VL more alive to the real interests of DITSON MUSIC.'" TI LL FEB. 15.,
++teState.- -IT. of Cal. Occident. ____
nubd -iNtatmtn o(eie t SPECI AL. SALE
'my(Sudayr'ci'itiii Irelative amin intellectuality of Califorho~"-1
the Coilegb. year "yOr Six Love SonCENT
JOEU.OF . NDPENEN ISOCAION nia and Michigan farniers, we willJyPrk .Sye.TaiainifSi
THE U. Of T Mt bilOEdinN MASIn TON a. Byoat irnklae.a is osientore to assert that our taxpay- of Hees finest lyricsii cX(uieuia
oiF~e:Tie bilin . ai, t, plin etting-. Hay Paper, 75cents. I-AND---
net nfl.e Irs are sofficiently developed in the HCLEaE , LDIS _ADTN'
"EDITORS - pper story to recomimend hy sud- ' COLLEGE SONGS['LDE'A DGN'
H. (canaan, Lit. '9,Managmng Editor. I iet )r lt~ a cotn ace
6.B 09lalo, Law '96, A...rst~nt cin apprito coninn The standard collection of? College Sotgs. ARTC1IU RUBR DU~
0.11. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Oe HWun0 Li.Si. nti so. Heavy Paper, d
A. W. MTL t.ux Spl sisat. o iorUiversity=;fm. !et;Coh u,$.0 ' s t7
U.11f. Eannse, Lit. '91 Asistant. _______ JACOBS & ALLMAND,
.1. A. LEsser, Lit. us, Athietic Editor. Elehr we th onitos"COLLEGE SONG FO GIL. ssuocr I)EALrrIIS,
.1M.PAL a ) uiesAasagetr. ple% er v rint thGSdiin
T.. LE , Law ', A iseast. coverninge contests for the Ill- Wshngton 11urk. Ann Arbor.
it ~t ~vLw's m teIOsiy book of the tutu published. The 7r, i
Associate Editors. dividual all-around prizes given hy songs of the it'adinig iollu'ges for womn. 'Hl"GAXIVl'R -US.
S. n. Shiiey, Lit. '95. it. A. lancer, L ht niesiySeat.Itwllh Heavy Pacer. $1.00. Dl t N)OL.tHUE
the L.ive~t Senaue, Law 'ill beLudrani'5 ONE NIGHT ONLY
tiarriev.Smith,Lit.'is. LiR. Ila mbien,Law'95. rememhered that certain ieimhers THURSDAY FOLLEEION '7..MNILS~lIMV
E. S. Bartlett, Lit. '97. W4. A. Spill, Law '96. of the varou unierit TaURSDAY, FEBRUARYw
M. Giibert, Engr.'97.,Mciiic'98. tlileim rsyfcte sor .iit-w Apircruidot'lita from thi' _________
iiet tinur. An.prniaddi'illctiHE. -lnEi
Minnie Mi. 'riunmusn, Li.97. gtot lip) .t subtscriptioni list last bsome Cavr. 50 cents. TH TE
Sub.criptinn price 10.50 per yiai, itivarialiy spring fori the purpose of giving Aiiy toosetit po'stpaid ant recipto itte.t OI.I Qj.. OQJ.O
is advance. Single copies 3 cents.'. subsc'rip- annual prizes for individual excel- iegratist at all Swedishit dialect
inns may be left at the affire at the DAaILY, lec.I ses osetehnftOLIVER DITSON CO., The e die.
itStaffletti, at State it. new niaed, with any fne ti ayt e h eei T-C T:rhntnB. lso. IN E U I.N WSNS
'Itf the editors or authorize anlieltora. to tracki antd field athletics of such Communitncattiotnns10)MSI. E SNG.
p. uicat.tos should traclhe iifice by a trophy. Inido titei oC. Ii. Otson R (a. N. Y. { NEW DANICES.
lay. Addres all mutter isndd far pabli- the intention of orthe inoolonors atltof Ithe PRPRY,5I)~3c
catlas to the Managing Editor. All iuless trophy not to encourage excelleiice IOn Watcis, Jewelry, Rtamnids itid chattel Seats tow oil :ale t W~att' jewaelry store
tammusicatias esetli tis col otit iix-,latera iaOmonds baughit wthotat extra charge.
test. atossoudb en ote ut Manager. in gymnastic seilesso much as and said. Watches and Jewrlry nicely re-
ppaired. Office at my residence, 33 E. L~berty EVERETT 0. FISK & CO.
THE U. OF M. DAILY, to foster interest iin genleral devel- 9t.. cit'. iioutrs: slt1 ii tn..Itoaandlta
An Atr, i.oment. The interest thus taken p iTHEJ G ATS
The editorsdo nat said thenmselest rraiin- hy the senate in fosteriiig an ideal1 A
sibefor theeopinionsaor tatemeiitsaf correi- ahei iscrinygtf-UA tT ED CATRER, FIS TEACHERS AGENCIES,:
pulndents, app acing in the DAILY. l 1 syte to s. 1 Cticagat Ill., 355 Wabash Ave.,
Au extended communication re- ii. Rt LARK. 7asngrr
garding the place ftr holding the tl U i IS LS CUSTOM TAILORING temost comtplete Ageticy Systm in tie
p h nvriyof Californiais 15 RS tLASUittd St.ates.
coming dehate with Northwestern C orner otf State and Wiliasm stsn I POY-ver 1.000) poitiaons filled iti 14.
has been received, lbut owing to its very anxious to scud a teanm of I Williamst.a entrance trcntltso o et m fG ItEs LOCATEsD AT
length is+ withheld. The writer trc tltsoi ome oeo tJIROPODIST Dr. N. ii. Btrt, formterly Huston, Ciicago,, W{anlingtenSu.t'
vwitiar.N Iienerxou. af Boton, now atNesVr
suggests that the contest he held the larger eastern college teams tiee patfo'rkidtg vrsCrtxBs, Louu Angeles, Tronto.
