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April 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…- 77 %, to ri' d r y °.. v -j. , "-° "- r -. 'f. r . .... ,f rf -- ^. .!, t f 1 i' 7 : . _ _ r _ J t } = _ _ -- -- _ 7 - f , _ .. . " r' %: '-s . , s . _ _ _ °' r r t'J t; '-' \ r r w w w . ... rr ..., _ ... _ :r. 'r. r, ..... T, i - J: r: _ _ "" J ^^ , 'J, r- .. '- ,. .-. r: " qpH , i -s r i (. i r .y , ... r- J. -' .- f Ir, J r' _ _ r of :: .- )- .J, ; . Jr; ' -f. ; r- -- __ +.. _ - . y,.. ... -'1 '. ... e ~ /; 1 y .r /, Ja .m °' r 7...…

April 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…PHlE MICHIGAN DAILY. we ee \T.. HE I1ICH IGAN DAILY.' * lk *Eterda _i '.tatirr t h MaaigEioJ STALE BALE. Taioring f* ..I 1 ,:,ci.. ........ .l.',c ph . D r ** W . ........ . .. I a M. r riggo THFl-E NEW SPRING : A. N, 1 i arry it.Andrew: S WOOLENS ARE ! AS Al:1. ES kCes- A.0. .1.1 MArthurv T. IIugg + N. I. N 'a . .1J Earle.' 1)gln'. READY .It. 1rl..yer LL' ) (t .-1 N t ± 1Ii~i'. \V. AmbIrose Lo.usl'Siic.y ± * , E.1 Winstloead". 1 ic Wadoc And ...…

April 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…THE tt1C HttGA N iDAILYi. ,¢+ +,,' }, i ' ''°'. _ .. °x .. ._® + ,ma ._, ¢ p, 'i L' '^ . . SHART, C-AFFNLR &BARX 4 MACK &CO5. TEA ROOM ~ +, 4~ic nisla ,fo1) Coatsand + 4 + *, The Clothlier, TbeDMteaiciEiwanPn i ~U217 So. Mekiri St. Everything First-Class 2nd Floor + +41+ +4441 4,--++ + + +"R "' . .. . . 1 4 -" ++ ++ ++ I a . i1-14i - . P - '1+. ---6 .+...*..- ..-"-.-- -.. e-M- i$... S...Money Loaned... On OsXatel e:-, ha 111)5 ",J . 11its.:.; ...…

April 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…"IE MICHIGAN DAILY. I RANDMALL P HOTOG IR.AP H E K I I. WAL K i V THE WALK= OVER SHOE CO. Study wit a Good Light I irin o tetter tight titn THE WVEL.SBACI] READING LAN~ ALL STYLES.5AT AL.IcrFS. The Anne Arbor GIas Company. f i p Yi:,, <" t t n 4+ !..Jl .t! JL..}t . t ,yam r r, try - ;; li li It"'!i""l i ..It"'t i ' i"fi 4"] l > $3.50 For Men To B~e Well lDressed U lla1 o vk t I ti i t> . 11 ( Walk-Over Shoes '5 ti PaIIt iSuto] 1 n WALK-OV...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga_ il n Vt ' + Xv ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APRIL, 2, 1905 No. 132 EASY FOR FRESHMEN __ YANNIGANS TROUNCED. 'lb XK TEAM BEINS OUTDOOR ____ ___TRAINING. r5 lo II0511 -oil k t w i I han Track Team Walks Away! Varsity earn Wins Score 9to1in I Meth wthHih cho-,'0 rinthtth 4r n e itpatylo ix Innings Pitcher Martin (Onl a fee of the track-msens respond- Meet withllbe he osigii Schooljurd. d osDlirctor lFitzpatrcks call for out- law 1 h c 5...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…'TlE MICHIGAN DAIMP. ***.****.." "" """"* THE fICH iIGAN DAILY. to iiiaingnah ininocent oleepank " _____ _-- ~~-friar real hazing wec lciieir, Spring Enhtrda_ eodi as atitatthe A nalt-o tu i acei o SPRING-FEVER Pulihd alyMonday excepited? duing etat ig er X aiii li, hi ca wll demands j iila~yei. atih . Wahingon stretb if. An ranks a l ,(di l Taiorig ; Mnaging Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. tray,;alilai-raia iinjuryt(Fi i .c.lOUTIDOOR SPORT. act nil...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI(;,N DAIL'i 3 arch fi el d's Fine Tailoring T rad e Guarantees... You the most skillful and artistic service to he had anywhere. ?We always carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ens. We have the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, * and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of iahirt- ings-"perfect fitting. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 [. Huron "GOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer, at Moiney Savin...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…T HlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 4. !'4.' 4. 4.- - 4.- 4. 4. CUTTING, REYER & CO. ; 3 Q R GA 35 SOLE (iEF S SPRING STYLES NOW IN anand see themNN lbette o u IObuy or not. for the _4 ALL lREo0xL SHOElS SHINED 1FREE1. .j4.j PAUL MEYER 109& 111 E. Washington St. 611 E. WILLIAMS ST. + f t + 1 NHi+ir r 4 r+ rrrrrrrl rrrrrrrr rr"r " a1 Plcakwio~tk BOWLING ALLEY Strictly Vp-tou-dtxtn. S. PR07TENSTE2IN, P.-sm,. 707 N. Vest', A. ' BRIGHTON GARTER PIONFEEI 718 Mar...…

