The Michgan Da
No. 133.
Season Will Open Saturday at I
Ada--Players Will Then Pro-f
ceed Southward.
Continuous hard drill has developed
the squad of greets hall players who1
first appeared its the Watermtan gytna-
siumt cage several months ago ino at
well rounded ine. Tomorrow the var-
sity uniforms will he givenl out to thet
mnemhers of the squad anid ott Fridayt
the team will leave for thse south. Thte'
gamnes witht the southerns schools will
give the new mien experience atid also'
give atn oppotunity to secure a line oni
their ahility.
The team will play its first game at
Ada, Ohio, where the season will e
opened with a contest with Ohio North-
ern's stronig nine on Satutrday. On
Monday they will play at Danville where
the Central university of Kentucky is
locatedl. Tuesday atnd Wedtnesday will,
he spent at the Utniversity of Tennessee.
Thursday the travelers will play a
Castle H-eighits, and the week end will
he spetnt at Nashville where two games
will he played with Vanderhilt. On
Motnday the testi will have its tmost se-
vere test when it tmeets Notre Dame.
The Cathtolics always have otte of the
strongest tines itn the country attd if
Coacht Rickey's men catt wrest tce gatne
from thtent they will have to show real
Setveral utsexpected shiftis have given
a new appearantce to the itte. "Tosmmty"
Lothrop, whto was first ticketed for a
positiotn int he outfieldl is ttow stationed
at thirtd hase attd tttless lDrake or
Scully catt show greatly ittproved fortn
lie trill he kept there. Thte difficulties
which for a titte threatented 1o keep
4 ]ill outt of te game have beett satis-
factorily disposed of sis that the initial
sacli will he well guarded. This tmakes
it seett certaits tat twit "MV" mesi till
play itt te itfieldl. Marlitt has een
coveritig the shtort slot's Iposition its
stellar fashsiost atit is its little sdanger
of lositig Iis place. The fight for sec
sotd hase is close. Walter has eets
hittisig strotngcst but Catmpbsell seems
thic helter fielider. lMyers is alsos miak-
insg a strotng bid for te place thsoughs he
hsas als) bccti usedi its te outfield.
Litticssn is anthtse varsity nt who
has celarecd himaself so that lie cats cotneewt'h ea.Tefre ite
still withosstt dloubit play its left leld.
IHayes is aniother rats who losiks hike
a fixture ini the osittfielcd. Walch, sarsity
subs-catchser last year, atnd Boreske ave
alsoi bseesi playitig a igh grade of all
its te gardest positionis. Disc f theis
will certaitnly lbe tsikets soeths 1o relieve
Captsiit Enizeniroth bsehindts he lit iti
caise if niecessity. It is posssible that
bth ofi thtetm may lie used. Mitchsell
Isis shtossn well with the bast lists his
fielitig is below the stasndarsd. lie will
jointihlii squaid st Notre Damte however
resady to gos its as a itch ishitter ini the
game stll thi' Cathoslics.
Smtith,. Campbeill attid Verhseyeni will
psrobabsly dlo te twiirlingionthIe cottlig
(Continuemd sit Paxei 4.)
An itisportanst tmeetiig sit the \Yotis'
Leagise boarid will lie held this sfter-
It is exipected that a decisioss will its
readiest todiay in tiesgard toi the residets-
tist hail planss fis the etiseing year
Maniy tither imilendinitg matters nill
c'ioie sip fur discutssiuon.
'The banqueitit conitee w5csill smeet o
'Thursiday sait blsance accunuts. It i
acertainity thai a small stipls will hi
left from last Saturday's functiots after
all outstatiding hills hsave heens settled.
