Interscholastic Management Of-
fers Prizes Donated by Organ-
izations--Good Meet Assured.
Preparations for the thirteenth an-
nual Interscholastic track meet, to be
held at Ferry Field May 20 and 21, are
almost completed. From present indi-
cations the meet will be the most suc-
cessful that has ever been held at Ann
A new feature of the meet and one
that will undoubtedly attract a large
number of high schools is the offering
of cups to winners in various depart-
ments of the contests. In all, eight cups
have been given by local organizations
and by outside people who are interested
in the meet.
Special entertainment has as usual
been provided for the visitors. The
members of the various track teams will
be put up at the fraternity houses and
will be given an opportunity to witness
one of the most interesting of campus
functions, cap night, as well as other en-
tertainments for which arangements
have already been made.
Interscholastic Manager Wilson is es-
pecially optimistic as to the success of
the meet. He considers the offering of
the cups as one of the biggest drawing
cards and feels certain that the attrac-
tions will prove irresistible to the high
school athletes. The plan to offer cups
was inaugurated by Sphinx and Triang-
les who will give cups, one to go to
the individual point winner and the
other to the man who wins the second
largest number of points.
Sid Millard has contributed an es-
pecially large and beautiful loving cup
to become the permanent possession of
the team which wins the meet for three
years. Michigamua have offered a cup
to the team which wins the meet this
year. The Druid cup will go to the
team which wins the greatest number
of points in the field events and the
Vulcan cup will be given to the team
having the largest score from winning
points on the track. Mr. Herpolseim-
er of Grand Rapids, will give a cup to
the team winning the relay and Mr.
Arnold of Ann Arbor, offers a cup to
the team having the second highest
number of points. In addition to these
trophies the teams will strive for the
large silk banner which is annually offer-
ed by the Athletic Association to the
winning team.
The only new rule made for inter-
scholastic athletics by the Schoolmasters'
clu, was a modification of an old rule.
The new ruling reads as follows: "Any
student who has used or is using his
athletic skill or knowledge of athletics
for gain, or who has competed on any
college team or has played with or
against professional teams or who has
competed under an assumed name, shall
be ineligible for any interscholastic
event." This ruling cuts out the clause,
"Or who has unknowingly competed
with professional athletes."
Friday night, after the preliminaries
of the Interscholastic have been run off
will come the annual freshman Cap
Night. This affair has always aroused
considerable interest among the high
school athletes. Saturday the Glee clubh
and hand will give a joint concert andI
Saturday night there will be an enter-
tainment at the high school. Michi-
gasnua and Sphinx will entertain inu
their rooms for the winning team, in
the evening.
As usual the Interscholastic will take
two days before it is completed. Friday
afternoon the preliminaries in the track
events will be run off and Saturday
morning the finals in all events will
ibe held.
Sigma Xi electio
rumors, have not
In speaking of
Reighard said, "T
to the story thatv
tions. It is true
have been held, b
divulge any nam
elections have be
these will take pl
spring vacation."
"A Scientific R
of interes
A capacity tax
Prof. William A.
sity of Illinois, di
Scientific Revolut
room of the nev
Friday evening.
spoke in a pleas
made himself eas
the hall.
Professor Noye
of the science of
how the layman's
gone a distinct c
two centuries. H
chemists shouldr
becoming too nar
branch of the pro
Great tribute w
to the early Fre
their original rese
ments paved thev
ins, contrary to canspus D A GG ES In order to give students an opportl
been made public as pity of learning something about China, DU U
the Students' Christian Association has
the matter President Michigan Schoolmasters' Club arranged to have a stereopticon lecture Verein's Production of L'Arron-
here is no foundation at McMillan hall, tonight at o'clock.
we have had our elec- Mr. V. R. Jose will give a brief account ge's Comedy Comparable wit)
that our nominations and Elects Officers. of the Chinese people, and the pros- Best University Shows.
ut we do not care to pects of their great country. His talk
es until the formal Michigan Schoolmasters selected Dean will be illustrated by means of lantern
ren held. As usual slides especially ordered from New Wits a better play and a better cast
lace sortly after tse John O. Reed of the literary department than is usual in the productions of the
to act as the president of their club are invited to attend this lecture which Deutscher Verein the performance of
during the coming year, at the annual will close by 8 o'clock in order not to "Doktor Klaus" at the New Whitney
HEAR NOYES election held Friday. '.liss Harriet conflict with other evening engage- theatre Friday night was decidedly a
Bishop of Detroit, was made vice-presi- sents. success. The modern German comedy,
withswitty lines and clever situations
evolution," Subject dent, while L. P. Jocelyn of the local was well adapted to the capacity of stu-
ting Lecture. high school faculty was re-elected sec- FUSSERS DINE AT UNION dent actors and seemed to please the
sing audience heard retary and treasurer. audience which was somewhat smaller
Noyes of the Univer- The fine weather yesterday had much Chef Prepares Special Menu for than the play deserved.
