The Michigan Daily
4Ptain of Varsity Baseball leamz
Resignis to NlaN, with Buffalo
Teain Iasehall Pros..
pests Oloolli1.
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'1'O pc~ndr, A w i(P) 1lawclas
(,)it1IN a few11me11turnled 0111 for track
pradcceyesterday, althlough tile weath-
er 1w,,' 11ot1at all rchilly. Dirrctor Fitz-'
patic 111 Cptain Reblstock are anx-
ious that a1 ll calndliates Oshould turn
oat11 at once.1 T10 Iarsityfield day will
coke onkr 111 16,1 1w1o weeks after the
"lpri1;1vacation. Asthle results of the
fielld al 11 11 11detoermlinlethe make-up
of th outdoorII,. tracko loam, it is up to
E all cand1idates11 tol take adtvanltage of the
present 110111110e and get in all the
pract11ice pl~ssilc" 11eforo vacation. Thte
111111m1tt6th Chicago whtich will he
held on1101r1101e1dtis year will occur
_Il ay _211
i } ii l rtirsctor Ftzatearick spelnt a good
ill t t L,, Irrl0c1115 of s 10re If Ihis lime yestedy oahn
lw i .i r c~s h he sen 1to 1he bo- jkkl Curtis1k in Ithrowing thle hammer.
r1p1k I 11ir e10 z 0k 1'.vrd akilk 11that kka 111o1yItp llkihed Curtis 1has 1been do~ilng well in this event,
an0 t1 1 .I~ k l .ah 11101 ;c okns ide ig his tack of experience, hay-
ill tbtnt a \Att'li ils3 lp( Ilc Ii~litk' t o r clss l reatedly burled thle missle over
hay0 lkkkklll)1.sk1 t iI 1 1i < o feet.l lehI waso tavinlg trouibles of
llI , lo11f lt 11iBl isv o1w111yesterdtay, thowever, nmastering
l hit11110115 1111 t't , l ar.C, lu rts te intricacies of 111e doub~le turn and
ri' lt atl iebt ,r 111111 )gettin~g 1150d to swearing spiked shoes.
al _____al__ltacl'la~cl h following men1 are out for thte
;i nnlIsoamrstlt ho sty folur-mile *relay team: Coe,
)1V the 1 l-, ,00111111in Rowe o ne010, Dklane, Minor, Ramey,
encr i, i rI~c(~d ,)11 llkCe l'lk 11n1 Dull. It is iprobable that
c c 111 11 r inlllkcl l111 I111 othersowill be 11111 beore the clolse of
,'~li lil n 11)lil 1,\'d f iricl antikbil~lbllr, 1Fra1k ht. 1st YS'l' INE CLUB BANQUET.
I c-.. tll t' lt I' 'l,1)lrt I lli-t m l- he rt, hoIn lea t ( i lt a t ay evenling, April 8, the
ll l ( \\ ill r011, 1 1d111111ympat ize itl eoedib'1 111011111il old its second semi-
li all illkthirO p0010 01r11f, there- 1111111al banquet of the present college
ftr1 a. The Pennsylvania mni hold two
It i rlll ,ret11011 t111 IlI 51it r10111111 Ilkat1e11xtend to 0ban 0u1s011ch ear, Itheir first semtester
'1k 51.1 lkl 11111l ktills kkkO kl 111010their 0.1111111111 Is feed 001110 off between Tltanksgivtg
i~utlcidt, ary th cau ' ,ll h artflt llipil, ant}k beist1 fulr- 11111 110eIholidays. The list of memhers,
ttl~c' prelellt~d :ilaf+ 1110 ,big .state cluh receittly compiled
ved,1 h tst -F1repiI Iw e frkte Nlai tianensiallshowed a total
i-bail;n~tm0whi0hoel oiltl 14'reptresetative of all departmtents
hl 11k IIIr,1h11111c Illsupon the 1mits ofotf11 t11e1 university, the laws predomin-
1111.chili, 1and Ihe k publised IIin 110the obich- tighowvekr.
