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April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SKID-, Y, APRILJi, 1910 VOL. XX. No. ug. WEAK HITTERS ON THIS YEAR'S TEAM Dairy Lunch Pitcher Holds Var- sity to Few Scattered Singles-- Fielding Work Improves. Inability to hit a gooui pitcher was evi- denced in Wednesdays haseball prac- tice wilen James, tihe twirter for the Alli Arhor Dairr Lunchl teamlltook tile bold agailnst tile varsity' 111l15anid heicd thlemnialmost hiltess. This weakniess will ...…

April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…[ P Sprinif and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS--Original and Eaclsive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G. H. Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "SLI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND CLI NTON" BUTTON EASILY AsO SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 255 WLF3ARK...…

April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…_________________ THER MIC410AN tDAILY ___________ Just the thing for hot weather -A- Jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Leak AT SQUARRY'tS Money Loaned I Os Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personali property. Watches and Jewolry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 31 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours : Sitoi1130 a. in.. itod4:3and 7to 9 p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND iHURfON STREETS Capi...…

April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY UVERSITY NOTICES Whitnvey Wednesday, JTh eaAtre ow April ...J J.ohn you sell clothes too cheap. K~ant help it. Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. That's so. , Lo0ts of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18.00. ILiberty St., 118 East Make Norfolks of class. IGranger's School of Dancing ]Last Term begins Tuesday eveing. April 5, 1910. Cla...…

April 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The VOL. XX. SCHOOL ATHLETES TO GET FINE CUPS Interscholastic Management Of- fers Prizes Donated by Organ- izations--Good Meet Assured. Preparations for the thirteenth an- nual Interscholastic track meet, to be held at Ferry Field May 20 and 21, are almost completed. From present indi- cations the meet will be the most suc- cessful that has ever been held at Ann Arbor. A new feature of the meet and one that will undoubtedly attract a large ...…

April 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

….a. - ...o..o. . .r.-. .: :. . ---- t T44ICHIAN DAIS. THEl MICHIGAN DAILY.IGIRL GYMNASTS PERFORM _.. . ,,,,, Spring oand summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Excuaivee COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonos -IN- Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G. H; Wild oupany x:TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKE R BRAND 'CLI NITON"t BU...…

April 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfiel . 8 o' C .. Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House TI4t Mi flam s lA 11- -i ,CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AMVA 1EUR R.T R T)l'ARi)Y FIIAKLSPE EAIc h ~ l s WANTED. Professor Hoilister's three clasces inR Shakespereant readling wil preseut Miac- Waited-College men to set as agents beth Touedi night ill Sarah Costsel1 during summer. Good money for Angell hall. ih parts willi cc takcnibhi ri...…

April 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying ONE isto go to a tailor, pick out a piece of goods, and wait for three or four "try-ons" and in the end run the risk of an unintelligent fit. The other is to come to us--and get a STEIN-BLOCH Smart Suit or Overcoat-try it on once before a mirror-see the garment complete in all its careful workmanship-determine how the pattern looks on you immediately after you pick them out-get...…

April 03, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…5 The M h, =-NN ARRC)R_ NITC .NTCAN_ "I"v'I)AV AI P11. lnrn Vol. XX. .iiN1V IAADkJA, BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR A WINNING FOIJR-LYILE TEAM Re-entering of Towar in Track Athletics Gives SPromise for a Championship Four-mile Re- lay Team in Penn. Invitation Meet---Strong Opposition in Two-mile Race. Aoter four-mile champioship for others who have een ie more ness- Michigan. pp1e prominence. Ii the Ei'asternsIni- A With this for a slogan, Wolverine ...…

April 03, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…t. yIi 1 { OurSprririt : Sp.ccialF. I ~ O IiNo50 is I a BMICHIGAN DAILY, IIvlanagiung Editor (sARsiccs E. ELDIDGEs; Btusilress 1lfasags ' CARsL H. 0. ADAM. kddrcss : MICHIGAn N itsy, Press Bldg., Maynsard Street. (Jfi Hours: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. ot. Bosiness Mattager, s-2, 7-8 p. is. Exce~pt Suntday. Boils phonses. EDITORS. Ne ws ............... Lee A White Assistanti.......Harold Titss Atlietics .....Wilbur D. Elliott. \Vomsen ............…

