The M h,
=-NN ARRC)R_ NITC .NTCAN_ "I"v'I)AV AI P11. lnrn
Vol. XX.
Re-entering of Towar in Track Athletics Gives
SPromise for a Championship Four-mile Re-
lay Team in Penn. Invitation Meet---Strong
Opposition in Two-mile Race.
Aoter four-mile champioship for others who have een ie more ness-
Michigan. pp1e prominence. Ii the Ei'asternsIni-
A With this for a slogan, Wolverine tercotegiate lt June teefinistedscse-
tractk candidates have swelcomed the re- 00(1 in 4:23, tle fastest mile ever 1hng
ftrn of Glenn Towar to track athletics, p y a Michigan runner
aont tracticattv the etire attention of The proahiitye of elhe orgniato of
Keene Fitztpatrick and of the distance a for-mie tease destroys shtser
rootners iss beisg tsrsedi to the deveot- ciassce tlere sas that Michgaswold
mets of a four-nie startet thssi cans e reresested y a twsomilsiteam.ot
avensge the efeat suffered a year ag, Yale's squartet recenstly seeet the tos
anid regains for Michigans the foutr-msie msies its7 :6, as average of I :5o,'sand
laures swiicth hsave rested fsorfitsone as Michigan hsoet sa sisgle halfnster
year inthie last egiht aswa frostsAnntsswte cast do tat tine the Wolvtseries
Artist. Tosar hsadt secideed earlier issciassces of winnsig aganst itecrtck
ele seasoss to ressasins tost of atsttetics Yale eans so ot apesar paritill
etis yearrhoetele vchance fete a winnisng promsising. Moreover Mcigns s is
foor-teite teasmsassethele geterasits fright tanceenss are sronger ithelsse thnt
tracktpsetsvis sateussedihimtsoe- s ithe l af, adstif it is ossiblse to se
consisder Iis decision, asdsie a n-vlp a air to go ithTloar asdiMayv
stosescest ifsti Isvwosldsisunetagagnuths Miigans sens sre of regasningtghes
year. foutr-mie lares.
Asnother hig ha 1kc he tots proahtlymwilibe heisthtie
te fou-ite eatt sem steit rst Satrday efore the iseetswhchis s
r sf as posibt isvn tme iIscseiedoled to e hed Aprl 30 Miay snt
etuithatisehle vcis is ,e vs its s elTow isar are sre of paewilse it
rvpresentediitshlfit etrss tist ieair ter twoesplaces eensmstolee ieti tes
white the mismuae s t sitd tirIs(, axtont, B'eardsey, XXisets fttet
lwevels Sanger assetMaoghlisn. Lititis k
R VitCaptin aydeoa riX s t' t toosay cnter for tsesrispse i isi-
surcof oingundr 4:5, tlt 0111 tg thes tther rnssners
beinecssary tofid luto its is can Mchgantseth te sre t mseestilt
visitthe isite in sssetstt is udes opiositonith le oesile rae tiss
sl;andtis souldisnotlteispsvietial sarthtes princvsitl ioppinetstble ig
difftcult sfteels ntitof wsomient its C igsan situ ctton.nisnitosritorstc
tieitg snown Btarisleyivalvii n s hows-vt'e Chicago ensaverg bu 5 o
tngup hebni n t seshihy theqartermissesatthoughthtistaverame
trbest itha n ea it-ietemw s m te ott a muches Iarfertacktelhlisi
is i takntoelhitfssf its ils etl'wsill te inse ite ho e it XXatersmant gymnutas ittit
ofths mmbsss Te itftse Ptiss nrcetnistvs isai t esmsschsstrnsger
fotifsitiontssco'uldts eemrotutpliss tils yeiv tans tsevsevie ishitt tutu
tcol itdifca ttis st te sitw si ala d eoe
kohsackoflas yarsforlts i st swiiuldi itsPnsyvansiaishiswnsii
tests is sitlit in olifyge, 11155t i litthelsthe ots rae t 1 'vyivar ichssi tsn fits
chnc tathewil iak teteas ttsih isisiopprtitytotl 555listskter fits
ca 5 sit 5wsiltvvfpresvnt ichsit'aniiithesiiositssine outtsitesf Pavllthesaest
fouttils e champtftinshvip ten sst.is av n secivallyvstonsg site,
fis plaic I vsitarbyi tsisv set. Towar sissa d fltsvsil it t itts elt,
siortshticfousrths itateehisicstestyovstr sametmen in isscoolsso wer on stheiotilt
sh a iser ibeingis t t he fa sits'lie i ltestis is iar it t ters siltlbe
Toarwa i ncndt its r st i s slt s sqcane ithelemste-iupsisofitesiuasit
thetie. adToar ee) igh te cxcptttieeincaise in isosile itilt s
dayth tral wr el, te hacestaent t e e'sst Ccittr soiuldstpvsitaly
sits I viii ista o lsigth LgeCraig'sa'ndsGambletsistisushadto t
trohyforth frsttie..nc te n sc otiteWels enstes vcali hs this
t ra~oIof t-L, en., i'sit s 151s ni t s er sfec itsy sie i nivssonly ills'-
lo nakis, 55ii m1 lig1i3sf atic55511ene ta ivos s ilervies lst
cc c v d ilftestsraviatdsthettgnelitist seasĀ°''.
