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May 19, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-05-19

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__ _ ig 9an ily
NYA \ 1AP 01OR, 11(1110 N 1111. It tS A L I i mi.

Vol. XX.

cNr. 10o.

Earle Killeen Makes Bow as Chorul Conductor
----Series Begins Auspiciously with Thomas
Orchestra and Noted Artists

TI; N N II'I'I'iS '-I-1LiLII I)
IN SPI kC\ I\ITI:\I Illt
Teni 11 itoijilt t we0 X III (1111111(1 1an1
adittedto 11hiix'iio'"xx'o.'ioiiooti'ttool at.the:
Tarlte and feiasts n hPlo Ptitel Anger

t iv '.lfauditn res lt clxi x11 111 itc hc
"Fait- I kie T o tep nto1011 a
togetiher stisfy'ingt'eadiy01 the1 an
itata, is a mak ftouooto11S ' l e
tilt)-tO nxii ii'his a t, itond tis roxtlti ix Oil
a futuxre xxhicitix xxxi lie xwatilhed xxit
a grealt dixaliof intertixypopl
muixsicall-ix ined.xiNixrws hr
xxere' coixtiiier l tertxand tcil 0110 -
lirootl topoilstking xi ilt lin i r.
xxorthxy ofespttcil 1ion.Ta
condctor wasto exiden fom tlxxiii
recetion tenrei t im atti ecloeI
She 00.11the scene andaria' Otto
Trani llyiii I '.1tih 1111011 "1 1(
F reixcixito xWih exqiite xii 1 ]
inuii erix \-,xxsto elliii itedx Itooheitt 11011

111011 1101li t(
iTI. .L 100001.0
0' ta i l001011110.

At is ls le till , it ithe. i 1.00101o'l
t11[c cl to eoottittoil too lthero-
x1s tat te I x lot Ihe lilt (joti
all 1a 010 11 ttl p ritti l f1111. -
11h11 0001 lxi gwl le a1
E arth and Comnet's Tail Met Without
Causing Trouble

"No, 111sy 11its r ined.o
1t111 (l io thti c lou ii i i i

1111er i s
mfrti t hlextic
0111110a 1 11
1c itito)itoti

010010 00000 il l
Owli m-ii, w
it'r s t l1 v
set xaithe ci
"Nl)I ))fl

01.00 i'l

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+' s: i i
v} III
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I0in1 I killer01 oil et--it'.01111 ' il
t 001 1e11 o xpcttins
ad iii pred it 'Illdii itlli11100
tl 'cetixc .0' largetiltiitit 1100
is Ncrc t itt o l cheri thiiiiio l
00001t wa111 il liii lii tilt and
1110 IoIt lo' it'ittlx00 sell.
afteri il liii xl oo te briliti cei lof
"net Willhe geaty-.lssendi b
c";clcc O the 111(o l, w ich t th
:ctd 1111 i dl ay110111 itt
o 1 'r.scc tall 111111 aftrxii
0000 1 , lA' Iliclined ti i lollri;I

i ''toe aregoing io Iroll lti ii 1011.0000 o
lx xttlt ~mcin o tc ith biroe-
,mw ;ore 1t1o1c til t111liltwas
t e r lto ome i(':lit N i tit ftoolra
th ficialsin care 111te ckwa
thl xiei Chemical '.1 Itt1111in xii t o x e
n CI t oxi'. hit oxxxt't lo ithlinstu
use fr te i at v car. Th111001 diverllo
sa id i'he iund 011rs tood ttind, i w it li' eso t-
of ismalllo ''s to l il', drop eIto '01 t
itf ground'o iltigh tlasthe orst sital
1011c1' for11the011111ietndlt th erettotlo t ho
d thewhollo ado b xswich lt'i' l
idled11111'ith ri sh o l o, o ken101.
test tu es, ,gnIri.'ii'etc. xO co 1rs