April 03, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…k+wv+M:k: IYC'i1FYadLIWy iai:"o t' ., ice . ,. .. ... .1 Just the thing for hot w eather~ -A- jack Knife CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 11c t,:c-' - .,"' I 7 iii,:1 I Fountain Pen *Can't Leak QUARRYS Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains to Watches & Diamonds Offce at residence 331 St Liberty St Ace Arbor. Hears :S toii1:30 a. i.1to 430and 7to S p. m. ALL BUSINESS CONFID...…

April 03, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…John you sell clothes too cheap K~ant help it. Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. That 's so. L.ots of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18.00. Liberty St., 118 East Make Norfoks of class. FA M ILY I1J1jouJ"THEATRE THE SHOW YOU HAVE WAITED FOR Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday That Two Thousand Dollar Act Sensational Daring Thrilling A beautiful, perfectly formed ...…

April 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…The Mkic higa~n Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, i9gi-o. VOL. XX. No. 1 32 PLATYS LAID FOR OPERAI BANQUO'S GHOST WILL WALK THIS EVENING. Union Committee Appointed to Re. ceive Manuscripts. Last Saturday at a meeting of the board of directors of the Michigan Union the first steps towards next year's opera were taken. A committee con- sisting 'of Professor Scott, Earle G. Killeen, Hollis Baker and Roy Welch together with Preside...…

April 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…TlE - ITCTIDEAN DAMPY f ___ Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESINS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious -IN- Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Yer Examination 0. . Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAN~D "C LI N TON" BUTTON EASILY ASD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AD QUARTER SIZES...…

April 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________ This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfid 8z Co.s " Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch R~spa~i-is s Spenalty TflE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $10,O0 general Banking Business. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Depos...…

April 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying 0NE is to go to a tailor, pick out a piece of goods, and wait for three or four "try-ons" and in the end run the risk of an unintelligent fit. The other is to come to na--and get a STEIN- 111011 Smart. Suit or Overcoat--try it on once before a miiiror-see the garment complete in all its careful workmanship-determine how the pattern looks on you immediately after you pick them ou...…

April 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michgan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1910. VOL. XX. No. 133. BALL TEAM READY FOR SPRING TRIP, Season Will Open Saturday at I Ada--Players Will Then Pro-f ceed Southward. Continuous hard drill has developed the squad of greets hall players who1 first appeared its the Watermtan gytna- siumt cage several months ago ino at well rounded ine. Tomorrow the var- sity uniforms will he givenl out to thet mnemhers of the squad anid...…

April 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Our Spring Spccials COlA) NOS- l1,Nc'itix x FABRIC:- lxoj al LESULT ad ar xi ilu Sutings, Vesdings Trowserings N I'xxidyiii lx ai iii 0GIiild Company TAI,0Rt ti 311 S. STATE STREET L ON BUTTO S Sold in An Abrby WAAGNER & CO. Stat Steet A0i.SPALI)INUi & BROS. The Spalding xeLirletm Ti'.-ark of 4FFICIALEx QUIP 101 N11 fyatl atheti AAAtf six rt ad psimes. R t R SGt ___ret w Y . sO, ~ ..; ol 21! .I'll VC I i y a 1. ,I il at O~...…

April 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIIGAN DAILY Just the thing for hot weather -A- Jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Leak AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Offce at residence 331 E. Liberty St Aen Arbor. Hobain: 8 toi11:30 a. m..ito 4:30and 7to 9 p. M. JOSEPH1 C. WATTS THE FARMEURS AND ME!CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Calat $50,000 Surptlas and Prfis $100,0...…

April 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…'ri.'U MiC 1110A NAt) ..: ..r i . John you sell clothes too cheap iKant help it. Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. That's so. Lots of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18.00. Liberty St., 118 East Make Norfolks of class. Granger's School of Dancing Last Tsrm begins Tuesday evening, Apr 1910li. Cia-sc-sfr ies and gestlecmen Tuesday and Thsursday esvenings...…

April 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Day VOL. XX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL, ,5910. ATHLETES TO WORK IN VACATION TIME Baseball Men to Go South While Y Track Team Stays at Ann Arbor. Vacationi does not ipy rest for Michigan's track and aseball athletes. Instead of the relaxation f romn thensal roling of college life the mnrwnho will make upt Michigans srinsg athletic tenns wi omit uonle the suding par, spendinlg the major art of their hie either on the ...…

