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April 06, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-04-06

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The Michigan Daily3
No. 135
The Popular Shortstop Uuanimously I10 I ii] w el rciil 1w iillaieiC l -irCi Director Baird Announces That Dis-
Elected Without Opposition - Has ni w cii einlrin- siee W eihi CBio pute with Chicago is Settled and
erl d ,ieal leste. The baseball Chuse. was fumenalsy well aiienldid, (JvsO tShdlsfr'5
Played Three Years. (fivesiiie OutCiil- fljScheidulnes udahe eforeeii i'___5._
_ -I eil il;l ill S un liWi se eagues if le 5.5 nties s-es'i0a11hnl nee-iesi i i elisi i
be IssI .i i t 1cs ld esw kr ae be h ito . D a oly sitn
A i i11111baseballii innieeedelencctionsili iisnheldlo eindln-jliecilter Beiwdens ilsel i suesini l l
1lnus1lir ii cucicIsItii iisg sisigoodifeits, lieanili iiilioiiiiesiiieiii 01 iliwli
ae 1; i s ti ceIilllastiiiiimiiili l-Char liesi s-i-offiicis ils eeil i i ofI te s l hum ag-sf
.11en il io iiiiiii Be ill"15.01 fiiindlyIrivaliyiiisl lie aleiit werestninfadultyeisii,,isi whforesiond
tf the^e(sli 121~e i iCis s is Svl frater3n . nited o tasis i le flo in tdn s ekl is eee sidie fr so
hI,. Iiselced cptin fthlas-,l(i i ii g il itic-ii \aioItle.iiirst ge Ilin iieiiiisitiofetiieii
1a itm t ti l l thse y liii p lss en l I yI 'iappeaiir l ed e Dalyisomuee t3im e
Ci tiIn-1,-11' rsls nat nes ic al Iin thie ist alesom i mlle :Idif.\V i liii. 1%,ins id a n11ide5 sneies i k l-s
geenisil.lienliiil.-ue also i iannounced___________ihigaee fotbll
K" iseAc i srs h ii In t tr at C ls haveushaisitiimsi outiieJi Cii iuliini
w r a stbi and thissu e ctions n s bselbaoih- N m e o il Fl pn Dte o . L . ii.-liel -itrct.sihle- s for ike ;
ii c. ipalbt e as sPan d n Course'i Fiay igIhtd Twa o lleeok lshesod miu~
Xi ikaluwlsssolotiliilisiI 3 iassteveor t ecieto.qarer ois ti hsof ~lnor r, secoAt atues ftimeiseduind ibis ipis-
Ictil finepliehave ietiieen taken, bu teen andsGree3niiiillegi songiiNve-
Thieicl paillreilictihas splliaiiiyii lidiioicleaon cdthesunccsfouirli. Th mointtfehis li--ii thii eli-c" hIlaveiipeariedtiof i~
first____ear__at__th__r_ I e l il a iiiiceihiig aonegoii arss isa nit et iiow ii oedas ol i-sIl ii ii i-i~
X'rit ill,1( yar, teX i r1)) i nsyiag-lon spcubineiifilte l~i icd ess ten emi n s i o eiii i
is lipe gihecremi-eslin. elayiningimehiisessiliiiilii vearsiti If liiigoeandsilM iigof had
kappIacu iishu i ii iin ciies go-ra-t-easniiiiy,'I \asliidissthsoell be nnuou rces of c 'o is-e uponaii l jice
ho ices iiiiiiiuli-c fn e aion)i thel rs - linill e s Cloe T ion iig -iiiu exe tf sillicsillfOi peni s a t iiie is-s iiiiAili e- ls-i hleti ariu baseO - eu iy,
ii lican ida eind lie Celii iitiiirge. S pi l e tures ln nerakd Cour iiniise iday i g htiis-ioiSi-i oki - cita- iescolsdaii tensinable ;)titeoi thesiiro --
hedatei h eilenl icind ops-c-the 1i - imi i i u lsnito aii rek esiii iifec qundtpops.rfnoAprto13iscs hs
eige 5ibi~ity ilof the -me in l ci dtes- who Intrii i foriitass iniitela s s-iii lsillcs- ' lvr esnat iii ac o rli'form o aik ~est iinrs of Utb ceis ii Mn
Ilard sno ibe n peilydelad i in- toightsist -iIxs c Ii lc . Tis l i isiiteisti lec sre iier e s sieil ri S. L .u se e "Albeoudted ismnth igo
