ti+L~lTi~+~t (t luts ior e-kiiom xiliotteDITSON 'MUSIC. 1SHOES. SHOES.
xxtii s'xtxltutj eti'ttlut'tttt x iugt.ii Omov-Sng EmFulie Stock gotes at
J'Uiiledty SlnU'0 . NUeP[NUEpItedSIUJIUN it t u' e c'iu;ekt1aexx cxxiix sR d c d P ie
to the acutenixitcl :11idxdt'licalox'cities' ofli is fintl~c yrics inex xusite 1teixicati
mrc: ITees txitxing N.)fainxti'.., epposexxxxxsettinxgs. Heavy Paper, 75 cents. 1 UNTIL
pest aftixe. ofxi s ellr
-Noxt - espix ixily ot tic' rinartty Sxo CLEG-ONS MARCH 1ST, 1896.
ll i ti t '., t ax...lixxx dit or. t'. lDr. Bisei' tvas a, mait ll o textt ai i .j It
(. 13i. IIIM~te ,1ct., A 'i iiitt xtxti xxx iitttttIug.11'!e Standaixrxt .'ectixxx xf tCxllegcSonxgxs. JAC B ALTL N
10'11 o ]h lllu u; 1,1( Ii;;l hilktl, !(tex ',",W) 1Sxxix. H eavy Paper. 0
t ' F ixttELat i. xx. ll f.h A.,x ttxsI'xxfoml oxx l' ' txtttttttin l t iitit' ief en s Cloth, Gilt. $1.00. iya'.lntxxiunxiIthit. Arm Arhax'.
..A. I. x,r1iixL.t l;, ttitx. dxtxxx
xt.tett~xstiC lxxixx's as''.e ic cxi It x txx sxx'lx xf xtxe. COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" P. S-This includes all our Fine Pat-
11.5. V.xcN', Lxxxx'9ii. As1'. lxx'Thebotxxx tx . x 11(x'- i 'xi t e'x'xct.txt' sout Leather aned Russet Shoes.
i Oxly holi ot hei' x' Lxind ixxxle'x. 'ii _____________________
Associate Editorsxt' xtx'act'i'St9illxxt is mxitnd. 'I'lll-xxxt' soxuxs oxxtheleadlixinxg xcolletgte fxtur xwoxxen.
S' . Siley, tLit. '9v 1. t.A. tixx'tt'It , aa Heavy Paper. $1.00.i
ii'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ed exs xx 0. tli xxt txxi x b 'xxitins xxfflitt' .5 xxaxi'i lxiitt11
t'arrtx .Ssxt.n x'x i.I sti' x xI l'x x sxxxtxit'y ittei it i xiOAL COLLECTION INSTRUMENTAL JUIT~d MUS!.xx
I. Gilbtert, Lsx r. 97. .,Stite ic ? 1,11. ac r te (e t11,01 .a i L iitxty'twxxxpiet's forx he'gitx'i x'xixar xxromthei
ilitxxir Cl.'t'txxxx ssxxx, t, lxxsi ttttt'rc. A splen'x ixt olctxx''ioxn. ttxxxx-
ifne).'hnpoLixt. 'it. ttt''5 txtttOxthes rahr tn txplxxtx ttitityt t50ce t
'lxtsxr'oixxxiei' Sloti cxi' ixxxtxixytt'xt et50 titxcenttts.lti' x x Ai0 i This space is reserved,
ixx xds'xxit. $ixxglx' x'i itixts. Stsexl)$ 'ttx-xllxx'xxil(Itt xxtigtx'xxes. Ois toottttm for teGrand O e~t
Lieonstay ibt, left xi a'xt, l' ' xlxx'f ineALY, }IOLI VER DITSON 1CO. the
it Stelliet's, xat xState ci. tne'wxstxandx,swithtxixny htx .'xx c'rtt'x x ywie andxisttlttri11ii
ofi tthr 'xitors or axxt thoixexi'x t xirs. ixxx'xtx' ' ittl xttl'lttxd xi xtiottit 'ixxcc. 45-46131Waxx'h156 xxxxxat. Hotom~t. lH oui se.
