.'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 7\i'ON , IgY .190
Vol.. XX.
Michigan Aggies Mfeet Varsity
Today With Best College
Team in State
ttile j111111tmedics,ttand the sophs
'ii eir tttofle samte idepatrtmtent twill
"['ie' 11)11enin~ieers will conttest
ti 'tietwiitthte sophonmores.
It St ay ot ihandotticoncert last ecent-
Nit.crow d gatheredl aroutit h le
wd i w;ted olfor liemsicsiatns hbut
f-iii toitptear. Ttt take the place
07c cotert titesettioes heldl a "sing"
itatare numb t ttte of te crowd jloinedi
Pennsy, Shows Appreciation of
Michigan's Efforts
ANs satestoeciali ttitplitmettt to Nlicti-
gatt'sfttur-ile relay teamtheitsUntiter-
sit' of Petttsylhanisi ilsendtctils to
thteutemees tifte WNvitte uaisrtet
Sturtay. Ithats iteeitntte telleratl cus-
tomt at ttereitty gameto it eii'trotphies
Nottices ito ithe'effect ita tt >c / rT TRE S OF HE D
mtt pay their gradusatittntfits at mitte 0 i l R ii
hate ee eiplacedl itntthe campi u u litttin
boacds by Secretary Simith.i No setit-
swilt receive a diplomnttil tis fee' ity Sir Ernest Shackleton Traces
teent paid.
Vividly His Dash Through
WYOL'V'ERINES READY FOR FOES t i le'itt Ititideclarestht ttilt concert i trllioftie excellenti ttttttttti itti ibt
t etttittias ttey couldhInot get thi' te' Nicligtti itilti's, silxe' ustit wsitl
NAtctr i t ilthe -Ni It''it e 1 'tset istut __- ittotg trip.
aittisii(title to 'liiih N tt 7t tet t I GREA.T BRITAIN LOSES IKING TRAKM FRwl ette tn ers i: hhiva sit trackitthtes11 ttok
Ii riottlot Fll ytiret di. bIt sa (uthe Empire Shocked by Edward's Sud- ott edge' fttr ttoday's hutet. Thelti'rtst
ftartmers l)(,,itte' NN''tti tiills th icc aden Death I eventstwill ite'started ti twittote'tlock
'tiO tihthia dt i\ llsttith lItri V ho a lnd ilsd a. ire 'nil ywil eot inudr tutute J.:
o t a tik. P isse ttitlit} ,t, rr'r fth tih mirte lid t l" e s-im' .ritarutgaimeltA iteneratitdI isiottitofr
'Vhe sild itr to i ' hI eairlyIlast SF INVing foma cm- fitty ets w i s NNcarId wiihswill
taeawmigh11ta n heyti t i cwt ______i a Iochaltrubeoatha dmt told t theui tt t andls the N
lauef NIt iii i itiee pns°(fthe.t lI ' 'iii sit tir E Ati tit it hesettt T e iciasNN or tthiit' teewre conlir
titl llitttii tt t i ~t ~sI tilta ! tnd ',ha s foa-atre- rdato nd res_ folow:_Strte an
Coachint t tlliR icky 1s t 1e erl1m- ~rc~ ttttos.i a tet I itliibo t!taeclaeti- '.Crefe T'ree 1, iztt~cIN's 'I'll it IN
tusse'ad op5o1'ea tl,1.<rsi"11ir11n tS acl ton o eat ig it-er gitess f' itiaItki:cerkoftis ofurstetuidi
ltll ear byNithft 1111litetit I tigiuari I'1i, t o P tarths'. 'liii f {. aiiii'iseiH.
Varity plyrs %sc c tti t_'.I ttt St'' E iituINCED G a i itetak in s , ttititl Fit Velne rNtsit.
isr dri il rdyaten o fe ii'F R T iM t ltelOte PL- Y. 7-5 Fislt etsigtt. . 'lm-' ttontte vas I l
tt etioacN delveyeta sirettagcue(l til otl Irii' tiilhjd e Int er His t hil ,NiA.l
'h r flttisi alii i t lecltS issisnth -t ou d wa insed B Nbro i llim ' ' '' ' K.'A
tfheir slel ii l fthewl r n iressiiepaedi h eod Arhr .W okin crrW lu
heavy it t ingliigt il It it r1< tnraae t F id} feno n i e<,D .M 1,C.I.IIriie ak
ture il lla y a et e A 'l ic c;ta is vrtitg
giti Ie ithi ve. e1:11e ~t iill1tutu(l°titwitExplor r woighe ayI-h nto res s Shrtein Jodnti frour
bee itt~r~vta i is tic \r l:: ;.>Scott Willea Ri Re 26,a achrt.SouthaffiPoilhe gvn
wite g meitth d5' c ; ' I ( ;- 'et it )' at s l t ch e r,S, t weers rsagifTh irtis haveii' r
th iios;vyS w!tetltk ,: h w sdt aulestll C oly ive nnly e si nce.
