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April 08, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-04-08

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The Michigan Daily
No. 1 37
i1ierciass Meet Promises to be the Best Ever
Class Relay Championship Also to be Decid-
ed -Jiu-Jitsu Match and Gym Team
Are Other Attractions.
Iwk~rcin hld p linnty ona
lnnt in iAl lilin ti ll t" selet t the
1 tome "hut - P, epr itlixthe tri
Famous Iowa Statesman Appeared
on S. L.A. Course Last Night
Large and Appreciative
iiiiiri xxi lilledilast i xxxiii x bylx Seni
i lix, xii l ixi xxiiwili ix-iocl i lii i tt
It<t in W aerm n ii nl imx txiii' l
helat h n lttoacnltofre
tatno lanepvr n w ult ryx t h
iii tSnta l iicGta ~iliwili
iil ii ii add to the p ix ixit i (if t
itis iii x s i l o fo ce s lc resuxlt
lit an-xc,-,ofa cu ac . L xin l
Pit rnav citx-ih' rsut,-d thr
t1'ar ill1h tt:h o ts s1 r
I uss
Jll, i, r m l s c fm a s i
1°- asxxix xxiii ii, r sp: c~nl
Dxii:tchstr iiixuzlxiix Axixxrxxax, iIlixlxxx plays rxof
lxxii- -xiaid >xxixauix. l-ix'ixxry shioxuldtiurn iii Own',lx t,
wilt ilii lxxxix viultx ifi lie iis iin lxis tiusuilil tuti" ti i te
lxxx- ix iii t-ax xxiixll ,ig x-lii - -lxI
al x lx y i5 IxlIIx , d t
11li 1111111)xIsxaxxxxx ixiixxx
Apartii fromit hexli pxerifxormaii ce IIIx tili.
mils tenti there ari e a iniumberii of iie-i
'holes of no l it meit.'xx xliii oI
xi lth will haviiii Oppoxxxiity toseei
xxi T ilxxxt-x xixtlaxx1)1 illxixxtixxaxixx lerl
ati xtie art iiiand t iiiiiilin t eIailx dulil
mxx c1 fnx xi iix xxi I xtie lihe ittlex xxaixi
11)I vr thei-i ost e x xxig iiiglx
--xxxii iill he hc linaiiil race fr thexlassx
x Ivchapinsixxof thex tixixix xiii
ai th plix lxxi xxx ofi the ixviier xxxiii
Nexither ide 1'+l atxxall cxnidenti xxof xxiil
xiii I andxthxyxappear to bexxtio of tilt'
hostxxxixiixxxiiialxxxdxxtxiii ihat lhaxi
0xVic tfougt-liit till th fixlxxal rxxce. IxNo
claxi teamxxvexxracticed so log xanxd
faitful :sihve pit907laxxs, xanii
isarsltx hlyxiavexrexxxxed tlixtoxuxch-
i11 ifprWes to a in iat. Bidesilu
this advanxgexfxxixhelawsi-xhxxexis x i
wa xxa chnce hat Cxxik" xeeler, NNliii
1-11s llst xor ite xe gineexrs, xwiiifly itie
xrck ixxxeidxhoevxr, the lxxixgi-
I ith heL xxixrulit ofIowiaxi andxxii lreadyii
:(x le il g\xl' xil)t r I -xlii i ax xl i1-
the 116-h~~all 'xxxixha x w ins the it 1i cxxx lIxxiii xxxix nelllllilg h r
ere i-n rths a d it isx prbablx al s adxpid lxxwiig iribuixtix i s xx
(;1111,5xIx TI iiNT I IA
n t an ext iaord inay lxiiita yl
iGxixxii i 4 ofitxe ((xmiiisxIx x ixi g ave x i ix xxx xxicxx ii zenlx i n -\h s fo t