c'ommxusicaxtions sct leaxr'xch tie txextte bty1. tsnC:c.N )'
7ox'x'tcetap. St. ithey 1)x' pearxx t iltth'east Tiha tthe' 1Iixx'x'ity f i i t xlgxaixl x haI.It5!i& i i
dtay. 'Address attlStatte'r ixxte'ndedtior publi- sxxtxxg-x'x'i txxxxtox'11 itoll xs xatxI~httwx H N RBRSVNSBN
"attes to the iaagirng Exitor ilxe six ntcss 1ITEANABRSVNSBN
"ttmttnstxatons shctuldt beitt t ttxc llaxit- xof'c1'tlssix'xxtStudslc is (xtx' x xx to loi t'1 nx Ax trie'ttt h. C il xtet.10,000
THE U. OF M. DAILY, itoxxfl ixlxi 'ttxxltx x xattixi x thisxStte.tx'. it''xa'xdettosits.,txuys xaxnx
ly Siri .11 tot'& V tiol t l(arlill yels Cch~ngeol ttx'r iti itiets ef thxe
AnnxxAtbrs, ix'k xxtx sxl' x tt''xxtt' Unt xx'txited SttxteS. tiaifte ccxtctlxxtponxtroper'x' EVERETT 0. FISIK & CO.
'1'tx'riixed -its xoxnt it ext t txxxxxx c t'xS'xs xixx- t0rxcr xt 'Crtia n t ,x lxxakI 'xx's55 it ')..! £
ixiefoxx'Itteetxinso sx'tt at ix xxxfix''-r : 's t'press \ xx x1w ',Botci xxtxt, t x'txeixie l xxrrimanx 'li't'-t't't'- .ha. . x Ii tscook. i
lust' itxlsappexxxxteixi'tthex ccxxx l leropolita Cfe " iFISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES,
PROFESOR AMESP BOSE lxx xli it xxxi x'x'eystxx' txltxcxtf. taxxxx st ttxxtCxitcagxx, aIli..,C3c55g, Walb355WaAah eAx
PROFESOR JAES R.BOISE ? alty,'tts xysandStixxx gN-xxti, ltluxtix' ;It. . 1.1 ths. itt..
x'xx'tx'xs xtxx cxixcxte tiic tt itit' sixxcx't'xinxxhis lxxyaliii'o xxx xx't1xt I xx' r. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. ,l ci
t.tilct' e'txtxs IxtidI t' itthe ix'tiixts xxi'GENCESt'x LO ~CATsEtD A
l'tlu t 'ro ltx'iiit tidaalptii'tiiou of tali x lxx' l t o iili'erix # ani iiiiti' tru'e. x The 'in-. , lltlit, Chxic'agox, Wx~ttte,.
I ii'tct 'xix'st'Iotc i lux'txx' xxof his life ati x,-sortkis ltoIils FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING CNewx 'YxorI, 1.oxx lestrlr'.T'ronalto.
lttts't'itC'.t" Ittsx'stlllO forececr.' 0Corertet tatetandxillxiiamxtxxsi.' INZ7 ESR 0- -A. R 'rZ iN
ixil alits 1)eyc itt'tsitt'x i xta olsix'xtxxxWilxl i st. etaeet'Students Recrieation Head-
)lact'x. tr fe 1rt u-
('il'x ''xttllttx xi ;sx'-MIND READING eV7l lxtyle' a)fd ,axi- quarters.
Caldf1'llB~m1 -ll\trit ni Yesterday's S. C. A. Lecture. terte scsulxtationxifreea '.?eN. ifthx Ace. No. 3iN. Alain tireet-.
tiS21totinex x'iiilt'fxx',rel:,xxxix it.' x,'t5''
iar devol''xlxtttion Indxitli'istix'xi ix'- I. A. Sundaixi'y iiaft'rnoonxtx xihe.ix
Ecxi. Ini'iitltltx'exit sith Dri. Fieix ."'Purpoxse' xof itxia 1Lift'.''
stiltwss'a'xlled'to lex lx'irt'ofi'Latin! Ittintet i' xx ingilvg iu thii xlx'l
toi'earl'xaxte'r, IProfexssoxr Boise' xxxxce ilgxtnt"l." cxx'said,. ''l'itttx Vt0i1
il iis x'itccx'is vott'. to itt. tih'study xxi' iii 'Dill",'atdti111,i11y xof'histsuxbijectsf
tonly iln this tli'''Un iiiver cut ttu iitiit't'aitoitsk serexuch ix'tas ix' iixci
thte northwest'. Whtclassiatl lx xtxtt.ask. Wiat is nianx, isiw'heccontxitt'h,
inig cwes to tt cxi xxithelbr;a iitixx xi' .of ndi ss'xx'hec got's itt, xwhio tc'xteid x111i
lhee' isso cdistinutishxetlscholaxrxx'' how lxxii' li d it e '''txxi'titlii'lx
Profs-i''5001'Bois' exi\-s ttgret".t ix ele'. jli i'tto the e uesons.