NJ f .se i ep te 1t h v 'a1r 1, t t :,fiins' llt itecondtrottnt' itlg eIomsit lu er i oft the ittle. Neopi',t wott wit~ll
frani-itt iii l ings~ ''' 1 1 ' 'i'it earofthei it tchis shr ulitre'orteas t rll. iS tirty womeni' t tu d'it ent ill
Iteirst''tiN'er whoitaseastlltell
tDc. Jamtes IB. .'nigell wasstse gut
of hiosior sit ai taiquiet git itiythe
Kliamtazoo Aliuti' tssocitioniiinthait.
Many Tributes Paid Him at Big IDe-
troit Banquet
ccs at ts'eianqet tenereiii hcim IilitDc-
trot laist Thutrsday ts' u'inii
Io ioihsnVW. Fotster,forteir sce
tary tif state, reipointg ttile t I
"AVie tre tdoubltlesstiltltagreedtha t itie
(dreatet servic e renderedtbytoeutile IiSt
rice ''is hbeent in the sdepatrtmtenti of edliS
ctin.lBut there tire fewn . tietit
liin Itoday wtho hart' rentteredl is vl
alel sericstasthle i het'teldt ttf chut
litspeakinig of tDc. _Nigel'I torkt illi
Vhna hA i r. ouster further satid:
"PtresidetiAntgell isas tila'ced aItilt'
litd itth iis conmmissiton 'attdi unter Ihi-
iseatershiti it sdischasrgeid its diffscit i-
its ti tiltswissdomnd uststccess
ChatriesID. NWalco, secre'itesyOfth
'Smiuthsoita tnstitutte, siin ipIaict
NIt oers uitl sadmirtationt andtut
iw t forure. Angell are if tianetyitri
-trin; a gnit for toe lutst tites year
totu dinistirativ'e relationisithhi
Antarctic Regions
'I o 6 1-'ti IP itl istas lilie ittt'i its
o n. It 'I int tatilt ;sir I retti huicts-
leoniit it 1 '' ' t Stilt tile hicons of
a ' e i e tt list. e iinI'niverity halt
1I it 1Ii I ;le'_1risk, strontg ftce, turoad
sholde Wd s ide ttis omore
u i ed t>Ilii ts usitt utfttu'uuet cituoheiof
F . ' I t r c utttl~n f the lit-
iico ' s ' td lmm]o ii sthe icidnts
of theI-)l'calttmorecffective
'1111tn1c t' I st )f th aturdls cii-
cmnerd 1k:i foundtt aicokeV it happets-
W_< ha titti hacewuldhase
turncd to a ttimadelight of
e tis
havesenhanucuiedtlthat admutiraittu anittre-
sliest, a'situI cutsteassud umy suuutluulttes'it
1his stotund wsomtaintditjttludgent. IIc
Sis ise, suite,snergetisc ai wt
hititugs of the ihoiarsd and I teti'is
1sedil henuasetstit.tasigretteuctetr.ih.
i hs taken ai itmthst tapprecitatives' i iiIhelpi
Iittl ntsrest iinecarry5intg forwarithe tl
Iftunduamueniitalstitckif lihe Smotih~tsi
tof knowusledgnt'amongtu men."u
I' 'ri-t w~ d ltl tim e in ptre-
y ar s it 11'itt u iretly inuto hifs
''s'heu"mt c' I',vas43 yetarsi old
It°<kvawdthe smlcit shuip that
r'iled int th .A tachic. Sicr Er-
ii i lithedepaturei'fromuutue
of Wilitdic otmi'u cross Ross
tt 1 si f~ call inuland, I.the
eI ll raid)mI ~lI'mltdatsh four tue
1l's it elle Iafdthipsnd it i-i
t iit ile raltl o d ttt'tuu''be-
xit th swvofte iitof 'the
ite W id, Nrsa ldamts tatu
ikltt -fo te 'Sut tPle, swhich'
\\ N IIt t 5 'lg~cratt eneter
c e ol-y heots, an alift5y utile gaule
inci r~t n ca fatees, mitts Ig
iit l.t tlih w r rozenutstiff, the
l tieIi;; ,vcn, wktt il irn stiutsi' -
c ii th 1111cture itee tht s' t tht
cbe cl n I' ivercsiti still this
l"(ill SP'IRI\G tVi's I'INS'i's.