liver a lecture on "A to do in bringing the pedagogues to Ann Ladies' Night Dinners. Greatest interest centered i the come-
ion in the lecture Arbor and as - a result the attendance dy parts. Glenn E. Palmer, as Lhubows-
w Chemistry building record shows a considerable increase With the advent of spring has come ki, the ignorant and assuming coach-
The lecturer, who over previous meetings. Among the a renewal of activity among the campus man, Arthur E. Curtis, as Gerstel a
ant, distinct manner, visitors who came Friday were scores fussers. Nowhere has this been more bashful lover, and Miss Rebecca Shelly,
ily heard throughout of alumni and not a few of them tried noticeahe thas at she Unios clhhousr as a naive little girl carried the situa-
their skill at canoeing or once more re- on ladies' night. It is on Sunday es- tions which received the most enthusi-
s gave a short history visited their old haunts about the cam- pecially that the fusser conies to the astic applause and laughter. Mr. Palm-
chemistry and showed pus. clubhouse with his feminine guests to er's acting was well conceived and clev-
s attitude had under- Friday's progran was very attractive take advantage of the excellence of the erly done. Mr. Curtis was exceptionally
Iiange within the last and nearly all conferences were well uenu which the chef prepares. On this good in his facial expressions and his
e urgently pleaded thai attened. The gener meetings hel day the clubhouse is open to the ladies portrayal of the unhappy shyness which
not get into a rut by yesterdays mrning ith tie general and dinner is prepared for them at 6made his lovemaking rather slow. Miss
row in their particular topic of "Conservation of the Child" o'clock in the evening. Shelly, as his sweetheart, was most
fession. - proved to be one of the most interest- 'To encourage the practice among the charming and attractive and although
as paid by the speaker ing of the day's meetings. Dr. Henry members of bringing lady guests with not a finished actress she was so thor-
nch scientists who by Goddard of Vineland, . J, mo them on Sundays the management is oughly natural and at ease in the part
arch work and experi- the mead of sn institute for seak mind- preparing some tempting menus and will that her acting was entirely enjoyable.
way for men who have ed children, showed by ineans of charts make an especial effort to please the The role of Dokto.r.Klaus was admir-
since gained fame in the world of chem-
istry. He told of what wonderful work
had resulted from the efforts of those
Before the lecture Professor Noyes
was the guest of honor at a banquet
given by the Phi Lambda Upsilon fra-
ternity at the Michigan Union. With
one exception every member of the
chemistry faculty was present. After
a short introduction by toastmaster
Harris, Professor Noyes spoke of the
national chemical honor fraternity and
encouraged the local chapter innits pres-
ent efforts. It was largely , through
Prof. Noyes that a chapter of the Phi
Lambda Upsilon society was established
at Michigan.
The personal of the management of
the Students' Lecture Association for
the coming season will be decided at
the annual election which will be held
in room A of University hall this morn-
ing. The polls will be open from 9 un-
til 12 and during this time those who
hold registered season tickets may vote
for the officers who will guide the desti-
nies of the association during the season
An interesting contest has been waged
between the two candidates for presi-
dential honors, H. Dale Souter, 'so-'s2
law, and O. King Grimstad, 'is law.
Both of these men assisted by their
friends and supporters have been carry-
ing on an active campaign among the
members of the association. Each is
being supported by a complete ticket of
candidates for the lesser offices.
The following are running on Souter's
ticket: For vice-president, George Law-
ton, '1I 1; for recording secretary, Phil-
ip Kniskern, 'ss e; for trustees, Frank
Murphy, '12, Dewey Hinckley, '1I, Wal-
ter Metz, '12 1, Thomas Lewis, '11 1,
Arthur Bertrand, '11 e, Howard Young,
' 12 e.
On Grimstad's ticket are the follow-
ing: For vice-president, Harold Has-
kins, 'n1 e; for recording secretary,
Charles Bowman, 'is; for trustees,
Wade Oliver, '12, William Dougherty,
'13, Robert Lazear, '12 e, Loren Robin-
son, '13, E. C. Middleton, '12 1, R. S.
that traces of heredity are carried
through several generations. Dr. God-
dard gave several personal cases of the
had effect of marriage between weak
minded persons and alcoholics, stating
that the off-spring were invariably weak
minded. Dr. Goddard declared that
inter-marriage between feeble minded
persons should be generally prohibited
by statute, as some states have already,
done. "In every school of Soo or more
students there are enough weals minded
children" he said, "to necessitate the
forming of a special class for their
sspecial instruction. But better still, if
the i5,ooo feeble minded people in the
United States could be kept in institu-
tions, inter-marriage would be impos-
sible and so the number would gradually
be reduced. At the present time only
one out of every ten weak minded per-
sons is confined in institutions."