April 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.N~ CAPTAIN BIRDI DESIGNS. 4Ptain of Varsity Baseball leamz Resignis to NlaN, with Buffalo Teain Iasehall Pros.. pests Oloolli1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TPUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1905. l ir . Ii i io 11" 'ct n ar t at Il N 'ri te il Io l ff'reii ; S tl ti llI i t o (.c v1 t , ac 'Il hr l ll ,, tauill e 10 l On11111 Ii i I}r 111111 i 111 l Ilka task1 Bard 11 I mI ,':1 1i t c' t'2 < 1' 'i 1 1, t+ j t1 )i' ! ti «21i t} i FRA K 1 S. kil '...…

April 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…'I lE MICHIGAN DAILY. + """®" +* ++ " +"*THlE I1ICHIIGAN DAILY. The. Da~ily nishcs to offe sasl S r i E t da A e tdo n a si m atter at the A n e o t n o k ott r the si h ilooi c f o - S P R I N G F VI S o io- i i s i t tnoIto a tn cal F E V E SParin I'yhOtilondiaa rnreptediitaeltg ttte ' n'mtidorndo v L atii 17 it; . ahingtonastreet, 0 000 little .atratioin >f peet < tittOta Ohw,-uld .e nnut no r o cl(ctdc M~nainEditr,_,________ .11111hng OUDO...…

April 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…i .. _. THE MICHIGAN DAILY e 1 HART, SCfl"AFFNFR & MARX S Edo lp Co ats andi 101.of I l 901195 now MACK & C "S. TEA ROOM FOR LUNCHEONS Table D'fRote and European Plan Everything First-Class 2nd Floor. _ , t 4 r t t i t i 4 __. LUTZJ The Clothier, 217 So. Mairi St. } -4-0-r a - 44.+++++++++++++++-+++++ . . ........ttt + ttt .* * Q r.0 s _ O -W r +fs -0-4--w . -40. 0 0 40 - + -+-s ...Money Loaned.* W. J.LOURIM. 4+ 11'141,1) 001 ~ t (I cO St 0113...…

April 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 4


April 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…The MihgnDaily VO.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., WE TRACK NEWS. HOMOOPATHIC EXERCISES1 Bad Weather Does Not Prevent Light Birthday of H'ahnemann, Founder of Outdoor Work-Curtis and Ack- { omeopathic System, to be , eran out forHammer.----- Celebrated Next Week. )"Stpite thy li atiapi ofac ~ _A\i Ito tti ht~lc dpart- Mrrayafter non, uit a mrnt iv''ofthy Ilnt ' lithaviv 'city will clebrattf track amer ntade the trip to Fe'rr filvd he ow'iii tact d nfifiti...…

