Ije U. cfi
Jit Eail4
Von,. V. No., 92.
Scheme for Grading Those Who
Will Compete for the Cups in the'
Spring Meet.
In the article printed yesterday
on the University Senate prizes for
individual all-around excellence in
outdoor and indoor athletics, it was
stated that the outdoor prize would
be given for the best all-around
work in eight events on the an-
nual field day. On the contrary
all the events on the program
of the field day will count,
and the one making the mOst
points il these events will re-
ceive the Senate Trophy, a silver
cup. The marking will le five
points for first place in any event,
three for second place and one for
third place. It was at first intend-
ed to hold an all-around contest
aside from the field day and take
each contestant's marking in eight
events. This contest could not be
held before the Western Intercol-
legiate meet at Chicago, because it
would interfere with the training
for the latter. It would also be
impossible to hold it more than a
few days after the Chicago meet,
as some classes would by that time
be through with their University
work. The plan of having a spec-
ial contest was accordingly aband-
The Senate Trophy for excel-
lence in indoor athletics will be
contested for at a special indoor
meeting to be held about a week
after the regular indoor athletic
meeting. The events chosen for
competition are: Fence vault,
high kick, rope climbing, tumbling,
work on horses, parallel bars. In
addition to the above contestants
will be marked on their physique,
i. e., their general development,
symmetry, proportion, etc. The
marking in the competition will be
five points for a first place, three
points for a second place and one
point for a third place. In mark-
ing for general development or
physique, first place will count ten
points, second place six points and
third place two points. Special
importance is thus given to general
class work and general develop-
Prof. Craig will deliver a lec-
ture, accompanied by stereopticon
views, to the Philological Society
at the physical laboratory on Feb-
ruary 21. The subject of his dis-
course will be "Discoveries in
Babylonia, Assyria and Egypt."
Americaninstitutions. Course in Choral Music. NO GOOD STVDENT
There are 451 universities and A course in choral music, to be
colleges of liberal arts in the United known as Course 2d, is announced Tries to learn without books.
States, employing 10,247 profes- for the second semester. It will Some people though try to use
. musical instruments with little
sors and instructors. One hundred be given in the chapel Tuesdays or no tone.
and twenty-two thousand, five hun- and Thursdays at 3 p. in. Repre-
dred and fifty-five students are en- sentative works of various schools W eSay Bu Those Which Hae lone,
rolled in these institutions accord- will be studied, not alone as music- We sell that kind.
ing to the figures cmpiled for the al compositions, but also with refer-
New York World's Almanac for ence to their artistic significance."h
1895. Of this number, 55,553 are The styles of the leading compos- 51 South Main st.
in collegiate departments, 44,054 ers will be carefully analyzed, and
are in preparatory departments, an attempt made to contribute to 6
the professional departments con- the better understanding of the ~ -
tain 19,385 and the grlduate schools functions of music.
have 3,565. Ohio leads in the An examination corresponding
number of such institutions, being to that required for entrance to the
credited with 38, while Pennsyl- Choral Union will be required. ~ie
vania comes second with 31. Ohio Students electing the course are
also has the greatest number of under obligation to sing as a choir Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESSandSHORT-
students, 12,854, while Illinois is at the vesper services which are to HAND. Magnificent building; ten teachers; large
attendance; good discipline; superior work; wel
ranked second with 11,54f. be held in University Hall at 4:10 supplied reading room; dailysectures; saturaa
evenig receptions; open the entire year. Escep-
The total income of the univer- p. m. on the same day. tional facilities for piacing students in position.
. .Board and room $2 to $2.7s per week in private
sities and colleges of liberal arts in On account of this course sever- families. These rates reduced toe sao by self-
boarding. For Catalogue addressCtFARY, Pres
this country is given as $14,601,- al changes are announced. Course
034. The amount received from 4 will be given on Monday and QOT E
tuition fees during the collegiate Thursday at 2 o'clock, and CoursettEStt LINE (I
year 1892-93, which was the latest 9 b will come on Wednesday and LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
year for which reports could be Friday at 3 o'clock. Courses 5 b, JUST RECEIVED AT
obtained, was $5,466,810. Har- 6 b and 8 will be arranged by con- + TUTTLE'S,
yard has the largest total income suitation. Courses 2 and 11 b will + 48 S. STATE ST.
of any institution; its receipts last be given as in the announcement.
year amounted to $1,204,384. Prof. Stanley may be consulte I in Go to RANDALL for
There are 5,319,602 bound volumes regard to these courses in Roou
in the libraries of these institu- 12, Tappan Hall, at 4 o'clock, Artistic Photos.
tions. daily, and at 2 o'clock on Wednes-
New Plan in Quizzing. days. It is important that those NEW GALLERY.
desiring to take the choral music
Much praise is due the instruc- course should report as early as LA[G[ST OP[RAING ROOM IN SIATh
tors of the law department for the possible in order to facilitate ar-
special advantages afforded stu- rangements regarding the music.
- n 11 WASNINPT01 nP..OK
dents by a new plan of quizzing
lately introduced. Until this year
the various quiz sections were so
large that it was impossible for
each student to receive attention
from the instructors regarding
special features of the subject un-
der treatment. It is desirable that
old members of the classes be
reached every day not only in the
matter of quiz work, but by ample
consultation with the instructors
in respect to points that need thor-
ough explanation. Through a
voluntary movement on the part
of the instructors these advantages
Webster Society.
The following program will be
given at the Webster Society to-
night: Music; declamation, H. M.
Porter; essay, W. A. Spill; ora-
tion, C. H. MacBride; impromptu,
at president's option; music; de-
bate, "Resolved, that the free and
unlimited coinage of silver would
be beneficial to the United States,"
aff., Jesse L. Deek and F. H.
Holtzheimer; neg., J. W. Humph-
rey and G. A. Edwards; im-
promptu, at president's option; in-
formal discussion; critic's report.
n , 105 O ~ ,11 D~ ,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Latest Improved Barber Shop
In the city .E. Washngton sA., Ist door
cat.oafMainest. Ace Arbor.
,JOLL _Y & co's
t6 SOUTH STATE ST. Don't fail to come.
Hot and Cod Lunches at All Hours.
will find a full stock of
are now afforded.
The work of the instructors is Requests and Petitions.
doubled because of a division of
the quiz sections, but the fact that The following requests and peti-
their compensation is not increased, tions have been answered this
shows clearly that they are doing week:
their utmost for the good of the Granted-E. B. Escott, E. S.
department and the students. Hinckley, Jeanette Smith.
Referred-S. H. Baer, to Prof.
Prof. Angell will lecture to the Pettee; Edna Mettler, to Prof.
junior laws today, and Prof. Walker; W. B. Rubin to Regis-
Thompson will lecture to both trar.
classes Thursday. Subscribe for the Daily.