April 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…_____ 'i'M MIC ii IcAN DAII __________ ..__------ > r ., -n-®.--r .- .W Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Excusvee COLORINGS-Te Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious -IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your FNamindtion G. II, Wild Compally TAILORS 311 50. STATE STREET The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND "C LI NTO N" BUTTON EASILY AnD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. B...…

April 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…E MIH A DA ________________ T-his space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifield. Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewhr ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Watnh R 12pat.-i~wg Specsialty THE FARMEWRS AND) tMhN CS lNis MAIN AND HURPON STROLiTS (,anial $50000 Surplus and Profits $100000 General-Honkingtunt-ss. 5 psre peic on Ttime and Savings lDeposits. Safs-yy)(- posit Boxs...…

April 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…THEL MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying O NE is to go to a tailor, pick out a piece of goods, ad wait for three or four "try-ons" and in the end run the risk of an unintelligent fit. The other is to come to us--and get ,a STEINBLOCH Smart Suit or Overcoat-try it on once before a miror-see the garment complete in all its careful workmanship-detetine how the pattern looka on you immediately after you pick themr out-...…

April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…-41 0 1 Z: - S F Yp k fi ' Wl ail . ,NN ARBOR', MICHIGAN, 21), 1910. No. 13.5. \'ol- Xx. 'VARSITY WAITS CASE GAME GONG Squad Home After Taking Four r Out of Seven From Teams In Dixieland. SHOWING SATIS -FIES RICKEY. c li t ~maito(fssitti c li1t hr cti 11 15111 coric l eait il 111 lici 55111-5 hall c~un r ttra cd 1 rci i s ill<c tilt, itt l7 <, i I (YcttIIlo all tl HIc trig) i>> ;i HNI s a lcaadcr 1117", aild hittins " a cra ;c. ']'l t c ;m...…

April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…i ~and 191 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-"Original ttd Etin C-OLORINGS-The Nwestt PA BICIS--Depnable RESLTS-iaia~gani larmoiat .IN- Suitings, Vesings Trowserings NovRady for Your i'itot at 0. 1. Wild Comipally TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET ya C. ' CL Ct* Th SI EASY BUTTON 14LE MAES THE "C tL I!I V T O N BUTN IBL Y AUSiT PRFCio7tL M~ADE C1,iL INN, Bil'CO S u1'X r7'uk;w'V0 A.iMARTER SIZES Sid i Ans Arbr by WAGNER & CO. Stat Stret A. G.SPALDING & BRO...…

April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…js b f-at YK*KA FC n~ifI GLASS~I LA At VELI ~ posa itl~I Fr. A. it IL,,A l I,. P .. r 'P a a tl (O.tit 5. y' is~ n 0 . :1 f't'IZFlFI'D s to tl ill i ttcr lthcl Cii a vcrc I. CI)'1' f 1. 5N SHOP. at c~&L~ttpS~d~cstaurant TIZVIS ROWS Prop. 326 N. rafth Ave. Youocanfiod a ainelane at Confectionry FITAT Aaa AAN . I). K Ia N\ ta.a Ta . ti I a t a ~a1. 100 u i~ r ahi brI t a)t I) 'a'l W., '(t t . a l, iv. awith aal aattaoxlx '>= enugh for -...…

April 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES r. it' s No "Came" ofChance when you order your suit at ..... .. 5. . . .; _ 't l + F 4 k Se't' i l i r a ..<-'' l F \t(-ciiil"c cc rsl cII- c c(r )c 1 ~ I 1 I r is n sIIi lii; i- n iiI I;- -~cIl ih n i ;t, I il , cl -:Iai a(,k1 'Cciii n~. \11-s. Fcrii an nci n1n ouh ' Ir ic l ip t , ; 11\I cIII ci ccif hein iii I I; I cci n ii n c c It oii . III (r~it SUCCL$:SS]I" 11 Rii I I. 24th ANNUIAL TOU...…

April 21, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…vj F FANFEST FORCED . BY WEATHER Aw.N Bailmen Discuss Southern Trip and Start Love Letters Southward, I:a['IN' T I NCr i1 ( 1;1 1\ (, 'I Ni- k i , kcal rx1 cmo i-sir] ri- rc_l rrerrr C' C'1 It sill to brl" rIlc i it 1' it Nrlxrr. i thiii I i()1' eii t I - t ii tis C i 1 e .1il NAil 01 N I] i TGN, I UI)AVi Ni PNI, 11.::WILL PLK RELAY 1 hA MSTURDAY Men Showing Best Form will he 1C{ Sent to Eastern Athletic Carnival. te111,JOE HORNER SURE COMi...…