April 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 N ~ . rw.N.THE fMICHIll N DAILY.!, trineIm 11 -, at ,ilte'l~-t S 'ringid :r_. ,nd;el s, 10 r ra se Ann 10 losil1.l!rllt t the tthi f h SPRING FEVER S p r i n g -t ,, T NL diLE ra t o dt . I ll (, i t r1 of eel 1111151 >" et at 1" 1" Waslo K~on tree, icaritt 1.:ttg t oIaIan tc'CCri ni T ailo rin g Mnaer Aol AA.TorMSO. ~t 11:t tile t lt111,1 t~t 1tan(' _ . . . .. >Iteseph . IA 110111 rtllittI. lBaseball Mitt:, Aask -- .A '...…

April 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…' THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Burch field's fine Tailoring ae 0 uo I~ ~~~~S TrdTurnes, IIOAG'S [lOA SPYSTR Garner hin ndWshngo A BIG REDUCTION in $ SPRING TOP COATS Lot one $12.00 to $15.00, now $8.40 Lot two $15.00 to $18.00, now 11.50 Lot three $20.00 to $22.00, now 14.504 Reule, Conlin & Fiege1l 200202 South lain .St.t Money Loaned Idin i an -I I; An1r A rhtt. ltsi r.I i :-+ a.t t 33 itf r a ii aaa 1. rii. A lI tu irn Joseph C.Watts aa~iaaa'ifilfff...…

April 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. fr*f !f+ 0f r.®t @i4 l** i**4if OfN* NNN oif'F ytre not built as other men,. IIwe can build a Suit to measure for you.- The price won't be near so gfreat as thie satisfaction. We guaran-I 1 1 1 1 C tee a fit,............ Cutting,,Reyer &Co. I0)=1i11 F. Washington St. 4 $3.50 SOS $3.50 SPRING STYLES NOW IN Call and see them whether you huy or not. j ,i ALL REGAL SHOES SHINED) FREE.,4 } PAUL MEYER 611 E. WILLIAMS ST. ANN ARB...…

April 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily3 VOL. X V ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1905. No. 135 CAMPBELL IS NOW CAPTAIN 1SI ril uNITY -ISISAI, . f S N ilk ENG"INlikldS B \NQS r.1905 ATHLETIC SCHEDULES The Popular Shortstop Uuanimously I10 I ii] w el rciil 1w iillaieiC l -irCi Director Baird Announces That Dis- Elected Without Opposition - Has ni w cii einlrin- siee W eihi CBio pute with Chicago is Settled and erl d ,ieal leste. The baseball Chuse. was fumenal...…

April 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…TIAC MlICHIGAN DAILY. " t~~sf « . +..... iTHE I1ICIG~AN DAILY.J orte tciii iii id oltt eu ititll * oe Puoitii- i l er f er l a S p r in g needa eom -~a m te i e An t j. _ohll _heh iir_ fthcrb r__-olce Tailoringnger CLAUDE I.IIOMPSON. Sc - Ai()ftCeti C. Nit P f01101011 THE1EDTORI1AL STAFF:. p mr ymMitai1,g.l T~ENEW SPRING iA.Mtraer ito r Ii Anrew WOOLENS ARE I A i;zS(WI A ~TESfc o1 th al,(ll 1tgglcl And the Styles.are AM ore I are Ogl.AtJcr a t...…

April 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…mE MIC1IUCAN AIY HART, SOVAFENER & MARX Scuts, Rattncoats, Top Coats aod Troosers for spring of 1905 fnow ready fo~r yoor insxpectlion, LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Maidzi St. T Lable D'fBote and European Plan EverythingFis-ls 2nd Floor 0 .,,Money Loaned.. On Swateltec, Iiaxi nt dJ : j a nd alligi i > Cassv hattx S W. J. LOURIM. 104 4th Atvx. oppoi teot Oo ill t. 'I. CF iirrtci tis :; tax 1 1 .U; 1 ) 1.a Business Strictly Cosnfidential. tNOCH DI...…

April 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…'PIlE MICHIGAN DAILY. [WTfDAT1 PHOTOGRAPHERI if '1, "- THE WALKzz OVER Study with a Good Light ___________ K "hre s n geterIight han$3.50 For Men and Womnen $4.00 THE WEL..SBACII RLAIINOl LAMP ALL SYLFS 5A ALL ISICI . The Antn Arbor Cray Comj. A. G. SIpadillg & Bros. 4EW ROUT Lrg t NM)UNI-t'i ex i]i,' -1 ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL TRAINS GOLF BOXING GLOVES TI ALBION, MR STRIKING BAGS KALAMAZOO, a GYMNASIUM GOODS PI G. T. RY A. (...…