.. Iii xxxi i i xi
lxxxii xany iiiaiiixifolxiiw xxiihe liesxixof
alitl i x iii x iixi xxitinii axcxtiiatxxSarxxxh xx
IluciinisCrmwllad aplen
xxxxxxxx (n ellxaxlixix ixil f e no n e sad r oti sr ctvxnth s s n e
liMxis uieS ith, 05is thei leaxxxii oi
- i ix iraxex' mnstrosix-xit ix ixixostxtxxxxexx
xxx AS Alarge crowdii ofl collegexiii i
lxxix xl hixixixixisibeinix exiertained
ch se fo h cc s o . T h i lioo e a orD1y thietiIA f a e ni y a d W
the xixparsiveryiwlliaildxlokediler
prety n teirdaitydrrses Io a cub
T ec m d wa "S xC p ofCl - .AI ;1:1 < x11. iii 11 I N CA(.it xxii
lxxiii a IN e ofGos tpi lli xiOiniie xi xiiActi,"lii li
tranlate fr m th Or an. he xhar i xetxii bixiixisxtrini lxx xx -
actcr wer : dspeled al thught of utdor httirhss Aclin NimUldal. aGermnxhililxctic, soCoac Mc ilistr ian
Girl,xxxxixSith thexbx ttey men lrepaird iw) lthe gy
his 1ark Q, Trngal of hre helatc~ losli itutithir ins.i
Southern Girl........ xxxix Fts ri n a u a d w ieii j n
.Misxx 1x xix lx (lxxxi xxaii i x l g- h nd sil otes ixIe waxio tn
lamcr .... ......1; xx S Iii 'th iblii t thelctx heri ith cosi deii bl
lxxxi wii i ll
it( xixi xxii liii lhr
xxx e iii lxxi >1ii
1199 -~rl w
1he lfx ii lx xiii
att~ lllie lmni lw
i1ii xoudxi
f xx lxxxixfailx iiix i Iji ha x a lixtl lxxexieter if ilix
I-andi hencitix iappeaxrs i ii lxx
i xiite xii i <> i lxrunxx ixhe foli ngoxrderi:i i1907
iii l' ixxillii i is xxAln, H rix, Ragaxnx Sltusser;
willie x ii ix xxiRxii,-iipxxitipp asii ut 7cn ier att, Gaxxri-li, Work-i
lxx gxixi xxhileri, iror ill lbe xon
axxiii xettner
bei thex
xixcr r 1i
xI'II xxx;)I
,II dixix
S Itlxx'
t iixxshallx(tidx o
of Iiiiiiwit lecixtiuiedl h
xlrlM te c~~ l iii xxi
11} xii he (i i u ii- -i
xxx ~tit h i llxI xiiity
xliii cv Ixaxlix
U, su jc, -R lt'1
iii xxstml icst h i lii
ilixhe: ixes , x ( liiir
lxi.r{9' ctlr" Ic "l
lctiii n wtu tv
11e x iixxii xx
been x rrixixixil for; l ix
$111xax i lo h io nt
ti tst are xxxia xiii
1111,1l1 0liiireent xhe rups t xi victo r-sx.lxxx txixx,
Ixxxiconclde xxithe lsxifatralos xDiicei clx ic xie xtiiiwni xxilixiu-xitii- ogxixxiix
lxxxi xY stiii esedtxhexix legi x iii tuire
l' befit Part.-itif ila ,x nt]i hisi clever i "iiancii'1 iulx liilixiixsiring
,)Il team x- xii- xxii xxi avie1x ii ilx -lxii ;x1t ~ i~ I xtl ix-xxxxxxxxx-xxxIx~ le vas endere
ii I n nd colsixuxxi to gixi fth co lixoxixMuxixc tx-ixxxii (xi i iiiiiiu i
lit lxx acel}111 h(stlxxixy wlliorkoilthe 1l<} xxltexoanoantxixxixt'hvi lxx xixc~t cenul xrat xxxitlc 1 xl r
lxxix lxxxx ixxi-i I {
iii~~~~~kcr~nttt i arcii]ii xofi i- iixixx llxxii - - iixin