thr riindw re lI i,,i i1)ttl .The conmmittee reported last tight
he0cd - It< J. CC lo 1tee t 111thy 11a l alreadyII0 soldl 1n10 tttndred
J.1 1I'.1II 101113 t ticke 1110oi-le Saturdtay nights han-
511111 .1 h1 astlb 5)1 1111"1 W. Jor1d11, 1111e1 aOd Is-eigttt o'clock ont tt t e4"tt-
111111k-k51101111lllInitte ig promtise to ttavoe te etlire 142 in
bek taut 1111 Ilk .ol., ill(,- _______ine.________1Toelbanqtsll begitts pronmptly at'
thewec;. t n'ilagel iX I 1<" 1 {i CI UP PBANQUE.T' A Neighlt o'clock. Members of te Iaw,
E BIG 1 111 I'C S.'tmdialll e ngineering attd literary fac-
-1111'I'll(,1roopottd to bs C. esrs
Itl >liiIlelC';it1t1111111r11 t'otnlg vanBslavnd aHgctr Ownst Canth
not hr ulltLf p'lItbll ct 11,pkrstateeclub,'eldllasa Sleo.
d a \ t t ~ l m a t h e C o k H o s e , i l 1 1 10c o i i t e e o nt l -s af r 1 ) 0 1 1 1 e f t l s 1 C
:c sl, I Ill ()lI I III-. 1 111010ik
11 klll l }nl1rkmlmberedl bylthe arg- . C. iff il.l Cpreside tas-t asKeystoe
>Ii l),i 111111I1irklloloIll sllell Clu
ht°1 ,lc' ent. The bane The rols'. toss olo s
l Pres 1111 . 1. A. Bgl-et a-te R etoneo
01l 1011111111 It 1wil 111d u 1tll ll stnd oyr 0loceby
,!t (t- u la ef t( nllk lcasat1111 lls rf tHrteL.Htchiens -T 'htt ekett e
11, lilt'1}f 1 ll" 111111 1 3 1 Lal ~ R ieto s at
II1~0lI l ' 11111 s iy
p i''' 1, al I I tI 1 Ati tI I 1 - 1k11101 .10 1,f the11 1,0 present ban- I tllllso -P ttr
1l Iil etill11 00Prof J.11.0a0is-ite Siteyor
1.1 act Ic.11 11enter11 Prof.CT. AI BoLI I Th111ev P ttsla ins .
three 110010111 1will 3:R'101011'rl1 51111cstirtit Cbettlluit
l1 e nI i. t 111l11 11111 1 1'l1 I ltiI 10rCollegecMut
e~iil e ersine, ein I t >1 pt - sartd a i 'clck nd as 1. . Fart -I~rCes'rdlrget
NO. 133
Professor Trueblood Expresses Him-
self as Extremely Gratified with
the Work of the Debaters
Friday Night.
Wtten interviewed yestersay it re-
gard to te MichiganWiscotnsin debate
whictt took place last Friday eveig
Professor 'irtteblood said, it parta
"Without question the debate with
Wisconsi on the primary reform ques
ion was thw stubbc'tnest cotest in
which Michigatt debaters ave yet p-
teared. The subject was a live one,
and very close to the Wisconsin Ieart.
They have very recently passed a very
sweeping reform measure ad te gos-
ernor and a large number of te legis
lators were practically back of te Wis-
consin debaters in their preparationt. In
fact, te leader on the Wiscotsin side
ts a clerk in the govertor's office. The
uetn of Madison were the best pe.
pared of any of our oppotents up to
date. They had been at swork as a
team seven teeks before our team was
chosen. They brought forth a post
digious amoutnt of ttaterial. They had
letters from over five huidred public
men interested in the questiot. Tey
covered the whole end of the Iall witt
charts. In all there were about fifty
square yards, stretched from galery to
gallery. The manipulationi of these
charts required two assistants about ten
mutes between speeches. 'lTey iot
only tad a vast atonitlof aterial, Itl
it was splendidly orgaiized. All pe'
rentedl their agminetts with etergy and
effect iveness.