Minutes--Predicts That
f xt December
N llthlisi tisse the Itiglt'htitu ita'
isujussinug sushishirts tutudiot dut
siin tugtutcu-tlhass anthd0tug li titind rus
g isis hauir 'autu tprepairinghc imlllf fi
ik te ei'tng,swhsich fst ine coihi
LIini juts foteur'minutes. hies' iledtit l iv
ytalked.Ti Io opersuadehs'tt ito tusksitut
huittsell wstan'iieffortu.''Just ettiti I
I'r~t Ir ti)ns ()rts' stunIk's' uttcotests
Are lS Hitlrre Tecomtte
I' nit t hlull ihe tll isticmphuti-t
tim., '1% Irimvs till It' hilu ou thtie
'i-cu'fine cili.
Thitsasi'itft ii ti
(<)i II
it) 12
1012 1
,, , tlks lik C o ut Yotu can'si ellu, a
It i 't t 'lFsuut ist h s
1mo ' I s 111 ic si isuir a utist
1 l iitii ' gusi kuigel ttuh
o ; >z o o As tat: al sune i e bu ndthti
5 t 4 eas a>It.y stie, a unfa ir id a
11111 IHI1- s cnei e (f n lselfnitut hsteoug. i
1i r tr . i i u t 's1ha s i it lisdt h e ngsis
I3 Iir) iwk iAm te1 Tit D. gil li besun se hei
:t the m 'w ' c i-- 'Wr the iga ustWtehich hut' pasturedt oil
<cI .f the A,' Il'tfatutu ini Uiverii'siu tty h ll last
"Whastbdo I titutI't ithin o ith tCoktPery'ctourtesy t lutisteitedsi x'ksiot,' lie
contrruitsy. Yll"N ee i NEntiexplatinesd~. "Irts o f pesole liketo' 1se
madeslc aiwryface aslie sitveitn a ret-cctuheiames in trint I lies'rci'thus'on111
leactury shirt stud-h--I dtutikes t wrhut otject ht sniteriw
stunsk sabout it i. IisaPerl tilt itwhnlOitI'niess tbeintakit
eight!l let ''111goodtmhit Ilbutntarcuiuthis explotionui hetiiis in
''-Inetiled lmany tis otutu hat'.siNelem ictentltuthusis tit sinceet-it
Wellt, Iihutld sty IittvehitbeenN Whueri'floimeidubIttser than 'lny min tthecimorldt
utthetnis1 taticitlaributto 'i Yes, as tutu hiii subject, hue talkssi antill t ist
I tits sainlig, I've1 tad h tutumns onta lis sfl Iisnmasterpiece.
tut utubles'.And 'e haldclutis Ilet' is thu reniction helie intl it'
tutu otiter tintgstu- ouA ei'ctut concl'usionu :
journailitsaretietain uuly a'u hi utsiitu' .'Secuut, the Enughlih usplortutu il
type'.'s. yin Philadeliatttui hts'otherresul thsu e suthipst ithtint au tes'kIoi
dayu auttman salmotst startedla rilutliniug 5Decemberhun1Wi,1911. NI stililly awint. I
to st takesy iphotogrtaphiithils' I titsthrum-
tug thuroiugh onetuit' thei ainsui t st. till gite hind ust onetitu'kaut ettrliser ii
IBut I like'youiewti spaperi mni. lThe'y're'louer. Bitt I ou]stsuns- his'iill ritait i.
sqhiuare."i y'know.'
cit cn-it. for tile
tes tools iN cii st the gyms-
ill it;aftrno n i'd ill eCon-
i.tam f sixty tutu
tilts' ututulone nr 6o
11th 1thrWE ie"huh ut. o
T'I~ o h is. geotlitr.
l'o~tiet1o t ii l u-ike ll
7riit w i l c istl.tli stalt
II t;1 1 t '. 111[,1, iAW ARD1 'I.1 liti , it.
Nt a lct I- caif hIi i rtis]i hit elliss
gut lls Is a1 cl1 lii'it wasdecidedit
lit- l'ftiiseti tti t lt '11.13 i Ts' ort' oinchts
'tso ci e ii1 oiit i vi'a dante itt GetItg-
ci rs otn Mayi~
IV 0 I i --t esprintg, y' knouw,", re-
itt 1< 'sit Flsi, u l uulin" thit' iitpt'ii
it 1 (,(i '
. w