April 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. """"++ " " V HE 7ICH IGAN l)AILY. Yu' Tailoring o~iayfee~drig h - l N e r at 11 ss i t l.i set . aio i a * BinesX Iter, A DEA . lstUN THE NEW PRIN A I I yII.Asd'7'1 1 -1 ................. . . K errII W O O L E N S A R E 11 I A . I 1'AF 'I jS g READ~YI Ifugh Allen ill U. Xarf,rd XVI tWoA :,r,5 L ots Sot XIksd' Chas . tln a' ertra , (,,rI ko iy And the Styles are BUINXSS STAFF f. ' i) j. ' SPRNG EVER dmands 1111O1)00 SPORTS.....…

April 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…'Hi MICHIGAN DAILY ' + + Ir- ++ + -3uieh field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You thesh) skillfulIandasic iee to Lube had anywfere. We always earl's a larg- and complete line of seasonable woo01- ens. we bas e the :ag-sn yfit'Beach &fi Newel's (usooxnShirts, k aid can sbusj. you t amei~ , eutifulland exclu-ive line uf shirt- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Irade, 106 E. Huron i I ................ ...... . I I. f f 1 1 a im + + M. i A BIG RED...…

April 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…'iF MICHIGAN DAILY. fr you're not built as other men, II we can build a Suit to measure for you. The price won't be near so great as the satisfaction. We guaran- tee a fit. .. . . . ting, Reyer & Co. 109=111 E. Washington St. « $35Q REGA $350 1 ( O E s $3.a5 0 SPRING STYLES NOW IN Call and ,see them Nv nether yon buy or nt. 4 AL 1. . IsiHOFl SSINED I PEE. ,~,. PAUIII113YER 611 E. WILLIAMS ST. Cut ANN Al ___ _ - - - - 1. 4Pickwick -,J ]BOWLING ...…

April 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH.. SATURDAY. APRIL x8, 1905 No. 1 37 CLASS BATTLE TONIGHT xiiSiii>\i. iSNTRDLIE i1ierciass Meet Promises to be the Best Ever Class Relay Championship Also to be Decid- ed -Jiu-Jitsu Match and Gym Team Are Other Attractions. Iwk~rcin hld p linnty ona lnnt in iAl lilin ti ll t" selet t the 1 tome "hut - P, epr itlixthe tri Famous Iowa Statesman Appeared on S. L.A. Course Last Night Large and Appreciative Audienc...…

April 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…liii, MICHIGAN DAILY. ~~********* *~** 111IAL 11C11lMAN DAILY.! #-iig * g i ltit' 3 .rz ttth n Sor ~ ~ ~ ~~~ j P ~ 11(l irait\, ,,rn"7e " ., tr t i 11,>t~" .. ph 1. vi i ' prg ....................... > l it ela > :r}'f'!1 i- .tt1.t t tt"." :i \1 kli' ! t _ SPRING FEVER 'demands I THE NEW SlIRINUI WOOLEN: Ali READY And the Styles are. unusually handsome.* 6. N. W I LD C.,~ 311 S. State St. 1.pWaie .Jayn It Al I tpI',I' LA T'Siil~ A.i Oi l~. 2.3...…

April 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE MICt~tGAN DAILY. SHART, SCI7IFFNER & MARXS MACK &Ct.TAPG SisRanots, Top Coato and l'O1Sel1 prnof 105 PAvk LUNCHEO L NS_ LUTZ Th Clothier, al 'doea1(4lIO~alPa 27So. M inSt. +4 Everything First-Class 2ndi loor 1+++++++++++++++++-44.44+++++-+ +++ 4'j'"+++444 Um." !'41 .*.4.+++ I '( - }.ir iawr i"--s- . sis.-+ }- .- }e"ss- es- ..oneLoaned..+. aIn tolt>l11 .l i o. iu1 11 151 W. wJ. LOURIM. + Is) d5 I-5s uiO ,)In Y.11. C.A. + Business Strictly C...…

