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February 07, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-07

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, 1 ala0

VOL. V. NO. 93.


PRICE----TiiRF.i?, CiFwT ,

IT IS STIL UNSETTLE. ! Prof. Ziwet's Paper. OFtEDUCTIONl(!.!
UNIN F EDCALSCOOS ~li~itle ot llslslll. iilisNEW COURSE FOR NEXT SEM ESj{ Ties to learn withUt hooksUI.
LEF UDEIDD. giiliOfreli Iliisioill~a scityTER UNDER PROF. HINSDALE. Sonie people thouigh try to use
this year was till' o1ne'list eseilog by rtsea ntrintiswthltl
Dr. Kiefer Presents Report of Mod-Prf ietol"h \alnatcals Advanced Students Will Be Given a Mscl nttret vtiltl
cal Committee on Dean Obetz's General Course in History of Edu- oir 110 linie.
Plan.-Matters Before the Regents 155-'lof Inifinity.'' rio esubject.: it ain npi of Lectures. S 5l ihose H avessoTOna
reportefrdaysgm1)t11g1 otle o 111111 oderatl i ol 1 lo loe st111 dange11'rll- The111'Ifllulclllt o111111 lterof aHlls 1So, gIno
ill~~~~~~W sellg il' lliilfilsf1005. le
1O 1flf R gnt r. 01111 r. Iairii't at111 o1r111s 1in alfl ls llll '1115na ic l pi 1111-s l'eprtlll frlhecurstl': ii lili I p l Its Il
ltefill 'd j 1llll'fill~tcc, p 'lelt~d .1 i ed the ll. I (' i'iie Iine celli i ssay 0111a l yiri 0 i1 'l ' ll 1011151 II Is
regrt I'fet'r. iii l't'.lsiill the latori i51detht, o100flell ati'. oIlsIAtIagre illl- 11 gsf liui(:un erPrf. ii lls5
oftudnts in lhe1 dillf t 1r11'la, llT 11 15 of aililiieebylI llls 11 i iit I all(f w i h o -;la ferdss r lai ~ the stond~' AD sseiielbidslIn eees l
re05o11511ggsoddiliplisi;Ispe.iOl seS; ebut
-t u 'Educ tioll h.u Feewl. p actic ;sal jddeess~
ln ho rn11(-opti,111 ha110 tai rs1100 f cal be' ilI i n lls il 511 h icaino itoricalljltlll 11110, n111Iexpitory couil ri.sel If0CenR. S
giels hemlt~lllly lii tht is 10 i ihsd sirtlil. Itn1ca llsihe i fOinitis 5 100110 Il~rl s ~t'l.115 PillOlfillco 01s1117 is1111LI i
ill it ite prt. eIt s t aiis iths mIls' lyr 111,istiymbl lelli i al ly tile 11110 l'OO ll t he beief1 hat1her1111' n51514tat1boad'ofh(°allillsaid elimiatedATEh
ish n ci oily ii tol ' obi- l 11 ig ito -a t ill' f 7itll gav11 e1110 it tii 111 of ill sls- i fy o ist ry of1 du ati nbutdo nt Ist115. 0111 su h LE DIN SC OOLOF USI ESadS
0110 Otis oi' nod'tI if praellt'i lt bu111111- 1111111' Oflafplictis ofei i dea It f11 shto tae, i o hel~l tlil(' s o11111 ii,'HAN. agnf 48ntb S.digStntachesTrg
n i i i' on' of l li nic1 111. i ii' 1 Ctiii l ii'tsilsenstdance';i ii ii igoodl 5 1'lldiscipline;1l 'O superil lior11 1' __ __ __ __ _ __ __w ork;___ _ __ __ _ w el__ __ _
soid 11ff thur fii temayof ,lliwelvey hlilsoklalcuresli'ofeedin sppie eait ooRAdall ftue;Stra
Coure i e n ndic s thI~iI-leisIlative 11 11f 0111 111t117 11' hllltstti- W ie ls lt~''5 i oie- i iA dearti m to perwei n to s t
patens"11i111 o flipoint ti I in -ill-f 'oilLii te111 11 s tuden' ltsliii aes ri'iilll'5.Thee5ats'duedtotlfhii1isi E W ' i la . 5o y I.
T o repakerto'-p)' r 111ts117 1 11 li s 1 0 il' I io' iif tblutearhurs it li'' n;.llrs lol tie I l F orT Ctl og ueIII adress ii~ T T
illn ' 011a 1110lis' t thillts -ssthep ijetin ltlkes, I who laie pr111111dliii il l titii 1.CLE YPr-
inado pubtic ws anodtlbe~ lieve it le'rh ancirnir-itetgentlii irph'lane nliponlthe'isnotilaico1111( tforllowcil asslPr i-NO l WAH GTN B CK
slge fI.D a rno oF~n u rtc ofa lh.(inw in as th1e. go .1 tuyi rtsl rEO