The organization of a Cotmic Opera
chuh is ow ats assured ting. Te com-
mittee that was appoited to look into
the matter is hard as work and soon
after vacationthie cuh will e organiz-
ed upoit a sustattial asis. Similar
dlus at oler colleges will e corres
potided with itt sitesdeavor to fitd oils
alotig what lues their cotstituions are
formed. A few letters have already
heen writtets to such colleges as Pritce
ton, Cornell atd Chicago. The htt
points its these different costittioss
together with origita ideas wilt forns
the constitutions of the Conic Opera
rut. It is elieved by the commtittee
that this cluh' is sure to le a sitccess
atid that it will aid greatly ithie futtire
its producing operas.
Mrs. Jane Osborn Hannah Will
Sing in the Place of Mnme.
1Jomelli--Contract Broken.
With the May Festival otly nisine
weeks away, a change has een made its
the star soloist. Mrs. Jae Osors-
Haisnahs of the Meropolitans Opera con-
patty has een etgaged to slng in place
of Mine. Jotelli whose manager hroke
cottract with the local athorities. Its
vtew of the fact that Mrs. Osort-Han-
tiah was Professor Sanley's first choice
for the Festival star, ut could ot tess
he secured as sie had platned to leave
for Europe directly after ter appear-
antce its the Chicago sesoit of grntd
opera, it in with iarticuar stisfactiont
that lir encgagemsent is anouiced.
M\rs. Osort-iansiah has swots a dis-
tittguishsed reputation its Europe under
ter ownt ame, for Atericats sigers
550 lotger fismdi it iperative to aptiear
undser false colors its foreigns contries,
although they fitd that they are accept-
ed at their full worth y their coustry-
mseniotly whtens they aetesirdobly
Seffective msarki of Euroipeani success, flii-
towed by ati engagementitat the Metrso-
politpera tHouse. Aits. Osorn-
fHanntah's ower as a dramsatic sopranos
has eens acknsowleged y the critict
su e s'ptthlic of Leipzig, Berit, Lots
-dots atd New York. Msrs. . Oshori-
ltitssstswill apr rits tetprgurmss of
the Fridayeveniing 'otcert whirls sil
clis with te wel-knoswti qualrti'tes
frons "Rigoetto."
This change hissst bsectssatc with
1 itanialenut its view, sitterte sttb-
stitutionttusse ipossile hby a chage o
plansosit he lars of bolsartists ha
r tiateriullye addselts the expnse of slit
tFestival, atd the Utiversiy Musicsm
lsoieety is estecialy forttttate ilsteuse
ing suchat etienitt artist at so itea
1 ae.
Withtireunie of forminitg i tirties'
futuire sotte sort of social or iiesstis
of tiretntire literary depamurtnt,te
four classes combnhted its giisg atin-i
Iforisssi datce at Granger's Mody
ight. If tirsitccess of the -asrty i
'tany crierios, the protiosedh orrsstiztio.-
-is at least a prohaiity. Sartingsal
eighth-hiyystd lastitg tiltwlvciteii
'tisitc e was characteried y itforutislit'
- troiughout. This aspec was umne
by tireiitroductiont of a circe to ste
'its which, tiousgh stratgers, wree
broughttoigeter, self irdctiins sf
nficed. The regular. Grager's lnhusuisws
s isiternsedt wills, putch atid wafers hsulsu
eserved isteaud throughout te esrisisip
rThe party was chaperoned hy Dr.stit
Mrs. Arthur J. Hall.
Twenty Juniors Selected to ServeI
on Editorial Staff of Magazine
Published by Department.
Thur results of 'MuicignsiLswt Reiews
elcionsshavits'just b'sitasiunuuce.
