrioossceleges of the - eifferent
titles tt ictkl the cttesaits for this
finli i'lr 5911e is cilttfl otlf (fPer-
Ohuisia ltio. Inisiaa flittoisXWis
lonii 511and Si isig it tnttis11now'in
It thirdf el f its sxistettee The
cleeCIsswhtsh nwi le represetted tn
trissCiiii i tll n ilats esettttgtare
is folliows: Swtarthmtore59Wesernt'Re
serve, tirtitstolICt iflfssae De
pan,1 anditi 55iseosli Lns erity _Hills
dalte thte Mitcilgatnrereseitaitveswiff
e reprrsentlediit- GleinlMerswhose
sublject is -"A 5Natin's Opportunity
'Ishis is thests5 peh with witth
Sir. 'Mistyt'10111tilt' stte hampiiosiit
aniaso lndied tirtd plae 1Ittiliei
"sitrtiern ifOratoical leai.ue11'cnttes
held ill t Viinnttts lts1t w5ek5
besies te faultyrilesensttatvss
fruntthe staritusecolleesiteexeute
otiesIofff11119r111nizatittn wilbeheritec
I tiC this s-litest Amtogtherilsill s5bef~
itresiet I iert tRusssel of iarifat
colgI ooal ere Fulffill
nois,1 C PrsidetLyris, osenel ltege
attd Prfessssot it L. Ls111,11 \souti
sin. tIts beisnte etustoferetoftre
t holtd a anattl tconvtIetisuntat the
itte f tile tileontest, hut thiis ear
til schlmneetintgsil he cledit.
Senate Gives official Sanction to
Y. M. . A. Production
.At it meeting (fte Sentae Couniei
N1iotui see oilcing, fintl pernmissiniwnas
ratedl to t.e ituromolters sof tie . M.
i.A.teatricl toducittionottto presentt
fits heChotse" Itlte Ness'Whfittes
litrise Jtsto3
1h itolayusis 'a thtee-t.. c eoedy. It
lie tetstacitescsstnes telad its a
sleI il main'siroomts 55hsre irenststu-
's ocurttswtshishrsul t iteees se-
AsctItlo open~s swittat Araiatit des-
rt sossie fter taIltpse of to years,
itt itor11(mtets Ii-i Aeiceea11csolieague
his ctwichis ofssaf5111re serouis Ill-
tres taitelirst 1 exfcepstflfor saltces
)f co littoere1and hits, Covtoes quik-
Cto a rapi 111111xistll of aetions.
fielstaissotand safpfpy. re-
vialingI'this listsliaosor it'st tuthea e it
ittare and the iiIassihittiinsistde'ter-
Il liitoimaksthuslir stbi lgia sse-
ersits ossile.ltpaknio h
amuile uplitasedlshwittutteet'thsisstt
mauinn its whishstshismtteefhas beent
it ,;yi reit iI ithatit Iti li oe ots'sf the
mottucSis sr sfprojitls tha1(1t s es-r
1, eu lii (slt itstutubtytheascitin."
r'arir xos luIllrrs 1T%%0 i: sh isn
tai"lHaki9s1a1''Val" isnt
its ii nomiated Isiifot' recorinitg
its ctan:iltlit iso-reidenststof te
Unsions b)' istIttits

Ic spc (t,\ 3 ilt liii
.1(111 iil iik ofen e
; l { ln in ody

(Ill S((nithell a
ii 1(151 iil f till
eliotil h
ait I i t



tl wll heii is hush tuil sitli
sc i Wu-t
lir 'otne - s si-nt
It lls lsc il tr w il I
I'sill tecry (a
sl }I isI
99 J ift'siili Ilt t lh r s
fitofaI srtsi w ich ar

i J x i ill tlu I n " 1'51
li iii i ti-s ti llsC' (ii 11 11rc
inl at0 t is til i if] viit
i i I l iii lu' lI-, i a ' C i -
(vi i'g ic lu wll is up
<c to ic tt '(l9(11~lt o
,Awe ih os aud t11 Iuu 1-(0 I

119SNk N '19119

1p fiss
I0 uti.Its
(Ittitl s
191 1 Z(t(Is
10i tii us

tclc t~l at last 1
piii wiill lu sclcc

Ic t \ c ar \e H he ch
'r Vcl-CII! 'It f01,11- (),k
It W I. TIIIS tl<tt('
l'\'cIl1I)<.' at a S
;1c I1. At this time a
'I Cd hY a v i Itc, () f tI
(Icsi-11S ha\ ( 1w('] I
(](,I 11 lit c act 1( )11 11 <I
TIIIi rsda\ ,

1 N343() hi) -t
0II - IOCO Ci 0 0 N0-
99er hism5pie-S soill
s-t 2 3itit 4slsti

--Sisu'usiuiu il Ciii
It usuc v d '19.-t-si. I'l


per P C . I W
()v~ ilc h ttil

cit isiu sillIII(
I ntli ~litr

nic Scin \,is takenIf ift regardC f oi-it (
-secton11(1pa y. (lulls hunts
meel lookedu liover sth oos ul i-
sillt iini ecsinwilhe3ac:
u n til 1W N I h u rs ! a)- IPr i t s it-
ic limuiglil it lest lt o m) hetit verlIs
huiotn.s" is

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