April 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…HLGAN MATEY, >_ ' te a,'- t .. RANALL I II WAL K ThH E WALK= O-VER SHOE CO. I Stud wih aGood Light Ile i i-sot, eter light than $3.50 For Men and Women $4.001 THFWFLBACHREAD)ING .LAMP TheAnnArbr (asCompany. i4 t 75 1MZ ~\iq yr 'a ,'',. 4 1 t+) \l. t :q 1" '} ei . -i, :3 t 3 Cx} .. t X. ATHLETIC IML9lNS BASE BALL BA_'I'A GOLF BOXIA U01 STRIKIN ;BAGS GYMNNASIUMCOO IS A. GI. SPALIlNO & BROS. PERFECT ALAN1 CAPR. and CAAPS.. flACK &CO. °' RE KALAMA...…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APR11L 9, 1905 No. z13 kILL FEATURE IN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. 1908 ENGINEERS VICTORS The University Organization will be Freshmen Win Interclass Meet with AWTU ILL'WUU OW beard in an Interesting Program I 17 Poinis -Senior Lits Second- V UIL IL SiOTomorrow Night- Three As- 1907 Elngineers Win Re- skiing Artists. lay Championship. 4eieitger, Champion Amateur Bag Puncher of the thle clee ofi 01 Uli iri u...…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…'LII C'MICHIGAN DAILY. F~I sda, J- m e tTe Ann " Nlumitwing Editor, . -nINLLY IHALEY. 4,. Business ~ManagerCLALIII'A. ItMP~Y DEMOCRATIC VIJ C" I'ION. ~t r1>rll 11 tl , 1" 'ytt'1'. l: }I1 r ' y 'Ill t'1',it 3c T-IENNIS RACKETS WC 'a i cOIlt lin~ iie of Wright & IDistoll n i fatchre: * 4 I i it-n h Y. Kerr' 4 * ..Ida .-M. liltanlri 0.1 TH R'iF I)S iig N 4 ?XIIaii. l n drews i.Ci wallanehSihe W Itv . Osorn Artur . IP.1 un s al A ndsom . 1. rt. A....…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Iiurclifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Guiarantees... Yo ho si ll, rd artistic 'servit'Ciosbh had anvwhere. ieriir ,, rod coomplrete lice oif seasonable wool- - e~li.ii fir R[ ir' &id Newi's Custom Shirts, 3adriA or iii e, ii oritifril indexci ve i lsine of shirt- Burchfieid's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron [1OAGVS HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer at l1 ' Sain Pi co . }BLUSHElS, {OMBSS OAPS, t SHOESTRINGiS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, ANt) C...…

April 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…'1115 MICHIGAN DAILY. jf . ou~rc not built as other men, *uw ,can bll aS itto measure Thry(, l L'ci on tbe near so+ *great as the I I t cl~on. We guaran- *teecafit . ." ICU t t Ii eyr &CO. l() 109 I1 E 'o~aiiiton St. ANN A R O k", _M(ChIGAN: *s $'3s5Q EGAL $3.5Q SPRING STYLES NOW IN / 1 1 b P 4,4,4,4, 4, 4,4,4,4. 4,4, 4,4,4, 4,4,4,4, 4,4,4, ~4,4, 4,4,4,*4,*4,** 4,4,4,4,*4,4,*- 94,4,* .a4 P1Tckwtck -: . BOWLIN A LEY NEW GROUND Stri-ctly Vt7 -bu...…

April 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…o - . o{ ..... ... . ... . . . ... . ..... . .... .... . . . ..... .. :.. f r ;:} _ - .. r; ; r- ' -- ,r , :rt rr _. .. . _ r,,, 2- - 2 2 .emu'; % f ( . ti , J ' .. .. r r ... ," -- r, . vi G. I f _ -- Y r r f "J . ... !. I 1 i ^+ v r _ r. .r. ' r f r. r r _ f: I.. '. .-"' f, I-. ,r, '; _ _ ..t s J. ! r: ... ; . 1.< .. J _ _ J !. r ,i _. f, r' v ,.. r;. r, "-S J i C !:, r j r, ' ,' .,.. f 1, "f. r -, r r r -'" J' ... ' - , , f z-"= _ ."., C. n...…