-siil csiebs iee lswereismuuappiroviee-i \'1d Ui the ido s easls-c afdtisiIt ltomorsiwli ght.iili T e siiiis c tHe for hs havsigIeIssIsi iidithiltseI ttm nt o th
55 ls-e viiIi liig slssg i l sis y uild beI the in l ie tr s ting- o o n adi drestshatisnot lietis ii ilitsil e ihe hesalIs i eis aiing roslera
muda el lsiir lirs hilsjie t litie ic snt us hist enggedo n os shorsti i I n ot iii to 1fill t esen .lies aisl idsnt i dlCh ieo smsesio is
be :C'I l GAMEIs ii triiisd i rl nsesI eis si ist b-ls 93htsi-tili iagr si il iIi iee tsi i leemsestIs itis em o veof ne ofUtsu ,s
tiernit ilsita gilui u-ll isc-Il liitel There' issiIs the be ii-a general mIss-Is s date.mi iFoirsissosfeUtimcigi wiaskiclsg-sthoughitc
ed itis afiriissei-Inild istisis i siu teen thei isruliessil t Bo kr T s ie i o ew fuld be Isisefsreii s of controv ue-se a (suiie
brlag-e fnumbs-e s Is fiile esi s ll g thi lots intimAisistuni sstixepii t si isdsfnictIat la, buthe5 ottenofblehi eotains hve i lussI
leuiastisi blans e' shencld ci in d ysil thos isisoh e rw ne ire ackissiii s"er o m oi iis ll lisiiiiiiii si 5w ikh te r maof t ow rsahecal etenen ft
orl whfoh fwistssisnllms Iteroste a indoorivcsaieto -tsck -lag slement. ()tless-h qseItions.s'Oin at foe
stirhelirlese ieu-cion t i ; tu- illwt ai ss-IississeaIiii yico inn hrose i all ~sI sssn sro tenvabeli tandiof Isisreached betwe-
IiI itandiil u sslsil Ii esi 55555 uh s-l ck h i t h es r is i ii liii I bs I ie bir stiles
s-s-usha ena noucd ow pit 111,ai ndfvthe asin ayiil wi l r coiiiasianll rator iiiii llitif loorofthi lcs director es C i55 oan 555i; i
Fithe U' lrow i ',gisto fII si nes. iihve isi nameenofgaed ols etr ed pol Ciicsauulithtelv seer siols n sgnd fra sreso otal
so hee w s othng doigexcrp tw slve cp inlthi e they ciiim.i he ;A thtiim le as ap oite b te asbal nd trct ahlti-eens--
Thisi eveingi's fanclts eonciert is ini
-- S -- SI- N Ihdll mtelii hxibiton .
J ' z vz ;val tizuiu uSEIRte natutre ofsi sonug recitel, she sChiselha arlus iist-In of iirestluing.Dr.
heing Me. HIlalndl. ITse proram-cls '5 ,en Iis' Chit eeamIsse troinsedl
iiiliehi inchlud s im-nyi- famssin leIi 5 - s seiclieies fitillt iiarly possibele ta luchre is unts
1S followss iis:ssl lis ilmaiili i i s .iaf ithe sse5iis-iclis- who n triilsthet
Prologue (froniu Pagliacci) I t.I'iiiiii all<, yuutiis \is il l il-iss, ite Ijiugglisuglii iii In i lits I it sd e ilstis is 1, goinig to the-
Iu.r Erlkossig- - Ble- li 1uus ii -nl isnigt at ies-i
IUnX Wiitilresicii is3lisist ie -- -.s' scroiur sf hehi imisi iumsus If ithece is suchla
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Sci ii i in i s \ill 1hc the is nisai liss relayh rree for i sils it ii iis t iic s e hi le hIs nt ee
L~ue I senle ........ lh ° h e l s lpihsusshill of tlie unuivsesity be -sen by msembessrs if thse ssss its efoih
1i Le Tod an dais Mc I _clartle I Ii thellsQ07o laiisiind 107eiigiiieeis eyonho isiis enginesecinig the deuce'
ie I rlkn il-is .is. .giieu-sluled nn ihas maehim uiself iesills eoiuipucuu
- hi 1 slls ie-l friut his )06 i'ii sii luius g shun lstfew dayIsis rirsng to
Hungairin andGYP s" oi s5 5iI_ esuds Isin ets ti Iis fris-iuul in thisliss.