"It was evident to otto boys a sooita
the debate opeted that at unusal coi-
test was on, aid that notiig btt the
1111151stttbborn resistattce could possibly
savec ts fromst defeat. But thIle Micigatt
tmetn accepted the callettge atd set to
work with calmt deterninatiott that
Isas splettdid to see. Wisconsin lost no
itte in triflintg matters, btt struck rigtt
at te cotveition, the caucus aid te
boss, and maintained that te people
thtettselves shotld have direct choice
of teir officers atd that it sotld iot
b left to delegationt atdlredelegatiott
of power. There wa nl wranglig
over te interpretationt of the qestio.
'lTte issute was plain. 'Iheir lite of at-
tack could not have been better devised
for our defense. The Micigat met
mt eery argunent that was presented
and~ mainttaintesd that te evils referred
to by/ Wiscotsin could be overcome by
legalizitng te primary atd eeting the
delegates to the convention atd main-
tained tat there wotld be new evils
0from a direct primary as much to be
rottdetttted as maity of te present
"It uas not1 detetined until seven
o'lock Friday night that Mr. Burkey
woultd be able to -speakIe had been
disabled with an attack of laryngitis
attd had not spoken above a whisper
for ten days. His oily practice had
been to talk over rebtttal poits in a
whisper. H3e had beent with the team
constaitly and knew thoroughly the
course of the argument. His voice im-
proved rapidly Thursday and Friday
attd it was determited fitally tat he
should speak,-btt in a qiet, conversa-
tion~al totte. Hle was able to get through
and did heroically his full share toward
winntintg te debate.
"Too ntuch cannot be said in praise
of the alternate, A. D. Pearce. ie was
ntotified a week ago tat Mr. Btrkey
was disabled. He set 11o work manfully
and was fully prepared by Friday even-
ing aitd I feel sure that his work would
have been highly creditable had he been
called upont to speak. Mr. Rippel and
Mr. Kentny tave been ini uttiversity de-
bates. before, but praiseworthy as has
been their work in the past, their cool-
ness attd resourcefulness under the high
(Continu~ed on page three.)
'Ilk E"\kikkkkt\l' rn
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-11101 ":1O IIIOw
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pti fora1p0 ii
k11 duinig 'llii]
I II I I.,I I C'hED LIAYOR. iKFN 'h'hKN 1 Afg'l'ItLS.
In th1muncipa eletionyeltrda11, 'ThetPhi GanntI a Delta fraterttity civ-
Iac 1111111 1lt1 II 1as 11l111ed10m110rt1111111 at a flomlal party at Grattger's
olI IIc r111l 111011iket 1y1th1ty-die lat ttglit. Ile affair was elaborate in
NI IililikIlk ll I> 01 Ok>o 1 Il-bail111111thle'gutests included
;1; I~riig in f 1%1r of 1muni ipa 1vraft-lull 111
x,11 '11'111 110 lth ikieiorkOsanC d 1111010111 '' j utnir lit patily of the spring
ealsbI was11h10111last1 nighlt it Barbour
gyn IIIillIll - t']'hre 1011 a large at-
I11,1 NO l I S C11,SIIO( I IIllil IIteiq~l 11100ofthlird-'year um rwith as
I'CF LM.Imansy1111100 guests. Thle program coin-
Ipri1s111twety (laic~eks -bicb were espec-
I JIlc Of tkil 111ct1thatiCap11kltai oth- Tl .1~ly e jo~yalelt becautse sot the excellenlt
k~cIllini baseb11 Cioiall 10e11m5s0110m10to b 1111esentiloits ssill give a dancing
a- fat s aslat ea's' ggregation. 111011-t ar Il~borgymnattsiumtn iext Fri-
at111111111thcY Iifea11001 bheLMlinnseapolls 1101nightk.
temby" soej h class 11f 'o03Itas planned to give
11 410o2.ja stag b~anquet itt the near future.
Klkoktoe. I