Coach Rickey Drills Ball Men
With the Bat to Strengthen
Their Attack
I alttig 'opracilce'Is tt'e loll or ()f theo
af xt ooxt. '.Tis trear'x '1s it\it teamu tas
tieed oilo xx'ihtheliii lllii'a' ndoolClacli
Rik r is bitotlii ;ill his eff'Iorts'olo
remedy iotis odefec t -sii-far a1sthis is
CII 1 M'lI 'li ' OF011.1. it' l t;' o 01. P.
The1 squad1 leait s for it e eastern0 in--
taoo I aly im)roi '1 . Itix L '- o il't-
011111 n ine tat iifteroon and thelii' folliowi-
Ot, io ink iweek tilt c~iotit ont' i ts it 01
th(tl iithelx eas t mol thacai isix retc1)1ed.
hlon 011 hTesday11 n1111 L\'o0111 iii it xxill
be11 in lvelan frx ;mc itiCs
lons tiexxii Reseirvcooot. liT'ursday
lit' t i thlo t raveiii l erxiiibe a
ters iup w ith te M to ist. 'Ill(, gaxxii
111110 Corel0 o' 1 1 ho lAa- 2, il
1110' as " oif thx xx iii p.t to i'~l ' 11
Only one l)f theist iteams11hich t ill
Rmeets'tolverines11111 lt aeady
Th itne''i o i s (li 'Odll Txx ei i t -
tihetVarhityilliwillxvit i plyi toip-
notcht formi t cl thei trig) with 1 -11 -
tritt' o' in atti ghii tiltt andCoac
Rickey 1111 peslii tilretith t ick.otii' o
;) oiti ii i x itthel tthe tlixp iii oxb t
te 0dvn N- il ti ii '~uld
whnththn icap iothetravelers.
Oberililln ixd i Lx showedit' 01110' to

Tiihe iostudet Loonii
11111h0red. I lit'. of il

dit r It
10001 1110110 el
L)11 1 (ad ()
11 ii) tll( fel
.0w 011 tiipt to

t'r inii S ii~n dem nds 11111111',ly.1duiit
t"Jot , itlix Ii'' .1 ' .riis 111111 lc
'.CxUt )oft 11110" lotu b liototol )1('111. '
ilitix lu i st nigh 1 o 11111 fm- him oil lci- d(-plI
illness fo m ix in his lu est. ncc' iiV th tth ~
lt ia i t i ts 111 ph ass, an11;"1-c i '
hpo tlh to advantageousit cxhhi Thc 1a
11111 andi xliiie Niivry 00110 1000

Stuen Concllado'e. I jns in o wl tha'ihiiii 2liiohav
FT(iIt I VS FORiL I Ria. Sii.. 1111111k~
L1.A 111 .1.81ARK 1S1IL t)iN I ea 6~

1 :
'I' I

01bits iii 110111 iii. m liia. it ii~c
1011.0' loot'fo milionsof y a il
rc1. tofa to ii 1111111 t uh I i fri m
10111 iii ofone of i mcih11011 in ta'n
'h <e n i II isi txo tIltiti c in t
10011000on lololo 10 the 0111100ow
> .y o fee 'ot, nd tit ui 01111 rjc

I' C Iii li1111i

ince sd toil ilit ith as wil
send thir teams ii toiomp iite 1for toox
xiii trphes lma and Coldwait er lii
seat intheIir etry blanks on 1 ii li -
lox'he er rcivdio lte t
thCoilWilllbei Ilt'Oieiat tthe l i 00
lihexienterta iinm f t iitors arc
welnih emm letd. The frtern00 ities
andilsiciett i are rall01to i th00

NNash woil lixoat toitake turns11'xwih
Cwatsotunabetiotatruthe lo 11111 ripwit
thi ta bilu ut isxreachiiii i toi tke h
share f the atch i ;- iueit. Sithi
LCampbeiili ln tVeriheynxwill bei't'ake'n'to)i
tiuio'itl ui i tt lo x i x.1 l it ho 111
11110. liltrm1he110O1 till mkI tetrp
,T'AiTTING I itSh.ANF or 0111IAAi
liii e -e bV thelir0111 1 1111itx o Il il t'.
haul. The eac ha iietill ill ieffort
todvx o ay iterLsu ht1 ' h1.oit Wihi
uloial ilix iii lsibit tes rcbonxi
nii iii'aioh fli io th by111weaklne011
MIuth ioxiix selxiiexi i nei llii , opa

r() fc00 s

II 110000'i lii' 11101'' too Irl

itIic iti. is singing, will "1ro11 up
111 the auito wixith succeeitiingltl 1hearingso.
As in p' as''t x'' rs 11 h' 1' eo w 011 ii
mxagnetict peroality andi stillilI 00010
luxciluig letill " to0111 hei dii ii ed thii i s

thi1 tr> 1 wih the txpcliti i )1
iii ixi ale ~ rlil 1,c acci i IIpihc
the ifalcm u I 1 li iii 111 s itIIt

(ill h(t Iot'


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