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February 28, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…Ijc u:. of , . a l u. VOL. V. No. 104. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. PROF. TAYLOR'S ADDRESS. necessity myb eue ypaigaME O{IASCRD OGO TDN -premium on notes in circulation, thus MM. _ODIA_ EURDNG ODS UD N HIGH DEGREE OF ELASTICITY IN NATIONAL CURRENCY NEEDED. Mteans Cur Securing It Outlined- Students May Join Michigan Pol- itical Science Association. Prof. F. Ml. Taylor delivered a most 'instructi...…

February 27, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…tt* AL Wailx. Vol. V. No. 103. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. A FIEE SILVER CLUB. THE FRIENDS OF SILVER MEET AND ORGANIZE. Committees Are Appointed on Res- olutions and Constitution - Can- vass for Members to Commene at Once. A free silver club was organied in the law deirtmet yesterday after- noon by a large sd enthusiastic crowd of students. W. I. tDowing, -9 law, was eected femporary chair- ...…

February 26, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…~Ij It. ot7A.fn VoL. V. No. 102. UNIVERSITY-OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. UIYCLUB LECTURE. .PROF. THOMPSON ON THE INDI- VIDUAL AND THE STATE. A Discussion of the Problem of the AdJustment of Labor to Capital, and the Distribution of Wealth. Prof. Tihonmpson gave a very sug- getive taper before Unity Club last .-veiilg 0n "The Inldividulal and 111e :State." It was given in place of one accnmulations of wealth abo...…

February 25, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…~Iji U.of Al.ltDn VOL. V. PNO.1 .I.I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25,185 PRICE-THRUEE CENTS. MAY .\NI I)YI. 5 LW Tej11dges were Profas. MIclttglldin. i Annual Address Before the S. C. A. ~lffff T~lM _________ Ixtiowlton .11 i'l tliotoilccthoug;htIUUUU IUE I I I itiet city halii ti ii icowdled lit SENIOR LAW ORATORICAL CON- 1tutu i-1oiti)lc. t11id Profs. 'oltioit t1ighlt 1tolistellit)i- i: ildi tio ddecalire Ties to let-inwjtl...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…4c ti of til, it f t I jee ko Vor,. V. NTo. 1009. UNIVERSITY OF NMICHIGAN, SATIIAY . ERUARY 2:;. 18~95. I'I1It--I''lultER CENTS. rAN 1, L( )LENT A 1)1)1{E;SS. F in , ansid siFhus. s;',Iat:Faidltll 'IFill,1E NOR c(ONTES. A BRILLIANT SPEECH DELIVERED 1111talion l111 11n11hfe lhoiloIgh ilL li'THE EFFORTS OF ORATORICAL BY HON. JOHN J. LENTZ, ! Ctilllf of their' I)('0140.l1u11onaly ill ASPIRANTS AMONG THE '95 LITS.1 The Celebration of Washl...…

February 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of _ VOL. V. NO. 99. UN~IVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, TIII'RSI)AY, FEBRUARY 21, 1S9;5. PRICE-1 RE F',CENTS. STEAl5 D;1ANFOLI I M sjcg' iilog T TFIRE I{OlTECTIONO GOOD STUDENT WINNERS OF LAST NIGHTS j itl i 'elt'1 tt'.titbu. iiilan t 'tiit'5sor f j << ORATORICAL CONTESTS. Two of the Lit Orators Chosen "Three Aristocracies" and "Cen- tralization in Our Government" Their Subjects. 'lit'O~tri, i ol ti-4t' of il(to' l ort oritis. but I tij...…

February 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…tl* . In E AL . VOL. V. N . }.48, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WED)NESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1895. P RICE-THREE CENTS. T H so Ser GY 441J ill4 4'Ea 41411F e P410 1OO d.111 '1 Jim. A AiWt'SC01NSIN LE}'iTTER. Contestants forOratorical Honors. JNORLW OTE . ' - -'I'l( ol~ l 444l".'114s 1 41401-tt141 1114 ('4111- [ATU'gVERITYIS USYWIT t14111 14il ill l, 11'14 oraitorical ;"SIX SPEAKERS IN THE ORATOI ATcontSTeIstSsWTH111411 wIith t11111r41114.14144 11...…

February 19, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…Ijc ti. of , i. l il . N7't% . -N. o:''r. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1895> . Pi aci.-THR '.E. CF*N--",. _________ kot -1 tiio i-i-i-lIds. X bc-li tendN. THE SChIOOL OF USIC. c NOt~~OO 10 ~ni11go icrs iGSAO{I O\ GOOD STUDENT A SYNOPSIS OF THE VARIOUS tlirouglitie etlie11100111 touta. SENATE AND HOUSE COMMIT-1 TEES ON THE UNIVERSITY HERE. ries to lern witiout Hooks. COURSES OPEN TO STUDENTS. Tit, school vear il div id int...…