April 21, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

… TISMICHIGAN DAILY -. 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. S vorhftand ru Spring Specials DIESIGNS-Oricial ad Exclusive COLORINGS-Thi owest FABIIICS llrpasdalile RESULTS-I'leasin.g and Ilarmnioius -IN- Suitings, Veslin gs Trowserings yNanwIReady far Yoar Isianination G. Hy. Wild Collpally TPAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET Tho n° E SY BUT';TN HOLE HMAKES THE anLII\TO N5s 13ESLP7AND, hIARTER SIZES .tP 2 6 or 2556 Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State $treet l...…

April 21, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…This Sam Brcilic q\SIH yDV ir.N Ann Arbor's L 106 E. Huron St. Cff- rt 0 Hsa J. L. -kPAN_ ' ~A ALARM: V C LeaK :~ ALARM CLOCKI 0 ALARM CLOCKSr ALARM CLOCKS 75 MAIN AND 01)11> Capital $30000 Sr 1i~ posit lOXos ,i 11, A. Wiiiisi t-fi ocityrand buyers kw athe -imiplie-it rason 5 lit in te l-thiiarelbsedV0i Ma iii -if lini ell Ioftani elt iii it ?< til, 0 1 t e s t e ii i e ts il lii t ta o s V rll (itt ta h iti lti ? k E )as vic a f dneitif a ...…

April 21, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

… lTHE MlcIt(;A14DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying O,, NE asbt go to a tailor, pick out a pliece of goods, and~ wait for three or four "try-ons"' aud in the eod run the risk of anu niutelligent fit. The other is to come to us--and get a STEIN BELOCII Smuart Suit or Overcoat-try it 00 Once before a mirror-see the garment complete in all its careful wvorkmansbip---determnine how the pattern looks on you immediately after you pi...…

April 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XX. ;,000 ARBl~O, QCTIGA\., Vl lY OP l~ll 22, 1Q1. No. 137. CLASS BALL, TAKES ON LEAGUE ASPECT Percentages Will be Basis in Selecting Departmental Champions NEW REGULATIONS FOR SERIES we e )III01111v ,C1(1 I" 1 01111 I till c IIW ih tlllk hII lf 1 t c 0 10k l citl ii 1lass1 111110 \011,11 1 191'I , 1 : t2 1I1 tO YOUNGSTER SCLASH J:AMAY Council Sets D~ate for the Annual Spring Erays M'ICHIGAN TO HAYE Plan will Start with Equipiment of H...…

April 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Srintgand Imai~ atr-_ Su m m er LIs s A 'A i's 1910 Business 1a e ________________________CARL H. 0. ADAM. Our Spring Specials Auddress: lsuusssIIJ AILYlPress Bldg., DE~SIGNS-Originsaland Exclusive nt5. ssnds 11:00o 11:3' ) . M. D aily. lisssinrss .\asosgscr, 121s 1. m. 1us - COLORINGS -'lbs Newest ____________ s timssslsss lIi tsi phi s. FABRICS 1)pencalse RESULTS-Ileassg ad llaruesssos -IN - SUtings, ...…

April 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Just the thing for hot weather Jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Le, k AT rQUARRY'S Mo ney Loaned. orathr pera' propery, Watchet and~r Ja>welry Irapalial3. Ilargaina- in Waiacliea+D~ & x I caaaa. .C~iicjpa to residencea :331 E. Liberty St .nn A rl)r. 'a Ilr!:f+:. -1:0a . ni. t 4:30and' 7to .30SE 'H C. WtiATTS TUE FARM[RS AND MECHlANICS BIANKi MAIN AND) "IURON STREETliS Capital $510,0010 Surplus and i'rofits$10ll,000 GeneraliBaa...…

