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February 18, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-18

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Ijc U. of

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VOL. V. N o. 96.



TI(D N IIOIM About the Regents' Rcports. E Generosity in Gifts.
DR. J. E. TALMVIAGE IN S. L. A. A\ngol i iltttlill y00tt-lt170 1101' )l-flonideltlc ptli 1110tEo 011111111i))for11l-
COURSE SATURDAY NIGHT. Press: tioli regardil. the 10o111 and private,"
A:nn Artor))', 1 .1. Ii 11yourIIr .1)- gills 11111110 1t-heI)' 110)0)10 s111te )111100
President of University of Utah' Sill))0'l110lS 10 tI~utii)1 thIis siti) 0. 1Th'e11-Osnltis 101)1 lii)) 1011111
Lectured Before a Good Audi- 11111.tl'110)11 011111 tii.1 111511) 11 ~llgtl
once--Defended Morrnonisnm and slte~tnt. is pll)0)isI)111: ~ xrntt= ristit~tlliu))l 100111011 1ti cll' yotutlt0

Tfries to 1le111 witholut 100)lo.
Somie people tilolagl try; to uist,
Smusiceal 1tintttflt'Ods with little
We Say Bey 1hoa Which Have Tone,

Gave Its History.
Dr1. tano4s 1* la.11lgo. 15 who )01
111 tlleS . 1.A. 111)1011)1)'X01001)))llonism
; ;tu1)'l~yi lil). 1is1) I'l("l 1) 11)1 lt oe)i
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"There has le"u uu r.'l)art 1'1*0111 , t.t:tc a very Iit.(,I\ - and to ac tidal iii- e _QF^ '
this institution (t1w t.inivt i'5ity) t'or . \v) terest is taken in thch- welfare, and

veu It 1)1)11 toI'l1 Ill'e l'.)onll. t)ill
11)1)1)011)111)1Of 1))l~'ll')l 1)11 .io1)1
this 1ha)011111h1d1111)e).,
1" 01)1)))) illlagcilleonl what, authlllority
wc11 a s)tat11n111 could1 h)%)4) .10)1
"'ll, 1 93 thel)'1))ls)s 0111 Pto IlI,,
11s thir)r) port 11) 1101110 1 0 11111,.
as 11 tly 11111 1lo1)1'for s01 1 ears11).

111110t lbOsalol01)))))' of1 li l dfl

51 South Main st.

01)111 l~-g s ri t ofgl11-1)7 y xis)).,
Ill 100 nio~ tt, aube ;g.ills. 10cehao'i1l
aioll) 11)110lm os 1lIsea(NilyOT1h111
11)110o0list.1w)1 lonation )))1 inti1)1
t111'sicllinle~ l.111.11 haf aolli11.11

HAND. Magnifioent building; ten teachers;)large
attendance; )good disciplinel; 00up11i)r50o11)we11
sul)ppledreadingtrom; daily Iletrs; Saturday
evening receptions; open theentsire year. Ecp
tinl faclities lor plcingstudent))) i11position.s
Bordad room1 0110to .75 petr5week 15 privat)
t,).nlill. Thse atesrduced to ;1.oo by 'eli-
b:;ardino ,,Sot Catalogue addres

1)1o~S lUtahII 1011011 00) looghI l 0i0t )1and' ))11111)1)oil1pa1)020 o 1) fb ollll .

prlesidec)y Ifo1' 11101') soy Ill I 1011

'1'lic t .( ,Isun-r%, report W l1, 4(,11

J1uly 11)0) IIe'is tho)' 111)1 so of 0s(, 11 t 1111: tPl>). i' me Ii:, 1olol t 1is 11)1011 - cl l)11)ll') 1.1'II 11 u1li ;l o ndition 1)))1)1-)10)1
ext hl))ooks )111 111 1bo 1 )01ha1' 11)111)1) 1 11) iol~l att 1)a) iuial " that did11)11 no1t1 11) )10170 '51. 11)11and ut0 LO'V NEY'S CHOCOLATES
tur."and"Dnlcti cinc."I~r' he duatina wok.1'1.1 ,as ~u ; or, nd 'tlittlo+pi48titS. STATE+ 4 S S STEST
tho selenlilie ;journals. 111' 111)0Iv- oswill iotbls I ) lr l Ii, h ~ ml dis 1)1)0 1 1)7 110w10 h111os. tlittl, x x ( )tolRANDALL too
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1)~1tll~tlilt~tit 01)1' 1.1)101)) l t hIll olit' al t -t1 s 111 ll 1ir lit t 01H r r
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-In reu hthea l t m entht 110n1s t-e- no11.. P.ordich, d'151, i lt, been oleebo',o110'' poldtieatl 1)000at0Ain he 0 1

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