February 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of , 1 i. 1ai t VOL. V. N o. 96. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARYI,19. PRtICE>- 'rIIIM:i? CE STS. TI(D N IIOIM About the Regents' Rcports. E Generosity in Gifts. DR. J. E. TALMVIAGE IN S. L. A. A\ngol i iltttlill y00tt-lt170 1101' )l-flonideltlc ptli 1110tEo 011111111i))for11l- COURSE SATURDAY NIGHT. Press: tioli regardil. the 10o111 and private," A:nn Artor))', 1 .1. Ii 11yourIIr .1)- gills 11111110 1t-heI)' 110)0)10 s111...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…Vol,. V. No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . SATURDAY., FEBRUARY IR . 18915. PRICE --Fly rCENTS. 'TIS ATIING ~aOF TlE AST O'slok ths mon;!g, olh.'nthe paty Ella Shelby an(1 Mod C1ry,5of 1 and N06 0 PAS1010'boke1nips oting le "Asnill ~1011a11Rapids. Mslses Clara 1-Edy nd . 111 NINETEENTH ANNUAL BALL vrlysucsosot.t10 l ''tiorl1lopIXEddy.of Bay City, 1M1isoes lltl f, Tiesto earii without lt book. PASSE INT HISORY. as h oe'0i111 10101 .of t121'v 7111...…

February 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…Ijc iLI. of , ' tai ln. VOL. . NO. 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1895. PRICE--TIIREE CENTS. CHICAGO ATHLETICS. TWO COMING IMPORTANT ATH- LETIC MEETINGS, Chicago A. A. and the First Regi- ment-Amateur Athletic Union.-- Various Events Open to Colleg- ians. An open indoor athletic meeting wi] he iven by te thicago A. A. an he first regiment, Illinois Nationa Guards, onl Satrdaty. March 2. in the first regiment armory, Mich...…

February 07, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…of , 1 ala0 lt, VOL. V. NO. 93. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, I.895. PRICE----TiiRF.i?, CiFwT , IT IS STIL UNSETTLE. ! Prof. Ziwet's Paper. OFtEDUCTIONl(!.! ___.IITO{Y___NO GOOD STUDENT UNIN F EDCALSCOOS ~li~itle ot llslslll. iilisNEW COURSE FOR NEXT SEM ESj{ Ties to learn withUt hooksUI. LEF UDEIDD. giiliOfreli Iliisioill~a scityTER UNDER PROF. HINSDALE. Sonie people thouigh try to use this year was till' o1ne'list eseilo...…

February 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…Ije U. cfi Jit Eail4 Von,. V. No., 92. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ,WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. THE SENATETROPHIESI OFFERED FOR EXCELLENCE IN GENERAL ATHLETICS. Scheme for Grading Those Who Will Compete for the Cups in the' Spring Meet. In the article printed yesterday on the University Senate prizes for individual all-around excellence in outdoor and indoor athletics, it was stated that the outdoor prize would be given f...…

February 05, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…Ic U. of. fit Wa iu. VoL. V. No. 91. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. TIDE SENATE PRIZES 'Princeton's Training Criticised. A TRIP THROUGH EUROPE. NO GOOD STUDENT A1Pinetnmagazi ne reentlv eni TO BE COMPETED FOR THIS A VERY INTERESTINC TALK BY SPRING. woeited very unfavorably upon the MR. JOHN S H E E H A N . Tries to learn without books. methoes of training which Ire in force Some people though try to...…

February 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…IjcttI. of VOL. V. No. 9)0. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN I, . a I rMONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1895. IPmci;o-TH-REE CENTS. itili Asl y:fialraf notl. PRKELIMINARY DEBATE, ma ' t i l '~ ou t~tan 1(11o11e1 is PIONEER HOME MISIONS. NO GOOD STUDENT INTER-SOCIETY CONTEST WILL ol.hinliga b. ietiigani" REV. E. ADAMS' ADDRESS AT )Tries to 1cLarn without books. BE HELD MARCH 8. 'Piicktcommaitteie on arranlgL1111ts :it NEWBERRY HALL YESTERDAY. Somepol tog ryt s Lit...…

February 02, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…Ijc t.01f , 1 oil9 Vol- V. No. 819. UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN, SATUTRDAY, FEBRUARY 2.,189M. PiiICE--Ttu EE CENTS. CIOAIIUINCOCR.Association of Western Institutions. CORL('ECOiRT CASICALI Cli. I ONFET RE-NCEi. it___lstme I11 i____ wllol'NO GOOD STUDENT ENTERTAINMENT LAST NIGHTALGEMTIGRAND A BRILLIANT SUCCESS. e1titren clt -ia riesolui ntion5pasd AL,4EMENGAR ANE ries to learn without hooks. (-iltgaii--io ici-iOi t t- FRMRH2- Some people thlou...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…a II. of Vo7, V. No. 88. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I, . Wailti. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1 189.. PRICE---THREE CENTS. All- TW;ESTERN VELEV EN. tilWlla wsufrtnt nI I IIOLOGICAI SOCIETY. NO G O TDN sirn kept out of most of toe gal'l'es iy__ _GODSTDN OUTING HAS CHOSEN ONE FOR .lit jur. As a fieldtgenteral and toekieSMR. LEWIS STRAUSS DISCUSSES1 '9,FAVORING WISCONSIN. ENGLISH PARAGRAPHS. I ins to lcarn without books. ______lmal is pierhiaps a staoP t...…

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