April 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…THEII MICHIGAN DAILY It'SNo "Game"1. ofChance when you order yoursuta MALCOLM'S Our array of Spring Woolens will make a home run hit with you. Our battery of modish models is the sightliest ever. SCORE one of cloths content- ment by looking TODAY. JKARL MALCOL M, 118 E. Liberty UNIVERSITY NOTICES .® ..a . _ .. .:. , I Granger's School of Dancing L~ st'te-erie is Ts ae ei ng pi I atilJe 'rIde mi bya I iiim n. F rPriular, l a t. ...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…ti b all y VOL. XX. VOL. XX. N ARBOR, MtIHIGAN, SA TL RI I PR II, :', . [or HOME SEASON OPENS TODAY WITH CASE Game Gives First Opportunity to See Varsity Nine in Action SMITH WILL PROBABLY PITCH ('11:' T'\ in' IxilinTOni BID I"'clod l i h ('lxxxr 'lxx 1< \iixn) Iii x T1l 07:17"1 Wci r \\'xi inx'r CAIG OBEGIN FOR ARABIAN WORK Money to be Raised by House to House Canvass for S. C. A, Project ONE HUNDRED STUDENTS AID IlS'~ an animal chi...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…TILE; MICHIGAN DAILY Sprinii and 1910 Our Sprinlg Spcials DESIGNS-Original and Essisie COLORINGS TPhfe Newest FABRICS -Dependale RSULTCS-Pleasing and Harmonius -iN - Suitings, Vestings Trowserings Now Rea dy fosYor Xsaniisnatini G. ff. Wild Company 311 S. STATE STREET -LINTON -- v '' 3Tho'" S3LI PEASY" BUTTON MOLE MAKES THE 8UTTcri EASILY AnllSIT PERFECTLY MADoE OF LINEN BARCO ShRUNK s's 'J-Ae AND QUARTER IZsES sKE'R G2 MAKERS. SlinAe Arbor ...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY F OR Sam Burchfielcl ::C C. . :: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING iT'Vani--C)llege1men to act>as gents at (11117111", S1 00' bool o ey fr 1i rit11 ('11. ( C11It3 11,30 t,, c a lld res or allo11Gco F,1 rmiO I. 61o)hI (II crsi1.1o0) I1ttt,! -1'lt 1111 t3 x > 0ril i, a111rc 1o cjlesclt Er 11 1 l 111 tl 1 il; t~ls ) 1 11111111111 is t trai ht s l~lr {i11, .Illd a l p ia t nlus_ 1 <1i t ~ 1 t -clt 1 ld nc I <lcwc to lr Molk- t ,I Itll it...…

April 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Buying 0NE is to go to a tailor, pick oot a piece of goods, aud wait ~for three or four "try-ons'' and in tlhe end runi the risk of alln nin tell igent fit. The other is to come to us- and get a STER"I N- l3OCti Stuart Snit or Overcoat-try it ou once biefore a mirror-see the garment complete in all its carefni workmtanship--determnine how the pattern looks ou you immcdiately after yon ...…

April 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…e~l g~ alI X701_ XX. A;NN ARBOR, IMICHIGAN, SINDA\ ',. AiIT H, 1,itoa. No. 139. SLYITIIWIIITEWASHES CASE 7 FANNING FIFTEEN OBIOANS Lanky Pitcher, Undismayed by Chilling Wind, Holds Case to 2 to 0 Score, Yielding But Five 'Widely Scattered Hits CASE TWIRLER A HARD PROPOSITION EXPLAINS B3USRAH SCHEME Bird Says No Official Connection with U. of M. is Contemplated T) 'ill:1lllill.\Di~ I~llsc \ho rc i teestcd i thec1pip-Ii )ilt I1ie t' (sli~ l...…

April 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…THLE MICHIGAN D.AiLV 1 ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Spriixg and suimmer 1910 Our Spring Specials DISI(INS--OiinaadEclusive COLORINS'TITNet FABRICS itpendabe RESULTS-leaing and iH aoniou -IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examaiatio G. H. Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLIFTON- BUTTONIHOLE MAKES THE BUTTER sitS ID ir ITPERFECTLY MADE OF, LINE. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QlUARTER S iZES 159- 2 for 255 VVNE5APER CGt IAKER2...…

April 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…TH~E MIC HIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING just the thing for hot weather-! MUSIC AND) lDRAMA I I --A .- Jack Knife Fountain Pen r 1- Call B AT Monatce aoLawnedfk Ofice . esjerTo31 F'. Lbery1S Aid in'. i r 1-or. ~.o Dlouxr, id n', :3Co:+ly'0~ THE [AlIMESilSA51NN MtECHANICS 1ANN1 MAIN ANDt URON -TIOLETO Capital $50,000 Surplas and Profits $100,000 G4 eneral Banlking Busines~s.3OPer cent paid on Tinme and Savings Oposits,. Satnty D~e- pos...…