Contsrary toicurrterieporutethsialtirere
stlts wtot ul titusbhe madse pblic utiltI
after sprilnissvacaitionu, te tet''y cii-
torial assist-sitssrechocitsenut siasifacuty
mseetitg hulitestrdasy saftirnotoni frutms
tir juiorsute'lass. T ' litlwintt'uiuu
who ster elcedi are ftlaw s.ui A. J.
sbbtti, C'stheriei'11. L..Grdul
Toledo, (.; i. H. (Ciamipbell, Alpea
J. F. Gstdsbetrrx, Chlilicothie, .; C. 51.
Graswni, Altl.e'a',ssnt; L. F. Mier,
Owsosso; J -. , \atinlits, Basy City Ther
remsaininghin, uwlis itsre echosen, huve
Baker, Jr., A'sdrian; A. iK. Bonud, Law--
renceurig, tKN- (. L. C.unnuuigasms,
Pitsiurg h-Pa.; E. C. Dickinsonuu, Rih-
mnds, hu.; i. S MCfll, Poursmiouthi,
.; W\. W's. 1 lui' e, lOlylmi,
Wash.; J. C.'Mitresy, Valleujo, Cl.; V.
It. N yseut'uste, ,u hu J. S. Presctt,
suskegonu;.\iMc'e Robhisoniu,Y'ilati;l
F. J. Slate, Chasrotte, N. Y.; i. A.'
Tyler, Ssan Jose, Ii.; J. S. lick, Pit,
Officials Show a Loss of Oer $800
on Spring Show.
Four thurfirstithe' silici'tireIMi cigsan
CUinscire'ess u gu is-cutastsMay,tf-
ecas otshi s' tuiuuuuhIsse' issuedta fihus-
cil state'mie'nt shiin1ha ist te fUnin
ost $M5.13ini thudvetiiu'u. Thi cns-.uu
lrit-ghe e'attiute s h deicit'i il t'
Ametg si e o suihe at of the
tmiatu'iwe't. Thus geatsi'tls 55w1s
inured'''u i intge'r'ttu-'sowi hic t'ihidst
$2074e0 teroduc itwhill'it tutly netediu
$1578f.5. Theius'udteisvi il sowtplieudi
t lid liii hstl uslutey makue' i p'ior
tito t1 he 'lxpiiturue, netiniitg $0,0u.5
wit a dliii huh$2782.
ih fllinlltg w siulthei 11111 e
Generau lyshow................$ 417.32
Psest.'..................... 4.8
Cubliceit ..................... 46.3~if2
Vaad l1 ir sristsus... 144.8.28
..s.lst............... 585
'Siudesor ............. . 11.7
f htauivillesperformances..... 7. 28.0
L ...suuuu5............... 3)56
Vueillfe 'IllfillaI'lls 5...ll.Ss9E38T
Guiety'ookadvestis leisng.til..i... teut ii
stiiliests 2li- iuuesu o te
r1 Tiarstip tsuri' hut' iiuisuui huh
W icit .... .. ...s ... .. .$ 85 .1
I, besan i-eedfth s'15aute Issiunightand will
joun this'paritsit lits Minehus,. t'eof.
sBte's oithsitusix faculty is sill hr
suit xiw iuuuiid u'edly ieiale' Stlrrangt
h Iis woirkiso su to llleavse soe timlte this
d week. The trip will last alt thromgh
April until May 3.
The judges who were closetutoIpuck E IO j
otthe hess class sonigihandsedt ini 1ysthe iEDITOR OF DAILYaboad rie,-
save come to the cotuclmusions that thsere present News Editor Chosen to
is either a noticeabile lack oitalenute orsu
if spirit among thusetuemers of thast Succeed Eldridge, Whose Term
class. Expires Tomiorrow.
Althomugh thur girls of tue. Mortarboards--e--
society offered a prize of lit d0shutrs L 's 's's lus Dt,'u -rois, tvas unsanm-
fur tir most stuitabile hurosdut, n n is hsnnii~gn
mainuuscrips was pitt hefoe 'stu' jnd su lts l l~ s s usu gtgsuedio f list
hefore the closinigelate of thdctsutic u icigi DaI sily fr hue elisuitng year at
Mtarch 35. (.au isi (osugs thle liasesI in Conutrol uof
Professor Seoul, chasirmanisu ofsthesit 'tutluubiullic'aiutiin susasfternons.