.A man5 oftde'liaet'frame, ofxten111all -! '"Ihelix' xIsdxxiofcth x exiorlxxias foxund
valid, hitiroll xc-ill. lof- pir'5~I.ittd itttit' xiiansw'rs, tandelbeause tmxalii,
sinigle hearted de'votione to xchlcliiship naxtne. i'i'itia'ndl piloisoiphy' have'
iriunltxldltov er tal ltyicial iw'exkness'0. failed to xxxsscx'c they' ltuestionls sixtii-
No nexexbxt'of tilt'.Facutly it~ig'-t'ex''ftactoili'. 'Tales dx'claited xw'aer tt
'onisol ovel' lils studenits, illite(d be .thex'imaryll'C essence an'xd ptiltoso-
nitore ccspxcet, sectued largerx el'tsier s n toidaly tiikt protolasinu aid
fromex his teiaehing, alxd Wisl 1nore influ- lprimnordial ceils standtibi'oretile rid'
citial inl the' cotuncils of' lix I itisec tile of thexages. 'Pie heartiturnis Proli
Fitt'. thesexttlt'e source of all light Once
'enderaaetix austerity' of' imxannexr thu eartha ci xc a pacadice aiitt (ld
Dr. itoice posseiseti a ind lictart that sttu that cver'lythinxg was ver' gxotd.
man~liesteditiseif esecxi'aly towardsitulnanity t'aiux from P'aradise aiid it
students whlo iweroi strtugglinigxwitih is going to P'aradise. This is to tie
pioverIt'5111 were doin~g 111511bes to accomlplished throtugh Chisit axed his
get an education. returni. We shiall 110 longer .sxe
In rmany ways Proft'scr lois eaxis through a glass darkly. Thue(Christian
the ideal scholar. Ilie itued at a.xc- estall not say~ with Byron, ,'wliaies'er
gain nicety axid finish in all that lie thou hast been, 'tis better not to be"'
did, investing hit work with a certatin hut rather With thxe Psalmeist: 'WXhy act
charxn and distinction. Tiht subtle thou east down within use, oh my
mneansing of a Greek particle, the finest soul or why art thou disquieted within
touch of style half concealed in the Ine? Rope thou in Gods mand .I, shall
peclia3r use oP a mood o01' uxe-'.the Yet Praise RHon..'"
kINA i-roop- O.W- Qf.-o Sea 4w-l
of thei Ameia Review of Reviews axeas
t tx , printcd Tihe new idia of giving the bcst that was in l
thec oth.r Stagaziais in addition to its oiwx briliaent, orig.k.
4 nil articles, lock Amserici by storm,_ as it had taken W
rw~raro ~ Enlanetd-thoughs the angezise itsilf was tot it alla ,I
'""" rcprnt of thi Einglishx edition.. It dealisniost largely with
SAmerican affais, atnd 1s edited with pcrfect indepcndcnce, in its covn offic'. 'f'
Thc Review of Reviews is a mntily, timxely in ilustration and tx,
an4 ntnl lv ote eetmveet ftedy oadge ee before dreemed of.. Thousands of readrs who offer their commentdatios.~j
asmong them the 'greatest names 15 the world, say that thte Review of~
Reviews gives theta exectly whet they should ksow about politics, lite-'
ture, economics antd soctal progress. The most influential mn and worna
of all creeds and all parties ieee agreed that no family cen afford to loseietI
euainlvxalue, while for profes.
stonal axd business --ix, ills simply' "111.
indispensable The departments are.
conducted by careful spectalststo THE REGULAR DEPARTMENTS '
astead of mere scisiors-wvielders, and_ 'B sites the spxecial artes andchas
' cre of immsediately iteresltig por. :stle' sketches of thriling Iterest end
fraills and pictures are in each number. has theeerdeparstt
All this explains why lte Review Th r;e. fte 4i.-n luts
of Reviews has come to a probably j which ediskrireiewofihemth'sevets
. unrcenedsuccess in the ixel three s hould untanisnhir proper xtsxi
,'yeasof is existence. For 1195 ii tLaedeeArttcteo of the Motth.-T'hs
V wilt be 'more invaluableietan ever. t Rvee, moy h dat
nmed. All tha is bst in t5exxhe
Agens are reaping lih and soprfs. We' I hmiAciesux ashnxd gis
Sgiwe'ib'al comtssion&. Send for terrs quedF tr0oeasieme.ew
Aeca tied thtt i~s the month's hittrogthe pillu-
Saeple Copy. toCents, in slant fau msas txehe ibsxestatons
Otttedeps'ses. ndintxes carefllyi
y booIlttt ive lits. and iedee stfall atce
tosr Place, New Yrk daii rtecord of totteets.