Ijc u:. of
, . a l u.
VOL. V. No. 104.
PROF. TAYLOR'S ADDRESS. necessity myb eue ypaigaME O{IASCRD OGO TDN
-premium on notes in circulation, thus MM. _ODIA_ EURDNG ODS UD N
Mteans Cur Securing It Outlined-
Students May Join Michigan Pol-
itical Science Association.
Prof. F. Ml. Taylor delivered a most
'instructive- lecture last sighlt on thii
niecessity of a. high degree of elasticity
tn our nationial currency, and tiheimosot
itdeiiot' oealus-of securing it. is
jititross was tihe salve one tie deilivereud
'before the Michitganiiiolttieal Science
iissociatiomi at its hetl tg iii Cilalila-
.zoo Febriuary ii,
Tho lectnier tuegan tby sthovinig tiw
creaitig a motive for their A itludrawm- I WILL TAKE THE PART OF MAR-
al, anit hy placing upiomntihemi certalii
legal dtisaibilities whichi will insure
their tbeing sent hiome ,when tnt in im-
mediatemsc. With such provisions it
wotulud te possible to contract otii'cur-
remity eiiirmoously withinii a few weeks,
whtile the arrangeenut would r gsilate
the atlrmt of hank paller ini eircula-
tiomn in plroplortionl to the requirenients
of tradie.
Prof. Adamls ainioiiicedi before tin,
comiiimeemient uof Prot. Taylor's adt-
tristhat Ciie Mlitgiii Political Set-
inc aii'ssoieationi tedtvoted iii admit
of Cihe annulf(tie of$1,.'flits williia-
Max Heinrich and Rigel Will Also
Be Here-Festival to Cost $1,000
More Than Last Year.
E4,veryone will tieilelighteid to learn
thaitAMiie. Norica. has beemi seedi
foi' tie AMay Festival. She will take
the part; of Mlargnuerite, Max He~ini-
ich, of Mlepliistoplteles anid ogefi
m~t. 'te Festival will thus iost
$111110 lior' Chan.it slid last yi'aii'.atd
it be'hooves all itert'uested iii Cisee-
('essof thCe Feistivail to adlvertise it
as oxtinsively as ptossile.'
A National University.
Washiington, F'i'b. 27-Itt ilesinmin-
tive Ratiiier (Xcii.) has introuceida.
bill to stabllisth Ce Vnivu'isitv of Aii-
cries, ini which lcsh state. torritory
anid congrissional iistriet shiall to' en-
titleid Ciiall equtal tpropti'ionate, 1111
luero ittohudlenit",eliiiseii by nieins lit
Tries to learn without books.
Some people though try to use
musical instrumlents with little
or 110 tone.
WIe Say Buy Those Which Have lane,
We sell that kimnd.
51 South Main st.
. Ls
HAND5. Magnificest betilding; ten teachers; linge
atendance; good disciplise; superisorwork; swill
Isuphied readinig rooe; daily lestures; Saturday
eveningreceptios;opes the etireyea. Eusele,
tison a ailitis for placing stuents is positiosa.
Bosardasd room $2to $o.?lper eeinprivte
fusilies. These rates rduced to Otuso by slf'
boaiding. For Cataosgue address
5. R. CLFARY. Pres
..coiti'sc' if tradie throughiiit Ciii'year,'.tions if tiii' sasoetattol uithiout bing
Fly a surites of iliugruils butsed tioi otigiulioipay' thii'usuatllmembe'rshipl
0111 condcitioni of tilt iiserve' funds of ffi', wtiieti is $.
the New Y'irk hbanks for tlii'siren Schiller Evening.
years, 1885-92, itovwas eilostratedi
Tile Sehitler eiitertaiins-int attiiiiiu'
hat ini thi' springCiih' flowv of moiniy
is, wvitislight varitation, from Ci'I'mthietmtt velninelig
if lMr. CLeoinardt lrluuar,'Mi'. Martin
country Citolih' city banmks; owarid
summiii''erthe increaisiinggeneral traite Catr111 itii uoltlu C-i
o tiecountry draws liie' currencyciiesprmest beoe fte
tinestiove r givemi iby lii' (Clut. Schltler
gradually to the country bainks; in Cii'e
is Clii'Robetrt Lucius of Geriiiaoy, tnid
fall of Che yeari the money is rapidly
drawn from the ri'servt' banks ofthti'ie sIrllsl 1 itk li emle
recat iimnoy cemtcrs ilttoli'heichanils evening equal iii inturest to tlii recent
of tradle, ummiil Jantuary, whten the tuto u Irnis cvining, trot, Thomas, of tie'
is agin reersed CUiiversity, will give a shiort lecturie
''.rleovaialtiomns of c'ur'enty hav-u'au110011Si-hiller. A prmominiment 1an11 very
tenlemcy o duseSlutuaion ~ lii attractivi'fieatmure of the eveinmg will
rate of udiscounmt, a riesult which mayliliimluo',iii''th uirton f
in sonicnmeasure, W' avoideid by suth- trot.tKempilf. The three Glerman.
cienit elasticity. Thaut it is mos, deihi' lorusus ofthcliy-in all aiboutfocCt'
siraible for this Cto be accompillisheid is singers-will taike lint. Then'e will
41vident tromt the flir thilaCthesi'i- also hi' some hine instrmumental musmic',
normual fluctuations tire thte dm'r'ct The foumi zithmers wsilLliii a speciatlly
fcauso of recipirocal fhctuations iiilil rsii f'tme 1li'flovmgi
prices, comumemrcial umoertinty, mumtteprirnd i iit
the increased difliolty of maitaining 1. Insrumemntal pieces by the Zither'
'the national reserve of gold. c-hub (four zithiers, tlute', 'cello amid
While it may thus be seen iliaC ras- pisamo).