1110t itret. t wol s5-111.5 e ohercdo f t herI- dIiameter101011 ought ti'he ot st en150tia cl t the stilent s ul d - N n. A rb O OLATES
wafor t ean isino to dat ae wihofil ott.w s se 'l14(tol f a( atleti agentlli oyl g o US kGEZk:)A
Ilu iv ritprodosa ( >ll s {t w int ite oint t he pla an:.1cr' ( I l t 11111 ' l lt ililltM ll liij i- uuk _______________________________
the Sat ,0 io n ayf o t. looghtui -AObOlI151Bs'oIIi 11C- E .A.+ DB
~I5 5515a11tIse ile irofssorof 1111 Changsefolee.ICou rse s ilol lo- o hisl 111 h i eatsod- CIlll~lO
lC.t M i010al ct I t 110 ill ie th e1100. D'ofci rc e a10515l' lit Codrsvilsi le I l l(,ne siclil '1'f;intnothIiils111 i lcsiy .tsllgls0,1tdu
awady'rwashpassuliiirol l for th isni te Or i A nlally i tof a subituerhe iii.i'llIrll . iIls' osl s 5ii cte Ii~ 1inlI~o
ough medi al e amin tion to llll~e is ono and lts e of1 1 ' if lt ofis' 11111 cl seW h il 11he 11su 17'cts tfill ( 111c t illv' r i t c h t
wotld nale ver sude~tto 10 talhprdutiroflthe itanfe11s lofiC tle-w MAMMOTHe PIPE SAEillSeve 5 r)
patents.ofpithrcfom thetheiceterl(,foals ne. otllie of teilclors: C5lsiitt N W AL E Y
Tthe o rt ll - a7'1 fil ly laid Iloilfiha1'efil-fO ietlEd cton h
Ltb( fo futhr oiiidraion ''h' Iliane, forthtItelti nfi nieestr o-ill fI' iIll 'reeol:h -i-c os ndct11 e) Gi o l O 1 11111
Lather busine1 ste rene ed which l In lbierodced i hi n o ol mi oftSh 11 0k llhe call, fl Ti nk 4 es' lto It o l J O L IL Y & C yO '
trot. publicsythe t0001 ot$175 he 5 1 lo ratory Mofothyscillle. orlolil. 111l I'iXeophon and.lluc;t hel lIi pr i nk - N0 2 OT11 5TA SHING ON llSailIs
degeeofSenD asg5aned111rakCold o tr Lnnelison mghtbetie omllEuctSnone'N ws.u
1100 10 (Tall 1i1h11, 110sghere. l til cationstatRoens ____________________th_________________
Ihotes lawhlibraryaismhald letu e falt-
HaMilrvwardeeceW i Pla sUpofaiTei.CAnf 15 0nt tho allty.liE.ll0,ShnTU D E.,1t oe
Ca bide.as.:) .tiAangr ill Gt re.,k Aiui101 tille 11111e s t' Mo de pRelismle. T -he oureiitll es fAli t AnAbr
Whait , of the ararditboalseb l O 011W VO et er. T e fis eso, lis t ioIjivervely of tCail eonstItel
bath inthe ymnsium In accod- i h i vad e lie te t-alellsecture icceptgeit i l t i'l pt01011--of
hnn sc~leeiI~niansafor en-ll semestertieilbru bey given
anc . with he reommenation of inthe lectue roo of 111Ih I 1ha lioox 4 o ndayty 01 t'it.1nt. J'O LIyI 11010,a


University of P'ennsylvania. The first
goon se been arranged for -May 13
at Philadelphia, and the second will
be played in Cambridge, June S.
Announcement Now Ready.
The announemnent of the summer'
school is now ready for distribution.
Persons desiring copies may obtain
them by applying at thes Steward's

I t ho University of Pennsylvania and a !

Senior Law Meeting. inleeting wyill be bield in Ibis city.Tile
The senior law' claws111e14 a nseSt- tinto of tile mleetinlg proposed by ('ali-
ing yesterdlay morning to discuss the ilfria is Jun1e 8, but it 15s1101 probablei'
Cooley bust fond. A mlotion was that that 11111 sfw11libe siLecetei
pawsed requesting and expecting evry lRev. Nelson S.IRulison, I). D., le-
1510011r of tbo class to pay $t.50. 'rhe sistant bishlop of the Diocese of Con-
committee appointed to secure tihe bust tral Pennsylvania, w-ill Olverthrlie
was directed 1101 to order ithe 1bu1t annlual address of the Students' Chis-
ulttl the amount of mIoney requlired than awsociation in University hll,
has been secured. Sunday evening, Feb. 24.

will find a full stock of

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