in Chicago; hut as this scheme has this sprilig. Overtures have the feetscceatuhy treated. 9 a. 5:30 I 2 4 _W 7 :. 0A, R? TI Ei _W
already been appros. ed by the com- already heen made to Harvard, and pt. w. Office closerd Satardava. Students Recreation .Head-
mittee in charge, the matter isteatoiishv h atrly I5 SUBSCRIBE NOW $50quarters.
practically settled as far a s Michi- ,der adv'~isement. 50 No. 3 N. Mamn Street.
gan is concerned. The nmedical studeiits of Vander-
b_______ ilt and Nashville univ.ersitie's were
The IDaihy notes with satisfaction reetyetraie;yalcue
the acquiescence of the State press from Jamies J. Corhett, the chain- d H E 7 iA I y7 ~ ic
in the editorial recently puhlished pion pugilist. In i'eply to a query TH I\LV IE W E. IyOV1 ty~ y3
regarding the advisability of al- as to his opiiiioni of foothall, lie Edited by ALBERT SHW I
lowing a woman member onl the said he liked it for the reasoni that Iy
Board of Rtegents. It is hoped it n-as the hardest coil 'oughest . ~ .RE.VIE:
that should the mlatter receive suf- game played.-- 91
ticient recognition officially there The students of Yale Un'Iiverisity IT WAS in April, 119f, that the first naumbcr4
condct vey siceosfl i~oy, ~~iitd of the American Review of Reviews wasr'
would noht he the disappointment codc er ucsfulByuprne.Te newe idea of 'iving the bet that weas in
which resulted frois the niove in Club" cf 325 numbers. The av-. the ether 'Magazines in additian to its oxen brilliant, ottg- ;,
Wisconsin, wthere thec Governor "erag' tiightly attendance has been- inaI articlcs,- taak America by slarm,, a it had taken
hisaprovd th pla. abut 30. lasss ingymnstic r England-thutgh tihe mtgazine itself wras nt at all a
disapproved ____ 68 pa.aot0. lassigyntics man wba reprint of the English ediian.;, t deals mast largly witht
drawiiig and military drill are to 1 Ametrcan affairs, and is edited with pertect independence, in its owrn office. ' !!/
Ini charging the students $100 fcor bec formed. Froni three to flve ' The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely in ilustration asd texty
the use of Waterman gymnasium members of the sopluomore class~ anid instantly alivt to the newest movements of the day, to a degree ncver .
for one evening, thse board of re- have beeat at hanud each es-ening tco before dreamed of.. Thoaaands of readems who offer their commendatians,.
get crail amongithem the greatest names in the world, say that the Review of ,A4
get "etil cannot be -carrying aassist in the wvork. .# " Reviews gives them exactly what they thoald know about politics, litera-
cout the origiital 1p1ani of thae founder tire, economics and aocial progres. The imost inluential men and womenY
of the gymnsium who nmade lais 'hea Bioarcd of Rtegents mect y es- ly of all creeds and all pantics bare agreed that no family can afford to lose its
magnificent gift Qf $20,000 for the tceidaiy afternoon The evetina in edacational nalue, while far profca." , ,
executiveses.Te mdveing in na an b~~husies acn, it is simpl
benefit of thec studhents exclusively seso inipnal The departments are)
and not fcr the tre'sury ohf the will be continued today.I cnoidb a tlseils n THlE REGUOLAR DEPARTMEINTS
Univ-ersity. The regants lass- stead of mcere sissors-wielders, and l' itexidth secial aticls and char-
a 1"aliof shetches o thrilling intrt led
nud retiistlei hastgA COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT. scores ofimmediately intereslingpar.
traits and picttures are itn each namber. ,lmtet ~ eiwo eiw
suh lwan he rshul ls (H OTHY hese regalar deparmentlit
suhalw idte hudls XN~)All this explains why thle Review v. Pm5e of the World-As mtusta
nio time in repeating it-Ann Ar- I SERMONS OF REV. J. T, SUJNDERLAND. ss of exi staacm. to aoroa 91 deYgrw~r~iMh ~h6hse
bo emcat efe f 84-u nprecedented success in the first thre rane esn
ySoo ity ewsene For. ye9r i L~~in~~~.Moh.Ti
Sc a eal EPT. -The Soul's Cry for'God. 4v ilb um n al ta vr taoodi Resimud..eul.- thtLdm
namedAlt_______the. no i s, ingn bswainnsd dnnd
OCT...go5U5 a.s .iiflialtys Ideal. - esiaem , eps~iusw profits. We' sneniss. nAe tln, Uned hin
A1mong the farmer associationsgi eG~tgiadoebrelhtamaia~ex~ n
hIfa OV.-secterianifsm: Its Evils, Causes' ' tine liberal cnounisiulns.a lend far ters punted nro
ofMichigan there is am rovenuent a~ e Curen OHteery I. Criancron cka s '
DEC 'ae UtirS.. '7 thessin . ngsssct *7.
oan foot to reduce the sa te taxes by 'TeTu roto Ahrist 5neeta;s, Copy. to ,.. Inn uiMP =tea p ius
deCr'easing thaeappropriation for th0/ 4 .eu GIdP IL asefPLW mvi a edsmrn t ni
University. We are gla to say - Cek Art sth P9es New Yoktersef~i~uu
that the farmers of the Golden ,..,.. A.... YER'0 ANME.
Wes re mre intelligent and. Forrae ats he ps a-i 8tiesmes. - 04 W.0, z f