April 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…SH ENM IC HIGOA N DAILY. e*e 4*ee* 44 * "'w " TI]E 1 IC HIl(AN L)AI LY.1 M:Faa.gin.g Edior, J. ISTANLEY KlALEY. a Bsies MaagrCL AUDE '.A. IIIOMPSON. n ± F~~t tt't .JtplYt ri THAE' S R N i . 3I titer Harry t.Andrew. ! 13V I t' t t'*( .ti'1.I'ytte AF WOOLENS ARE<AIt4~. jg R AAI ) Y tlttgtt A rlh u r .I t l u gt And thePaStyles arele Ogle. Jr. kr11 it. toye ifo . N. I ith :,.I. W ILD se LAd (A AtiLlitt y 31 .Jtte S . E ete . t 1u. un s a l H.ands...…

April 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…tilt MICHIGAN bAILt. -*- - - - - -- - - - -- 40 HART, SCHTAFFNER & Suits, Raincoats, Top Coats and Trousers for spring of 1905 now ready for your inspection. MARX .MACK & C O'S. TEA RO o FOR LUNC[IEONS Table D'fl ote and European Plani Everything First-Class 2nd Floor --" ®, " 0 t 4 LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Meiui St. I...Money Loaned... SPING PNN ()n Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and all h~igh1 Class Chattel Every new 'wrinkle" of fashion, evei...…

April 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…[liii MICHIGAN D1AILY. J -, '-K, TEL:- I" RANALL I i WA L, K- THE . . .:. . z _ r:.. I Stuy wtha Good Light I7"- i s I e s l-igh;itt xa. $.50 For Men and Wmn $4.00. lhcAnAror - gas Company. :,,a ~ <;> :ti ,.; . A. G. Saidiw' B AlI't-ILL 11311"I 1LC ONI BASE BALL BASES -13_.11 GOLF BONO1OV' ST IiKiNO BA;LS GYMNMASiUM O ; sA S A. (U. SPALIING & BROS. geSS i l~s it A Suspees CArPSr... and.t THGOW. DARNSr . an A . " ON nlACK& CO. dEW VRO UTE 4O KA...…

April 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…he M y VOL. N V GARIELS E) Big Michigan Ati 131 Feel 7 nch to be lHOl ANN ARBOR, MICH., WRX' EStAV, APRIL,,12, 1905 No. 1 40 (CELS RECORD Mlete Thros D liscus es -Penns' Trials d Next 'WNeel. .ttl sv w i te is- 1 1'tld v at vli1tavil r.1 hlrtucfs whoal- .111e11; y ne ii . sa l c ii . t Ilti i thr t hat tr, I ttr i c ilt a o itt: tIni i ")I ilar Ic lle fthr'aot s I i sc iu : d i rd l~l ih a thit.wio hi1s~ ti it tttw oct a)k( ith lit ltaoltv itt...…

April 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THE13MICHIIGAN DAILY. ** 44GO ,Sri * Tai ,o s t ;: .: r 4 "is:i - &. W F 4 .. . 4' - I Il~lAN l)A ILY. l t"'.:t I 17il ,. . 'A 1 1111RALLY. 3 Mogt.1111II tlllr i.t I,, MISI 1 1 i 1 l t t t I } 1 I ; ; . Y. 1+1-1' lda 11. 1 mo I 11Iti L SI A IV: A.0. (,rave hary 11.Anrw 1. I1'tt' . t'ie" .Wti iglt c&. )i.Stol Star $1.00 Surprise _ $15 L THENE SkNi ;WOOLE3NS ARE And the Styles r unusually Hnroe CO, I1 S.IjStab, St. College Text= I ok ALL 11 ' ) ...…

April 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. .. T. i"'9' "}#" 7 '' ' '''." '"F'F'i .. .. . F7' ""' r^-4^-4i--+- 4 -IYi4--i l---ii.+--' -I --ii--r+41- 1+Y Bur cJhfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You te otilful and ar tistic service to be had anywhere. NVAa'ale a -rrx a large and comaplete line of seasonable wool- eni-. Xi- ate thi e .,c, for Beach .R Newel's Custom Shirts, an I can lie coui alii -i iatiful ad excluesive line of shirt- 4 Burchfield's fine Tail...…