judginug iommsittee wass uchdisurprsisedu. is stlll stud -itlaence 1, l'ststhiihgr
"'I certainlyr expectedl htotuste essi
suitss hansdssedtits,''hue said, ''it us uusisully i i idi til t er istrilt'g) , ca ti .
uonid ruth tum'l titn h otlis t a I e\Vl'seetionl's ius asi tting
claiss soing. I umnderstand thatulusl tecia aascesfladvrid icareer
itlent itsthur class twas noitii e cl-ue ofIfu r tilt sui t i ci slut Its le restered
iung slueltlme furthur close of lt'e cutet.i sll u' Miooo, hav inusg ibeenu graduated
Is looiks as though stuet leffos ere rom1 ii tCenlightuschools. Since
diredceed principally towarud cutmid oettat ii timeltt111leiihIi11110 t01estin which
songs." 'ss 1iii I ias iii libe itellrIestd. tHe twas
-. us uuuutus inus literary icleslit from the
FIREIDAMAGES SHOE STORE Itbieg tinnin lugsi , it tutunsthe Daily four
easisssucites tliltlie sasnenews
eicrbeides tis hitepractly origi-
Threatened to Spread Over Whole hstl the Glii I. il, of is ichuethue itsnow
Business Block Before Checked. mangings ditor
A blaze whose tirigin is sukow, Heehis ha svealersof active
burokiuk'imt in the store biiniug it 302lit t ishus I u exierieuceandit s asutoer-
SuuthStile at sabouut 730o'lok ngan ecreticdeiutore
Ttiesulay ight, gumtinig thur interiore and
restultinug its serious hiss. 'fhse hbuiling
is the our octutuiedh by Banuuicld's tshu'
store, asu et trinjumrytostlist ocku1of5
goodus, it is thuoughit, swiili e the hiuavsiest
liars of thur hiss. Noi estimate of'tit
exsact dmuage donue couldut he obtinedsu
lash night, mitt althoughthe isbuidinug 't
thur gootds were inusuredthliiiloss it ill
gresatly ercednthueinsurnece caried
'5The fire swhich fur a imle tlieatenedu
in spresdetto timencuture nuts if lussless
blocuks adujcenttoli It fe ul btuild-
ingwsirsthesdeiscive redt ly ii ssuers
hvy, wh'te tectedh smttukle 15511115'' i ut
hr basemsenmt. Time'still'seborelirede-i
pasrtmuenut wsshurredluty sliumoned,an
restponduedt prompstly.v Itt suitnii s u tis-
ecveredthsial attempts Isomcoiiule te
econflagsaration tso slrhe ba usmen ties's
futile, thur smii loo'ur collaspsinug bhior
tke' ire'departmttihadthiatta1usdc
t dlo slny'rest wotrks.'fle attienmpts of
ther hepartmnut 1mti resenlltsi' blazi'
spreadinsg to thuetdacenti liuilditugsrv
edh succeessfulhtowetver, saundhis t s tut
abothut sumshour.util tfirSee iias stildhi
comlepi-e control.
'seauter contiionus, fotunsately , iter
fsavor'ablue. Ther' waus lno hiwil tcr
rys supsrkisour'flaintutu'oter b suit lii'
snd thtme rainss if thin pasti I 'uss ls oti
haul s savinug effect. Nut sototneea
thue'ire bueinsdiseoteredethanusit tuuuuict s
of stuetators crowdtedticthile sit'se, in
stimuli'nustnces hanidicapiniguith le lire-
;then as si resists of over-eaugielns t5'
get uclose to silthebuning ibuiinug.
As timefSee died osuit stefiremten u
betanm umtoesavetuhertailorsste ciow
beiaedseturiesome amid thronhgest susie
er thu stire. RalptitHutsuinugtonu, asi-
thent in ithur AnnsiArbor high schtelt
dasrinsg to getli ttleloserthasuthi
rest, stmdenlty dropuiedh outsofitt ight.