TieIhi-Srig(iisu- 1)ie '1IisIhe londhus, Iil ene yaris- siie siill Iesesptecially good.
are 4lell I ise iiushSonsg...ii i...sinDvoeonalitsis e hesameirchlestra of picked mni
Sib Life M'it Wondusrous Ilie, ..isI iie ithatithess tu teUamsre eestis}s Whi icplayed-uat the juior IpariltyXoiu
Xhc's issIeld...dxii..... obai imathe ansuthas-t the isl iraeew~ill b hisay ightlies lb-en engaiged. Evers-
isitoMe, Risbu. ...... obin I -i-e rol.Directoiritzpatserick issunioruhasshieenIpraisinug thie nusic ofC
All 01st Song .......... l iclined toliithuik wellofhth la'ii 3sI eveninsg o naconsit sof -thisadis1
I'll Isis-nTlus-n if Thou It'lt oe I - Ie s-ito crir- off thie 1iss elicosvetedh ussr ibis- litte ks-ps. XXheni seeii hist
.............okSong cus, Dr.I c ('ueroil-msill conue oust frosiueening.s Hanuiussiiu , the ar ma unueof thes
Ii s u itursesi uu~i iuts ii prsn ssurucimiiiusut commiittee, sail this pros-
kick ClousiidnAsi !...fluisPakerh-n b sssusuler nof classes hisse planeidieto Iset, eloed bright fir nibteher ries if
Kiliekraiikie ......... ~ fSl colt-chi i euhsudrilfethis proedu as sucesesfuss ev-serythinug
(ak Thiet XWe woieoXire 'its uu thiricaihletne snw idicates. As thuis bs efirst seii-
. inifsr daneois1thue 1ysiriiid siesth
Tlhe Pretty Creaur....ii..Siha ner-casslieni hliver iselinso successfiil
hialilly leeer- --.......Diii sh I 'IiC Rh ITIONS NNII- h-YC0'.% ingettisug mugoodsilcrodet nllto their-
_______________1)1Tl'DO.I deuce's, it is lustest thin seniir chess will
GIRLS' MEET CALLED 0FF.-- Io tine same.
_________ licligleiii is iswmis siuredl that this
Thme propoused rnet n haroer gym- msuchs stallkel if Memounrialihs llsiho1001PROIFSSOIR DE L'XUCNA XXWILL.
hlaihliihissbeiienscledl off. Suffiientii us b e i aresilijy. Masny of thinmost LCUE
intereist usas lust tikenisii icslroject to ssis istis llenif thin siale same takeitlCnE
Olake it a sutccess.1A cloisinug exhibitionhld<uf tle tskof secirinug fluiidsan ei This aftersnoon Prosfessoer Thueodore
Wll lie gi--l ai efie daysand w.11ill sreaisy lie,luau-n thinproiise of sub-
givnHe Lagsuna mwill delis-er a leture in thin
talesin some if lieencharacteristiis of escritionus amunttinug to sevetythtou- Tt, cshsl etr nisa oi 'lc
aieretsd)dlula rs. hut tliteythousand 1mo0roils "he Teahsinig of Eniglish Liter-
isinle i bfor thImiehtgesiforithe-atiure in IHighsSchtools." Professor De
Beoi ib eu-wills edint Usirutcifte ulig ilbeb-Lgiunasihues fur ssmue leers heens anieto-
"f theuir positionl as eommtiencemnst ap- ril.ser of the fancu11ty of Coeriielhliunrsity
Uiseesity ice seekiingtoibrsnug absout I hti s unduerstoodl thast thin tuiionsu of u-lce as aistuident of Etnglishi literature.
class distitctiotis as thin chapiel hur-Va e i t Ieincreased. It is niv $220
rises ill Fisk tall. Ac petitins to this IpeI muar. Il( exteni of thein btended All girls whio icvn not been solicitedh
eet us-s circulated aimotng thinstiudein ceseIshasuiot ben determiitnid. It for Mirs cAngell'ilmemorial tablet are
b~yrecently aindhoveonse hudred ispobtue h that h-arvard u-ill do like- reqsuednuto lease itheir money with
signures~~ were obtained.is.Den Jordan before vacation.
T ls}y3.
1;ue 3.
Kelamazeoio CoullegeeathKilai-
Xlhbinsss Co sllsege- mu Albion.
lsh it us X i ssslsc (-
li, Ins us CIt r I C- a ,ttiII
IL'i%'ii ofillie s t iAn
DletroitXthleti icliemat Aui
Uiversity of Illinosis at Chaui-
uiviersity if Chicagoi at Ciii-
1-imisersius' sf XXiseosssiul as
h'liversity osf XWiscnsmii ast
XAii Ailsor.
F-1nis-ersii1- sf Illinois at nAimi
Obmeiin College at Oberlini
Obserliin College cat AnniiArbor.
Univeersity of Chicago at Ainn
uiiversity of Illinoeis st Chain-
Uiiersity nf Chicago at Ante
Ohio XWesleeeii University at
Aunn Aerbor.
Kalamiazoo College at Ann
Case Scientific School at Anin
Ohio NorthensUiiivereity at
AA rb~rhe.
\Vainderbilt Unsive rsity em Ann
Arbor. -
Denieon Udniversity at Ann
Utniversity nf Nebraska at
Ann Arbor.
Drake Uniiversity- at - Ann
t. 30,
(Coastinved ox page four.)

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