April 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…I'FlE MIHIGAN DAILY. * Fa for you T " greit mt "tee ait Scutig notI built as other men, i bti a. Suit to measure h7e won't be near so) n. I ~ We guaran- Rfeyer & Co. ~35Q REGAL$5 0 0SPRING STYLESNO IN Catll and :gee them wxheiher YOU I)LtN or not. ,_4 ALL RFL SHOES tN ~l. PAUL MEYE 611 E. WIL LIAMOS ST. i Z IOWi) -I '--, --. V\\asliiigton St. ANN ARB3OR, MtChIliAN BOWLING ALLEY - stvictly v"-to>-*A te. Si. 1RL0OTTJISTEINM, Pp>" 7017N. Vviw'. A...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…W6 z .. J (.1) Z ~Zy '- 1, % -'" vr, e :r , ; , .._, , r . . .. "' J f. «r .-. j.. y ^777 :.1 , _ :=: , :.. =r .J ..... f: .J J ( r r rt. "f. f II + J. J . yy y i f cn Now" 0 v+ O td 0 * - * - an 000 r 0 fi{"; H l'~ r..a .1 ..r H M Yid /W V H l c/+ W py W J/ W y -i ,,y R, V 0. JO N - t c00 SL V ,,, r. s'. i _ J ..+ ".J . .- .i ; *.w .-+ ... .../ fj a '° f ~ ^ _-- ..--.-. _ f . .._._. .._._.___ .__.._____... _____ ..__.__.._ ®-.. J ' ' .. r .= ...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…: THlE NEWXSRI 1s IWOOLENS \kl IAnd the Stv les wC unusually Hal ne A1l S. tdtI St ~College ~Text= ooks 1i Newx and i: ntl Vm . + .M atenwest picels O a~aigntruins' BRW'4RU.TR TFNNS o RACKETS $20 tx c 3.0f) n7.t $7.0(0 ~N XX nI1 §71)1 25ct, up The iiil~t Coi petc tedsInd Xostfeld e 11i7s n l sae Iitet e , ~ Lx thl x iie h X ha. r THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA rN.atI( l 1 11 Ld . I7. IBates, tmasr~rper, S808 I 1 , :I~II S a, II e. P z.,ss hell a _slAV...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…, f zz THE MICHIGAN DAILY. x V ~&MARX 77AC CS.TA OO + 4r E)I". ofI ) 111'+ F VeClothier, TaN I'ht dLuwa Pln + 217So.Madi s. E.yhn xstCa n o L _a.. _ .:. + MOil b .( y Loaned,.. ~i + + + 4. )URIM. 4. 4. 4, + 4. 4. 4. 4, 5+4.~-4 4.4.4.+4.4.4.+4.+ DILTLI~1Ji7 I I) UYOCI~ S PRING OPENING ,Kr f U:'r Cc,1 lvi he'o a, outt'~ ix 11ttlt P t ily n s ral rtrt~ . 1 1 tl l m I aiti i (I-d 1 . !jci . l STABER,&WUETHJ W tt~c, fb .LC~t \\i ti k 1 -, i , 'L. t...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…MICHIGAN DAILY. A. G.Sllig&b ALOLLE 1 ) BASFMASIvi6 A. t6. SPAt 1)150iSILis Sp 4SHZ (jo Light L~.?G YBMASHALL, BATTLE CREEK, LJadPoints East antd West BYua BATTLE CREEK t~l ATESFAST TIM5 Tan and Black, Broad or Nar- row] Te, all sizes AA to I, 1The iag I tnts or i i t( ciea ine WALK-OVER SHOP 111 S. mgr. St. N[W tm Slus r I o.; Alitslre Hls and curlI the ~~~ .Y!II 1POS1L C AI ALBSUIS.. ,,,.. 50 (~ets t 3.00 IAMore than 40liikInds of llit<l at ...…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…:.... / -C7 n . }'+ 7 -, -. . 'J. .d '-" f. .. .. .U t, _ ,.V .. f, yI. _ a r .w. 'J f t. r y .7 t !', r ' , EfY r f J -fir ' _ f . :l i . C} U5 .. 1. - ! J= ' 1. 'J .. J f _ 1 '_ .. ., - 1Tr o .--.. r f y p rp I a :r' _ C - r- % r "J " f. , .f 4; % n, U' .. u , ' J 7u .,, t: '!.' M '°' 7 ; "I _. .. ' . n !C " t ti ! , r " O I 6 ! tae0 / FPM ; ' fY { I Fie y q i, 1 ' SV 4 r f . ': " ," + !r" " w. " c t ' i~ ,.: E t n r v r °, p " _- W : r .: i...…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…=" CP t'? O rI-I 0 7dl a t e-t .+ "T ;Pop J W 2 . C 0 rod, 00 z 0 mm (0J0 Q0 Vr+ Y ) t r. HH- o G r G r" R v = s 1 _ Q J A i ","CGo ', nV = V *o0m = -ll ..."-..i '.. (C.E..; e'~ ia .s r'Fsi s" + C., U G2 c ; a v a i 'c m n , p s s,. ' v s w . A ( c f _ a 3 '. \ ..3 a . Z t rt O tC R C p, 9 a ' w o c c .. c ,; i, o + w . w c n. J V K '_' f w C~ r.,. ^! ^ ^Y .. ~ W ; j a: 'D i:+ .,, J CD 'f '/. J R '1, _ A?7 r R C"rw"y y w y J -p J :D T' 'I.. ,....…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI4GAN DAILY Burchi TradceI 'm al iats on'- Vl4t i and(tanl hi7 s ... _ _ _ _ _ _ l eld's Fine Tailoring Guarantees.,. ): itt ! ta n.:d ai tic.n ri ii to !w had anywhi..ri it.r aiat ad Comptile-tei irnn ofitt tt i'itnitl two] c th.a .ig litv(for 1 .ei Nwer lI.-tatoin shirt.-, lit ittil; Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Ei. Huron HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE3 BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, ANI) COLLAR BUTT'ONS. Y...…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. + G Fjr you're not built as other men, ur ~ Carl build a Suit to measure lor you. I fh, ie won't be near so+ great as the satIsfcton. We guaran-+ + 1 tee a fit. .. ,. ...f,. ;C ut ting,41.eyer & Co. 10) ((== 1 E.N 'sington St. +* * ANN ARB01 MIChIGANw $h350 REGAL $5 SPRING STYLES NOW IN Call and see them w hether you bUy or not. ,A A4ALL_.RI3ElOALSHOES SHINEDI) P111. PAUL MEYER 611 F. WLIJAMS ST. 7 a# Piickwlck i3. BOWLING...…