?. Thin'LyrasMuate Chiorums. Sciller
ticity of currency is anm impllortaunt -
requisite event in thce oriinary condi- sogs
l:ions of commuerce, its imiportanuceis 3t.Lctrure ems "Schsille'm," by Prouf.
-far greater in an Industrial emergency, Calvimi Thomas,
when theo fluctuations are largely in- 4.Ladhies' Chorus. Schiller somngs.
creased, and the evils of an excess or in, Mir. Itemdigor. Baritone solio.
lack of money are of munch more sor-t- Ii. Redingbs of short selectiomns front
.ous nature. An emergency circulation Schiiller's Lyrics, by Dr. K. GC. Guthme.
Is supposed to ofelrt'atmcans of reduc- 7" Mixed ('horns. St'hiller somigs.
Ing the demand ftonr-crreutry to ordi- S. Ziuther (lob.
-nary hounds. 9.,fMrs. Kemspf. Alto solo.
The second lairt of the lecture treat- 10. Lyrai Mule Chorus. Schmiller
ed of thse meass f securing tuonetlory soings.
'elasticity, with :its two requirements, 'Tho Germans iational colors, lir-
-perfect expansibility and contractility. tuires of Schiller, etc.. will bei' promh-
FPor securing the first of itese is Uvees- ineutly displaye'd.
sary an Sadequate power of Issuing thiere will be a intoning of the jun-
notes, togethser with efticlent iuachin- for phalhrmics at 11 a. um., Friday,
cry; theo motive ,to issue, by makidngit Machli1. in rootm A. Plans for a
-to some extent protitabsle, and the ac- baseball team and a banjo amid glee
Ceeptahility of the nsotes by making club will be discussed. All are re-
'their redemuption promupt, The second quested to hi' present.
opemi coimpiietitive examitmu~tiomis. Ini- E4H'O2T 5'.J-C.T C'J Fs
strumtion in all thii' rasiclues utall FisSu E ioru
ide'atentsml of humo«-hdge o i'mto'lieLOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
givemn, aid faiciliti's fiunishetd for
eciumittifie land literary researchli niui n m-
vu'stigattion. 'Tilt' go-ermmuiemit of thu'
uimivrsity is to be v-estedin a, uhtoardi
ot twvimiy regimit..
Harvard's Law Dean.
Prof. fLamgdell,udeani if the IHarvari
laws school, will compqleite his mwt'mity-
titth yuear iiithiat positioni next Junme,
amid the. gradmuates of the schtool an'
prepaing to celebmrate Ctii anniv-ersamry.
Aim address by Sir h'rechirick Pohlock
woill bet' the featmure of thii exuncises.
Wh'lat is knhowvnm as ith',Harvardl
miithmod of lawo'imnstrumctiins was ori-
ginateud by Prof. Lanigdell. Ile' receiv-
ed his leglldiegries is 18-54 amnd aft'r-
+ 48 S. STATE ST.
Go to RANDALL for
Artistic Photos.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
wvtards praeticich law 1mm Nest'fTork for Latest Improved B~arber Shlot
Sevural years. In the ally. g, Washington st., lot doss
east of tins t. Ann Arbor.
Jeffersonian Society.
he~ fuollouwing; progrmlm will beue'iMAMMOTH PIPE SAL!
of the Jeflersonisii Literary ssciety JOL 'I'Y & CO'S
tonight: Declamuation, Mr. t'rugl;;It6SOUTH STATE ST. Don't fall to comse
pper1c, :Mr. Koontz; speech, Mr. Covert; __otandCold__Lunchesat__AllHours.
imipronmptu discuissioll,maff., dMr. Cross; S BC 0 N ID - -AiN E
meg., Mm', Oakes; debate, "iResolvedl.
that the recemnt votes its congress showv-
e'd a. prefereiice for a silver basis]
rather thlan a gold mnd silver basis,"
tif., Messi's. Aldrich amid Danmn; meg.. B 0 0 OK S
Mtessrs. Ityker slid Kellogg.
Shields, This Time.
Another imembc'r of the class of '94 BOUGHT; SOLD and REPAIREI
hils been launched into the uncer-
tainties of politico. This timne it is___ ___
Ed.- C. Shields, who wvas yesterdcay
mominate by thie. Densocrats of Liv-
ingston county for commissioner of XA -'
schools. 1i VV ikA 1 ..S.-