April 24, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY It's No of Chance when you order your suit at Our arrayof Spring Woolens will make a home run hit with you. Our battery of modish models is the sightliest ever. SCORE one of cloths content- ment by looking TODAY. J, KARL MALCOLM, 118EB Liberty G'iranger's School of Dancing Last~recuu lains'puesday e '' ,;,Ap.rill;). ItM.1 aesI'm aisan g 14 lnwn Tuesas y .and11Thursdaly eson is '. Privt (ss by aapo m n. IFor par tuars c 4 ll...…

April 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…la Air I- he llth.gatl. 1-ty VOL,. XX. MICHIGAN DRAWS SECOND IN MILE Relay Team Lucky in Allotment ot Places in the Races at Philadelphia PENNSY RECEIVED FIRST PLACE =AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TL P:SIAV, Ail-Ill 1, 6,1T01. No. 140. TUI'Tl"S 11 ATLfI OUT NI yi; JON Jm-os 1" and1, l -14 'c 1ich , 1811 d ile turtle t(1 the Turtle1 hench11. 11l1er a 110, jai 1011t 1)11Ic 11111111 kRil I>111 \1VG.N SENI ORS PLAN A 8 ('(1 (' 1( 118'S~ DETROIT BAN...…

April 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Stzn our Springy DESIGNS-Origino COLORINGS- FABRICS-T THE MICHIGAN DAILY. g a nid Manasging io rrier L t VA oirr. 1 0Bfusinesst-ange CARL H. 0. ADAM. g 'Specials Aedress: NMICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., it isdEs~tulI e ffice I tours :lanauiuig Editolr, 1-2). n1.__ antod ii1:00-i1 :30)P. m. Daily. ThNwet Business Manager, 1-2,~-S t p. Ex-R cII) Suiiiday. 11thollnes. Dependable latest av ailable re por tl shos that iln one It...…

April 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…A- it THlE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING __________________- MUSIC AND DRAMA Just the thing for hot weather .A Jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Leak AT QUA RRY'S Money Loaned On Wachs 1 imods La Boks Io terl pronl property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & 1ianjond.5 Office at rsdence 331 1. Liblerty St Ann Aror.e Hour:to t1I:30 a. cx.. I to 4:34and 7 to JOSEPH C. WATTS THE F'ARM[ERS AND M4tCt4NICI BANK MAIN AND HURI...…

April 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…TII MICHIGAN DAIL You Have Two Alternatives When Clothes Bu yin O NE is to go to a tailor, pick out a piece of goods, and wait for three or four "try-oils" and in the end run the risk of an uniintelligent fit. The other is to come to us--and get a STAIN-BL;OCH Smart Suit or Overcoat-try it on once btefore a mu irot-see the garment complete in all its careful work-man-hip--deterimine how the pattern looks on you inimediately after you pick ...…

April 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…=oX IN NARBC)R, OMIHIGAN, 010001PINI\0 ?.1T, P )g0in. No. 141. \170L. XX, RELAY TEAMS OFF FOR PHILLIE TODAY Wolverines Must Play Off Trio of Games from Schedule This Week HORNER GOES WITH RUNNERS iill I'. ii op n 1 1 crI I'i 1at i° \ (1 ' I11110 at1 t %:T- Cl <XI II 1I tcli il hee 1111e s0 o \, n ll _1 ,1 orn ~ I t l11 I I11 ll 111- 11r h " i lz aliiV t i n olI 1 il So 1 ~ e th 01lic t11 ,,oi ICI r' si t I> ill 1 101 P n I oo 1 l:>' I~o -t i...…

April 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. rn gand --- - - -g 9 1' Bsinsess Aleeiesget - - -s e(ARL 1l. 0. ADAMs. OUr tS'rintgSpycial J eldres: tIest, Press Bldg, M1aynard Street. Fi 7 415 SirotiOEist Office loutr:Xteiiiogi;'seister, t-2 I. iiel. andI ] :o 10 :'0 .1 ii i0. Dlly. COLOR INUS She Neweest B s r i 1seC , i05 _____________l mdy "t hl 551 i cs have. paOssedl i ino te profslsrioal eii t oisria l enctum O)t1eri uivrsitoiies,...…

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