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…I 6 r l a ; I 4 Co) t VON" 0 W~ ti r 'Y .. _ %t f + .. . : .-. . "J. J r .. l nj y -" i ; ~ i ! i f ; . 2 , t ' \ J +;.--"? Q- -- o tz ^. . M. f'r f'. ". . G Li ,:_j Wit M 0 r ___J' - ,___: .=' _ __ _ _ __ _ ____ _ __! ___f' _ O __ t * - * - H,. i j, is y S = -/),r Q C2f c _r_ _ w CI ~ d r- - --- -- _ -_ _ zzZ 43)t J J N G b4 J w ~ "N w f =J. . _ V J I . J I f _ .J ti ! y J J 0 v f J _ zt w O " r . tc s G " w L v C u Xs. 3 . H ,t …

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…T IlE h, I I IIG A NDAILY. .. . ...f .of.... THEL 71ClI(AN DAILY. Spring 'aaaa l;.. " " ;Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEV. ' Buiness Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. I4 xhne ......... aaJoseph x.;Y.aKrr KTHE NEW SPRING Atar1 a".'a rrA, aaa.Aa rao WOOLENS ARE .. ASN)1'aA1",S alAga; I f A . a neer la-o d a.'. wrat And the Styles are BU'SINESSaSTAFF) W. Iax arts Ea. N. 'aua..y a1. E etzer A. 1.i us unusually Handsome. - S?- a-ar ---- Ia'taa . Office...…

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