Today the Commercial conference will
be held at 9 o'clock in the High school.
At 6 o'clock the Alumnae banquet will
be given in Barbour gymnasium, while
at 8 o'clock the junior girls' play will
be repeated for the benefit of the
(Continued on Page 2.)
President Talks to Former Students
at Banquets.
President Hutchins returned Thurs-
day from an extended trip east where
he has been in the interest of the univer-
sity. Michigan alumni gathered in New
York and Boston to greet the president
and hold social gatherings.
Friday evening, March 25, Prof. Hut-
chins addressed the alumni of New
York who gathered in the metropolis for
an elaborate banquet. The subject of his
address was "The present conditions and
needs of the University of Michigan."
The alumini of New England held
their annual banquet in Boston Tues-
day, March 29. At this function the
president as well as a few prominent
alumni spoke. Among the well known
speakers were Miss Coman, '78, now
an instructor at Wellesly, Prof. Dixon,
professor of economics at Dartmouth,
and Prof. Paul Hanus who ]leads the
department of education at Harvard.
The subject of Prof. Dixon's talk was,
"The Michigan Union."
guests. With this end in view the fol-
lowing special menu has been prepared
for tomorrow's dinner, at 6 o'clock.
Fruit Cocktail, Consomme Brunaise,
Mock Turtle Soup, Marble Radishes,
Iced Cucumbers, Broiled Whitefish
maitre de hotel, Green Onions, Long
Branch Potatoes, Prime Rib Roast ass
jus, Baked Young Chicken stuffed gib-
bet sauce, New Potatoes in Cream, New
Asparagus brown butter, Water Cress,
French Dressing, Lettuce and Tomatoes,
Strawberry Shortcake whipped cream,
Tutti Frutti Ice Cream, Cake, Fresh
Rhubarb Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Sliced Apple
Pie, Roqueford Cheese, Toasted Crack-
ers, Demi Tasse.
Tables are being reserved in the front
dining room for those who wish to bring
guests. Although it is not essential, res-
ervations should be made and this may
be done by phone. The dinner will be
served at the usual price, 75 cents.
Adolphus, the bull dog belonging to
the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, met his
match in the canine kingdom yesterday
and in the efforts to save Adolphus from
an untimely end one of the members of
the fraternity was badly injured. Adol-
phus has a feid of long standing with
Mike another bull pup who lives around
the corner. Several times recently the
dogs have met with the result that Adol-
phus has come back with portions of his
anatomy missing.
Friday morning the clogs mixed again
and Mike had secured a strangle hold on
Adolphus when his owners came to his
rescue. One of the boys was endeavor-
ing to pass a belt around Mike's neck
with the intention of choking him off
when Adolphus seized the hand of his
rescuer. In his efforts to free himself
both of his hands were badly torn.
He was assisted to a nearby house where
his wounds were dressed. The muscles
and tendons of the right thumb were
badly torn and two fingers on the other
hand bitten through to the bone. No
serious complications are expected how-
The Aero club of the University of
Pennsylvania will finish its first flying
machine within a month's time.
ably played by O. E. Fueiber whose
enunciation of the German was partic-
ularly excellent. The austerity and de-
votion to duty of the physician as well
as his real kindliness were made forcible
and reasonable by his interpretation.
Stephen J. Hebeler in the part of
Griesinger, the kindhearted old merch-
ant whose family troubles make up the
story of the play was very entertaining.
His German was fluent and easy and he
seemed to have caught the true cheer-
ful goodheartedness of the character.
In the third act where he was supposed
to fie slightly under the influence of his
too convival entertasinment te was funny
without being gross.
Miss Elfrieda Weitz who has played
prominent roles in the German plays of
the past two seasons took the part of
Julie, Griesinger's daughter. No op-
portunity was given her to share to
any extent in the fun of.the story but
she played her rather colorless part with
sympathy and ability. She was particu-
larly good in the first act and in the
third where she discovers that the hus-
band upon whom she has been doting
seems to other people to be a mere
Marianne by Miss Ida Sitler and Kol-
mar by Johannes Siveke were well play-
ed minor parts.
It was particularly noticeable that
many of the best points in the acting
of the whole cast were the result of the
careful and well planned coaching of
Dr. A. O. Lee, the faculty director.
As a production Doktor Klaus lacked
a little in finish but was as well balanced
and enjoyable as any play given in a
foreign language during the past four
or five years. The playing of an adagio
quartet in the third act added to the
excellence and completeness of the pro-
duction. The quartet was rendered by
B. de Vries, George L. Curtis, J.
Schaeberle, and Henri i-us.
The audience was made up largely of
faculty representatives with a few
townspeople. President Angell and dis-
tinguished visitors from among the edu-
cators in town from the Schoolmasters'
club were present.
The senior class of the University of
Minnesota has voted unanimously for a
senior student council. It is up to the
faculty now.