Itis exit iwas startlinig and -,vsI made ti
vim i s induoiwof thur clsar. 'Ts'hu e xt
inttafter is edisappearance ailtud
stilshsiwas heardt. Is seivesal mhinutses
hue appeared, drenedtiu to ther skillsitnd
gave siawiereddeseritptions ifasitucy-simut
ini a edsrksuellar. A'ccordtinlg t is iistor
slid wauer was oiver is hsesa uth sevral
scratchues testified ho eliciutiles ith
leuslIgi'm'UDsENxTugIE FCONUtesT'It'lut.
Wottrdtwas received froms 1Fliays
Ilerdasy nil she deahmof Josepthi I. Sic_
Creasry, 'o8 engineer, if'hTledou. Colts
sun5t111i05cuseduc Iisdesathi. McCeasry
xsvtenysactive white mum utilege aundts
~~b-siedeshueinig a metmber if the 'T'heta Dltais
iChi fraternity was a Trianugle, Vulcasnu,
Muieiigamus and Friar.
l1)Ii , l'i, tiN'S'STIshBhA'SKET
Il 'si, GC 'E NIIS SN TIE.
''ti ht-urd bsketbllushhgaumue iofthur
diamimilai se it Ws la~heel S'mes-
sh~vatle'nnuilillI hluuilgymnal~siumtl
hi hh htic ts' ior andh uutisopuhosnme
,,iuIs. 'She game ucsslittly conltested
sIruhtill, u'ustltisu0 iii ts ieiiisettee of
wtill iesplyed y th itesilmietamid
ju io ts. 'sission utill bei-fre
Ilt'o _\~lci Asoiaton mlembesmand
gillst, Ito 111111 tenIcll ts.i Pi ckiess itill
ill' oni sales I tutusit itemiioiuons. Tlhii
'she ill 'h-iiaIiid51511LfoUcock
'siOiU I ilt,;INUISI~TONS.
M1r. F. Al.Sitanton of11'stn Arbisor, siill
addessiheSptitsit club15atits mesetinug
sty l ii 1 il-subseills "ThSli panssish
inltlsto . sulcull' 1atte titos it'ill hue
'si. Sta 11 111s1ptuhiciularlywisl cita-
It ttit hisi subjett ansdt iisshde-
voted much11111im ot h Iue prsepatsmionlof
11spa.1 l le ii'tall,:s wilbeini En osglish
5111Ii tltu lme us Iolfluhe uniesity are
initt o atthesilsn11. AVmein'ig of the
Spit. 1111 ltb lil ibe' heldt aftethis'talk.
';11:\'il'SPI tE'sils'N C.,LASSE'S
SC's h:Ils i-.?'i'l's\I, SUCI.'ESS.
'1Ii eus a i115l' ( 'sai~u'lthi lsst delsn
ig by ties thre cid l 1.1is it Slmsliestuesr-
can it ls 'ilt' -'itsI] iSareah Csaswe'll
'sngiell ha1 i''l l dery li iintsing tSi
chillsd that1 1dle 111thehalto its sapascity.
Thes lreainlts ciriehear'in c ilacsss
and111 lilly Silslilii lls tush midsmeister
Tile lparut Is were erv we tthandliedh, mm
!)tll' I IthI fart uhats .111 'ntire-chasnge
()f IltI ca t is Ill lll St tilt
Itc no u,renewl it re uI. dNinteee
railsIsls 1111cĀ°Iut'tuu1' iwas kltini-
trt'511 1 inls i sl silfall nlie'115, twhiich
tsil us it) t1e1aillity oflii'h .uactors. Nut
hronl : 5. it ll vs giver11
Ihi' callgt tiare11produced iisendm-ans-
nual 1 and hshof lasiltnight 5w'asithin
tsc 11thlis i It II
NU)1'i ()' I')luh's St itSl'tRtBE'E~S.
's's 1111 ' lhI tirs ly mortning's isse eIk
Daily usill suspuetnd tubltications usi af-
te stuing svacatuionu.