t t'v'v is morethan iesvanfnislbe stisvTcktillnvarsevtisg citunstatv v sit
\nte 'l i itsr iha vd, is tse fsits e st il is i orde sto g t into hae tte
elsutiss fss tlt s~ o, oe aonyad iotsiind sonPgse 41
Will Visit Western Cities in Interest Hutchins and Reed Speak BeforeLEofUirst.I GadRpsAlm .B GF AS
of .,-1-iv-rsit =-.-! Grnd ai ds luI . I OV1E S
ifrtesits XX itsit
else A1tsssssss Vsi
stil rnts i p i ;I
tliv rilt sit)r.
tie stilt lstrnit
te terstsgi
isueadiur eiosi 1 ft I-
it t~Ittli ti l l
the tour.
ile t ils \IIIt
tnieuit Dr. . B.iHtcints vetyse
sit sitsf. sitand vaptids stiesre tie stiltDe
siaro t stsetited saibanqetoftvXtsichv
si~e cr ates last ight.
sioftsh I DesitReedlet ri o
ties I Ystserdavie adresei tei
toad niet lviii tihs it ss leu t i list is'h
sK hits vsitg sit"grays.
twilt feaRstckedt will todel ig ea
h)Wai on1 s frthesissic viii
TO LA S. L. A.
Lawton Made X ace=President=-
Bowman is Eletd- Scretary-.
Keen Interest in iElection.
ovVri 1italte ()' i i' 5tt.l s6i std
12l aw, \is it sillC'ItI'n
tlt IIi Stitit tutu1 t)
. ii tit is
12 !ii \ L t 1 t, 1- it's' I 5' W
I,<r~ar 12 f lr r '1 it t 1.ut
IfINliR ,'tlCfIIIT'S -NNiVI_,
'Tirtyi-six isets satsdowins at lite(-i
banue s bioardttl s fr tW ali ' '
teta pi baisusitsatitledaS sits sits
1. /Zabrisie asv tos st er 55 it
flta ls XX visits g i C i: o :
Stitlist lists 1 ure. 1t ~c -
for theitti sits iii i
Oni tilt sa vci te.ra i'
setis i Ilite ;ie te s -c
almn mmr; ofhet's tei i S Iil
ites'Dity sivi s isest erts" t
Jtiit Idaticswl e.i ~ccr
ivet is ats on by n see t
I'vattesiBe ta Pi ii i irsto it
suilist tntoecloesritouch w'thettvtiet''
ifs it it its stIssI eT IS I st I
tist Jdsissysisssedtelev s.
tohn tF.tHeontfyrlisstitsit'al )
\t lss reqslit ted tastI) ls
Vtd thy Itoseuig ton }II,!
3 "'dtt it list dismssed af ltr t )
costs sicdfeissi is thels e.s
he'vs's fstasii twta s tittolc
iii Si iithe 5 o5it 55 s 5tis .Ul isi
Di t. X1Xhe iesitete it <x
tilt e ii civ ert
fc ssp t hiso IesIlr h 1
ani avs te st dnstidt
ills(s11sisni onettrkicdtlets t(w
1.it11slit it adty (Cron J-(-
stists righttovsgt, sitit sitjem-,
stofit rsveestelet 1d: v es lvit
-Succes rowns Fourth Annual
Yeo men's Banquet--Alumnae
>diUdergra'duates Unite.
tt_ n<.,i . so ftave ects those preed-
sitt VXnualtWe's baniuet
stight itsnftsersbitirgymssnasiun,
issly elifsed alt others,
'' i'sss'vsss i stsasrtisicallys
elsai orte occasiosn.
ii i feebtstingssit profusios,
_:. r,"Lnttut ssssof he sane
hid fro hew t e t outises
aississ"Yrmuse.serounsd tahle
<t tweve log shibes stretch-
ls itee lts dtesign. On
hi ra irhday cake,
setegh, nddecorated
et~t _icrian etyo 'roses,
' btwlih ftesty candles,
_ , riiom f t e tenetieth
itsi thlistfounsding sitthe
\l IA.AV irdtest, sitvstoastmistress,
iesdmntrates the
sii ts I. kthat the ntvr-
ofl its isomsenestsudents. If
- wer firs oppoed to igher
stiswtittaitcouvld ksonicthat
out ofitesethirty-six si-
as- isvPi heta Kappa this
ishilgasit are wsens, they
1- the isomensae pon-
arhp euter, ithes
setstie XWsosa's Leage lan
ae hw exceptional
5 s ituvs srsespone eloquently
,_a t s nthe sject,
' sad, have aiways
tuscc hd iuition.it
ibsfly inthesefor-
cau uositution., It
itefh d atiliserai
is' d<th nwconditonss
.croyerand has ser-
orsmlr istrumetsst
iClfri. The morl
l:. Iand sociaslly ade
isamnsttationt. The
an t"s i stopeortuity tt
sscueth attutset.'
lie It I lt fss-msseveits the tasl
had A tersSee Us,'
-isoy teller.
-- I \\bit ai sering tsthe
I ies v i in~tt, painsede
D tl- of te camus s55
G " rii, J)11, isits Chicago
ci n Ao; forkalu stuad Leaugee
Cntinued on Page 2.)
flw.ts fi t it lfcm ustsorginiza-
Saoh r aiditionusits
1)tthe commitee ovii
iii lo 'sifuc. 'it'o
elsrt f foestrs situ
saeuirement of imem-s
on' suuevctiiont shll
a Ilie tou-of- rgs.The
J is clssiubiroos .
Slereoplican views illustrating the methods employed::to belier conditiona among the
men and boys ol ihe stale. L. E. BUELL, Slat . A.y