1.il las~u oxti~ 111. uch'ini mlxlix- l l~n>ti1ihto xxiiiixxii] iitiiheli oithieBrsxlii iheik
xlr irl ; > lilertoxxig 'iix xi l ix t phed y eg pim sicixiie e prsed1i11
xxx xxifxiliiinxxxilxx xxix lorexxifctivelroiing andlitig Iif i ias lver lxxnt utic lxxixr ixixixix xix
in the vaIrsity thatxthey'tiilpi'yia xarxlirxxhithel clasi >nxwhicxxblxsxtAdelilleivonixi xdalxx too
-~tfr te t eint hr ah cassala-O e h h clt usg si ftl ?ii t1 xxxi
lxxiii ling ezhl iii xtx xxxix h-xe lettersicomesliii andiNxiixxx of
mai . he ix wrie _in axettr ellng To ihx te Keysonexiii godsit
xx u ilix i x i;ii lxx xi Ii A R r xhoxxxiiittl Poeiiiapxeci teitand______smes er _b nqu t_ at the C oo
xx, ~ uxii xxx-xxxx l lx xlx xxiithxielx lx Iii ix xxxrpped fro x i-dow lx u se. Ieide ingSi,InLo i h' lrg
club s at th e T h e senior ]itsixexdghighxcarniv l t it a i -l ol I izn1,n1i s p assiig. e toxh e s a e c ub t t e un v r i y
pore i'n'o i ii lta ix gy i lt nxight.i xThei partyxxx if ir xtl xl xx iith "'i1ii ix lxx lix x i the xx (x xliii r ix]iixax soxx nothdllforxtx
,'ax bxixxsx xxxithexii xi xtonexiof,,the mostx ixc c 'S c k enusi asm i ofii ixxxxx membersxtii anxdxi neaxrii
rt'sfo h 'tt tC , ild flixtixs, way througxIiMitts wxliranext aI )(ixtxxxiay
Ilx ih~s hl tlal ,. 1tIssupoe - - hveb In vr}ffortx haxbe enx' axxxi yix thexi Coll-xii t'heirx bsti rsox iet i J llihoxdane es
h c ,1al lxxtle, i iut the'xx ii i xxxsx isx- xx it xde xiii ix (vilxih, afai r lxx f hargexitxoi lxxx lxiixl x itrii nix m. tixgi isge n
lxxAC very ixaswti as sevral faultfaories,11.lipSetz
ife Oldesenti-xx l oii ixxx t a rc ohr. M sc wilb nsedi x nbiiyxaImpxomtiu-A.xu G.x xiiatitero. iixe
:,;0x 1'ofix t tixux -xx:tifewxxiii hlx elxx ieixiexi tok n e uexit xx ~lD ty ra dt lxxi ilix lxxlnitx xix trix, Aliux
}nl ep eit of ix iiii 'xi x xxiixi ie xlxiix l xxx li xxx x x la ixxxgxx x
itg aixxworkout il- x ipxlta t ck ui dringiax rawfrlill ribel nti xcxanlessx xxxii e(x :xiii olvgedx That thixe -should
liii v ixery xillutit iir- i xsnow xx itrl. C e t ar 1 mx x i ler ii e xs- xx x x xhexx xx ialiareductJOx lx i n i f ix e nux erxoixiepre
S ixi-te ~ tii i i i u ti war illeatherlreturns.x I xxii,- xxxixixx Txomliid illlevefo ,ivxSiR.Pelu.SililllgtnC
1} ixi ghi x liixxxuxxxii xxx xlxiii ipexxhxg x ix- x'xxxx'ixx-r xxx i x-xuxi i r.xxxxxii'xxx haixi ixlcon- xil . aii xii xxi- lii ie ixily.
Ilexleemsltoxbxxunablixtoixxxxlalixisxrealxxlo lxx' e tieW.G
allidiinoxdoliiit lformx-inii:old-rieathelxx. Frenciheis uto Ann o la wt te ufal as - .x i n xxueD .eiC.x lr ix xii loixe'i
fir ea.Firuy Neb., by a good majority.

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